Episode Transcript
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So since we had that conversation aboutsports moms, we thought we'd be a
little competitive toward the end of theshow, rapid fire for you, MICHAELA,
how good are you on your TVmoms? I don't know, but
we're gonna find out. All right, ready, Ariannah, let's give the
you're gonna hear some sound. Tellme which show or the mom character this
came from. Go ahead, already, quiet down, Now I'll get some
sleep. Everybody, good night,Mama, not Ben, good night?
Everyone canight Mama, can I Daddy? Good night? Show? Then good
night, Daddy, good night,Elizabeth Night, Jimboy, good Night,
Jim Babnight, jimbub. They endedthe show every single episode. You know
what it was. I was gonnaguess a little house on the prairie,
but it's wrong. It's a greatguest though the Waltons. I didn't ever
see much of the Waltons. Allright, well that's okay, go ahead
and play another one, Hannah.After I fix your breakfast in the morning,
who do you think clears the tableand washes the dishes and scrubs the
floor there and dust and vacuums andjustin laundry, irons your shirts and mens
your socks, and then Chauffe's jonyaround and the shopping and then starts all
over again so she can have dinnerfor you when you come home from hanging
around. But our best world Daysthat Chauffe's jony around was the big hint
there. I think I'm going tofail at this quiz. Chauffeur's joney around,
Happy Days, Happy, Oh mygosh, Mikayla. See, okay,
there's two more for you. Goahead, Hannah. It's Adam's family,
it is, but it's not.Elvira nods with an m oh my
gosh. I can't think of itright now more more. Eventually, I
got one more for you, Okay. Realize that in the past month,
I've had to help Marsha get herwater fun badge, her foot traveler's badge,
her gypsy badge, and this morningher Daniel Boone badge, and at
the same time keep two other girlsoccupied it alright, do you know?
And how many different directions three spiritedgirls can move at the same time?
Three three hundred? What Brady bunch? Carol Brady, who I think one
of our pizza winners. It wasone of her favorites there you go.
But TV moms are fun. Sometimeswe can learn a little bit of life
lessons from those TV moms, butoverall, I think we learned so much
from other moms, you know,if they're in playgroups or neighborhood moms.
Sometimes it's what not to do,but other times it's kind of what to
do to Speaking of moms, momsas bakers, there is something I will
share before we go. You know, it was Public Service Recognition Week this
past week, which is a bigdeal for those of us who work in
government and mindy, we had aYoungstown style cookie table as our event.
What a great idea and we hadso all of the section chiefs made it.
But we know moms make thousands ofthese cookies throughout the year and freeze
them for the Youngstown cookie tables thatare a weddings. Why to know they
actually made him and froze them.So the director of my agency is from
the Youngstown area, and yes,that's exactly how it works. You make
them throughout the year and then youfreeze them so they're ready to go for
the wedding. When I worked atthe TV station, the ABC affiliate in
Youngstown, met some friends went toa wedding there, and that's the first
time I got to experience these unbelievablecookie displays at the wedding. They're amazing
and just another amazing thing that momgets together to do in one part of
the state of Ohio. And weknow there's so many of you doing amazing
things right here in our own backyard. Hopefully, moms who are listening,
you had a great day to day. You were able to spend some time
with your kids because all those differentpresents and gifts, the most important thing
is just spending time with our kids. That is number one. Yes,
and maybe not having to make adecision all day. I said that I
didn't want to make a single decisionall day to day, just like,
let me not have to make achoice and let me spend time with you.
That's perfect for you, because youare the decision maker. You are
the one that's going to cross thosetea's and drop those eyes. We're gonna
go here, we're gonna go there. It's going to be this way,
no argument. Yeah, And Idon't want to do that today. You
shouldn't. It's Mother's Day, MICHAELAHappy Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day.
Mindy. No matter what you alldo this week, spend some time doing
what matters.