All Episodes

May 14, 2024 110 mins
We are feeling our wild sides and asking what animals we think we are. Plus, we play a game involving fruit and a round of Family Feud, talk about the loss of longtime KTLA anchor, Sam Rubin, and our listener Jim caught an armadillo!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Hello, okay, good morning.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
I love you guys. Okay, good morning.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Hi. My name is Elvis Duran. Oh my gosh, you're
going to yelling.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
Today, Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Well, hello there, Hello, Welcome to the day.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
It is.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
I guess it's Tuesday, right, yes, sir, Sometimes you got
to wake up and it's declared the world it's Tuesday.

Speaker 2 (00:45):

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Is this week going slow? Is it going faster? Is
it too early to tell?

Speaker 5 (00:49):
Too early?

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Yeah, it's too early.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
All right. That means it's going slow. I guess.

Speaker 6 (00:54):
Hi, Danielle Gandhi, good morning.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
Good morning, Hello, Scary, Good morning, Scottie b and as
you control. How are you doing that? I'm great, good morning.

Speaker 6 (01:02):
Don't push the wrong button.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
I won't pretty sure.

Speaker 6 (01:04):
Sam is here? What'd you have for dinner last night?

Speaker 7 (01:06):
Sah oh a basil pesto so delicious on ravioli delicious.

Speaker 3 (01:10):

Speaker 2 (01:10):

Speaker 3 (01:11):
And hello, Froggy, how are you? Good morning all us?
I'm good, feeling good? Yeah, all good? Did I get everyone?
We're straight innate, I'm signing in. My computer's running a
little hot this morning. You running in hot, coming in hot, coming.
Welcome to the day, Senior Nate how about a trip
back in time?

Speaker 8 (01:30):

Speaker 3 (01:31):
Yeah, nineteen ninety nine Gigi Dagastino. Do you remember this song?
Gigi Degastino and I'll Fly with you? Excellent song.

Speaker 9 (01:42):
It makes me hungry though when you say the name
Dagostino reminds me something.

Speaker 3 (01:48):
Now, a lot of people don't know Degastino is a
big grocery store chain here in town.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
Oh, is that what it is? I thought it was
like cold cuts or something.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
Nope, what could be is that meats? Help me out here?
Anyone else been to Dougastino? Yes, but they do have
cold cuts, so I think you're good. It makes me
hungry for everything at Augustina anyway, Welcome to the today.
Make sure when you come in, as you do in restaurants, now,
make sure you pay your your kitchen your kitchen fee.

What is the kitchen appreciation fee? It's right, we have
a kitchen in the back. Show appreciation by little ten
cent charge on your credit card. Anyway, Our first caller
of the day is Michael.

Speaker 6 (02:29):
Hello, Michael, how you doing.

Speaker 10 (02:32):
Hi guys, Good morning.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
Well, good morning now, Michael says his morning routine would
be crap without us.

Speaker 6 (02:38):
Really, are we part of your routine, is it true?

Speaker 10 (02:41):
Part of my routine every single morning, So I have
to get up early and go be with a lot
of people. And you guys just put me in that
right mindset every single morning of walking into the building
and being in a good mood, laughing and having a
good time. It makes it easy listening to you guys
every morning.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
We'll good get on in here. And that's the thing,
you know. We wake up at the mornings and our
brains just really aren't in gear yet, so we rely
on routines to get us from point A to point B. Right.
We it's this autopilot. But you know, after a while,
the brain wakes up and here we go. I'm glad
we could be a part of your brainless morning because
that's what we do.

Speaker 11 (03:16):
So Michael, I can't thank you.

Speaker 10 (03:18):
I can't thank you guys enough.

Speaker 6 (03:19):
Well, thank you and thank god someone's listening.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
Michael. We love that. How are your allergies these at
this time of year? How are you doing with that?

Speaker 10 (03:28):
It honestly depends on the morning. Some mornings I wake
up and I feel like I got hit by a bus,
and then other like today, I sound a little groggy.
Yesterday I felt Okay, so it's hit or myth. It
depends on the day.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Yeah, I know that Nate and I are. We are
juiced up with all sorts of pollen and things. Right,
Look at Nate. Nate can't even wake and wait, wake up, Nate.
I'm I'm I'm perpetually about to sneeze.

Speaker 12 (03:54):
So if you see me just silent, it's because I'm
about to sneeze.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
Michael, Michael, there's just something you do if you're about
to sneeze and you think about it, it makes you
stop and you're not sneeze whatever whatever.

Speaker 10 (04:07):
Someone says bless you for some reason before I sneeze, like, well,
go bless you, bless you, bless you, and it makes
me stop. But it makes me really mad because I'm
right on the edge of sneezy, Like at that point,
I just want to let it go, and then they
make it so you can't.

Speaker 6 (04:19):
Right, you're edging, edging that sneeze.

Speaker 10 (04:21):
Well, I think who wants to edge at six am
in the morning.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Well, I'll go.

Speaker 6 (04:29):
No, Well I do.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
I think of a cow grazing in a field and
I don't sneeze. It's weird. I don't know why that is,
but Hey, what do we have for a friend, Michael.

Speaker 12 (04:38):
Oh, everybody's favorite hospital hacking sack Maridian is going to
give you and illustrate in the Morning show.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
Hoodie. How about that?

Speaker 6 (04:44):
Here it comes. It's all the way.

Speaker 10 (04:45):
You guys are amazing, seriously, thank you so much. And
I need to give a friend out. Shout out to
my friend Stacy. I know she's listening right now. I
wouldn't even know who you guys are without her, So
shout out to Stacy. She turned me on to you guys,
and I've been hooked ever since.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
Well then, we love Stacy. Stacy. Thanks thanks for bringing
Michael into our orbit. Hold on one second, Michael, enjoy
your day and let's go. I think we've got some energy,
We've got some propulsion, as they call it, into the
three Things we need to know from Gandhi. We have
no guests, we have no money, we have nothing. We've
got the free crap phone tap. Whose day is it?

To a club? Prat's mind. I'm going to go to
the bowels of the fifth floor.

Speaker 6 (05:23):
Was gross, that's disgusting.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
I don't know if we want to go that far
in the way into the three Things we need to know? Gandhi,
what's going on all right?

Speaker 13 (05:30):
A group of airlines is suing the Biden administration over
a new rule requiring up front disclosures of airline fees.
We were just talking about all the fees that we
keep seeing in different places. American Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines,
and others filed a lawsuit against the Department of Transportation
over rules requiring them and ticket agents to disclose service

fees alongside the airfare. The airlines are arguing that they
already disclose all the fees associated with air travel and
that the new rules, which is really confuse consumers. The
rules are part of the administration's push to eliminate junk fees.
Melinda Gates is resigning as co chair of the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation. She will receive an additional twelve

and a half billion dollars for her charitable work Wow
as part of her separation agreement from Phil Gates. They
divorced in twenty twenty one after twenty seven years of marriage.
She posted that she is immensely proud of the foundation
and now she got about twelve million dollars sluck around
sea and finally Memorial Day, we know it's coming up
next week. It's May twenty seventh, and Triple A expects

at the holiday weekend we'll see a record number of travelers.
They report that forty four million people will be going
fifty miles or more from their home during three day weekend.
As usual, the majority of people will be hitting the road,
with over thirty eight million expected to drive to their destination.
They're saying that's the highest number of people traveling by
car for the holiday since Triple A started tracking back

in two thousand. They're predicting traffic will be the worst Thursday,
May twenty third, between noon and six, Friday May twenty fourth,
between noon and seven, and Sunday May twenty six between
three and seven. So plan accordingly. The top three destinations Orlando, Florida, Seattle, Washington,
and right here in New York City. And those are
real things.

Speaker 6 (07:12):
Yeah, well, come on in, come on, we all cleaned
it up for you.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
He's speaking of Memorial Day weekend.

Speaker 6 (07:19):
It is on the way, plan ahead.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
We went to Parates to get our steaks yesterday and
they reminded us order your meats early. Kids. Okay, little
PSA for you, order your meats early because Memorial Days
on the way. I can't wait anyway. You guys ready
for your Tuesday? Yeah, well let's do it. Come on.
Our friend Tommy Dedario hosts. I've never said this before.
We love it. It's a podcast where he interviews our

favorite actress and artists. Tommy, who's on the podcast this week? Hey, Elvis,
I have actor Oliver start on the show today where
we talked about the big revelation for his character on
the latest episode of the hit ABC series nine one
one and so much more. We dive deep. You don't
want to miss it. I've never said this before. New
episodes every Tuesday. Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever

you get your podcasts. Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is
here to satisfy morning cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon
sugar rolled dough ooh e guey texture and signature cream
cheese frosting. Get the best part in every bite this
morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon pull Apart Only at participating Us.

Speaker 8 (08:23):
Wendy's Bring It to Our Wister ran in the morning show.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
Yeah, bring it shows what you got. We're here, We're
ready to go. About to do some horsecopes producer, Sam.
Who are you doing with today, Gandhi?

Speaker 5 (08:40):
This morning?

Speaker 3 (08:41):
Okay, Gandhi, this morning.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
This morning, it's Gandhi, Gandhi this morning.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
You were just sitting around talking about stuff going on.
Last night. Let's see the Rangers here in New York
Ooh uh yeah, there's that, and uh the games to one,
but then blew it last night.

Speaker 11 (08:59):
But now up three games to two.

Speaker 3 (09:01):
Now what else happened in sports? In sports, let's get
sports out of the way. We don't have to deal
with it ever again. Oh god, that's your messing.

Speaker 11 (09:09):
Their ace closer Dias on the mound.

Speaker 3 (09:11):
They were one strike away from beating the Phillies and
then the roof caved in. The Phillies tied it up,
hit batsman, and the Phillies went ahead in the tenth
to win it five to four.

Speaker 11 (09:19):
And it was so aggravating because there are our rivals.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
There you go sports. Yes, yes, I did say mess
New York.

Speaker 11 (09:30):
Before that, I my.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
Whole childhood, I thought you were just incredibly clever in
that moment.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
I know.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
You know I well, you know who taught that to me.
It was Danielle. It's true.

Speaker 9 (09:47):
We were watching soccer in my house or actually football
in my house. Yes, because we have a big game
for our Premier League team, because there's a whole big
thing and you I can't explain it, it's too long.
But we were very excited for aston Villa yesterday.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
So up the villa there.

Speaker 6 (10:03):
Up the villain, which sounds dirty.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
Thank you. Let's get into the horse copes. Let's do it.
E're rope first, there, producer san Let's go.

Speaker 13 (10:13):
All right if you celebrate it. Celebrate a birthday today.
You celebrate with Mark Zuckerberg, Rob Bronkowski, Kate Flinchett, and
Dustin Lynch. Happy birthday, everybody. Capricorns, start working on long
term goals today. You are in the right position to
be set up for success. Your day is a nine Aquarius.

Speaker 7 (10:33):
You're feeling super receptive to energies lately. Careful not to
be in the wrong company. Your day's a seven Pisces.
You are much more creative than you allow yourself to express.
Fight against embarrassment. Your day is a seven Hey Aries.
Work on balancing your ambition with some caution. Don't rush
into decisions. Your day's a five Taurus.

Speaker 13 (10:49):
Your vulnerability is what makes you so relatable, so don't
shy away from sharing your truth.

Speaker 5 (10:54):
Your day is a nine Gemini.

Speaker 7 (10:55):
Every day is a fresh start, and today you hold
the potential to make it a great one.

Speaker 5 (10:59):
Your day's two and cancer.

Speaker 13 (11:00):
To avoid misunderstandings, you need to express your emotions more clearly.
Your day is an eight tat Leo.

Speaker 7 (11:05):
Don't shy away from an upcoming problem. It's going to
deliver so much growth. Your day's a six Virgo.

Speaker 13 (11:10):
You are carrying someone else's weight around, give yourself permission
to set it down.

Speaker 5 (11:15):
Your day is an eight Libra.

Speaker 7 (11:16):
Sometimes splurging on yourself is the most responsible decision you
can make.

Speaker 5 (11:20):
You deserve a treat. Your day's a six Scorpio.

Speaker 13 (11:22):
Curiosity is normal, but don't take action when it's none
of your business. Your day is a nine, and finally, Sagittarius,
it's your season for mental wellness.

Speaker 7 (11:31):
Give yourself a break and you'll return stronger than ever.
Your day's an eight, and those are your Tuesday morning horoscopes.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
I did my dinner party last night. It was awesome.
I wish you guys could have been here. I was
rehearsing to make it perfect for you. When you guys
come over.

Speaker 5 (11:43):
Oh what'd you guys eat?

Speaker 3 (11:44):
Oh we had steaks, big old fat ass steaks on
the grill.

Speaker 6 (11:48):
And I do those potatoes.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
You boil the little potatoes and then you smash them
and make them flat, and you make them crispy in
the oven.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
So good.

Speaker 6 (11:56):
Oh, there's the best.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
Some green beans is because you have to have green bean,
you know, it's because you have to pretend you're healthy.
And good old apple pie for dessert. It was nice.
It was nice.

Speaker 13 (12:06):
I'm so hungry now.

Speaker 6 (12:09):
I think I love dinner parties.

Speaker 3 (12:11):
And so the thing is is, once you have one,
you're like, okay, gotta do with the dishes whatever. But
everyone chipped in. Everyone got here around six, Everyone left
around eleven. It was a long night. It was good.

Speaker 13 (12:21):
Now, are you somebody who lets people chip in and
help you do the dishes or are you like, no, No,
I have a way I want to get this done.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
Well, here's my thing. I'm glad you brought this up.
And I know that I'm not the only one who
does this when it comes to loading a dishwasher. I
understand the science of loading a dishwasher, and I don't
want anyone else to do it. Okay, there's nothing worse
than someone who doesn't know how to load a dishwasher.
But there is a way to do it.

Speaker 5 (12:44):
Does anyone I want to know if I'm doing it.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
I don't think I do it right.

Speaker 13 (12:48):
So what's the science?

Speaker 3 (12:50):
The dishes all have to be leaning in a certain
way so they get the maximum amount of you know,
beating from the water pressure. You know what I'm saying. Yeah,
And there's nothing worse. And you open the dishwasher after
it's done, and then a cup is right side up
and it's got water.

Speaker 9 (13:04):
In it, like, oh God, in my mind, that has
to be rewded because it's all black.

Speaker 6 (13:10):
It does have to be rewashed.

Speaker 5 (13:11):
It's it's the junk basin.

Speaker 3 (13:14):
Yeah, I know, stay out of a dishwashery producer saying, what.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
Very important question. Utensils up or utensils down?

Speaker 3 (13:21):
It depends it will see up. I've heard that's right,
I think, But I know, but if it's like a
steak knife, I don't want to like.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
Well, you just have to know it's there.

Speaker 14 (13:31):
I mean, don't I think just supposed to everything else
goes up, I think is the problem.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Yeah, but it's hard the germ wise, everything should go.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Up I think it does get maximum cleaning if it
is up. But that knife don't.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
Use the knives at Froggy's house.

Speaker 5 (13:47):
He's still rush ups anyway.

Speaker 6 (13:52):
But yeah, the dishwasher is my domain.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
And I I'm so so ainal retentive.

Speaker 9 (13:57):
About that dishwasher on Thursday, and I'm so I'm so
excited for you.

Speaker 3 (14:02):
Isn't that funny when you come to a part in
your life where appliances get you so excited.

Speaker 1 (14:06):
I know, I thank you PC Richard Andson for helping
me out with this whole.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
Absolutely well. I can't wait till it's delivered. I can't
wait till you take it on its inaugural run.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
I can't. I'm so excited. I'm keeping Friday open so
I can learn all about it.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
Daniel, so excited? Look at that so sad. No, it's not,
it's exciting. I'm excited for you, all right, Daniel, since here,
what are you I coming up?

Speaker 9 (14:30):
Some male celebrities are about to take it all off
for charity, and Taylor Swift has a new trademark.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
Okay all the way, ha.

Speaker 8 (14:37):
Ha laugh funny Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (14:42):
There's still time to save on your Disney Summer vacation.
It's Danielle and I told you. We're treating the family
to the magic of Disney and you can too this summer.
Undercover Tourist dot Com is all about adult tickets at
child prices to Walt Disney World in Florida and the
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Tourist dot Com just like I did to plan my

family summer vacation. They're an authorized seller of Disney tickets
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get the ultimate rope drop Disney experience. With their free
crowd calendar. You can find daily crowd levels, recommended parks,

by day, park hours, special events, and more, all in
one place.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
They also have a.

Speaker 9 (15:27):
Best price guarantee and a three hundred and sixty five
day return policy, so if your plans change, no problem.
Get adult theme park tickets at child prices at Undercover
Tourists dot com. That's Undercover Tourist dot com.

Speaker 5 (15:40):
Love it, Love it, Love It, Love It.

Speaker 8 (15:42):
Elvis Duran in the Morning show.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
You know, I love this text it came through. I'm
so glad we called her back.

Speaker 2 (15:47):

Speaker 3 (15:47):
Her name is Lindsay. She is so excited. She's going
on her first date in like four and a half years.
Nice on Thursday. Let's see how she's doing with this, Lendsy.
Welcome to the show, Welcome to day. How are you?

Speaker 15 (16:02):
Good morning, ladies. I'm doing well.

Speaker 16 (16:03):
How are you?

Speaker 3 (16:04):
We're doing well? So, okay, let's talk about it. So
you haven't been on a date in over four years?
Was it my choice? Is because you were tied up
with someone else? Like, what's going on?

Speaker 13 (16:15):

Speaker 15 (16:15):
It was by choice. For most of my twenties, I've
always been in a relationship and both of them didn't
really end well, so I didn't get to enjoy my
twenties as much. So I wanted to take time to
do things for myself and enjoy things for myself that
I never got to good.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
I like that absolutely, But all the while, were you
missing dating a little bit? Or we're totally fine? Just
like sitting on the sidelines.

Speaker 15 (16:42):
Was purposely Like I was really honestly fine, like a
lot of people thought I wouldn't see. Okay, my family
but like, I actually just really enjoyed it.

Speaker 16 (16:51):

Speaker 3 (16:52):
Well, that's the thing. I guess you hung out with
a great group of friends. Or are you like me,
like more of a loaner of it.

Speaker 6 (16:59):
What's your deal?

Speaker 15 (17:01):
Actually, I have four roommates and I spend a lot
of time with them, and I spend a lot of
time with my family as well.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
Okay, nice, nice, So what happened here four and a
half years past the last time you had a date?
What click? Did you meet someone you're like? Okay, let's
give this a tribe. Tell us the story.

Speaker 15 (17:20):
I've been trying internet dating for a while because my
work schedule was a little bit more hectic and it's
been really rocky just trying to keep conversation nowadays. And
something actually did kind of click and it happened pretty
quickly in the last week or so. But he's local
and he actually knows one of my roommates, which I

thought was a little strange. So we're just going off
by that.

Speaker 11 (17:47):
I love that.

Speaker 6 (17:48):
So are you excited?

Speaker 3 (17:49):
I mean, what are you feeling?

Speaker 15 (17:51):
I'm feeling so nervous and anxious, Like my anxiety is
getting a little bit more of me. But I'm really excited.
I have a mixture of emist motions.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
How do you even pick what to wear do your
first date? I know, but it's so exciting. Where are
you going? And where are you going?

Speaker 2 (18:09):

Speaker 1 (18:09):
What do you what can you wear?

Speaker 15 (18:12):
We're doing dinner in a movie because we both like
horror movies, so we decided we wanted to do.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
That horror movies. Horror. Okay, Okay, I didn't sorry about
horror horror. I can see if if you start to
think about it and obsessed over it a little too much,
you're gonna drive yourself nuts. But you're excited. I mean,
it's okay to I don't know. Don't get me wrong.

I've been married several years now, you know, and uh,
that feeling you get the butterflies when you're in the
dating world, you kind of forget what that feels like
after you've been in a relationship for a while.

Speaker 15 (18:51):
Right, And yeah, it makes me really happy though it should.

Speaker 6 (18:57):
This is awesome. Good for you.

Speaker 3 (18:59):
I mean, you know, you deserve happiness no matter how
you get it, dating or not dating. You know, it's
it's it's totally up to you. But yeah, here's the
other thing. Oh god, I don't want to like put
wood on the on the fire here. It's when you
meet someone and you know, you know, you want to
take it slow. You want to just like be careful
with it. You know, you know what I'm saying. You

just like you don't want to rush into anything crazy.
At the same time, you know, when you start to
kind of fall for someone a little bit, and you're
way too early for this in this situation, But when
you start falling for someone, I remember that feeling used
to get going. Oh God, I've talked to myself out loud,
don't don't do this. Don't give him your heart. They're
gonna they're gonna stomp on it. Don't seriously, you open

you actually, as the song goes, you give them your
heart to break. You know, you're like, okay, oh yeah,
no turning back. And I know you're not there yet.
But the excitement of just getting out there and getting
to know someone like that.

Speaker 6 (19:51):
What do you guys think?

Speaker 3 (19:52):
What do you think Gandhi? Really?

Speaker 5 (19:54):
Have you googled him?

Speaker 13 (19:55):
Do you know anything about him that you're not supposed
to know yet?

Speaker 15 (19:59):
Actually I haven't googled him, but my roommate has told
me a bunch about him because they're both in different bands,
so they play it, you know, the same shows and
stuff together. So he's told me a little bit about them.

Speaker 13 (20:13):
Okay, so we think he's safe and he's okay because
you have some mutual friends.

Speaker 3 (20:17):

Speaker 15 (20:18):
Yeah, he has a really good job from what I've
been told and whatnot. So and he likes cats, which
is a big thing for me. So yeah, so far,
so good.

Speaker 3 (20:29):
Okay, all right, and he's a musician. What could go wrong?

Speaker 9 (20:35):
Doesn't try the popcorn trip check while they're at the
movie theme Oh my.

Speaker 3 (20:38):
God, yeah, oh my god, movie theater with scissors. You
know we've got a problem. He's coming a hole in
the bottom of the buck. All right, all right, I
don't know what the slips slippery slope to hell.

Speaker 6 (20:50):
You know, we're trying to have.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
A good time.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
He hates He's like, why did I call them?

Speaker 3 (20:53):
Well, lindsay, you know, I bet a lot of people
listening right now are going I think exactly what we're
thinking about. That the butterflies and the stomach excitement about
going on on a date. I think it's so cool.
And you know what with a date without a date,
a life in a relationship or a life with friends, whatever,
your happiness is all that matters, and so you look
out for number one. You get out there and you

own it. Girl, you have a great time.

Speaker 15 (21:16):
Okay, all right, thank you. I'll let you guys know
how it goes.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
No, please do absolutely. Yeah, well maybe we should go
with you. Where are you going? Don't have sting?

Speaker 6 (21:27):
Thank you, Linda.

Speaker 3 (21:28):
You have a great day. Thanks for listening to us. Guys. Bye. Wow.
Oh I'm serious about what I said. It's like you
forget after you've been in this relationship world for a while.
What that butterfly in the stomach thing is feeling like
Like Scotty B for instance, is out there in the
dating world.

Speaker 6 (21:46):
He doesn't have butterflies.

Speaker 3 (21:47):
He just vomits. I got the butterflies right now. It's awesome. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (21:54):
Well, don't crap your pants because that's what you tend
to do. Well, we talked about that already.

Speaker 3 (21:57):
She's cool with it. Oh god, oh my god. Oh wait,
we didn't do Danielle. Uh why don't you should we
do Danielle? Or do Danielle next?

Speaker 11 (22:11):

Speaker 6 (22:12):
Well, thank you.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
This allergy Nate.

Speaker 3 (22:17):
He doesn't know what time it is. Allergy name Danielle
has now officially called you allergy night. He's a nice, kinder,
gentler Nate when he's got those sniffles. All right, let's go,
let's go.

Speaker 1 (22:28):
What do you have going on for the Office fans.

Speaker 9 (22:31):
I'm sorry to tell you, but Steve Carell will not
be in the Office spin off. There will be no
Michael Scott, he says. Look, it's not that I'm not
going to support the series and watch it. I think
it's a cool thing, he says, but I don't think
there's a reason for Michael Scott to be included. He's like,
there's not been there, done that. It's true, but come on,
you know you've watched that episode. Yeah, you definitely watch
that episode. So right now, all of our networks are

doing something called the Upfront. If you don't know what
that is, it's when they all get together and present
to us what the next season of television will look,
what they're planning, what they're canceling, what they're keeping, all
the new stuff. So NBC unveiled its fall scheduled yesterday,
and it included the announcement that Snoop Dogg and Michael
Bubla will be first time judges on season twenty six
of The Voice. Oh wow, So it will be Snoop,

Michael Buble, Gwen Stefani, and Riva mackinsire.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
That's gonna be awesome.

Speaker 9 (23:20):
That means maybe Michael will come and visit us a
little bit more. Also, there's a new show that's getting
a lot of buzz. It's called Flight Night The Million
Dollar Heist. It starts Kevin Hart and Taraji p Henson.
It's about an armed robbery that took place on the
night of Muhammad Ali's comeback fight in nineteen seventy. So
a lot of people talking about that. Also, there's a

group of male celebrities that are gonna come together and
take off their clothes in the Real Full Monty, which
will be premiering on Fox this fall. It will aim
to raise awareness for prosta, testicular and colorectal cancer testing
and research. And yes, there will be stripping. And let
me tell you some of the guys who'll be taking

it off.

Speaker 5 (24:00):
Chris I'm sorry, no, dam Tay Diggs.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
That's a nice one.

Speaker 9 (24:06):
I love that one, Tyler Posey, James Vanderbeek, Anthony Anderson, Bruno,
TONI only.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
From Dancing with the stars. That guy's just been waiting
to take it off. If you watch the show, you
know he's just ready. He is so ready.

Speaker 9 (24:20):
And Chris Jones and I think he plays for He's
for Kansas Kansas City, doesn't he Chris Jones of Froggy.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 9 (24:30):
Thought, Okay, So they all want to waste raise awareness,
So this will be pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
So we'll watch that and see what happens that one.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
You know, I was thinking, you know, when you really
fell in love with the masked singer. Yeah, I was
hoping they would do a singing show. But they come
out totally naked, except they have a just a like
a hood on their head. You don't know who it.

Speaker 9 (24:49):
Is, Oh, like that dating show and then you have
to guess by like their willi's or something.

Speaker 6 (24:54):
Yes, Willies, I'm in Okay. I love the stupid names
we have.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
We really do, John Willie, Junk, Willy Dinger Wang Wang
to me sounds like, you know, bringing about like wang.

Speaker 9 (25:11):
And Taylor swift As fell to trademark for a female
Rage the musical after shouting the phrase during her Paris
Eras tour. Shows covers recordings, merch unauthorized products have already emerged,
so she wants to put the kabash on met and
uh yeah.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
So we'll see what she's gonna do with it. I'm
sorry she still do something.

Speaker 9 (25:28):
So if you watch Welcome to Wrexham on Hulu, you
know who Ali Palmer is. He is their striker and
you know they're just going up in this world. They
once again, you know, got promoted, which is amazing. Uh
So Allie was on with Garret and I the other day.

Speaker 1 (25:43):
He came in.

Speaker 9 (25:43):
We got to sit down with him and have a
little chat with him and we were talking about what
it's like to actually work with celebrities like Ryan Reynolds
and Rob McElhoney.

Speaker 3 (25:53):
Do you know what.

Speaker 17 (25:54):
Ultimately, they're just really contactable and if you ever needed
to reach out and speak to them, they're there. You
don't have to go for a PA or a secretary
or you know, and they reach out to you too.
They check in, had I've got an injury during the
season and then I couldn't get back in the team
for four to five weeks, and you don't hear from
people when you're not playing. And then amongst everyone, one

person that did reach out about three weeks in so
keep going. I can't wait to see you back out
there was Ryan.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
See Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 9 (26:23):
Everybody says he's the nicest guy and then he's the
real deal.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
So it's awesome.

Speaker 9 (26:27):
So if you want to see the full interview, Elvis
Duran YouTube and there's also a clip on Instagram.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
And I Spice is getting.

Speaker 9 (26:34):
Her own special edition Metro cards from the New York MTA.
It's a limited edition, only fifty thousand, and there's only
a certain couple of stops where you can actually get
your hands on that, so you can google it if
you're interested. The voice is on You've got the Tonight Show,
Jimmy Fallon's tenth anniversary special, also Cleaning Lady, your FBI
shows and The Good Doctor.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
And that is my Daniel Report.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
Beautiful job, standing ovation for Daniel. So do you have
any games in your hopper? Gandhi?

Speaker 13 (27:01):
I do, actually so today yesterday actually was National Fruit
Cocktail Day, so I made a game of fruity songs.

Speaker 5 (27:08):
All the songs have fruit.

Speaker 3 (27:10):
And so we're not going to do another game restaurants
that serves shrimps.

Speaker 13 (27:14):
Sure, I was thinking, wo, I'm going to do another
food game like that. Sometime soon, don't you worry.

Speaker 3 (27:19):
I love it.

Speaker 6 (27:20):
The more bizarre the better.

Speaker 11 (27:21):
Yeah, all right.

Speaker 3 (27:22):
If you know songs about fruit, call us now eight
hundred and two four to two.

Speaker 4 (27:27):
Zero one hundred the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge Girls five Ever.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
They're in the studio with us this morning.

Speaker 13 (27:33):
Who wants to summarize specifically what this show is about?

Speaker 5 (27:36):
Because both of us love it.

Speaker 4 (27:37):
Girls five Ever is a show that we love that
We're all on.

Speaker 3 (27:45):
The superbly versatile all Electric EQB from Mercedes Benz. It's
impressively techy and surprisingly roomy, with seating from up to seven.
The vehicle is all electric, the feeling is all Mercedes.
Learn more at MBUSA dot com.

Speaker 8 (27:59):
Slash Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (28:02):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercoverturists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland. These
are the real deal. Save now at undercover Tourists dot com.

Speaker 4 (28:26):
Yeah, listen to that in the cart work Elvis Duran
in the Morning Show, Hey, you're.

Speaker 3 (28:31):
Listening thank you. Thank god you're listening. I've got Audre
a line ten. Audre says she, Well, good morning. Now
we hear that you believe you know your fruit songs.

Speaker 15 (28:44):
I think so.

Speaker 6 (28:46):
So, Gandhi.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
When you went to do when you want to do
this and put this contest together, I mean, what was
what were you looking for as far as fruit songs go.

Speaker 13 (28:55):
I was looking for songs that either sing about fruit
or have fruit in the title. But they're all songs,
so I thought it would be appropriate for Fruit Cocktail Day.

Speaker 3 (29:04):
This is great. I mean, the more contest we do
like this, the more you're the more ideas are getting
a little more odd Yeah, because you're running out of ideas,
actually never running out of ideas. You're actually becoming more
more creative with your ideas.

Speaker 13 (29:19):
Thank God for the national days exactly.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
All right, yeah, thank god for National Fruit Cocktail Day.
I hope you celebrated, Audrey. Did you enjoy a nice
fruit cocktail yesterday?

Speaker 18 (29:29):
I did not. I didn't even know what Fruit Cocktail Day.

Speaker 8 (29:32):
I'll have to do it today instepts.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
Oh damn.

Speaker 3 (29:34):
I mean, just put it on the calendar for next year.
You're good, all right? Here we go. These are songs
that are about fruit or have fruit in the title.
Here we go Fruit song number one, singing on there
you go? What is it?

Speaker 18 (29:54):
It's cherry pie.

Speaker 3 (29:56):
That's there you go. I love a song and you
know it's it's about cherry pie. It's about the pie.

Speaker 6 (30:08):
Yes, it is absolutely all right.

Speaker 18 (30:10):
Here we go hair band any Day.

Speaker 3 (30:13):
I know me too, I'm with you, all right, all right, Audre.
Here is Fruit song number two.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Breathe me, breathe me.

Speaker 3 (30:21):
Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (30:25):

Speaker 3 (30:28):
Go what is it?

Speaker 15 (30:29):
Watermelon sugar Harry Styles sugar.

Speaker 2 (30:35):

Speaker 3 (30:37):
All right again a song about fruit? One another one?
Here is Fruit song number three.

Speaker 19 (30:45):
Can I see? It's the tas of your Skin?

Speaker 2 (30:52):

Speaker 6 (30:52):
One of my favorite songs of all time? What is it?

Speaker 2 (30:55):

Speaker 18 (30:55):
My goodness, I can't think of it?

Speaker 6 (30:57):
Play it again?

Speaker 19 (30:59):
Can I see? We mean it's the text of your skin.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 18 (31:10):
I'm gonna have to pass guys.

Speaker 3 (31:15):
Scary cut up.

Speaker 6 (31:16):
We gotta play it. That is justin Bieber and Peaches.

Speaker 8 (31:19):
Yeah, I got my peach.

Speaker 19 (31:23):
From California.

Speaker 3 (31:25):
You remember that, don't you remember that song?

Speaker 18 (31:27):
And I was I was gonna say it, and I
was trying to hear it. In that restling in my
head and I wasn't getting to the chorus, and I
was like, no, I don't think that's what it is.
I should have just went with it.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
You should have gone with all right. Well, that's okay.
You you have two out of three so far. Here
is fruit song number four.

Speaker 8 (31:41):
I was working time Bob a bos mister.

Speaker 6 (31:48):
What's that that?

Speaker 8 (31:49):
That one? I know?

Speaker 18 (31:50):
It's raspberry beret Prince.

Speaker 3 (31:52):
Yeah, great song? All right, Uh, let's see how this
is involved in the world of fruit songs. What is
song five? There you go?

Speaker 18 (32:13):
So it's a hollow back girl.

Speaker 8 (32:19):
Banana just gave her.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
We just told you the fruit. It's a banana.

Speaker 18 (32:25):
I knew that was going to be a song in
the in the contact for good thinking.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
All right, here's another one we actually we played this
on the show last week. Love it number six? Do
you know that one?

Speaker 18 (32:41):
It's a black horse and a cherry tree.

Speaker 20 (32:43):
It is okay because of place in the middle of
now with a big black horse and a cheerry tree.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
There you have it. Uh, you're doing really well, by
the way, are you guys agree she's doing? As we
continue our celebration of all songs about fruit, hear his
song number seven.

Speaker 8 (33:03):
Let me show you that.

Speaker 21 (33:07):
You want to one mm hmm.

Speaker 18 (33:12):
That is one of my favorite songs, Peaches and cream.

Speaker 3 (33:16):
Yeah, you know that.

Speaker 1 (33:18):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 16 (33:20):

Speaker 3 (33:21):
It's literally about peaches with cream on absolutely all right.

Speaker 6 (33:27):
Here is fruit song number eight.

Speaker 3 (33:29):
Oh mister, what is it?

Speaker 18 (33:38):
Oh my goodness, it's Harry Belafanti.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
But I don't remember the name of the song is
Oh my god, you got?

Speaker 18 (33:46):
I did, and it's from beal Juice, which is my
favorite movie.

Speaker 5 (33:50):

Speaker 3 (33:51):
Oh, hold on, now, hold on, now, let's think it through.

Speaker 18 (33:54):
Is it called mister tally Man or there's something? No,
it's the Something song.

Speaker 10 (34:00):
It's just something.

Speaker 3 (34:02):
You're so close and keep in mind, keep in mind
this is a contest about fruit songs.

Speaker 6 (34:08):
So maybe so.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
Okay, so you got Harry Belafonte you because it's something
song and it's a song about fruit played againstcarry maybe
the little Banana Okaya? Oh, yes, it is, it is. It's

the banana song Banana boats. Yeah, pissed off?

Speaker 5 (34:44):
Why are you mad that I'm just saying that's that's
the name of the song, Bana.

Speaker 6 (34:48):
I don't know, she said, did you say boat? I
just heard banana song?

Speaker 9 (34:51):
All right, yeah, okay, banana okay, har Belafante, come on
that God, come on.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
Take it away from her.

Speaker 5 (35:02):
I was just saying what the name of the song was.

Speaker 6 (35:04):
It was banana boats song.

Speaker 3 (35:05):
All right, here we go, number nine stop A.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Great song, so much let's say that one.

Speaker 3 (35:19):
Do you know what it is?

Speaker 18 (35:21):
I don't think I do.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
What is that noise you're making?

Speaker 8 (35:28):

Speaker 3 (35:29):
That is the sound of discouragement? This is that's Rihanna.
It's called It's called Lemon and I think we do
have all right, here we go. I don't even know
how this song made it on this list. I've never
liked this song ever.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
I put it on.

Speaker 13 (35:47):
Here specifically for one person in this studio who always
wants to hear the song I never hear.

Speaker 3 (35:53):
All right, Well, keep in mind it's a song about fruit, obviously,
and here's what it sounds like.

Speaker 6 (36:00):
Man, okay, what is that?

Speaker 18 (36:11):
Iighty peaches every day.

Speaker 20 (36:16):
A lot of peaches into the country. I eat a
lot of peaches.

Speaker 1 (36:23):
It's about peaches and bananas. I wonder why, I wonder why, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
Yeah, I wonder. You know you did really well here.
I think you got nine out of eight out of ten?
Is that right? Yeah, you got eight out of ten, Audre.
That's excellent. Thank you.

Speaker 6 (36:39):
What do you have for a friend, Audre?

Speaker 3 (36:40):
Something We've got the Elvis dran in the Morning show
hoodie thanks to our good friends at Hackensack Meridian. It's
on the way, Audre. Thank you and your well and
we're we can't wait to tell the world about how
impressed we are with your fruit song knowledge.

Speaker 18 (36:56):
I knew that my music knowledge would come in handy
some day.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
Its tiles, food salad.

Speaker 18 (37:03):
Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy. That one I would have known too.

Speaker 5 (37:06):
We could do a whole other version of this.

Speaker 3 (37:09):
I'm so sorry we didn't get that one on there.
Hey uh hey, okay, out of all those songs, which
one do we want to play? We got to play
one of them?

Speaker 1 (37:16):
Oh the forel one Lemon?

Speaker 3 (37:18):
You Hey Lemon? Do we have it ready to go?

Speaker 11 (37:20):
I don't know which version is seven of them.

Speaker 8 (37:23):
Play un edited?

Speaker 11 (37:24):
Could be a disaster. Are the super duper clean?

Speaker 3 (37:27):
No God, I'm not even going to sing anything.

Speaker 11 (37:31):
I guess it's this one.

Speaker 3 (37:33):
Okay, here we go. We listened, We love you, Audre,
and we listened to people.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
I just want to.

Speaker 18 (37:38):
Say I'm a teacher I listened to you every day
on my way to work, and I try all the time,
and I'm so excited to have gotten through. So thank
you guys for making my day.

Speaker 3 (37:46):
Well, I'm glad you got through. Let me see if
I can construct a sentence for the teacher. Thank you, Audre,
You're the best.

Speaker 6 (37:53):
Hold on.

Speaker 3 (37:53):
As we play one of the songs featured in our
French song contest.

Speaker 4 (37:58):
Elvis Duran. Here he is in the morning show. We
are kill this Duran in the Morning show.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
Hey, a special we love you to a very very
good friend of ours, our fearless leader in beautiful Des Moines,
Greg Chance, who Greg Chance at one oh seven five
KISSFM put our show on Kiss fifteen.

Speaker 6 (38:22):
Years ago and we're still there.

Speaker 8 (38:23):
I know.

Speaker 3 (38:25):
We love you, Greg. Thank you so much for giving
us the opportunity to be on in Des Moin. We
sure do appreciate it you, Greg. We love you, Greg.
We love you so much. Hey, I don't know if
you called the story. I know what we were just
talking about it during the song. But there was an
entertainment anchor, reporter, beloved personality out in Los Angeles. He
worked at KTLA TV. His name was Sam Rubin. And

all of LA was just floored and just so sad
when he died suddenly. I think it was last Thursday,
he did his last show on KTLA, and then the
next morning he had passed away at home from a
massive heart attack. Didn't even see it coming anyway, the
outpouring of love from people in the entertainment business, especially

based in Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world,
arguably all came out to talk about how Sam Rubin
was their favorite. He never really was the kind of
snarky reporter who wanted to go for the jugular and
make people embarrassed and looking for the headlines. And he'd
been a mainstay in the entertainment reporting world in Los
Angeles for many, many years. Right. And you actually knew him,

You worked with him for a while, right, Nate. Yeah, Yeah,
So when I worked in Los Angeles, he was the
go to. Anytime an entertainment story was breaking, it would
be get Sam on the phone. And Sam was always
so willing to help at the drop of a hat.
He'd be like, Hey, when is your break time?

Speaker 12 (39:46):
Okay, I can do it in fifteen minutes, okay, perfect,
And he wouldn't even question he would just jump on
and he was just the nicest guy. I remember he
would even take I would go see movies and he
would take my movie review and talk about it on
KTLA morning news and it was just an crazy thing.
So he was such a nice guy and he'll be missed.
So you know, he made his mark.

Speaker 3 (40:07):
Well, they did something really interesting yesterday on KTLA. They
had his young son, Colby Ruben, come on with the
anchors at the anchor table to talk about his father,
and it was very emotional and it's just you could
tell this kid, it's just heartbroken. He was talking about
how his dad was not only his best friend, he
learned so much from him on their car rides and

when he was a little when he was a boy scout,
when he was a little kid, his dad was the
only one that would that would hop on the lake
and his kayak and kayak with him and he was
always there for his son. And his son looked at
the camera and said something that really hit me hard.
And we talked about this at dinner last night. You
never know when you're about to lose someone. Oh, sometimes

you do, sometimes you don't. Sometimes people will just leave
you without any warning, without any indication that are done
with life, you know. With uncle Johnny, look, he had
been sick for a long time, but still the day
he left us was a very sad day. But Kolby

Reuben was talking about his dad, Sam Ruben, and he
looked at the camera and if you want to look
at this yourself, there's a video online. He just said, Dad,
there's so many things I wish I would have told you,
so many things I wish I could have thanked you
for tell you how proud I am to be your son.
He said, I'm just living it's sort of and paraphrasing,

and living in a world of regret not being able
to do that before you left us. Think about that, well,
you never know. You kiss him goodbye in the morning
and they head out to school, or you head out
to work, or they head out to their work whatever.
You just assume they're coming back at five o'clock like
they do every day, yea, and God willing they will

and they usually do, right, sometimes they don't. So how
we treat people day in and day out in our lives,
people that really are our best friends, our confidants, What
we say to them is so important. But what we
don't say to them is what you should be thinking about.

How do you treat the people that you love and
you adore? Do you ever thank them? Do you ever
say Hey, you are fin awesome and I'm so proud
of you because you just went through this. I'm so
happy that you're in my life because you helped me
struggle through that. You know, just like Sam Rubin just
without any explanation, without any warning, had a heart attack

and left his family in an entire industry of people
who are mourning his loss. Never got to say hey,
thank you, something as simple as that. So keep that
in mind as you get on with your day. Maybe
you could pick up a phone today and call someone.
Don't text them, You call them and say hey, I
just want to tell you I love you. They may
think you're a total fruitcake. Warhere's this coming from? Doesn't matter?

Oh well, at least just said it, any thoughts.

Speaker 13 (43:05):
I think about that all the time, just the fact
that somebody can walk out the door and that vision
of them is the last vision that you're ever going
to see.

Speaker 5 (43:12):
And I try really hard.

Speaker 13 (43:14):
To give people their flowers while they're alive and tell
them that you love them, and tell them that you're
proud of them and that you're happy to be their
kid and all of those things, because it's life's crazy.

Speaker 14 (43:23):
Yeah it is, yeah, Frog. I just lost somebody, somebody
I worked with for a long time. Their spouse just
passed away, and I thought to myself, I remember the
last time I saw her, but I had no idea
that that was going to be the last time I
saw her. And it made me really sad to think
that at some point, most people you come into contact
with in your life, you will see them and you

have no idea that that will be the last time.
So I always make sure that you leave on a
note and say something nice to somebody that leaves it okay,
so that if that is the last time you see them,
you're okay.

Speaker 3 (43:56):
With that and can be at peace with how things ended.
I see your mind work at work, Danielle. What are
you thinking about?

Speaker 1 (44:02):
No, I'm just it's just all so scary.

Speaker 3 (44:04):
That's all you think about. You think about your dad
a little bit, of course.

Speaker 9 (44:07):
I mean, yeah, you know, I always say to my mom, like,
I wish I had forced Dad to go to lunch
with me more. I wish I had done this. I
wish I had done that. And she always says to me,
you can't, you can't. You know, what are you gonna do?
This is the way it worked. He knew you loved him,
you know, blah blah blah. But you just you always
think about what you should have done differently or said
differently or you know.

Speaker 3 (44:27):
So, yeah, I'm telling you, Danielle, I remember your your mom.
Your your mom was what in the kitchen and your
dad was taking a nap on the couch.

Speaker 9 (44:36):
He was just sitting in the in the living room,
she was washing the dishes, and she came in and
he was he was gone. He was dead, and she
got cold nine one one and they revived him. Unfortunately.
You know, sometimes I think when the oxygen has been
gone from your brain for too long, you never come
back like you were. And that was one of the issues.
But yeah, she's she said, he just said to me,

that was delicious.

Speaker 1 (45:01):
Do we have leftovers?

Speaker 9 (45:03):
That was the last thing, dad, That was the last
thing my mom said. And dad, my dad said, and
my mom says, yeah, we have leftovers. And the next thing,
you know, she came in the living room and that
was it.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
He was gone.

Speaker 2 (45:13):
Is so.

Speaker 3 (45:15):
And so but I know for a fact that when
your dad passed away, he knew how much you loved him.

Speaker 1 (45:21):
I think so.

Speaker 9 (45:21):
I think he definitely knew. But of course he did, Bill,
I don't think. I think even though that person knows
how much you love them, there you're still gonna always
say I.

Speaker 1 (45:31):
Should have done this, I should have done that.

Speaker 9 (45:33):
And my dad worked in Jersey and I would say, Dad,
come over, you know, And then the day before he
had said to me, Hey, I want to I want
to drop off my medical records to you, because I
had said I wanted somebody else to look at them
because I didn't.

Speaker 1 (45:45):
Trust the doctors that he had.

Speaker 9 (45:47):
And he called me the day before and said, I'm
going to come over and drop them off. And you know,
I didn't let him. I said, no, Dad, that's too far.
Just put them in the mail. I should let him
come over, but I didn't want him to drive that far.

Speaker 3 (45:59):
That's the thing. You never know, that's the point you
never know. So look, I'm not saying you have to
like you have to put a sign on the side
of the road that proclaims to the entire world that
you love them or whatever. It's just this morning when
Alex left the house to go to work. The last
thing that we talked about was just nothing. We just

hugged each other and said, hey, you know, I said,
have a great day today and he left. It was
a positive thing.

Speaker 2 (46:24):
So this.

Speaker 3 (46:26):
You know, they say, never go to bed in a fight.
You know, it's just never want to walk out that
door if you're in the middle of a conflict like
that every because you.

Speaker 6 (46:36):
Just don't know.

Speaker 3 (46:37):
Let them go out into the world feeling loved and
there's a great chance they are coming back today, you know.

Speaker 1 (46:42):
Yeah, but maybe not.

Speaker 12 (46:43):
So you know, yeah, Nate, what are you thinking about? Well,
you know what I've gone through. Let's flip this. This
might be your last day, right. I mean I was
just sitting there eating some French fries and all of
a sudden I had my first stroke and then the
second time, I remember crawling to the toilet in the
bathroom and I'm like, well, this is it. This is

how I'm going to die, and it might be your
last day. So say something to those people that mean
something to you.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
You know.

Speaker 12 (47:14):
Last week I reached out to a friend I haven't
talked to in fifteen years, and it was just great
to do that. So just think that could be your
last day. Not somebody that you talk to every day,
not your mom, not your dad, that could be you.
So say something to those people that matter to you.
This is true.

Speaker 3 (47:31):
But if I croaked today, askdrew it bye, I'm gone.
There's no regrets there. I'm tips up. As they say,
so what are you gonna do?

Speaker 19 (47:41):
You know?

Speaker 3 (47:42):
No, but I do agree with that. It's like there
is a flip side of that, and you, of all people,
you and Foggy to a certain degree, understand that, and
we all should learn from that. So the ones you love,
make sure they know you love them. And if they
passed away to day, you asked yourself, do you think
they knew I love them the moment the light went out?
And if he answers yes, then become addicted to treating

everyone like that. With that said, let's get into the
three things we need to know from Gandhi. We don't
have any money. We have a free crap phone tap
on the way, Nate, unless you're having a stroke, get
out there and get us something to give. I got
some good crap. You got some good craft good crap
this time around. Yeah, okayo, good crap all the way,
all right, Gandhi, before Nate takes his good crap okay

headway and puts it in a box and.

Speaker 6 (48:30):
Sends it to you. Let's get into the three things.
What's going on.

Speaker 13 (48:33):
The man accused of murdering four University of Idaho students
has a court hearing today over possibly moving the trial.
He was arrested and charged for the November twenty twenty
two stabbing deaths of those four students in an off
campus home. The hearings set for today and Thursday, will
be closed to the public. The state has filed intent
to seek the death penalty.

Speaker 5 (48:52):
So far, no trial.

Speaker 13 (48:53):
Date has been set. Another delay in enforcement of Arizona's
eighteen sixty four near total war portion ban is taking place.
The Arizona's Supreme Court granted a motion from state Attorney
General Chris Mays that will mean the earliest the law
could be enforced will be September twenty sixth, which adds
an additional one hundred and thirty five days. Mays asked

for the additional ninety, with forty five more coming because
of a separate case. People are saying that the delay
may mean the law is never enforced, and finally, wallet
Hubb released the list of the best places to start
a career. They ranked one hundred and eighty two cities
across the country on twenty six key metrics, including professional
opportunities and quality of life. They compared the amount of

entry level jobs, average starting salary, commute time, and housing affordability.
Any guesses what the number one city is?

Speaker 3 (49:45):
What is it?

Speaker 5 (49:45):
Atlanta, Georgia.

Speaker 13 (49:47):
They come in first for professional opportunities, seventh for quality
of life. Austin, Texas is eighth overall and is number
one for quality of life at the very bottom of
the list, one hundred and eighty second overall.

Speaker 5 (50:00):
Any guesses there New York City, Yes, sir, and try
to start a life.

Speaker 13 (50:06):
It's not a good pay and.

Speaker 6 (50:08):
The people move here. Just try to maintain.

Speaker 3 (50:11):
Life, try to save your life. There you go. We
do have a phone tap on the way where it's
absolutely nothing except for this box of crap that Nate
pounded in studios, the free crap phone tap on.

Speaker 22 (50:23):
Their old I'm Scotty B and I'm Andy, and we
have a podcast called Serial Killers. It's a podcast where
we talk about breakfast cereals and we'll try it before
you buy it flus.

Speaker 3 (50:34):
Some fun facts about cereal you might not know.

Speaker 21 (50:36):
From the nauseating cereals to the delicious ones. We taste
them all over a thousand cereals accounting new episodes every Monday.
Listen to the iHeart Podcast Award nominated serial Killers.

Speaker 3 (50:47):
On iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 4 (50:50):
Crunch, Elvis da Ran in the Morning Show, Elvis Terran
and the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (51:04):
I've never seen a few people so happy.

Speaker 1 (51:07):
You have no idea.

Speaker 3 (51:07):
So Joe Rizuto from Main Street Donuts in Matajuana Bellmar
brought in these.

Speaker 6 (51:13):
I don't even want to call them donuts.

Speaker 3 (51:14):
These are creations, right, I mean, look at to see
Claire over here. Can you ask Joe? Is it E
Claire or a Claire?

Speaker 11 (51:24):
Who could ask him?

Speaker 6 (51:26):
Okay, well, is anyone going to go do that?

Speaker 3 (51:30):
If you do, get me a donut while you're out there, Danielle,
you love the peanut butter.

Speaker 1 (51:36):
Oh my gosh, it's peanut.

Speaker 9 (51:37):
It's like peanut butter cup crumbled on top of chocolate cream.
And oh my gosh, e Cli Claire.

Speaker 6 (51:45):
So okay, so wow, So I've been saying it wrong
all these years.

Speaker 3 (51:47):
So it's e Claire. Okay. The amazing thing about these donuts, though, Elvis,
and these are the handcrafted, artisanal these are like they're
they're so beautiful, they're so perfect gorgeous.

Speaker 11 (51:58):
You almost too good enough, good enough to eat well.

Speaker 3 (52:00):
But you've eaten forty of them, so I guess there. So,
Joe Rizidill, thank you so much. mainStreet Donuts, Mattawan Bell maar.
And maybe soon, maybe we have our we can have
our own Main Street donuts right here in the living room.

Speaker 6 (52:13):
We can have our own branch.

Speaker 1 (52:14):
We'd eat them all.

Speaker 13 (52:15):
I'm wearing mine.

Speaker 6 (52:17):
Yes, Oh my god, Oh my god. Godi Gondhy got it.

Speaker 9 (52:20):
On his shoulder, and somehow I got frosting inside my pocket,
not outside my pocket inside.

Speaker 3 (52:27):
How do we explain that, I.

Speaker 13 (52:30):
Daniel, Well, there's powdered sugar and a lot of powdered
sugar on this one donut that I got, so when
I took a bite, it just got all over me.

Speaker 1 (52:37):
Oh my god, I don't care.

Speaker 8 (52:38):
It was good.

Speaker 3 (52:38):
Yeah, I'm working on the peanut butter cup explosions. Okay,
thank you, go ahead, turn that mike off and enjoy that,
I said to him.

Speaker 9 (52:44):
He goes, you want half of this peanut butter cup explosion.
I said yeah, I said you take the big half.
He was more than happy to do that.

Speaker 1 (52:52):
Take the big half.

Speaker 3 (52:53):
We don't have any We don't have any money, so
we have no free money phone tap. We have the
free crap phone tap. So let's see what kind of
craper give it away today.

Speaker 8 (53:00):
Here we go, free crap phone tap.

Speaker 3 (53:04):
That's right. So today it was Nate's assignment to walk
around the the iHeart Building and just steal stuff off
people's deskins. What are we giving away?

Speaker 12 (53:13):
Okay, so this is actually a pretty good lot.

Speaker 3 (53:21):
If you're listening to us with headphones or AirPod right now,
you're hearing what we're hearing.

Speaker 1 (53:27):
He's going, it's.

Speaker 6 (53:32):
There, It is all right, all right? So what do
we get?

Speaker 17 (53:34):

Speaker 6 (53:35):
What are we giving away?

Speaker 3 (53:36):
Item number one is the Bob Dylan Lyrics Coffee table Book.

Speaker 11 (53:40):
I didn't know this.

Speaker 3 (53:40):
Guy had so many songs, you know, my gosh, it's
a pretty great Like new condition number two in autographed
album crazy Town, Do I Need to stop?

Speaker 8 (53:55):

Speaker 6 (53:56):
Keep going?

Speaker 3 (53:57):
Autographed album Buy crazy Town, featuring the song Butterfly. You
guys remember, yeah, Butterfly? Like crazy Town, and here it
is Cram You ready, Please don't say Kram de crame
a piece of morning show lore. Are you ready? Do

you remember when Bob Bronson was here and stole the
Christmas tree. I've got the Christmas tree skirt that he
didn't obscond. All right, that'll show him he as a
skirtless tree. All right. So we're giving away the Bob
Dylan coffee table lyric book we're giving you. We're also
giving away the well the Christmas tree skirt that Bob

Bronson did not steal and when he stole the entire
Christmas tree, and they were also giving away uh Crazy
Town signed It's autographed CD.

Speaker 9 (54:53):
Is there a way to include one of these peanut
butter explosion donuts because that is a gift to write it?

Speaker 3 (54:59):
Yes, it won't last. Okay, those are almost gone. Anyway,
if you want to win all this stuff, and who does,
maybe we'll throw a bonus of a thing in there too.
Call us now one eight hundred and two four to
two zero one hundred, call her one hundred wins a
big box of crap?

Speaker 2 (55:12):
All right?

Speaker 3 (55:13):
Who does the free crap? Phone taps kty got it?
Here we go don't.

Speaker 8 (55:17):
Answer the phone. Elvis Duran, the Elvis Duran phone tap.

Speaker 3 (55:21):
All right, Garrett, what's your phone tap about today?

Speaker 23 (55:23):
Well, Fran wants to play a phone tap on her
dad's Sal.

Speaker 2 (55:25):

Speaker 23 (55:26):
Sal owns and runs a pizzeria and he puts his blood,
sweat and tears into his work. This is all he
does aside from his you know, taking care of his family.
So last week Fran was working and closed the shop
a little early. So we figured now it would be
a great time to play a phone tap on dad,
who owns the pizzeria as well. I'm going to start
the call to Sal as a reporter from the newspaper
looking to get a quote about his pizzeria.

Speaker 3 (55:48):
All rights, listen in Garrett's phone tap.

Speaker 20 (55:50):
Here we go, Hello the best.

Speaker 3 (55:53):
Hi, Yes, I'm looking to speak to the owner. Please.
My name is Robert Schmurder from Zigan. This is the
se when that's at Hi, Sal, I.

Speaker 23 (56:01):
Was looking to get a quote for an article in
the paper that I'm about to write.

Speaker 2 (56:05):
What can I do for you?

Speaker 3 (56:06):
You were working last week on a Thursday night. Correct.
We're just looking into a claim that you closed your
pizzeria earlier than advertised.

Speaker 2 (56:17):
Why would I do this?

Speaker 23 (56:19):
So it says that you are open till eleven pm
at night, but you closed at ten fifteen last Thursday night.

Speaker 3 (56:25):
Do you care to dispute.

Speaker 2 (56:27):
That I occurse to discreet that I'm all doing every
year eleven o'clock.

Speaker 23 (56:31):
A man came in on Thursday night said that you
told him that you were closed even though it was
ten fifteen, when the store closes at eleven. So I
just wanted to get your side of the story before
I go with an article.

Speaker 2 (56:42):
Listen, I don't know what to try to do here,
but I'm really too busy for this traffic because this
is a look.

Speaker 3 (56:50):
Hi, yes, sal this is Robert Schmurder again from I believe.

Speaker 2 (56:54):
You hung up on me. It's ridiculous. I don't have
done with it.

Speaker 3 (56:57):
Did you or did you not close the shop early?
Last Thursday?

Speaker 2 (57:02):
The phone we're getting above me? Please?

Speaker 23 (57:07):
So this is Robert Schmurder again from day What is
your problem? Well, sir, sir, I just wanted to finish finish.

Speaker 3 (57:17):
My story.

Speaker 2 (57:19):
Studied the fish.

Speaker 23 (57:21):
Can you at least go on record by saying that
you did or did not close the shop early.

Speaker 2 (57:25):
And then when the shop and then it closed the shop.
I went early, I set up early, I went always day,
and I closed when I have to close it that
I understands there talking shop.

Speaker 15 (57:39):
Of me.

Speaker 2 (57:40):
This is an absolutely what is the problem, sir?

Speaker 3 (57:45):
I don't know very I'm not yelling at you, at you,
at you now, this is me yelling at you.

Speaker 2 (57:55):
Well, right, I can r.

Speaker 3 (57:59):
Friend you there.

Speaker 2 (58:01):
Time here, all right?

Speaker 3 (58:03):
So I just hung up on your dad.

Speaker 23 (58:05):
We're gonna call him back in just a few minutes,
and then you're just gonna push his buttons just a
little bit more and then we should be good to go.

Speaker 15 (58:13):
All right, He sounds good?

Speaker 3 (58:14):
All right, hold on, get after.

Speaker 15 (58:25):
Dad, Dad, it's rainy. What is happening.

Speaker 2 (58:35):
At about? We closed early and return of their customers
and always turns up down the beach. What is he waying?
He said, let's run, buddy. Last Thursday closed the restaurant early.
We're going to close the twenty five years.

Speaker 15 (58:54):
Last Thursday, Yeah, Dad, no one was in the shop,
so I left a few minutes.

Speaker 8 (59:00):
Really, what.

Speaker 2 (59:02):
This is? Where was it that clears at the shop.

Speaker 9 (59:06):
I'm going to meet the girl.

Speaker 2 (59:07):
No one was in a little girls. But then this
this guy was seven meters true, and I love oh
not on the media.

Speaker 15 (59:16):
It was probably one slice of pizza. It's not gonna
make us millionaire time.

Speaker 2 (59:21):
Talking about every Trice tries to sing every threat. They
got the dress for your shoes and.

Speaker 15 (59:30):
Oh my god, it was like twenty minutes early where.

Speaker 2 (59:37):
The rugs of all the girls and I was little
of this withstay.

Speaker 23 (59:43):
My name's Garrett from Elvis Durant in the Morning show.
And you just got phone by your.

Speaker 15 (59:47):
Daughter Chatty on the mom.

Speaker 2 (59:52):
Keep going crazy. I love mona French supposed right there.

Speaker 8 (01:00:00):
A phone tap.

Speaker 3 (01:00:01):
Oh that was a great phone tap that you're saying.
We don't have money to back it up, so we're
getting away a big box of crap. Let's go talk
to Rob on line five. Rob, is that really you?

Speaker 2 (01:00:11):
Good morning?

Speaker 6 (01:00:12):
Hey, good morning Rob. How's your day so far?

Speaker 2 (01:00:15):

Speaker 24 (01:00:16):
How are you?

Speaker 3 (01:00:16):
I think we're doing okay? Are we doing okay?

Speaker 11 (01:00:18):
Yeah? Excellent?

Speaker 3 (01:00:19):
Absolutely? Rob. You know what's kind of cool? You are
calling one hundred so you win the big box of
crap from the free crap phone tap. Congratulations.

Speaker 10 (01:00:27):
And it took thirteen years to try to get your
guys on the phone.

Speaker 6 (01:00:31):
I know I wish you would have called. We were
giving away actual money.

Speaker 3 (01:00:34):
But you did get the Bob Dylan lyrics coffee table book,
the autograph crazy Town album, and the Christmas tree skirt. Congratulations, perfect,
thank you.

Speaker 10 (01:00:41):
How about you guys having albleus the RNT shirts.

Speaker 3 (01:00:45):
I bet we can throw that in there. Come on, Nate, sure,
done deal, done deal for you, Rob. I hope you
have a great day. What are you doing?

Speaker 10 (01:00:51):
Perfect youtubeer? So I'm working right now, work for an
environmental transport company in New Jersey.

Speaker 6 (01:00:56):
Oh well, oh, thank you? You live Alsburg, PA?

Speaker 10 (01:01:01):
I do, yes, I working Strodsberg.

Speaker 2 (01:01:03):
I used to.

Speaker 10 (01:01:03):
I was born and raised Hoboken and then moved out
to Strodberg, PA, back in twenty seventeen, and I couldn't
get me some Jersey.

Speaker 3 (01:01:08):
I stayed working here. There you go. Well, thanks for
being out there for us, Rob, and you have a
safe day at work. Hold on crap on the way,
I guess. Actually he's in the business of getting rid
of crap. Yeah, and we're sitting here more another free
crap phone time tomorrow? All right, who's assignment will it be?

Speaker 2 (01:01:24):

Speaker 3 (01:01:25):
Then you say Gandhi would be gandhy. Okay, you're on
the base tomorrow. You've got to like you can start
strolling around today if you want to, like find some
crap for tomorrow's free crap phone temeh okay, uh, Danielle
coming up, what do you have.

Speaker 1 (01:01:38):
We're gonna talk about Mike Tyson.

Speaker 9 (01:01:39):
You know he's got this bite this fight with Jake
Paul coming up and a lot of his friends are
really really concerned about it.

Speaker 1 (01:01:45):
And Kelly Clarkson admits to using weight loss drugs.

Speaker 6 (01:01:48):
Oh really, Okay, there you go with that and more
coming up.

Speaker 8 (01:01:52):
That's funny to me. It's funny when, yeah, do you
have a sense of humor? El Vis Duran in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (01:01:58):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull up part is here to satisfy
morning cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough
ooh e guey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get
the best part in every bite this morning with Wendy's
New Cinnabon pull apart, only a participating in US Wendy's.

Speaker 2 (01:02:17):
Good Morning, Good morning were.

Speaker 3 (01:02:24):
Hi, My name is Elvis Duran. Oh my gosh, everyone's
yelling today.

Speaker 8 (01:02:40):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:02:42):
Well, I'm a little upset.

Speaker 3 (01:02:45):
Diamonds walking around trying to get a talent show going
here at the show. Yes she is, haven't been called
by Diamond? Oh no, where is she? Where's Diamond? Is
she Poopin' all?

Speaker 23 (01:02:59):

Speaker 11 (01:03:00):
A that a minute.

Speaker 3 (01:03:01):
Apparently we're gonna have Apparently she's putting together a talent show.

Speaker 1 (01:03:05):
Well that's her talent.

Speaker 3 (01:03:07):
So we'll exactly once we get more information, we'll let
you know. Jim is online nineteen, lives in northern Missouri.
But caught an armadillo in the backyard. I didn't know
they had armadillo's in Missouri.

Speaker 6 (01:03:19):
Jim, what's going on?

Speaker 24 (01:03:21):
Okay, So they're migrating, obviously from the south, and I
have seen them in central Missouri because I teach and
I coach, and just last weekend. You'll see them, unfortunately
on the side of the road because they're not very
fast and they get hit by cars.

Speaker 3 (01:03:35):
And then sure enough, I let out.

Speaker 24 (01:03:38):
Every morning I get up, I work out, but before
I work out, I have a cup of coffee. Then
I let feed the dogs, let them out. I got
a chocolate lab and a red bone coonhound, and they
went ballistic. It was it was about four or fifteen
in the morning, so I went outside and they're just barking.
They're all hackled, and I was like, what is that?
So I ran back in and got my flashlight. I went,
oh my gosh. And then I ran back in and
got my phone. And here on the Mississippi River we

do a lot of fishing. So I got my fishing
net and sure enough I got the dogs back inside first,
and then was able to get the thing in the
net and I put it over the fence and it
took off at about a one third mile an hour pace. Right,
But I thought, okay, so the first thing I think
of is Elvis is from Texas, Texas Armadillo. So I

was like, I'm gonna text them.

Speaker 3 (01:04:22):
Yeah, no, yeah, I'm from Armadella Land. Absolutely we had
and I just I never really liked them because they're
not very cuddly. They are cute, and uh yeah, no,
we had lots of Armadello's. I love how you know,
they just roll up a little ball if they feel
like they're about to be attacked or whatever. So yeah,
I just I've never heard of Armadello's anywhere other than Texas.

But congratulations on the Armadello's. But are you frightened of
the little creatures. I mean, what are you thinking?

Speaker 24 (01:04:52):
Well, it was pitch black, and I'm more concerned for
my dogs because I thought it was maybe a cat.
I thought and that at first when I before I
had my flashlight, I thought it was a awesome. So
I was like, Okay, they're gonna get nasty, They're gonna
get scratched in the face, looking out for the dogs, right,
And then when I shine the flashlight on it.

Speaker 2 (01:05:06):
I was just like, you go kidding me?

Speaker 24 (01:05:08):
So yeah, and so it did a little research, and
the thought did cross my mind because this thing was heavy.
I mean it took me everything was one arm in
a fishing net and then my other hand obviously on
the flashlight to get it over the fence. But I
do have a dog kennel, and I was kind of like, man,
I kind of want to keep this, but I don't
think it's.

Speaker 2 (01:05:25):
A good idea. Yeah.

Speaker 24 (01:05:28):
Yeah, if they would have woken up to an armadillo,
I think I would have been pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (01:05:33):
Yeah. No, they look like they just landed from another planet.
And the reason they're heavy is they have all that armor.
I mean, they are armored up.

Speaker 2 (01:05:39):
You know.

Speaker 19 (01:05:40):

Speaker 24 (01:05:40):
Well, it's funny because I texted my brother right away,
and he's up in Chicago, and he immediately texted me
back and he called it a battle rat and that.

Speaker 6 (01:05:49):
I've never heard that.

Speaker 3 (01:05:50):
That's good. Hey, but yeah, I will give you the warning.
Excuse me, I'll give you the warning. Armadillos are not
of species that you want to hang out with. I mean,
I don't know if they're dangerous or not, but I
do know they harbor diseases and things like that. Leprosy, Yeah,
we do.

Speaker 6 (01:06:09):
You have Someone just said that they have leprosy.

Speaker 13 (01:06:11):
I'm really oh really yeah, it's really difficult to get
it from them, but they do have the bacteria that can.

Speaker 3 (01:06:18):
Which if you're not making out with an armbidental, you
have nothing to worry about. I touch it so hard,
but yeah, you would know. See, this is one of
those animals you should not touch. Let them do their thing,
let them be wild, and just just admire them from afar.

Speaker 13 (01:06:31):
Have you ever seen someone toss one a little ball
and they grab it and just roll up like a
little roly pollion, roll around.

Speaker 5 (01:06:37):
It's the cutest thing ever.

Speaker 3 (01:06:38):
They are like big old, heavy duty roly polies. Well congratulations,
by the way, Jim, I'm learning from your call about
a great life that you seem to be living and
on the Missouri. You're on the river and you fish
a lot, you got you got a coon dog, and
you got a so I'm assuming you hunt as well, right,
maybe sometimes.

Speaker 24 (01:06:58):
But here's the funny thing about the coon. When I
got her, she came from like three generations of champion
like coonhound hunting, like award winning family. And then I
start training her when she's three months old, and she's
scared the death of the dark, and she's scared to
death of raccoons, but she'll fight chill corner, still corner
and armadillo.

Speaker 11 (01:07:16):
Okay, but.

Speaker 3 (01:07:20):
I know, look at that, But what a great life
you're living out there. That sounds awesome. Congratulations. I love
that you're listening to us. Absolutely, yep.

Speaker 24 (01:07:27):
I'll tell you right now that a lot of like
I said, I teach at the high school here in town,
and a lot of I know, a lot of the
teachers listen, and it's about closing the school year. So
everybody's getting kind of giddy, and it's by couching track
and field seasons coming up to you know, a close
and it's a it's a good time of the year.

Speaker 3 (01:07:43):
Well, we're gonna send you an We're gonna send you
an Elvis dr In Morning Show hoodie. It's on the way.
I want you to to wear it proudly there in town. Okay,
I sure will, Jim. It's great hearing from you. You
and your armadillo and your dogs have a great life.
And thanks for listening every day. We appreciate it. All right, thanks,
And I've been corrected. There are medilla is all over
the South in Florida, and yeah, they're everywhere. Yeah, when

I was growing up, I mean there were armadillos littering
the roads every morning because they were you know, I
don't I don't think they see very well as well.
I do believe. Anyway, Diamond is back. Can I get
to the bottom of this talent show idea? Hello Diamond, Hello,
Hi Diamond, How was your Pooh?

Speaker 19 (01:08:22):
Was it good?

Speaker 2 (01:08:23):

Speaker 25 (01:08:23):
Because I got nervous when Gandhi text me and I
just had to run back.

Speaker 3 (01:08:33):
So sorry, I'm so sorry we deturred your day. Hey,
So now I'm hering rumor that you want to produce
and maybe direct a talent show here at the show.
Is this true?

Speaker 15 (01:08:44):

Speaker 16 (01:08:44):
Yes, but I don't know what we're going to do,
because I'm asking everyone what their talent would be and
nobody has one, Like what's going on here besides Gandhi,
you know, but everybody else is like huh, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:08:54):
Well, man, make a suggestion if we if we can't
find any talent on the show, what if what if
we put a lot of we write down on a
large piece of paper different things that you can perform
on stage, or talents you you may want, and we
you pick from a hat and whatever it says you
have to do, that's your talent. That would be good.

Speaker 1 (01:09:17):
That's the Gong show, not the talent show.

Speaker 6 (01:09:19):
Come on, that's the talent show. I don't know, Gandhi,
what do you think?

Speaker 13 (01:09:22):
I would love to see somebody in here pull stand
up comedy? No one has to do like five minutes.
Oh I got that's amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:09:29):
And Danielle, what talent have you always wanted to pursue
but you just never did.

Speaker 9 (01:09:33):
I'm just gonna stand up and act like a Disney
villain or princess. I'm gonna come in here dressed up
in a costumes.

Speaker 3 (01:09:39):
But that's what you do already. No, no, no, it
has to be something that you've never done before.

Speaker 5 (01:09:43):
Oh oh, never done before?

Speaker 6 (01:09:45):
Yeah, like card tricks, magic, a little sleight of hand.

Speaker 3 (01:09:50):
Have you done that before? I made a salami disappear disgusting?
Oh god, wow, he went there.

Speaker 17 (01:10:00):
All right?

Speaker 3 (01:10:00):
Well, so, Diamond, why don't you further go further with this,
make this happen. Let's do a talent show.

Speaker 25 (01:10:08):
Okay, now I'm gonna get in planning mode. This is
gonna be exciting.

Speaker 11 (01:10:11):
This is good.

Speaker 3 (01:10:11):
Maybe next time you're sitting on the sitting maybe next
time you're sitting on the pot, you can come up
with an idea.

Speaker 25 (01:10:16):
Yeah, next few minutes because I gotta go back.

Speaker 3 (01:10:19):
Oh my god. Okay, come on, Danielle, daniel you can't
do the Disney princess thing.

Speaker 6 (01:10:23):
You've done that. You've got to do something totally new.

Speaker 1 (01:10:25):
And if it's a talent, then it's something that you're
good at.

Speaker 3 (01:10:30):
You're not hearing me.

Speaker 6 (01:10:31):
You learn how to become good, that's the fun.

Speaker 2 (01:10:33):

Speaker 11 (01:10:34):
You think I can learn how to.

Speaker 3 (01:10:38):

Speaker 6 (01:10:39):
You would make a great Please do that.

Speaker 3 (01:10:43):
You go, now that you've been working out, you're gonna
use that muscle controlled in your app.

Speaker 5 (01:10:49):
Yes, it's gonna be great. I can't wait.

Speaker 6 (01:10:52):
This is exciting.

Speaker 3 (01:10:52):
All right, this summer we got it. We have until summertime.
Let's have diamonds yearly summertime Talent Round Round Up.

Speaker 5 (01:11:02):
Josh has been working on a cartwheel for some time.

Speaker 3 (01:11:05):
You know what, when I first met Josh, I have
video of him years ago doing a cartwheel across the
hotel room.

Speaker 16 (01:11:09):
Was it a good one?

Speaker 3 (01:11:12):
I'll find it for you. I'll play it for you. No,
that was years ago when we first met. So he
still hasn't perfected the cartwheel.

Speaker 5 (01:11:17):
Last time I saw him try it, it was pretty terrible.

Speaker 8 (01:11:19):

Speaker 3 (01:11:19):
Yeah, I'll bring up that video for you. Let's go,
let's do Danielle danielle'r up nate kids.

Speaker 1 (01:11:26):
Someone bringing the trap, peas. I want to learn the trap. Yes,
you should just bring in something that I can swingle.

Speaker 5 (01:11:32):
I'll try fire batons.

Speaker 1 (01:11:33):
They could go wrong, yes, the.

Speaker 6 (01:11:37):
Fire batons.

Speaker 15 (01:11:38):

Speaker 6 (01:11:39):
How about uh?

Speaker 8 (01:11:40):

Speaker 6 (01:11:41):
I may be a sword swallow.

Speaker 5 (01:11:43):
You've already.

Speaker 3 (01:11:45):
What does that mean?

Speaker 1 (01:11:46):
That doesn't count. You said you have to not be
talented at it.

Speaker 5 (01:11:53):
It's just an unfair advantage.

Speaker 3 (01:11:56):
God, you guys, this is a rough all right, all right,
So teller show all the way Danielle, where do you go?

Speaker 9 (01:12:03):
Well, we know Jake Paul and Mike Tyson are scheduled
this summer to get into the ring together.

Speaker 1 (01:12:08):
Who's going to be the boxer? Nay, you take a boxer?

Speaker 11 (01:12:11):

Speaker 9 (01:12:12):
On Monday, they met face to face at the Apollo
Theater in New York and friends, Oh, Mike Tyson are
a little nervous. They are worried about his well being.
They are really worried about Jake Paul and how much younger.

Speaker 1 (01:12:25):
He is and his knockouts that he'd get.

Speaker 6 (01:12:28):
I'm more worried about Jake Paul. You really, yes, aren't you?

Speaker 2 (01:12:31):

Speaker 3 (01:12:31):
I think Jake Paul's gonna get it. I mean, I'm
trying to talk him out of.

Speaker 8 (01:12:35):
It, are you.

Speaker 9 (01:12:37):
Mike is fifty seven, Jake is thirty years younger than him.

Speaker 1 (01:12:40):
So I don't know. I guess we'll see. I guess
we'll say. I don't want anybody to get hurt. I
want everybody to be okay.

Speaker 9 (01:12:47):
Kelly Clarkson was on her talk show with Whoopy Goldberg
and Whoopee was crediting regular shots of Ozambic for her
weight loss, and so Kelly said, you know what mine
is a different one that and people as it's so ozempic,
but it's not ozempic. It's something that aids in helping
break down the sugar. Previously, she had said she had

this renewed active lifestyle and a protein heavy diet, and
now she did come out on her show yesterday and
was very honest about it. So that's good that she
was honest about it. Loto has been keeping her dating
life a mystery for a while now, but she posted
on Instagram stories that she was being flown out to
meet her man and people are like, huh, is.

Speaker 1 (01:13:28):
It twenty one Savage?

Speaker 9 (01:13:29):
A lot of people think it could be that she's
dating twenty one Savage and Baby Rexa has announced that
she is dropping Chase It. This Friday, she teased this
new release. She gave us a short video featuring herself
looking up at the rear view mirror of a car
while you can hear other cars driving in the background,
and in a second she's all dulled up sitting on
the hood of a car, looking very curious and fast

and furious like those movies, but she looks sexy. I
feel like baeby Rexa is sexy. She's got she really
does sex appeal right, definitely, Yeah, King Charles, this is
so sad. He apparently lost his ability to taste in
his ongoing battle with cancer. We found out about this
because he was having a conversation with a veteran who

experienced the same issue during chemo therapy. So I didn't
know that that was something that happened during chemo, that
you could lose your ability to.

Speaker 3 (01:14:21):
Taste and well, and you taste awful things. You can
taste like copper and it's not good.

Speaker 1 (01:14:28):
Yeah, that I knew.

Speaker 9 (01:14:29):
I knew that like things could start tasting like metal,
but I didn't realize you could lose your taste entirely.
So Toby Keith, you know, recently passed away unfortunately, and
he was supposed to be at his beloved University of Oklahoma.
Of Oklahoma, they were going to give him an honorary degree.
He was supposed to be there to get it, but
unfortunately he passed away before he could, and so his

daughter Crystal was there to accept it on his behalf.
And I know it was something that was very very
important to him. So it's nice that she got to
do that. The Voice is on tonight. You've got the
Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon It's st anniversary special. Also
Your Cleaning Lady, FBI Shows and The Good Doctor.

Speaker 1 (01:15:06):
And that is my Danielle Refoy.

Speaker 3 (01:15:08):
Thank you, Danielle. Let's go around the road. What's on
your mind? I hope you have something really juicy to
share with us. We'll start with you, Producer Sam. What
are you thinking about?

Speaker 7 (01:15:15):
So you know how we're told talk to yourself the
way you talk to your friends, be nice to yourself.
We all know we should do it, but for me
it's kind of harder to execute. I finally figured out
something that helps. Instead of just thinking what I wish
i'd think, I started typing stuff out. Like in a way,
I'm kind of writing myself little letters when I feel

like I need to. If I'm like catastrophizing or worried
about something I have no control over, or something so
far in the future, I just kind of type things
out on a little note, get it out of my system,
and then delete it.

Speaker 1 (01:15:49):
Oh that's nice, and to do that it's been so helpful.

Speaker 7 (01:15:52):
I've never tried it before. I've only tried to tell
myself things in my little inner monologue. Not as effective
as just literally writing it down and then I dealt
it's been.

Speaker 3 (01:16:00):
Wonderful if silvidiflies the thought I mean are do you
actually type it into your phone or do you have
like an invisible key pad on your desk?

Speaker 5 (01:16:10):
Just sit in front of me with my eyes clothes.

Speaker 21 (01:16:12):

Speaker 5 (01:16:12):
Usually I just use notes on my laptop.

Speaker 7 (01:16:14):
It's okay, it's it's very fast and it's been super efficient,
so maybe give it a try.

Speaker 5 (01:16:18):
If you're also like me and need a shift, Well
that's it.

Speaker 3 (01:16:21):
They say that's the best way to remember things and
to drive things home. You got to repeat it, say
it out loud, or type it somewhere. Yeah there you, Hey, gandhi,
what's up with you?

Speaker 16 (01:16:31):
All right?

Speaker 13 (01:16:32):
So kind of in the same vein of what Sam
was saying, but different. I've decided to start giving people
different birthday presents. I always rack my brain what am
I going to give somebody?

Speaker 5 (01:16:40):
And it's always really tough.

Speaker 13 (01:16:41):
But I've started keeping lists of things that I love
about my friends or something that they did that really
cracked me up and made me laugh. And when their
birthday rolls around, I give them a little pile of
all of the notes that I've kept about them. Over
the year, and it's been making people really happy.

Speaker 1 (01:16:55):
Oh that's so cute.

Speaker 6 (01:16:55):
No, I don't do it's all positive positive.

Speaker 5 (01:16:59):
That's for later, but no, the good ones. And it
seems to be going well. So I encourage people.

Speaker 3 (01:17:04):
You're so thoughtful.

Speaker 13 (01:17:06):
I just don't want to buy people stuff anymore.

Speaker 25 (01:17:07):
I'm sick.

Speaker 3 (01:17:08):
I'm with you.

Speaker 6 (01:17:10):
What more stuff do we need?

Speaker 3 (01:17:11):
You know?

Speaker 23 (01:17:12):

Speaker 10 (01:17:12):

Speaker 3 (01:17:13):
Hey scary, what's up with you? I just want to
spotlight what a very exciting time this is for New
York sports. First of all, the Knicks haven't won the
NBA Final since nineteen seventy three, fifty.

Speaker 11 (01:17:25):
One years ago, and here they are in the playoffs.

Speaker 3 (01:17:28):
And the New York Rangers haven't won a Stanley Cup
since nineteen ninety four, thirty years.

Speaker 11 (01:17:32):
Ago, and they're in the playoffs. So I'm rooting for
these teams. So my friends are already calling me a bandwagon.

Speaker 3 (01:17:39):
No, I just it's just an exciting time and I'm
part of it, and I live here and I'm part
of the action. But I don't want you poopooing me
because maybe you know because I watch all the teams.

Speaker 11 (01:17:49):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (01:17:50):
Who around here is poop poo. My friends who are
diehard Devils fans and Islanders fans all of a sudden,
you're in the Rangers bandwagon.

Speaker 11 (01:17:56):
My friends who are Nets fans.

Speaker 3 (01:17:58):
Like, oh you're you're from What does it matter what
they think? The point is this is exciting, excite. Can
we all come together as a city.

Speaker 11 (01:18:06):
Can we get have two a month? We can have
two teams?

Speaker 3 (01:18:11):
Do you do what you want and it's good, but
don't worry about them. Don't let them drag you down,
don't let them yuck your yum scary.

Speaker 11 (01:18:17):
Absolutely, thank you, Elvid.

Speaker 1 (01:18:19):
You love your New York teams. How about the Mets go.

Speaker 11 (01:18:22):
To the New York Mess. Well that's a whole on
the story.

Speaker 8 (01:18:25):

Speaker 6 (01:18:25):
Danielle is part of the prophet. Hey Froggy, what's up
with you today?

Speaker 3 (01:18:31):
You know if you like peanut butter? I just want
you to know.

Speaker 14 (01:18:34):
Yesterday I get to work. I wanted some peanut butter crackers.
I made some in my office. I decided to look
at the expiration date on the bottom of the peanut butter.
It was expired by a year.

Speaker 3 (01:18:43):
Still fine. Hours later, I'm still fine. I just want
you to know when peanut butter says it's expired. It's not.
It's safe to eat the oil. The oils and peanut
butter can go rancid after a while, and then you
can smell that. But if it doesn't smell rancid, go
to town, baby, you're it smell fine. It was a
year out of date. I I ate more today, I'm fine.

Speaker 1 (01:19:01):
And it tasted fine, didn't tastes any different.

Speaker 3 (01:19:03):
Smells and taste exactly like a brand new jar and jippy.
There you go, jeff, I love jiff Oh my god,
I'm gonna up stairs get me a spoonful. Hey, Danielle,
what's up with you?

Speaker 1 (01:19:14):
So yesterday I went.

Speaker 9 (01:19:15):
Out to lunch with a couple of people, including my sister.
We're sitting there and I ordered fried pickle chips for
the table boocause I loves yes. So at the end
of the whole lunch there were no more on the plate,
and I realized, I ate the entire thing. And I think,
trying so hard to watch my fried foods, like I've

been so good at it. My I asked, I, go,
how many of you ate these? And they were like, oh, okay,
I ate these entire things.

Speaker 3 (01:19:47):
So good for you.

Speaker 8 (01:19:48):
It was delicious.

Speaker 1 (01:19:49):
Just don't do it all the time.

Speaker 6 (01:19:50):
We're gonna start calling you old pickle chips.

Speaker 1 (01:19:53):

Speaker 3 (01:19:54):
What's up mate? Okay, So, how many people here have
been Washington, d C.

Speaker 11 (01:19:58):

Speaker 3 (01:19:58):
Have you been to the Smithson? Yeah? Okay, very cool museums,
set of museums, right, okay. Massive.

Speaker 12 (01:20:04):
In the early eighteen hundreds, there was an English philanthropist
who saw this new country across the ocean and decided,
you know what, I've got all this money. I want
them to create a center of knowledge for everybody to
go to and to learn and explore and diffuse knowledge
among men. That man's name, James Smithson, I didn't know,
is actually named after a person. James Smithson started the Smithsonian.

He left a bunch of money to the United States
of America and they started a museum in his name.

Speaker 21 (01:20:33):
So thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:20:34):
Really, it really is a great trip and then awesome
when the last time you went, it's been a while.

Speaker 12 (01:20:39):
I would love to go back, because you know, they're
always changing things and putting new stuff in rotation in
a beautiful museum.

Speaker 3 (01:20:45):
Beautiful the Smithsonian. It's like a two day thing. I mean,
at least it's big, it's major.

Speaker 6 (01:20:50):
It's so great.

Speaker 1 (01:20:50):
You know what I think they need in Washington.

Speaker 9 (01:20:52):
They need the Disney Ride, the Hall of Presidents where
they have all the animatronic presidents that come and start
talking and everything. I think it's the cool right out,
the coolest experience hour. If you've never seen it, there's
a movie in it.

Speaker 1 (01:21:03):
I've seen it, And how cool would that be in Washington,
d C?

Speaker 3 (01:21:06):
For in the real while you're on the right down
the road.

Speaker 6 (01:21:11):
You know, if you've never been to Washington, d C.

Speaker 3 (01:21:13):
It is something everyone should do at least once because
to walk around and just see all the monuments and
all of the history that you learn about, you know
in school, you actually see it right in front of
your eyes. You're like, wow, look ahead, all the buildings
that are on my currency and my my Nichols that's
right there. Anyway, that's so cool. Yes, Washington d C

put it on the list, and that was excellent. Let's
get into the three things we need to know from
Gandhi and we move on. Maybe a feud is on
the way. Do you guys feel like fighting?

Speaker 8 (01:21:41):

Speaker 3 (01:21:41):
Hell yeah, yeah, all right, you're ready to go.

Speaker 6 (01:21:46):
So you have a feud ready to go, Ready to go, Nate?

Speaker 15 (01:21:49):
All right?

Speaker 3 (01:21:49):

Speaker 6 (01:21:50):
Uh gandhi?

Speaker 3 (01:21:50):
What's going on?

Speaker 19 (01:21:51):
All right?

Speaker 13 (01:21:51):
Google and Apple are working together to warn users when
they're being tracked by a third party. The companies have
unbuilt a cross platform alert sys them to fight against
stalkers and other people who might use Apple's Bluetooth location
tracker to know where people are or know when they're
not home. The companies say a software update is coming
soon that will alert users with a message that a tracker.

Speaker 5 (01:22:12):
Is moving with them.

Speaker 13 (01:22:13):
But we've all seen this with the iPhone already, right,
You've been around someone that had an AirTag and.

Speaker 5 (01:22:17):
It tells you yep.

Speaker 13 (01:22:18):
Well, now hopefully that will get even bigger and you'll
be able to see more on androids as well. Four
states are seeing the effects of wildfires in Western Canada.
Air quality alerts were issued yesterday for Montana, North Dakota,
South Dakota, and Minnesota as smoke and haze drifted over
the region. Over one hundred and forty five active wild
buyers are currently burning in Canada. And finally, tonight is

a night there can only be one. A top dog
will earn the title Best in Show Tonight at the
one hundred and forty eighth Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog
Show right here in New York the way. I really
want to go one year. I feel like it would
be such a good time.

Speaker 6 (01:22:56):
Oh oh my god, we wait years ago, You've got
to go.

Speaker 3 (01:22:58):
Was it amazing? I tell you of course, you know,
we love the dogs, it's the people watching because and
it's so true. People the trainers look just like their dogs.

Speaker 8 (01:23:05):
That's so funny.

Speaker 25 (01:23:07):
I wanted it.

Speaker 6 (01:23:08):
And a Schnauzer will not win. They never win. No, no,
that's why they always burn cars out in front of
the garden.

Speaker 13 (01:23:15):
Three thousand dogs will be taking part of the part
in the event.

Speaker 5 (01:23:18):
So we'll see how that goes. And those are your
three things.

Speaker 6 (01:23:20):
Thank you, Gandhi.

Speaker 8 (01:23:22):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 3 (01:23:24):
Hell's Kitchen, This new musical, at least the Keys has
been working on this for well, you said, thirteen years.

Speaker 8 (01:23:29):
Thirteen joints.

Speaker 3 (01:23:31):
That's how you look at it, as a Jointani.

Speaker 6 (01:23:34):
Smoke thirteen joints before the show.

Speaker 3 (01:23:37):
From the versatile EQB to the sublime EQS Sedan Mercedes
Benz makes Electric extraordinary. The vehicles are all electric, the
feeling is all Mercedes. The choice is all yours. Learn
more at mbusa dot com, slash eq Elvis.

Speaker 8 (01:23:52):
Da Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 9 (01:23:53):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercoverturists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland. These
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Speaker 3 (01:24:18):
Elvis in the Morning Show, God, it was just dub
a few days ago. All of our friends across the
country who had nice weather at night anyway, got to
see the northern lights, I mean further south than usual,
right right. But now, Gandhi, of course it was all
about conspiracies says that there is a chance that maybe

it was fake.

Speaker 1 (01:24:43):
What dah stop?

Speaker 13 (01:24:45):
So I don't know. I don't know what to believe
about anything anymore. But I did see this story that
there is a high frequency active auroral research program known
as HARP, where they simulate different types of things with
the weather. They heat up the atmosphere because they want
to study it. Coincidentally, May eighth through the tenth, they
were running some tests it is an Aurora simulator, and weirdly,

everybody sees these lights at that exact time. Now they
came out and said no, no, no, this was a
sheer coincidence. We had nothing to do with it. It
is not the same thing.

Speaker 5 (01:25:18):
This was a solar flare.

Speaker 8 (01:25:20):
It was a storm.

Speaker 13 (01:25:21):
That is why everybody got to see it. But I
just think that timing is a.

Speaker 1 (01:25:24):
Little that is weird.

Speaker 3 (01:25:26):
Well, if they could pull that off, that's the ultimate show, right,
the ultimate sky show. Mm hmm wow.

Speaker 6 (01:25:34):
I wonder will we ever know the truth?

Speaker 8 (01:25:36):
I don't know.

Speaker 13 (01:25:36):
I don't again, I don't know what to believe about
anything anymore. There's so much information. But you know, of
course the National Oceanic Atmospheric had mentioned whatever they're called.
They're saying, no, we were monitoring the sun. Everybody was
monitoring the sun. You can see there was a giant flare.
You can see exactly how it hit Earth and why
this cup was caused and how it happened. But I
just think, again, timing on that is little sus.

Speaker 1 (01:25:57):
Very And I believe anything at this point. Ya, I
know they faked it, Yeah, I believe that.

Speaker 3 (01:26:02):
I believe anything. I'm like Danielle and a lot of us. Now,
we've seen so many crazy, weird, apped up things going
on the past couple of years.

Speaker 6 (01:26:10):
Nothing surprises me.

Speaker 20 (01:26:11):

Speaker 6 (01:26:12):
It's one on the phone.

Speaker 3 (01:26:13):
I heard the phone. Did you hear that?

Speaker 2 (01:26:15):

Speaker 3 (01:26:16):
Who's on the phone? Hello, who's on the phone.

Speaker 11 (01:26:22):
That's not even the phone isn't even responding.

Speaker 3 (01:26:24):
But didn't you hear it?

Speaker 6 (01:26:25):
Sound like the phone calls? Hello?

Speaker 3 (01:26:28):
Who that hello? New phone? Hood?

Speaker 16 (01:26:31):

Speaker 6 (01:26:33):

Speaker 2 (01:26:36):
Yeah? Hello?

Speaker 6 (01:26:38):
Hell, you're right, it was the phone.

Speaker 5 (01:26:45):
The aliens are calling.

Speaker 25 (01:26:47):
That's weird.

Speaker 6 (01:26:48):
Maybe may I be of service to you?

Speaker 2 (01:26:52):

Speaker 3 (01:26:52):
That was tarling.

Speaker 2 (01:26:53):
I had a guest for the question.

Speaker 6 (01:26:56):
Oh okay, maybe maybe this is it? What is your game?

Speaker 2 (01:27:00):
Yes, Miles on a car? You got it?

Speaker 15 (01:27:09):

Speaker 8 (01:27:09):
Oh my god?

Speaker 11 (01:27:10):
How did you know that?

Speaker 3 (01:27:11):
How did you know that?

Speaker 2 (01:27:13):
I've had a lot of cars in my life?

Speaker 3 (01:27:16):
I bet?

Speaker 11 (01:27:16):
All right?

Speaker 6 (01:27:17):
All right, what's your name?

Speaker 2 (01:27:19):
It's Wes Stevens.

Speaker 3 (01:27:21):
Rest And you know you're you're on the air, right,
So you're cool with that? Wes, Thank you so much.
Hold on one second, what do we where?

Speaker 2 (01:27:27):
What do we hold?

Speaker 6 (01:27:28):
Why do you you know?

Speaker 2 (01:27:29):
Hold on?

Speaker 1 (01:27:32):
I forgot he won that.

Speaker 3 (01:27:35):
He's hold I can't believe he won.

Speaker 11 (01:27:37):
Yeah, congratulate ninety thousand miles on the car.

Speaker 5 (01:27:40):
We should have him repeat the.

Speaker 8 (01:27:41):
Question, why.

Speaker 11 (01:27:49):
Have diamonds?

Speaker 6 (01:27:49):
Have Diamond send him?

Speaker 3 (01:27:50):
Ask Diamond nicely to send him a shirt, would you please? Yes,
so we can get him off. Hold thank you, sir.
Is she over there, Diamond? No, she's actually on the throne.

Speaker 8 (01:28:01):
Oh, there she is.

Speaker 11 (01:28:02):
Give him a T shirt line too. There you go,
just pick it off real quick.

Speaker 8 (01:28:06):
I love that. Did she pick it up?

Speaker 15 (01:28:11):
She picked up?

Speaker 11 (01:28:12):
She's talking.

Speaker 5 (01:28:13):
Nobody wants to know what the question was.

Speaker 3 (01:28:15):
Well, I don't even know who what was the question?

Speaker 11 (01:28:18):
He's probably participating in another radio station's contest.

Speaker 6 (01:28:21):
Probably that's very very good assumption.

Speaker 11 (01:28:24):
That was the right answer.

Speaker 5 (01:28:25):
Obviously we tell you it was.

Speaker 11 (01:28:27):
He was very sure of himself.

Speaker 3 (01:28:28):
I know, No, he's he's been driving cars for years, Nate, I.

Speaker 11 (01:28:32):
Don't know the question.

Speaker 3 (01:28:35):
Could be the answer to what if it wasn't the
right answer, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 11 (01:28:40):

Speaker 13 (01:28:42):
He's going to go tell people all day that that
was the right answer because he won a T shirt
from a radio station.

Speaker 1 (01:28:46):
Here's the guy.

Speaker 6 (01:28:48):
Well, hold on, we should send him another radio station shirt,
not hours.

Speaker 9 (01:28:50):
But if we're sending him a T shirt and the
prize on the other radio station was like ten thousand
dollars for that answer.

Speaker 1 (01:28:57):
I don't want no stupid ass T shirt.

Speaker 3 (01:28:59):
I'm going to assume it wasn't that big of a
prize on whoever was doing that content. I'm making that assumption,
and maybe you know I'm not correct, but I'm correct.
But still I heard someone on the phone and there
they were. That's the strangest thing. Now, what are we doing? Well,
we've got sound, got yeah, are we gonna do a

feud at some point? But you you also have sound too, Okay,
let's do sound first. Garrett is sound? What do you
got going on? All right?

Speaker 23 (01:29:27):
So Danielle was talking about Steve Correll, how he's not
returning to the remake of the Office, but he was
on with Colbert last night, and after all the hooplap
from fans going please come back, he asked the question again.

Speaker 24 (01:29:39):
Is there any chance Steve Correll shows up in this
spent off of the Office.

Speaker 3 (01:29:43):
I doubt it, but maybe.

Speaker 23 (01:29:50):
And everyone's saying that because Michael Scott when he left
the show, he went out west to Colorado, somewhere in
the Midwest, and that's where the new series will pick up,
so you never know.

Speaker 9 (01:29:58):
Oh my gosh, could you imagine if it was him
and the whole time it's revamped around?

Speaker 8 (01:30:02):

Speaker 23 (01:30:02):
I like that, but maybe all right, here are two
Koala bears going for a little fight.

Speaker 3 (01:30:12):
Oh I wouldn't.

Speaker 6 (01:30:22):
I don't want to.

Speaker 3 (01:30:23):
I would definitely not want to be between the two
of them. Wow. All right.

Speaker 6 (01:30:31):
So the other day was take.

Speaker 5 (01:30:32):
Your child Andrew when he's really angry.

Speaker 3 (01:30:35):
Actually his audio I got from the back when Andrew
was upset with someone.

Speaker 2 (01:30:38):

Speaker 23 (01:30:39):
The other day was take your child to work day.
This kid got to go to work with dad, who
was an air traffic controller.

Speaker 3 (01:30:46):
Takeoff never take off, lets Kennedy, I mean went you
hope you get guys who mid air collision.

Speaker 23 (01:31:00):
I don't know the kids. Sounds pretty legito. Okay, all right,
Childish Gambino drops some new music. This is called little
Foot Bigfoot.

Speaker 2 (01:31:15):
I like it.

Speaker 3 (01:31:20):
All right.

Speaker 23 (01:31:21):
And then finally too, it is Senior Prank Week going
on throughout the entire world right now, So some seniors
in high school are pulling off these pranks. Like in Illinois, Uh,
they hired bagpipers to follow their principal around for the
entire day. So the principle was, Yeah, the principle was thought.

It was very funny, but it has to be a
little bit of annoying, though a lot bit annoying. You
can go to the bathroom and bagpipers are in there.
It already sounds like bagpipes when Diamond goes to the bathroom.

Speaker 3 (01:31:58):
Yes, that's right, you're all right. So let's take the
let's take the break and let's come back.

Speaker 6 (01:32:04):
And you want to do a feud? Can you handle
a feud?

Speaker 8 (01:32:08):
All right, Elvis Duran. He just keeps opening his mouth
in the morning show. Let's go Elvis Duran in the
Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (01:32:17):
All right, you guys want to get into a little trouble. Yeah,
you want to do it. You want to have a
little feud, little fight. Well, let's play the feud. Now,
here's your host, Nate. I decided i'd just start being
more positive about your hosting abilities or lack thereof. I'm

not as bad as I used to be. Okay, thank you.
I would expect nothing less from you.

Speaker 6 (01:32:43):
So are we ready to play the few?

Speaker 15 (01:32:45):

Speaker 3 (01:32:45):
Okay, Froggy, you're never a team captain, so I want
you to choose your team.

Speaker 14 (01:32:50):
Okay, I'm gonna choose how many people? Don't get you
get to everyone to two people. Okay, I'm gonna take
Scottie Bee. Okay, eh, and I'm going to take Elvis Durant.

Speaker 15 (01:33:03):

Speaker 3 (01:33:06):
I got a sausage factory over there. All right, Scary Jones,
you're hardly ever a team captain, so I think you
should be able to choose your team. Here, I want
to take the girls. Thanks Gandhi, process of elimination gave
you your team. All right, here we go, So Froggy,

you're up first. Here we go the question. We pulled
one hundred people. Name a fancy car brand that could
also be the name of a stripper. Mercedes? Show me Mercedes? Yes,
the number one response four answers on the board.

Speaker 11 (01:33:46):
You got number one.

Speaker 3 (01:33:46):
Are you gonna play or you gotta pass?

Speaker 10 (01:33:48):

Speaker 3 (01:33:48):
I want to play? All right, I want to play.
Scottie b show me Porsche.

Speaker 8 (01:33:56):
Yes, Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (01:33:58):
You've been to a strip club of time or two,
haven't you? Maybe?

Speaker 25 (01:34:01):

Speaker 3 (01:34:02):
All right, you're on a roll, Elvis Durant, Well, ask
the question again. Please, Maybe fancy car brand that could
also be the name of a stripper, Kia. Why did
I choose all this?

Speaker 2 (01:34:21):

Speaker 3 (01:34:21):
I'm sure it's a stripper to named Kia, but it's
not a fancy car brand. All right, all right, well sorry,
I'm sorry about that. I'll let my team now back
to you. Froggy. We got two answers left on the pool.
I'm gonna go with Lexus, Lexus.

Speaker 8 (01:34:35):
And you'd be crabbed.

Speaker 12 (01:34:36):
Yes, the number three response. You got one left, guys
cleaning up Scottie b something you probably wouldn't be driving.
Name with fancy car brand that could also be the
name of a stripper. I would not be driving a Ferrari.

Speaker 8 (01:34:49):

Speaker 3 (01:34:51):
Yeah, have you ever had a dance from a girl
named Ferrari? Mercedes? Yes, Ferrari. No, Well go back out
there and find a Ferrari Sweet minus Elvis is key
of respect. My next answer was going to be Douseldorf.
Susan bent would have been on thereel That was what

I was thinking to Bentley. Yeah, Chevy, you guys are
should we go to around two?

Speaker 2 (01:35:21):

Speaker 3 (01:35:22):
Okay, all right, are you ready?

Speaker 8 (01:35:25):

Speaker 3 (01:35:26):
Well we've been ready, That's why we said yes, it's scary.

Speaker 12 (01:35:29):
Now, what is an animal? You might hear on a farm,
but you must make the sound as your.

Speaker 11 (01:35:36):
Answer animal you hear on the farm.

Speaker 3 (01:35:39):
What is an animal you would hear on the farm,
but you must make the sound as a response. That
would be a cow. You'd be grand number one response
answers on the board.

Speaker 11 (01:35:54):
Answers are going to play.

Speaker 3 (01:35:55):
So Danielle, now, what is an animal you might hear
on a farm. You must make the sound your answer,
scary king. Would that be a pig, and you'd be right.
Pig is on the board.

Speaker 12 (01:36:11):
The number three responds okay to you, gandhi, that would
be a sheep. Yes, there you got seven. A lot
of animals, okay, all right, a lot of farm animals. Okay,
you're you're cleaning up so far. Scary rooster. I guess

that would be a chicken.

Speaker 3 (01:36:37):
No, chicken, rooster, A rooster, chicken, A rooster is chicken, rooster,
roosters and hens are chickens, quick quick, all right?

Speaker 11 (01:36:50):
That could be a separate answer.

Speaker 3 (01:36:52):
No, they are all chickens, roosters and all right. Next
to you, Uh yeah, I'm gonna look that up. I'm
guessing that's a horse noises, Yes, you're right. The number four.

By the way, let me I interrupt the show because
well it's my show. Just a rooster is an adult
male chicken or otherwise known as a cock.

Speaker 6 (01:37:26):
Speaking and speaking of a cock, back to.

Speaker 3 (01:37:28):
The host, how does a cock sound like?

Speaker 2 (01:37:34):

Speaker 19 (01:37:35):
Like this?

Speaker 12 (01:37:36):
All right, we're up to you, gandhi. Name an animal
you might hear in a farm, and you must make
the sound as your answer.

Speaker 3 (01:37:42):
Two responses left.

Speaker 8 (01:37:44):
Oh, oh.

Speaker 3 (01:37:49):
That's a dog. Yeah, that's a little one might find
one on a farm, but not this farm. Sorry, it's
not what the people report was in the song Gomi. Okay,
back to you, scary got two buzzes left? An animal
you might hear in a farm. Please make the sound
as your So if I cluck, that's your chicken in
the head and it's not the same thing. Okay, time

is it the three seconds? Yeah? No cat? You know
we had tons of cats on our phone. I don't disagree.
But then we called there were mousers. There were mousers
in the in the barn.

Speaker 11 (01:38:33):
What got to left?

Speaker 1 (01:38:34):
Can you tell us what we've said so for.

Speaker 3 (01:38:36):
You've had cows, chickens, pigs, horses, and sheep.

Speaker 9 (01:38:40):
Okay, so this is not a sheep, it's the other one.
But I feel like it's the same. What sound does
it make.

Speaker 3 (01:38:45):
I don't know, let's hear it.

Speaker 1 (01:38:48):
I feel like it makes the same time.

Speaker 8 (01:38:49):
What are you going for?

Speaker 3 (01:38:51):
You can't you can't tell her, But I don't, do
you know what I mean? Yes, I don't want to
go to that. I'll let me hear it again.

Speaker 25 (01:39:10):
On a goat?

Speaker 3 (01:39:11):
That is that a goat? Noise you're making? That's the
worst goat ever? Sound like, Actually, you're pretty.

Speaker 11 (01:39:22):
What does the fox say?

Speaker 1 (01:39:26):
The goat from the Broadway show Wicked.

Speaker 3 (01:39:30):
Okay, that's awesome. All the marbles. It's up to you.
How many sean response left? One answer left on the board,
the bottom one. Not many people guess this one.

Speaker 11 (01:39:41):
How many strikes we have?

Speaker 12 (01:39:42):
You got two strikes, so it's all up the Gandhi.
They're gonna steal animal you might hear on a farm?

Speaker 3 (01:39:50):
Please? What is that noise?

Speaker 2 (01:39:52):

Speaker 3 (01:39:56):
Would that be a donkey?

Speaker 16 (01:39:57):

Speaker 6 (01:40:09):
Look at that?

Speaker 3 (01:40:10):
Yeah, congratulation. Well I'm back to this goat. It does
sound like a yeah, you're very angry.

Speaker 9 (01:40:27):
I'm honestly taking it from Wicked, because when the professor
was talking and he started to turn into a goat
every night, after a few words, he would.

Speaker 3 (01:40:33):
Go sound like that. It's one and one.

Speaker 11 (01:40:41):
I don't know. Do we want a time breaker?

Speaker 17 (01:40:43):

Speaker 3 (01:40:44):
I think we should leave it right where we found it.
All right, let's get into the three things we need
to know from Gandhi. Okay, not prepared for this? Oh well,
please send your resumes to the assistant program director.

Speaker 6 (01:41:00):
All right, three things we need to know Gandhi?

Speaker 3 (01:41:02):
What's going on?

Speaker 16 (01:41:02):

Speaker 13 (01:41:03):
Voters are heading to the polls today as three states
hold primary elections. Delegates are up for grabs in Maryland, Nebraska,
and West Virginia, even as President Biden and his challenger,
former President Trump, have already secured enough support to be
their respective parties nominees. West Virginia voters will actually have
the option of voting for a former state GOP lawmaker
who served time behind bars for participating in the attack

on the capitol.

Speaker 5 (01:41:27):
If you miss this earlier.

Speaker 13 (01:41:28):
A group of airlines is suing the Biden administration over
a new rule requiring upfront disclosures of airline fees. American Airlines,
Delta United, and some others filed a lawsuit against the
Department of Transportation over rules requiring airlines and ticket agents
to disclose service fees alongside the fair The airlines are
arguing that they already do that with air travel and

that new rules would really just confuse consumers. The rules
are part of the Biden administrations pushed to eliminate junk fees.
And finally, let's see wallet. Houp has the best places
to start a career, coming in at the top based
on some metrics that have to do with professional opportunity,
quality of life in commute. Atlanta takes the number one

spot and dead last on that list.

Speaker 5 (01:42:13):
Worse place to.

Speaker 13 (01:42:14):
Try and start your career is right here in New
York City. We came in at one hundred and eighty
second out of one and eighty two Ohio area.

Speaker 6 (01:42:25):
We can do better here in New York. Thank you, Gandi.

Speaker 8 (01:42:29):
Need fifteen more minutes of Elvis duran in the Morning Show?

Speaker 3 (01:42:32):
Good God, how do we cram all these people in
one room?

Speaker 4 (01:42:34):
The fifteen minute Morning Show podcast and extra fifteen minutes
of Elvis Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts.

Speaker 8 (01:42:42):
Elvis Durana The Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (01:42:44):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet, cinnamon sugar rolled dough oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this Morning with Wendy's new cinnabon
pull apart only at participating us when you decided to.

Speaker 8 (01:43:07):
Show up today right now, Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (01:43:14):
So I'm not going to mention any names, but I
know of a person who took a gummy and got
all high ordered white castle from door Dash and have
them leave it in the shadows by the grog in

the shadows and snuck out to eat the fries, the burgers,
the onion rings, the milkshakes, all of it. WHOA why
can't you well, I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:43:43):
Yeah, I don't think you know.

Speaker 19 (01:43:44):
Who they are.

Speaker 1 (01:43:44):
But that's a great idea, though I know I'm jealous.

Speaker 6 (01:43:48):
That sounds awesome.

Speaker 9 (01:43:49):
Come on, you've never ordered on your way home fast
food and then threw it in the garbage can before
you get home, just so nobody's sees it.

Speaker 8 (01:43:57):
Come on.

Speaker 6 (01:43:59):
The Okay, yeah, there was a time in my life
when I did.

Speaker 3 (01:44:02):
I don't.

Speaker 6 (01:44:03):
I don't hide it anymore.

Speaker 3 (01:44:04):
I'm fine. I don't really eat eat like that a lot, Okay,
But what I would do, especially back in college, we'd
get stoned, I get sewn in drive through a drive through,
and I'd order enough food for two people, so or
I would always order two soft drinks so they'd think
it was for another person too. Surely this guy's not
wondering all of this fro himself. Oh no, he must
be with a friend because he has two soft drinks.

So paranoid, right, I don't know that sounds good though,
Little white castle with a chocolate shake.

Speaker 11 (01:44:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:44:38):
Little chicken rings, yes, I don't.

Speaker 3 (01:44:41):
Know they've built chickens like that, but it's so strange.

Speaker 1 (01:44:45):
And their onion rings are good too.

Speaker 3 (01:44:46):
Now they have shrimp, I know, white Castle shrimp. I'm
so there that I don't know if I want to
try that. Hey, so we were playing the feud, and
of course one of our host's ideas was, you gotta
give me a barnyard animal or a farm animal, but
you have to like act it out. What what would

that animal sound like? And so do we actually have
all of us making animal noises ready to go?

Speaker 2 (01:45:14):

Speaker 3 (01:45:14):
No, what do you have? Scary?

Speaker 2 (01:45:30):

Speaker 3 (01:45:30):
We are We're must be very proud of ourselves. Welcome
to our radio show. Everybody.

Speaker 8 (01:45:36):
We nailed that.

Speaker 1 (01:45:37):
We are talented.

Speaker 3 (01:45:39):
Hey, so if you if you could be an animal,
let's say, if you were an animal, what animal would
you be? Have you ever thought about this?

Speaker 8 (01:45:50):
You could be one?

Speaker 24 (01:45:50):
Or like?

Speaker 5 (01:45:51):
What actually are you?

Speaker 8 (01:45:54):

Speaker 11 (01:45:54):
You are?

Speaker 3 (01:45:55):
What animal are you? Let's put it that way. I
know that you and your boyfriend Brandon got into this guy.
Yeah he's rude, obviously you you know you weren't sober?
Yeah kind of So what animal are you?

Speaker 8 (01:46:08):

Speaker 13 (01:46:08):
I said, he's a wolf. I think he's very wolf like.
He said, I am a combination of a bug and
a raptor.

Speaker 6 (01:46:18):
How can you be a bug and a raptor?

Speaker 13 (01:46:21):
I don't know, but it felt fitting, I guess.

Speaker 5 (01:46:23):
And then Andrew was like, yeah, I totally agree with that.

Speaker 8 (01:46:26):

Speaker 1 (01:46:27):
Isn't a rap like a Ruptor's a bird?

Speaker 8 (01:46:28):

Speaker 5 (01:46:29):
Like a No, it's a dinosaur? Yeah yeah, oh you mean, like, okay,
like a dinosaur and a bug.

Speaker 3 (01:46:36):
Thinking about this, you know Alex of course, you know,
working at the zoo. Since he was a kid, he
was really really into the foxes. Oh yeah, and I
see him with mannerisms of a fox. Oh, because I
guess he was hanging around them, so I consider him
either a fox or from the swimming pool. He only
does that thing where he just silently swims around. It
doesn't make any noise, and all you see are his eyes.

He's like an alligator ready to attack.

Speaker 5 (01:47:01):
I could see both of those.

Speaker 3 (01:47:02):
But what animal would I be? Do you have an
animal for me?

Speaker 6 (01:47:08):
I know Nate's thinking you're a bitch.

Speaker 11 (01:47:14):
I think you'll be a monkey because you're playful. You
know you have that mark.

Speaker 3 (01:47:20):
Yeah, you play chicks on people, kind of I do.
I don't know you're you're you're fun and finicky and scary.
You're more of a sloth, dude.

Speaker 11 (01:47:31):
I was going to say, you took the words out
of my mouth.

Speaker 3 (01:47:33):
I am a sloth.

Speaker 6 (01:47:33):
I moved slowly where you're self admitted sloth.

Speaker 3 (01:47:36):
I like absolutely.

Speaker 4 (01:47:38):
I like.

Speaker 8 (01:47:40):
You like to eat.

Speaker 11 (01:47:44):
I like sloths have low stress, low anxiety. They don't
have any real prod.

Speaker 1 (01:47:49):
Slots drive one block to the restaurant.

Speaker 3 (01:47:53):
Definitely always sleeping. What about Danielle, Danielle, Wow, because you're
you're kind of feisty. I think a goat. I think
your goat noise, man, I mean, goats are.

Speaker 11 (01:48:05):
Let me hear you.

Speaker 3 (01:48:05):
Let's hear your goat aain. Let's see if this is you.
I think you're the goat. You're a goat.

Speaker 8 (01:48:13):
You're the goat.

Speaker 3 (01:48:13):
The goat froggy. Froggy's froggy is like a hound.

Speaker 14 (01:48:19):
Yeah, I want to be a dog because you're a dog.
I'm loyal, but at the same time, I can be
a little irritating sometimes, like I want to play when
other people don't want to play it, like, com on,
let's go, so let's have a good time.

Speaker 6 (01:48:30):
I can see that you're a dog.

Speaker 5 (01:48:32):
Somebody has to be a jackass.

Speaker 3 (01:48:34):
Yeah, mate, yeah, stubborn. You're very stubborn. I'm a jackass. Okay,
there there you have. Here's your menagerie of animals. But
a raptor bug. I don't know. That's a strange one.
I think we can come up with it. You're some
sort of bird to me, like like not a not
a little chirpy bird, like a big bird. Like, uh, no,

you're not, because I find them to be a bit awkward.

Speaker 11 (01:49:02):
She's right, you're giving frog.

Speaker 6 (01:49:05):
I think you're a cassowary.

Speaker 3 (01:49:08):
Nice bird.

Speaker 6 (01:49:10):
No, they're the most they are the most dangerous.

Speaker 5 (01:49:13):
That's one with that giant beak.

Speaker 3 (01:49:15):
Right, like the humongous They can actually kick right through
your torso.

Speaker 1 (01:49:19):
Oh my god, Oh damn, I like that.

Speaker 3 (01:49:21):
I don't know about the beak and look it up. Cassowary.
I think they've killed people, haven't they know they do?
It is the most dangerous bird on the planet Earth.
You don't want, but I find you to be. The
cassowaries are frightening. They know they will kill you. You
never ever want to be in the same area as
a cassowary.

Speaker 1 (01:49:40):
Before my nose job in college, I might have been
the two can.

Speaker 6 (01:49:44):
Okay, Elvis, they're texting in for you.

Speaker 11 (01:49:48):
A koala, a groundhog.

Speaker 3 (01:49:52):
Okay, I'll take those. Those are nice. Let's play a song.
Do we have song about animals?

Speaker 11 (01:49:58):
Yeah? What we want the Bloodhound Gang?

Speaker 8 (01:50:03):
We do?

Speaker 11 (01:50:04):
Yeah? You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals.

Speaker 3 (01:50:06):
Oh my god. Push the play hold on a second,
get it to wait for it. Okay. We've had sort
of a thematic show today. It's been very animal centric.

Speaker 11 (01:50:14):
Is it not bad touch?

Speaker 3 (01:50:16):
I appreciate anybody here it is.

Speaker 8 (01:50:21):
Hey, it's Nicki Minato.

Speaker 18 (01:50:23):
This is Rihanna.

Speaker 8 (01:50:24):
Hey, this is Lady Gaga.

Speaker 3 (01:50:27):
You're listening to Elvis Durant and the Morning Show. Look
at that. We survived it Tuesday, Can we survive Wednesday?
Find out tomorrow what are we watching?

Speaker 1 (01:50:37):
Danielle the Voice is on tonight it's the semi finale results.

Speaker 9 (01:50:40):
Also, you have the tenth anniversary special for our boy
Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show.

Speaker 6 (01:50:44):
See you tomorrow. Till then, say peace out everybody.

Speaker 8 (01:50:47):

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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