All Episodes

May 17, 2024 38 mins

Jason and Mike give you two big takeaways from Caitlin Clark’s WNBA home debut.  An Ohtani bobble-head from tonight's game has already been sold on eBay for $1249.00. And the T-Wolves beat the Nuggets by nearly 50 points to force Game 7!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon at Fox Sports
Radio dot com, or stream us live every night on
the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Greetings, Happy nicks Eve. Is that what it is? Jason
Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. What's the
Hurricane score? Live? From the title. They didn't play tonight.
I don't know if you saw that. They didn't play.
They didn't play in the third period. I didn't play tonight.
That was awful. That was just wow. That's psychological. That
was awful.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
You came in looking all stunned. I thought you got
shut out trying to get an o tawny bobble ho
man had.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
I had to watch the Mets give up the lead
twice and DS again in the nine, and then I
had to watch a natural hat trick in the third period,
and I'm going my team is going to lose again.
Another year of being a Stanley Cup favorite, and we're
going to lose again in the second round of the place.
Diz need to change in entry music or what just
needs more time? He just did not. I mean he's
kind who closing game? No, no, well no, he's coming

back from a year away from from his achilles and
stuff just isn't quite there. He's not. Look, he hit
a guy to tie the game. You know, a couple
of days coming. No, but he needs a little bit
of time to get back in And I get it.
And the thing is, the bullpen's been great. It's just this,
this is one of those days. But yeah, how did
we get to the Mets May sixteenth? But I know, buddy,
I me, we get the joke. And then he went

on and piled on him on how crappy his day was.
It was Jason, what did I tell you two months ago?
And you said, no way in hell? What did you
tell me that you guys would almost have the same
record as the A's. I think you guys have identical wins. Well, hey,
we're better than the Astros. If you told me, hey,
you're better than the Astro all right, man? Yeah, yeah,

we haven't had a player busted for a bad glove.
I mean yet we don't have shars or anymore. So
I think it's okay, We'll be all right. We're locked
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Tirec dot Com the way tire buying should be. Yeah,
a little upset. The Hurricanes were going to the third pier.

I'm like, we're going to force game seven. We're gonna
come down from three zip and force game seven against
a team that I don't like, maybe just as much
as I don't like Georgetown and from being a fan
growing up. And then the Rangers score four goals in
the third period and Criner as a natural hat trick,
and I'm saying myself, this is another year where where
Stanley Cup dreams and we lose early of the playoffs.

I just have to understand that, Carrol. We're just a
regular season good team. Like there's good teams, there's playoff
cont ten, and then there's seems that you're good in
the regular season when the playoffs come. Yeah, we're a
regular season good Well, you know what at least you're
excitable for eighty two games. Yeah, no, I have that.
And in the end, so you have that, And in
the end, what do I say? I got the Knicks, man,

I got a lot on my plate right now. But
it's all been about bridges since we've been doing this show.
How do I build a bridge from?

Speaker 3 (03:17):
It's funny I bring up bridges. We get another boat
getting running into a bridge. But when we have these
these conversations about your psyche as a fan, it's always
the how do I bridge from one team to the next?

Speaker 1 (03:31):
Yeah? Yeah, like I said, so, you really need the
Knicks to at least survive another week. Then everything else
is melting down. I told you last night, I need
the Knicks to take me past the Mets and like
jet plane over the Mets to get to the Jets.
Able to get that of the Jets, I don't know
that that's gonna happen me. You had rookie meaning camp.
I don't think they're scheduled to show up again. You
get to one more round of the playoffs, and then

we get into the end of the season and and
and we were awagh, and then the Jets are coming
to camp in a month. Okay, well Rogers mediums No, no, no,
don't because it's every show that it works. Those are
those are the Those are the four most dangerous words
to the New York Jets this year Aaron Rodgers media appearance.

Those are you can't you can't have those, we can't
have those. Those are four words that make my skin
just go ah. What did he say? What's going on?
What are we doing? What are we doing? I heard
he's going on Kremlin TV. I think he probably is.
I think he's there. Oh I thought you said. I
thought you said we're gonna have to go to the
Kremlin mission impossible? For what if he's hanging out with
Steven Seagal, he might be, He might be, man, I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (04:36):
It might help him avoid the turf monster that got
him last year.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Maybe he's going to be the villain in Steven Saggal's
next movie. And he says he doesn't watch Adult Liar exactly.

Speaker 4 (04:49):

Speaker 1 (04:50):
But we'll begin with the NBA tonight, because look, like
we said last night, the NBA has a playoff problem.
Too many blowouts, too many stars not playing for different reasons.
And this is why it's a it's an issue and
and when a sport needs to be playing its best
at its most critical time, when they have the most
eyeballs on it. Eventually, this is why ratings decrease. This

is why the NFL jumps on Christmas Day and the
NBA has got a playoff problem, the blowouts. Even in
close series, the games aren't like this Timberwolves Nugget series,
which now the t Wolves lead early in the third quarter,
by twenty four sixty six forty two, middle of the
middle of the third quarter. And even though this series
is gonna end, is gonna be three to three, there

have been no games that have been good, no games
that have been fun to watch. No, get boy, I
love this series.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
I mean we've gotten this season great highlight reas stuff
from either tease highlight. Hey in the final minute, let's
go through this sequence. No, I mean, really, do you
need to watch these games? Or can you just check
in on it and if it's close at the end,
tune in. That's what the NBA playoffs has become.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
It's become a check in after the initial excitement of
the first round of the playoffs, where you watch you
get to games like this. If you're not if you're
not a Denver or Minnesota fan. Are you tuning in
the beginning to watch this game or is it just man,
every game someone's winning by a blot. I'm sure the
Nuggets will win by a blot tonight, but it's not.
It's a Teals winning by a blowout. But twenty four
point games, man, that's that's really really difficult. I mean,

that's really difficult to say, Hey, I'm invested in this
in the NBA playoffs, it's very very hard.

Speaker 3 (06:24):
I mean, we have had a couple of games decided
in this series by fewer than ten points, so I mean,
you know, a couple. I'm trying. I'm trying hard, Ringo,
it is. I'm trying real hard to be. I'm trying
to be and walking us through. But yeah, there have
been some absolute disasters. And and here's another one. You
saw the rebounding efforts in the first half Tea Wolves

coming out by Conley making his return. As we had
we had been talking about his importance to this squad.
Twenty one minutes, seven points for assists, nothing world beating,
but Edwards tonight twenty one points thus far and already
a thirty nine to twenty two rebounding advantage for Minnesota.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
So they answered the bell.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
I'll give him credit after the last game, and we
certainly did critique a bunch of the post game sound
where everybody seemed resigned to yell one, two three can kun.
At some point it was like it was coded, like
you had to go through. It's like, all right, where
did he actually say can? Where did he say it?
It's there? I swear it's an invisible aan kid.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
But look again, this is why and not to make
it about the Knicks. What happy Nicks eve again. By
the way, it's been six minutes, but that series has
gotten all our attention because the games have been just
a little bit closer. It's not like all these games
are really close. They've just ls a little bit close
to the last two games. But at least they give
you drama. But at least they gave you trauma. Was

where PJ. Car Lissimo's son was gonna golf. This is
like as Europe night throw you brought. You heard him
tell that story, and it's like the third night in
a row. Because that's the ga you've got to stretch time.
But even when so that's what they've had to do
in each of these last two games. Hey, what's what
did you get off the menu? No, but he's read
page four the game factory menu. Wow, there's a lot

of pages. I'm just saying, like, that's kind of where
these five minutes, you're not even in the appetizers. Yet
on page four you're you're still in, Like, hey, here's food, food, drinks.
Like that's you're you're still there. Hey, he's actually say,
be kind of cool. But no. But look, that's why
even in the big blowouts, there's still stories and there's

still hatred between the two teams. They can't stand each
other at least the hell out. But we didn't even
get that for the Minnesota and Denver it's oh man,
what are they gonna say? And what are you going?
Anthony Edwards, Hey, I gotta give you Kich his flowers.
He's great. Wait, what what about you can't stand the
guy you need to be? What what is that you'll
getch is more upset at the m v P trophy
then he's at what this is what we get in

the Nickson pages. I want to kill you, but it's
gonna like a big war and I'm gonna have a
mace and you're gonna have a sword and you're gonna
have a big speared. We're gonna fight and we're it's
gonna be like Anchorman, and in this series it's Hey, Wow,
these guys are great. Oh okay, g thanks a lot.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
He did say he was tired of Aaron Gordon the
other day. We did get that. As for Jokiic, you
you obliquely referenced it there talking about getting the MVP trophy, saying,
I don't understand why people cry about this. I mean whatever,
I let give the trophy for my horses to play with.
I mean that was kind of cool.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Uh. We'll have more on that story coming up, because
there is a lot to get to with nikoley Jokic
MVP trophy story, because I think those comments may cost
him any future MVP.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
I think he was already resigned to the fact that
he probably wasn't getting another one.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
I don't think that's gonna happen for him. They were
reticent to give him the third one. I guess we'll
give it to We can't give it to SGA. He
plays for all the city. What are we gonna do now?
We screwed the guy last year. Give it to Luca.
I don't know, I mean he won a title. Give
him his a yeah, I don't know, I guess, and
now we're done with him. They wash my hands in
my vote with you eight seven seven ninety nine on

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from the game, and we can hold our breath, we

can exhale. After a loose ball, Anthony Edwards was down
on the floor for a good few minutes, laying face
down and just kind of writhing a little bit, not
moving a lot. You had the emergency personnel out on
the floor looking at him. Probably was just dinged up
a little bit, because after a few minutes he got up,

just hit a couple of free throws sixty seven to
forty two. But certainly it looked a little weird there
for a couple of minutes as we're wondering, okay, is
he getting what what's happening here? They're looking at him,
was moving a lot Like first I thought he get
knocked unconscious because his face is like laying on the
y on the on the on the floor, and it's like,
what is what is happening here? But in the end
he's up, he's playing again. He just said free throws.

He's out and and he looks to be fine. Uh
so this is all good news. We continue on with
this game.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
That's kind of like when you and I are in
here for Monday, Thursday, wait, Friday or Tuesday night football.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Uh, whatever happens. We see stuff in.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
Live and in living color, and it's like, wow, that's
a big hit. That guy's down and then it takes
a second and they pop back up with the NBA.
How many times have we seen it? And certainly wish
say on anybody, I'm not even saying it. I know
you were going to go No, no, no, it doesn't
need to be said.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
America knows where we're gonna come out here. No, no, no,
it's where mine was. Anthony Davis whenever he senses he
might be injured, he runs off the court. He always
always run. You know, I'm going right off the court
to get with that larger point was just I recognize
it to be in general, you're feeling you're in your

fields about a D. I get that, but it's it's
become commonplace in the NBA. I'm taking my minute. It's
like soccer has come to the NBA in terms of
injuries and guys when they go to the court, they
lay there for a minute or two. I'm not saying
anything out, but he was. I don't know, but the
thing is, he was laying Here's why I knew. I said, Okay,

he's he's he's got to feel it, he's got to
need needs a couple of minutes, because he was laying
in a very uncomfortable position. Where if you're gonna be
down and you're gonna find a way to lay in
a comfortable position, you're not gonna lay to make comfortable
position the comfortable. How is laying with your face down
buried into the floor comfortable? Only if you're two years old?
Can you sleep like that? They can't sleep like that? Now,

come on, he's in his twenties. Can't do that anymore.
You don't, No, you can't do it. Let's listen, Michael
Jordan slept like that after winning the championship. That's banging
his fist on the floor and everything. That's one of
my big pet peece in movies is when people wake
up the positions they're sleeping, and that they wake up
from them, Like, who sleeps in that position? Nobody sleeps
with one arm behind their back and their mouth all

the way open, with their head hanging over the bed.
Nobody's big sleep. Nobody sleeps that way. Nobody, Nobody every day, Nobody.
Everybody sleeps like. Nobody sleeps that way? No Frostburg, Who
eats that way? David Household, This is a mess, very nice.

Jason Smith Show is My Mess read by Carbon Live
the Tirec dot Com studio. So Yes play has resumed
in Minnesota. Is a sixty nine forty eight lead. Teables
with the big lead just over seven minutes ago in
the third. Will have more on this game coming up,
but straight ahead. It was Caitlin Clark's home debut tonight.
How did it go? We'll tell you that's next Jason

in My Fox.

Speaker 2 (14:01):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 4 (14:12):
Hey it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. You ask, what in God's name
is the Fifth Hour, I'll tell you it's a spin
off of The Ben Maler Show, a cult hit overnights
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Speaker 1 (14:27):
Why should you listen? Picture if you will a world will.

Speaker 4 (14:29):
We chat with captains of industry in media, sports, and
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Speaker 1 (14:35):
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Speaker 4 (14:37):
Listen to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller or the
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Speaker 1 (14:42):
Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon live from the tirag dot Com Studios, Minnesota,
in control over Denver, eighty one fifty five, two and
a half to go in the third quarter. Looks like
we're headed to Game seven. Now say it looks like
well sometime left which things happened. Yeah, Yeah, but Denver

might hit a shot, might get a rebound. Yeah, But
this is a yeah, this is a twenty four point league.
This is the crew.

Speaker 3 (15:10):
Where back in Game two, Minnesota was just beating the
crap out of the Denver players. Yeah yeah, and when
Jamal Murray started to lose his mind and all of
that stuff.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
So I'm telling you, man, Scott Foster is like a
fireman in the playoffs, like he's he's got all right,
the call could come at any time. The guy we
got series out here that need to go a certain way.
I am. I'm ready for that phone call, whatever it is.
Whatever it is, Well, that one's not him tonight, No,
he's there. I always liked the you know, when he
gets to the microphone and has to do the review,

he is not going to cheat you on word count.
I bet you. I bet you. He's kind of like
in the beginning of Breaking Bed when Walter had the
two phones and he kept one secret from Skyler and
she found out when he was in the hospital getting
surgery and she goes, oh, where's your phone? He says,
which one? Actually, Scott Foster he has his phone, and
then he's got the Adam Silver phone. Any like I

would walk around if I was single, go, you see
this is my cell phone. Yeah that's great, but you
see what this phone is. With this phone, I can
change the world with this it's all bedazzled or is it?
Or is it like in uh Indiana Jones? And then
you know the last Crusading where it's it's the no, the.

Speaker 3 (16:25):
Simple Carpenter's cutlip.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
It's a Nick's logo on it.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
Yeah, no, no, that's not that's the song. So it's
this phone clip phone that looks like it's been beaten.
The hell that phone with a Nick's logo on it.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Yep. And this phone rings, it glows phone rings. You
just wait, I gotta talk into the right phone. Uh so,
you know, but remember he's always there break last in
case emergency. But here we are likely headed to Game
seven again. A minute to go on the third, eighty
three fifty seven. It's been all Minnesota from the jump

in this game now eighty six fifty seven. I have
a feeling we're going to see maybe Alex English play
in the fourth quarter a little bit Ooh clear the bench,
let's go. Who do we get? But Caitlin Clark had
her home debut tonight for the Indiana fever. Yes she did,
and TJ I got a fever and the only prescription
is a few days off so they stop losing games.

Liberty the New York Liberty, who's one of the top
teams in the WNBA. Again, Indiana opening up against two
of the best teams in the WNBA. They don't just lose,
they lose like this game, oneh two to sixty six
Brianna Stewart thirty one points and ten rebounds. Caitlin Clark's
home debut not completely terrible. She scored nine points. She

only turned the ball over three times, so that's a big,
important good. Yeah. She was nine points, six assists, seven rebounds,
two out of eight from the floor, five personal fouls,
one of seven from five point range here. So it's
not a great deby. It's not a great first couple
of games. But they're fun. These games are fine. Caitlyn
Clark getting used to the w NBA. Yes, it's going

to happen. She had two preseason games, right, the WNBA
is no preseason. You play two games, we're getting ready
to go. It's like the NFL, let's go. But but
she's fine. The game's not too big for her, and
and she's getting to handle the ball. The one thing
I will say is, boy, some of these foul calls.
If you're like every time she sticks that hand in.
It's a whistle no matter what. And you know sometimes

I think, ah, did you really now some foul sharing
and it's it's their stupid fouls, Like what are you doing?
You know, watching her tonight, Like okay, you know that's
a ridiculous play. You s hard to get mad first
time Kaitlyn Clark is screaming at the ref didn't like
a couple of cars.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
I mean, you can go back and find a little
super film from them your first game.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Yeah, you got her yelling at the refs and I felt,
you know, she sticks her hand in any gonna foul,
so a little bit with the tiki tag fouls continuing again,
that's something she'll get used to. But it's also the
thing you like.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
I mean, you've coached your your daughter's soccer team, you
coach softball.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
As always, they're consistent.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
Right, If we're gonna call tiki tag little reach in balls,
then let's let's make sure we're doing this.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Yeah, and let's make it a whistle fast and make
it all about you. If that's what they want to do.
Let's just agree that this game is gonna be about you.
Miss this game tonight, sure, mitter Otherwise, let them play
now again, you're gonna see a lot of Oh, Diana
Tarassi was right, Yes, of course, there always is a
welcome to the NBA, welcome to the NFL, welcome to

the w NBA. But that I think was everybody took
it as the big am in his big bad Guyana
Tarazi saying, well, blike you rook No was like, no,
it is a step up in class. Yeah, no, it had.
I mean there was a reality kind of moment of hey,
it's it's a different league. We'll see how it happens. Yeah,
that's that's absolutely fine. And looking there's two takeaways from this.

It's too big to understand about Caitlin Clark and and
this early party. Why is she not scoring thirty one points?
Why are team not winning? First thing? First is, oh,
by the way, how quickly have we gone to? WNBA
games are nightly highlights and nightly staples of talking about them,
whether it's Caitlyn Clark, whether it's Angel Reese, whether it's
Kelsey Plumb. Who now, hey make room at the table

for Kelsey Plum. You know her endorsement deals. Yeah, you're
seeing new stars coming out. Man. Darren Waller's an idiot. Well,
Darren Paller's Jesus, he's just been getting tagged all over
social media. You're rough forty eight. But look, you have
now seen the Caitlin Clark effect. Now where WNBA games
are nightly highlights, they're nightly stories. Their stuff we pay

attention to. They have sudden relevance all because Caitlin Clark
is in the league. And it's great that now we're
opening up and talking about other players. Right. Angel Reese's
debut was a big deal and she was fine. Kelsey
Plum's a huge star and she's not the starting with dealer,
got a bunch of run on the local news, and exactly,
it's awesome. It's awesome that that's the case, because, like

I told you, she was going to have a magic
and Larry like effect on the w n B A
and here we are. The w NBA has now gotten
Now they said next week they're gonna have charter flights
for everybody. It's taken care of, and now you're part
of the every night highlight in sports. Right, it's a great,
great time. She's already having that effect. So that's the
first takeaway. The second one is this, you want to

know why reason No one's talking about Caitlin Clark's not
scoring thirty teams not winning. There's just one problem. There's
just there's just one problem, because I have problem. No, no, no,
So you're gonna nail it down to one thing. There's
just one reason. There's just one reason. You're going all
curly one thing. Yes, there's goals, let's go, Jack Pallins.

What's that one thing? I don't know, but curly new
there's only one thing.

Speaker 3 (21:45):
One one thing. You're gonna nail it down to brass
tax right here.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
One thing. There's only is only one thing that that
that's really like island. There can be only one, only one,
only one. You got and you cut somebody's head off
to be the next. So you cut somebody's head off,
you become the next Highlander. Well then you have the quickening,
so you get all their power. Okay, all right, good, okay.
So it's kind of like in time when you do
the you do the Wrestlelake. Okay, I just want to

love your baby. There's only one thing.

Speaker 3 (22:12):
Justin Timberlake didn't have songs, an original concept by queen.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
I just want to love your baby. No, that's how
he sounds. It is not tim Timberlake sounds. I'm saying
it was good, But go ahead, it's amazing. I'm in
this space with you. Yeah, tried to back, it didn't work.
Let's go. There's only one thing. One thing. There's one
thing behind this case, one vision. There's one moment that
no one is talking about, and it's it's something that
you're not gonna say, you're gonna go.

Speaker 3 (22:37):
It's very element I mean, you're saying that this is
the explain it to me like I'm a five year old.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
You in a moment, you are not gonna walk away
from this and saying oh, well no, no, no, no, okay.
This is not three body problems where you have to
figure out what is what what's going on? I understand
with forces and gravitational pulls and when are the aliens
coming out? It's very very simple. All right, there's one
problem it down. Come on now the Indiana Fever. Yeah stink,

that's the problem. Well they stink, right.

Speaker 3 (23:09):
They played the number two and three teams from last season, right,
the Aces were number one, the Ace of Spades, and
then you had the Sun and and now the Liberty.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
So yeah, they stink and I'm not saying they stink
because wow, they're underachieving. No, this is a team that stinkses.
There's a reason why they had the number one pick
in the w NBA draft. And yes, Caitlin Clark is
a transformative player. But this is the first two games
and you're playing two of the best teams in the
league with established superstar players like Stuart and i Escue.

I mean, these are star players. Your team stinks. I
mean it's just a case that's not I mean, it's
not a shot at anybody. It's just true. Stuart former
guest of the show. I mean the fever just not good.
They're not no good.

Speaker 3 (23:59):
I mean even back to back years where you get
bringing a Leah Boston who was fantastic, we watched her
college career, and now you add Caitlin Clark.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
All right, that's two. Yeah, you need a little bit
more and it takes a little bit of time. But
that's the main issue is that, Hey, okay, it's like,
look think about this Wenby shows up with San Antonio. Oh,
Wenby Wenby. Wenby Wenby was unbelievable, right, Rookie of the Year,
he was unanimous. This guy within By, this time next
year will be saying he's one of the top three

players in the league and it's not even gonna be
a debate that's how good he is. But the Spurs
won nineteen well they won as many games as they did.
I mean to earn the rights to get him. There's
only one problem with Wemby. One problem the Spurs thing.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
That's the problem. That's what happens. The starting lineup for
the Fever. They scored forty points. They were outscored thirty
five to ten.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
Yeah, yeah, it wasn't good. It wasn't good. Look watching
this game, you can see, Okay, one team is clearly
at a higher level and this team is figuring it out.
And when you're not good, it's harder to find space
to get shots because there's nobody, Hey, we have to
worry about here. We got to play the defense got
to be a little sag a little bit. It's not like, Hey,
Caitlin Clark is the best player on IOWA and and

you're playing teams that are about as good as you,
and she's still gonna find a way to get open
and have screen set for it everything else. It's quite
different in the pros when hey, there's a reason why
we've won all these games. This is not We just
don't let you run around and take shots like this.
So as the fever get a little bit better, yeah,
you're gonna see more space on the floor. For Caitlyn Clark,
she's already cut down in the turnovers in a big

way after her first game. She's learning, she's picking it up.
It's fine, but understand that the fever aren't good. They're
not gonna win a lot of games. And really it's
not anything that's abnormal in basketball. A team that picks
first in the lottery generally doesn't just jump to you, now,
we're gonna win the whole league. It doesn't happen that way.

Speaker 4 (26:02):

Speaker 3 (26:02):
Gedually you get a little bit of uh luck with
the ping pong balls to where a team that's kind
of just inside of the lottery fourteen jumps all the
way to one that doesn't happen very often normally. It
is and I'm not gonna say it's you know, an
Ocean's eleven scheme where they're waiting down.

Speaker 1 (26:19):
A ball, but I drop and it just stays on the.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
Ground ping pong ball, and suddenly they're they're injecting it
with the lead. Bobby God, you've seen Wills doesn't pop up,
Wills is popping That one's.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
Just kind of rolling around the Hey there it is
Indiana fever not going overall.

Speaker 3 (26:40):
There you have it, but just the idea that you're
gonna make a huge jump in the NFL. Yeah, we
get because of the idea of parody, the amount of
movement in free agency and the draft, all of it
comes together to where we get worse to first within divisions. Right,
almost every year we get a handful of teams that
have the opportunity, which leaves hope for you know, the

Bears and the Jets and whatever.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Else that they could rise up. But it's it's not as.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
Easy in these other sports, and especially you know when
you're on the learning curve. Right, Boston's in year two.
Hey she's got her Sea legs. And for Caitlyn Clark,
I mean, you're gonna get everybody's best punch. And the
first two rounds were against two of the best three
teams returning from a year. Now it's good continuity. You're

also trying to navigate and it's not excuse making you're
you're just going reasons versus excuses. And it's been bad basketball, right,
I mean, Caitlyn Clark has not played well, Like, you
can't excuse it altogether, but it's a learning curve.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
What's gonna get me in foul trouble? Back to back
game she's in foul trouble? Ergo.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
You know, you're not as aggressive on defense and even
on offense. All those sets kind of go away that
you're expecting to have that same kind of can.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
You get to the hoopkay? Can you go to the
hoop as strong knowing that your next file is your
third I mean, and it's look, it's it's it's all
part of it, it's all, it's all part of it.
But mainly, just understand that even when you're transformative, Wemby
couldn't get the Spurs twenty wins. I mean, Wemby couldn't
do it. And we certainly saw some games. I mean
remember his debut how bad that was? Oh yeah, it

was passing too much. Oh now it's all okay, Now
he's gonna be east.

Speaker 3 (28:21):
And then he started, you know, hitting three point shots
and and showed the acumen and on both ends of
the court. But it took time and for Caitlin Clark,
the trust has to be there. Angel Rees had a
nice debut.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
They lost. Cameron Brink had a nice debut. Like oh that,
Like they'll be fine.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
Like as a class, they're going to be scrutinized with
every outing and who shows up to film themselves for
reality shows h when they're on the court. But look,
it's fun to see more breadth of coverage. I know
my daughters certainly have appreciated it this first week of
the w NBA season.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
Twitter, and how about a fresco Mike, It's swallow down
the Jason Smith Show with ma best friend Mike Carmen.
Now you know how Chris Berman would announce Caitlin Clark
and the Fever losing their game tonight. You know Berman
would do it. Okay, he would say, and TJ, it's Indiana,
not Cincinnati, but it's over. Johnny Fever lose once again, TJ,

you got a Johnny Fever and nicely done, doctor Johnny Fever.
Very nice, Thank you very much to Happy birthday, Howard Hesan.
Oh it was oh hay, I don't know bo birthday
you can't stop talking about. I get it because I
got a great Boomer impression, it's pretty good. Does he

know that? Oh? I don't know. You know, I don't know.
I I always a couple of people I talked to
an ESPN. I think he does. I think he knows
a little bit on the show ten years dude, because
it's it's ten o'clock on the on the he's in
his sixties. He's probably in bed. He lives in San Diego.
He doesn't host Baseball Tonight anymore. You know, you listen
to the West Coast not staying up. Did he move?

I don't know.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
How do you know more?

Speaker 1 (30:05):
But you say, oh, you know all day? How do
you know where he lives? How do you know where
he lives? It's hey, what's the score of that Dodger game? Yeah? Okay? Uh?
Coming up next, speaking of the Dodger game again Cincinnati,
it is show Heo Tani Bobblehead Night at Chavez Ravine.

Already Otani bobbleheads from the game have hit eBay. Wait,
do we tell you what the prices are for him?
This is some kind of story coming up next right here,
Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific, Fox.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best friend
Mike Harmon. In game betting right now, I think if
you're Denver, you're getting forty. You think that's about right. Oh,
I don't know. Let me pull it up. Minnesota leads
Denver right now one ten to sixty three with five
minutes to go in the fourth quarter. Denver may not

break seventy in this game. We are headed to Game
seven back in Denver. It has been all Minnesota from
the jump. In this game.

Speaker 3 (31:21):
Well on Bovada they had gotten up to plus forty
one and a half.

Speaker 1 (31:26):
It is no longer available for wagers. Oh really yeah,
they took it away. Numbers are too high. We're over forty. Man,
we can't do it. I'm curious as to you, you know,
what the uh what the deal was there? So again,
we'll have more breaking down the NBA playoffs on the way.
We got Rick Buker stopping by to talk about him
with us tonight ahead of the Knicks game six tomorrow
Nixon six Nix is you know it's only a two

point line? Yeah, going into the game, But tonight is
also bobblehead Night Shoho Tani Bobblehead Night at Dodger State
on two. Dodgers trail the Reds right now, two to
nothing in the second inning. Normally when a Dodger game starts,
there's a lot of empty seats because look, Dodger game

has always been late riving crowd from work. You see it.
By the time you get to the third inning, the
stands are filled. Stands were filled from the beginning of
this one because it was Otani Bobblehead Night. Forty thousand bobbleheads. First,
forty thousand people through the gates got an Otani bobblehead. Already,
there's some on eBay. And now here's the next part

of the story of the forty thousand bobbleheads. Seventeen hundred,
not seventeen thousand. Seventeen hundred of them were of Otani
in a gray away jersey. The rest of all Otani
in a home jersey. So if you got one of those,
you know, they just hand him out, hand them out,
hand them out. If you get one of those in
a gray jersey, obviously they're worth way more money than

the Otani bobblehead in a Dodger's white home jersey, and
as you told me, a gray one has already hit
eBay and been sold, already sold at seven fifteen tonight.
Because I remember the days, as you know.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Certainly, I lived up in the Bay Area, and when
the Oakland A's were at their their hottest, people would
show up get the bobbleheads, and then they'd be on
eBay immediately thereafter because they'd have to go take you know,
the pictures and load it and whatever, saying hey, I've
got it in hand. Well now you can do that
on your phone so you don't even have to get
to your seat.

Speaker 1 (33:31):
Uh, twelve hundred and forty nine dollars on a buy
it now at seven fifteen. Uh.

Speaker 3 (33:38):
The standard white uniform home issue is going anywhere from
one fifty five. And I've seen as high as two fifty.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
That sounds about right. That sounds about forty thou so
usually gonna be a lot of That's a lot, Yeah.
Usually bobbleheads they go for between when you get them,
they get resold. The resale valves around thirty bucks. Thirty
five is a pretty good want to get get up
to fifty. But here's Otani. Look, they had Otani pillow
night in Anaheim, and most of the times, all of
a sudden, guys going through with multiple tickets to get

as many as they get that giant bag. Yeah, no,
I mean so the same thing here.

Speaker 3 (34:14):
I have no doubt that the first people through the
gates immediately well rid out the gate and tried to
get back in to see if they can get a
second and maybe hit the lottery with the gray uniform.

Speaker 1 (34:24):
Now, Mary Heart's at the game. Do you think she
has a Grayotanni bibblehead? Do you think they made sure
she got one? You going Illuminati and celebrity. H Hey,
wait a minute, Mary, we got hey celebrity celebrating a
birthday today include you because you get the gray bobble
in youngratulations. That's a special one beep birthday to yea

be birthday. And she's just dancing around holding up the
bobble in and then they go, no, Mary, we need
to escort you to your car. You need to leave
the game, but I'm here to watch the game. No,
you have a Grayotani babble and you need to leave
the game right away.

Speaker 3 (34:56):
Valuable man for you, And no, that is that is
some next level wondering if there is, you know, some
kind of chaos that will ensue, because we've seen people
battle in the stands for less, that's for sure. Sure, sure.
But the packaging is really cool as well. I mean,
not that that's the selling point to it, but some
anime imagery and whatever the box says in a cool

font whatever. I mean, it's actually very attractive package. Normally
it used to be in the just plain white with
the styrofoam holder to where you did actually see.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
What the bobblehead was this one.

Speaker 3 (35:33):
I mean, you still have to open it to see
whether you got the special bobblehead, but there's at least
packaging is nice as opposed to here. We saved every
dime we could in getting this to you. Happy Birthday,
you're obsessive. Happy birthday.

Speaker 1 (35:50):
Do you think any of the people in the media
throng were able to get the rare bobblehead? Do you
think Bob going called Mary Hart and today get me
on to the great One to give me a gray one?
Hat be birthday too? Yeah? Hat the birthday too?

Speaker 2 (36:07):

Speaker 1 (36:08):
I don't. I don't know the do they talk outside
of work? I gotta think they do. I don't know
what else are they doing. We're gonna talk and then
I'm gonna watch the dodge a game. Maybe what's gonna happen. Now,
let me ask you this, mister, miss mister uh, mister
Illuminati of of merchandise and memorabilia. So right now it
looks like you can get this is the twelve hundred dollars,
is the is the going price? Is this the nader

of the market or do you think as time goes
on you can get more money for these Otani bobbleheads?

Speaker 3 (36:37):
Well I would say this, and looking at it now
you actually can see what you got as antity. So
now we have to question the security guards and people
that are you know, administrating this process because you know,
you might shuffle some of the grace to the back
because because it used to just be a blind thing.

By yeah, forty thousand, the base one's going to come
down because there's gonna.

Speaker 1 (37:05):
Be a lot of event Well you're talking about forty three.
But if you sif people sell a bunch of these
seventeen and there turns out at the end to be
eight or nine hundred left.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
Yeah, the great one, the market will dry up because
a lot of them will go into personal collections. Sure,
so only maybe a third of that at most really
circulate when it's all said and done. So yeah, I
mean there's long term staying power for this.

Speaker 1 (37:30):
So how far beyond the twelve hundred, like twenty five hundred,
we might double maybe down the line. Okay, so.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
Someone gets desperate and says I need one for my collection,
I could sell.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
It now for twelve hundred, or if I want to
hold on to it for TBA, I could get twenty
five potentially. Okay, all right, potentially, but I would take
the twelve hundred run, let the market figure it out,
and then go find something else to invest in. Happy
birthday to Jason Spent. Mike Harmon Live the Tirek dot
Com Studios coming up next. Yeah, we have to get

into what's going on now with Harrison butker Fox
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