All Episodes

May 15, 2024 109 mins
Well, not really... but MAYBE? Alex, Elvis' husband, birthday is next month and he has his sights set on a dual-mode electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicle. Will Elvis get him one? Plus, we play a game involving family movies, talk about the debauchery with the NY - Dublin Portal, and we guess what will be the song of the summer!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
I find the Kardashians to be brilliant.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
No Street eight, but you're a murderer.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
Yeah, I would like to work out.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Nope. If you think I'm gay, raise your hand.

Speaker 4 (00:11):

Speaker 5 (00:11):
Can't lie when you smoke a lot of punt No.

Speaker 6 (00:14):
No, am I a sick bathard? Yeah, I'm pretty limber
from my statue. Nope, we're just talking about nothing.

Speaker 7 (00:20):
Elvister ran in the morning Showy.

Speaker 8 (00:26):
There you go.

Speaker 9 (00:27):
This show is full of nopes and yep, we all
goome to the day. It's only Wednesday. It's kind of funny.

Speaker 10 (00:32):
Yesterday we're talking about how the week seemed like it
was kind of going by quickly. Now it's it's at
the screeching halt. It's like Wednesday. It's three Wednesday, and
I got bad news for Froggy today. Food news thursdays
until tomorrow. And I was going to my prep today.
It's all food news it why no. But if we
don't this is what we have. If I don't do

what we prepp then we don't have any prep. Okay,
all right, okay, I gotta tell you that. Okay, Okay,
I'm gonna put all the food news aside, so we
have to have a rule today. We can't talk about
anything that has to do with food.

Speaker 9 (01:06):
Okay, they consume, Okay, yeah, nothing food related.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
Good morning, allowed to order food.

Speaker 9 (01:14):
Let's let's just move on. Can't talk about folle. Good morning, Danielle.

Speaker 11 (01:18):
How are you?

Speaker 1 (01:18):
I'm good, thank you.

Speaker 9 (01:20):
Good morning, Gandhi, how are you?

Speaker 5 (01:21):
Good morning?

Speaker 9 (01:22):
Well, Scary, I'm lovely, Scottie B.

Speaker 10 (01:29):
And they well, I can't say what room he's in
because that's where they do a podcast about a food.
Good morning, Good morning, Froggy, good morning, morning producer Sam.

Speaker 9 (01:38):
Okay, what's the rule, Danielle.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
What's the rule?

Speaker 8 (01:41):
No food?

Speaker 1 (01:42):
We just talked about it, a different one.

Speaker 10 (01:45):
The rule is we don't talk about food. Don't even
play music about food.

Speaker 9 (01:48):
All right, except the local house?

Speaker 12 (01:54):
All right?

Speaker 13 (01:57):
All right?

Speaker 9 (01:57):
Do we have an out of our system? Yes, all
things about food are now banned from the show.

Speaker 5 (02:06):
Well, I'm pretty sure we have a breakfast delivery coming,
so I don't know how well we do. I thought
I saw it on that.

Speaker 9 (02:11):
No, we don't talk about it.

Speaker 10 (02:13):
Okay, and when your order gets here, you have to
sneak into a closet and eat it with a door closed. Okay,
I'm telling you it was kind of funny. When I
was doing the prep today, it was all food. It's
like food, this food that.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
One of my big stories is about food and the
collaboration with food.

Speaker 5 (02:31):
Uh oh, what are you gonna do?

Speaker 1 (02:33):
I can't do it. I'll put it aside.

Speaker 5 (02:35):
If you know what about every food word?

Speaker 9 (02:38):
Okay, right, hold on, just stop froggy. We tried.

Speaker 10 (02:42):
It's not gonna work. This show was built on food.
I mean all we talked about every day is food.

Speaker 14 (02:48):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 15 (02:49):
Tomorrow's a new day, so you go ahead and do
whatever you need to do today, and then tomorrow will
be a new day of food news.

Speaker 10 (02:54):
So okay, tell you what. So let's talk about food
a lot today. Just get it out of the way,
just blow it out. Let's go talk to Mark from Lancaster,
PA Online one the first caller of the day. So Mark,
good morning. What's going on with you?

Speaker 14 (03:08):
Good morning?

Speaker 16 (03:08):
Not so much.

Speaker 11 (03:09):
I just having to work and then getting ready to.

Speaker 13 (03:11):
Go to vacation.

Speaker 10 (03:12):
Yeah, we heard good news and bad news. Mark is
going on his birthday trip next week. He's going on
a cruise. The bad news it's not Norwegian Cruise Line.
You're very disappointed.

Speaker 14 (03:22):
I hope you make it back.

Speaker 9 (03:23):
I know, make sure they put railing around the ships
you don't fall over. Well, look, you know what a
cruise is a cruise and I know that on behalf
of all of our friends at Norwegian, and we love
it when anyone just hits the sea and enjoys, enjoys
the ocean on a great ship. We hope you have
nothing but a great time on I didn't know Frontier

Airlines has a cruise line.

Speaker 14 (03:50):

Speaker 10 (03:50):
Well, what kind of birthday is that you're celebrating. Is
it a one of those benchmark birthday? Is a big
one or just another birthday?

Speaker 9 (04:00):
And I'm getting too old to celebrate for those benchmark birthdays. Okay,
that's just a question. Thirty eight Oh god, it's not
all really. You just said thirty eight.

Speaker 14 (04:10):
You're getting old?

Speaker 5 (04:11):
Oh my god, I'll say it.

Speaker 10 (04:15):
Well, I mean as flow as I am. I still
have memories in my head that are thirty eight years old.
Can you imagine. I don't know what that means, but Mark, Look,
what is your wish for your new year as you
come back and start a new one. What do you
want to get accomplished in your new your new year
on Earth?

Speaker 11 (04:34):
Honestly, just you know, make sure everybody's happy and healthy.
And you know, I'm just working towards my my career
goals and fullfully achieve it.

Speaker 14 (04:42):
Well there you go.

Speaker 9 (04:43):
See you're still young, you still have career goals. So
you're good.

Speaker 11 (04:47):
You're good.

Speaker 10 (04:48):
Hey, So for our birthday boy going on a cruise,
what do we have for our friend Mark Senior Nate. Well,
it's related to food. Can I talk about it?

Speaker 13 (04:56):

Speaker 9 (04:56):
Yeah, we decided to abolige abolish that rule.

Speaker 14 (04:59):
God. Okay, Well, you got a fifty dollars Wendy's gift
card for the new cinnabon pull apart at Wendy's. The
best part is the whole thing.

Speaker 10 (05:07):
I know you're gonna look at it. Well, you know
you're awesome, Mark. That's why we love you. Thanks for
listening to his happy birthday. Enjoy your cruise, Bonden Volumee. Yeah,
hold on one second. Okay, God, I mean Diamond, take
good care of our friend Mark. Uh God, is it true?
I saw a video the other day of a woman
who picked up a whole cinnamon roll, not the Wendy's,

and she pulled the heart out of the cinnamon roll
and didn't eat it.

Speaker 11 (05:31):
She threw it away.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Yeah, that's the best part part I know. Oh my goodness.

Speaker 9 (05:38):
Just want to let you know sometimes in life there
are people who disappoint us.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
Wow, it's not even American.

Speaker 11 (05:42):
I don't I know.

Speaker 14 (05:43):
It's not even right reviews and likes.

Speaker 9 (05:46):
Of course, it's scarry. We gotta move. Let's get into
the three things we need to know about Gandhi. Gandhi.
If there's food and if there's food news in there,
go ahead, hit it.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
We're good.

Speaker 5 (05:54):
There is something about food in here. I'm sorry, but
it's important, all right. First up for President Biden raising tariffs
on Chinese imports, including electric vehicles, semiconductors, and other goods.
With the tariffs meant to counter China's unfair trade practices.
The increased tariffs will apply to about eighteen billion dollars
worth of annual imports from China. Goods include Chinese solar cells, batteries,

critical minerals, steel and aluminum. To level the playing field,
and sectors where the administration has made major investments. The
largest increase will be on electric vehicles. It's going from
twenty five percent to one hundred percent. China is accused
of flooding global markets with goods at artificially low prices,
putting US manufacturing at a disadvantage. Speaking of China, a

group of TikTok content creators from eight states now suing
the US government over its efforts to ban the popular app.
A law signed by President Biden last month calls for
TikTok's China based parent company byte Dance to sell the
app or have it banned in the US. In a lawsuit,
the creators call the law unconstitutionally overboard, over broad, I'm sorry,
and argue that it violates the First Amendment rights of users.

TikTok and Byteedance filed a separate lawsuit challenging the law
last week. And now to the food Doo Sorry Frog
Give You Alda is issuing a cream cheese recall due
to potential salmonella. The Germany based grocery chain is recalling
eight ounce portions of its Happy Farms whipped cream cheese spread,
chive and onion cream cheese spread, cream cheese spread, and
strawberry cream tree spread products. The affected products were sold

in twenty eight states and Washington, d C. They have
various cell by dates between August thirtieth and September fifteenth
of twenty twenty four. So if you might have one
of them, be very careful, check it and throw it out.
And those are your three things.

Speaker 8 (07:36):
No way.

Speaker 9 (07:36):
What's the brand name again?

Speaker 5 (07:38):
Happy Farms. And then they have whipped cream, cheese, spread,
chive an onion. They have all these Happy aready and
you're fine, right, may not have affected you?

Speaker 10 (07:50):
What could possibly go? Tainted cream cheese? Are you guys
ready for your Wednesday?

Speaker 17 (07:55):

Speaker 14 (07:56):
That's the weekend.

Speaker 7 (07:57):
Hey, this is Miley Cyrus.

Speaker 11 (07:58):
Your what office?

Speaker 2 (07:59):
The Black Eyed Peas?

Speaker 7 (08:00):
It is a Seleiny domes with Elvis Durant in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (08:03):
Wendy's New Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this Morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon
pull Apart only at Participating Us, Wendy, if you.

Speaker 11 (08:24):
Go awaiting Elvis duran in the Morning.

Speaker 10 (08:27):
Show, I guess any time of the morning would be
appropriate to talk about sleep deficit. If you're on the road,
right now, and you didn't get enough sleep last night
and your one eye is like barely open. Ask Froggy
what happened today? Froggy fell asleep on the way to
work today. Frightening, frightening moment, wasn't it?

Speaker 14 (08:44):
I did.

Speaker 15 (08:44):
I drove off the road, That's what woke me up.
And when my tires hit the grass on the side
of the interstate, that's what woke me up.

Speaker 10 (08:53):
And of course this is extremely prevalent amongst all of us, probably,
I mean, I can't speak of us. I mean I
was telling Nate earlier, I actually got almost nine hours
of sleep last night because I was so tired and
worn down. Wow, And I feel like a different guy
tonight today versus yesterday.

Speaker 14 (09:11):
Anyone else.

Speaker 5 (09:11):
Yeah, I didn't get any good sleep last night, and
I do not feel new I was, But I'm glad
you did.

Speaker 14 (09:17):
You know, when we go on our vacations, right, and
I actually sleep eight hours and wake up at the
time that your body's supposed to wake up, I feel
like a different human being, a no human you do.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
When we're here, we don't feel human exactly.

Speaker 14 (09:30):
And I know everybody, the people driving right now probably
feel the exact same way we do.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
And I think kids are going through it a lot too.
Like my son, he sometimes he's doing all nighters because
of all the sports and so much homework, trying to
get it all in. It's insane. What kind of pressures
on kids that they're not even getting the right sleep
these days.

Speaker 10 (09:52):
Well, look, you know, we have our list of things
we need to get done during the course of a
day and sometimes evening. The thing is is we now
live in a world where we add stimulation to that,
and that's you know, falling into these holes online, you know,
going crazy and like keeping up with news updates like
we some of us do. We're actually adding to the
problem on our own. When we could choose, and all

experts have told us, put the phone down at least
two hours before you go to bed, and when you
wake up in the morning, don't pick it up. Well,
you know, this morning, of course, I was going to
lay in the bed with the dogs for a few minutes.

Speaker 9 (10:23):
And what did I do.

Speaker 10 (10:24):
Rather than cuddling with them and petting them, I pick
up my phone to see what's going on.

Speaker 9 (10:30):
And that's a part of the problem. And we choose
to ignore what the.

Speaker 10 (10:34):
Experts are telling us, is true, got to relax. So
the sleep deficit and the things we've been doing this
morning show for how long? And I don't think this
is this is new to us. The thing is as
you get older, I think it's more harmful for us.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
I told you what my neurolotis told me, right, because
you know, I get migraines. So she said, the only
way you're going to get rid of them is you
quit your job. Oh gosh, you need more sleep. You're
not getting enough sleep, and that not help with the migraines.
So I said to her, Well, then what medicine you
got for me? Get some not quitting just like great?

Speaker 10 (11:06):
So yeah, yeah, well but we do what we do
and it's okay. I just think we could do what
you do smarter. I really think that we could take
a little better control over our decisions, that's all.

Speaker 5 (11:16):
And I'm amazed that you guys don't even nap like
I will definitely nap, I'll sleep, I'll take a long
break during the day. But I know Danielle doesn't really nap.
Don't really nap. This is crazy.

Speaker 10 (11:25):
Yeah, I nap. I've been napping lately. I napped, I
lap nap for about an hour. Yesterday, went to bed
before eight o'clock and I usually wake up around four,
which is kind of late for some of us. Right,
I will keep at five. Today, I'm like, you know,
screw it, I'm going them at five, and you know whatever.
But I feel like a different guy. You know, yesterday morning,
I thought I was just getting sick, I was coming

down with things, and now with sleep, it just makes
a big difference.

Speaker 9 (11:50):
I don't know, Scary what about you. I know you
nap during the day.

Speaker 14 (11:52):
Yeah, I go home and I rot.

Speaker 9 (11:54):
You rot for a couple of hours. But but you
know what, you think it's a negative thing. You're rotting
is actually a good thing.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Your part, and I'm okay with it.

Speaker 3 (12:01):
But I will say this when I do wake up
around five, six in the evening and I want to
go out for the night.

Speaker 14 (12:06):
Sometimes I hang out.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
With my friends and I do those the death scrolling
on Instagram at least for an hour before I go
to bed. So by the time I hit to hit
the bed, it's like twelve thirty one o'clock in the morning,
So that's not healthy.

Speaker 9 (12:17):
I'm up before.

Speaker 10 (12:18):
Let's keep an eye on this, and let's let's let's
keep the conversation going at some point, you know, because
I know everyone listening is affected by it in some
way or another. I wonder if how many people, what
percentage of our listeners are on the road right now going.
I feel great, I got sleep every night.

Speaker 9 (12:32):
I feel all right. Well, I don't know, you know,
I hope some are.

Speaker 10 (12:38):
I used to be of the mindset where if you
sleep too much, you're missing out on something in life.
And and even on the weekends, I get up early
because I want I want to know. The longer you're
up during the course of the day, the longer the
day feels, the more you feel like you're experience experiencing
to day. Like the other morning, Alex slept until like
eleven o'clock, eleven thirty in the morning, and you know,
before you know it, he's like, oh my god, it's
almost five o'clock.

Speaker 9 (12:59):
Where did the time go?

Speaker 14 (13:00):
What time you had?

Speaker 11 (13:00):
No time you slept?

Speaker 10 (13:03):
And I wonder if you felt like he missed out
on something. But anyway, let's get into horoscopes with producer Sam. Hi,
who are you doing them with?

Speaker 18 (13:11):
We had a special birthday request from listener Sam. Happy birthday.

Speaker 5 (13:15):
She would like me to read them with Nate.

Speaker 9 (13:17):
Oh God, that's what she wants for her birthday.

Speaker 14 (13:25):
Game we go well, if it's your birthday, you share
it with Ray Lewis and smoke purp. Hey hey, Capricorns,
You'll never be truly disappointed in yourself if you truly try.
Regardless of that outcome, your day of fabulous five Quarius.

Speaker 18 (13:42):
If you want to inspire change in the workplace, first,
you must inspire yourself.

Speaker 9 (13:46):
Your day's a six Pisces.

Speaker 14 (13:47):
The windy road to mental wellness is a long one.
Take small steps and you'll soon feel the improvement. Your
day's at nine.

Speaker 18 (13:56):
Ari's assertiveness can be intimidating, but sometimes it's the only
way to be heard.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
Stand your ground. Your day's an eight Taurus.

Speaker 14 (14:02):
You've got the potential to cause some conflict today. Take
a breath when you're confronted your days of seven.

Speaker 18 (14:09):
Hey Gemini, you're on a social buzz and make plans
for this weekend.

Speaker 5 (14:12):
Your days of seven.

Speaker 14 (14:13):
Cancer, you haven't done an efficient enough job celebrating yourself.
Be proud of those accomplishments, big and small. Your days
of nine.

Speaker 18 (14:22):
Leo protects you are happy. Don't sacrifice it to try
and mend someone else's Your days an.

Speaker 14 (14:27):
Eight Virgo, You've got a big opportunity ahead of you.
Get rest, hydrate, stay on your game.

Speaker 18 (14:34):
Your day a ten, Hey, Libra, be the friend you
deserve to others. It'll come back to you. Your day's
of nine Scorpio, if.

Speaker 14 (14:42):
You want it done, stop relying on others, do it yourself.
Your day an amazing eight.

Speaker 5 (14:49):
And finally, Sagittarius.

Speaker 18 (14:51):
Trust the things out of your control will unfold as
they're supposed to. Don't stress yourself out. Your days of
six and those are your Wednesday morning horoscopes.

Speaker 9 (14:59):
All right, can we Nate back to his cryogenic.

Speaker 13 (15:04):

Speaker 5 (15:04):
Think he needs more sleep?

Speaker 13 (15:05):

Speaker 9 (15:06):
Oh my god, well thank you that was exciting.

Speaker 14 (15:09):
All right?

Speaker 9 (15:10):
Coming up Daniel's first report of to day.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
What are you working on, Danielle, Jolly Pardon has a
new collaboration and Jelly Rolls returned to the high school
that banned him for life.

Speaker 9 (15:19):
You see both of those stories involved food.

Speaker 14 (15:20):
I know what they are.

Speaker 9 (15:22):
Well, Jelly because his name is Jelly. The other one,
the collaboration, I'm not gonna give it away.

Speaker 13 (15:27):
Real good.

Speaker 9 (15:29):
Speaking of maybe, has anyone tried the Dolly parton? Kate mixes.
Yet you have no no, no the donuts.

Speaker 8 (15:36):

Speaker 11 (15:37):
Do you know what You're going to ruin it for me?
I'll ruin it for you.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
We do this can tell you something. I am the
first person in this room to tell people not to
ruin your stupid, stupid news food news crap. You're done.

Speaker 9 (15:51):
Okay, we got a little. Maybe Danielle needs some sleep.

Speaker 13 (15:54):
What do you think?

Speaker 9 (15:56):
All right, tell you what. We'll fight it out coming up.

Speaker 13 (15:58):
Hold on.

Speaker 9 (15:59):
Our friend Tommy Dario hosts. I've never said this before.

Speaker 8 (16:03):
We love it.

Speaker 10 (16:03):
It's a podcast where he interviews our favorite actress and artists.

Speaker 9 (16:07):
Tommy who's on the podcast this week?

Speaker 5 (16:09):
Hey, Elvis, I have actor Oliver start on the show
today where we talked about the big revelation for his
character on the latest episode of the hit ABC.

Speaker 11 (16:17):
Series nine one one, and so much more. We dive deep.
You don't want to miss it.

Speaker 9 (16:22):
I've never said this before.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
New episodes every Tuesday.

Speaker 9 (16:25):
Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 7 (16:31):
This is Elvis Duran in the morning show.

Speaker 10 (16:36):
Okay, so we're having an interesting conversation about full frontal nudity.

Speaker 13 (16:43):
Are we on.

Speaker 5 (16:45):
Trying to get someone to shut their phone.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
Yeah, that was me that the full frontal nudity scene
just popped up.

Speaker 5 (16:49):
On my phone.

Speaker 9 (16:52):
Thank god your phone isn't three D. You can put
an eye out with that thing.

Speaker 16 (16:56):

Speaker 10 (16:57):
So, yeah, there's a show that Daniel's talking about on
net Flicks called A Man in Full and uh, there
was a full frontal nudity scene with a guy. I
think he pulled his sheet down and his massive member
was fully yeah, fully charged.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
And it's good looking.

Speaker 9 (17:16):
Well, well, I just read they're saying it was prosthetic.
It wasn't really. Oh really, that's what I'm reading here.

Speaker 14 (17:22):
I don't know. Anyway.

Speaker 10 (17:23):
He's married to Kelly Quoco, right, and they're about to
have a child, and he's a little nervous because I'm
about to be a dad and I'm doing a scene
with a big old thing.

Speaker 11 (17:33):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (17:33):
That's what I got from the article, but I couldn't
read it because the song was ending. We'll get to
that later.

Speaker 10 (17:38):
But you know, having a fully, fully full masked nude
guy on TV, it's very unusual. It's not seen a lot. No,
you know, women have been nude on TV for years,
but they but you know, they don't, you know.

Speaker 5 (17:55):
Free the penis.

Speaker 9 (17:56):
Let's go free the penis. May I quote you on that,
Gude very de.

Speaker 5 (18:02):
For freed penis, Let him out, let him breathe.

Speaker 9 (18:08):
Anyway, we'll get to that in a minute.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
And there's no warning. They said that. They really the
problem was that is they really want a warning on
the episode? Oh, come on, because you can poke somebody's eye?

Speaker 13 (18:17):
Am with that? Da?

Speaker 1 (18:18):
That's not why they want the warning, But they just
for people who might be offended.

Speaker 5 (18:21):
You know, offended by a dinger.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
Well, you never know who's watching. I guess my mother
would be really offended by it. She would she'd close
her eyes and she think, tell me when it's over.

Speaker 9 (18:32):
Okay, would you mother be offended if it was a
nude woman?

Speaker 1 (18:35):
Yes, my mother does not like any of that stuff.
You know, I don't know how I even came here,
to be honest.

Speaker 9 (18:43):
Scary, what's our new favorite drag queen?

Speaker 7 (18:45):

Speaker 14 (18:46):
Freeda penis? Oh?

Speaker 10 (18:48):
It's freedom penis. Isn't it funny how every time I
talk to Scary, my phone wakes up. It thinks I'm
saying searing, you know what I'm say? Anyway, Hey, let's
get into Danielle report, Yes, and then.

Speaker 14 (19:02):
Got so much to talk about today.

Speaker 10 (19:04):
I don't even know where to begin. You know, we
have guests coming in tomorrow. New Kids on the Block
will be with us. Yeah, and that'll be you. And
then later a little later in the show, like in
then eight o'clock hour if you're listening to us live
on the East Coast.

Speaker 9 (19:14):
Uh, Danielle Diamonds trying.

Speaker 1 (19:16):
To get somebody's attention. I'm not sure who's so pay attention?

Speaker 9 (19:19):
People need to pay attention here, Hello?

Speaker 14 (19:21):
Why what does diamondie?

Speaker 1 (19:22):
All Right, there we go. I don't know what she needs.
She's moving her Okay, all right, So the first ever
Golden Bachelorette has been announced. Her name is Joan. She's
sixty one years old, not old enough, I know. And
she's the first leading lady for that Bachelor spin off.
She was actually in The Golden Bachelor. If you watched it,
you will remember she had to leave the show early
because she had to care for her daughter after she

gave birth. So people are happy to see her back
on the show. It will kick off later this fall,
and I think the episodes will be airing on Wednesdays.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
I even googled what are the Golden Years? Generally speaking,
it starts at sixty five.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
So then what the hell sixty one? This is by
call bs on. This is what I call all right,
let's talk about Jelly Row. We know that he has
been going to places that, you know, maybe he didn't
have a great experience at when he was younger, and
he's trying to right a lot of his wrongs.

Speaker 7 (20:13):
We know that.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
So he visited his old high school in Tennessee and
this was a big moment for him because apparently he
was banned from the school in his younger days, being
told he would never be allowed back. You fast forward
to twenty twenty four, and not only what is he
welcomed back, but he was celebrated, celebrated by the staff
and the student body. His wife was so excited for him,

she said, it was just such an unbelievable thing to see.

Speaker 7 (20:37):
So I love that.

Speaker 5 (20:38):
I wonder what he did.

Speaker 8 (20:39):
I know, you know what.

Speaker 1 (20:40):
I tried to google what exactly he did. I haven't
found it yet, but try try and find them find it.
So Dolly Pardon has been collaborating with a lot of
people right now, she is joining forces with you ready,
Night Ready, Krispy Kreme Limited time Dolly Southern Sweets Donut Collection.
It's four donuts, Dolly Dazzler donut, the Peachy Quine Cobbler donut,

the Banana Pudding Pie donut, and the Chocolate Cream Pie donut.

Speaker 9 (21:07):
O do I went to Dolly Dazzler or the Banana
pa I don't know.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
But they all sound delicious and you can get him
now a participating Krispy Kreme locations. So I'm gonna go
ahead and guess that Tom Brady will not be doing
another roast anytime soon. So, I mean, you gotta blame
the guy because he did it live and he said
whatever talk about anything. Well, yeah, a lot of people
were affected, including his kids. A lot of the jokes,

especially the ones about his divorce and stuff, were very
hard to swallow for a lot of people, and they're
saying his kids were the ones that were really affected
by that stuff. Insiders are saying that Britney Spears's new
boyfriend is the root of her new problems. Now we
can say that we've been having some stuff going on
for a while, and obviously a lot of people are

concerned about Britney, but they are saying that she met
her boyfriend while he was employed as a handyman at
her mansion and they let him go once a background
check uncovered he had a felony conviction. But obviously Brittany
is dating him and that's what's happening. So there's a
lot of stories going going on and out about this

guy's name is Paul. So I guess we'll see this now, Gandhi,
I want your reaction to this way, Okay, So we
know there's the Drake and Kendrick Lamar battle going on
right now. They reportedly waived copyright restrictions on their dish tracks,
which allowed reaction videos to be posted on social and
memes and extended the conflict between them. So right away

I thought, hmm, something sounds a little fishy there.

Speaker 14 (22:39):
Wait's kind of weird.

Speaker 5 (22:40):
Yeah, we've been speculating this is all for publicity. Yeah,
and now, I mean that kind of seems like it's
right in the vein, yeah, of public because it seems
like if you're truly having beef with each other, you
wouldn't allow them to use your property when they're beef
and backketcha exactly.

Speaker 1 (22:56):
We're all suckers, uh, huh, the MASD Singer, Jeopardy Masters Survivor, Dan,
his Mom's the Amazing Race. Watch What Happens Live Chicago,
med Fire PD all on tonight and that is my
Danielle Report.

Speaker 10 (23:09):
So with new Kids on the Block here tomorrow, I'm
gonna I hate to take a moment. Maybe I'll take
a moment after the interview to do something kind of
personal with one of the members. You know Jonathan Knight,
John Knight, right, he lives up in New England, and
he is this show called Farmhouse Flippers or Farmhouse Fixers or.

Speaker 14 (23:31):
Something like that.

Speaker 9 (23:31):
Okay, love the show. Actually I'm a big fans. I
can't remember the name of it.

Speaker 10 (23:36):
Anyway, I have this little little farmhouse we want to
redo and it's it's in such bad shape and I
don't even know if it can be saved.

Speaker 1 (23:44):
It is farmhouse Fixer, Yes, farmhouse.

Speaker 10 (23:47):
So do you think because the expense to fix this
place that was built in the year get this seventeen
hundred Oh wow wow, the expense to refurbish and redo
this place would be beyond anything cheaper just to tear
it down and build a new one. But it's a
it's a it's so cool to have it right.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
So here's my thought. He's gonna say yes because one
you're gonna be talking about the show and him coming
out and fixing the farmhouse, and his show Farmhouse Fixer
is gonna get so much publicity, and your place is
probably absolutely gorgeous, you know, to fix up. I think
it's a win win for everybody.

Speaker 9 (24:22):
Well, I don't know.

Speaker 10 (24:23):
Plus it's we're in New Jersey though he's up in
New England where he has a lot of resources up.

Speaker 9 (24:27):
There, and I don't know.

Speaker 5 (24:29):
I'm gonna ask him to fix it.

Speaker 10 (24:30):
Yes, And I'm thinking, since it's okay, have you ever
thought of this? It's on HGTV, so I'm assuming.

Speaker 9 (24:36):
I'm sure they'll cover all the calls.

Speaker 14 (24:38):
I've looked into that. They don't cover as much as
you think.

Speaker 1 (24:42):
Do they give you a budget or something?

Speaker 14 (24:44):
Not as much as you think.

Speaker 5 (24:45):
I read that they do, like and we should ask
him about this, but they do like two or three
rooms and that's it and the rest is on you.
And it's trash.

Speaker 14 (24:52):
I looked into this. They don't give you as much
as you think.

Speaker 11 (24:55):
Damn it.

Speaker 9 (24:55):
Yeah, Well, here's the thing.

Speaker 10 (24:56):
This house is so old built it's keep in mind
it's built in seventeen hundred, before this country was even established,
right so, so whoever owned this property bought it with
the permission from the King of England. I mean, this
is how old this stuff is. I can tear it down.
It's it's not a protected property. I want to protect

it because I think we should protect it. It's different righteen.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
It says here he's been creating ridiculous chef's kitchens in
some of these farmhouses and a built in seating area
for a large dining room.

Speaker 9 (25:32):
Well, I don't know what to do, but I'm thinking,
can't we use this to my benefit?

Speaker 13 (25:37):

Speaker 5 (25:38):

Speaker 1 (25:39):
I don't think it's just your benefit. I think it's
everyone's benefit. I think this show would benefit greatly from
you doing something with him.

Speaker 14 (25:45):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (25:46):
Oh, just a thought.

Speaker 14 (25:47):
Do you think George Washington slipped there Elvis? I don't know.

Speaker 10 (25:50):
I know he's staying Clayton ladies there, Fuck Froggy. Why
do you always have to take it on that road?
Do you think George Washington? Do you think he was
a hoe? I'm not saying that, maybe laid down the law.
Come on, big daddy, whip.

Speaker 5 (26:06):
Off that once he took off the wig and took
out his.

Speaker 9 (26:12):
Come on, come on, Georgie, let's plow the field, let's
go wait aywaute.

Speaker 11 (26:17):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
I you know what, whenever I watch those fixeder Upper shows,
I always think of what you were saying, Like they
walk into this beautiful room that they redid, it's gorgeous,
and then I think if the rest of the house looks.

Speaker 9 (26:28):
Like crap, Like here's what I have heard, and I've
read heard this several times.

Speaker 10 (26:34):
They'll go in and it makes it look like they
redid a lot of the house, but the rooms they
didn't touch are like storage rooms for like peyton cans,
And it's just whatever the camera can't see is what
you Whatever the camera can see is what you can see.

Speaker 9 (26:46):
Right, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (26:49):
I think this is legal. Can you do a quid
pro quo? You can come on my show, but you
have to fix my farmhouse. I think you're allowed to.

Speaker 9 (26:56):
Do that, right, Well, I don't know. That's not that's
not an even trade. We'll play I have to play
you fixed my farmhouse. We'll play your song.

Speaker 5 (27:06):
Yeah, I think that's legal.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
Yeah, thinking that's hashtag not so much.

Speaker 10 (27:12):
Okay, so much sending me a taket elvis. New Jersey
is New England. You know what, go away, you blocking people.

Speaker 9 (27:19):
I didn't say it. I didn't say it wasn't.

Speaker 14 (27:21):
New England, you tard God.

Speaker 10 (27:24):
I'm saying he's way up in New England where he
has different resources that he has here in New Jersey.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
I'm sure he can get those resources here in New Jersey.

Speaker 11 (27:32):
Block block.

Speaker 10 (27:34):
Block block block block blog blocking people anyway, So can
you imagine, So this house is so old, built in
seventeen hundred, the basement that needs to be replaced is
where the fireplace is located, because that originally was the kitchen.

Speaker 9 (27:49):
The kitchen was in the basement, right. Wow, I know
that's a historic property over there, but yeah, well it's
a little too historic.

Speaker 5 (27:56):
So anyway, if you need to tear it down to
save some of the bricks and you can put them
back in, right and you can say it's a restored farmhouse.

Speaker 13 (28:03):
Well I want to.

Speaker 9 (28:04):
I want to try to keep it as pure as possible,
if possible.

Speaker 14 (28:06):
We'll see if we can do that.

Speaker 8 (28:07):

Speaker 1 (28:08):
So yeah, I bet HGTV is listening right now. Give
us a call.

Speaker 10 (28:13):
You'll call us now or text us All right, well, okay,
enough of that. I mean, have we ever had a
guest on and we pulled them aside and asked for
a favor for personal reasons ever, I mean other than
tickets to like tickets to the show or something like that.

Speaker 14 (28:31):
That pediatrist guy, the foot.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Doctor, Oh yeah, we also have our feet and doctors
took our socks off, like, but we go to him
all the time. He's actually our foot.

Speaker 9 (28:40):
Doctors and he's great.

Speaker 10 (28:41):
The thing is, he was sitting right next to me,
so everyone's like putting their foot up on my desk.
I'm like, get out of here, Nate with your doctor,
Brad with your corns.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
Have any of you ever been approached to be on
one of these reality shows?

Speaker 7 (28:51):

Speaker 1 (28:52):
Yeah, so mine mine, yeah, And mine was one of
those where it's like, you know who, they go through
your wardrobe and they like keep things and get rid
of things, and then you know, they give you a
new wardrobe. The thing that told me not to go
on it was they come with you into the dressing
room and they want to film you when you're underwear,
and they show on the actual show there were people

all the time in their underwear and I was like, yeah,
I don't think I can do that, and that was
the kabash on the show. I was like, that is
not happening. Could you imagine you don't want to hear
that this text?

Speaker 3 (29:25):
Are just seven three to tell that asshat? New Jersey
is not New England, it's mid Atlantic.

Speaker 9 (29:30):
It was a mid Atlantic So yeah, well whatever, moving on.

Speaker 5 (29:34):
We don't want to know what Shogandhi was approached married
at first sight?

Speaker 9 (29:39):
My god, really, why didn't you do it?

Speaker 5 (29:44):
Because it combines all the things I would never do,
go on a blind date and then marry that person.

Speaker 10 (29:49):
No, yeah, all right, anyway, So I guess this is
a long winded way of saying new Kids on the
Block will be here tomorrow.

Speaker 7 (29:59):
Is Elvis ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (30:02):
Wendy's New Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon
pull Apart only at participating US.

Speaker 7 (30:17):
Wendy's Elvister Ran in the Morning Show already.

Speaker 10 (30:28):
Getting ready for next week. I know we have Charlemagne
the God. He's walking down the hallway. He has a
new book coming out, So we're gonna talk to Charlemage
next week. Also, my buddy musician, Callum Scott's gonna be here.
He's got a new song out. And let's see any
other guests next week.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
I heard Hes Drake and Kendrick all on the same day.

Speaker 9 (30:49):
What a day. Yeah, same day, same hour, same same interview.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
Oh my god, I got to go shopping for an outfit.

Speaker 10 (30:55):
We've got lots to do getting ready for next week.
Let's see. Also, Gandhi is a new game today. It's
called Best Family Movies. No, what is sparking this one?

Speaker 5 (31:06):
Because today is International Family Day. It's a day to
celebrate your fam So I looked up some of the
top family movies of all time, and I like to
see if people can guess them all.

Speaker 10 (31:16):
Right, So you need to know your movies, and you
need to appreciate the family movies in particular. Yeah, that's
coming up a little bit later on National Family Day.
Keep in mind, just because they're not blood relatives doesn't
mean they're not your family.

Speaker 5 (31:29):
Absolutely, a lot of times the people who are not
your blood are closer.

Speaker 9 (31:33):
Than blood exactly. Sometimes blood is messy, yeah, asked Nate.

Speaker 10 (31:39):
Anyway, a resident murderer, not a murderer, not a murder Hey,
So they tried this experiment here in New York City
and it failed miserably.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
I don't know.

Speaker 10 (31:49):
I actually I don't find it a failure. I think
it's kind of funny. They I guess the New York
City to Dublin, Ireland Tourism Board. I don't know who
put this up. They put up this massive live screen
in like I guess Times Square right here in.

Speaker 5 (32:07):
New York twenty third and fifth Avenue.

Speaker 10 (32:09):
I think, oh, okay, so it's downtown, so twenty third
fifth Avenue. And then they put another one in the
center of Dublin, Ireland, and so you could just walk
up to the screen and go Hi, and Dublin's like,
oh my god, New Yorker's high and I'm supposed.

Speaker 9 (32:23):
To just have like a fun old time.

Speaker 10 (32:26):
Well it turned into a little bit of a mess, right, Gandhi,
I mean, oh my god, Daniel, you haven't heard.

Speaker 14 (32:32):
I haven't heard so exciting.

Speaker 9 (32:34):
Well, tell tell them why they had to unplug the
portal Gandhi.

Speaker 5 (32:37):
Well, because people were treating it like chat roulette, where
you see someone and then you whip out your boobs
or your dinger.

Speaker 11 (32:44):
Are you serious?

Speaker 14 (32:46):

Speaker 9 (32:47):
And they were holding up controversial signs. Yeah, I mean
it was yeah bad.

Speaker 5 (32:52):
There was like hate speech flying back and forth. It's
not crazy gil Us nice things. It's crazy media loss.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
They probably you get to have somebody monitoring it from
each side, Like.

Speaker 9 (33:02):
Why I don't think that. Well, it's a really big portal.
I mean it's huge, and so you know, it's a
big screen, lots of room for lots of people together. Therefore,
you know, the chances of tomfoolery were very high.

Speaker 5 (33:14):
Now they say it's only temporary and they're putting in
measures and technology to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
So I'm interested to see how that works. I don't know,
like an instant blurred screen, a delay.

Speaker 16 (33:26):
I don't know.

Speaker 15 (33:28):
Yeah, yeah, that recognizes a dinger and blurs it out.

Speaker 9 (33:30):
And how do you blur out hate speech signs and
things like that?

Speaker 11 (33:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (33:36):
I saw the police arresting people on the Dublin side,
These three kids that were doing the dinger, whipping out
their dingers and on our side, an OnlyFans model got caught.
She was the one that got all the press, and
of course now she probably hasn't double the fans.

Speaker 8 (33:48):
Because of it.

Speaker 10 (33:49):
So if this was your brain, your brain child, right,
if this was your idea, are you celebrating today? Or
you said, I think it's reason for celebration. It's getting
a lot of even though you know it's it's a
bunch of penises flying back and forth across the Atlantic.

Speaker 5 (34:06):
You know it's also a social experiment. Yet will they do? Oh, there,
that's what they'll do.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
We can't with anything?

Speaker 9 (34:15):
What else can we get to today? We have listened.
Tomorrow is food news day.

Speaker 10 (34:18):
And even though at beginning the shrub of saying to Frankie,
we've got lots of news about food.

Speaker 9 (34:24):
Can I talk about the court ruling about tacos? Can
I at least talk about that?

Speaker 11 (34:28):
Yeah, it's fine.

Speaker 14 (34:29):
Did you have this one?

Speaker 13 (34:31):

Speaker 9 (34:31):
I do, but I'm not gonna do it tomorrow. You're fine, Okay.
So the question is are tacos sandwiches?

Speaker 7 (34:37):

Speaker 9 (34:38):
A court has ruled tacos. Let me finish. Don't eat
my head off. It's not me.

Speaker 14 (34:46):
I'm just reading the store. Now you know why I
wasn't doing the story tomorrow.

Speaker 10 (34:49):
An Indiana court has ruled that tacos are sandwiches.

Speaker 13 (34:54):
They're not.

Speaker 10 (34:55):
Well, here's here's the reason why, and you'll get it.
Some guy wanted to open a Mexican rest in a
strip mall, but a contract said he could only sell
man made to order sandwiches. So he sued, saying tacos
em burritos are sandwiches, and the judge agreed.

Speaker 1 (35:12):

Speaker 10 (35:12):
His name is Martin Kintana. He was trying to open
this taco place in the strip mall in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
He got into this red tape and it says on
the on the rules of the strip mall, you can
only open a place that sells made to order or
subway style sandwiches. I don't know why, but so he sued,
claiming tacos and burritos are sandwiches. His case has been

making its way through the legal system, and a superior
court judge just ruled Monday they are sandwiches. There could
be an appeal. The next judge made disagree, I guess,
but he ruled that tacos and burritos are basically Mexican
style sandwiches, which is making a lot of people out.
They're going, no, they're not.

Speaker 9 (35:51):
Okay, well I know, but just for the sake of
lad this guy opened his tacos dand let's let it.
Let's let it slide. Yeah you think this made it
all the way to the Indiana Superior Court, I can die. Well, hey,
you know, if you want to fight for what you
believe is is fair.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
And just absolutely yeah right, yeah, no, I see that.
I mean, I don't think a court can tell you
if it's a sandwich or not.

Speaker 14 (36:16):
Do well, now they can.

Speaker 5 (36:17):
They've settled it. There's no more debate. The court said
it's a sandwich.

Speaker 9 (36:20):
Now I guess Subway can start selling.

Speaker 5 (36:23):
Tacos heye.

Speaker 9 (36:25):
Like a foot long Talco me too, Now, okay. The
other news is the stupid I mean, uh food news
stories I was looking at. I don't I won't do it.
If you want to save it until tomorrow, Froggy, you
could do whatever you want to do about Pizza Hut
and their burgers. Did you get this story?

Speaker 11 (36:43):
I was going to But you could do that if
you'd like.

Speaker 1 (36:45):
No, no, no, okay, Froggy has nothing for tomorrow.

Speaker 11 (36:48):
I can tell you right now.

Speaker 15 (36:49):
I'm going to do the Danielle story again because there
is a portion of what Danielle did with Dolly and
Dunkin Donuts that she did not cover. So there's a
little piece left of that I will do tomorrow. So
you're fine, do whatever you need to do.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
I left something for you.

Speaker 11 (37:00):
Yes you did, Danielle. You love me.

Speaker 10 (37:02):
No, you know what I'm going to I'm going to
go ahead and sacrifice this one and save it for
tomorrow for you, Froggy, because I love Garsis. People are texting, well, yeah,
you're very welcome. A lot of people are texting and saying, ah,
tacos are hand held.

Speaker 5 (37:16):
We know that isn't eld.

Speaker 10 (37:20):
Unless you eat it with a fork and knife. Yes,
we understand it's a handheld. But in order for this
guy to open his taco stand, it needed to be
named a sandwich. Okay, this is not a learning moment
for us.

Speaker 7 (37:32):
We know.

Speaker 9 (37:33):
Handheld people.

Speaker 1 (37:37):
I'm so hungry.

Speaker 13 (37:38):
I know.

Speaker 10 (37:39):
I know me too, I would love a handheld Right now,
shall we get into the three things we need to
know from Gandhi? Yes, the free crap phone taps on
the way. It's Gandhi's day to run through the iHeart
offices and steal things from people's desks that we can
give away since we don't have a cash budget.

Speaker 5 (37:55):
I'm excited.

Speaker 9 (37:57):
Have you started pilfering?

Speaker 12 (37:58):
I have, I have some.

Speaker 5 (38:00):
I'm gonna make one more lap in the break.

Speaker 9 (38:02):
Is my office locked?

Speaker 5 (38:04):

Speaker 7 (38:05):
I got a key.

Speaker 9 (38:06):
All right, let's get into the three things. What's going on?

Speaker 8 (38:08):

Speaker 9 (38:09):
All right?

Speaker 5 (38:09):
It looks like Comcast is planning to offer a bundle
that offers access to Peacock, Netflix, and Apple TV. It's
called Streamsaver. It will be available to Comcast customers later
this year, according to remarks from the chairman. He didn't
offer specifics on pricing, but said it would have a
vastly reduced price compared to any of the offers currently available.

The WNBA's number one draft pick, Caitlin Clark, had an
up and down debut yesterday. The former Iowa Superstar started
slow in the Indiana Fevers ninety two to seventy one
loss to the Connecticut Sun, but finished with a decent
stat line. She had twenty points, three assists and two steals.
She did not shoot well from the field, according to
the people watching, going five for fifteen, but did hit

four of eleven three pointers. She was six for six
from the free throw line, but had ten turnovers. And finally,
we have a winner of the one and forty eighth
annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. A miniature boodle named
Stage is the champion. Now, yes, she was chosen number
one among twenty five hundred dogs from more than two

hundred breeds. And those are your three things.

Speaker 10 (39:16):
Well, I guess the universe heard my bitching and moaning
yesterday about how Schnauzers never went at Westminster.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
Yeah, how'd that goes?

Speaker 9 (39:23):
So yesterday Monte the Giant Schnauzer won in the working
group class.

Speaker 5 (39:28):
Wow, working group.

Speaker 9 (39:32):
Hey, it's better than nothing.

Speaker 7 (39:34):

Speaker 5 (39:34):
I just love when they call them worker breeds because
I just picture them off tour in the morning with
a briefcase and glasses.

Speaker 10 (39:39):
Yes, I know that's not what they mean, but that's
what I picture or with giant Schnauzer's maybe a tool belt.

Speaker 9 (39:44):
Right anyway, So Schnauzer, we finally won something, my Schnauzer.

Speaker 14 (39:48):
F I'm so excited.

Speaker 9 (39:51):
Well, thank you, thank you, Ganda.

Speaker 7 (39:52):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 9 (39:55):
Julie pot were you really day drinking with Seth Myers.
A day drinking, I go blackout. What was your cocktail choice?

Speaker 14 (40:02):
Unfortunately it was like an involuntary cocktail of rum vodka
jin Tequitoh.

Speaker 9 (40:09):
The brilliant EQE SUV from Mercedes Benz with available digital
like technology. It's so smart, even the headlamps for thinking.
The vehicle is all electric, the feeling is all Mercedes.
Learn more at mbusa dot com. Slash e que Dash Suv.

Speaker 7 (40:23):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show, I love it. I
love Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (40:29):
I don't know if you're a dog freak click out
like us, so just some of us. Anyway, that Westminster
Dog Show last night, it was just incredible. And what's
great about the dog show is they'll they'll play it
over and over on some obscure sports channel somewhere. I
always find it, and I just love watching those dogs
and they're in their trainers and their owners together like
running and doing their thing. And so they're saying that

you were talking about this in your in your news
a second ago, Gandhi. The best in show was a
total surprise.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
They were like, what mini poodle?

Speaker 9 (40:59):
A miniature poodle? Won this thing. Yeah, total surprise, I
guess in the dog show world. It was a shocking moment, outrageous, outrageous.
My dog's up there just fed them, and you know,
farmer's dog. The farmer's dog is of course a partner
of ours. And ever since I started feeding them, the

farmer's dog, there's a problem because if I if I
don't have it ready to go, or if I run
out and I'm waiting for another another shipman to come in.

Speaker 10 (41:26):
They won't eat anything else. So they're like, they I
feed them something else because the farmer's dog isn't here,
hasn't been delivered like until this afternoon. They look at
me like, what the hell is this?

Speaker 14 (41:36):
We're not eating this.

Speaker 9 (41:37):
I'm well, really, you're gonna go on a hunger strike
because the farmer's dog hasn't arrived yet.

Speaker 5 (41:43):
You're like a drug dealer. You got them hooked. There's
nothing now.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
I'm like, what is it with you?

Speaker 10 (41:48):
Your dogs eat no? No, they have now learned the
truth about the farmer's dog. Anyway, thank you the farmer's dog.
We do have a free crap from tap on the
way in a few minutes.

Speaker 16 (42:01):
What have you?

Speaker 9 (42:02):
What have you stolen so far.

Speaker 5 (42:04):
Okay, so I have to be honest. I walked around
and we have no crap laying around. I found only treasures.
So I feel like this is going to be a
really good one. All this stuff is cool stuff. It's
not crap at all. Really, Yes, I hope that's not
a problem. Nate said it was, okay.

Speaker 14 (42:18):
I think, listen, if we get give stuff away that
people actually want to use when well, I know, but
I know, but as long as she's not stealing it
from your desk.

Speaker 5 (42:29):
No, no, I didn't steal it from anybody's desk. I
made sure that all of these things were okay to
be given away.

Speaker 10 (42:34):
Okay with everybody? Wait, Gandhi, how's your invisiline journey going?
Are you still whistling?

Speaker 5 (42:39):
I have the most whistly yesses. Yes. See, guys, you
sent me a video the other day with a girl
who was speaking, and you were like, oh, the whistly
as I hate it, And I'm like, oh, no, that's me.
I have the whistley yesses. I've had to recut commercials
because I didn't think I was pronouncing things correct.

Speaker 10 (42:58):
Well, I didn't send that to you to point out
your s whistle problem. I could you're really unless you
pointed out you can't really hear it.

Speaker 5 (43:07):
Oh thanks, that makes me feel My dentist said he
was proud of.

Speaker 9 (43:10):
Me with how she Now I hear it now because
you told us to listen for it.

Speaker 5 (43:13):
Yes, let me tell you saying Victoria's secret is tough.

Speaker 9 (43:17):
Victoria's secret, yes, yeah, that that video I sent you
from Instagram. I believe she's a food a food person whatever, Yeah,
like a food blogger, a blogger, and she.

Speaker 10 (43:32):
Goes out to these really nice restaurants in New York City,
and when she describes them, every s has this.

Speaker 9 (43:37):
I can't even do it.

Speaker 5 (43:38):
Yeah, it's a super exciting asparagus. And I loved it.

Speaker 10 (43:43):
Yeah, And I'm like, oh, and so every time I've
played out loud the dogs become running. She actually calls
the dogs in by using these whistley SSA's.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
Is she wearing in visil line or that's just how
she I don't know.

Speaker 9 (43:55):
I don't know.

Speaker 10 (43:57):
At least she doesn't have like whistley booker, which we
get here on our show from Is anyone getting wishley
booger sounds today?

Speaker 14 (44:05):
I think we're okay. I had one in the car
on the way in oh and I had to manually
remove ex did you have.

Speaker 1 (44:13):
A tissue or did you shove your old finger up
your nose?

Speaker 14 (44:16):
Shut my finger up there in my car?

Speaker 1 (44:17):
Come on, do you wash your hand afterwards?

Speaker 14 (44:19):
I did when I got here.

Speaker 5 (44:21):
Treated he wiped it on the door. I saw him.

Speaker 10 (44:25):
We were talking earlier about the need for us to
get better sleep. Yeah, because we're not sleeping enough.

Speaker 14 (44:30):
We're just not.

Speaker 11 (44:31):
We're not.

Speaker 10 (44:31):
And even if you do roll into bed early enough
to get enough hours right, you still sometimes you know
that mine starts wandering. You can't you can't extinguish the thoughts.

Speaker 9 (44:43):
Danielle says, if you cut a line in half and
put it in your bedroom, you'll fall asleep.

Speaker 1 (44:48):
I have not tried this yet, but it has been
popping up all over social and on like a TikTok
and all that. And they're claiming that if you do this,
you will sleep better.

Speaker 7 (44:58):
I don't know if it's true.

Speaker 1 (44:59):
I can wanting to try.

Speaker 14 (45:01):
I know you believe the potatoes in the sock, but
until I try.

Speaker 7 (45:06):
It, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (45:06):
So I'm going to try it. I haven't gotten to
the store to get this.

Speaker 5 (45:09):
Seems like a conspiracy from a big lime people.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
Yeah, I'll look to get extra sleep. I'll try anything
citru I don't know. I forgot what they were saying.
I can google it for.

Speaker 16 (45:21):
You, though.

Speaker 9 (45:21):
Well, let's find out, because maybe we need to be
just cutting up some lime. I lost a little margarita
on the bad stand. I can see the lime farmers
getting together. Here's what we'll do.

Speaker 11 (45:29):
We'll tell people they cut up a lime.

Speaker 9 (45:35):
Scary. Have you thought more about becoming a godfather?

Speaker 1 (45:39):
I kind of godfather?

Speaker 10 (45:41):
Actually, he was talking about this on the other the
other day. He's been asked to be godfather for.

Speaker 3 (45:47):
My French's share and her husband Scott, and they they
basically had you know, Enzo baby Enzo, and they like
you are the godfather.

Speaker 14 (45:54):
I said, do you not have family? Do you not
have other people?

Speaker 3 (45:56):
Because I don't even have kids, and I don't have
I've never I'm awkward around children, as you all know,
and so I just don't know what my responsibilities are
going to be. I understand I have to be there
that day for the christening, and I have to hold
up the baby as they pour water.

Speaker 14 (46:10):
Over his head.

Speaker 8 (46:11):
And I know I have.

Speaker 5 (46:13):
Holding a baby up for the lion.

Speaker 14 (46:14):
Can that's you have to do, like you hold them
over your head.

Speaker 9 (46:18):
The priest will do that. You're okay, you know you're
not going to drown the poor kid. You' And I
have to and I have to.

Speaker 3 (46:23):
I know I'm gonna have to come correct with presents
around holiday time and you know, look.

Speaker 10 (46:28):
It's scary, I believe, as I've learned because I'm a godfather.
By the way, I do believe that it depends on
the parents. Of the parents, they may have a different
level of expectations expectation from you. Yeah, they may want nothing.
They know you very well, so if they're smart, they
know not to expect anything.

Speaker 3 (46:48):
I'm hoping if that is the case, and it's going
to be just basically, I'll keep you the funkle or
the funcal godfather, whatever you call that, and anyway, and
then that'll be me, and then I'm good. But if
as far as like having to tend to the child's
needs or be there in a time where if let's
say the parents are no longer there, I think I'm
screwed because I don't know how to parent kids.

Speaker 13 (47:07):

Speaker 14 (47:07):
Yeah, they're both of us, all.

Speaker 10 (47:09):
Right, So you've decided you're going to go through with
it as long as you as long as you and
the parents have an agreement.

Speaker 9 (47:15):
Wait, did you say her name was chaer Id.

Speaker 16 (47:19):

Speaker 14 (47:20):
You guys have met.

Speaker 3 (47:24):
Her and her husband, Scott Windhauser. I love you, guys,
Thank you for choosing me. I don't know why I'm
the chosen one.

Speaker 1 (47:29):
You have to take a class to you know? No,
I don't yah what you usually have to take a.

Speaker 7 (47:34):
Let you do.

Speaker 1 (47:35):
Yeah, I've taken I never took one every time I've
been asked or I asked the Catholic in the Catholic
faith of the.

Speaker 9 (47:43):
Catholic Okay, okay, Well they know I'm a heathen, so
I'm safe, So.

Speaker 14 (47:49):
I'm good.

Speaker 11 (47:50):
I'm good.

Speaker 10 (47:51):
It was more of a formality. We really appreciate you
as a friend, Elvis, and as a part of our family.
Would you please be the godfather? But if God forbid
something haster with the kid, we don't you within twenty feet.

Speaker 13 (48:01):
I like that.

Speaker 5 (48:02):
We have other plans. Don't worry exactly.

Speaker 9 (48:04):
Yeah, we have backups.

Speaker 1 (48:05):
I'm pretty sure if something happens to anyone in my family,
I get everyone's children. I think that's what I'm being tood.

Speaker 11 (48:10):
That's what I was told, my Lord.

Speaker 1 (48:13):
It was very funny because my brother basically told me that,
and my sister in law was so cute. She's like, yeah,
he probably should have asked before he just assumed, but
we would love you to be the one. And I
was like, of course I would love that, but she's like,
I'm really sorry not to ask, because that's how my
brother does things.

Speaker 9 (48:28):
Love you, Roy, Well, the key is to get them
to that age where they're old enough to find for.

Speaker 1 (48:33):
Themselves, and then do you learn them out into the world.

Speaker 14 (48:37):
Absolutely all right.

Speaker 9 (48:38):
It is true.

Speaker 10 (48:39):
We don't have a budget this week for any cash
with a free money phone tap, but it is the
free crab phone tap. And here in day number three
Gandhi's it was Gandhi's mission to go out and find
excellent stuff to give away in the free crap box.
And apparently, and I'm not I hope I'm not expecting
too much here, apparently she has chosen some blue ribbon
prizes for the free crap phone tap.

Speaker 5 (49:00):
Yep, this is a treasure chest phone tap and.

Speaker 9 (49:02):
You're gonna win it all coming out?

Speaker 7 (49:03):
What's up?

Speaker 8 (49:04):
This is in the.

Speaker 5 (49:06):
Just he Hi, this is Elon Jump Miss Britney Spears
in the morning show.

Speaker 7 (49:19):
The Free Crap Phone Tap.

Speaker 11 (49:23):
We got to change this bed.

Speaker 5 (49:25):
Yeah, I don't want the fart because this stuff is
all good.

Speaker 9 (49:27):
No, we have deliterally changed the bed because someone pooped
in the bed.

Speaker 14 (49:30):
You can hear it.

Speaker 10 (49:32):
It is time for the free crap phone tap. Reason
we do it because we don't have any money this week.
Hopefully maybe next week we'll have a nice partner.

Speaker 14 (49:39):
We got some cash.

Speaker 9 (49:41):
Okay, good, until then, you got crap. So I don't
know if you can hear what we can hear.

Speaker 10 (49:49):
So you're about to win this big, beautiful box of
free crap that Gandhi found throughout our iHeart offices. So
do you wish to describe all of the wonderful things
we're given right now?

Speaker 13 (50:00):

Speaker 5 (50:00):
I would love to.

Speaker 18 (50:02):

Speaker 5 (50:02):
Our lovely partners at em and M's sent us all
these champagne bottles that have Eminem's with our faces on them.
I'm going to be nice and give that to a listener.

Speaker 8 (50:15):

Speaker 9 (50:15):
That's not crap at all. Okay, let's okay, let's scout
the free stuff phone taps.

Speaker 5 (50:21):
That's one thing. Then I have these little chocolate and
white chocolate dipped espresso beans that look delicious.

Speaker 1 (50:31):
Why haven't those come over our way?

Speaker 5 (50:32):
I have more if you want more, they're on my desk,
okay Christmas.

Speaker 9 (50:37):
But they're that's great. That's not crap at all. That's
a really good somewhere.

Speaker 14 (50:41):
What else you have?

Speaker 12 (50:42):
All right?

Speaker 5 (50:42):
Then I have this game that we've all been playing outside,
this pickleball game that it's kind of causing some controversy
because people getting fights over it. But yeah, I asked
if we could take it and give it to a listener.
It's going to be so much fun. This is a
really fun little game. So Pickleball Blast. You get that
as well?

Speaker 14 (50:59):

Speaker 7 (51:00):

Speaker 5 (51:01):
And then this I have no idea how or when
I ordered it. It does not fit me at all.
It is like a three piece vacation suit. Oh yeah,
it's like like a three piece yeah, three piece. It's
like a crop top shorts and then like a little
cover up thing yeah for the okay.

Speaker 9 (51:20):
A three piece travel set, Yes, exactly.

Speaker 2 (51:24):
What it is.

Speaker 5 (51:25):
And that's all the stuff, no crap, all good stuff.

Speaker 9 (51:27):
It's all good stuff.

Speaker 10 (51:29):
Yeah, all right, So if you want to win this
big box of good stuff with a good stuff phone
tap be called one hundred right now, one eight hundred
two four two zero one hundred. I want you to
don't carefully because this is a good package. Good pass,
Thank you, gandhi, welcome, great job. All right, who does
the free really cool stuff?

Speaker 14 (51:48):
Phone taps? Catty I do?

Speaker 7 (51:49):
Let's listen in, don't answer the phone, Elvis Duran, the
Elvis Duran phone tap.

Speaker 9 (51:56):
Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in. Michael
Oppenheimer is back, dear Elvis Durant. My father is a telemarketer.
Wouldn't it be funny if Michael Oppenheimer gave him a ring.
Michael Oppenheimer's calling your dad on today's phone town.

Speaker 19 (52:16):
Hello, oh, yes, this is mister Michael Oppenheimer with the
fucking Wagoner's World Star Encyclopedia Britannica.

Speaker 9 (52:22):
How are you Today's sir?

Speaker 12 (52:24):
Is this a sales call?

Speaker 15 (52:26):
Yes, it is there that Do you realize that you
can be fined eleven thousand dollars?

Speaker 9 (52:30):
No, we don't.

Speaker 2 (52:31):
This This is a no call for you're a part
of a new call.

Speaker 12 (52:34):
Yes I am.

Speaker 9 (52:35):
There are loopholes, sir.

Speaker 11 (52:40):
Hello, oh, yes, good afternoon.

Speaker 19 (52:42):
This is mister Michael Oppenheimen with the Fucking Wagoner's World
Star Encyclopedia Britannica.

Speaker 9 (52:46):
How are you today's sir?

Speaker 8 (52:48):
Let me speak to your supervisor.

Speaker 9 (52:49):
Who I'm speaking with, Sir?

Speaker 12 (52:51):
Let me speak to your supervisor, sir.

Speaker 9 (52:52):
We have a twenty six volume set.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
Let me speak to your supervisor, sir.

Speaker 12 (52:56):
We have Are you stupid or is it what?

Speaker 8 (52:59):

Speaker 9 (53:00):
We have a twenty six volume set of our encyclopedia.
We can get one per month. Hello, this is mister
Michael lobin Him.

Speaker 19 (53:10):
With the Fucking wagon World Star Encyclopedia botanic A. S
We have a twenty six volume set here, it's the
two thousand and four edition.

Speaker 11 (53:17):

Speaker 14 (53:18):
I am the supervisor.

Speaker 12 (53:20):
You are supervisor.

Speaker 9 (53:21):
I'm the supervisor is sir? If you act now, you
can receive this hand.

Speaker 12 (53:26):
You know what you're doing, sir.

Speaker 9 (53:28):
I'm not going away anytime soon. This is mister Michael Lobenheimer.

Speaker 12 (53:33):
You still there?

Speaker 8 (53:34):
Yes, I am sir.

Speaker 12 (53:35):

Speaker 9 (53:36):
Okay, what is your first name?

Speaker 8 (53:37):

Speaker 2 (53:37):

Speaker 9 (53:39):
Excuse me?

Speaker 2 (53:39):

Speaker 11 (53:41):
Hello, yes, let me get you call for wrastling called
sales called the Quality Time and Tom.

Speaker 4 (53:49):
And I hang up.

Speaker 8 (53:50):
They call back.

Speaker 2 (53:52):
I need someone that speaks of asary right now, you're
still there, if you just let me finish at this time,
it's like a guy on the phone. He's called me
ten cars her rationally, I wanted the low call. This
he's calling me see from Fumba Wagner.

Speaker 6 (54:08):
If you can trace this call and.

Speaker 2 (54:10):
Get him off the phone, I'd like to press charges.

Speaker 8 (54:14):
Let's get thank you right you're still there.

Speaker 9 (54:17):
It's a twenty six volume cent and we'd like to
put you on a trial period this afternoon for being
so cooperative.

Speaker 12 (54:23):
Listen here, I've been bombarded with this phone call, and
if I got another call, I'm gonna have your ass
and a ringer. Do you understand now, please stop calling.

Speaker 9 (54:35):
You have to understand. Mine's mister Michael Appeheimer, and I'm
here to sell you encyclopedias.

Speaker 12 (54:39):
Do you I don't need encyclopedias.

Speaker 14 (54:42):
Do you read?

Speaker 8 (54:43):

Speaker 12 (54:43):
Do I read?

Speaker 13 (54:44):

Speaker 12 (54:44):
I can't read. I'm dumb.

Speaker 9 (54:46):
You know education is very key these days.

Speaker 12 (54:49):
I know education is keys. I got a son that's
a teacher and a daughter in law that's a teacher,
and I got no one home but my wife.

Speaker 19 (54:57):
We don't read twenty six volume today twelve easy payments
of thirty seven dollars and sixty three Know.

Speaker 12 (55:03):
What you can do with that? You can shut up
here as and I don't come in. What do you
do now? Get off my damn phone. Okay, but the
dollar ninety five shot back.

Speaker 9 (55:20):
Now and receive this handy leather boundary planning for.

Speaker 12 (55:22):
Free dictionary encyclopedias. Go yourself, sir.

Speaker 9 (55:27):
You're not making this easy on me when I'm.

Speaker 12 (55:29):
Not supposed to make it easy. I know all the
ins and out of this business. I'm gonna tell Mark,
I tell you I smuck.

Speaker 9 (55:38):
I don't know that because I've spoken with your son, Michael.

Speaker 12 (55:42):
My son, Michael.

Speaker 9 (55:44):
Yes, this is Kary Jones, and you've just been phone tapped.

Speaker 11 (55:47):
Michael is going to get killed?

Speaker 12 (55:52):
Love your dad, I am.

Speaker 8 (55:53):
I'm just on the.

Speaker 12 (55:55):
Phone calling the police department.

Speaker 7 (55:59):
Phone tap.

Speaker 10 (56:00):
Wow, I'd love to get a telemarketing call from him. Anyway, Great,
good job, scary fact.

Speaker 14 (56:09):
That was scary. By the way, did you know that
that voice is scary? Of course?

Speaker 11 (56:14):
This is mister Michael.

Speaker 10 (56:14):
Open there you, mister Michael Oppenheimer. That was your free
box of cool stuff. Phone tap. Let's go to Morgan
line fourteen. All right, Morgan, you did it. You just
want a big box of stuff?

Speaker 4 (56:25):
Yeah, Morgan, Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to be
on the phone with you.

Speaker 13 (56:30):

Speaker 4 (56:30):
I've been listening to you since I was in high school.

Speaker 9 (56:33):
Wow. Well, thank you. And now Morgan is a great
great grandmother of seventeen. Yeah, I'm kidding. You've been listening
for a while.

Speaker 5 (56:41):
I've been.

Speaker 13 (56:43):
I've been two and a half hours of traffic driving from.

Speaker 4 (56:45):
Long Island to Staten Island and there's nobody I would rather.

Speaker 8 (56:48):
Listen to than you.

Speaker 1 (56:49):

Speaker 10 (56:50):
Oh all right, now we've got to add more stuff
to the box of good stuff. All right, so tell
Morgan everything she just won in the box of good stuff.

Speaker 5 (56:57):
Morgan, you just won a three piece vacation that looks
like a faux ver sachy thing here it is so faux.
You won a giant champagne bottle full of em and
m's with my name and face on them. You won pickleball,
the board game thing that looks amazing, Pickleball Blast. And
you won chocolate and white chocolate covered espresso beans.

Speaker 14 (57:22):
Thank you guys so much.

Speaker 4 (57:23):
That's that's great, But honestly, the biggest gift is just
listening to you guys when I drive to work every morning.

Speaker 5 (57:29):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 9 (57:32):
I bet you say that to all the morning shows.

Speaker 14 (57:34):
But thank you.

Speaker 9 (57:36):
Hey, Nate, yes, do me favorite?

Speaker 13 (57:39):
Can you.

Speaker 9 (57:42):
Can you please like put some swag in there too?

Speaker 14 (57:44):
Certainly, Elvis, Durana Perrel, We're gonna.

Speaker 10 (57:47):
We're exactly, we're gonna send some more stuff in there too,
don I mean, uh, I'm sorry, Morgan, We're.

Speaker 9 (57:52):
Gonna have a great day.

Speaker 14 (57:53):
Thank you for listening to us all these years. It's
much appreciated.

Speaker 13 (57:56):
Thank you so much. Thank you guys. Don't ever stop
doing what you're doing.

Speaker 9 (58:01):
Oh God, do we have to get you?

Speaker 11 (58:04):
Oh no, damn it now or cursed?

Speaker 9 (58:07):
All right, hold on on second, Morgan, Thank you, and
there you go. Tomorrow, maybe we can switch back to
the free crap phone Tap Tap and give away stuff
that isn't that desirable.

Speaker 14 (58:15):
I got so much.

Speaker 9 (58:17):
Scary scary. You're in charge of the free crap phone
Tap tomorrow.

Speaker 14 (58:21):
Bring it in from my apartment.

Speaker 9 (58:23):
Bring on it, Daniel, what are you coming up?

Speaker 1 (58:26):
We are going to talk about a lot of cool
stuff coming to Amazon, and also which celebrity would you
vote for president?

Speaker 10 (58:32):
Look, I don't know if you grew up watching the Jetsons,
you know the cartoons. Yeah, where they live in the future.
You know, they don't even have cars with tires. Back then,
they I mean back then they were portraying a world
where you fly around in a car. Well, now there's
this new this new vehicle out where it's coming out.
It's in development called the Jetson one. So, Nate, I mean,

Alex sent me uh a link and I looked it
up and it isn't it's a it's.

Speaker 9 (59:03):
A car that flies.

Speaker 11 (59:05):

Speaker 9 (59:05):
Wow, as if he wants one.

Speaker 1 (59:09):
Can you even use it?

Speaker 10 (59:10):
It depends on where you are. I guess if you're
on your own field, I don't know. It's no, it's
not street legal. Then again, it doesn't need a street
so I'm quite sure what you do with it.

Speaker 1 (59:18):
Now I have a question. What now, planes obviously have
jurisdiction and they have permission to fly and know all
the right paperwork. Can a car just fly without the
correct paperwork and stuff like that?

Speaker 7 (59:30):
I mean, I don't.

Speaker 9 (59:30):
I mean so glad, I'm so glad you brought up this.

Speaker 14 (59:33):
This is my point.

Speaker 10 (59:34):
I'm like, and we have to get Alex on the
phone and let him down gently. He's not getting one.
We're not gonna get some flying car. It's not gonna
happen any lessons.

Speaker 1 (59:42):
Would you need pilot lessons?

Speaker 11 (59:43):
Right, No, you don't.

Speaker 9 (59:45):
No, No, that's the other beauty of this. No, just
crack it up and fly down.

Speaker 8 (59:50):
To the stoor.

Speaker 5 (59:51):
Okay, this is gonna go so wrong. I feel like
so many there are gonna be so many bird on
flying car collisions.

Speaker 11 (59:58):
You guys are making you guys are hasty to make
decisions here one No, I mean I was looking at it.
I'm open to it.

Speaker 15 (01:00:06):
I think it's kind of cool. It's very expensive. I
can't afford one, but I think it's very neat. Now
I would say the downside is only one person can
ride in it at a time. But this is that
means only one person can die at a time. It
says it's got hands free hubver, it's got a it
can run on one motor. If one motor goes down,
it can still operate just fine on one motor. It's

got a parachute that it said does not require great uh,
and you don't have to have great height and elevation
in the order for the parachute to deploy. To save
your own life. Like they thought this thing out.

Speaker 13 (01:00:39):
I like it.

Speaker 11 (01:00:39):
I think the idea.

Speaker 9 (01:00:41):
Well, toy, let's let's put this on hold.

Speaker 10 (01:00:42):
We're gonna get him on the phone and talk to
you about how we're gonna break it to him gently.

Speaker 14 (01:00:46):
He's not get any one.

Speaker 9 (01:00:47):
First of all.

Speaker 10 (01:00:48):
Yeah, the cost is still way too high, but you know,
the cost will come down. I don't care if this
thing is five thousand dollars. It's not it's not gonna happen.

Speaker 14 (01:00:54):
There's no traffic in the sky, Elvis.

Speaker 10 (01:00:57):
Well, there will be with a bunch of morons like this,
I mean, anyway. We'll get to that in a minute.
Also Danielle's report on the way and also this game.
It's all about family movies, right, Yes, movies about families?

Speaker 8 (01:01:11):
Is that it?

Speaker 5 (01:01:11):
Yeah, the most popular family movies of all time.

Speaker 1 (01:01:14):
Recording to the website at home tooism it's.

Speaker 7 (01:01:17):
Not on there.

Speaker 5 (01:01:17):
I'm sorry, Danielle.

Speaker 9 (01:01:18):
All right, we'll see what's on it. We'll get into
that in a few minutes too. Hey, are I want
to hear all about the weird wild stories you didn't
learn in school? Let my best friend Patty Steele and
her podcast The Backstory with Patty Steel. Be your guide, Patty,
what are you exploring next?

Speaker 7 (01:01:32):
So Elvis, have you ever been so mad, scared, happy,
or turned on that just screamed a naughty word? When
in the hell did we start cursing?

Speaker 9 (01:01:40):
The Backstory with Patty Steele New episodes every Tuesday and Friday.
Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (01:01:49):
Time is running out to see on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercovertourists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt disney World and Disneyland. These
are the real deal. Save now at Undercover Tourists dot com.

I find the Kardashians to be brilliant.

Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
Nope, straight eight. You're a murderer. Yeah, I'd like to
work out. Nope. If you think I'm gay, raise your hand.

Speaker 5 (01:02:19):
Yeah, can't lie when you smoke a lot of putt?

Speaker 6 (01:02:21):
No, No, am I a sick bastard? Yeah, I'm pre
limber from mighty stature. Nope, we're just talking about nothing.

Speaker 7 (01:02:27):
Elvist ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (01:02:30):
Look at that A shout out to a six U
baseball team called the Biscuits. They won the tournament.

Speaker 10 (01:02:36):
They won their tournament Monday night, their county champs. Good
for them, nice, good going kids, coaches, everyone.

Speaker 13 (01:02:42):
I love that.

Speaker 9 (01:02:43):
Thanks for texting that info.

Speaker 10 (01:02:44):
In so not too long ago, Alex and I bought
this piece of property way out in the middle of nowhere,
right and Alex says, you know what should do. Let's
buy some ATVs and go out there and just drive
like crazy. Mainaim, no, no, because it sounds fine, but
it'll I know it's gonna get crazy. He's going to
roll it over and he's gonna break his legs. And

I know, is Alex on the phone, Yes, there is so, Alex.
So I got through that ATV thing you had, right, Yeah,
that moment in your life where you had to have one.

Speaker 9 (01:03:17):
We got alive through that and we didn't have to
get one.

Speaker 14 (01:03:19):
I'm excited.

Speaker 9 (01:03:20):
Yeah, So can I tell them what you sent me today?

Speaker 7 (01:03:22):
Oh boy?

Speaker 8 (01:03:23):

Speaker 13 (01:03:24):
And my birthday's coming up next month. I'm ready.

Speaker 9 (01:03:26):

Speaker 10 (01:03:27):
It's the first affordable EVTL on the market, which is
a it's a single person flight car basically is what
it is. Okay, it's called it's called the jetson one
and I love this, and Alex is like, my birthday's
coming up, and look, no pilot's license is required, all

the good things.

Speaker 13 (01:03:49):
Yeah, okay, so I look it go go ahead, It
goes fifteen hundred feet up, it goes sixty three miles
per hour, and I think it's awesome.

Speaker 1 (01:04:00):
I just looked at the price. Are you out of
your fricking mind?

Speaker 13 (01:04:03):

Speaker 9 (01:04:03):
Okay, well affordable, okay, okay.

Speaker 10 (01:04:05):
Can we not dwell on that, because first of all,
we're not we're not buying one, okay okay, And it's
not going to be out for a couple of years.
I'm sure the price is if it's successful, they will
come down, all right, that's just the way it works.

Speaker 13 (01:04:16):
Well, well, they only they only, they only produced a
certain amount. Last year was sold out, This year, it
sold out, next year it sold out. But but I
could get on the wedding list with twenty twenty six.

Speaker 14 (01:04:28):
Oh right, how come we.

Speaker 1 (01:04:30):
Haven't seen any of them flying around if it's selling.

Speaker 9 (01:04:32):
Out, because they're all they're all crashed.

Speaker 15 (01:04:36):
Say here that the maximum pilot weight is two hundred
and ten pounds, Alex, you you've fit under that?

Speaker 11 (01:04:43):

Speaker 13 (01:04:44):
Oh yeah, I'm one eighty.

Speaker 11 (01:04:46):
There you go.

Speaker 9 (01:04:47):
See you got room to spare. Okay, so let's say
we could afford it. Who in our in our circle
of friends or family really be flying around in one
of these things?

Speaker 11 (01:05:01):
I just not one person, not one, Not one train
you it says, they train you before you buy it.

Speaker 5 (01:05:09):
Still no killing.

Speaker 13 (01:05:10):
I don't excited.

Speaker 9 (01:05:12):
Sorry, I'm sure.

Speaker 14 (01:05:13):
What's that name? I'm Team Alex because you know what,
this world needs pioneers. One hundred and twenty five years ago,
nobody had driven a car before. And then you know,
you had people that were like, Okay, I'll take a
chance on this motorized machine with wheels and a thing,
and you know I use a wheel to steer. Okay,
Well it's a pioneer.

Speaker 9 (01:05:32):
No, no, no, no, ifrin hold on the Model T
was a lot slower and didn't fly.

Speaker 11 (01:05:37):
Yeah, but you got to start somewhere.

Speaker 1 (01:05:39):
Yes, My my concern isn't the price. My concern isn't
actually even him flying and crashing. My concern is him
landing it on a human or landing it on an
animal and killing them.

Speaker 11 (01:05:53):
That is Daniel. They train you prior to you mean anything.

Speaker 5 (01:05:56):
They everyone to drive Froggy it doesn't mean everyone.

Speaker 1 (01:05:59):
You did a test to get all kinds of licenses.

Speaker 10 (01:06:01):
So so, Alex, even if this thing was let's say,
twenty five hundred dollars versus by thing one hundred and
some thousands are talking about.

Speaker 9 (01:06:10):
Do you really think? Do you really think I would?

Speaker 10 (01:06:14):
I would totally totally support you, and flying with these
things around it would scare me to death.

Speaker 12 (01:06:21):
Oh come on.

Speaker 13 (01:06:21):
It has an emergency parachute just in case. If something
goes wrong, you push a button and it lands with
a parachute, So you know that's just in case. But
I think I'll be fine.

Speaker 14 (01:06:33):
What Gandhi?

Speaker 5 (01:06:34):
How high up does this thing go? Nineteen hundred feet
fifteen hundred feet? Okay, I'm just I cannot imagine seeing
one of those flying through Times Square. I feel like
the people on the ground will try to do something
bad to you. If you're going to do it, at
least just you know, stay stay in the areas where
there's no one.

Speaker 10 (01:06:51):
Well, I don't assume that. I'm sure there are some
rules somewhere saying you can't fly that thing through Times Square.

Speaker 5 (01:06:58):
Like there are rules about drone where you can take drunks.
So I'm sure that there are rules about where you
can take these cars.

Speaker 1 (01:07:03):
I would think that airline airlines are not happy about this.
I mean, they have enough problems up there have problems.

Speaker 9 (01:07:10):
How far up is fifteen hundred feet?

Speaker 14 (01:07:12):
I mean it's as high as the Empire State Building
to the very tough Oh dear God.

Speaker 5 (01:07:16):
And that's a lot higher than I can.

Speaker 1 (01:07:17):
You see planes flying over there all the time, that low.

Speaker 11 (01:07:21):
They're not that low.

Speaker 15 (01:07:22):
There's obviously a difference. And I'm sure that around an
airfield you would not be able to fly. You would
have to, you know, I'm sure there are areas you
can't fly it up to fifteen hundred feet, but you
don't have to go as high as fifteen hundred feet.
It says it's safe hovering at as little as fifty feet.

Speaker 5 (01:07:34):
But you're trusting people who are buying this to be reasonable.
I feel like all the first wave are going to
be the people that are like, screw these rules. I'm
going up to the Empire State Build like Alex exact exactly.

Speaker 1 (01:07:46):
I have to pay for a ticket up there.

Speaker 7 (01:07:47):
And let's go.

Speaker 15 (01:07:48):
Yeah, come on, you know what I'm hearing here, I'm
hearing you should have bought Alex and ATV. Maybe he
would have done the ATV, and but see now that
you didn't. Now he wants this. If you don't buy
him this, what's next.

Speaker 10 (01:07:58):
Look Look, look he went through the ATV, he went
to the motorcycle phase. He wants he always wants one
of these things. But we're not going to get these
things because we don't need them. Lets it's a little
too early, in my opinion, pioneering. No, we're not pioneers.
Let's let someone else.

Speaker 14 (01:08:13):
Pioneer these things.

Speaker 4 (01:08:15):

Speaker 3 (01:08:15):
Yeah, scary what I think that if you put this
conversation in the time capsule, come back to it ten
years later, we're going to be like, oh my god,
I can't believe.

Speaker 9 (01:08:23):
That we didn't even consider this, and then it was
it was so farign to us.

Speaker 8 (01:08:26):

Speaker 3 (01:08:27):
I do think that these will be perfected by the
year twenty twenty six, twenty twenty seven, the time that
Alex wants one, and I honestly feel.

Speaker 9 (01:08:35):
That it's going to be a mode of transportation that's
going to be viable.

Speaker 14 (01:08:38):

Speaker 1 (01:08:38):
Can you imagine if in the future we're going to
like motor vehicle to get our license, then you have
to decide between well, would you do you want to
drive your car or fly your car? Like which license
are you here for?

Speaker 7 (01:08:48):
Like it's crazy.

Speaker 9 (01:08:49):
Hey, hey, I'm not saying i'm against that day coming.
I'm just saying I'm not ready for me or my
family to be flying around and experimenting with these things.
So they're perfected, and that's just that's that's it, that's
all I mean. You know what.

Speaker 10 (01:09:05):
Look, you know we all were like amazed when drones
came out, right, like, whoa, we can fly this drone
and you know, we can fly over here. So basically,
this is a flying this is a drone that you
can fly on. It's basically what it is. It's it's all.
It's all battery, it's all electric. It only can I
think this currently can only fly for like twenty minutes

without running out of power. I mean, okay, so it's
of an experimental thing in and of itself. Let's wait
till we get like a turbo charged when they can
fly your front. But it'll be perfected by then. They
can fly a family of four, you can go, you
can fly for the six hours and see Grandma and Indiana.

Speaker 14 (01:09:45):
You know what I'm saying. It's a different thing.

Speaker 5 (01:09:48):
Yeah, and then can people just drive up to your
windows with those things or fly up to your window
and just look inside your window from the sky? Oh
my god?

Speaker 12 (01:09:54):

Speaker 2 (01:09:55):
Why not?

Speaker 5 (01:09:55):
Hell cool?

Speaker 9 (01:09:57):
It's it's a manned drone you want to call it something?

Speaker 1 (01:10:01):
And where do you park it? Can you just park
it anywhere? Is there's going to be drone parking?

Speaker 9 (01:10:05):
Danielle up on the roof?

Speaker 11 (01:10:08):
You guys ask too many questions?

Speaker 14 (01:10:10):
All right?

Speaker 9 (01:10:11):
So okay, so closing this conversation out, yes, any more thoughts?

Speaker 1 (01:10:15):
We all vote No, I don't.

Speaker 5 (01:10:18):
Let's see, let's see not yet.

Speaker 15 (01:10:21):
A I should have married Alex. We both have one,
but he's all your You're no fun.

Speaker 10 (01:10:26):
So Alex, would you have gone down in that submersive
vehicle that went down to the Titanic?

Speaker 9 (01:10:33):
Would you have done that?

Speaker 11 (01:10:35):

Speaker 13 (01:10:36):
I wouldn't have done that.

Speaker 9 (01:10:37):
Okay, okay, just asking because it seems like it's on
the same level of like, no, no, no, not.

Speaker 10 (01:10:47):
Falling a thousand feet in the air isn't dangerous? You
don't think it could be a problem.

Speaker 13 (01:10:53):
I wouldn't go that high. I would just go over
the farm, you know, yeah, right, I.

Speaker 1 (01:10:57):
Don't believe the first week you're going to with the farm.
Then you're like, oh, let's try and see how I
this kid.

Speaker 14 (01:11:03):
Is the steering done by a PS five controller.

Speaker 9 (01:11:06):
Yeah, it's a joystick. Absolutely, it's a joystick, three access joystick,
throttle lever. Yes, look at Froggy's into it.

Speaker 1 (01:11:13):
This was an Apple product. Froggy would have already had
it correct.

Speaker 10 (01:11:16):
And if you would allow me, if you want to
go out to the field and fly this thing up,
then I have to be allowed to shoot you down.

Speaker 5 (01:11:26):
You fly over a crowd, someone's shooting it down like
it's just gonna happen.

Speaker 9 (01:11:29):
People are time for dinner.

Speaker 1 (01:11:33):
But I feel like, honestly, not enough people know about
this thing because I don't see them flying anywhere and
all days, so that so people might shoot you down
and think.

Speaker 9 (01:11:41):
The people who own them are the people who read
Forbes magazine.

Speaker 11 (01:11:45):
I'm sure.

Speaker 10 (01:11:45):
Yeah, they're wealthy old guys that have a large amount
of property, and they're not flying them into center city
city centers. At this point, I don't think it's like
just you know, you fly it out in the backyard
if you have like a massive backyard. But even then,
so Alex, this year, what do you want for your
birthday other than this, think about.

Speaker 9 (01:12:03):
It and get back to me.

Speaker 13 (01:12:06):
Yeah, okay, let me go.

Speaker 10 (01:12:07):
Look, I do like this Texter. If you get one
for two people instead of RoadHead, you'd have Airhead. Okay,
all right, we'll reconsider. All right, Alex, love you love
you have a great day.

Speaker 14 (01:12:26):
Come up with another gift.

Speaker 9 (01:12:27):
Okaybye? Oh god, I can't imagine. Yeah what Nate see?

Speaker 14 (01:12:31):
I thought maybe this was just a ploy where like
Gandhi mentioned, now he gets a four wheeler. Right, you
always ask for something that you know is a definite no,
and then you kind of back it down like okay,
well just get me a four wheeler, and then you
wish all right, get that. Let's just move on away
from all of this. What do we have coming up?

Speaker 18 (01:12:51):

Speaker 10 (01:12:51):
We have Oh your game? Can we do your game?
To explain to everyone why you decided to do this
game today?

Speaker 1 (01:12:57):

Speaker 5 (01:12:57):
March fifteenth is International Family Day, a time two for
she ate family. So I looked up the most popular
family movies of all time, and I found a list,
and I made ten little sound pieces to see if
you can guess which family movie that is nice.

Speaker 9 (01:13:08):
All right, we'll get into that a few minutes, looked
it and get into the Danielle Report. A little late
but not bad, Okay, And we'll go around.

Speaker 10 (01:13:17):
The room and a few minutes. We've got locks to do.
Don't forget around this time. Tomorrow New Kids on the
Block will be here, so let's make sure you're here
for that also tomorrow, Food News Thursday. All right, Danielle,
what's going on?

Speaker 13 (01:13:27):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:13:28):
So we're gonna start out talking about who we would
vote for president. That is a celebrity, So Judge Kitty,
she's not on the list. We always say like the
Rock right. Well, he came in number two out of
the two thousand Americans that were asked. Tom Hanks comes
in third, Clint Eastwood's fourth, George Clooney is fifth, but
number one is Denzel Washington. People would vote for Denzel Washington.

Speaker 5 (01:13:49):
So we're voting for them based on what they play
on Ford Movie.

Speaker 1 (01:13:53):
I think that's what a lot of people do.

Speaker 14 (01:13:54):

Speaker 9 (01:13:55):
I would vote for Samuel L. Jackson.

Speaker 14 (01:13:56):
Oh God, be a great president.

Speaker 1 (01:14:00):
So Zane's upcoming album, Room Under the Stairs has him
going country, but he swears he's not jumping on the
latest trend. Beyonce post walone line del Ray, I've already
you know a nownced Door dropped their country albums, but
Zane says he was inspired to go country after listening
to Chris Stapleton on his farm while drinking whiskey. So
people are in search of a little bit more depth

from the lyrics, and I could really hear their lyrics
and their pain and their growth and the life lessons,
and it's something that I can do. So that's why
he wants to do. What do you think frog?

Speaker 11 (01:14:32):
I love post wamon Bea and Country. That's the song
he's got with Morgan Wallen.

Speaker 1 (01:14:36):
Is just talking about zay Zaane Sane.

Speaker 15 (01:14:39):
I thought you were talking about it. You know what,
We'll take anybody more eyes on country music, the better.

Speaker 11 (01:14:42):
I'm happy.

Speaker 14 (01:14:43):
I love it. Bring it on all right, here you go.

Speaker 1 (01:14:45):
Meghan the Stallion just released a bunch of merch on
Amazon that's all about celebrating Hot Girl Summer comes just
in time for her upcoming Hot Girl Summer Tour. He
got some t shirts from Crew Necks booty Shorts if
you like them, and they're all branded of course, so
that you all know that it came from Meghan the Stallion.
Tyresee this was kind of crazy. Tyree's reportedly left a

show while he was in the middle of performing one
of his songs so that he could be a he
could avoid being served a lawsuit. A security guard whispered
in his ear while he was on stage, so he
jumps off the stage and he just leaves. He had
songs left in his set, but apparently he's attempting to
avoid this. The whole court case related to a music

video director who is suing him for defamation and libel,
so he didn't want to be served, so he left
the area. That's crazy. Eminem is leaning into the whole
being dead thing with the Slim Shady and the death
of Slim Shady. He apparently released a fake obituary in
the Detroit Free Press and it says that Slim came
to a sudden and horrific death, and some fans think

that it's teasing a new single. So I guess we
will see the lady from Baby Reindeer, who was the
inspiration for Martha. She wants more of a cut, you know,
appears Morgan interviewed her and she said she was paid
three hundred and thirteen dollars and actually three hundred and thirteen. Yeah,
three hundred thirteen bucks and she wants more like one
million dollars, so so will she get it? I don't know.

Her name is Fiona Harvey, just in case you were wondering.
And if you haven't seen.

Speaker 9 (01:16:17):
The Hello, go ahead.

Speaker 1 (01:16:19):
Oh and if you haven't seen the Peers Morgan Interview,
you definitely should.

Speaker 5 (01:16:23):
All right, WandaVision.

Speaker 1 (01:16:24):
The spinoff has a permanent name and a premier date.
It's called Agatha All Along. It will debut with two
episodes on Disney Plus September eighteenth. And what are we watching?
The Mass Singer, Jeopardy Master survivor The Amazing Race, Watch
What Happens Live? You've got some Chicago shows, Med, PD
and Fire And that is my Danielle report.

Speaker 10 (01:16:43):
All right, coming up, what do you know about movies
about families? We're gonna play some sound for you. You
got to figure out if you can figure out the movie,
so wait, you can. You got to figure out the movies.
So call us now. And you need to know about
your movies. Now, how far back do these go? I mean,
what kind of movie knowledge do they need to pass?

Speaker 5 (01:17:00):
M It does spend time decades all over?

Speaker 9 (01:17:04):

Speaker 5 (01:17:04):
I would say, I don't think there's anything from the eighties,
nineties and up.

Speaker 9 (01:17:09):
Okay, call now if you want to play one eight
hundred two four to two zero one perre.

Speaker 1 (01:17:14):
We're not normal.

Speaker 7 (01:17:15):
Elis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:17:17):
Time is running out to save.

Speaker 5 (01:17:19):
On your Disney summer vacation.

Speaker 1 (01:17:20):
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercovertourists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland. These
are the real deal. Save now at undercover Tourists dot com.

Speaker 9 (01:17:41):
So I promise it'll get worse.

Speaker 7 (01:17:43):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (01:17:45):
You know, there are a lot of hotels you can
stay in that offer free breakfast, which is such a bonus.
You know, you get up in the morning, you're like, oh,
I have to go to work, you know, if you're
staying there for work or for whatever reason, and you know,
wait downstairs, the breakfast is ready for it. Well, this
is nothing new, right, but typically it's the same breakfast
in every situation. So we went out and found a

whole different experience Homewood Sweets by Hilton. Their breakfast taco
breakfast is amazing, and they brought them up to the station.

Speaker 9 (01:18:18):
This is amazing that he brought this up here. How
great is it? How delicious is my gosh?

Speaker 1 (01:18:23):
There's like they have this pulled pork and this pulled chicken,
and I swear it's just like falling apart. It's so
good and juicy and tender and seasoned perfectly.

Speaker 10 (01:18:33):
So you can you can actually have a taco Tuesday
on Wednesday, like today it's Taco Wednesday. Oh yeah, so
it's Homewood Sweets by Hilton. It's daily complimentary breakfast. They
have their make your own Breakfast taco bar, so you
figure out how much of this hell little that you
want and you create your own your own taco breakfast
like you guys, for instance, scary wearing the bib which

the bibs say.

Speaker 9 (01:18:56):
It's let's give them someone to taco about.

Speaker 3 (01:18:59):
Yeah, you take a taco and then I put some
scrambled eggs in it, which is cool, But then right
next to that chicken tinga.

Speaker 14 (01:19:05):
Hello, So I got chicken tinga and scrambled eggs in
my taco.

Speaker 10 (01:19:09):
Oh no, no, you love your taco and your chicken
tinged as much as possible. Yes, now, What about you, Nate,
What do you have on yours? Oh well, I put
Kotilla cheese on everything. I love Kotia cheese too, right.

Speaker 11 (01:19:21):
This sauce is Gandhi. How about those sauces.

Speaker 5 (01:19:23):
Oh my gosh, look at this. It's an Elvis Duran
customized hot sauce bottle. Elvis, I'm keeping them.

Speaker 10 (01:19:31):
So when you stay at home with sweets, it's all sweet.
By the way, residential style, extended stay hotel, you can
stay stay forever. Let's get rid of our houses and
just stay down at home with sweets vaiable now at
hotels in the US, of course. This breakfast also in
Canada later this summer. Hometol Homewood Sweets Guests can customize
their own breakfast tacos just like you guys did here,

delicious tortillas, dynamic toppings every morning, every morning. So whether
you're traveling for a quick overnight thing or an extended
every morning, you enjoy the comfort comforts of home.

Speaker 9 (01:20:03):
Actually better than the comforts of home. You're not going
to get this at home.

Speaker 10 (01:20:06):
Complimentary amenities abound Homewood Sweets, that's what they're known for.
So Homeward Sweets by Holden thank you so much for
the taco box.

Speaker 14 (01:20:13):
How great was that?

Speaker 7 (01:20:15):

Speaker 11 (01:20:15):
No love it.

Speaker 10 (01:20:17):
That's why no one's saying much right now? All right,
let's get into it. It's now time for what do
you want to officially call this?

Speaker 5 (01:20:25):
Gandhi, it's the the Guess that family movie game.

Speaker 9 (01:20:29):
Best family movies? Yes, exactly, you have to guess the
movie now, so you really need to be a movie fan.
Let's go see if Megan can do it. Megan is
a nurse. We love our nurses. On her way home
from work. You worked all night?

Speaker 14 (01:20:45):
I did?

Speaker 4 (01:20:46):
I worked over night. Hi, guys, I'm so excited to
be here.

Speaker 10 (01:20:49):
We're excited you're ending your day with us. But it
sounds like your brain power is still at one hundred.
Is still at one, so this is good. So you
always watch movies on your You always watch movies on
your days off?

Speaker 8 (01:20:59):
Is that right? Yes?

Speaker 13 (01:21:01):
I do, all right, I'm always walking to my mom.

Speaker 4 (01:21:05):
So hopefully, hopefully I can you know, get something right here.

Speaker 11 (01:21:09):
I think I bet you.

Speaker 8 (01:21:12):
You know what.

Speaker 10 (01:21:13):
I'm not even gonna think about what I think you
can or can I do? Okay, so let's just get
into it and let's see if you can name these
great family movies.

Speaker 9 (01:21:20):
Here is family what ya gond No?

Speaker 5 (01:21:22):
I just I sent you an amendment to the game.
I gave you the wrong answer for number nine, so
I just texted you what the correct answer.

Speaker 9 (01:21:28):
Okay, okay, okay, back to family Movies sound number one?

Speaker 13 (01:21:35):
What is this?

Speaker 18 (01:21:36):
Because mister Murdle azed the cop cello, he had to
keep the beast chained up set until for ever for.

Speaker 9 (01:21:49):
I love that movie. What was that movie?

Speaker 14 (01:21:51):

Speaker 13 (01:21:53):
I feel like, isn't that the sandlott.

Speaker 10 (01:21:59):
Rob That was the only one I didn't think when
we get and you got Sandlight? What a great film?
All right, here's Best Family Movies number two? What a
great film? What happened?

Speaker 1 (01:22:17):
Oh my god?

Speaker 4 (01:22:20):
I honestly, I honestly.

Speaker 9 (01:22:22):
Have no idea, Gandhi, what movie is it? That's Coco, Baby,
It's Coco.

Speaker 4 (01:22:30):
Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh. I knew that one.

Speaker 13 (01:22:34):
Oh my god.

Speaker 10 (01:22:34):
Well, I love Coco, love it all right? Okay, so
you're one in one out. Let's see Best Family Movies
number three.

Speaker 5 (01:22:41):
We all have a job to do. You make Riley happy.
Sadness makes her sad, Fear protects her from the scary stuff.

Speaker 11 (01:22:47):
She can see and my job.

Speaker 5 (01:22:49):
Is to protect her from the scary stuff she can't see.
I plan for the future. Hmm, that's inside out.

Speaker 1 (01:22:58):
It is why that movie I thought was a little
too long for my life.

Speaker 10 (01:23:02):
Oh okay, uh, that version was very short, so you
can approve of that version that one. All right, you're
doing well. You have two out of three so far.
Making Here is best Family Movie number four?

Speaker 9 (01:23:14):
It's oh dah, oh my god? What's it about? It
was a great movie. We love Daddy Warbucks. All right,
here we go. Here is best Family Movie number five?

Speaker 8 (01:23:31):
The con help. But notice this, this strange od today?
What is it? This scent that I'm on? I must
I mist think it was some kind man cup?

Speaker 11 (01:23:49):
Oh god?

Speaker 14 (01:23:50):
All right, there you go. What movie was that about?

Speaker 8 (01:23:52):

Speaker 1 (01:23:54):
About family?

Speaker 14 (01:23:56):
I have no idea anyone other than gandhi want to
take a guest.

Speaker 1 (01:24:02):
No, I don't know that one either.

Speaker 5 (01:24:03):
There's a big hint in that big yeah he said
he smelled a man cub.

Speaker 13 (01:24:08):
Yeah, I don't know. Okay, I have no idea.

Speaker 10 (01:24:13):
I think I've seen that film, but about man cubs.
That was actually from Jungle Book. Well how about this one?
This is a great film?

Speaker 9 (01:24:24):
Number six?

Speaker 3 (01:24:25):
Okay, people, tomorrow morning am Santa's coming in down?

Speaker 8 (01:24:31):
My god, I know him.

Speaker 9 (01:24:36):
What film is that?

Speaker 7 (01:24:41):
Right now?

Speaker 14 (01:24:43):
He is great at that?

Speaker 8 (01:24:44):

Speaker 9 (01:24:45):
All right, you're doing well. You so far have four
out of six.

Speaker 14 (01:24:49):
I think I believe.

Speaker 9 (01:24:50):
Here we go. Here's number seven. Sisters, did you now
what he called you?

Speaker 17 (01:24:58):
Whatever shall we do with you? It's barbecue in fill?

Speaker 1 (01:25:03):
Why I'm on a hook?

Speaker 7 (01:25:04):
Let me play with them?

Speaker 13 (01:25:07):
Hmmm, that's hocus focus.

Speaker 12 (01:25:10):
Yes, it is.

Speaker 9 (01:25:12):
Another great film.

Speaker 14 (01:25:13):
All right.

Speaker 9 (01:25:14):
Here is another favorite of ours of family film number eight.

Speaker 20 (01:25:17):
It's actually Maui shape shifter, demigod of the women see
Hero of Men. I interrupted from the top, Hero of
Men I sorry, sorry sorry sorry?

Speaker 14 (01:25:28):
And women hmm.

Speaker 18 (01:25:32):
It is.

Speaker 9 (01:25:34):
Look at you macan, you were skating right through these
all right. Here is best family movie number nine ever,
that is comes film. That's right. The original of that.

Speaker 14 (01:25:53):
Song was in this film.

Speaker 4 (01:25:55):
That's the Greatest Showman.

Speaker 11 (01:25:56):
That's my mom's favorite.

Speaker 10 (01:25:58):
No, there you go, excellent, all right, one more to go.
You're doing so well. This family favorite movie?

Speaker 2 (01:26:06):
What is it?

Speaker 17 (01:26:07):
This is a harb us soot dalling. You can't be
seen in this that allow it? It's maybe?

Speaker 11 (01:26:13):
But now what do you mean you designed it.

Speaker 17 (01:26:16):
I never loved that land. It distracts from the now.

Speaker 11 (01:26:19):
Wait you want to make me a sup to push.

Speaker 17 (01:26:22):
Too hard, Darling Bett, I accept.

Speaker 9 (01:26:26):
Hmmm, I love that one.

Speaker 13 (01:26:28):
The incredible it is incredible, you got it.

Speaker 14 (01:26:32):
Great job.

Speaker 9 (01:26:34):
So she got what eight out of ten?

Speaker 14 (01:26:36):
It's awesome.

Speaker 1 (01:26:37):
That's amazing.

Speaker 9 (01:26:40):
You did really well.

Speaker 14 (01:26:40):
And you do know, you do know your movies. What
do we have for Megan?

Speaker 9 (01:26:43):
Something special? Something festive?

Speaker 14 (01:26:45):
Oh a, how about an Elvis Strand in the Morning
show hoodie thanks to Hack and Sack Meridian, get it
in your size.

Speaker 11 (01:26:52):
There you go.

Speaker 9 (01:26:54):
Wow, we are first class.

Speaker 7 (01:26:56):

Speaker 9 (01:26:56):
Thank you so much, Megan, and thank you so much
for listening to us.

Speaker 2 (01:26:58):
Thank you for being a nurse.

Speaker 9 (01:27:00):
Love our nurses, even if it's not National Nurses Week. Oh,
thank you, love you more. Hold on one second? Great job.

Speaker 10 (01:27:06):
Wow, another time I'm blown away because sometimes we sometimes
Gandhi puts these together.

Speaker 9 (01:27:11):
I'm like, I don't know, Gandhi, I don't think they're
gonna get these if she she went right through them, man,
she like a hot knife through butter.

Speaker 1 (01:27:18):
That was a good contested diamond.

Speaker 9 (01:27:20):
Yeah, yeah, excellent. Let's say for a diamond.

Speaker 14 (01:27:24):
All right around the room.

Speaker 9 (01:27:26):
Maybe should we do that?

Speaker 14 (01:27:27):
Yes, let's go around the room.

Speaker 10 (01:27:29):
You guys have something to talk about other than your
taco breakfast. Okay, we'll start with Froggy. Froggy, what's on
your mind today?

Speaker 15 (01:27:37):
I know we talked about it earlier, but I am
still rattled. This morning, I was driving into work. I
knew I was tired driving in, but all of a
sudden I woke up to the feeling of being off
the road. I fell asleep driving to work and was
the inside. The entire passenger side of the car was
off the road into the grass. And it is such
a It's like I'm still like shaking up by it,

and it's I just I have to do better at
getting more sleep. I cannot continue to not get enough sleep,
so please sleep deprivation is awful. It almost really cost
me this morning. Thank god I decided to hurt somebody
else or myself. But yeah, just take care of yourself.

Speaker 14 (01:28:12):
That is scary.

Speaker 9 (01:28:13):
You know, when you're driving and you're so sleepy and
you get to that point where you just you can't
control it.

Speaker 11 (01:28:19):
I couldn't.

Speaker 9 (01:28:20):
That's when you have to pull over.

Speaker 13 (01:28:22):
You do.

Speaker 9 (01:28:23):
Anyway, We're so glad you're saying, Hey, Danielle, what's.

Speaker 14 (01:28:25):
Up with you today?

Speaker 1 (01:28:26):
So I have to apologize to my husband for waking
him up at three point thirty in the morning because
there was a really bad cat fight going on in
front of the house with these It sounded like the
cat was going at it with the other cat, but
then it sounded like one cat. So I thought the
cat was in distress, and I was so nervous, and
I'm like, what do I do? I gotta save this cat?

How do I say this cat? So I creep upstairs.
I'm my honey, hi, cause you get up and help me.
So he goes outside with his flashlight to make sure
the cat was fine. Of course, the cat got scared
and ran away, but now he couldn't go back to sleep,
and I caught him upstairs on his phone like because
you couldn't go back to sleep. So he's like, oh,
so I apologize, Sheldon.

Speaker 9 (01:29:05):
I love you.

Speaker 1 (01:29:05):
Thank you for getting up to help me save the cat,
even though I know you would rather sleep, So I
appreciate it.

Speaker 9 (01:29:10):
Okay, another reason you married the perfect guy? Hey, Sam,
what's up with you?

Speaker 18 (01:29:16):
I am currently accepting thoughts and prayers because on Saturday,
my husband ied. For the first time, we'll be watching
our niece alone. Fine my emotion, I'm really excited. I'm
a little scared because I've been worn. She's at the
manipulative phase. So when one of us put her to sleep,
apparently she's gonna cry, ask us to stay, and then.

Speaker 5 (01:29:38):
When we refuse, ask for the other one to come in.
I'm smart.

Speaker 18 (01:29:42):
That's gonna kill me on the inside. So I'm looking
forward to it. But I've never watched a baby before, so,
you know, Fingers crossed for Sam. Thoughts and prayers, Antie Sam, Thank.

Speaker 1 (01:29:50):
You so much, you Sam.

Speaker 9 (01:29:52):
That's okay. You will not break this baby.

Speaker 7 (01:29:54):
She might break me.

Speaker 9 (01:29:56):
Could happen. Hey, Gandhi, what's up with you?

Speaker 5 (01:29:58):
I'm so excited. So it's Wednesday, that means another episode
of my podcast drops, and today I have a guy
named Ben Lamb on the show who is from a
company called Colossal that is bringing back the wooly mammoth,
and he was so fascinating the things that this company
is doing. It sounds crazy when you just say it
like that, but they're also working on conservation of species
that are already here and endangered and all kinds of

really cool stuff. Diamond, who was not a believer in
any of this. You know, she hates Oh yeah, by
the end of this episode she was like, I'm into it.
This is naz Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:30:28):
We know she always thinks nothing happened.

Speaker 5 (01:30:30):
She does, yeah, but she was into it. So sauce
on the side. Wherever you get your podcasts, we prefer
iHeart Radio on the app, but uh yeah, go listen.

Speaker 13 (01:30:39):

Speaker 10 (01:30:39):
If you can convert Diamond in her thinking, then it's
got to be a great podcast, all right. So it's
always sauce on the side. Make sure you get it
where you get your podcast, which we're hoping will be
the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (01:30:51):
Hey, scary, what's up with you today? I meant to
ask if you guys found this weird. You know, last
week when we were on vacation, I went to Amsterdam. Yes,
that's very weird, right, No, no, good, party is pretty
I was the only person of my group of friends
that wanted to go to the Red Light district just
to walk around and see it.

Speaker 14 (01:31:08):
Oh no, no, no, no, it's so strange at all.
You should see that.

Speaker 9 (01:31:11):
Absolutely, it's a part of their history. It's a unique
place in the World.

Speaker 3 (01:31:14):
I'm not saying I'm going into one of those rooms
with the with the glass windows where the prostitutes are
hanging out and you know, looking lollipops and making faces
at you.

Speaker 9 (01:31:21):
But I wanted to go there, and I had to drag.

Speaker 14 (01:31:24):
My friends with me.

Speaker 3 (01:31:25):
I had to like, well, you're gonna pay for the
Uberts on the other side of town. I'm like, dude,
that's like going to Paris and not going to see
the Eiffel Tower Tower.

Speaker 14 (01:31:32):
That's like going to You're not going.

Speaker 9 (01:31:34):
To Time Square.

Speaker 10 (01:31:35):
There's there's a bunch of prostitutes the Eiffel Towers walk
around and now were they happy that you forced them
to go?

Speaker 9 (01:31:44):
No, they were just as disgusted. Okay where they left
as they were when they got there.

Speaker 5 (01:31:48):
My boyfriend was so hyped to see the red Light District.
We were there for probably thirty seconds and he's like,
I'm out, I'm done.

Speaker 8 (01:31:54):
Is it?

Speaker 14 (01:31:56):
Well, it's like Bourbon Street in New Orleans.

Speaker 9 (01:31:58):
To be honest, it's not really bad enough to be interesting.
It's it's it's it's more in theory, but it's just something.

Speaker 10 (01:32:04):
I think if you go to Amsterdam, you need to
see it, and you did, and now you don't see
it every Yeah, it's.

Speaker 3 (01:32:08):
Also my bucket list to check that box. No, then
we're looking no. No, the girls in the in the
windows staring at me. They're licking lollipops, wearing like you know,
like LOINGERII and stuff they wanted to go in.

Speaker 10 (01:32:20):
They're competing against each other to get your business, Dadielle.
And the old lollipop trick apparently has been very interesting
as far as marketing goes straight in what's up with you?

Speaker 7 (01:32:29):

Speaker 2 (01:32:29):
What am I wearing right now?

Speaker 9 (01:32:30):
A bit a bib?

Speaker 14 (01:32:31):
Yes, I I think I'm going to bring bring bibbs
back because you know what, we all spill stuff on
our shirts occasionally, right and in fact, I know everybody
listening right now, you have that one article of clothing
that anytime you wear it, you spill something on it.
For me, it's a wah wah hoodie. Anytime I wear
that thing, I know I'm gonna get food or toothpaste

on it. So no shame in wearing a bib justin
people like.

Speaker 1 (01:32:56):
Brought sexy back. He's bringing back just.

Speaker 10 (01:33:00):
For babies anymore. Bringing back to bib very revolutionary. Thank you,
don't be ashamed wear that bip All right, We have
sound with Garrett on the way.

Speaker 7 (01:33:10):
Hand on the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 1 (01:33:14):
Girls five Ever, they're in the studio with us this morning.

Speaker 5 (01:33:16):
Who wants to summarize specifically what this shows about? Because
both of us love it.

Speaker 7 (01:33:20):
Girls five EV is a show that we love.

Speaker 11 (01:33:24):
We're all on.

Speaker 9 (01:33:28):
With Mercedes me Connect. You can start track, locate, lock, unlock,
preheat or pre cool your Mercedes Benz evy all from
your phone. The vehicles are all electric, the feeling is
all Mercedes, the choices all yours. Learn more at mbusa
dot com slash eq.

Speaker 7 (01:33:44):
Elvis ter Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (01:33:46):
There's still time to save on your Disney summer vacation.
It's Danielle and you know I'm treating my family to
the magic of Disney this summer. You can too, because
this summer Undercover Tourist dot Com is all about adult
tickets at child prices to Walt Disney World in Florida
and the iconic Disneyland resort in California. You need to
trust Undercover Tourists dot Com like I did to plan

your family summer vacation. They're an authorized seller of Disney tickets.

Speaker 7 (01:34:12):
This is the real deal.

Speaker 1 (01:34:14):
They even link to the official Disney app so you
can add on Genie Plus and Lightning Lane upgrades really easy.
Undercover Tourist helps you get the ultimate rope drop Disney
experience with their free crowd calendar. Find daily crowd levels,
recommended parks, by day, park hours, special events, and so
much more, all in one place. They also have this
best price guarantee and a three hundred and sixty five

day return policy, so if plans change, no problem. Get
adult theme park tickets at child prices at Undercover tourists
dot com. That's Undercover Tourist dot com.

Speaker 7 (01:34:47):
Bring it to mister Ran in the Morning show.

Speaker 10 (01:34:50):
You know, the story's been going on several days now
and people are still texting in about the fact that
Red Lobsters are closing a lot of them.

Speaker 9 (01:34:56):
God, I like that me too.

Speaker 10 (01:34:59):
I mean, you know, it's an American institution and they're
closing down because you know, the eleven million dollars they
spit in free shrimp.

Speaker 14 (01:35:07):
That's a lot of money, you know.

Speaker 11 (01:35:09):
I don't know.

Speaker 10 (01:35:11):
So now that they're gone, who's to blame? Like we're
sitting here bitching and moaning that they're closed. But did
any of us go to try to save them? Did
any of us go in there for the dinners?

Speaker 13 (01:35:21):
I do you do?

Speaker 14 (01:35:22):
Where's the last time you went?

Speaker 5 (01:35:23):
Well, probably three or four months ago. Last time I
went to visted in my sister. Yeah, hell yeah. Those
Chetarbay biscuits are amazing. And I'm a sucker for a
chain restaurant. I love chain restaurants. I know a lot
of people don't, but I do too.

Speaker 14 (01:35:35):
You, I love all restaurants.

Speaker 10 (01:35:37):
But here's the thing is is when one of these
institutions closes, or like just a place here in town
that's like a famous it's been around in New York
for a million years diner and it closes, We're.

Speaker 14 (01:35:48):
Like, damn it, that makes me so bad?

Speaker 9 (01:35:50):
All right, Well, when when's the last time? Who were
we there to support them?

Speaker 8 (01:35:53):
You know?

Speaker 11 (01:35:53):
So true?

Speaker 2 (01:35:54):
Is the truth?

Speaker 14 (01:35:56):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (01:35:56):
Hey, Sue Online twenty wants to she has an interesting
pos Let's see what she's up to. Sue. What is
going on?

Speaker 4 (01:36:04):
Hi, Elvis, how are you?

Speaker 9 (01:36:05):
We're doing very well? I'm speaking for everyone. I'm assuming
we're doing well, but you haven't. You have a proposition
for us? We're dying to hear it?

Speaker 13 (01:36:13):
What is it?

Speaker 4 (01:36:14):
Yes, I do.

Speaker 18 (01:36:15):

Speaker 4 (01:36:15):
I was doing my spring cleaning and I came across
a pair of old Elvis Duran in the Morning Show leggings. Now,
they might have been slightly worn a few times, but
I would like to I would like to trade them
in for a hoodie.

Speaker 9 (01:36:32):
Oh, I don't know, it's it's just the thought of
gently used leggings weird.

Speaker 1 (01:36:42):
I actually think Sam. I think Sam is the one
who actually created those for a charity. And yeah, like
eight years ago.

Speaker 9 (01:36:50):
Yeah, I'll make a deal with.

Speaker 13 (01:36:51):
Yeah, So that's probably what it was.

Speaker 9 (01:36:55):
Okay, I got an idea. What if we just set
you a hoodie? Is long as as you promise not
to send us those leggings.

Speaker 4 (01:37:04):
Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 9 (01:37:08):
It's that or nothing.

Speaker 11 (01:37:11):
See, let's see.

Speaker 10 (01:37:11):
You save on postage, We save on you know, having
to dispose of them when they get here.

Speaker 9 (01:37:17):
So, Sue, we'd love to send you. We'd love to
send you a hoodie. Absolutely, thank you very much.

Speaker 5 (01:37:24):
Guys. I think leggings are one of those things that
once you've used them, you just have to get rid
of them. You can't regive them to other people. There's
there's a lot that goes on. They're essentially panty.

Speaker 1 (01:37:33):
Hose top dollar for that. Yes, you them with no
underwear because I know you know you don't want a panty.

Speaker 7 (01:37:42):
Lion, you know.

Speaker 10 (01:37:43):
Okay, well we've covered all basis and why we don't
want them, but we want you to have a new hoodie.

Speaker 9 (01:37:48):
So that's no problem. Thank you very much, Thank you
so much.

Speaker 8 (01:37:54):

Speaker 14 (01:37:55):
There you go.

Speaker 9 (01:37:55):
Yeah, it's like they're so close to everything.

Speaker 5 (01:38:00):
And sometimes they're up in everything.

Speaker 13 (01:38:02):

Speaker 9 (01:38:02):
Oh absolutely.

Speaker 10 (01:38:03):
When I say close to everything, I'm talking organs. Yeah, exactly.
So Sue, Hey, what a great way to get something. Hey,
if I send you this, which is something you don't want,
would you in return something? Hey, well you can keep that.
We'll send you whatever you want. So you're in charge
of that, Nate.

Speaker 14 (01:38:23):
Can we make that an ongoing bit. Have somebody actually
trade us something that we might.

Speaker 5 (01:38:27):
Want, somebody we might want is the key?

Speaker 14 (01:38:31):
Correct, Maybe they over a trade each day and we
determine whether or not we want a trade for I will.

Speaker 9 (01:38:37):
Back in the day, we used to do that.

Speaker 14 (01:38:38):
Actually, we used to.

Speaker 10 (01:38:39):
People would say, remember we used to do swapping shop.
That was a long time ago. Scary, I know, Scotty
remembers because he had to mail out all the stuff.

Speaker 14 (01:38:48):

Speaker 9 (01:38:49):
All right, so look, no one has to sift through
the leggings, and this is a good thing. Let's get
through a sound with Garrett. It's got lots going on today.

Speaker 7 (01:38:55):
What do you have?

Speaker 21 (01:38:56):
All right, let's start with this college commencement coming from
a college in Buffalo. So it is the season where
all these celebrities are going to colleges and giving their
commencement speeches. But in Buffalo they used an AI robot instead.

Speaker 16 (01:39:08):
I am Sophia, a humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics.
I was designed to engage in conversations, learning and adapting
through artificial intelligence algorithms M Ray's lifelong Learning the adaptable,
Pursue your passions, take risks. They could have been better.

Speaker 17 (01:39:25):
I feel like we deserve better.

Speaker 5 (01:39:26):
I don't know if it was nice. It's nice that
our school is trying to step out. It's definitely different.

Speaker 14 (01:39:32):
Yeah, it was different, boring.

Speaker 11 (01:39:33):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 14 (01:39:34):
Did anybody have anybody cool speak at their college?

Speaker 5 (01:39:37):
Bill Clinton spoke at mine. I don't know if you
think that's cool, but.

Speaker 21 (01:39:40):
Really it's cooler than who we had I had the
Yankees manager at the time, Joe Tory.

Speaker 11 (01:39:44):
Speak at all.

Speaker 14 (01:39:44):
Oh wow, yeah, yeah, especially here in town. That would
be very cool.

Speaker 21 (01:39:49):
No one else the other sounds yes Tom Hanks. So
he has known for many things when he's acting. One
of them is yelling in movies. So this is him
yelling from Castaway. And then someone can yell a lot, yes,
someone get someone came across a sea lion. That sounds

like Tom Hanks.

Speaker 9 (01:40:10):
Look at these slapping a lot.

Speaker 14 (01:40:18):
It's hilarious. Sea lion or Tom Hanks one new game.

Speaker 13 (01:40:23):
All right.

Speaker 21 (01:40:24):
So the song that came out on Friday from Young
Gravy Clembentine sounds like this shouty gather joke says.

Speaker 2 (01:40:29):
You love one a squeezer summit climbing sign.

Speaker 14 (01:40:32):
I ain't a sweet, shy.

Speaker 21 (01:40:44):
Lyrical genius and people are like that song sounds so familiar.
Where is it from. It's actually a sample of Zach
Brown Band's Chicken Fry.

Speaker 9 (01:40:54):
And a little bit of chicken fried cold beer on
Friday Night.

Speaker 14 (01:40:59):
A parent, we need a remix.

Speaker 1 (01:41:02):
Now tell me when are you gonna play the Young
Gravy version.

Speaker 11 (01:41:06):
I'm not sure that's on the playlist yet.

Speaker 9 (01:41:08):
All right, come on.

Speaker 21 (01:41:09):
And then finally this is coming from Georgia and instacar
driver got a request to drop off some chicken wings,
and the chicken wings were supposed to be delivered to
a prison. Not not a guard at a prison, an
inmate at a prison ordered these chicken wings. She got
turned away. And this is her reaction after she got
turned away by the prison.

Speaker 3 (01:41:27):
This man from prison, I'll order him a whole platter
of wings, and then told me to turn it right
back around because he can not have this.

Speaker 17 (01:41:32):
Look at it.

Speaker 9 (01:41:32):
I just love the prison. They told me to turn
it back around and donate it to somebody else.

Speaker 17 (01:41:37):
I ain't gonna lie. That man had me feeling some
type of way because I'm thinking, I'm feeling this last
meal before they execute him. Where he done sat down,
ordered a meal on instacrat. God may not come where
you want to be. You're right on time. Go get
what me and my kids eat for the end of the.

Speaker 2 (01:41:49):
Night, some wings and potato with love her.

Speaker 9 (01:41:57):
Do you think the inmate was like, where are my wings?

Speaker 7 (01:42:00):
I don't know?

Speaker 9 (01:42:01):
Good American.

Speaker 13 (01:42:03):

Speaker 10 (01:42:05):
Hey, going back to that AI sound he gave us,
did you hear about this guy? I think it was Germany.
He had terminal cancer. It actually sat down and came
up with an AI version of himself to stay after
he passed away. Oh no, they had him, I think,
answer over one hundred and fifty questions about himself and
himself and his life and this and that, and so

they could basically somewhat interact with him after he's gone.

Speaker 9 (01:42:31):
I don't know, do you would you want that? Would
it be kind of strained?

Speaker 14 (01:42:35):
You would?

Speaker 5 (01:42:36):
I would? I just if I was feeling nostalgic and
I really missed somebody and I wanted to hear their voice.
I would love to have something like that.

Speaker 1 (01:42:41):
I agree you too.

Speaker 10 (01:42:42):
Wow, God, you know what now that I think about it,
if you put it that way, Uh, he acts just
like him. He can interact with the family, answer questions
even after he's gone, and uh, yeah, you're AI double.

Speaker 1 (01:42:55):
I think it might get creepy and be creepy at first,
but I think you get used to it.

Speaker 5 (01:42:59):
Yeah, we just be like, oh yeah, Dad's here, especially
if he answered the questions that you know it's coming
from him, right. I would love to see something like that.

Speaker 10 (01:43:06):
Well, I'll give you a very very touching line he
could use with you. But now when they're talking about
the AI, are they talking about the type of AI
with this guy who's passing away that would actually learn
and actually continue to move on with thoughts and form
new ideas and opinions. And you know what, you know
what I'm talking about, right, I mean, like a live AI.

I don't know that means he would live forever in
a way.

Speaker 5 (01:43:32):
Yeah, I don't know if I'd wanted to start freestyling
its own answers, but maybe I would just wanted to
have all of the stock answers available that he gave it.

Speaker 1 (01:43:40):
If it starts its freestyling its own answers. I'm like, okay,
we why not.

Speaker 10 (01:43:45):
But that's that's what I'm talking about. That's what that's
where AI's going. You know, it's supposed to learn as
it goes in life.

Speaker 14 (01:43:50):
And then I don't know.

Speaker 10 (01:43:53):
But he was talking to his wife for the first
time last month. They were very impressed because he asked
his AI to say something nice to her before she
goes to bed, and his exact voice, in his exact voice,
it said, my love have sweet dreams.

Speaker 14 (01:44:10):
I love you very much.

Speaker 5 (01:44:12):
Yeah, I would love to have that.

Speaker 1 (01:44:14):
Wow, I'd like to have my dad sitting at the
table when we opened presents, because he always loved anything
and he thought everything was wonderful. So that was his word,
and he'd be like, oh, Danny, this is wonderful, so wonderful.
So that's that's my dad's word. So it'd be great
to have him sitting around still saying that all the time.

Speaker 9 (01:44:33):
You know what we have from Uncle Johnny who passed
away what almost two weeks ago. Ah, that's fabulous, he said,
fabulous every other word just something to think about. Hey,
do you want to play song as we take a break.
We had a song to play, but.

Speaker 14 (01:44:49):
But you do what you wanted to ran.

Speaker 10 (01:44:51):
Well, let me tell you something going way way back,
what three hours ago when we started the show, right
before we kicked off, I said, what song do you
want to start the show with? Because we started the
song with a different song every day, And Danielle said,
we were talking about Amy Winehouse.

Speaker 1 (01:45:04):
Yeah, I saw the movie last night.

Speaker 7 (01:45:06):
I loved it.

Speaker 9 (01:45:07):
There's a version of Valerie. It's the Mark Ronson remix
of Amy Winehouse in Valerie, isn't it.

Speaker 1 (01:45:12):
Yeah? It's so good.

Speaker 9 (01:45:13):
All right, I'm three hours late for your request. Dan
yell sorry, but listen to this new version. This sounds
really good.

Speaker 7 (01:45:22):
Elvis Duran, the haggiest Elvis ter Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (01:45:26):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon
pull Apart only at participating Us Wendy's.

Speaker 5 (01:45:48):
I love it, love it, love it, love it.

Speaker 7 (01:45:49):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 10 (01:45:52):
Wow, so much going on. We're getting ready for tomorrow,
our favorite day of the week. It's Food News Thursday.
And I think we did a really good job today
tiptoeing around all the news we could have talked about,
but we didn't, so Froggy could be saved and have
something to talk about tomorrow. So you're welcome, Froggy. Hey,
do you think there will be a Song of the Summer?
Have we have we talked about this?

Speaker 5 (01:46:13):
I don't know if there will be. I think Diamond
is really in tune with all of this stuff because
she sits in on the music meetings all the time
and gets like the first glimpse of all the gus
before it comes out.

Speaker 10 (01:46:23):
Turn her on, Hey, Diamond, Diamond, have you guys in
your music meetings have you talked about Look, there's no
way to say what it will be now, but are
there some guesses what the song of the summer is
going to be?

Speaker 7 (01:46:35):

Speaker 1 (01:46:36):
I think everyone's really into the post Malone Morgan Wallen,
I had some help.

Speaker 14 (01:46:40):
Yeah, yeah?

Speaker 9 (01:46:42):
What about what about Tipsy by Shaboozy? Are we playing
that yet?

Speaker 2 (01:46:48):

Speaker 5 (01:46:49):
I think we're playing it at night, aren't we? I
haven't heard it nights overnight.

Speaker 14 (01:46:53):
But we have it in the system though, which is
the first step.

Speaker 5 (01:46:59):
That's the first.

Speaker 11 (01:47:00):
Last summer.

Speaker 10 (01:47:03):
Country music truly dominated the Billboard Hot one hundred chart,
and so Morgan Wallen's Last Night and Luke Comb's cover
of Fast Car, those are like the big songs of
the summer last year.

Speaker 1 (01:47:11):
That was last summer already fast Yeah?

Speaker 8 (01:47:14):

Speaker 10 (01:47:15):
Will there be another country repeat in twenty twenty four?
So I had some help post Malone, Morgan Wallen could
be it Tipsy by Shaboozy. We love Chevrolet dust and
lunch and jelly roll. Right if you know that one
right frog yep, I can't you have a McIntyre. There's
also another song. I think Toby Keith You should have

been a cowboy. I believe a lot of people have
that on repeat.

Speaker 11 (01:47:39):
I don't know.

Speaker 15 (01:47:41):
It could be a to Toby Keith at the ACMs.
That's tomorrow night in not Frisco, Texas.

Speaker 9 (01:47:47):
Could we be having a country summer again?

Speaker 13 (01:47:50):

Speaker 5 (01:47:50):
We need to get Shaboozie in here?

Speaker 14 (01:47:52):
All right?

Speaker 5 (01:47:53):
I DMed him like six or seven months ago and
have been ignored. But I feel like you guys have
more power.

Speaker 9 (01:48:00):
Let's play Shaboozie.

Speaker 11 (01:48:02):
Let's play it.

Speaker 2 (01:48:03):
You get some tipsy in it. Oh, here we go.

Speaker 9 (01:48:06):
That was fast, scary. That's the fastest you've ever done.

Speaker 8 (01:48:09):
That? Good going?

Speaker 2 (01:48:12):
There you go.

Speaker 9 (01:48:13):
Your daddy does some shaboozie. Okay, tipsy? That could be
the summer song.

Speaker 8 (01:48:21):
All right.

Speaker 9 (01:48:22):
Now, I'm gonna ask you to think outside the box.
I'm asking you to open your mind, free your mind.
The rest will follow. I do believe there's a song
that we all know and love that will transcend all boundaries,
will cross the boundaries and transcend all whatever for summer.
I believe the song this summer will be shares Christmas song.

Hear me out. Why you get some mad?

Speaker 14 (01:48:47):
Why you mad?

Speaker 11 (01:48:49):
Why are you mad?

Speaker 9 (01:48:50):
No, just just screams. Have a great summer. I can
hear this on the beach.

Speaker 7 (01:49:00):
You know the fun Oh on my way out, I'm
going to stay out.

Speaker 11 (01:49:09):
Oh there goes Elvis.

Speaker 7 (01:49:11):
Elvis Da ran in the morning show.

Speaker 10 (01:49:15):
Tomorrow our favorite day of the week. Until then, what
are we watching, Danielle, so I say the.

Speaker 1 (01:49:18):
Masked Singer, You've got Survivor, Dance Mom's Amazing Race, all
of your fun shows are on tonight.

Speaker 9 (01:49:23):
Dance Mom's is my favorite show.

Speaker 1 (01:49:25):
Yes, I'm making it your new favorite.

Speaker 9 (01:49:28):
All right, till tomorrow.

Speaker 14 (01:49:29):
Say peace out, everybody.

Speaker 9 (01:49:30):
Peace said everybody.

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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