Episode Transcript
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Of another What Matter show Sunday afternoon. Mini is headed to the softball banquet,
so they played this afternoon and nowthere's the senior banquet, so she's
headed that direction. A few moreminutes left with all of you, and
I wanted to remind you of somethingthat I just was reminded about myself,
Hannah. This week is a specialweek. Did you know It's National Small
Business Week this coming week? What? No, I didn't even know.
And do you and is it yoursister still have the small business? Like
do you still work with her onthat? We're on hiatus right now,
but we still have the company name. Yeah, okay, well so you
know you have the company name.I still have a company name when I
do like some side hustle work with. Yeah, So it starts today obviously,
And I love this. The HillyardArea Chamber of Commerce put out something
you could do each day to supportsmall businesses. So here we go.
I love that Sunday fun day andyou guys you still have I'm left at
six o'clock. Go on a newadventure somewhere you haven't been before. Take
lots of photos, so go seea business, go check it out.
Take some photos enjoy it. Apriltwenty nine, they called it Mention Monday
Mention your favorite social social mention yourfavorite local small business. Take a selfie
with the owner or product and tagthem on social media. Do you have
a favorite Hannah like or a topfavorite like close to favorite local small business
that you really love to patronize.There's actually one I've been going to recently
and I really loving it. It'sin Player small They just started and it
is a little crystal shop and Idon't know how they get all these cute
little crystals, but they have abunch of different crystals laid out for you,
and they got jewelry there that youcan give to people for gifts.
And they've got different crystals and differentshapes. So there's mushroom shaped ones,
there's ones that are like little angelshapes. It's super cute and I love
supporting them. Oh that is sogreat. So it's inside Polaris Mall.
Like what part of the mall isit in? So it's right across from
the chocolate shop that was originally achocolate shop, and then it wasn't a
chocolate shop. It is now achocolate chop again. Is that Mellow Confections.
Does she have her place in therestill? I believe that's still in
there too. Yeah, okay,so but not the same chocolate chop so
okay. So this crystal shop isinside players. I love a little There's
a small business down in Clintonville thatis very similar that does that. I
love that and I love those smallbusinesses. Well, guys, if you
have one like that, mention themon social media tomorrow. You know,
if you have a picture of ourproduct there, tag them on Tuesday,
take out Tuesday, eat at alocal restaurant, dine in, drive through,
pickup or delivery, which I mean, we can name so many,
so many, especially in Columbus.You know, the one that I really
want to go to that I haven'tyet, And I think this would be
like a Hanna friendly restaurant. Haveyou eaten enjoyas in Worthington yet I have
not. It's supposed to be areally really good spot. And if you
guys have a small business that youwant to talk about in the last three
minutes, any any one of youguys give us a call. I know
we don't have a lot of timeleft, but six one four eight,
two one nine eight eighty six,a small business that you love. Welcome
Wednesday. Welcome a new business inthe community. Oh my gosh, And
I feel like we have so manyof those popping up in the Hillyard area.
It's popular to start a business nowadays. I love it. It's become
a lot easier, I think too, because it's easy to do outreach nowadays,
with like social media, it isyou can kind of cultivate your own
audience. And especially if you havelike a particular niche you really love to
work within, there's really opportunity foryou. May second, Thankful Thursday,
thank a small business owner for allthey do in the community, which there
are so many great businesses that alsodo fantastic public service or like service to
the community. You know what Imean. Yeah, for sure. May
third Friday. Grab it's called friendFriday. Grab a friend and hashtag shop
local, post your shopping selfie.I like that. I always I always
want to go shopping with friends,and I never do, Like, I
don't shop with friends a lot.It's like rare. I also don't do
it that much. And I'm young. I'm like, why am I not
going out shop? Basically? Yeah, I mean, I you know,
like, now's the time, noone's waiting for you, like right now
at home, right like you cando what you want to do. And
then Saturday self care Saturday. Visita local salon, get a massage,
your nail's done, or get ahealthy treat. Oh, I would be
all about self care Saturday. Doyou have like a favorite place that you
like to go for self care,like a small business that you really love.
So it's gonna sound weird because it'snot like a nail or a place
where you get massages, But oneof my favorite places is actually where I
go to get my hair done.Really, she's a small business. I've
known her for years before she waseven a small business, and something about
just chatting with her and like goingto her shop is so therapeutic for me.
And what's what's what's the name ofit? It's called Airis Beauty and
it's in Bethel. It's so onBethel Road right over there. Airis.
Is it A or E R orit's e It's e Aris Beauty. I
love. Have you ever heard ofPaloma in Grandview? I have not.
It's a wonderful spot. It's alittle you know you're gonna pay a little
bit more, but you feel likeyou're walking into the Arizona desert. It
like has this vibe and they sellreally cool stuff and they're a small business.
There's a singular location so Paloma.So yeah, that's a good one
to check out too. So muchto think about, guys, So small
business. It's it's National Small BusinessWeek, That's what it is. And
I loved what the Hilliard Chamber ofCommerce did, so check out their post
on Instagram or on my Instagram.What is you know? You're this moment?
What is my Instagram? Oh mygosh, I think I'm at m
Hunt. I'm at Mikayla Hunt seventyeight on Instagram. There you go.
I couldn't even think about your name. Hope you guys have a wonderful week.
We will be here same time nextweek with some great guests. No
matter what you do, spend sometime doing what matters.