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May 12, 2024 8 mins
Mindy and Mikaela talk to Jym Ganahl about retireing soon. 
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All right, hot topics, andyou can't not talk about the northern lights.
And when it comes to something that'sin the air, atmospheric weather related,
you can't not talk about that withouttalking to the number one guy ever
in the industry, Jim Ganall ison the line with us to talk about
northern lights. But Jim, Idid not tell Mikayla about your other surprise

announcement, So we'll do that atthe end of talking about northern lights.
How's that that sounds great? Hi, Jim? They were Miaya, They
were beautiful on Friday night. Idid see them. I saw them mostly
through my camera, though I feltthat the colors were stronger after taking a
picture. That's exactly right. Yourcamera sees better than your eye. But

we're going to see him again tonight. That looks like too really, Yeah,
actually we will. This is thesecond highest rated explosion off the sun,
A G four. G five isthe highest with also rates is AN
eight severe, which shows the othernight. So we should see them again
to night between ten and two.But this is so rare for all of

us who live in Ohio. Wenormally don't get to see the northern lights
here, right, Jim twenty yearsago was the last time we saw him,
and I don't remember them before that. So yeah, they are very
rare, but it's so exciting.These kids have seen it totally eclipped of
the sun. They've seen the Northernlights. There's gonna be a nova explosion

up there Saturn this summer. TheHoly College is lot going on. Said,
I've heard a lot of people sayexactly what you've said, Jim,
just a second ago. There isso much going on up in the cosmos
right now. It's like a giftof a year when everything we see does
what it's doing right now exactly.That's a perfect way to put it.

It's a great gift. Okay.Now we want to spend the rest of
the time because the Northern lights arecool. And if you want to call
in and talk about the Northern lights, and if you have a question about
it, Jim Gannall is the manto answer anything. But do you have
a little bit of announcement? Whatgo ahead and tell Mikayla what your announcement
is. Okay, first of all, I'm sitting on a port swing in

the country with my god daughter Alia, and she wants to say hi to
you. Okay oh hi an Irishdnswer. She's performed at Otter Buying at
the Doublin and Irish Festival. Shewas in Mary Poppins Wizard of Oz.
You love it, don't you?They Hi to Mindy and Mikayla mend I

know's hard. That's hard, HiElia. Go ahead, Jim tell Mickayla
your big announcement. That we getto be one of the first to hear
this announcement. That's why it's ahot topic. On the twenty second of
May. After fifty eight years,I'm going to retire. No way,
the hardest working man in weather,longest working man in weather is retiring.

I can't believe it, Jim.And this time is for real, right,
Jim, This is for real thistime, I think, and the
year I come out of retirement,probably for the third time. It's cause
you love what you do. Ialways did for fifty eight years. I
started when I was seventeen. I'mgoing to be seventy six in September.

It's time I do things with mygod kids, my grandkids and enjoy the
time that I have. Isn't thisawesome? We get Jim Gannall making the
official announcement on our show, andI'm so excited for you because, as
Michayla said, the hardest working guyin weather, but I'd say in TV,
because there's nobody like you. Jim. What I have not missed working

fifty four Ohio tornadoes this year?Poor Marsh mcdee. He's been on the
air forever with this. But Ifit home and just watch. Yeah,
that puts your feet up, andjust watch. I do want to ask
you a question, Jim, becauseI think Mindy and I are always amazed

at the level of love and camaraderiethat is at Channel six, and so
it's fantastic. Tell us a littlebit about your experience at Channel six and
what it's been like. You've probablyheard of the EDG Noon Show with Terry
Sullivan. Absolutely for that, becauseall the other employees of the building at

noon usually had parties, anniversaries andfood trucks and nobody paid any attention to
us. So Terry and I startedthe EDG Noon Show to get people to
watch us. That's hilarious. Andthen Bob is like a brother to me.
Bob Kendrick and Stacia is so sweet. He loves us better and I

love them. The more importantly IsabelleHanson. She and I were such a
great chemistry team on the weekends.I'm gonna miss her a lot, and
we had such a good time.Her mother watches from Chicago, so I'd
always give the Chicago weather, andher mother brings me pies, cakes,
Wepons cookies every time she comes totowel. You know, Jim, we

had Clay Hall on when he wasretiring, and those are two big,
huge names and personalities that won't bedoing what you love to do anymore.
But I see Clay is still veryinvolved. He tweets things out about sports,
and I know you're always going tobe involved in the weather because it's
just kind of who you are rightnow, Jim, I would expect to

be back on in major events andmaybe even fill in sometimes if there's short
But yeah, we're actually announcing aretirement this time. Well, we know
how well and how long you haveserved the Central Ohio community, and thank
you for your brilliance. Thank youfor guiding us through some really difficult stormy

weather things that did not look goodon the radar. You were always there
explaining it and making sure where weneeded to be to stay safe. So
I just want to say thank yousince this is your one of your first
official announcements of this gym, thankyou for your service. And the Kayala
show ra delis a Mendelaya that nameof the show. We had about a

minute left. Jim, what doyou want to tell all the people who
have watched you, not just foryears, but for decades. What do
you want to say to them?Everybody's like family to me. I can't
go anywhere in town, any restaurants, any events without everybody coming up and
telling me their story. It's beenlike that all the time, and it's

so wonderful that people come up andtalk to me and talk to me about
their lives because Scene two about theirlives is important to that. And so
that's a trait I hope will continuebecause I love that part of knowing people
here in central Ohio. You knowwhat, Jim, what you did better
than anybody, And I don't thinka lot of people know this. He

would take so many phone calls atthe TV station with random people just wanting
to talk about the weather or somethingthat was on TV. And you would
listen to everybody on the telephone,wouldn't you Jim. Absolutely, I took
every phone call all the time.But that's community, right like that is
that is what TV has been,what it should be, and some of

what we've lost a little here andthere. So yeah, yeah, let's
keep it that way. Mindy andMcKayla and Jim. That it works,
then we're going to have him withus a lot we can and he can
come in and fill in when youI are out. We love you,
Jim Radio feel and I'm not thattalented. You could do it. You
could do it with your eyes closed, Jim. You guys have brains and

can think on things more than weather. I'm a one track mind. Yeah,
I don't think so. Hey,enjoy your retirement this time and we
love you and Columbus News will neverbe the same without Jim. We will
thank you very much for sharing thisinformation with me. It's out now for
sure, no turning back this time, Jim, not at all, I

guess not. Good Bye you too, I love you, Love you too,
Jim. Jim ganall with Channel sixfifty eight years. Wow, no
one will ever have that amount ofyears, No way. This is what
matters. On six' ten WTVN
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