All Episodes

April 15, 2024 43 mins

Dean threw down the challenge that he could “easily” win a game of Jeopardy, so we’re testing his knowledge against Caelynn and Jared!
Play along as we run a special version of Suckers Jeopardy, with categories specially tailored to each of our hosts! And don’t forget to download your podcast in the form of a question.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Suckers. I'm Bell, I'm Dean Bell, and I'm
Jared han.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
An iHeartRadio podcast.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
Hello everybody, and welcome to an all new, very very
special episode of Suckers. I can't believe this is actually happening.
My name is Dean, joined by Kaylin and Jared, and my.

Speaker 3 (00:20):
Name is Dean's pimple sitting on top of his forehead. Oh,
I just wanted to say sit and say hello. So
there's four of us, so yeah, hosting today's episode. But
beyond that, it's even a little bit more special because
not only is Easton here, but we have the legendary
ladies and gentlemen. The legendary Mark Mulnitski is.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
Here with us.

Speaker 4 (00:41):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
It's just such a rare treat to have that beauty.
It is a rare tree with us. He got too
big for us.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
I did, That's true. But I'm delighted to be here
slumming it with you guys again.

Speaker 5 (00:52):

Speaker 4 (00:52):
Maddie, that producer texted me last night and said, what
do you say You went for a good old fashioned
Suckers And I said, yeah, count me in. Let's do it.
Just like to play a game and I said, I
love the games, so.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
Yeah, so I did kind of allude to that earlier.
We are I just can't believe it happened. I can't
believe it happened so fast. You guys over there in
the studios of your houses are just firing on all cylinders.
We love the idea of a game of Jeopardy out
there Easton Mark up back to us in less than
a week and a half and they said, we've got
it all figured out, and that's what we're doing today.
We're doing a game of Jeopardy. I can't believe it.

But I don't really know the basis. I don't know
the rules. If you guys want to maybe share that
with us.

Speaker 4 (01:29):
Well, here's what I've done. I've come up with two
rounds like on Jeopardy. I just realized I forgot something,
but I'll pick that up in a little bit. I
just realized that, But that's okay. We'll fix that as
we go. But we have the two rounds ready to go,
and I have come up with categories that are specific
to the three d of you. Oh god, you know,
we're all together again. It's a beautiful thing. It's not

really a walk down memory Lane. It's just knowing the
three of you as well as we do after all
these years are doing this show, I come up with
categories for you guys. I will say that for any
specific category, one or two of you might have a
definite advantage over the others. But that's okay. All even
out eventually, Okay. Would you like to begin, like, is
it time or do we want a chit chat? Do

you want to do a little host chat at the
beginning and see how things are going.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
I think we should make it as legit as possible.

Speaker 6 (02:17):
Well, I also want to point out the reason this
is happening is because Caylin said on the podcast either
last week or the week before that she thought Dean
while watching Jeopardy got ninety percent of the questions correct,
to which I said ninety five. You might have said
ninety five, and I said, there is no shot in
hell he would be Ken Jennings if he got ninety

five percent of the Jeopardy questions correct. So I would
like to point out that my bar is very low.
I'm only pointing this out because I think I'm going
to suck, and then Dean's is very high.

Speaker 4 (02:50):
At the end of dame.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
No, it's not high blow with you.

Speaker 2 (02:52):

Speaker 1 (02:52):
I will say, at the end of the day, we're
all suckers, so I think the bar should be exceptionally
ill for all of us. How do we what's like
the buzzer style format? How do we puzzle?

Speaker 4 (03:01):
Well, that's okay, So that's interesting. So Maddy did send
over like general knowledge questions, but I kind of went
in a different direction with this, so sorry. If I'd
gotten that kind of backstory, I would have done this differently.
So this is gonna be more fun. And Jared, you're
actually I think gonna do very well in this game.
Oh great, possibly the best of the three Patriots. All right,

Tom Brady for four hundred.

Speaker 6 (03:23):
Please, Yeah, I'll take Tom's either Rob Thomas, Tom Cruise
or Tom Brady for two thousand please.

Speaker 4 (03:30):
Well, wow, that's a little little spoiler right there. Well
that's so maybe another week I can come up with
test Dean's knowledge, like that might be a different thing. Yeah,
this is gonna be great. This is gonna be fun,
but it's not. We'll see, we'll see how it goes.
But maybe that's a separate game we do next time.
Maybe we do a who wants to be a millionaire
style Dean version.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
Love that, well, not just a Dean version. I think
maybe all of us, maybe maybe the three of us
combined could get two million dollars. Who know?

Speaker 4 (03:55):
Okay, all right, all right, well I mean are you ready?

Speaker 1 (04:01):
Yeah, I still don't really know what we're doing, but
I'm ready for ready.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
Well, it'll become obvious when I share my screen. Here
we go, I am sharing my screen.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
Are we going to turn by turn?

Speaker 7 (04:10):
Or should let they buzz in?

Speaker 4 (04:12):
Basically what's going to happen is whoever has control of
the board is going to be able to answer the question.
If that person gets it wrong, the other two can
jump in. Keep in mind, you will not lose points
for guessing it wrong, like on Jeopardy. We tried that
unscrubbing in and the winner of the game had minus
twenty three hundred. So you're not going to lose points.

You're only going to gain points. So there's no harm
in guessing if you want to jump in, and then
you'll get control and you can control the board. So
I don't think there's gonna be a lot of buzzing in,
And if there is, a don't have to just you know,
let me know, let me know you'd like to answer
the question. All right, here we go, ready.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
Ollow, this is very wow. There's a Colorado. Okay. I
was like, there's a RhoD Island. That's definitely chee cheap.
How the hell did you create this? This is so great?

Speaker 4 (04:57):
Well, thank you very much. Your categories are travel, Tom Brady,
the Bachelor, Rhode Island, and Colorado. All right, so kind
of try to mix it up a little bit and
keep everybody involved. So you have all the point values
on the board, just like on Jeopardy. For everyone listening,
they have the two hundred and four hundred, six hundred,

eight hundred one thousand. We have a score at the
bottom of the screen, and we will begin with Kaylin.
She will be the first person to choose a category
and answer the question. And of course, as always, your
response must be in the form of a question, just
like on Jelly.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
You know how that works. I'm seeing Jeopardy, okay, but
I mean I'm just wondering if I know how it works.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
I kind of forgot to leave.

Speaker 1 (05:39):

Speaker 5 (05:40):
I just know you guys are gonna crush this. I'm
gonna start with the Bachelor for six.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
Hundred, going to the middle of the Bachelor for six hundred.
Here we go. You have control, so Caylin, you will
have the first option to answer this question. Here we go.
He was the first Bachelor to say I Love you
to two contestants.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
I want to say Ben Higgins.

Speaker 4 (05:59):
Well, you better say in the form of a question.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
Who is Ben Higgins?

Speaker 4 (06:03):
Who is Ben Higgins?

Speaker 1 (06:07):

Speaker 4 (06:07):
Back to the board, Kaylin, and what are you? Were
you going? Now?

Speaker 2 (06:10):
Let's do eight hundred The Bachelor?

Speaker 4 (06:12):
Eight the Bachelor? He was the Bachelor the first time
the first impression Rose was used.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Oh wow, oh gosh?

Speaker 2 (06:19):
Who is I think the oldest one I know is
Juan Pablo? Who is one? Popolo?

Speaker 4 (06:24):
Who one Pablo? Is incorrect? Dean or Jared?

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Well, I I guess if we can't get it wrong?
Who is Sean? What's his name? Sean? Uh? Sean? He
married Catherine?

Speaker 4 (06:38):
Who is Sean Low?

Speaker 1 (06:40):

Speaker 4 (06:40):

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Who is Sean Loo?

Speaker 4 (06:41):
I wouldn't have helped you if you were right? So
you're wrong.

Speaker 6 (06:45):
I mean, this is a complete guess. I'm just trying
to who is I'm only going to say it because
he was the Bachelor twice, so he gets me better odds.
Who's Brad Woolmack.

Speaker 4 (06:57):
Brad Willmack. Let's see the answer. Who is Jesse Homer
Rose Chalen used to have control of the board.

Speaker 5 (07:07):
Oh great, I'll to the Bachelor for one thousand, Bachelor
for a thousand.

Speaker 4 (07:11):
She is the youngest contestant ever to appear on The Bachelor.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
Jesus, who is Becca? Wait?

Speaker 4 (07:18):
I'm pretty sure it is not beca Dean Jared.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
Doesn't matter. If I was going to say who is
Becca Martinez? I'm gonna I'm gonna say who is Kit?
I figured the last night?

Speaker 4 (07:31):
Who is kit Keenan twenty one years?

Speaker 1 (07:34):
Last? For Jared's go and not just.

Speaker 4 (07:38):
The thousand for Jared? He gets control of the board.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
Wow, I'll go. Let's see Tom Brady for two hundred. Please?

Speaker 4 (07:46):
Tom Brady was a two year starter at this university.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
That would be Michigan.

Speaker 4 (07:49):
That would be Michigan.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
Is what is Michigan? Michigan?

Speaker 4 (07:55):
Just keeping it keeping him eye.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
I will take Tom Brady for four hundred place.

Speaker 4 (07:59):
Here we go. Tom Brady has played in this many
super Bowls?

Speaker 1 (08:03):
What is ten? Super Bowls?

Speaker 4 (08:05):
That is correct?

Speaker 1 (08:06):
Very nice thinking?

Speaker 6 (08:07):
Well here still change, Jared, I don't know if I
should just change it up, I guess let's do.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Let's do Rhode Island for two hundred.

Speaker 4 (08:14):
All right, Rhode Island for two hundred. It's the state's capital.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
That What is Providence? There?

Speaker 4 (08:19):
It is two hundred? Keep going, Oh.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
God, rd Island for four hundred.

Speaker 4 (08:23):
There it is this Jersey shore calf member was born
in Providence in nineteen eighty.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
Who is Paully d is correct?

Speaker 4 (08:30):

Speaker 1 (08:31):
I'm going to run this. Let's go back to Tom
Brady for six hundred?

Speaker 4 (08:35):
Ready for six? Tom Brady wasn't just drafted to play football.
He was also drafted by a Canadian team to play
this sport.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
What is baseball?

Speaker 4 (08:42):
What is baseball?

Speaker 1 (08:43):
He was drafted by the Montreal Expos.

Speaker 4 (08:45):
Play what position?

Speaker 1 (08:47):
He was a catcher? So he was Jared, you're bored,
I'll go brd Island six hundred.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
Rhode Island six hundred. This nineteen ninety eight Cameron Diaz
movie was set in and shot in Rhode Island.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
What is something about Mary?

Speaker 4 (09:00):
There is something about Mary, but.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
There's something about score. Right now, I'll do for.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
Eight Jared, six hundred.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
I'll do eight hundred for Tom Brady.

Speaker 4 (09:10):
Eight hundred, Tom Brady. New England selected Tom Brady in
this round of the two thousand NFL draft.

Speaker 6 (09:15):
What is the sixth rounds? He was one hundred and
ninety ninth overall. One Jared, I will do Rhode Island
a hundred.

Speaker 4 (09:24):
I got to run in the United States. Was in
this city in seventeen seventy four.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Yes, that's a fun one. First city.

Speaker 6 (09:34):
I mean, I'm trying to I can't be Providence because
that's too obvious. I'm going to say, what is what
is Newport?

Speaker 4 (09:42):
What is Newport? Let's say there is Newport there it is.

Speaker 6 (09:45):
Let's gosh, that's fine. I was just trying to think
of old city and old towns in Rhode Island.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
Okay, one thousand Tom Brady.

Speaker 4 (09:54):
Thousand Tom Brady. Tom Brady's first completed pass in the
NFL was to this tight end. O. It's a thousand pointer.
This is gonna be a tough one.

Speaker 1 (10:02):

Speaker 6 (10:03):
No, first completed pass, well, I know the game, which
is interesting. Against the Detroit Lions in two thousand. He
came in late in the game. But I don't know
the guy's name, so I'm gonna say who is Jermaine Wiggins?

Speaker 4 (10:19):
That is incorrect? Pean Camlon. You want to steal this one?

Speaker 2 (10:23):
Got no clue?

Speaker 1 (10:24):
I actually know this one. Who is Rod Rutledge?

Speaker 4 (10:29):
It is Ron Rutledge. Did you cheated on that.

Speaker 1 (10:33):
Definitely cheated Watts documentary?

Speaker 2 (10:36):
Did you look it up?

Speaker 1 (10:37):
How could I've looked it up? I got my whole
screen taken over by this Jeopardy board. How did you
know it? I've watched the documentaries of him. I've seen
the highlight. That's a liar. Let him cheat.

Speaker 4 (10:48):
I feel like he's lying, but there will have to
be an investigation.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
Oh yeah, it would have been so hard to cheat
while being on your laptop.

Speaker 4 (10:56):
Continuing points to all right, Dane, you're bored.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
Let's go. Oh Rhode Island for a thousand? I feel
like god.

Speaker 4 (11:04):
This toy was named the Official Family Travel Ambassador of
Rhode Island in the year two thousand.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
Obviously I know this as well. This toy was named
the Official Family Travel Ambassador of Rhode Island. What what
is the uh RC car?

Speaker 4 (11:26):
I don't know the RC car is incorrect. Kaelin or Jared,
do you have a guess on this one's for a
thousand points?

Speaker 1 (11:33):
I should Kaitlyn go first?

Speaker 2 (11:36):
Think it's like a beaver.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (11:38):
But I don't know his name?

Speaker 4 (11:40):
It is not a beaver.

Speaker 6 (11:41):
Okay, okay, I'm gonna say what is mister potato Heads?
There's a statue of mister potato Head and Patucket, Rhode Island.
That's why could it possibly be him?

Speaker 4 (11:56):
The scoring up they Jared six thousand, one thousand.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Let's hundred. Let's let's go Bachelor two hundred.

Speaker 4 (12:02):
Bachelor two hundred. The Bachelor debut on ABC on March
twenty fifth of this year.

Speaker 6 (12:08):
Oh, that's a good question. I think it was. What
is two thousand and two?

Speaker 4 (12:14):
That is correct? Two thousand and two points and keeps
the board.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
It's unstoppable. Really holy four hundred?

Speaker 4 (12:21):
Please four hundred. He was the first Bachelor who had previously,
but it can tested on another season.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Oh, who is Bob Guinea?

Speaker 4 (12:31):
That is incorrect?

Speaker 2 (12:33):
Ooh who is Oh my god, if this is wrong?

Speaker 4 (12:37):
Jason Mesnik It is not Jason Mesnick, Dean?

Speaker 1 (12:40):
Who is Ben Flashnik?

Speaker 4 (12:42):
No? Who is Jesse Palmer? I was going to.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
J twice?

Speaker 4 (12:48):
The answer no points there the board remains with Jared.

Speaker 6 (12:52):
I don't know shit about Colorado, So let's do travel
for two hundred.

Speaker 4 (12:56):
Travel two hundred. If you're traveling to Vietnam and bring
plenty of these the use it's the official currency.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
Oh god, uh? What is yen?

Speaker 4 (13:05):

Speaker 1 (13:07):
What is bot?

Speaker 4 (13:08):

Speaker 1 (13:09):

Speaker 2 (13:11):
What is?

Speaker 4 (13:12):
I tried to tea this up for you, Deanon.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
I know, and I'm going to get them all wrong.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
I have no clue.

Speaker 4 (13:18):
What is the dong?

Speaker 1 (13:20):
The of course I'm na there's a currency called the dong,
That's right.

Speaker 4 (13:27):
I wanted to keep thinking a little bit, you know,
to help I suck at dating.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
Bring your dong to Vietnam Travel four hundred.

Speaker 4 (13:34):
Please, the Penis Museum can be found in this Icelandic city.
What Jared Jared's first guest.

Speaker 6 (13:44):
Ah, Icelandic. So it's in Iceland. What is recu effect.

Speaker 4 (13:51):
Close enough for very sure? You got it, Jared, Very good.
Ke youre Vic, but you got You're getting other people's categories.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Now your last six hundred travel This.

Speaker 4 (14:02):
City is the only one in the world. Just draddle
two continents.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Okay, let's think of this.

Speaker 4 (14:07):
Jared's Jared's first Jared gets the first option.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
I have no idea. What is Egypt?

Speaker 4 (14:12):
Not Egypt not a city?

Speaker 1 (14:13):
Also, oh my god, I whoops, my only guess that
I could possibly think of is what is Saint Petersburg?

Speaker 4 (14:20):
That is incorrect?

Speaker 2 (14:21):
Kal It, Oh God, I was thinking somewhere in Egypt
or Morocco. Isn't Morocco kind of?

Speaker 1 (14:29):
I mean, Africa's it's so incontinent, so you can't really
think there's gonna be a city on Africa and Europe. Yeah,
it's got to be. It's got to be Asia and Europe.
So Saint Petersburg is right there. Maybe it's like, maybe
it's something in Turkey because Turkey.

Speaker 5 (14:42):
Copideisha, but that's central Turkey. So that's all I got
is copadiesha.

Speaker 4 (14:48):
Okay, I'm sorry, but you're walking yourself right to it.
What is this stan Bull?

Speaker 6 (14:52):
Yeah, it is still Jared's board, I guess eight travel.

Speaker 4 (14:58):
Tokyo is served by two airports reached it and this
one built in nineteen thirty one.

Speaker 1 (15:03):
I have no idea what is Tokyo Airport?

Speaker 4 (15:06):
That is incorrect. I feel like Dean and Kalen have
you been there recently?

Speaker 1 (15:10):
What is Henada? Thank you? Finally, what is Henaidas? Let's
just do travel for the thousand.

Speaker 4 (15:21):
It's the second most populated country in the world after China.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
What is India?

Speaker 4 (15:26):
That is correct?

Speaker 1 (15:28):
Does a layup thousand points? And I should have done
the two thousand? I need that one, I sul.

Speaker 4 (15:31):
I probably should have switched India and don anyway, Jared
sixty six hundred, Dean twenty eight hundred, Kalan six hundred.
She needs to make some points up here. But we
got one more category. Colorado is remaining up there. Indeed,
it's your board two hundred mark. It's Colorado's official state nickname,
the blank State.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Do you know this one?

Speaker 4 (15:49):
Dean gets first option.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
The centennial state.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
That is correct.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
I'm not going to do as good as Jared did
with Rhode Island. I already know.

Speaker 4 (15:56):
That four hundred jar Dean. Is that where you want
to go?

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Yes? Please?

Speaker 4 (16:00):
All right? It's the fictional Colorado town where you'd find
kids named Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Eric.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
What is South Park?

Speaker 4 (16:07):
That's correct? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (16:08):
I like that. I like where this is going on.
That's a good one.

Speaker 4 (16:11):
I like that six hundred Colorado. This Seventh Heaven actress,
currently married to a former boy bander, was raised in Boulder.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
Oh my gosh, I have no idea of Seventh Heaven.
It was even filmed in Colorado.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
I know this.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Who is Mrs Tome? Who is?

Speaker 4 (16:27):
That is correct? Jessica Bieler twelve hundred, and she has.

Speaker 2 (16:31):
The board Colorado for eight hundred.

Speaker 4 (16:34):
This Jim Carrey comedy was filmed in Aspen, breck and Ridge,
and Copper Mountain, among other Colorado locations.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
Kaylin, no clue so many times and she refuses. I
get answered, what your what? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (16:49):
I'm passing.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Then who's the past? To what is? Knows as well?
So past where the beer flows like wine? Baby? That
would be dumb and dumber.

Speaker 4 (17:00):
That is correct. And Jared, this last one's for you
Colorado for one thousand. They are the most recent Colorado
team to win a major sports world championship.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
Oh good Lord in Heaven. I mean no, you don't.
You just got his loss.

Speaker 6 (17:19):
I mean, as I guess, I'll just guess. Oh the
Denver Nuggets. What are the Denver Nuggets?

Speaker 4 (17:26):
That's it? Very nice? Just last time three and jaredy.

Speaker 6 (17:29):
I almost said the Broncos because I was like, what
is Denver? Have the Rockies won anything recently?

Speaker 4 (17:35):
That tricky question because the Avalanche won two years ago.
That's why I thought it was.

Speaker 6 (17:39):
Oh, I see I went have guest Avalanche. I was
going to say the Broncos.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
And then I'm like, wait a minute, the one I
feel like Mark subliminately favored Jared for that segment.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
Yes, well, clearly the score would say. So we have
Jared with eighty four hundred, Dean at thirty four hundred,
and Kailin with twelve hundred. But we have Double Jeopardy,
and that's when the store scores can really changee We're
still playing. Holy we got one more round. I'll be
back right after this. Welcome back to the round two

of suckers. And here are your categories for Double Jeopardy,
and they are living in a van, Bachelor in Paradise, sucking,
Tom Cruise, and pop culture from this week. See how
I kind of try to divide those up. All of
you have Tom Cruise and pop culture for Kaylin and sucking,

which is of course all of.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
Us, all of us.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
I like it all right.

Speaker 4 (18:39):
I'm not sure this is how I was played on
the game. But Kaylen, you are at twelve hundred, so
you're in third place, so you may choose the first category.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
Perfect I'll do Bachelor in Paradise for four hundred.

Speaker 4 (18:49):
Here it is Bachelor and Paradise essentially replaced this spinoff,
which was canceled in twenty thirteen.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
What is Oh my gosh, what is I know? Bachelor?

Speaker 4 (18:58):
Pat? Pat is correct?

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Very nicely done your board, Jalen.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
I'll do four hundred pop culture from this week?

Speaker 4 (19:06):
All right, pop culture from this week, of course, exactly
as it says for four hundred. This country star was
arrested Sunday night after throwing a chair off a rooftop bar.

Speaker 2 (19:15):
Who is Morgan Wallen?

Speaker 4 (19:16):
That's correct? KLN coming back, She's up to two thousand.
You're bored.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
I'll do pop culture from this week eight hundred.

Speaker 4 (19:24):
This singer announced her new album, hit Me Hard and Soft,
will be out in May seventeenth.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
Oh god, I don't know. I'm going to pass.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
Who is Jojo Siwa?

Speaker 4 (19:35):
Not Jojo Siwa? Jared?

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Who is Ah? I know who it is? I can't think.
It's like it's like bet.

Speaker 4 (19:49):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (19:49):
I know that it's like Belly or Bell or something
like that, but I don't know it.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
That's what is bell?

Speaker 4 (19:56):
Boy? You're getting tofully closed there. It is Billy.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
It's something like that.

Speaker 4 (20:00):
Fascinating how your brain was work from there?

Speaker 1 (20:02):

Speaker 6 (20:04):
Well, I remembered it was like I thought it was something.
I thought it was like bellhadid the model retain control.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
I'll do pop culture from this week twelve hundred.

Speaker 4 (20:16):
Here we go. Coachella is this weekend, and this person
is headlining. There are three possible answers. You can name
any of the three.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
Who is Billie Eilish?

Speaker 4 (20:26):
Billy Eilish is not headlining Coachella this year? Anyone else?

Speaker 1 (20:30):
Who is Beyonce?

Speaker 4 (20:32):
Not this year? No? Jared Coachella?

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Jesus, who'd go to Coachella? Who is Sabrina Carpenter?

Speaker 4 (20:39):
No, you had the choices of Lana del Rey Tyler
the creator and Doja Cat headliners this weekend, Caitlin.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
I'll do pop culture from this week sixteen hundred.

Speaker 4 (20:51):
This massive celebrity tape test shows for a reboot of
the game show? Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

Speaker 1 (20:56):

Speaker 2 (20:57):
I really don't know any of these.

Speaker 1 (20:59):
Massive celebrity There is a clue in there.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
Who is I have no clue?

Speaker 1 (21:07):
All right, who is Shaquille O'Neil No? I thought I
saw him do a game show? What is the clue
that Mark talked about?

Speaker 4 (21:15):
I was saying that the word massive is a double meaning.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
Wow, who's a massive celebrity? That's huge? That's not Shack Oh.
Who is Dwayne the Rock Johnson?

Speaker 4 (21:23):
No, I'm sorry, it is Travis Kelce who is the
host of the Potential. He is a massive celebrity in
his own right, but he's also a large individual. That's
what I was going for there, Caylen, you want to
finish the category?

Speaker 2 (21:37):
Move on, yeah, I'll finish it.

Speaker 4 (21:39):
For two thousand. This athlete became a household name over
the past few weeks, leading her Iowa Hawkeys to the
NCAA Championship game.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
Who is Kaitlyn Clark?

Speaker 4 (21:47):
Wow? Clark is the correct?

Speaker 1 (21:49):
Very nice?

Speaker 4 (21:51):
That's two thousand, and she has passed Dean into second place.
She has four thousand, Dean thirty four hundred, Jared eighty
four hundred, and Kaylen retains control.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
She's catching up.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
I'll do Bachelor Paradise for eight hundred.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
Here comes this former boy bander served as a rotating
host in twenty twenty one.

Speaker 2 (22:11):
Who is Lance Bass?

Speaker 4 (22:13):
Correct? Lance Bass forty eight hundred for Klin.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
Go ahead, Bachelor Paradise for twelve hundred.

Speaker 4 (22:20):
It's the total number of Bachelor in Paradise seasons so far?

Speaker 2 (22:25):
What is eight?

Speaker 4 (22:29):

Speaker 1 (22:29):
What is nine?

Speaker 4 (22:31):
Nine? Is correct? Dean with this steal and easy.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Had to Jared my rotator like doesn't know you saw
my man? I had to jump in that. All right,
all right, all right, all right, all right, Dean.

Speaker 4 (22:41):
You're bored?

Speaker 1 (22:42):
I mean living in a van. Let's start there for four.

Speaker 4 (22:46):
Hundred, living in a van. This two thousand and seven
movie is about a hiker who sets up camp in
the magic bus he finds in Alaska.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
What is into the Wild?

Speaker 4 (22:55):
Correct? And Dean is in second place with five thousand
earboard de Oh, oh.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
Don't you dare put me on the spot like that.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
No, I'll put it in a movie.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Alexander super Tramp thought, No, no, that's it's a well,
it's my name of the actors some great American novelist
that I'm embarrassed to not know the answer.

Speaker 6 (23:14):
It's John Krasner or something like that. I progress this
last night, crack hour. Thank you, Dean, you're bored?

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Oh so sorry? Eight hundred?

Speaker 4 (23:22):
Please living in a van for eight hundred. This Irish
singer had a hit with the song brown Eyed Girl.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
Brown Girl, She's my brown girl? How is this anything
about living in a van.

Speaker 4 (23:35):
Well, that's a clue.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
It's not Van Halen, trust me.

Speaker 4 (23:41):
It fits the category.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
Okay, okay in a van? Brown Irish singer you too? Maybe?
What's that one guy's name with the red hair? Who
is Ed Sheeran?

Speaker 4 (24:00):
You're in anyone else?

Speaker 5 (24:04):
Who is.

Speaker 1 (24:06):
Van? I mean, is it Jimmy Buffett? Who's Jimmy Buffett?

Speaker 4 (24:11):
Jimmy Buffett?

Speaker 1 (24:12):
Can you give me an answer?

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Jesse something? Who is Jesse?

Speaker 1 (24:14):
Who is Van?

Speaker 4 (24:15):
Jan Van Joy Van Morrison?

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Oh my god, I'm such an idiot. That's a good
that's a good one market job.

Speaker 4 (24:25):
Thank you, Morrison. Two hundred police, twelve hundred living in
a van. This western state has the most van lifers.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Is California too obvious? What is California?

Speaker 4 (24:37):
What is California? Is correct? Yeah? Being up to sixty
two hundred back to.

Speaker 1 (24:41):
You, sixteen hundred police a living in.

Speaker 4 (24:44):
A van while they didn't live in it. It's the
most common hangout for the Scooby Doo gang.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Oh what is the mystery machine?

Speaker 4 (24:50):
That's ye and Dean. You're catching up. You're only six
hundred behind Jared. Now you can take the lead if
you want to finish living in a van two thousand
police here it is. This is the most common way
for people who live in vans to bathe and shower.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Oh, there's options. You either go in a lake or
a river or well.

Speaker 4 (25:09):
There are options. But they did a study and by percentage,
this is the most common way to do it.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
Okay, I'm going to say, what is at a gym?

Speaker 4 (25:18):
A gym membership is correct?

Speaker 1 (25:21):
Very nice.

Speaker 4 (25:21):
They shower in the van itself. And Dean launches into
the league.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
With nine dun Dean taking in a van. Baby.

Speaker 4 (25:30):
I'm going to go see a big lead though, because
you got the Tom Cruise category.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
I'm going to lose all those Let's go shuck it
for four please.

Speaker 4 (25:38):
For four hundred. Eighty one percent of newborn babies do this.
After a year, it's down to thirty one percent.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
What is suck their thumbs?

Speaker 4 (25:47):
No, Jared or Kaelin, I've got nothing.

Speaker 6 (25:51):
Oh I would say, uh, sucking on a pacifier?

Speaker 4 (25:55):
That is incorrect. Breastfeeding is the correct answer. Ah, so
it stays the means bored. Eight hundred please eight hundred
for sucking. The podcast Help I Suck at Dating premiered
in September of this year.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Wow, a question, What a great question. I was on
the bed. I'm pretty I know this answer in is
twenty seventeen.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
That is correct.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
That is correct.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
Dean breaks into five digits, ten thousand, six hundred.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
For Dan, you're bored, sucking for twelve.

Speaker 4 (26:30):
Sucking for twelve. There are three kinds of these in space, primordial,
stellar and super massive.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Let's see, it's not a star primordial stellar, super massive?
Would it be supernova? But a supernova is a star?
What is a black hole?

Speaker 4 (26:49):
That is correct? Very nice considering they suck everything in,
it's it in the category. That's right, Dean sixteen hundred,
sucking for sixteen hundred. According to Rotten Tomatoes, this time Cruise,
Mission Impossible movie sucks the most of all the movies
in the franchise.

Speaker 1 (27:03):
Okay, so we don't give it to Jared directly, but
we give it to him. And yeah, wow, oh, thank
you so much. I'm just gonna go and shot in
the dark. What is Mission impossible for?

Speaker 4 (27:13):

Speaker 1 (27:13):
It is not. What is mission impossible to?

Speaker 4 (27:17):
That is correct?

Speaker 1 (27:19):
Jared with this steel, I thought he was gonna say it.

Speaker 6 (27:21):
I was like this mothers muscle too.

Speaker 4 (27:24):
I guess Jared, and is your board. You have two
more in Bachelor in Paradise one more and sucking in
all five and Tom Cruise.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Uh, let's do Tom Cruise four hundred? All right?

Speaker 4 (27:35):
Started the Tom Cruise category. His first name is Thomas,
his middle name is Cruise, and this is his last name.

Speaker 6 (27:40):
Oh, I actually know this, but don't know this. It
is a Tom by I uh Edwards?

Speaker 1 (27:53):
What is Edwards?

Speaker 4 (27:54):
Not Edwards? Dan or kailin?

Speaker 6 (27:59):
No cheating you guys, Dean's let Dean's left hand look
a mouse?

Speaker 1 (28:05):
Nothing you got you.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
Can think of?

Speaker 1 (28:07):

Speaker 2 (28:08):
What is Jones?

Speaker 4 (28:09):
Not Jones?

Speaker 1 (28:10):
Tom criuse Jones. That's a cool name. That would be
a cool name. Tom Cruise Jones? What is what is?
I have no idea? What is Johnson?

Speaker 4 (28:24):
Okay? What is May pother Thomas Cruise?

Speaker 1 (28:26):
May right there? I guess that Jared.

Speaker 4 (28:31):
Marrying him in nineteen eighty seven. She was his first wife.
They divorced in nineteen ninety.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
I guess I don't know much about Tom Cruise. Uh.

Speaker 6 (28:40):
That's way before Nicole Kidman marrying him in nineteen eighty seven,
his first wife's They divorced in nineteen ninety.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
Who though he married good, I can't believe you. Who
is who is b I have no idea? All right?
I got nothing? All right? Who is Kim Basinger?

Speaker 4 (29:05):
Not Kim Bassinger?

Speaker 1 (29:07):
I think this was this was after this, but it's
the only thing I know. Who is Katie Holmes? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (29:11):
Not Katie Holmes. But at least he named a wife,
Thank you, Klen.

Speaker 5 (29:15):
Trying to think of people who were big at that time?
Who is Courtney Cox?

Speaker 4 (29:22):
Who is Mimi Rogers? That's the answer. Memi Rogers and
Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes are the three wives. Jared,
you're born.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
I feel like I should get away from this kind
of I'll keep going twelve hundred.

Speaker 4 (29:32):
Twelve hundred time Cruz. His first major supporting role was
in this military school film from nineteen eighty one.

Speaker 6 (29:37):
Oh no, what is the name of this stupid movie?

Speaker 1 (29:48):
Oh no, what is Toy Soldiers?

Speaker 4 (29:52):
It is not Toy Soldiers? Dianer, Klen?

Speaker 1 (29:54):
What is platoon?

Speaker 4 (29:56):
Nope, Klen, I got nothing, all right, It's called Taps.
That first major.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
I hate my life.

Speaker 4 (30:03):
Jared, You've had a real chance to take control of
this game. You still have the lead, you have eleven No,
you're no, you don't have a lead. You're in second
place with ten thousand, Yeah, six Klein forty eight hundred,
going sixteen hundred for Tom Cruise. Tom was nominated for
a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award for his role in
this nineteen ninety nine.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Film What is Magnolia?

Speaker 4 (30:20):
That is correct? And Jared takes the nominee almost still
second two hundred, but he could do it here on
any of these remaining.

Speaker 1 (30:28):
Questions, right, Tom Cruise two thousand?

Speaker 4 (30:30):
Here it is Tom proposed to Katie Holmes at the
top of the iconic world landmark. This iconic world landmark.

Speaker 6 (30:40):
I have no idea what is I'll say, what is
the Eiffel Tower?

Speaker 1 (30:47):
I would have said correct?

Speaker 4 (30:50):
Please six Jared, eleven eight for d and forty eight
hundred for Kaal and three questions left or answers or
whoever you want to say it.

Speaker 1 (30:57):
Jared, I'll do sixteen hundred. Bachelor in Paradise.

Speaker 4 (31:01):
This couple from season two are now married with three kids.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
Come on, what who is Tanner and James?

Speaker 4 (31:09):
Jared building up and perhaps insurmountable lead your bored though
two more questions.

Speaker 6 (31:14):
I'll do two thousand Bachelor in Paradise. The opening scene
almost paradise. It is a duet sung by the lead
singer of this band. And since it's a duet, there
are two possible correct responses.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
Here, Uh, what's it? What was it? Duet?

Speaker 4 (31:28):
In that time? What is?

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Or who is? Oh?

Speaker 6 (31:39):
I don't even know any what are It's not Sonny
and Cherre. I'll tell you that much.

Speaker 4 (31:44):
Band name here at the lead singer?

Speaker 1 (31:45):
What is the Temptations?

Speaker 4 (31:47):
Not the Temptations? Deaner Kalin? Anything on this one.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
I was just gonna say, who are the Shiks? But
that's I was just gonna.

Speaker 4 (31:53):
Not the Shiks?

Speaker 2 (31:54):
Caitlin got nothing, all right?

Speaker 4 (31:56):
It was Mike a Reno from Lover Boy and Ann
Wilson from Heart. Those are the two our last second,
appropriately enough in sucking for two thousand, eight point three
billion of these are currently polluting the world's beaches and
they are not biodegradable.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
Hmmm. Interesting, Well that's depressing eight point three I answer,
and I.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
Will remind you all again to think of the category.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
What is a straw sucking?

Speaker 4 (32:21):
What our drinking straws Dean very nice?

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Well that's too bad it wasn't his turn, but that's.

Speaker 4 (32:27):
Fine, right, Sorry, So here's where we with one no,
But we have final jeopardy yet, so hold on, we
have one more question. Jared fifteen thy two hundred, Dean
thirteen thousand, eight hundred, Kalin forty eight hundred. We have
final jeopardy coming up neck all right, your final jeopardy

category is this podcast and all of its incarnations. Help
I suck at dating, Help we suck at being nearly
weds and suckers. Please write down your wager or text
it to me. Why you text it to me in Easton?
Just to keep everyone honest, text meagers, And here's how
this is going to work. Only one of you will
be able to get this right and you will get

your wager. The other two will lose their wager. Oh yeah,
but only one if you can get it right. Like
on Jeopardy, all three if you can get it right.
But in this one, only one of you will get
it right.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
Okay, So it's impossible for anybody more than one person
to get role.

Speaker 4 (33:39):
But I'll explain more in a second. But it's not impossible,
but it's unlikely.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
Well, and I gotta do math really quickly, all right.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
Jared has fifteen two hundred, Dean has thirteen eight hundred,
Klein has forty eight hundred. They are sending their wagers
right now, and then we will be the final jeopardy
answer and they will give us their questions. Here the
winner is all right, Easton has Kalan's wager. All right,

Dean's has been sent as well.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
I'm on right now.

Speaker 4 (34:14):
Okay, all right, here is the final jeopardy question and Dean, yes,
you are on the right track. The question is in
all of the incarnations of this podcast. Jesus, how many
episodes have there been? Whoever is the closest without going over, Wow,
we'll get their wager. The other two will lose their wager.
If there is a tie, then you will both get

your wager.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
And we're including like our segments as well, like Kaylen's corner.

Speaker 4 (34:40):
Correct, Yes, we are yes, and in fact there may
be some I did this based on you know, Apple's
feed in the podcast app.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
And are we putting it in the chat?

Speaker 4 (34:51):
Uh, that's a good idea, Sure, put in the chat.
We're ready. We have the wagers, we have the guesses,
a lot of numbers here on my little post it.
We will start with Jared because he is in lead
with fifteen thousand, two hundred. Jared guessed that there have
been three hundred and fifty episodes of this podcast in
all of its incarnations. That is not the winning answer.
His wager was fourteen thousand, down to twelve hundred. Dean

was next that there are three hundred and sixty five
episodes of this podcast. That is also incorrect. You did
not go over, but that is also incorrect. You wagered
fourteen oh one. Is that right?

Speaker 1 (35:31):

Speaker 4 (35:32):
So that brings you down to I believe twelve sixty
nine to nine. I believe that makes you your lead insurmountable.
But we'll go to Kaylan. Kaylan said there were four
hundred and ten episodes of this podcast. There have been
four hundred and forty seven episodes. Wow, she wagered everything,

putting her up to ninety six.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
But nonetheless, good job Kane.

Speaker 4 (35:56):
With a smart wager. He is your winner with twelve thousand,
six hundred and ninety nine.

Speaker 1 (36:01):
Very nicely done, very nice Ea.

Speaker 4 (36:04):
So we can allow everyone for joining us on Sucker's Jeopardy.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
Mark was that was awesome because that was that was
the most fun podcast I think we've ever done. I know, seriously,
I don't.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
Think it got got us to the point of just
Dean able to compete on Jeopardy, but it was still fun.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
Well, come on the Tom Cruise and the Tom Brady
and the pop culture. What's the guy I got? Hey,
those are Jeopardy. Those could be on Jeopardy. I gotta
do and I won so at the end of the day,
but I still have that to brag about for the
rest of my life.

Speaker 6 (36:34):
I feel like Kaylin's the real winner here. She was
the one who finally Jeopardy, right. I feel like in
my heart Kaylan won what do you Yeah? But I
still have the most money at the end of the round.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
But I won the last question, but I.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
Had the most money, So I am the winner. Just
so everyone, Just so the listeners at home know who wins.
Everybody's aware. Dean had twelve thousand, six hundred and ninety nine,
Klen had nine thousand, six hundred, Jared had one thousand,
two hundred.

Speaker 4 (36:55):
I know, but I have personal checks. Probably by the
end of the we appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
Well, just me, I guess because I want so that's fine.
I'll take the twelve thousand, six hundred. Ye cut yourself
fifteen percent commission rate on that as well. Please feel free.
That was great. I do appreciate you putting all that
work in. Mark. That seemed like it was not great.

Speaker 4 (37:14):
This is kind of my thing. I love games, I
love game show, so it was my pleasure.

Speaker 1 (37:17):
Well, hey, if you ever want to do a real
life Jeopardy, like real questions and not like tailor towards us,
I think that would be a fun episode as well.

Speaker 4 (37:25):
Why do I do that? Why don't I take an
actual random Jeopardy episode, take the questions and see how
Dean does.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
Well, not just Dean, I think all of us.

Speaker 4 (37:33):
Why no, but the question You seem to think you
would excel on that show.

Speaker 1 (37:37):
Yeah, mister, for the record, For the record, Kaylin seems
to think I would excel on that show. I also
think I would excel on that show, obviously, Mark, I
feel like you'd be pretty good at Jeopardy in real life.

Speaker 4 (37:51):
I was on Rock and Roll Jeopardy in nineteen ninety nine.
That's right, no way, what, and therefore I'm ineligible for
Jeopardy because once you're on it once, you cannot be
on it again. And Rock and Old Jeopardy is part
of the family, apparently, so they warned us of that
before we did it. I won five thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
No way, that's so cool.

Speaker 4 (38:10):
Well, and the annoying part was, at that point the
season I was on, you played for points, and whoever
got the most points got five thousand dollars. The next
season they changed it to dollars. I had fourteen thousand points,
so in my mind they still owed me nine grand.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
Yeah, there's like some sort of legal action you could
probably take.

Speaker 4 (38:29):
I'm working into it, and I have that is it twenty?

Speaker 1 (38:31):
Was it televised?

Speaker 4 (38:33):
It was on VH one?

Speaker 1 (38:35):
So can I fok it? So I can pull up
your episode? Probably?

Speaker 4 (38:39):
That good luck? Why I've had people try to find
it and they cannot find it.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
Do you remember the exact date, the exact air date?

Speaker 4 (38:46):
No. I could probably find that there was tape day,
but I wouldn't know when it aired.

Speaker 7 (38:50):
I've tried to find every piece of footage of Mark
broadcast on television of all time, and I have a
lot of them. But Rock and Roll Jeopardy I keep
coming up empty on for years.

Speaker 1 (39:00):
Wow and wait Jeff Probst was the host. Yeah, wow,
Because I see a couple episodes here seven? What is that?
July thirty first nineteen ninety nine, Chris vers Amanda.

Speaker 4 (39:10):
That would have been the year.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
Yeah, huh. I'm going to do some research and find this.
But I guess if Easton couldn't find it, I probably
won't have any luck either.

Speaker 7 (39:17):
I'm happy to have some help. I have one small
piece of trivia as a bull of bonus round wi't
count for anything. Which a bachelor couple was a clue
on Real Jeopardy once and it's someone you all know, okay,
and I wonder if you know who it is.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
I would guess Jojo and Jordan, do.

Speaker 2 (39:36):
We get the question? Or is that giving it away?

Speaker 1 (39:38):
I would guess there the question.

Speaker 7 (39:41):
Their names are in the question, so that would it
would give it away. But it's about it's about setting
up an Instagram account for their child.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
Oh Ari and Lauren?

Speaker 2 (39:48):
Did they no?

Speaker 1 (39:50):
Oh? Setting up an Instagram account for their child? Uh?

Speaker 7 (39:58):
I doubt it had to have been like a Jason
and Molly. Oh my god, here's the clue. Jade and
Tanner Tolbert stars with this. I set up an account
for their baby Emerson pre birth. One hundred thousand followers later.

Speaker 6 (40:11):
Oh my gosh, wow, I can't believe Jade and Tanner
were actual Jeopardy questions.

Speaker 1 (40:16):
That's so cool. Yeah, and soon you guys could be too.

Speaker 7 (40:19):
This is something to strive for.

Speaker 1 (40:20):
That is every time because I do the Crossroads every
single day. Every time there's like a Bachelor related question,
the answers like typically going to be Rose or something
like that, but I'm always like, ooh, that's kind of
about me in a very indirect way. Well, that was
a great episode you guys, Mark Easton, I really appreciate it.
That was so much fun. Thank you guys for the
listeners at home. I hope you enjoyed it as much

as we did, or even half as much, because it
still would be a good time. I think, how do
you guys think you faired? Kaylen and Jared.

Speaker 2 (40:46):
Oh, it's not my best work.

Speaker 1 (40:48):
I think I did really well.

Speaker 6 (40:49):
I mean, obviously I should have just bid zero on
Final Jeopardy, but I got a lot of questions right.
I got questions right that I didn't think I was
gonna get right, So I was very happy with that.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
You did really good. I do think that Mark favored
you subconsciously a little bit, but it's okay.

Speaker 6 (41:01):
There was definitely a lot of questions that I felt
pretty good about pret day day pretty good.

Speaker 1 (41:08):
This is also kind of what we talked about a
couple of weeks ago when this idea came about, was
you have a certain set of things that you're very
passionate about, and so you know very deeply. And that's
that's good for things like this because you have such
a deep knowledge of it. But for me and Kaylan,
I feel like we know maybe a lot of things,
but not super well.

Speaker 5 (41:28):
When you were answering questions, I was like, I wish
I had something that I was that passionate about.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Yeah, I need to find my passion.

Speaker 6 (41:33):
Like I'm definitely not afraid of telling people what I love. Yeah,
that's for sure. But you're a man of many, many interests,
and that's good. I'm looking up rock and Roll Jeopardy.
I mean, I doubt there's no way it's like one
of these YouTube ones, because if Easton couldn't have if

Easton couldn't find it, and it's just like one of.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
These videos all the time, who knows.

Speaker 6 (41:58):
Yeah that's true, because there's like nine episodes of Rock
and Roll Jeopardy here on YouTube. I mean, how many
could there have possibly been?

Speaker 7 (42:04):
Like I've even emailed people at Paramount trying to get
access to their archives and like just come up with nothing.

Speaker 1 (42:10):
It's driving me crazy.

Speaker 7 (42:11):
Like I won't rather, I'll be on my deathbed going
like rock and roll Jeopardy. I never found it.

Speaker 1 (42:18):
Yeah, I'm gonna do some I'm going to do some
digging here. But again, if Easton couldn't find it, it's hard.
It's hard to imagine. Yeah, like, how the hell are
we gonnavide it? Yeah, that's actually a good point. If
anyone out there and suck Army wants to uh do
a little bit of digging, maybe they got some access
to some archives that we're unaware of. Find Mark on
a rock and roll Jeopardy and send it to us,
because that would be it'd be a hooton and holler

in time to watch that. Even I'm Mark, what kind
of hairstyle did you have in the nineties?

Speaker 4 (42:46):
It's never changed, the same as it is now.

Speaker 1 (42:48):
It's just okay, I keep seeing a lot of Mark
McGrath on there.

Speaker 4 (42:53):
I was in a black blazer and kind of a
dark orange shirt.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
Mmmm, what a nineties look? How do you know that?
How do you remember that so well?

Speaker 4 (43:01):
I don't know. That's a good question.

Speaker 1 (43:04):
All right, Well, I think that we've taken up a
lot of the listeners time here, so I think we
got a good spot to end it. But thank you
guys so much for listening to this week's special episode
of Suckers Jeopardy. Mark again, thank you for putting them
all together and being their gracious host for us. But
be sure to tune in next week where maybe we
suck just a little bit less.

Speaker 4 (43:20):
Follow Suckers on iHeartRadio or wherever

Speaker 1 (43:23):
You that's what we like to hear.
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