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April 17, 2024 50 mins

Our Bachelor Nation OGs Bob Guiney and Trista Sutter are hanging out with Tenley Molzhan (runner up from Jake Pavelka’s season in 2010)!

Tenley shares the realities of being pregnant with her second baby, and she opens up about her fears leading into life as a mom of two. 

Plus, Tenley reveals how she found out about her ex boyfriend’s NEW girlfriend!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the almost Famous podcast with iHeart Radio. Hi,
Trista Sutter, Nate Wren.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Oh my god, you need to stop that, Bob Guinea,
because I don't have a name for you.

Speaker 1 (00:12):
You have to have you. When have you literally ever
read an article about yourself that didn't have that in there?
Because every time I am mentioned alongside of you, a lot.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
People don't here. We have gotten past my last name, Bob.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
Well, you know, maybe because they didn't know you then
like I did, and so I you know, I'm still
hung up in the past.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
Well parents have even gotten past it, and they're the ones.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Yeah, my dad have gotten past it. I need I
need to let it go. I guess exactly.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Maybe, Hi, Bob, how are you welcome to the Almost
Famous og podcast people?

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Yay the podcast and we are podcast people here in
the podcast podcast people. I love your hat. Oh thanks, that's.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Really it's actually I got it at a at a
triathlon and Hannah just told me she just did a
triathlon in Hawaii.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
I'm like, so proud of you.

Speaker 1 (01:12):
What doesn't Hannah do honestly?

Speaker 4 (01:16):
I know? Right?

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Okay, great, So ten Lee's in the waiting room. Our
next guest is coming. So let's bring in se Yay.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
Hello, Hello, how are you both?

Speaker 1 (01:28):
We are late? How are you great? So nice to
see you. It's been too long.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
I know both of you.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
I was just going to say, Trista, you look as
beautiful as ever, and Bobula Cansom too, shocks this whole thing,
I feel this whole thing.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
Asley now, you are always just such a rare sunshine.
It's always so great to see you. And I will
tell you that here at the iHeartRadio podcast Family you
you are universally adored. Trista, am I lying?

Speaker 3 (01:59):
He's not lying?

Speaker 2 (02:00):
And everyone was so excited, like the behind the scenes people,
the producers and everyone, sugarman, everyone I love, I mean,
as does anyone who's ever met you. So and anyway, yes,
of course, I just love.

Speaker 3 (02:19):
Seeing your face. Is rel in the house, she's she's
taking an app but she's actually singing right now I can.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
I'm like, okay, maybe we'll get to talk to you
long enough to where she'll is.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
She's sleeping in a big girl bed. She is. But
you know what we did. And I was so afraid
of mom shamers and parental judgments out there, But what
we did because we just read we just moved her.
She was she's such a great sleeper and she is
three and a half. But she loved her crib so

much that I was like, oh no, this is going
to just destroy everything. But we moved the crib to
the baby, the baby that we're that's coming soon baby's room.
And we got her a big girl bed, but like
a day bed, and we turned it to face the wall.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
Huh, so she can't.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
Get in and out and she loves it. It's so
she's in a big girl bed. But we for the
transitional time while she gets used to like this bigger bed.
She's not just getting up in and out of her
bed and stuff. So but yeah, she's in a big
girl bed, so she won't be walking downstairs. In fact,
she usually actually me a nap until it's two here

right now, until like fourish. She's bill a great sleeper.
See why I didn't want to disturb anything.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
Yeah, especially so Blake are our youngest. Blake, who's two
and a half, just basically stopped napping this weekend. It's
been a grind. We're like we're talking about but his
brother was the same way. Grayson's stopped napping. It like
two and a half almost three, and we thought Blake
was going to just crush that and stay as a napper,

and man, we are just we're just not feeling so
lucky right now.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
No, it flips everything. But I don't know, maybe it's
not over because when Real turned two and a half,
we went through like such a drastic like it was
something I like, I was I couldn't stop crying for
like two weeks just because of her everything. Behavior, sleep, yeah,
changed drastically, and we were like, what just happened, and

we kind of kept up with it, and we just
kept going through the routine and it would take I
just kind of took like a week off of work
and responsibilities and I would sit with her and do that,
and then all of a sudden, two weeks later she
was back to napping. And she's three and a half.
So maybe don't give up.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Oh you know what, maybe I will. I will take
that to heart because he uh, when you said the behavior,
I was literally just talking to a friend of mine.
He's a huge Disney fan and I and I am
as well. I mean all parents probably are, but my son,
our youngest, has picked up on a few key words
that I've noticed show up in a lot of Disney movies.

One is Fool, where they'll be like, you know, you fool, like,
don't do that, you fool. And then the other uh
in the movie Cars, you know, where Lightning McQueen will
pull up and he's like, you know, no tires, just gas,
let's go, let's go, and the and the guy changing
the tires is like, you idiot. So yeah, I'm changing

his diaper this morning. It's like six am, and he's like,
don't touch my diaper, you idiot. And I'm like what.
And then he's like, you're a fool, and I'm like what.
I must be the worst parent alive, you.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
Know, little sponges.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
I think it could be worse bo a little bit
worse than idiot and fool.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
It's funny. I do have a couple of examples that
some friends shared with me today who I just told
that story to and they're like, oh, that's nothing. Here's
what my son said to me at that age, you know,
so yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
Well we also hit the three and a half mark,
you know, so she I think that at these half marks,
they definitely there's like, you know, two weeks later then
I'll all of a sudden, they're doing like speaking in
full paragraphs and like big words and stuff. They're going
through so much. But around like that three and a
half marker, all of a sudden, she got me and

now she's back to her sweet sweet self. So like
it's just like a ride to say.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
I wish I could like relate to you both. I'm
sure I could back then, but I don't remember anything,
So there will be one day when you don't. I mean,
I remember the good stuff, but I just don't remember
the like oh they stop sleeping at two and a half,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 3 (06:41):
Yeah, yeah, so one of these days. Can't be believe
Blakesley has a birthday coming up, doesn't she?

Speaker 1 (06:47):
She just did.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
She just had her birthday.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
And Henley, she has a driver's permit.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
No, how is that even possible? They still give them
out at fifteen. I was just selling Bob.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
I took her for a drive around the neighborhood and
she's really anxious. Max could have cared less to drive.
Blakesley is so excited And I was driving around the
neighborhood and all of a sudden, like we're stopped and
my car, she's driving my car is giving like on
the on the dashboard, it's giving this error message.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
And I'm like, Blakesley, what was that.

Speaker 5 (07:24):
She's like, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (07:25):
I wasn't looking. I don't know, And all of.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
A sudden, I look down and I see that her
left foot is on the break and her right foot
is on the gas at the same.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
Time, like a I think they call that like a
some type of burn or something like that. It's like
a car was like.

Speaker 5 (07:44):
No, this is not what's supposed to be happening.

Speaker 3 (07:47):
Take your foot off of wonder Oh my goodness, should
I should I share a really really bad moment in
my life when I was okay, so why I had
gotten my permit and my mom thought my dad had
like had gone around, had me going around the neighborhood,
and that I had had quite a bit of practice
under my belt. My mom had a friend in town.

I think we had just picked her up from the airport,
so she was still in the front passenger seat. My
mom gets into the back. My mom has me get
into the driver's seat. Was we're getting home and to
go around the block, and I had my pedals mixed
up and I accelerated as I kept turning and I
drove into a neighbor's fence and the telephone pole was

about this close to the passenger side.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
Oh my gosh, I could have killed my mom's friend.

Speaker 3 (08:36):
Thank god I did not, and or kept driving it
further into this person's house like this was some extreme
Yeah bad. Those petals are important. I still get years later,
like what pedal is the right pedal?

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Oh my gosh, yes, I will I will share. I
will share, like the Disney Princess even makes those mistakes. Yes,
oh yes, oh yes, I did a few, But I
like to think that I'm.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
All for now.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
You don't have to worry about it.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
Okay, So how is pregnancy going the second time around?

Speaker 3 (09:16):
Oh my gosh, Well, my body hates being pregnant. Maybe
I mean I am an older mom, but also that
I have all these ballet injuries and just the my
body's disposition, the way God made me. I just like,
my body hates it. But it's such a miracle. So

I'm obviously so blessed. And like this baby moves so much,
he's just pushing around and stuff. But it is hard
with a toddler. Yeah, my pregnancy with ral was I
had debilitating pain from kind of those hip issues and stuff,
and I've been able to stay on top of it
a lot better this time around, just kind of manage

so it's not debilitating, but it's still painful and uncomfortable.
And then add the toddler. I can't decide which pregnancy
it was harder. Maybe this. I'm just like exhausted.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
My wife went through that on the second pregnancy, especially
because she was she was I always say she's an
incredible mom and a terrible pregnant person, only because when
she was dealing with everything, she would just be sick
every day. She would be, you know, exhausted. Then she
got a hernia through on her first pregnancy that then

in delivery got exacerbated, and then when she got pregnant
the second time, it was just like she had a
herney the whole time. Do you know what I mean?
Oh my god, Oh my gosh. So she wouldn't like
so I basically became like I would always say, like, well,
you're basically a bed rest for the next nine months,
because you know, so I would just like come home
from work and come in and be like her life

revolved around the couch or the bed because she was
just so in so much pain all the time. So yeah,
I can imagine and been dealing with our youngest are
our oldest now when she was pregnant the second time.
Definitely up the stakes.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
It's so hard, but Dealer's been amazing about it. Like,
I have a lot of guilt. I'm definitely dealing with
that guilt of not being the best mom or wife
or like housekeeper, all the things that usually I keep
track of. And he's totally helping pick up the slack.
But like, my biggest guilt is like that I just

can't do. And it's like he totally says, you're growing
another member of our family, you're growing up in so
that that helps a little bit.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
But yeah, that's a lot more important, Pickles. You know,
I think you got it, you got it down, you
got your focus in the right place for sure.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
But we only have almost i mean, six ish more
weeks as long as she's on time or you're thirty
four weeks right now. I yeah, I'm going to my
thirty four.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
Weeks, okay, amazing.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Oh mine was real born. Was she early or on time?
She was basically right on time. I went into labor
the day after her due date.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Oh I think I remember this that you were like, Okay,
I've had a horrible pregnancy, why can't you.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Just come out?

Speaker 3 (12:15):
And then but the labor was a long one and
she finally came out. So but she was born in
a couple of days after her due dates, so right
on time. And then I'm hoping people say second, it's
usually come a little quicker. You give me that hope.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Did you have complications in your first pregnancy?

Speaker 3 (12:37):

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Yeah, it took a long time. But were there any complications?

Speaker 3 (12:41):
Oh? Yeah, I mean if it's not too much for
the ears, I mean it's part of the body. They
couldn't find my cervix. Wait what when I went into
how does that open? Right? My? My contractions were once
two minutes apart. I had labored at home for like
a night and a whole day with my mother in

law who was used to be a doula. She had
helped been there, and she's like, okay, time to go
to hospital check in. Like I said, contractions were once
two minutes part like so narling, and I was trying
to go unmedicated, and the nurse that was checking us
in she's like, I'm sorry, honey, but I've been doing

this for seventeen years and I cannot find your cervix.
So the roll had gotten the head like like it
had gotten tucked behind. So I was not able to progress,
but my body was still doing all the work and
I kept trying to go until a shift changed. Nurse
like came in and like they hadn't told me what
I was at or anything. She's like, honey, you finally

made it to a six, And I was like a
six after all all hit me up with that stuff,
give me up. So that's like thinking back to that. No,
no major complications besides like not being able to yeah,
moving out. So oh my doctor did pull it forward.

He had to go in and find it, which is no, what.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
Was that before or after you got the epidural?

Speaker 3 (14:15):
That was before? Because I stole hours trying to be
rest on my own?

Speaker 1 (14:20):
Oh my god?

Speaker 3 (14:22):
Yeah, and uh yeah, I was like when she said that,
I was like, well do I have one? Oh my gosh,
you fine?

Speaker 2 (14:34):
And you have to have a cervix right, like right,
it's like biologically necessary when you're delivered.

Speaker 1 (14:42):
It's part of the pre wreck. I think, yes, you
have mentioned I thought I heard you say he then
I thought, I heard you say she so do we
know the gender?

Speaker 3 (14:52):
Yeah, it's another girl.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
It's so great.

Speaker 3 (14:55):
Yeah, so we have two two little sisters.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
So we got it too.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
I mean, just oh, she's so adorable. I want to
meet her in person, just like so Bob Tenley came
to see Blakesley. Well, she's come to our house before.
But Blakesley was a junior years ago. Later, what I'd
be like, Wait, that's so long ago.

Speaker 3 (15:19):
She was probably four fifteen, nine years ago. Okay, so
she was six.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
So so she came and watched her practice at the
junior Denver Brockco cheerleader practice.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Oh my gosh, you do.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
Thing like to see those cute little girls beepopping around
with their pom poms.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
Oh gosh, that is so awesome. I always saw we
were going to have a little girl. I really did.
I thought our I thought our second baby was going
to be a girl. I was convinced, and we we were,
you know, obviously very lucky to have another boy, and
you had to have the two little dudes running around,
is uh is definitely a different experience then I would

imagine two little girls, or you know, or even have
a boy and a girl. But it's funny because every
time anyone meets my wife, they're always like, yeah, you're
your boy mom for sure, because she just gets there
and just starts. Yeah, she's aggressive. I've been more like
a girl dad out of the background, Honey, do you
need anything, I'll be over here.

Speaker 3 (16:22):
Looks so funny, Yeah, I would. I wouldn't know what
to do. I mean, I nannied a little boy for
a long time, but and I adored him and so
thought that I'd be a boy mom someday. And then
when I had real like, I'm such a girl mom,
and you know, but did you wait to find did
either of you wait to find out genders? Or did

you both find out beforehand?

Speaker 2 (16:46):
I waited with Max, so first time we didn't want
to know, so we just painted the room. There was
like a I don't know if you remember this tenly,
but there was like a chocolate brown like ripe, like
a horizontal stripe, and then depending on whether it was
a boy or girl, we were going to paint blue

or pink stripes. And I think that my dad did
it before we actually got home. He did that so
cool or no, never mind, it was chocolate brown stripes
vertically and then well, yeah we had like the blue
or the pink paint, and yeah, we didn't find out
with Max, which was really fun, like I wanted to
be traditional and you know, not finding out. But then

with Blakesley, we just, you know, figured we'd do it
differently and see if we could.

Speaker 3 (17:32):
It's fun to know, huh. I'm sure it's fun to
be surprised at the end, but I feel like birth
itself is enough of a surprise. My sister in law
has done three babies, didn't know any of their genders. Really,
I'm surprised time. But for me it's like this is hard.
I like to visualize and kind of bond, like try out,

nay stuff like that.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
We were told originally that our second was twins, and
I lost my mind because I was I'm fifty three
right now and my son is fifty is two and
a half, so I was fifty and I'm like twins,
and I almost had an attack. I almost literally had
a hard attack on the spot. And then they came

back like a week later, and I'm like I finally
got my head around it, and I'm like, oh my god,
this would be amazing if it's a boy and a girl,
because then we get the girl and you know, or
you know, or two girls, I mean, you know, and
then and then the guy's like, it's a bully and
then actually it's a boy. And I kind of forgot
that he told us it was going to be twins.
And this guy's not like a quack or anything. I
don't know what happened, but I'm like, okay, that's the

first one. Because this was during COVID, so I couldn't
even go to the appointment, right and getting the altar solid.
I'm sitting at home, like on my phone watching you know, Grayson,
and I'm like and and he's like and what. I'm like, well,
you said it's a boy. What what's the other one?
He's like, what are you talking about. I'm like, dude,
we twins coming. And he's like, oh, sorry, the reading

was you know, off and you know whatever, No, just
one yeah, boy in there. I'm like, okay, yeah, so
I was did you twin you know what? The way
this kid eats, that's very possible. It's very it's probable.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
In fact, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
Believe me. He's a grocery getter at this one. But yeah.
He If he did, you know, then I'm sad to
hear it. But no, something happened. It was crazy.

Speaker 3 (19:30):

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Oh my gosh, I was.

Speaker 3 (19:34):
I mean for you, yes, but your wife.

Speaker 2 (19:36):
I can't even imagine the emotions she's going through, Like, gosh,
my body is going to be housing not just fun.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
Yeah, like you know she yeah, she's like what I
couldn't even She's like, your kids are huge now. The
first one came out, he's like nine pounds. Where am
I going to put it? Kidding?

Speaker 3 (19:57):
Two of them?

Speaker 6 (19:58):

Speaker 5 (20:00):
Yeah, baby names?

Speaker 3 (20:11):
Do you have baby names?

Speaker 2 (20:12):
And you're probably not going to share, but do you
have them picked out?

Speaker 3 (20:15):
We do? We have. We definitely have a up contender
and we won't name her until we meet her, and
we're not sharing it. But it let's see. I gave
a hint on Instagram, but it I don't think it
will help. But I'll say two things. It was one

of our top boy names. It is definitely what we
were going to name our boy. It's not going to
be every cup of tea. I'm sure my parents when
I first tell her her name, if we name her like,
they'll probably be like huh. And I'll just say, but
you named me Tanley. So and then it's also a

part of a song that we love, and so a
lot of people started guessing names from songs that just
saying those are my two hints. It was a boy name,
and that's part of a song we love.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Interest, I love it now, you love it like a
spinning right now my mind. I was like you said
it first, it was like a hot boy name. I'm
like Shane, and I don't know why I've never even
thought of that.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
That's cute. That is cute. Actually, I love for girls.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
Yeah, we went to Blake for our son, and we
were expecting it to be a girl and we were
gonna name it Blake, and so we had Blake for
either one. So I like, I like the names that
can go in the different direction.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
You know.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
I mean, Tenley and Trista are both such, you know,
boring basic names. And then you got like a real
original one like Bob, and people are like, oh my god,
how do I get my head around a name like that.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
I'm going to go back and look at your instagrams
and see around when you were giving birth and see
if there's any.

Speaker 3 (22:02):
Yeah, right, she probably not. She deleted it if there's
I don't think there's anything out there. My like my
best girlfriends and my sister like all trying to remember,
like you saw your baby name list at one point,
what was on there? What was on there? But it's unique.

I feel like you have do you have your room ready?

Speaker 2 (22:27):
It is the nursery ready to go.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
There's furniture in there, there's decas on the wall. We're
waiting for some uh B lines and like now it's
time for me to organize and like wash rerolls old
clothes and have a sprinkle coming up in a few
weeks and a weekend and so maybe there will be
a little extra things that will help me fill in

the space and make it feel like it's a functional room.
So yeah, it's coming along.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
That's so exciting. Yeah, So today we posted this picture.
We had Easter this weekend with our family because we
were out of town the week before, and we took
a family picture and we don't get a bunch of them,
like we try, but they're always ruined. And so we
have one and my young my oldest son is holding

a pink egg. And I realized no one reads my
captions because I think my captions are kind of funny.
Apparely no one reads them because they're all like, little girl,
are you announcing a girl?

Speaker 3 (23:27):
I'm like, oh, oh, that's funny.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
They're like, well, look at in the second picture. Why
is Grayson got an angry face? Because my son is
like this. Everyone else is smiling, and he's like you,
I thank you, trist at least someone paying attention to
what I say around here. And I'm like, you know,
no read the thing. I took his iPad away to
get a picture taken and he was he was angry,
and they're like, oh, we thought he was mad. He
was getting a sister. Like my mom, I thought he's man,

he's getting a sister. So uh, I'm like mom, I'm
like eighty, Like what do you I don't want to
do this to a child. Like honestly, I'm gonna be like,
if I had a kid, right if we got pregnant
right now, I would be seventy one when that little
rugrat turned eighteen. What a disservice that I'm gonna be
like an old seventy one.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
You're young at heart, Yeah, you're young at heart. And
also somebody there was this statistic going around maybe it's
not a statistic, but like something was going around Instagram
saying the older parents actually live longer.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
Oh, that's probably true.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
And so I mean, I'm gonna live till I'm one
hundred my children right now, I'm gonna be forty when
this baby, well, this baby's do dates around my birthday.

Speaker 1 (24:41):
That's all.

Speaker 3 (24:41):
So are you high risk?

Speaker 2 (24:42):
Because I was like thirty six, I feel like and
I was high risk?

Speaker 3 (24:48):
Are you? Are you high risk? No, I'm not high risk,
but I am geriatric.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
Yeah that's a nice number, right, you're thirty two? Is
it thirty two or thirty three? When they say you're
geriatric thirty five? I think fine.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
Okay, so I think and I was that when I
was pregnant with Roll too, but yeah, they you know,
my doctor's office is so sweet about it. I think
it's pretty common now, like that people are getting pregnant
later in life. And I have a couple of friends
that had babies in their forties and so, you know,
and thankfully I have no like other complications or anything

that would cause me to be high risk. But they
they do treat you differently, and maybe they've changed how
they call what they call it and how they treated
you sixteen years ago. But yeah, now I can't believe that.
But now, yeah, they I just a couple more like

anatomy scans, which obviously you don't have to do them,
but I'm like might as well.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
And then anatomy scans.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
So they look at the baby like I have to
go to a specialty doctor to like see the baby
in like they do the three D. And then they
look at all the like the blood and like the
the valves of their little chambers of their hearts and
like brain and just like really watching growth. Yeah, basically

checking like checking on baby a little bit more. Yeah,
so far, so good.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
Yeah, And he's loving getting ready for baby.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
She's really excited. And she keeps saying, it's almost May,
and May my sister comes, Mom, is it May? Is
Grandma Beth coming yet? My mom's going to come down.
My parents will both come down, but my mom will
be here hopefully in time for I want baby to
come early, so I have my mom coming early enough
so she'll be here to hang out with L. But yeah,

so LL's kind of like focused on those things. But
I think her world's going to be rocked quite a bit.
But I'm doing the best I can and kind of
like talking to her already about like, you know, mommy's
going to hold the baby a lot, but you and
I'm going to take care of the baby. She's gonna
need mommy a lot. You're gonna share mommy, but just
let me know if you need special mommy in real time.

And obviously I'm trying to already tell her that she
can ask, even though I'm going to need to probably
make sure I'm doing it just as much because she's
not going to know to ask.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
But yeah, that's very mindful of you. That's really thoughtful.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
Well, I'm the oldest child in my family. My sister
came five years after me, so I think that there
must be some scars there. Yeah, I had five years
of my parents to myself, so I think my world
was rocked a little bit. So I am very sensitive
to becoming an older That's really great, that's really sweet.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
I think just being cognizant of it and making sure
that you still make time for just you and rel
is really special.

Speaker 3 (27:59):
We've had like really just like she's been my best pal.
Like I love our routine and I love just how
we do life and the things that we do together
and just I don't know what's she's me being a
mom really fun besides those half markers, those really hard
parenting days. But yeah, I am prepared for her world

to be rocked a little bit, but she's excited. I
think she yeah, gets it pretty much.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
Does she have their friends who have little babies in
their house?

Speaker 3 (28:32):
Yeah, and cousins too, Like her youngest cousin is one
and a half, so she saw her aunt being pregnant
and when he was new, although she was still younger
at that point, but she kind of gets it.

Speaker 2 (28:48):
Yeah, that's awesome.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Yeah, No, other than us, I want to shift gears
a little here. Other than us, how often are you
keeping up with the Bachelor World? Do you keep your
like a toe in the pool at all? And like
watch the show or where are you at with all
that stuff?

Speaker 3 (29:05):
Of course I watched the show. I'm still a fan
of watching the show, probably not as diligently like on
top of it, as like I once was without a child.
But Taylor watches it with me. But he's still never
seen any of my shows, which is fine with me.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
Yeah, Canyon claims my wife claims she never saw my
season either yet her mom will be like, oh, you
were my favorite Bachelor of course. Yeah, so I'm interesting.
So Jessica never watched it yet she lived at home
at that time.

Speaker 2 (29:37):

Speaker 1 (29:38):
Interesting, But I was gonna say, like, did Taylor ever,
so he's never been curious enough to dig through the archives?

Speaker 3 (29:46):
Well, so he actually like, he doesn't remember it, but
he did watch like the first night of my season
because there was a girl that had gone to his school,
Christina McCaslin, who went to Ranch. What school did they
go to anyway, Santa Fe. Christian and Christina had been

like in Taylor's sisters year or something, and so they
did watch the first night. But he doesn't remember. Taylor's
actually on me so he was quite young when I
was on. But so he yeah, and then he he
hasn't really shown any curiosity. I'm like, if the only

one I'd actually feel comfortable with him watching is the
very first on The Bachelor with Jake, because I just
I am such a different person from that when I
was on that, and I just grew so much from
then on, and then that was it was it was
an important part of my life. But I turned it

on because it was on Hulu and I had seen
it and he was like on a call to China
for work, sitting on the couch, and so I started
kind of watching it out of curiosity, and all of
a sudden, I saw myself kiss Jake and I was like, well,
never mind, I don't feel comfortable watching this, so so yeah,
so I turned it off. But he's never He's seen
little clips here and there, and.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Yeah, would you show the girls when they get older?

Speaker 3 (31:21):
Yeaheah, I think it's kind of uh. I think it's cool.
I think to see those moments of me having like
affection with other men. Yeah, not Bachelor Pad. I'd be okay,
Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise, but Bachelor Pad, like there
was a kissing contest and I participated in it, and
it's just like stupid. So I like the thought of

the Bachelor or Bachelor in Paradise were some of my
very very like there was a lot of growth and
positive stuff that came from all that. But yeah, I
would let the girls watch it someday, but maybe not.
The affection with other men. How do you handle that stress?
You know, it's it's funny.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
I just got asked this question again. I feel like
we used to get asked the question what is the secret?

Speaker 3 (32:08):
You know?

Speaker 2 (32:09):
That was our number one, and now I feel like
it is what would you know? Yeah, something about the kids?
Would you let them be on the show? And I
always say it would be super hypocritical if I didn't
support them because of how I met their father, But
I feel like it's just for me. It's very different because,

you know, there was so much controversy when they announced
that I was going to be the first bachelorette, and
people thought that I was going to look like a
slut and they were calling me all, you know, all
these names without even knowing who I was. So I
went into it really kind of really thoughtful about who,

you know, what I looked like, to my grandma, to
you know, to to all of these people, to the
people who were clearly to be judging me right. And
so I think that I mean, I've shared this. I
just did Chris Harrison's podcast and we were talking about it,
and like Jamie Blight, on one of the dates which
Bob was on, he asked me for a kiss, and

I was like, well, how about on the cheek?

Speaker 1 (33:17):
Can we tell the backstory to this? So I First
of all, I think.

Speaker 3 (33:21):
Tristan, they've heard this story before.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
Yeah, I said this to Tristan before. You handled yourself
masterfully on that show, and I think that you were
always like you were such a lady and so just
I don't know, perfect, Yeah, very intentional, and it was like,
you know, she really set the tone I think for
for my season and for seasons after that. Like I
remember saying to the thirty women on the first lame like, look,

you guys, I just came off the best experience, and
I want you all to have this as well, So
don't fight with each other because this is no prize here.
This is a disaster, So you don't want this just
I never had to say that, but I'll never forget.
So they came up to me and Trista you might
remember this. We were at the beach and they came
up to me and they're like, it was Jason Carbone

and he goes he hands me two coronas and he's here,
go buddy. Uh, Trista is waiting for you on the
beach and she's excited to kiss you. And I'm like really,
He's like, yeah, I go on a group date with
eight dudes she just walked up to you and said, man,
I can't wait to kiss Bob. And he's like, yeah,
I'm like, okay, nice, try try somebody else.

Speaker 3 (34:26):

Speaker 1 (34:27):
I'm like, like, I got a sister. If someone tried to
mac on my sister on a group date, I would
kill that guy. And so anyway, I go and grabbed
myself a beer and come back to find Jamie to
tell him this ridiculous story that Carbon just tried to
talk me into. And I look and there's Jamie on
the beach with trist To going in for it. Just
was like, oh, not a chance. And so afterwards we're

in the limo and I'll never forget it, and we're
all toasting, you know, and I'm the one, of course
who's like, you know, everyone's raise a glass to Trista,
and now I'm like trying to protect myself. So I'm like, Trista,
I just want to say, you know, this has to
be really difficult for you to be on a group
day like this with a bunch of people. And I
hope you don't think that if someone doesn't try to

kiss you on the beach, that you know that means
they're not interested in you. Or find you Lovely and wonderful,
and Jamie Blie looked at me one I'm like, just like,
if someone does try to kiss you on the beach,
that doesn't mean that they're you know, the total leach.
You know, we're all but it was like so funny
because Tristy, you just handled it so great. You would
just giggle and make it all nice and we'd be like, Okay,

now we're moving on, you know.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
Yeah, anyway, I feel like that's that's totally different from
like back those days. You know, I was very intentional
about not being physical with people or at least giving
into it when I really truly felt it. And now
it's like everyone kisses their everyone, like everyone.

Speaker 1 (35:53):
Is the first night right want So.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
It's hard to watch.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
So I knowing that it's changed a lot, it's evolved,
the show has evolved a lot. If my friends are
my kids ever wanted to see it, at least I
can preface preface things, and then also like if they
ever wanted to go on the show, I would just
have some conversations.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
Yeah, guiding conversations.

Speaker 3 (36:17):

Speaker 4 (36:17):

Speaker 1 (36:28):
I always thought Tenley was going to be a bachelorette.
I remember after watching Jake's season and then especially after
watching the post season interview that the two of them
did remember that yeah, And I remember watching that going,
oh my god, like who would do? Who? I mean,

I was just blown away. But I remember literally from
watching like night one of that show, I remember thinking,
Tenley is going to be the next bachelorette. There's no
ask you.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
Yeah, the conversation not like not like a proposal, but
Alan definitely was kind of I felt like he was
kind of pursuing me because he would come to my
house in Huntington Beach and he'd hang out with my
family and stuff. I felt like they were still kind
of keeping close, Like I mean, I wanted to believe

that he was a true friend and he was. But
at the same time, I felt like once it was
offered to Ali that then I things changed. So but
they definitely had dangled some stars in my eyes, Like
I remember coming home from Saint Lucia after being dumped

and not being proposed to, which you know, I know
was just definitely the best way for me to go.
But anyways, they were like, oh, Dancing with the Stars
and maybe the Bachelor Wrette, like all of these things
that were definitely sounded really cool. But you know what,
I for sure would have been a horrible bachelorette. I

don't think that I, my heart could have handled it.
It is Oh, it is hard, and I think I
would have. I mean, how do you, like, I know
that you just have to you have to put it
in the work and stuff because I watched them, But
I think I would have picked out a guy within
the first like my top guy, like I really could

and my heart beat, like I'd let my heart go
all into him. How do you fake it and put
on a show like I don't know that I could
have had for me too.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
Yeah, yeah, I get that, But you just, I guess
you just compartmentalize, you know, you you try to keep
it separate for every person.

Speaker 1 (38:46):
I know it's tough.

Speaker 3 (38:49):
I can't even imagine. So, but yeah, life obviously went
the right way for me. It was kind of until
I finally met the one. But here we are, okay,
that's okay. I love those kind of stories.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
It didn't matter when because you have the rest of
your lives together.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
So yes, and you know what I think too, it's
like one of those things too. I mean, I can
say this from my my Bachelor, my Bescherett and bachelor
experience of course, but as long as it ends up
in the right place, you know, all of those experiences
are what got you there, right, So, Like, I mean,
I think about that, and I hate to ask this question,
but I you know, it's on a list of questions
to ask, so I hope you don't mind me asking it.

But uh, most recently one of your ex'es showed up
on Instagram with uh, with his new partner, right, So,
Kifton and Angela kind of went public on Instagram? And
do you keep up with any of that stuff? And
you know, is that something that you saw happening or
you thought you could see happening if you knew both

obviously new Kipton, but if you knew Angela as well
from seeing her on TV, did you kind of see
that happening? And you know, what are your thoughts on that? Well?

Speaker 3 (39:58):
From Okay, So we live kind of in a small
town and he's the reason why I ended up where
I live and then I ended up meeting my husband
because I lived here, so that that all worked out great.
And I'm very happy for them because I think I
think he's you know, it's been years since we were together.
This is the first like real public relationship he's had

besides the mother of his child, and that was after
close after we had broken up. But yeah, so I
think that this is a big deal. But what I
have seen it coming between the two of them. I
do not know how they met. But what's funny is
our little small town I don't even need to get

into the details, but yeah, I had heard like he
had a girlfriend and who she was because of another
one of my friends who's in the franchise too, Crystal Nielsen.
We're now. She was taking plot's at our girlfriend's plate
studio and there was Kip and she's like, oh, hey,
weren't you Tellley's X, you know, And they started talking

and Angela used to be friends with Crystal and so she,
oh my god, what And then I'm like, wait, the
rest of my circle was yeah, no, KIVI and I
run into each other not very often, but we do,
and and it's always cordial and fine and wonderful. But
I mean, my church is across the street from his house.

Speaker 1 (41:26):
Over seen each.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
Other, but it's just like there, you know, there there's
lots of ties and stuff, but Yeah. It's so funny
how small the world it is, because I think it
was like three weeks ago that I kind of got
the news that he was in a relationship with somebody
from the show or the franchise, and I was like, oh,
that's how did they meet? You know? So I don't

know the story, but happy for them, especially because if
they've gone public with it, and I think it's been
like over a year that they've been together, so oh wow,
that's what it's heard the public. Wow. Yeah, I mean
I think it's a big deal. So I'm happy for it,
especially if this is the one for him or for her.

Speaker 1 (42:10):
So funny, You're so you're so sweet, isn't it nice?
Like I think about a lot of time, like when
someone you know, like for example, with my season, when
Estella finally got married and I was like, oh she,
Oh my god, she's so good, right, I love her studio,
but I was so happy for her because she's so
sweet and wonderful and kind, and it was like people were,

you know, people are like, well are you are you
excited for her? I'm like, what do you think? Of
course I am. I mean I loved her, so I'm
very excited for her and I want her to be
as happy as I am. And you know, when you
see someone who hasn't found that person, when you know
what's inside of them and you know it's like to
then when they finally do, you're just sort of like, Okay,
it's not like it's your responsibility for them to be

happy in their lives. But once they finally are, you
can kind of go, Okay, I can get back to
my life now or something. I don't even know you.

Speaker 3 (43:01):
But and then for me also like my life is
established and I finally found the person that I was
actually meant to be with and stuff, and he was
and Kip was definitely a part of my journey and
getting there and growing up and learning things about myself
and just you know, past relationships are a big part
of your life. But at the same time, like you know,

it's not something I think about on a daily basis,
but when it came up the great news And also
just really funny how like actually tied into my there's
details of it all that are just so funny of
how small my world is that is funny. But yeah, Stella,
I love her, She's I love.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
That you go with it that you're doing her class
Like I love.

Speaker 3 (43:42):
That when I'm not pregnant. Yeah, but she is so
sweet and then she actually, long time ago, when I
was dating Kip, she briefly went on a few dates
with one of Kip's friends, so we all know, way
back when.

Speaker 1 (43:56):
That's awesome.

Speaker 3 (43:58):
Yeah, the.

Speaker 1 (44:00):
Oh my gosh, I would like.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
To see a tree of all of us, like how
you know how they connect everyone, because there are a
lot of connections that I think that.

Speaker 3 (44:11):
We don't even know about. I bet there's tons of connections.
I mean, I had a few other little things, but together,
we don't need to go there. But yeah, it's it's
so funny, but there should be some sort of like yeah,
family tree, just out of just for comedic or out

of curiosity, some sort of like intertwining or like Oprah
special of.

Speaker 1 (44:42):
Yes, what is it that has like a billion branches?
Because that would be my tree and I don't even
want to look at that, no desire. I just need
to see that.

Speaker 3 (44:54):
It would take forever.

Speaker 7 (44:55):
It would take, Yeah, it would take forever. Bob, you're
that old. That's I know you weren't saying it that way.

Speaker 2 (45:09):
I just like to I just like to harass him
because he's just that much older than me.

Speaker 1 (45:13):
I I'm an ancient, I'm a fossil, like we always
say that. You know, Trista's like the fairy godmother of
the franchise, and I'm the grandfather, like the great great
grandfather of the franchise. You're the bob father, the bob father.
There we go, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 3 (45:35):
Okay, Well, we have loved seeing you.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
I love seeing you like I wish he was just
in person.

Speaker 5 (45:41):
Please give ral.

Speaker 2 (45:42):
A humongous hug, and thank Taylor for letting us borrow
you for a minute.

Speaker 3 (45:48):
And good luck with delivery.

Speaker 5 (45:50):
I can't wait to see beautiful baby girl. Thank you.

Speaker 3 (45:53):
Yeah, prayers, and if you don't mind, just put in
an extra like request with God that this baby will come,
you know, maybe two weeks early. That would be lovely.

Speaker 1 (46:03):
There you go. When is the When is the You
said May? When is it? Okay? So two weeks early
would be May eighth, which is a magical day. That's
my birthday. There we go, babies, all right.

Speaker 3 (46:17):
Not too early because my mom doesn't get here until
the tenth and I need my mom to be here
for us.

Speaker 1 (46:23):

Speaker 2 (46:27):
I love you, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (46:29):
Thank you so much, so.

Speaker 3 (46:31):
Happy to have seen both of you, and hope everything's
well for both of you two.

Speaker 1 (46:37):
Thank you very much, Bye guys, Bye Trista.

Speaker 2 (46:41):
She is so lovely Jesus as she's one of my
all time daves, like one of my probably closest friends
from the franchise that you know that's not a lead
or whatever.

Speaker 1 (46:52):
But yeah, you two have a lot. I've always thought
when I the couple times that I got to spend
time with her, she reminds me of you a lot
of ways, like you guys have similar similar characters.

Speaker 2 (47:03):
A huge compliment.

Speaker 1 (47:04):
I need it as one, I sincerely do, I think
for both of you. I mean, I think it's a
nice compliment. You guys are both like very you pay
attention to the people you're talking to, and you know,
it's just it's nice. You like engage and you listen
and you laugh and you you know, share parallels and
stuff like that. And she's just I mean, only she
would Obviously I was feeling so awkward to ask her

the Kipton question, and only she can make me feel
good about it, you know, I was like, oh, thank God,
she's so sweet about it.

Speaker 2 (47:32):
You know, he is sweetest. I mean, she truly won
the Disney Princess, so like, yeah, she's sugar, sugar from
the cane, like sugar from the cane.

Speaker 1 (47:44):
Amen. Well, we've got a lot of great stuff coming up.
Obviously having ten Leon is just the tip of the iceberg,
but a beautiful tip of the iceberg, of course. And
I'm so excited because we've got We've got so much
lined up over the coming weeks. So you know, thank
you guys so much for listening in and for requesting

more of the ogs. We'd love it.

Speaker 2 (48:07):
And I actually, with that note, I would love to
hear from people. If there's anyone that you just wonder
what's going on in their lives from early seasons, someone
that you really liked, I'd love to hear from you.
I'm sure Bob would too. So if you want to
reach out to the almost famous Instagram page and just

DM them and give them some requests, we would love that.

Speaker 1 (48:33):
We would. And you know, it's funny after hearing Tenley talk,
I mean, someone I haven't even thought to reach out
to is Jake Vivalca.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
So okay, I have a story, Yes, and when you
first mentioned it or when his name was brought up.
I was like, oh my gosh, you just reminded me.
He reached out to me on Instagram like last week,
and I forgot that. I like like text messages and dms.
I swear if I don't write back right that second,

then I forget or it gets buried or whatever. So
I am going to write him right now. He wrote
me and just said, hey, how is everything. I just
wanted to check in and say hi.

Speaker 1 (49:13):
I was like that, we've got to have him on,
and you know, I want to give a special shout
out to one of our one of our listeners, Angela.
You know Angela. After every one of our podcasts, will
you know, she'll reach out and she'll write something and
she'll be like, you know, I was listening to the show,
and you know, it's just always like she's really just
very sweet, and you know she listened to our last

podcast with Avan. Yeah, she she reached out listened to
our last podcast with Avan and reached out about that
and just was like talking about how sweet he seems
to be, and she loves how compassionate you are, and
just you know, how funny we are together. And I
just I love her recaps because it makes me feel like,
I don't know, it makes me feel like somebody's listening

and someone actually cares and you know, it's paying attention.
It's not just my mom. So that's yes, Like my
mom's like, oh, you guys have the best podcast. Like mom,
you don't even know how to listen to a podcast.
I send it to you, I know, but I really
love it. I just really love it.

Speaker 7 (50:15):
Oh Okay, we love you, moms, We love you.

Speaker 3 (50:19):
Shout out to her moms and to angle.

Speaker 2 (50:22):
Up and and then yeah to everyone out there. If
you have any request, just reach out on the Instagram
page or DMUs directly of course, but always fun chatting
and uh we'll talk to you next time.

Speaker 3 (50:35):
Bye, everybody,
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