All Episodes

May 17, 2024 38 mins

The crew pick names from a hat for The Preakness Stakes! A live high-speed car chase takes place during the show. Plus, update on Scottie Scheffler being arrested before his tee-time at the PGA Championship in Valhalla.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox, and myself,
Brady Quinn. Make sure you catch us live weekdays six
to nine am Eastern or three am to six am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your local
station for the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe
show over at Foxsports Radio dot com, or stream us

live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Give us parties.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you. You can
find us here on the iHeartRadio app. You can find
us here on hundreds of affiliates all across this country.
And you know you can always find us here live
from the tire raq dot Com studios tire raq dot com.
Well you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping,
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dot com. The way tire buying should be. So, we
started off the show talking about Ann Edwards Anthony Edwards
just establishing some dominance in their series against the Denver Nuggets.
They're now going to seven games, so they've got a
Game seven coming up. So Aunt Edwards always a fun
watch and then a fun listened to after games as

well too, So we talked about that. Opened up the
show with that, should we hear Aunt Anthony Edwards again
for the new audience. He just wants to listen to
the emerging superstar that is ant Man out of Minneapolis,
twenty two years old, representing the Georgia Bulldogs, a football school,
and he sits here. He takes over the city of Minneapolis.

He takes over the league that is the NBA. He
has taken over the NBA playoffs, and he might have
taken the soul of the Denver Nuggets. Just take a.

Speaker 4 (01:51):
Listen, Jeb. Every time we come out, Kat is on Joki.
So it wasn't new today. I think the main thing
today was stayed out of foul trouble. Like I told
him in the Phoenix series, that was all that was. Yeah,
I mean I cussed him out. I cussed him out
every chance I get.

Speaker 5 (02:08):
Bro stopped and falling.

Speaker 2 (02:10):
Like I think you guys see.

Speaker 4 (02:12):
It, like if Kat don't filed, we pretty much can
win the game. Every time, and tonight, I mean he
had three fouls, but he did he only had three,
he didn't have five. So I told him today, like,
if you if we thankful that you didn't file, because
if you don't, if you, if you filed, we lose.

Speaker 6 (02:28):
Did you really tell the locker room stafford in Denver
you were gonna be back?

Speaker 2 (02:33):
Yeah? They know that.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
I was in there.

Speaker 2 (02:35):

Speaker 5 (02:35):
I told him.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
I said, I see y'all was for game seven. So
I love him. So Anthony Edwards setting up a Game
seven with the Denver Nuggets. And by the way, he's right.

Speaker 7 (02:45):
If Towns isn't, if he's not on on jokes, it's
it's a rap. I mean he is. Literally I think
he's the worst matchup for him out of out of
anybody he's going to see. Not Anthony Davis, you know not.
I don't know who who? Who else we want to

throw out there. Who's in who's in Phoenix? Who what
big man is going to handle him from? From the
Dallas Mavericks. Who who is going to have the skills
set to be able to deal with the joker? And
and while and while him and Gobert struggle to still
handle him, when he's assertive. That's still the best matchup

you're going to get versus size, strength and athleticism. Towns
is is he's the guy like, he's the guy that
that gives you that opportunity. So if he's in the game,
you're not only getting defense on Joker, but you're getting
someone who can generate offense for you as well. It's

an extra added dimension to to that that team that
that really and and and in my estimate, it really
should give the Minnesota Timberwolves the distinct advantage because they
have two big guys.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
They have two and so to me, you.

Speaker 7 (04:13):
Know, he's right though, I mean, he's he's got to
stay out of foul trouble. But I also think that
what he's saying in terms of their belief and trying
to win, they showed that, they showed they had it
last night. I'll say that t Wolves a five point
underdog for game seven. So those are you interested in
getting down on some action there? There's your tea Wolves

plus five kind of throwing in your lap here for
a game seven.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
So we talked about that. We're also you know, talking
about Nikola Jokic. We're going to have our picks out
of a hat when it comes to the preakness coming
up here shortly, something else that also should be discussed here.
Scotty Scheffler detained put in handcuffs because of a potential
traffic violation while he was there.

Speaker 7 (05:02):
You know, is there the chance Valhalla, is there the
chance he did something that was bad enough for him
to actually get pulled over and put in handcuffs? Is
there the possibility or is this an over zealous, you know,
kind of police officer that's just taken his job.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
We have to recap the situation, right, So a shuttle
bus hit a pedestrian and killed them, which caused the
lack of traffic flow or caused the congestion, which then
caused Scotty to It looks like go around barricades in
area where he shouldn't have, or when the cops tried
to stop him, they made him get out of the car.
From what I have ascertained, it's not looking good for him.

It feels like the Louisville police that are there are
I don't know they're trying to make an example out
of him or what the thought process is here, but
it I mean, he's in cuffs and he was being
sent to jail.

Speaker 5 (06:02):
From what footage I have just.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
Seen, which was able to get something from Jeff darlkon
do I believe's tweeted it out.

Speaker 7 (06:10):
Now, Yeah, I just wonder is it based upon the
fatality is that did it ratchet up to seriousness and
nature of you're not going like you're not going to
disrespect like the scene, you know what I mean? Like
like this is not just a fender bender that you're
going around. Somebody has perished based off of it, and

we have to handle this in the proper protocols, and
you just you just disrespected our protocol. Like do you
feel like that's the possibility of what this could be?
Something along those lines, because I just don't understand why
a police officer would would actually go this far with
the athlete in this scenario when he's trying. All he's

trying to do is get to the venue of where
he's It's also understandable if you're the cops. It's the
weather's bad, you just had someone die, You're trying to
you know, move traffic.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Everybody's on edge already, and then you know this guy
tries to you know, cut through or maybe goes in
the wrong direction, and you know, people get heated up
about it. So, but Darlington is there on location, and
you know, any any other information from Jeff Darlington we
can we can get who's been there on the scene

and covering all this. I do wonder also, because he
was there and put the video out on Twitter of
him getting arrested, should he have held that in his
back pocket and maybe sold it to TMZ make a
little bit of cash on this, you know, exclusive video
of Scottie Scheffler getting detained.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
You know, because it probably would have I don't know,
come come to the light of day in some of
their capacity.

Speaker 5 (07:54):
I just oh, man, I'll be wagoned. Let me tell you,
you know, do you go?

Speaker 1 (08:01):
He just asked me a question and I was He goes,
do you know what me and Scotti Scheffler have in common?
And uh yeah, yeah I do. Based off this morning's activities,
I now know something that the meat Wagon and Scotti
Sheffler have in common that they both experienced there in Louisville, Kentucky.

Well you can put two and two together. Oh boy,
let's just put it this way. They've both spent some
time in Louisville, Kentucky. I said, yeah, yeah, there's a
big horse race there and the infield gets rather wild.
So I won't divulge any other details other than that,

but I'll just put it this way.

Speaker 5 (08:48):
The meat Wagon was not.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
The person to be the first person leading in this activity.
He just was the second guy. He kind of got caught,
if that makes sense.

Speaker 7 (08:59):
Oh yeah, it's always the second guy, all right.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
So this is something that we do here on this
show period what wag? This is something something we do
on this show periodically where some people like to pretend
that they've got quote unquote experts that come on and
we take it to another level. Not only are we
not experts, we're going to draw names for the preakness

out of a hat. No. God, I love horseress and
just love it so much. I just love it so much,
I really do. I told my wife. I was like, hey,
I think I'm going to take our son to San Anita,
and she said have fun. Like you don't want to go?

She goes, no, it's like you could come visit me.

Speaker 5 (09:51):
They could do a factory, it'd be the same.

Speaker 2 (09:53):
Oh no, what that's going to make the h serena interesting?
In a couple of minutes, so.

Speaker 5 (10:05):
That's the.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
But you know, hey, listen, you know, horse racing is
a it's fun. This is horse racing season. We have
got something wrong with having a little glue? Yeah, are
you man? We are going to uh to have a
a grand old time here picking some names out of
a hat. So lead to lap. Whose hat do we
have that we're going to be drawing names out of?
Is it this little like miniature hat that was here

in the studio.

Speaker 6 (10:30):
It is, indeed a little miniature hat commemorating a Super
Bowl in Vegas.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
I think it's made for a dog. It's got like
dog ear slits. It's a build a Bear hat? Oh,
build a bear hat?

Speaker 5 (10:41):
Is it really?

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Yes? By the ways, what a rip off that is?
Build a bear? You can only do one sound effect?
You know they should do like give you multiple options.
You can like if you want to press his hand
it says hello if you want to or in my
case olah, Like if you want to do the case,
you can only put one. You can only stuff it
with case lah? What about mine? Suck?

Speaker 5 (11:06):
What about mine?

Speaker 2 (11:08):

Speaker 5 (11:22):

Speaker 2 (11:22):
You outraged by that Build a bear take? You can
only put one sound device in?

Speaker 8 (11:26):
I just don't know if it's accurate, because I think
if you asked to put one in each foot and
each hand, you technically I bet they would let you.

Speaker 2 (11:33):
Oh okay, Well just like if you asked.

Speaker 8 (11:35):
To put multiple hearts in it, because you like all
the different designs you can do that. Yeah, might as
well make a cow.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Stomachs. Who know there was a way to there's a
work around with build a Bear. All right? So Lee,
he's got a Build a Bear super Bowl hat that
he's got names of horses in this hat. He's going
to go around the room here, ned, do you want to
start with yourself or Lorraina Lee? And then we could
just go from go from there. Yeah, start with Lorena

all right? All right, so Lorena horse racing expert. She's
got to try and pronounce the horses name here on
the air, which is fun. Last time we did this
with golf, she won fromand she drew Xander Shaffley last time,
and you would have thought she was ordering off out
of an Indian restaurant menu.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
I got him, No, you didn't move, got to dage it.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
That's why I wanted.

Speaker 5 (12:27):
It's the one horse right and that position?

Speaker 2 (12:31):
Yes, the one horse, Lee, which horse you day nay nay, Lee?
Which horse are you gonna get?

Speaker 7 (12:39):
Lee's coming in. We we gotta draw the we gotta
draw it out of the hat. This is Lee coming,
come on in here said.

Speaker 5 (12:48):
Least had less gas today?

Speaker 1 (12:49):
How I feel like no one's complaining about that, especially
when he's horsing around.

Speaker 2 (12:52):
He does have his glasses on, so yeah, he seems
way more serious than that. La what you got sees
the gray? All right?

Speaker 5 (13:01):
Oh? Fifteen to one, fifteen.

Speaker 2 (13:03):
To one, All right, here we go. I'm gonna pull
the name out. Oh this is interesting. Orchids of Hasia
a name yeah? Or or is that not an? Orchards
of Asia? Who's the a hole? Imagination six to one? Okay, yeah,
imagination six? Orchards of Asia runs in Jupiter?

Speaker 5 (13:27):
Do I go next?

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Jupiter down? So Eddie Garcia is going there?

Speaker 9 (13:31):
Yeah, all right, survey says mystic Dan.

Speaker 5 (13:40):
Oh, it's the favorite. Of course.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
That was the winner. He won me. He won a
couple of weeks ago. There the triple Garcia triple crowned.
He always wins this. He won like one hundred scratchers.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
He always gets the favorite kind of since the next
person was gonna get mystic Dan.

Speaker 5 (13:57):
You just had that feel to it, all right?

Speaker 2 (13:59):
Come on, all right, Brady, reach all the.

Speaker 7 (14:01):
All right, well let me just longs okay, pulled it
on out, all right, it's a.

Speaker 5 (14:09):
Lot of work, and survey says a lot of work.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
And eight to one odds and the eight horse luskin gold.
I like that. It sounds like a vine.

Speaker 7 (14:22):

Speaker 5 (14:23):
I would rather had a catching freedom.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
But all right, So there it is. There's your there's
your horse out? What I got going on? I haven't
gotten one? Oh yeah, there's Lee Okay, okay, nice.

Speaker 5 (14:34):
I hope he gets the two horse?

Speaker 2 (14:37):
What do you got? T l c or en vogue No.
Fifteen and fifteen to one? The seven horse just steal
good black steal? What dang? Wasn't that a movie? Lex Steel? Congratulations?
Le Roy Steele? What jungle juice? Dagg blackberries? All right?

So there it is. That is your your horse racing
picks for the pre discos. Oh, by the way, important,
I also need to point this out. I got to
make sure we get it's that time.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
Yeah, it's also football Friday.

Speaker 9 (15:18):

Speaker 2 (15:18):
Yeah, horse racing is Saturday. Wagon wagon come on, come on,

let's do it the right way.

Speaker 10 (15:45):
Come on, come on, come on, all right, you go
out ride Hey loves us all Hey.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
It is a football Friday here on Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe. Don't let the horse racing and
golf arrests confuse you. This is a football heavy show here.
Also NBA playoffs yeah too. And we will have a
more football conversation coming up next here from the tiraq
dot com studios. Because you know there's somebody just not happy.
They feel like they've been screwed over. Do they have

a case you will hear from us and we would
discuss that next here on FSR.

Speaker 11 (16:27):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 12 (16:41):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben Mahler.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. You ask, what in God's name
is the Fifth Hour? I'll tell you it's a spin
off of it. Ben Maler Show, a Colt hit overnights
on FSR.

Speaker 5 (16:55):
Why should you listen?

Speaker 12 (16:56):
Picture if you will a world Will we chat with
captains of industry, sports and more every week explored some
amazing facts about human nature and more. Listen to the
Fifth Hour with Ben Mather on the iHeartRadio app, Apple
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Speaker 2 (17:10):
Two Pros and a cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you. We are
going to have another edition of You and You out
coming up here in a little over twenty minutes from
now from the tiraq dot com studios. Hang in there, Joel,
we just witnessed. Look, for those of you listening across
the country, we just witnessed here live on the television

one of the crazier police pursuits that you will ever see,
where this dude got spun out multiple times by cops
on the four or five out here and then just
drove one hundred and ten miles an hour, literally got
up to one ten in the opposite direction and slammed
head on with another car. The problem is Joel, who's

the tech producer who takes over after Lorena Leaves, is
caught up in the mess of this traffic because numb
nuts here decided to play bumper cars at five point
fifteen in the morning, and now everybody is delayed. And
we hope the person that they hit head on is okay.
But that was very interesting. Yeah, that that great car.

That is not that's wild man, like I don't. And
you could tell that the person who got out of
the car was all twazzled out on whatever they were on,
because they climbed up on a semi think and you know,
as long as they stay here, they can't get them.
And so now they've been taken away, so good god.
It is one of those one of those mornings here.

Also we can confirm the person driving that van on
this police pursuit, which you will see on social media
later on. It's crazy, especially the conclusion it is not
Scottie Scheffler for you asking, and we.

Speaker 7 (18:56):
Don't believe it's Rashi Rice. It's not Rashi, right, we're
not sure if that so. I mean, even though we saw,
you know, the person on top of the truck, we're
not sure if it was Rice or not. By the way,
we cannot confirm more than that of that.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Just yet they got they got Scottie Scheffler and uh
and in orange clothes and in a mugshot pretty quick.
There anymore from Darlington as to why he's already uh.

Speaker 7 (19:22):
Something, there's something there. It's got to be like is
it blood alcohol level?

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (19:27):

Speaker 2 (19:27):
There's something there. There's the reason why they took him off.
But he's already Uh.

Speaker 5 (19:33):
I don't think it's alcohol.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
I don't know. I'm just what ad I taking him off?
So he's already in orange jails. He's already in an
orange jail v neck.

Speaker 5 (19:41):
Yeah. I think that's the process when you get.

Speaker 7 (19:44):
Processed to get putting a jumpsuit. Yeah, I believe so,
hold and sale.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
Now, I don't might look at what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
I think they've they've charged them with whatever they're charging
them with.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Oh wow, I.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Mean, I mean I'm actually asking for more details of
the meat wagons. He's been through this process?

Speaker 2 (20:03):
Okay, Yeah, so he's dealt directly with the Louisville Police Department. Okay,
fair enough. Now can you would you ask the meat wagon?
Can you haggle on, let's get.

Speaker 5 (20:15):
The meat wagon. Let's go to a real expert.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Hey, Darling, if you never had that orange v neck on,
can we please bring the meat wagon on? Please? Now
O gosh, but uh yeah, so we I just want
to know if you can haggle on the color of
the V neck, Like I don't mind the V neck.
I'm a V neck guy. But you know I'm a
V neck guy. Orange doesn't work for me, you know,

prefer to go black, you know if I could.

Speaker 7 (20:46):
Why are you so infatuated with black man talking to me?

Speaker 2 (20:50):
Or Lee?

Speaker 5 (20:51):
You too?

Speaker 2 (20:52):
I just thought it was Lee for a while.

Speaker 7 (20:54):
But okay, okay, I like V next black. That's that
prince of darkness as you got going on. And you
know you got a black V neck on right now.

Speaker 2 (21:07):
By the way, you know what a share Your meaning
for black is different than Lee's.

Speaker 7 (21:15):
That I don't know less a person yours is like,
you know, like evil.

Speaker 6 (21:22):
He is a person, by the way, I have what
Scottie Scheffler has been charged with. What is this second
degree assault of a police officer, third degree criminal mischief,
reckless driving, disregarding traffic signals from an office officer directing traffic.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
Now, okay, second degree assault? So what does that mean
like put him in a or something like that.

Speaker 1 (21:45):
No, I no, I think it was the fact that
when he drove, I think he was it was something
that i'd do with his car when he's driving it
while he was being informed by the police officer not
to go in that direction.

Speaker 5 (21:57):
If there is contact, I think it constitutes that.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
So he didn't hit him over the head with like
a beer bottle or anything.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
And there wasn't any blood to the best of my
knowledge at the scene from what I'm trying to get
right now.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
And he has been released on his own recognisance. Oh,
he's been released. Okay, he's got time. It's still raining
out there, right, so he can get to the he
can get to the to the course in time.

Speaker 5 (22:19):

Speaker 1 (22:19):
So here's the difference in money. The meat Wagon was
not charged with quite as many things as this.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
So this has gone out.

Speaker 5 (22:27):
It was just in a holding cell back.

Speaker 7 (22:29):
Yeah, rookie, haang, you gotta do it right, meat Wagon.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
You ain't do it. You gotta go try it again.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Yeah, I don't even I wish I could say, like
what they were doing. It was so juvenile. It's stupid,
Like when he told me what happened, So.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
Why can't you say it? I just we're not giving
away his name or anything. Yeah, I mean, hey, Scottie Steffler.
By the way, if he I'll tell you this right now.
Forget Willis Reid. If he wins there, for get the
FLU game. If he wins, this is the most impressive.
When if he's able to pull, he wins, does he
is a goom? Let me tell you something. If he wins,

whatever polo shirt or whatever brand he's got, he should
take that off and still have on the orange.

Speaker 7 (23:12):
That's kind of cold blood. I'm with you there, I'm
with you there. Talk about in spite of overcoming the odds.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
Because what, Eddie, do you know that happen to know
when they're planning on starting round two here? Like does
he have time to get back to the course, get
a couple of practice hacks in?

Speaker 5 (23:32):
And I just cannot believe the PGA Tour would allow
this to happen.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
I mean, you got something, dude.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
The NFL allowed who was charged before the before the
Pro Bowl.

Speaker 5 (23:49):
He played in the game. Yeah, that's it looks like
they full well knew what was going on. They went
it so at some point after the game.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
Eddie, weren't you at that Pro Bowl in Vegas that
Alvin Kamara played in? No?

Speaker 9 (23:59):
I think it was your before God was it the
last one? Where they actually like had pads on and stuff.
Was that it was at it that that was the
last The next year they had the flag before they
started the flag football.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
I think I think you were there, okay, yeah, Like
so who knew that you that all ties together? You
were there for that?

Speaker 1 (24:14):
Aside, I'm the only one that looks the PGA tour
of this and just goes.

Speaker 5 (24:17):
How does this happen?

Speaker 1 (24:18):
Like, how do you let your number one player in
the world, but maybe the best player, well for sure
the best player on the tour right now?

Speaker 5 (24:26):
How do you let this happen?

Speaker 1 (24:28):
How do you not intervene with the police and just
figure this out?

Speaker 9 (24:32):
So to answer your question, Jonas, Uh, so they're there,
were scheduled to get the second round underway like now,
but it's also raining as well in Louisville, So I
don't know if that's gonna affect things. Well, it's gonna
effect play, but will it will it be delayed further?
I don't know Scotty Scheffler's second round tea time was it?
I think eight forty eight Eastern time? That was before

the delay, So I don't if he's been released already
as uh, Lisa As he saw online. Uh, he is.
Maybe it is possible he could get back in time
for his uh, for his opening. He may literally not
obviously get to go to the driving range and get ready,
but he should be driving anyways, Well he was driving earlier.

No driving, Yeah, no, no driving.

Speaker 2 (25:20):

Speaker 1 (25:22):
By the way, more details about the meat wagons arrest.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
Call it so he can't call in. He doesn't. He
doesn't have five minutes to spare to call in.

Speaker 5 (25:31):
No, he doesn't.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
And I asked what I said before you put in
an orange jump suit? He said, no, he goes, it
didn't go that far. My mugsholl was not publicly released.
He goes, I wasn't a holdingself like twenty five other guys.

Speaker 2 (25:45):
So he goes.

Speaker 5 (25:47):
It was pretty tight fit.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
In there and no tease as to what he did
to be arrested. But it was. It clearly wasn't as
bad as Scottie Schefter supposedly. But no, I went on
to draft Kings because you know, there's a way you can.

Speaker 5 (26:02):
Take advantage of what are his odds right now?

Speaker 2 (26:04):
So he was to win the tournament a plus six
point fifty literally in a matter of fifteen seconds. I
saw the odds move to plus seven hundred and then
to plus eight hundred. So these degenerates around the country
are on DraftKings right now. Going listen, he was just
in cuffs. There's no way he's gonna win this, and
so the odds have decreased for Scheffler. It makes me

want to bet him. I want to bet him.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
You should, But I also think there warrants another question
depending on how long he's gonna be there, if he's
not already been released.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
I saw the much released and released the weights.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
At one hundred and seventy pounds. I don't think he'd
farewell in jail.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
That is pretty light. Oh well, come on, didn't you
say it was released Lee?

Speaker 6 (26:49):
According to some reports, we're making sure to confirm that.
But I also see from Jason Soibel that his new
tea time is at ten oh eight am.

Speaker 7 (26:57):
He's got plenty of times, so they adjusted his tea time.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
That's plenty of time. Can you see how far away
that is? That?

Speaker 5 (27:03):
That's Eastern time, right, So.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
Yeah, correct, he's got about hour and a half. Can
you and how and how far away is the Louisville
Police Department from the from Valhalla?

Speaker 5 (27:13):
The golf course does that really matter that much?

Speaker 1 (27:16):
Can you not answer the question, how do you think
he'd fare in jail if he had to spend you know,
significant amount of Probably not well?

Speaker 2 (27:22):
Oh, no, that he was Jim pop. I mean, I'm sorry,
what jim pop? That's Jim pop? Ya. I don't know
who a gym pop is. I do know, it's really no,
I've never been in jail. General population. Ah, I think
you said GM pop pop. I didn't say gym pop.
All right, so general population? Yeah, yeah, one hundred and

seventy pounds. I mean, unless he's you know, got a
mean right hand, still a good enough.

Speaker 5 (27:48):
He said, when you go to jail, you got to
either make someone your your pig.

Speaker 7 (27:52):
Yeah, well that was that was also kind of playing
out with Nasty Nate and squirrel Master and Half Baked
you know what I mean, because they was coming for
his fruit cocktail.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
Yeah, you know what I mean? That's dead. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (28:06):
I'm seeing right now from where he's being held to
the Valhalla Golf Club.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
It's about a twenty six minute drive, but.

Speaker 5 (28:12):
It's really on top of this morning.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
Here's some days where, like you could tell Lee went
out the night before and Lee didn't do anything last night.

Speaker 2 (28:20):
It's true, it was very boring.

Speaker 5 (28:21):
Hey, he's got glasses on.

Speaker 2 (28:24):
Let me tell you something.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
Is Johnny on the spot with all the answers, but
he actually got upset about questioning about.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Gin said, let me like, there's one thing that you
can doubt how fast Lee will be on It's definitely
not jungle juice or how long it takes to get
from a jail to a golf course. All Right, he
is on it, and you cannot second guess that based
on what his performance has been this morning. Real MVP
of the show, lead to laugh as we break down

Scottie Scheffler's arrest on his way to a golf tournament. There, So, yeah,
plus eight hundred for those of you that want to
take it vantage of a guy who just spent time
in jail, and.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Where is that amongst the rest of the betting odds
favorites h third?

Speaker 13 (29:08):
So uh so, hold on, hold on, just real quick,
what other golfer can get arrested day of it still
remained third to win to win a major.

Speaker 2 (29:19):
By the way, if you're if you're like Colin marrikaua,
if you're Brooks Koepka, you're the defendant. Yeah, well, Shopley's
the favorite at plus two twenty five and then Rory's
sitting at plus four fifty. Like if you're if you're
Brooks Koepka and you're the defending champ, are you not
looking around going Hold on a second, you think.

Speaker 5 (29:37):
It's more you forget that? I mean, think about this.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
He's had a baby, Scotty Scheffler's wife had a baby.

Speaker 5 (29:44):
That's why he took a little time off.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
This is his first tournament back, and now he gets
arrested before his second one.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
Like, these guys there can't beat him, Like you guys
think it's more likely that he's gonna win this tournament
and he was just in jail than me. If that's
not motivation enough, I don't know what to tell these guys.
It's so much fun, man, I mean, listen, you know
there was a fatality involved, so that's you know, obviously.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
That's obviously here, but we're we're not talking about that.
We're talking about something completely separate from that.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
This is uh, this is a wild.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
You know what though, just when LeVar thought he was
not gonna have to talk about golf, LaVar, did I
tell you that Tiger Woods was playing Yeah, no, I
saw that.

Speaker 2 (30:25):
I heard his kid was playing too. Did he make
the cut? Yeah? Did he make the cut? I'm jo kidding, Charlie.
Are you out there? Well, I mean listen, if you
are somebody who covers this event, like Amanda Blonas or
somebody like that, like at least you've got you know,
like a reasonable Yeah, everything covered, real in depth, in

depth coverage there.

Speaker 7 (30:50):
I really enjoyed this segment about talking about golf. Honestly,
it is the first time I've ever enjoyed talking golf.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
And by the way, I just I.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
Just think the audacity of the fact that he's still
one of the top three betting favorites to win with
everything that's going on in his life right now outside of.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
Golf, Willis, Willis Reid and the Jordan flu game can
kiss my ass. If Sheffler pulls this.

Speaker 1 (31:13):
Scottish Sheffler wins the PJA champions arrest is wonderful.

Speaker 7 (31:18):
From orange jumpsuit to number one trophy and tournament.

Speaker 5 (31:25):
Could you imagine this is like the biggest trophy in golf.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
Could you imagine the photos, the memes and stuff that
are going to come from that mug shot with the
Trophy if he wins it.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
Oh god, this is this is And also the people
that were there in gen Pop, which is general population
for those of you who don't know. For the people
that were there in Gen Pop, Scottishffler like, they're probably
thinking of themselves, like, hey man, there's hope for me too.
I can get out of here and go somewhere. Yeah,
give me a couple of million.

Speaker 5 (31:54):
It's amazing.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Wow. Also, the Ravens aren't happy about their schedule, so
there's about that. Yeah, don't mention that. Damn it, Scotty.
Scheffler's odds just went down to plus five fifty. Now
down to plus five hundred. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
Or now there's a thought that he wasn't going to
be able to uh continue playing, but now he should
be should be back to the course here in about
fifteen twenty minutes.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Now it's down to plus four fifty. Yeah, it's a
tremendous man. Well, look, uh have fun, Scotty. We're rooting
for you. It is two pros and a cup of Joe.
Here on Fox Sports Radio, LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas
Knox with you. We close up shop with another edition
of you in and you out right here next dot FSR.

Speaker 11 (32:36):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.

Speaker 2 (32:48):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you. If you
missed any of this show and it's been a weird one,
check out the podcast you just search Fox Sports Radio
search two Pros wherever you get your podcast. Be sure
to also follow, rate and review the pod. Again, just
search two Pros wherever you get your podcast. You'll see

this show posted right after we get off the air.
We'll be back on the air coming up on Monday,
six am Eastern time, three o'clock Pacific. But right now
it's time for.

Speaker 3 (33:17):
This Two Pros in a Cup of show?

Speaker 2 (33:21):
What even enough?

Speaker 3 (33:23):
If they're in a please or if they're out?

Speaker 2 (33:27):
All right, Lee to lab. What do we got? Well,
we had a lot of stuff.

Speaker 6 (33:29):
We got the beginning of the NCAA softball tournament as
it started this week.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Softball, Yeah, and.

Speaker 5 (33:38):
Okay out there's just too much other stuff going on.
Very sure this whole golfer us situation going on Hockey NBA.

Speaker 2 (33:48):
By the way, Lee, what's the detail you have on
the Scotti Scheffler arrest according to Darlington?

Speaker 6 (33:53):
Yeah, according to Darlington, who of course was an eyewitness,
was that when he was trying to go around what
he thought was security but ended up being a police.
They tried to stop him, he kept on going and
then an officer attached himself to his vehicle. I don't
know if that means on the hood or whatnot, but
was trying to pull him out of the window and
he went ten yards or so with the with the
officer attached.

Speaker 2 (34:14):
Oh w on the vehicle. Oh wow?

Speaker 5 (34:20):
Why is an officer was so important? Jeez?

Speaker 6 (34:26):
I like how Darlington put it in yards too when
he described, yeah, I can't.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Let the football go.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
That's a well, no, it's golf too. Though.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
They got to do a deep dive on that officer.
I'd be willing to guarantee here live on the air
that that guy had money on Xander Shopley to win
the tournament and that's why he was trying to drag
Scottie Scheffler out of.

Speaker 5 (34:49):
A war vehicle.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
Maybe he was trying to inflate the odds of Scheffler winning.

Speaker 5 (34:53):
Maybe they're in on this together.

Speaker 2 (34:55):
Fairpoint, So they did this whole.

Speaker 5 (34:57):
Thing to pump up those odds to plus eight hundre.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
By the way, easily the most interesting golf story in
the last twenty years.

Speaker 5 (35:04):
That's not true.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
What else you got the fitting day for this?

Speaker 6 (35:09):
Because there's a lot of traffic jams both here in
southern California and in Kentucky. It's bike to work day.
I don't know if you guys ever are in or
out on bike to you?

Speaker 5 (35:18):
Do you have a bike to work?

Speaker 6 (35:19):
I would if we were at would you ride an
outpack of to work? I would walk with an outpack
of a word. I'd bring an olt pack of a
workday labar.

Speaker 2 (35:31):
How long would it take you to bike to work? Oh?
That hoday, so it would be over. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (35:38):
Yeah, we're not going to make it unless I start
it now and plant on being there about Monday.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
I used to ride a bike to Toys r US
when I worked there. Did you Yeah, where'd you put
your bike when you went to work? Locked it up
outside the right aid that was across the way from
Why would you lock it up away from where you
work because you could see it out the front window
and where the bike rack was next to toyt.

Speaker 7 (36:03):
If somebody would have touched your bike on that bike rack,
would you have done anything? Would you have gone out there?

Speaker 5 (36:08):

Speaker 2 (36:08):
Yeah, I would have been the cop holding onto the
handlebars like Scottie Scheffler. Oh okay, probably would have got
drugged ten yards. Okay, you know, humble beginnings.

Speaker 6 (36:18):

Speaker 2 (36:18):
You guys would know anything about that.

Speaker 7 (36:19):
I'm not in on biking to work, by the way,
I'm out. I'm out on that.

Speaker 5 (36:23):
I'm not against it. I just uh, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (36:26):
It's it's gonna be in the right time, place and proximity.

Speaker 5 (36:30):
To where you're going.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (36:32):
I think I think it's fun to ride a bike.
You know, it takes you back to your childhood days.

Speaker 2 (36:36):
Do you still have one with no seat? Or is
that not?

Speaker 5 (36:39):
What was that the bike you tried.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
To get me? You guys say that conversation for off
air an you want to borrow mine.

Speaker 7 (36:46):
I guess I got some opinions for you on that one,
right there.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Jonas. Yeah, as I walk out the door going home.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
I really thought Jonas was going to lead into the
Scotti Shfler being in jail a little a little harder.

Speaker 7 (37:01):
He really didn't, because he'd be riding a bicycle with
no no seat on.

Speaker 1 (37:06):
You had to bring in something that had nothing to
do with Scottie Cheffin.

Speaker 2 (37:10):
I'm just trying to I'm just trying to get over
thinking about people running across n If.

Speaker 7 (37:16):
He's in jail, you need to stay away from them
bicycles with no seats on them.

Speaker 2 (37:20):
I think that's the point of the story. Oh, man, Lee,
what else we got? I don't know.

Speaker 6 (37:28):
Out out out number of movies you can catch this weekend,
we got the Strangers. Strangers Chapter one was a horror
movie Back to Black The whoa film about a white
Amy white House store. Or Imaginary Friends are if which
stands stands for imaginary friends? Did you guys have imaginary
friends growing up? Or do your children have imaginary friends?

Speaker 2 (37:48):
No, I'm not a loser.

Speaker 7 (37:51):
So now imagine Amy wine House. It sounds interesting, But
I'm out.

Speaker 2 (37:58):
What a last name for her? Uh? Dang? Is it
too soon? I'm just saying like, I'm just saying, what
else we got? That's it? Tyson Furry using I'm out
of here.
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