All Episodes

May 15, 2024 36 mins

LaVar calls out the media in D.C. who made a big deal out of Dan Quinn’s t-shirt. The International Games are released, featuring the Jaguars in London for back-to-back weeks. Plus, Lee’s gas, Backdraft references and “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox, and myself,
LeVar Arrington. Make sure you catch us live weekdays six
to nine am Eastern or three am to six am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your local
station for the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe

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us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching
fs R.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Get this.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
It is Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox
Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you.
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the way tire buying should be. So I'm walking down
the hall going to use the restroom during the break,

and I see Loraina coming in the opposite direction, and
she is such a sweetheart for people that you know
that I haven't figured that out yet. Always bubbly, positive,
great energy, which is and you need it in this
time slot.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
You really do.

Speaker 4 (01:18):
And because we're being honest, you know, sometimes I was
saying that would just be a dark cloud that would
come through depending on what would happen in a Hawkeye
game the previous night. But total Sweetheart had just the
most miserable look on her face, and I said, what's
your problem? And apparently, oh no, lead the lap blew

it down. The ss crop duster apparently was unaware of
nostrils in the vicinity and just let one fly. What
happened here well.

Speaker 5 (01:58):
Before, in case you missed it, I was hanging out
in the U in the lobby trying to trying to
shake one out, and then I had to get to
the mic for the segment, and I had already started
the process.

Speaker 6 (02:10):
Okay, now you can try and blame this, but you
have done this three times now. But you just walked
in the door. You you could have lingered.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
We have imaging to get through. What do you mean
shake one out? Do you physically literally shake it out?

Speaker 1 (02:27):
Shakes it out of his leg, He like mid stops,
he like he like causes and then goes I.

Speaker 7 (02:33):
Love he he shakes out his leg like he's got
a turd. Rolling down his pants, roll down the pants.

Speaker 4 (02:38):
Imagine having like a ferret crawl up the inside of
your thigh and he's got to shake it out to
get it down, like I've seen him do it before.
He did it in Ireland at that park, and Jade
and I looked at him, like, what are you doing?
Like it's broad daylight in a park in Ireland, beautiful
park and Lee shaking his gas out of his leg like.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
Come falling out of the tree.

Speaker 4 (02:58):
Like Lee thinks his gas is like a koala bear
just hugging away on the inside of his leg and he.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
And Lee, Oh love it.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
Lee, Like you cut that fart fifteen minutes prior, and
it's still smelled when I walked in the studio.

Speaker 5 (03:17):
Well, chicken tika masala. We were talking Indian food. I
had any yesterday.

Speaker 4 (03:20):
It's bad, Okay, it.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
Was bad, Lorenda, be honest. Have you ever been around
a man that smells as bad as Lee does?

Speaker 4 (03:28):
Happens not someone who's as openly as proud as Lee is.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
So they're saying they're funk.

Speaker 6 (03:37):
Well, Lorraina's been here three months now, about I mean,
I think it's about time, about time, It's about time.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
I was very you know, you're a little apprehensive.

Speaker 6 (03:45):
It was a little apprehensive at first. But now but
now we've gotten to know each other pretty well.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Voice. You know, Lorena's been here long enough for sure.
Get the full red one of the.

Speaker 4 (03:55):
Guys, now, Hey man, I don't want it.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Hey man, part of the crew.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Now, if the commercials just don't start one day, you're
gonna know what it is.

Speaker 7 (04:03):
Okay, Lorena, let me apologize from all of us for
signing up for dealing with this.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
We talked about Kirk Cousins and would he have gone
to the Vikings had he known that they were going
to draft my great question? I now pose the question
to you, would you have come to the show had
you known what lead to lapsed proclivities are when walking

up and down the hallways and sometimes in the studio room.

Speaker 7 (04:39):
Well, I did have minor warning that Lee was a
character before I came in.

Speaker 6 (04:43):
I just didn't know he smelled like this.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
Who warned you?

Speaker 4 (04:49):
Who the fire department is?

Speaker 2 (04:52):
That why the fire alarm goes on? Dan like coming
there's a ghast leagu that was there's a manhole open.

Speaker 8 (05:05):
You should have seen how pissed off she was. She
was she had the letter like I was like, oh,
what's wrong with you? She's like, I get to repeat
what she said. But Lenix, you had the studios, you
have bathroom.

Speaker 6 (05:19):
You forgot where the bathroom is obviously tang.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
Well, you know home is where the heart is is
what Lee lives by, you know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (05:28):
And that's just you know, By the way, did you
get a spicy chicken tika mussa?

Speaker 6 (05:32):
Always spicy? It doesn't have the you know, you gotta
have the flavors.

Speaker 4 (05:36):
What kind of did you get non with it?

Speaker 3 (05:37):

Speaker 5 (05:38):
It's great, great deal before two thirty lunch, specially you
get you get the nod, You get a samosa?

Speaker 2 (05:44):
Uh did you eat it with your fingers? No?

Speaker 6 (05:46):
Well, I mean yeah, you have the nod and you kind.

Speaker 4 (05:49):
Of dip it, right, Okay, it's pretty quality.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
I got that non dip un.

Speaker 6 (05:54):
Yeah, that garlic non.

Speaker 4 (05:56):
Did you know the place I go to they put
serrano peppers on it and they called disco non. Like
if you want to really turn it up a not
just called disco non and then you dip it in
your teak and masala. But then you just make sure
that you don't kind of fart. You know, within the
vicinity of a co worker. So they have an annoid

look on their face and are regretting their decision coming
to this time slot.

Speaker 6 (06:20):
You know what the worst part is, guys, I'm sorry Lee.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
Oh he makes sure that he takes a big whiff
after he farts.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
That is revolt.

Speaker 4 (06:29):
I mean, like, well, what chef doesn't sample the stuff
they do?

Speaker 2 (06:33):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 7 (06:35):
Here's the thing is the only way I would say
people can probably relate to this is have you, guys
ever had.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
To wear a cast?

Speaker 4 (06:42):

Speaker 7 (06:43):
And do you know how like when you have to
have it on for a long period of time, but
like itches And I've seen people before itch it and
they'll smell it, like they'll want to smell.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
How weird it smells or bad it smells.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
It's so weird and like they'll take like a button
knife to get.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
The chally really stinky smell. Man, It's like it's a
horrible stink it smells. You don't want that stink like death.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
We want the funk.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
You gotta had that phone.

Speaker 4 (07:21):
Want, all right, So we transition smoothly away from that
with the old funky Yes, we transitioned away from that
over to something near and dear to the heart of
one LeVar Arrington. Okay nice the Washington Commandos. Now Dan Quinn,

head coach of the Commanders, showed up to talk to
the media this past weekend during rookie mini camp, and
people noticed that it was a little interesting. He had
on a shirt that had the Washington Manders w but
he had some feathers coming off the w that looked
very similar to the feathers that came off the logo

of the previous team name a couple of times before that,
LeVar Arrington played.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
For what a statement.

Speaker 4 (08:15):
Yeah, and some people wondered, like, why would he have
done that? Now the team came out and said they
had no comment on it, they didn't know anything about it.
And so Dan Quinn was asked about the T shirt
yesterday by the media and he had this to say.

Speaker 9 (08:28):
I think one of the parts of me, you know,
taking this job, I was excited to bridge you know,
the past and the present and what a cool, you know, privilege.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
That is to do.

Speaker 9 (08:36):
And I also recognized there's a lot of layers to that.
So it was a great lesson for me. And what
I really hate is that any attention that would have
been taken away from these rookies and like this awesome crew.
So yeah, no one wants to do that, but great lessons.

Speaker 1 (08:51):
No, the problem is is that Washington media are a
bunch of douchebags. Like that's the problem, Like this should
it should be a non story. It should be a
non story. Like what's the problem with having U the
old logo feather hanging from or being hanging wouldn't be
the right word being being on the w Like that's

just to me, it's just that's that's that's dumb. Anybody
who wrote about that or reported about that. And and
let me take that back, I don't I don't think
all media theres are douchebags, but some of them are.
I mean, I was taking a lot of stuff back
to that I was, I was, I was a media guy.
There there was some douchebags though there were a few.

Speaker 2 (09:38):

Speaker 1 (09:39):
I just I think that that's it's a non It
should have been a non story. It really should have.
And and I think that what he said was right.
Why not linked I've never played for the commanders. The
commanders never paid me. It's it's so interesting, you know,
me and d Green just connected social social media and

and D Green, we don't we don't hear this story.
D Green's on his on his I G and he
posted a picture of him with a Washington Redskins with
a polo on and he said I he was like,
I missed this apparel. He is like, is there anywhere
where I can get some some some Redskins swag? That's

who we played for. Like, I don't so to me
to to I don't know. I just think that where
we're at now, Like, if that's the worst of your
problems today, that a team that was once named the
Washington Redskins that is now deemed to be inappropriate.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
If that is, if that is the biggest.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Problem you have going on in your life today, You're
doing pretty dog on good in life. Your things are
not too bad for you, is what I would say. Again,
I played there, and I was there through. You know,
when they talk about the protesters and all that stuff.

I listen, you'd see like three or four people that
were there that were protesting. I was there, Like, this
is not this is not uh, this is not hypothetically
speaking the people that were outraged, like three or four
white people that were there.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
Let's call it what it is.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
Yeah, it wasn't no Indians there sitting there, like sitting
in making sure we couldn't get off of the bus
or anything like that. They were like it was like
three white people there that were saying this.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Is wrong, this is wrong.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
Changed the name every time. And if I was if
I wasn't mistaken, it might have been the same ones.
It might have been the same three or four people
at every event. Yeah, to me, you're you're looking for attention,
like go somewhere in Huggetry, like go go do something
with yourself if this is what you got going on

right now in your life and you have the time
to do it, God bless. But coming at that man
like like this team, this organization is actually trying to
go in the right direction.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
You know what this story says to me. You're trying
to keep them where they were at.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
Whoever's talking about this and writing about this, you're trying
to continue to be divisive.

Speaker 2 (12:31):
And I've always said there's.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
Always this undertone element because we're in the nation's capital
that our media handles our teams like like politics. Yeah,
like let them let this, let this organization come together,
dan Quinn. That was that was a nice act of solidarity,

Like you know, how many people have been disconnected from
that organization? Me included, you make a subtle, subtlety of oh,
look he's representing us.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
Is that wrong? Screw you.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
If you think that's wrong, go kick a rock. I
thought it was a dope deed. I thought it was
a dope thing for him to do that. I supported it.
I thought it was pretty and I haven't even been
I've been a strange for a long time from that
organization for a long time. Never stop loving the people,
never stop loving the team. But if you ask me,

was this wrong to make this into a story? Hell, yes,
hell yes.

Speaker 4 (13:38):
I have a I got a theory.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
By the way, well said, man, thank you? What Well said?
Thank you? Real quick. It's a unique perspective because not
many people.

Speaker 7 (13:49):
Realize that, like, that is your tie, that is your
attachment to the team, and regardless of how they feel,
that's your feelings on it.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
That's it's your opinion on it.

Speaker 7 (13:57):
And there's not enough people who are able to communicate
that that and say like, hey, man, like this is
this is the team we identified.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
With, this is how it was. Is there a lawsuit?

Speaker 7 (14:05):
By the way, is it one of the tribes suing
the team for not using the old team name.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
There's all kinds of it like that that is true. Yes,
you know what you said.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
Also that that I do get a kick out of
is like the people that were protesting is three white people.
It's like there's like a lot of things to where
people who shouldn't be outraged are the ones with the
loudest voices saying that they're outraged. Like there's a lot
of times that that happens, and we kind of let
them steer the ship towards the narrative of whatever anybody

else is trying to get out there, whatever agenda is
being pushed.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
So yeah, man, I just you know, you sit there
and you got guys that had like.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Monty coleman Or or Doc Walker or.

Speaker 1 (14:46):
Brian Mitchell and the you know arn't monk like you
name it, Wilbur Marshall, you know, Dexter Manly, Charles Mann.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
You know, like you.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Got all these guys, all these guys that are proud,
prideful alumni.

Speaker 10 (15:05):
Yeah, Gary, Gary Clark, these guys are are staples in
our community and the and and here's a big thing
you're talking about a fan base that only has known
success and love for their team.

Speaker 1 (15:23):
When they were not the Commanders, they were the Washington Redskins.
And so if that man is sitting there trying to
bridge the gap of the past to now and the present,
then that's a good start because there is a total
disconnect that took place when Dan Snyder took that team over,
a total disconnect of of of years upon years upon

years where there was a disconnect between the team, the franchise,
and the community. So that man came in there and
he showed an act that said, look, I understand where
this team and this this franchise, proud franchise once was.
I want to connect to the players, the alumni. I
want to connect to our community and to our fans.

And you want to open it up to a decentralized
fan base now and try to rebuild it. And that's
a subtle move on your behalf. Hey, Dan Quinn, I
got your back, bro, Do your thing. Do your thing,
because that, by no means makes you wrong. And talking
about a value, you want to know the valuable lesson

You're going to be covered like you're the governor, or
like you're the president, like you're the Secretary of Defense,
Like that's what, that's how they're going to cover you.

Speaker 4 (16:38):
I also find it hard to believe that he would
just go rogue and just because apparently this was like
a non team issued shirt or whatnot. It's like like
Dan Quinn's gonna, like, you know, take a shirt that
somebody's selling out of a cardboard box out in front
of the facility and be like, yeah, I'll just wear
this one today. I think somebody listen, I think somebody

this was kind of like a heat check. Yeah, let's
see what the reaction is. Because you see how teams
are going throwback unis all the time now, Like it
seems like every team has a throwback day, and I
wonder that I can't do that, dac no like, and
I wonder if that was I wonder if they were like, well,
let's see how this would you know, how this would
go if we kind of you know, threw this out there.
And of course he got pushed back and then had
to come back out afterwards and apologize.

Speaker 7 (17:20):
At that point, jonas, where else did they do heat checks?
Trying to think of maybe a movie where they done
heat check?

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Oh yeah, what else? What would be a heat check
will be the heat check. Maybe I don't know raft.
Oh yeah, you know. Check that door for heat, Tim,
I'll tell you what. Check that door for heat, Quinn,
And he checked it and it was hot, hot, hot.

Speaker 7 (17:39):
Thank you for picking up the ball in that case.
Jonas completely dropped that. For a man who references eighties
and nineties movie lines all the time, the fact that
you weren't all over that, Jonas is unbelievable.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
Man. Check that door for heat, Tim, Well done, Marina.

Speaker 4 (17:58):
You burned if Steven.

Speaker 7 (18:01):
Can you can you unload the clip of your backtraff references?

Speaker 4 (18:07):
I can't like most of them. There's around it? Yeah, okay. Ronald,
Hey Ronald, what did you do the little girl who
owned this doll? It's not fair shadow? What did you
do to her? I burned her? And what do you

like to do to little old ladies? Ronald?

Speaker 6 (18:33):
I burned them?

Speaker 4 (18:34):
And what do you want to do to the whole world? Ronald?
Burn it, burn it all. See you next year, Ronald,
So good man, that is a good movie. You know,

that's right. That's a mantra on this show.

Speaker 7 (18:59):
It blows my mind to think there's actually some real
arsenists out there, like you just want to watch stuff burn.
I'm like, what is wrong with you to actually think
that way or just.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
Want to burn stuff all day?

Speaker 7 (19:12):
Like you never grew past adolescents where you've learned like
that wasn't good.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
I don't I don't get I.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
Got suspended for burning soap one time. I'm sorry that
I was. I thought I was like a pre arsonist.
I burnt soap in a hotel room before I had
like there was matches, you know, back in the days
when you had to.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
How old were you. I was in middle school.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
They had matches in the bathroom and I was just
sitting there and I was, you know, so you know,
you were taught to burn matches when you're doing number
two when other people are are standing in the.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
Room with you, you.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Know, because it takes the smell, the smoke takes the
smell away or whatever. And I was bored, and I
was like, I started melting soap with with the matches
while I was sitting there.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Why and I got in trouble. I don't know. I
don't know.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
I couldn't to this day, I couldn't give you any
sound reasoning as to why I started melting soap with
in my mind, you know, I guess in my mind,
I thought like to myself, like would it smell better
if I like with the smell of like melted soap?

Speaker 4 (20:20):
Was it? So they were using bar soaps?

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Really soap?

Speaker 6 (20:24):
Did it?

Speaker 2 (20:27):
No? I don't recall.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
I don't I don't recall, but I felt like if
I melted it it would smell.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
So maybe it was like kind of smart, you know,
but maybe it was really dumb.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
It was really both using bar soap in a public
rest room.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
Really it was in a hotel bro hotel room. Yeah,
it was in my hotel room.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
I wasn't like in like a public like setting, like,
oh let me burn this soap? Like, No, it was
in my hotel room. And and there was like and
the only reason why I got suspended is because the
the the assistant principal son was in the room and
he he said I was burning so and I got trouble.
I got suspended days for burning so straight snitch. He

was never allowed to hang with us ever again.

Speaker 4 (21:14):
You know what, he's probably part of the Washington media
now you knows.

Speaker 2 (21:18):
A good pool. He wanted the media dips in d C.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
You know, writing writing, Uh, you know, knockdown stories on
how dan Quinn is already off to a bad start
because he had a feather.

Speaker 4 (21:31):
Those feathers Is that a feather on the w?

Speaker 2 (21:34):
Oh? My gosh, hau.

Speaker 7 (21:38):

Speaker 2 (21:39):
Dan Quinn is not the man for our team. Oh
he had feathers on his w.

Speaker 8 (21:44):
You know it my record book, he's old one in
his first appearance as coach.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
Do away with the W two, you know, because they
used to say Washington and then boom redskins on the
other side of it. So just do away with the W.
Do away with all of it. Maybe go DC, you know,
DC commanders.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
How about that? You know?

Speaker 4 (22:05):
Two pros.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
I'm wearing my letterman jacket today. I ain't never even
took it out the box. Hell yeah, I'm pulling it
out today.

Speaker 4 (22:11):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe. Fox Sports Radio
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with the coming up
next here from the ti rack dot Com Studios.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Busy day.

Speaker 4 (22:21):
As far as business goes in the NFL, We've got
the numbers for you here at FSR.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 4 (22:41):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here coming
up and we'll call it a little over fifteen minutes
from now from the tire rack dot Com Studios, we
are going to have our Midweek Awards, the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly. That'll be yours here again coming up
a little over fifteen minutes from now. Are you laughing at.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
Lee's disgusting notes?

Speaker 1 (23:07):
He not only does he talk about his f buddy Todd,
but this dude farts.

Speaker 2 (23:12):
I'm a slap Lee. When I said that Smither Jones
at atu.

Speaker 11 (23:25):
In Nazio seven zero five five to eight eight six. Yeah, listen,
he said, I'm a slappy Lee. You know you got
his back. I ain't got his back. He might fart
on me.

Speaker 4 (23:38):
He's trying to be a professional. He's running back to
his mic to do his uh, to do the segment, and.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
Okay, all right, I mean he had a lot of
pressure on him, that's all. Oh, no, ha, Lee, have
you ever had an accident while trying to shake one out.

Speaker 2 (23:57):
Has he gone hasn't been gone back for you?

Speaker 6 (24:00):
I mean I think everybody's been there.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
Now we're asking about you, Lee.

Speaker 6 (24:06):
Yeah, of course it happens, man, it has. It happens
to the best of it. Don't act like you had
that hasn't happened to you.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
I've had it happen to me one time.

Speaker 4 (24:14):

Speaker 1 (24:16):
Well, my homeboy was dropping me off and it was
so bad, and I kept walking because I didn't want
him to know that that it had happened. And yeah,
I just walked straight to the shower, and yeah, it
was bad. I don't even know why though. I think
I'm allergic to coffee. Guys, I think that that that
was the problem. I had too much coffee that morning

and there was a lot of stress and a lot
of pressure on me.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
And yeah, I had an accident. But this was not
about me, Lee, this is about you.

Speaker 4 (24:46):

Speaker 1 (24:49):
I'm not afraid to be vulnerable either, Like, yeah it happened,
like it happened, I just walked straight to the restroom,
you know, washed myself off, clean my clean you know,
through through through what needed to be thrown away, you know,
took it to a dumpster.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
You know it was good. I put it in a
bag like I would have did a dog.

Speaker 6 (25:07):
You always gonna have a gym bag with an extra
set of clothes.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
I ain't gonna go that far, at least you know
I do.

Speaker 6 (25:14):
I always have a gym bag of a whatever I.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
Need, so you expect the accident to happen.

Speaker 6 (25:19):
I'm always I was a boy scout boy scouts always prepared.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
Yeah, I got I don't even know what we're saying
Washington w with a feather.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
On it or saying you're a boy scouting.

Speaker 4 (25:30):
Yeah, it's I got.

Speaker 6 (25:31):
Two of everything in the trunk of the car.

Speaker 7 (25:32):
Describing Lee as always prepared is pretty pretty.

Speaker 2 (25:36):
Interesting way of saying it. I mean prepared for what exactly. Lee.

Speaker 7 (25:41):
It's not like you're a guiver Murphy's involves a beer
bottle or Murphy's law.

Speaker 5 (25:44):
Man, you gonna have two of everything. I got two
pairs of underwear and two flasks. That's all you need.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
And two flasks. I feel like you might need a
little bit more than that.

Speaker 4 (25:52):
But okay, dang, is that really in your to go bag?

Speaker 2 (25:57):

Speaker 4 (25:57):
You've got two flasks and two pairs of underwear? Yes,
two shirts.

Speaker 10 (26:02):
I got two.

Speaker 6 (26:05):
Socks, two sets of golf clubs to.

Speaker 4 (26:09):
Everything, sets of golf club I mean, that's a hell
of it to go back.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
Okay, hmmm, interesting alright.

Speaker 4 (26:17):
I'm speaking of a go Apparently r G three is
going to go from Monday night countdown. That's not happening.
Jason Kelsey is going to get the gig.

Speaker 2 (26:26):
Now, why could they keep him both racial?

Speaker 4 (26:28):
I'm with you, I'm with you.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
The bar it begs the question, why can't they just
keep them both? Yeah? I don't.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
I mean, I mean they got rid of your boy,
uh Olsen for for Brady rachel Man telling you good point.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
He went to the U and he had a rap song.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
I mean he didn't. He didn't start at the getting.
He didn't start at the U though.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
Yeah, but he finished he turned into one. You know,
he was rapid, he was.

Speaker 4 (26:59):
He did have that rap song.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
It was he had bors too.

Speaker 4 (27:05):
Uh uh, Lee, there's an update on something you just
threw a thumbs up. What have we got the update
on here?

Speaker 5 (27:12):
Yeah, they have released the international schedule so far, just
leaked out. Of course, we knew the Packers are going
to be taken on the Eagles.

Speaker 6 (27:18):
Now we know hold on.

Speaker 4 (27:20):
A second, Hold on a second. Lorena has been pounding
the table for the opportunity to play breaking news sound
effects here in this time, and the least she could
do after fumigating her while she tried to do her
job earlier, is hit some breaking news sounders so we
can release this international schedule here.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
Breaking news from Fox Sports.

Speaker 4 (27:45):
That felt amazing.

Speaker 12 (27:47):
So so yeah, Lorena, we already knew the Packers and
the Eagles are going to be in South Paula, Brazil
to start the season, but now we've got the three
London games as well as Munich, Germany.

Speaker 5 (28:00):
We've got the Jets versus the Vikings, Jaguars, Bears and
Patriots versus the Jaguars. Also in Munich, Germany, we have
the Giants taking on the Panthers November tenth.

Speaker 4 (28:14):
Good stuff.

Speaker 2 (28:15):
Looking at that, like a horrible matchup.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
So Germany gets the carry, Germany gets to carry Collins Bowl.
Basically they're getting a throw back there, well twenty year
old reference. Nothing wrong with that. I mean, London's got
to be sick of the Jaguars at this point.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
Like, well, maybe if they're good this year, we'll see it.

Speaker 4 (28:39):
Just you know, it seems like there's you know to.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
That point though. It's interesting.

Speaker 7 (28:44):
I know this ties back to the Khan family back
to London. That's why there's you know, always rumors of
them moving to London or being the team to move
and maybe that has a little bit to do with
the fact that they were an expanchise team or franchise.
But they just also signed a deal with Jacksonville for
I think one point four billion for a new stadium,
So that would lead me to think they're not going

anywhere unless something falls apart. Right until that stadium is
actually up and build and they're playing in it, we
don't know.

Speaker 2 (29:13):
But why do we have to have the Jaguars over
there every year? Now?

Speaker 7 (29:17):
It's like we've opened up this idea of international play
and expanding to other countries. Why does the London get
stuck with the Jaguars? What twice a year now?

Speaker 2 (29:27):
Is three times? How many is it now? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (29:29):
I mean it's it was twice a year and twice
last year. Yeah, they went back to back last year, right,
they were there back to back weeks, I think so.

Speaker 7 (29:36):
But either way, it's not like London's embracing them as
the Jaguas, you know, like.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
I just I don't get it. What are they called
the Jahua?

Speaker 4 (29:48):
You have you guys that's like British. Yeah, they're French.
Have you guys been to that stadium?

Speaker 2 (30:00):
A breast call?

Speaker 4 (30:00):
Have you guys played in that stadium? The U is
it ever Field or whatever?

Speaker 2 (30:04):
It is?

Speaker 4 (30:05):
Another one in jackson there, all right?

Speaker 7 (30:07):
So why yeah, I've called it? Oh yeah, I've been
there once. Yeah, we had a was an opening game
of the year if you played at ZAX that one.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
So they've only gotten one super Bowl so since that
Eagles I think it was Eagles Patriots super Bowl. The
super Bowl's never gone back there. Why can I can.

Speaker 7 (30:24):
I throw in my vote or cast my vote for
Jacksonville getting a Super Bowl?

Speaker 2 (30:28):
I mean I realized it may not.

Speaker 7 (30:29):
Have a ton of flight options, but when you get there,
there's actually a lot of accommodations. They've got kind of
a little downtown area like that Amelia Island is perfect
for setting up teams. I mean Notre Dame had just
played there for a Bowl game and I had gone
up with my family and just to be up there.
I was like, man, they've got a ton of space
for you know, numerous teams. Media et cetera. Like you

like they could, they could make it happen. It's it's
big enough. I mean, they've got a ton of different
a ton of space, ton of venues they could utilize
to do it.

Speaker 4 (31:01):
Doesn't it make more sense to have it there than
Santa Clara or the Bay Area?

Speaker 2 (31:05):
Yeah? I mean I have to think for our show too,
to be on the eastern TI.

Speaker 4 (31:08):
Yeah, that too. That I just I've never been able
to figure that out. Like why they'll go to Tampa,
They'll go to Miami, they'll go to Atlanta. I know,
obviously it's a dome like Jacksonville's there. They've gotten one
Super Bowl and have never been back.

Speaker 7 (31:21):
They got a hot time their stadium right now. The
I think the problem is this Jacksonville seems to be
one of the more confused areas, Like the people don't
know if they're like northern Florida.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
Or South Georgia. Oh geez, I've just thrown it out there.
I've been there, you know.

Speaker 7 (31:34):
I feel like people have a hard time identifying it
with like what are we really.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
You know, are we a part of Florida or Georgia?
We don't really know.

Speaker 7 (31:45):
You get a fair amount of people who just look
confused all the time, and I think that's what they're
pondering in their head.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
You got to be able to identify these days.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
So I'm telling you, man.

Speaker 7 (31:55):
A lot of confused individuals out there from Georgia.

Speaker 2 (31:59):
From because as soon as you get to Florida, Florida's
doll is Georgia.

Speaker 7 (32:04):
It might just I kind of feel like it should
be because you get more of like the southern accent,
whereas Florida, like you get in South Florida, there's not
really that type of accent. It's just more diverse, like
Tampa side or even Orlando. It's not like people have
a Southern accent. But then you go a little further
north of jackson Jacksonville, and then all of a sudden
they're talking all southern.

Speaker 2 (32:24):
It just doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
Yeah, looking at a map here, there's no palm trees
in Jacksonville unless they put them there either, you know,
it's like more uh you know, like uh evergreens.

Speaker 4 (32:36):
Man made traffics there. It's not real non natural stuff.

Speaker 2 (32:39):
That's is that the story of la None of those
palm trees actually where they did say they brought palm
trees and in there.

Speaker 4 (32:46):
Man, yeah, I heard palm tree is Deshaun Watson's favorite plant.
I don't know if you heard that. Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe here on Fox Sports Radio and
coming up next here there's our Midweek Awards, a Wednesday tradition,
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and it's right here
you're on FSR.

Speaker 3 (33:01):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.

Speaker 4 (33:12):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here coming
up top of next hour a little over ten minutes
from now. If you are a fan of an altercation
or two, or something that reminds you of the good
old days in the world of sports, we've got it
for you. That'll be yours here coming up a little

over ten minutes from now, before we get to our
another edition of The Good, the Bad, the Ugly here
on FSR, I want to remind you this shortly after
the show, our podcast will be going up, so if
you missed any of today's show, be sure to check
out that pod search two Pros or ever you get
your podcast. Be sure to also follow, rate and review
the podcast. Again, just search two Pros wherever you get
your podcast. You'll see this show posted right after we

get off the air.

Speaker 3 (33:55):
There are some good things that happen, and there's some bad,
and then there's some downright ugly things. It's time for good,
bad and lovely.

Speaker 4 (34:06):
All right, lead to laugh. What do we got?

Speaker 5 (34:07):
Well, as we do each and every Wednesday, we started
with the good and this week mister Arrington gives us
the good.

Speaker 6 (34:12):
What's good? This week?

Speaker 1 (34:13):
LeVar, the nuggets, the joker. We talked about it. They're
doing good. They've turned it around, they've adjusted, they've adapted.
They're showing why they're the raining champs. And that was good.
You know, I wanted to talk about the air.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Quality and the studio, but that fell a little short.

Speaker 4 (34:33):
Todays you did it again, Lee, I'm sorry he did
it again.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
He dropped it in his bets and now it smells bad.

Speaker 6 (34:48):
Well, fellas, you can't have good without the bad. Jonas
suppose bad this week.

Speaker 2 (34:55):
You know, I'm.

Speaker 4 (34:56):
Tired of these naive candy asses. That pretend that they
know what's going on, and we got to get a
hold of some of the dysfunction in the world of sports,
because god forbid, Jade and Daniels and Malik neighbors they
want to discuss making a friendly wager on who's going

to be offensive Rookie of the Year, and then somebody
has to let them know, like, hey, guys, you can't
do that because that's not allowed here. As if gambling,
and we talked about it earlier this week has never
happened in a locker room, or never happened amongst friends,
or nobody's ever thrown dice on a street corner, and
nobody's ever played fantasy football or any of that stuff.
And for some reason, people are still so scared of

gambling and the connotation of gambling. Not everybody's a degenerate,
flunky gambler. Not everybody's gonna be Johntay Porter and bet
against themselves on how many threes they make in a game.
These guys were having a friendly conversation. If we didn't
need to hear people chime in and give their thoughts
on why they shouldn't do it and whether or not
it's a bad look for the league. Everything's gonna be okay.

They're not a bunch of degenerates. That's my bad for
the week.

Speaker 6 (36:02):
And from bad to worst, Brady, what was ugly?

Speaker 2 (36:05):
Oh? The WNBA.

Speaker 7 (36:07):
I mean the season just starts, I just kicks off
and they can't help but have people who are frustrated
with the amount of attention that Caitlin Clark is getting.
And there are so many people who are happy to
pile on the fact that in her debut last night
she had ten turnovers, the most in a debut for
a rookie in the WNBA. They also failed to mention

that she led her team in scoring. She wasn't foul trouble,
so she missed a portion of that. I really was
typically for both teams scoring, So not the best start,
but not a bad start either. Stop attacking the girl.
She's helping to prop up your league. I do not
get this with the WNBA. They're players and the people
who follow.

Speaker 4 (36:45):
Yeah yeah, I mean, like.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
There's other great blue private.

Speaker 4 (36:49):
There's other great players like Kelsey Plum's a great player.
Why can't we focus on that too?

Speaker 2 (36:53):
You know, stupid, You're so dumb.
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