All Episodes

May 16, 2024 40 mins

Jason and Mike explain why you better get used to the hefty cost of watching every NFL game. Find out why the NFL will never give up Christmas Day ever again. And no one will be watching Hard Knocks Offseason with the New York Giants!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon at Foxsports Radio
dot com, or stream us live every night on the
iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Hello, Welcome inside final hour tonight, the Jason Smith Show
with my bass friend Miike Harmon, live Fromthetirack dot Com
studios tyrac dot com. I'll help you get there at
unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free roadhazard protection at over
ten thousand recommended installers tyrack dot com the way tire
buying should be. So. I also want to say welcome

back to Alex tyshirt on with us again tonight. The
cal Ripken esque streak he had of five in a
row was broken earlier this week is just the thing.
Ty Are you like the lamar odom of Fox Sports Radio.
You work a day, you're off, two days, you work
a day, you're off to Day's like, what's the deal
going to be? Now?

Speaker 3 (01:10):
You know, just because you said that I'm gonna go
back to five days a week for a while. How's
that feeling?

Speaker 1 (01:14):
Really okay?

Speaker 3 (01:15):
Just for you?

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Yeah? Yeah, okay, what are you gonna be out tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
For the rest of the week?

Speaker 1 (01:22):
Okay? Right, very good?

Speaker 3 (01:24):
I do not know.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Get that streak up to four and then yeah, take
that's right. Well, but it's always about appreciate what you
have today. So tys, thanks for being here.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
Thank you, Mike, And just know Mike that I'll get
to four before the next two.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
So w whoa take that? You know? You know you're
at one right now? You know you're you're at what Yeah,
you're a new one again. We play we play.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
Frid So what happens if you lose Friday?

Speaker 1 (01:52):
Then we play Sunday.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
Oh, I'm definitely getting it.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
So you're working today is Wednesday? Yes, okay? Then Thursday Friday,
so that's three. Get free. And then he's like, I'll
just come and strong arm someone for a shift Saturday
on principal Why because I got to get to four
before the Knicks get to four? What the hell does
that mean? Just go on the other room. But it's
also him predicting that they would win on Sunday. If

he showed up on sat.

Speaker 3 (02:16):
Yes, tight shure.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
You don't want to do that, do you know? Because
that would put the Knicks at four that you're basically
saying they will win it home on Sunday before you
get to be with us on Monday.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
There's no way you're alone on that.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
He's already upset because Friday is like, ah, the Knicks
play at five thirty. I can't call him sick or
get off because what if the Knicks don't win, but
the show will have started by then? All Right, I'll
suck it up and come in on Friday. Maybe the
Pacers will win a home game six. I'll have to
just bank on that.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
Happening, I guess.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
Meanwhile, as the NBA Playoffs continue on Yes, the only
game Friday night Knicks pacis of course, because when you
have Knicks Pass, you don't need anything else. Today was
schedule release day in the NFL, and while everybody is
checking their schedule, where does my team play? If I'm
the Jets, I know I'm on National TV every week.
I don't need to buy the package this year. What
do I need to buy it for? I get the

Jets on National TV? Every week. It's awesome.

Speaker 4 (03:13):
Now almost every week for the first half a season.
I know, it's great waiting, so you can wait until
they do one of those. Hey, miss out the early games,
don't worry. We got you can buy the second half
of the season at a discount.

Speaker 1 (03:25):
Yeah no, I'll just have barely just a pro rated rate.
But you know, the Jets in like red zone, right
or whatever version of red zone I can get, and
then midway through the season, I'll buy it for like
half price. Hey, we're having a half price sale right now.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
The only one problems, what's that the Jets are never
in the red zone?

Speaker 1 (03:40):
No style? Would you stop? But you just stop? But
the big debate today, and the big topic of course,
has been hang on a second. Wow, If I want
to see all these games this year in the NFL,
I got to do a little bit of digging into
my pocket because the NFL streaming has come alive. If

you want to see all two seventy two in the NFL,
to celebrate them all, it's gonna cost you somewhere around
eight hundred and fifty dollars because if you want to
see all these games, you have to have Sunday ticket
YouTube TV, ESPN plus Prime on Amazon, Netflix and Peacock
Netflix getting two games on Christmas Day. We'll get to

that coming up in a few minutes. But this is
what it's gonna cost if you want to watch all
the NFL games this year. And I know that there's
so many people are upset about this because I do
I have to buy all these I have to have
all these streaming services. Do I need all these? Do
I not? Of course, yes, it's hard to say, yes,
you're gonna get all these end Prime and Netflix, n

Peacock gonna Yeah. I get it. I get it. I
know it's difficult and and to try to find all
the games and to figure it out. I completely understand.
I do. But unfortunately, the best thing I can say
is you gotta get used to it, because this is
the future. This is the future and the present of
not just sports television but television in general. All Right,

just think about this. When's the last time you watched
a network TV drama? Like used to watch network TV
dramas all the time, fifteen twenty years ago. Now, I
don't know, I don't know the last time I watched
a series that was just specific to cable I think
Welcome to Wrexham is the only one, and that's on
Hulu everywhere. I get that, I get that on WHO.

Speaker 4 (05:23):
But that's the thing right with the way it's changed.
Even if you miss it on the I hate to
say terrestrial or cable or you know the history you
know his historical cable kind of package, it's now on
all one of these streamers immediately thereafter. Yeah, all right,
yeah it was, it was on this, it was on FX,

but no, now it's on Hulu.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
Yeah, I mean so I can't tell you the last time.
And that's where all the shows are going, right, nobody's
what you see. Television ratings are down everywhere because everybody
is pushing to streaming. This is the way of the future.
This is the way the world is going. When the
world is going one way, it doesn't go back some way.
You're not gonna suddenly get Okay, streaming services are not
gonna get NFL games when they can when they can

sell off two games on Christmas Day for one hundred
and fifty million dollars, Yeah, they're gonna do it. Because
there's more entities that want the NFL. They all want
to be able to be part of the package there. So, yeah,
this is just the way the world is going. And
if you think it's it's gonna slow down, it's not.
We're just gonna keep getting more and more series here,

More and more sports are gonna go there. It's gonna
happen with Major League Baseball, it's gonna happen with the NBA.
Streaming is just the way it's going to be. I'd
like to give you more, and I get your complaining,
and I understand the complaints about it. Oh, I gotta
get all of these things. Yeah, eight hundred and fifty
bucks for TV is a lot of money, right, It's
a lot of money. But when this is where your
entertainment dollar is going more than any other place. Yeah,

the league knows they can kind of get it from
you because people don't go to movies as much as
they used to. There's for their entertainment value. People stay
home and watch television. There's so much. Right, like Wong
said in Uh, what was it the Doctor? Strange here
in the era of peak television. Right, we're in the
era of peak television, and people stay home and watch
TV more often. That's where they're good instead of going

out and spending money at the movies. I'm watching this.
Am I going out to go see Kingdom of the
Planet of the Apes. I mean I am because I
love the movies and I saw it today and it
was really good. But like, are other people doing it?
Like when I went to see the movie, there's seven
people in the theater, right, seven people? Like Okay, so
people aren't going nearly as much as they should as
they've been going. They're staying home now so they know

they can get it. This is just gonna happen. They're
gonna keep going to streaming. Streaming is gonna keep getting
more and more sports events like this. This is how
the present and future are going. You just have to
get used to it. Harmon turned your mic on. Well,
what we've been watching for a long time, Smith, is

the idea of the compartmentalization where live sports becomes the
last bastion.

Speaker 4 (08:03):
Of hope, right for ratings, for revenue, et cetera. I
mean you've seen the experimentation along the way. I mean
today a lot was made about you know, we talked
about Caitlin Clark's debut, and then it became about all right,
how many people actually tuned in and ESPN two did
a really good number. Well, it was also available on
Disney Plus, so start rolling it in. And this is

where we go back to the earlier conversation of the
NBA and its audience and always trying to get through
the fuzzy math to get to reality, because that's what
they need to do when they do these upfronts for advertisers,
et cetera. Of all, right, prove it to me how
big your audience truly is. And with this we've got
I look at it like youth soccer a few years ago.

Everybody decided they wanted in, and there were clubs forming
all over, and you had all these opportunities, and then
one by one they kind of dried up. You had
a lot of people that took bigger salaries or however
they missed managed their entry in, or maybe overestimated how
many players would be available. But we saw the consolidation
of that fast. You know, that's kind of localized, but

I think a lot of cities saw that. From from
this side on the streaming parts of things. How many
rumors of packages and consolidations have we seen, Well, this
guy this place is going to buy this place, or fractionalize,
you know, splinter off this portion of their business.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
It's it's inevitable. It's just a matter of who remains standing.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
So you've got Netflix, you've got Amazon, and they've got
mountains of cash to come in and say, all right,
while this thing is still growing, while the NFL is
still on this tremendous upward trajectory, we want in for
a portion of it. And you get to do some
theory testing, see what your audience does, see if that

attracts more subscribers, all of that, and then ride it
out and see, you know, in the consolidation and as
things shake out, is it worth your while to go
after a much larger chunk of the two seventy two
plus playoffs that are available to you. So yeah, it's
it's unfortunate for folks. But in the end, remember remember

those days when you only had those two games on Sundays,
right your local team and either the Steelers, the Cowboys
or the forty nine ers. Well it's coming back again
for you unless you're willing to pay some extra money.
So in the end, you know, all my life's a
circle either that or hey, you know what, not much

of what you do anymore is free, so get used
to it.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Well, I do have a silver lining for this, okay,
because it's not that you're going to be less streaming,
but eventually you're going to see a streamlining of the streamers. Right,
you have like five or six entities now where you
have to go to try to get all the games.
The NFL doesn't want to do this because they understand
that it's inherently a risk to say, hey, we're gonna

put all these games on all these different with all
these different partners, and we think everybody's gonna watch. You
know what what's gonna happen is it's dangerous because some
fans are gonna say, you know what, I don't need
to watch every game. I'm overserved on football. I get
enough football. If I miss this game, if I miss
these couple of games on here, I'm not worried about it.
And potentially some partners are gonna go, wow, we didn't

do the numbers we thought we would. And you'll know
if you don't get numbers from the streaming giant when
a game airs, oh, we don't really give out our numbers. Okay,
so we know you didn't do well. Well, you see
that a quarterly reports.

Speaker 4 (11:35):
Yeah, we're not gonna parse out that that part of
our business.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
Ye're a mild into one larger subscriber base. Yeah. Meanwhile,
all they do is when look at the numbers we
got here. Yeah, you see it all the time. But
the NFL doesn't want to do this because they know
they know it's a risk to say, hey, we're spreading
our product out. But what they're doing now is saying, Okay,
we know streaming is the future, and we know we're
gonna get a check twice as much as we get

from Fox or CBS or whoever else it has the
rights when when the next big rights negotiation comes up.
So what they're doing now is they're trying out with
partners who are all very eager to get NFL games. So, yeah,
we'll give you a couple of games here and there.
We'll do another Black Friday game, We'll do this, We'll
do this, and over the course the next couple of years,
the NFL is gonna go, Okay, who are the streamers

who are in it for the long haul, who are
the ones we can trust with the NFL product, And
then we're gonna strike some sort of crazy ass deal
for more money than anybody could possibly imagine that we're
gonna get from either Amazon or Netflix or whoever they
feel they can trust. They can't go all in with
them now, because the next few years we've talked about it,

it's gonna there's gonna be a little bit of a
of a moving around and settling of the streaming market
because some aren't gonna make it by themselves, Some are
gonna have to merge, some might go away. If you
ask me, I would say Netflix and Amazon simply because
they're the two biggest giants and they're the ones that
can absorb loss if they want to. They can go
over everybody else if they want to. So I would say,

that's going to be your main two homes for the
NFL when it comes to streaming. So okay, at least
it's those two streamers. But that's how it's gonna go
the next couple of years. The NFL is going to
continue to try this out until they until they realize, Okay,
these are who we want our partners to be. They're
going to entrance the negotiations and the billions of dollars
and the high billions it's gonna be is gonna blow

everybody away, and that's where the NFL is gonna wind up.
So eventually it's only gonna be a couple of streamers,
not gonna have to worry about do I get a
peacock or peacock plus, or it'll only be a couple
and they'll have big time rights for just about everything.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
Jason, where'd you get that? Eight hundred dollars figure.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Eight eight hundred and fifty between eight hundred and fifty
and fifty dollars It buy a lot.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
Of experts up with half of that for all of it.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
No, all over the internet today, you have to come
up with that.

Speaker 3 (13:49):
That doesn't mean it's real. If it's just because it's
on the.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
Ends that I've seen, that's what I've seen from from
from Wall Street, from from.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
Now I've done the mouth. It's about four hundred bucks.

Speaker 1 (13:57):
It's the how is it? Four hundred bucks?

Speaker 3 (14:00):
YouTube TV with Sunday ticket seventy three dollars a month.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Okay, wow, seventy three dollars more for.

Speaker 4 (14:08):
The actual YouTube TV plus yeah, plus the three thirty
nine for Sunday.

Speaker 1 (14:14):
You know, you don't get it's not you. You get Sunday,
you get YouTube TV, and then you gotta pay for
Sunday ticket.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
Yeah, but if it's your first year, don't you get
it free?

Speaker 1 (14:24):
If they have I have not seen their offer for
this year, maybe that's the case. And if they haven't
a plane, so they can give me credit me my
three forty nine or they can kiss my Yeah. But
then ESPN is going to be about sixty bucks, and
so is Prime Plus is eleven dollars a month, right,
so you gotta have that for five months. You gotta
have Prime for five months. Netflix, you gotta have that.
You gotta have Peacock. It comes out to about eight

hundred lot many people Wall Street Journal are all about
eight hundred and fifty to nine hundred and fifty bucks.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
Just cut the cord, just.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
And a ticket. Just be that. It's all that guy
that goes to the local watering hole or chain of
restaurant gets his cup of water and and maybe a
basket of I don't know, tortilla chips. Frostburg's gonna be
the guy who watches the game with binoculars into his
neighbors in a living room. Oh man, he's got a
great fifty five inch TV. I could see the game

great from here.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
Should just buy a TV?

Speaker 1 (15:19):
Yeah, I just like I got it right here. I
can see it right here. It looks great.

Speaker 3 (15:22):
What part of a fifty five inch TV? Are you
getting a great view?

Speaker 1 (15:26):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
You tell me, you have you watch on man, You
tell me.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
The binoculars looks fun. Get those Bushnells out. Come on now,
stay away from me. Come on, the charges are on
the one.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
Shout out Bushnell binoculars would use it the track, Thank
you very much.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Exit out about a Fresco exit swollen down The Jason
Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carbon So you go.
There's your there's your real talk on NFL streaming in
the future of football on TV. Coming up next, we'll
have more from schedule release Day, the holiday that the
NFL has decided to come for and they're not giving back.
Keep it right here, Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 5 (16:14):
Hey, it's Ben, host of the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
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Speaker 1 (16:44):
Fox Sports Radio. The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon live fromthetirerack dot com studios. If you
miss any of our show, don't worry. Our best of
podcast goes up a little bit less than an hour
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Where ever you listen to podcast you can get it.
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon Download rate us, Subscribe.

We'll love you forever and ever and ever again. Wherever
you listen to podcasts, it is there. The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon iTunes, i art Radio app. Thank
you so much for your support. We enjoy and love
putting all this content out for you. Every single night,
especially while the Knicks are winning and doing well in
the playoffs, So there is that, of course. Of course,

it's a little just a little bit extra. You know,
this is a little bit you know.

Speaker 4 (17:30):
It's it's all about, you know, the passion and energy
and excitement that that brings you that we share here
in sports talk radio. Uh So, to get to know us,
you need to know that our our lunacy with respect
to our favorite teams.

Speaker 1 (17:46):
And right now you have the wand you have the
sceptor in terms of king supreme ruler of insanity. Yeah,
you know, look, and you know what I like is that.
You know, normally I always say the Mets need to
get me to the Jets, right, Mets, the Jets, the Mets,
the Jets, the Mets are not cooperating. But now I'm

gonna have the Knicks. That's going to go over that
bridge to the Jets. Right, Like, if the Knicks win
this round and they get on one more round, I'm like,
this is gonna get me all the way almost to
training game. That is the crazy thing. Add a little
bit of a a vacation in there, right and towards
summer and all of those things. So yeah, it's it's

kind of crazy Jets. Next week the Knicks might go
right over, like right over the Mets, like all the way. Hey,
we'll get you all the way to the nice soft
landing right here for the next yeah, vacation. NBA free
agency the beginning of July. Maybe they trade Julius Randall.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah the Knicks. Hey, here you go.
Oh nice, Hey, Tom Timbaeau, Hey, thank you very much. Jason,

here you go. Here you go. Enjoy your Jets season
with Aaron Rodgers and every single game the Jets are
on national television. Enjoy all of those games. Look as exciting.

Speaker 4 (19:01):
Yeah no, look through Halloween, like you can actually dress
up like a clown or whatever you need to do
that night. That's more or less the end of your
national games. I think you've only got one after that.

Speaker 3 (19:15):
Or you could dress up as Achilles.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
Uh shit, tall, you know Frostburg. You know that's really good.
That's a good that's a bad one, mark off. No, no, no,
I get it. No, but I get what you're saying.
I get what you're doing. I'm gonna come in tomorrow
with a knife and just cut your hamstring just right
the bottom and you're just gonna slip and flogs out.

Speaker 4 (19:35):
You'll never so escalated from the old days. I am
going to key your car, well, he.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Said Achilles, so I went hamstring. I'm just gonna cut.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
The hand to involve you taking your knife away from
whatever you're eating. So that's not gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
I'll wait till after I'm done. What do you think
I cut a big mac. Oh, I gotta cut this
big mac in heaf.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
It's to cut the crust off like a little kid.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
We're trying to figure out how to how.

Speaker 4 (19:56):
You know who did this? I know who did why
because there were the remnants of McDonald's and some sort
of chocolate pie on this night.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
Chocolate pie. Good.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
Don't be upset because you know the Jets are good
for one game in San Francisco.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
Dude, dude, come on, we're gonna beat San Francisco. We're
gonna beat Tennessee. We're gonna beat the Patriots. Are gonna
be three and oh, people are gonna say super Bowl.
You were doing a whole Howard game there.

Speaker 4 (20:24):
I really thought you were gonna start elevating your voice
and get yeah, yeah, gonna be.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
Rocking at Jordan Travis Jersey Week two.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Oh dude, I love we got Jordan Travis. Man, I'm
being I love that we got Jordan Travis. He is
a really good quarterback. He'll he'll be He'll be the
next Jordan Love. That's a next Jordan Love. Forget if
look forget. Look we talked about Michael Pennox last night.
He's gonna he's gonna be starting for the for the
Falcons in a year. Right, unless they go to the
NFC Title Game and Kirk Cousins throws forty touchdowns, He'll

be starting next year and Kirk Cousins will be traded
to another team. But Jordan Travis, that's the next Jordan Love.
Rogers a couple of years, then Jordan Travis takes Overlook.
He's coming back from a big injury this year. I
watched the guy play a lot at Florida State. Look again,
what do I say? I watch ACC football, so you
don't have to watch a lot of him. He is
a phenomenal play. He would have been an early second
round pick if he didn't get hurt. And when you

see the reason why Florida State got left out of
the playoff, it's because he got hurt. If he was
still playing, they'd have been in the playoffs. So that
tells you the importance of one player starting. Look two,
he got Jordan Travis. I love it. I love it. No, no, no, no, no,
to Ron Taylor gets it for a bit. If we're
starting Jordan Travis this year, forget it, man. It's not
only that. Is it over if we're starting Jordan Travis.
But seriously, it's the end of Aaron Rodgers' career, all right.

If he gets hurt again, that's it, man, that's last year. Now.
If you get well, listen, it's one year for him. Okay,
the Jets gave him a lot of money. Hey, he's
not someone that's been hurt a lot in his career.
So yeah, you look forward to getting him back. It's
the way it goes with the player. When they get
hurt once, you look forward to getting them back. When
they get hurt twice, you think, okay, if they can
come back and play, that'd be great. If they get

hurt a second time, it's if they can give us anything,
it's a bonus. But we've moved on. Well, he did
have a couple of collar boat issues back in the days,
but I mean by look the guy, the guy's thirty
nine to forty still playing it. Look, the guy went
back to back MVPs and thirty eight years old. So
but if he gets hurt, think they vote from now.
If he talked like this, he doesn't have to do
all the If he if he was this guy four

years ago, he went an MVP, stop doing all these interviews, man,
stop doing.

Speaker 3 (22:27):
When we talked to him the odds. If he's carrying
the Russian flag or the US flag.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Ah, he's ladies and gentlemen doing man here to announce
Aaron Rodgers' arrival. It's an old tape of Nikolai Volko. Dude,
you know, and it's it goes like like the yin
and yan, I can't get nice things like I find out. Ah, man,
we're opening up at San Francisco. That's gonna be such
a great game. And if we lose, it's okay, because look,
we should lose at San Francisco. So I'm feeling pretty good.

And then I get on and I see him my
timeline and here's Tucker Carlson saying, Hey, here's what he
got coming up on the show tonight. And here's Aaron
Rodgers with a coffee cup, and I go, oh, come on, man, really, really,
we gotta come on, man, come on, you guys happening.
This is why we can't have nice Can you just
say no? Aaron Rodgers, he's a pr guy that tells

him no, no interview requests came in today. Oh really, nobody,
no nothing, nothing came in. Go home. I will tell
you when someone has called you. What about that kid's podcast?
He's got eight listeners, but he said I could do
sixty minutes on whatever conspiracy theory I have. You know,
don't need to do that podcast. Don't worry about it, man,
door Uh, he doesn't need to do it. He doesn't
need to do it. And not only that, not only

that I sit here and I go not only does
does he want to do this, but he wants to
play the victim of all. Everybody just gets mad at
me because of what I say. No, you seek it out,
he see. He wants people to say, look how crazy
I am, Look at what I He wants that smoke, right,
So that's why he does it. He doesn't do it
to say, oh, hey, I just want my views out

out there, don't I'm just like anybody else, But no,
he finds ways I want to find I want to
tell you about how I think HIV got introduced into
the population of the nineteen eighties, and what Fauci did
and how much money he made off it, and all
the time. I mean really, I mean really, I mean
he goes out of his way to say, hey, I
want this smoke. I am okay with this smoke because

I'd read stuff on the internet and I just say
it on the air like he wants that. And that's
the part of me that goes, can't we just get
through the season. We can't do it, Like, I know
you want this, but you can do this when you retire.
You can do this all you want when you retire
and you go to whatever. But people will care. He'll
have some kind of crazy ass show that's about football

and ayahuasca and conspiracy theories, and people will watch them
the greatest time in the world. But I'm like you,
does it really need to happen? Do you really need
need to throw this out there? I mean, you're the
one that always says no distractions. You're the one that says, hey,
we got to think we got to talk about football.
A year and I get that it's not a time
right now when you are around the team. He just
had the mini camps and everything went well. But I mean,

you're the one that says no distractions, and yet here
you're the biggest distract. You're the only distraction the Jets have,
the only one. They don't have any other distractions. Garrett
Wilson's not a distraction. Saualts Gardner's not a distraction, Briest
Hall's not a distraction. Nobody else is distract. You're the
only one that's a distraction. So I see this and
I go, this is the price of doing business with
Aaron Rodgers. It's the price of doing business with him. Well,

and now you're stuck for another year. It also gave
you a Hackett for another year.

Speaker 4 (25:30):
You know, the guy who's offense and theories only work
with Aaron Rodgers, so you need him for seventeen games.
Otherwise Robert sala is going to be running stairs for
somebody else real soon.

Speaker 3 (25:43):
Yeah, the Jets streaming numbers in the Kremlin are going
to be off the charts.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
They're not wearing red. The Kremlin is lit green for
a Jets victory. Tonight. Hey did you get the T
shirt of Rogers riding a horse without his shirt on.
No what, I'm sure someone's gonna work on that photoshop
right now and have it out pretty soon. Uh. Look, meanwhile,
outside of you know, Aaron Rodgers, Hey, I gotta do

all these interviews. The NFL schedule gets out for the
year today. We talked about everybody's paying attention. We talked
about the streaming impact of it. But one of the
big headlines today is that Netflix is now in on
the NFL. They get two games on Christmas Day, and
the games are pretty good, right, Kansaity Pittsburgh is a
great game. By that time, I got to think it's

Justin Fields playing quarterback for the Steelers. But a great
game there in Baltimore, Houston. CJ. Stroud, that's a really
good game too, right. I mean again, I told you
last night, I'm kind of over Baltimore. But Christmas Day,
Lamar Jackson, c J. Stroud, Okay, when you got Mahomes
and the Steelers, Okay, the NFL is never giving up
Christmas Day again. All right for all of you all

this here's the thing there to know, they are never
giving up Christmas Day again. We talked last hour how
the NBA has a playoff issue, and they have an issue,
they have a product issue overall because ratings are kind
of flat and they haven't gone up, they haven't gone down.
They're kind of up a little bit, then they go
down a little bit. They're up a bit, they're down
a little bit. But Christmas Day used to be the

NBA's holiday. They owned it. No one would think about
putting games on Christmas Day. Wow, we got the Lakers
and they eat. We have this and this, we have
the Knicks in the d No, no, no, no, no,
no no. But now look, the NFL said, okay, you
know what, Yeah, NBA's got a product issue, and not
enough people are watching the games. We know we can
put games on Christmas Day and own it. What they
do last year, games on Christmas Day doubled, doubled the

overall viewing of the NBA, and the NBA had more
games going on than the NFL did. So, yeah, the
NFL decided, yeah, we're gonna put games on Christmas Day
now because we know we're going to win. And again,
it's a big issue for the NBA because it's a
holiday they used to own and it's really shocking and
very brused to that here comes the NFL saying, yeah, thanks,

we'll take it from here. It's like in Diehard when
the special Agent Johnson's both show up and they tell
Dwayne Robbinson, Yeah, that's okay, we'll take it from here.
We'll let you know what we're gonna comment near your minute.
It's okay. Like that's what the NFL has done, and
they're not giving it back. We are gonna get NFL
on Christmas Day every day of the week, whether it's Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday,
it's gonna happen every single day. And the NBA has

to realize, Wow, we had the holiday, we couldn't keep it,
we couldn't keep growing it, and now we have to
lose to the NFL, which is what's gonna happen the
rest of the rest of time, memorial, because the NFL
is gonna have games on Christmas Day. The rest of
the time we have the NFL and the rest of
the time the world exists, we're having a NFL on
Christmas Day. Well, but think about it wasn't until what
two thousand and five six whatever, Right about the time

Rogers came into the league. Actually that they started doing
Thursday nights that weren't Thanksgiving, right, So that's a relatively
new experiment. And then you start bouncing around and realizing
the thirst for bow is unquenchable. Hence the Netflix. We're
gonna give you seventy five million per game actual discounted,

you know, on a per game rate over what Amazon
paid for whatever that abomination was on Black Friday.

Speaker 4 (29:15):
It last or last year when Rogers was hurt, and well,
we had that big play.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
If we want to hear it, No, we don't need
to hear it. We don't need to be reminded of it.
You need to just go on, which move on, move on,
you know, move on, move on anyway.

Speaker 4 (29:29):
So just just the idea that now you have the
up to I don't think there was ever really a
fear of it, but now you're you've gone all in
because the proof of concept is there and you see
the huge ratings and the NFL or NBA. I should say,
when you spread out five games, can remember it used
to only be three, so they got greedy two mm h.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
One hundred percent.

Speaker 5 (29:52):

Speaker 1 (29:53):
Time Now to find out what's trending in the wide
World of Sports with Brian Fenley. BF. What do you
got for us tonight? My friend?

Speaker 6 (29:59):
Yeah, Jason, I just want to see you on a
horse shirtless, kind of like our guy who's running Russia.
Maybe that would be Crizzy.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Okay, that's fine.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
I was gonna say, who was guy?

Speaker 2 (30:12):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
I just I guess, just throwing it out there.

Speaker 2 (30:14):

Speaker 6 (30:15):
By the way, the NBA postseason is up and running
and the Celtics come away with a one thirteen to
ninety eight win against the Calves. These Celtics in this
game five, they eliminate the Calves and they are playing shorthanded.
They didn't have Karasliver, Jared Allen or Donovan Mitchell. He
was out as well, and so the Celtics took advantage
of that. Jason Tatum flirting with a triple double, he

did have twenty five points, ten rebounds, and nine assists,
and the Celtics are on again to the Eastern Conference Finals.
The Mavericks are one game away, one win away from
the Western Conference Finals after they invade the Thunder in
their territory at OKC and profit with a one o
four to ninety four victory behind he tripled double from
Luka Doncic and Shake Kiljes. Alexander did have thirty points,

six re bounds and eight assist He said part of
the reason his team lost was the guys didn't make shots,
but he said that it was a little bit more
complicated than just that development. Dallas leads the series three
games to two, and now they'll go back to Dallas
to try to close things out with a game six
fourth coming NHL on the ice. The Avs they were

trying to stave off elimination, as they say, and did
so in a Game five on the road against the
Dallas Stars. So the Avs, with a five to three
win in the Western Conference Zach Around postseason series, forced
the game six themselves. With that five to three win tonight,
Dallas still had in the series three games to two.

Major League Baseball, the Giants they take it to the
Dodgers four to one. You also saw the Angels seven
to two winners against the Cardinals. Astros blanket the Athletics
three to nothing, and air and two hits for the
A's that was it for their offense. The Guardians did
come up with a single run themselves and a loss

on the road to the Rangers four to nothing.

Speaker 3 (32:05):

Speaker 6 (32:06):
Not only did they win, but the Yankees win as well,
four to nothing against the Twins. So a lot of
teams are getting blanked here. The Cubs with a seven
to one win against the Braves, Ray's victorious Mets not
so much as Bryce Harper went big as you went
opposite field, whether Solo shot his tenth home run of
the season, and the Phillies they trample over the struggling

Mets ten to five the final there. Lastly, guys, the
Mariners of the four to two win against the Royals,
White Sox winners to nothing against the Nationals. Brewers and
Marlins along with Orioles got it done as well, the
Baltimore Orioles three to two against the Blue Jays, and
Baltimore is twenty seven and fourteen on the season. With that,

let's get it back to Jason Smith and Mike Harmon.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
Yeah, Utch, Brian Fenley, hey SEUs hey hey hey hey
hey uh coming up next. Yes, we have more put
a finishing touches on our night in the NBA, plus

the one big idea that came out of NFL scheduling Day.
I'm saying to myself, How the hell did this get greenlit?
That's next right here, Jason and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific Fox.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best friend
Mike Harmon Live from the tire rack dot Com Studios,
where a big night in the NBA Celtics knock out
the Calves. The bye the Celtics have into the East
into the NBA Finals continues, Yeah, no Butler, no Donovan,
Mitchell whatever.

Speaker 4 (33:58):
The next iteration of the team is either the fake
Indiana Pacer tough guys and the off disappearing Halliburton or
whatever's left to the Knicks.

Speaker 1 (34:08):
Yeah. I mean really, it's like, this is this is
what a magic carpet ron for me, being a magic
carpet ride for the Knicks. Hey, how great this is
for the Celtics. Like, man, we're just like like we're
just one cruise control into the finals here. This is
fan I gotta be honest, though, there was that point
very early in the fourth quarter where the Calves were
hanging around. I'm like, how much more fun will this

show be? If the Celtics somehow give this game away,
Oh yeah, at home, losing that game and have to
go back game six, and then Dono Mitchell going, oh man,
I really might have to play again. I was kind
of done. I didn't talk to anybody after the games
because I didn't play. They don't talk about my future.
Do I want to stay? Do I want to go
someplace else? I might have to actually play in game six?

Oh man?

Speaker 4 (34:50):
And then they failed down the stretch, but they didn't.
They helped their backers once again, because if you bet
at late Jason, the spread goat up fifteen and a half.

Speaker 1 (35:03):
Just like last game. Remember Vernet that shot? Yep, hell
here you had another opportunity. Fifteen your margin of victory.
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmen Live from the
TIREC dot Com Studios. Now. Today also was a day where, hey,
the NBA playoffs kind of took a bit of a
back seat because we had the NFL's schedule release day.

And the NFL has done great things, are putting better
games on national TV. Everybody's got a stream.

Speaker 4 (35:32):
It's so weird, but well, with all those cool releasement videos.

Speaker 1 (35:36):
Oh yeah, come on, release videos on.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
The Chargers in the sims, got Butcker into the kitchen and.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
Butker in the kitchen, which was so great. And then
you had the court case of Chiefs a haulwa Like,
I mean, come on, you know that there was there
was like a roast.

Speaker 4 (35:50):
Almost yeah, I've I've got to watch sixteen different teams.
They were fantastic.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
It's just I'm like, wow, this is really is It's
like a roast going on here. But the one idea
or I say to myself, just what, how do you
think this is gonna work? The Giants are gonna be
on hard knocks, although not the hard knocks we're used
to hard knocks. HBO is still gonna have an in
season preseason season like they can I say, season one

more time like they've had the past few years. They're
gonna follow a team in the in the preseason as
they go and get ready for the regular season. But
there's gonna be a special one with the Giants that's
going to be from January to July. It's following them
up until training camp and it's all about the off
season as they get ready for the year. How do

people think this is gonna be interesting? First of all,
it's the Giants, right. John Mara said, we'll do hard
knocks when I'm in the ground, like when I'm in
the grave, that you know, we're gonna do hard knocks.
So the fact that they suddenly have agreed to this,
they're not gonna suddenly show up and tell great stories.
And Brian Dable's not gonna be Rex ryansonting around time.

Let me tell you this story about Daniel Jones. Let'll
tell you about Saquon Barkley. The Giants didn't want to
do it. But for whatever reason they've said yes to this.
They don't have a lot of stars. They don't have
a lot of players average people care about. How are
you gonna make a football show that's not gonna have
any football in it about a team with no stars?
How are you gonna make that interesting? I don't see

how January through July. Of all, we're losing Saquon Barkley. Yeah,
it's an old story. By now we know that story
is is gonna be is gonna be five It's gonna
be five months old by the time that goes. Darren
Waller is he retiring? Is he not? Is Kelsey Plumb
gonna be in it. I don't see how this is
gonna be something that people want to watch. And I
get the fact that they have to feel they have

to branch out because I don't know how many more
years the Hard Knocks has in its current form because
a lot of teams don't want to do it. The
Jets were made to do it last year, so maybe they,
I know, hey, let's look for a different way to
do Hard Knocks. Maybe we find something else that teams
actually want to be a part of. But I don't
know how this is something you hit and say, oh yeah, yeah,
January to July with the Giants, Yeah, sign me up

for that. I mean, why, how is that gonna be
interesting at all? I don't see it. Well, I think
you do whatever you can to make Brian Dable interesting
in his in his I don't know, maybe he's got
a huge ass temper behind the scenes. I don't know.
Right all of a sudden will allow you to see

that the Giants will lie now that they're there, not
going to give you anything that's not But that's the thing.
I mean, do they have any characters around there? I mean,
Kelsey Plumb, I mean, whatever footage you've got she's got
to sign a release on that.

Speaker 4 (38:37):
Now she hit around, so that's gone. I mean, that
was a great storyline. She would have made it interesting.
Remember how we had a few seasons of Hard Knocks
where it became more about the wives and girlfriends than
it than it was any of the on field stories.

Speaker 1 (38:52):
Yeah, that's it. I mean, Daniel Jones, is he healthy
and we're scouting our other quarterback? I don't see a storyline.
It all in here. No, it's nobody. They're gonna do
a talent show like the Packers tried to do for
their schedule.

Speaker 4 (39:09):
Release here, guys, don't worry near New York City. Hey,
they're just hanging out at the Improv every night. Oh,
don't worry, there's a talent show. Oh grow awesome. Okay,
now I feels so much better. This is gonna be
great now. I mean, I don't see how this is
something they said, yes, let's do it. I feel like I.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
Can feel the desperation off of HBO and Hard Knocks going, Okay, great,
we got this. At least this will be something we
can do. I mean, it's the Giants, man, I get that.
It's the Giants. They're big market team. But what do
the Giants have you really care about? More so, it's
the off season stuff.

Speaker 4 (39:43):
It's months old, and what are we gonna learn what
their formulation was of how they decided between tackles and
the draft.

Speaker 1 (39:52):
Look at the side by side. This guy's just a
little bit with the Uh he's got better quick, you know,
twitchy muscles. Uh getting off to snap to net? Guy?
Was it this off tackle that you never heard of?
Or this offensive tackle that you never heard of? Who
are the Giants going to pick next? You know, like
like there's there's no drama, Like it's all stuff that's

dead and gone. It's like, what are you gonna do suddenly.

Speaker 4 (40:17):
Say hey, there's there's the phone that didn't ring because
we decided not to call Sha Kwan bark clet off
from the deal.

Speaker 1 (40:26):
Look at this phone, it ain't gonna ring. How long
is that?

Speaker 4 (40:28):
It's gonna cost you a lot of money for the
right rights to Lionel Richie's Hello.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
How long is that? On camera? For about eight minutes?
Oh okay, let's let's let's edit that down and post
a little bit. I mean, really for my com Jason
coming up next, My buddy Ben Maller. This is Fox
nix yo
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