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May 15, 2024 • 20 mins

We have our first Golden Bachelorette! Ben and Ashley are on with our Bachelor Nation OGs Bob Guiney and Trista Sutter to try and predict what we can expect from this season, what challenges Joan might face, and what this means for the future of the franchise!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast
with iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Hey guys, welcome to a breaking news segment of the
Almost Manic Podcast. So we got our Golden Bachelorette announcement.
We've been waiting for a long time to find out
who's gonna be the Golden Bachelorette, and I think it
was a surprise, but it's a great surprise. It is
Joan Vass. We guys probably remember Joan as being the

mom who left about mid season with Gary because she
had a daughter who had just had a baby and
she was going through about of bad postpartum depression. And
Joan is stunning, has definitely been a fan favorite. It
seemed like her her relationship with Gary was definitely cut short.
She probably had potential to go pretty far. And now

Joan gets a whole new chance with the whole cast
of guys. And she's from my hometown area, so she's
from the DMV. She's from the Bethesda Chevy Chase area
of Maryland, and I am very happy about this pick.
What about you, guys, We have Bob getting here to
just chime in on his opinion from you know, because
we have the the Almost Famous ogs, and he is

one of our OG's. And then of course that's my
lovely and beautiful and wonderful and fantastic Massic, the host
of Ben Higgins.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Guys Are Wild, Bob, I would love to hear your
thoughts on this first. This is obviously a big deal,
and she is the first. She is the trista setter
of The gold Bachelorette.

Speaker 4 (01:29):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
I love it.

Speaker 4 (01:31):
I actually when we were out in California for the
almost start for the Golden Bachelor finale, I hung out
with her and I got I got a chance to
interview her and talk with her a little bit, and
I just I loved her, like honestly, God, it was
one of those things where I was like, what a shame,
you know that we didn't get to know her better

on the show, because the person I got to talk
to I just adored. And so I'm really excited for it.
I mean, I think she's you know, actually said she's stunning.
She's it's crazy to think she's sixty one. She doesn't,
she doesn't look sixty one. But on top of that,
she's got a great I think, just a vivaciousness, you
know about her, which I thought was really intriguing, and

then her priorities are straight, right. I mean, I love
that she went home for her child. I think, you know,
at the end of the day, like that's that's what
you want to see someone do, is put their children first,
and she did it, and I think that was awesome
and so good things come to good people.

Speaker 5 (02:28):
So I'm fired up.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
I'm gonna I'm gonna watch if they do the same
type of casting like they did for Gary season, where
it's age appropriate casting, which I loved. I think is
gonna be a great season, and hopefully it'll be like
Trista's season was, where you know, I was one of
the guys on that season and we just got along
so well, the whole crew did, and so I'm really
hopeful that, you know, we see something like that again

with the Golden Bachelorette. So I'll be watching.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
Maybe she'll set the president of being married for the
next twenty plus years like Trista, like Trista did.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
Yeah, exactly, Yeah, I mean, the the Golden Bacheler kind
of left us all, you know now I think with
sort of a different taste in our mouth than we
had originally. So I'm excited to see how the season goes.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
Bob, my am I right, And we did so much
that evening at the Golden at the Mansion Bachelor Mansion,
when we recorded the podcast, we interviewed her together, right, we.

Speaker 4 (03:23):
Did, Yeah, you and me and Trista actually or was
it no, it's just you and me. You're right, it
was you and I and then Trista came in later,
so uh, I think, but yeah, yeah, we talked with
her together, and I mean, I think we both walked
out of there feeling like, Wow, she's awesome. Like I mean,
I I've got to say, for all of all the
people I've met from the show, I've really all. I've
enjoyed all of them. But I think I just think

she's the right pick. I really do.

Speaker 5 (03:48):

Speaker 3 (03:48):
The thing that stands out to me is now we
have a better understanding of what the Golden Bachelor and
Bachelor it is going to be. Like the time, you know,
the age range, we kind of know they're going to
go maybe higher with the men, like closer to seventy
the women. You know, she's sixty one. She is gorgeous.
I mean she is, she is beautiful, she is stunning.

I'm still not convinced that she was that into Gary.
I don't know how that all played out. I do
think there was some intrigue, but she did leave early
on in the season. So for her to be picked
over the leslies of the world is a little shocking.
You know, that's surprising for most I you know, being

around so many of these Golden women and they're awesome,
Like they're so much fun, they have so much energy.
The Kathy's and the Susans, We've been able to be
around so many times, and they're just, you know, joys
to hang out with. You know, they Kathy and Susan
not as much saying Hey, I want to be the
Golden Bachelorette. They've never made that as clear, but a

lot of the women have made it very clear that
they would love to be the Golden Bachelorette. That was
something they were after. And Joan even told us that
she would, you know, consider it and be very into
it and be very interested in it. And with her,
it did feel like she was made for it, Like
when she would speak about becoming the lead, she was
kind of made for that role. And I imagine now

that the men that will be casted are coming out
of the woodwork, like I would think. Now they're like, Okay, No,
this is somebody I'm into. This is somebody I'm interested
in totally. I'm coming out now like this. I was
waiting to see who they were gonna choose. They chose Joan.
That's who I want. We're after, Like, we're going right,
don't you think that now?

Speaker 5 (05:35):

Speaker 2 (05:36):
Yeah, I mean she's undeniably hot.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
She is.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
She does have a poise.

Speaker 5 (05:42):
Do we know much about her background?

Speaker 4 (05:44):

Speaker 5 (05:44):
I do.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
Okay, can you fill us in a little bit, because honestly,
I don't know Joan well, like we don't know her
from the show very well outside of obviously I think
Gary being very interested and in her obviously making her
priorities right and leaving when she left. Give us a
remind us who Joan is and what her story is.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Joan has four kids, Nicholas, Erica, Luke, and Alison, and
she is a grandmother the two grandchildren. And I have
to say she was very so sweet to me. We
were at the same table at the Golden wedding and
I was holding back the vomit and I wasn't telling everybody.
I wasn't making this big declaration right. But I had

Raven and Jade next to me, and they knew, and
I just was like looking at my plate and like
I was just like, how how much longer do I
have to sit here? Out of politeness? And I just
looked over at Joan because I was just not making
any conversation with anyone, and I go, I'm sorry, I'm pregnant,

and she goes, I pretty much knew that. She's like,
my daughter just gave birth. You look like a pregnant
woman right now.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
He was very sweet that I'm glad that you think
that's sweet, because I could never say that to somebody
and somebody be like that.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
No, she was just like I figured it wasn't because
I looked like huge.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
It was because she was like that.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Girl can't look at the salad plate right now. So
Joan was married for thirty two years to her husband John,
who passed away from pancreatic cancer. After losing her husband,
she found solace in the music of Elton John. So
I love her for that, spending time with her dog
and cooking. And she is a school administrator in Rockville, Maryland.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
You know, it's interesting, like one of the things I
am kind of taking away from the split, Gary's Golden Split,
there was an element that I never thought about. Honestly,
when when we know no concept of the show was
dropped and everything, you do kind of realize that, you know,
the one thing when this younger cast is people are

probably more willing to just pop and move or take
a chance, you know, things of that nature.

Speaker 5 (08:02):
And when they're at this stage in their lives.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
And they're close to their grandkids and things like that,
you know it will be interesting like will somebody who's
on the show who proposes to Joan be willing to
move to Rockville, Maryland, you know, or whatever it's called.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
Well, now we really need to make sure that this conversation.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
Is that, Yeah, let's talk about it day one, can't we?

Speaker 5 (08:27):

Speaker 3 (08:27):
This should be this should be going into hey, are
you here for the right reasons? Are you ready for marriage?

Speaker 5 (08:33):
Right? Following that should be are you willing to move?
Or am I willing to move? And yeah, like where
are you living in the world? And what are your
plans now for the future.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
I mean, if that really was the breaking point and
I am done sharing what I've heard was the breaking
point with Gary and Teresa, because that just blew up.
I mean, I've never had so many articles written about
something I said on this podcast in my life. If
it really is where they're moving to is the biggest issue,

then that is an essential question. But to kind of
close out this breaking news podcast where Joan is announced
as the Golden Bachelorette, here's the thing that's cool, Here's
the thing that we should all celebrate, is, you know,
the Bachelor and Bachelorette for years kind of gave us
an inside look into what dating was like at the
beginning when Bob was just an all star on this

show and still is. You know, we were understanding now
for the first time ever, what real life dating look like.
There are so many questions of am.

Speaker 5 (09:36):
I weird on dates? Am I asking the right questions
on dates? Are my intentions right on dates? And then
The Bachelorette and The.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Bachelor gave us that glimpse of what it looks like
for humans to fall in love, and we have enjoyed
that now for twenty six, seven, eight nine seasons the
Golden Show. We were still curious of what does it
look like to date? You know, at in life? What
are the questions you ask? What are the things that
are going to be breaking points? What are the things

you're interested in? And now we're understanding it. So our
first nugget of truth is as you get older in date,
where you're living and the roots that you've already set up,
how important are they to you to move from or
not move from? That is the first thing. And so
now we know if you're sixty seventy eighty years old

and you're going on dates for the first time in
a while, one of the big questions you need to
start asking, because of what the Golden Show has shown us,
is are you willing to transplant?

Speaker 5 (10:34):
Are you willing to move?

Speaker 2 (10:36):
Well? I hope that they end up casting a couple
of last minute guys from at least the general area.
I also think that when you get grandkids involved, so
because I also think when you get grandkids involved, you're
even less willing to move.

Speaker 4 (10:52):
Yeah, agreed, Yeah, I mean I can say I can
say honestly like, if my mom were to fall in
love with someone my dad died a few years, I'd
be like, well, when when's he moving here?

Speaker 1 (11:03):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 4 (11:04):
You know your life is here, mom, you have your
grandkids here, you know, so I move across the country
to be close to you, so you could have a
life with your grandchildren. Where the hell are you going? Yeah,
I mean I think I would be. I would feel
that way. So yeah, there's definitely that element, you know.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
That's very fair. Well, Bob, we really appreciate you coming
on obviously. I'm sure you and Trista on the Almost
Famous Ogs will be talking about this a lot here
in the upcoming weeks. It's going to be really exciting.
I'm very excited to get Trista's opinion also on The
Golden Bachelorette because obviously Joan and Trista are now sitting

at the highest point on the show as the first
you know, leads in their respective seasons, and so Trista
I think, is going to have a really cool perspective
on this as well. And also, if you don't mind,
Bob as a listener, I would love to get Trista's
advice for Joan, like, how do you do this?

Speaker 4 (11:59):

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Navigate this well, you know, because we haven't seen it before.
So we'll be listening to Almost Famous Ogs to get
your opinions on this announcement.

Speaker 4 (12:10):
Thanks, guys.

Speaker 6 (12:10):
Yeah, well, we'll definitely.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
Talk about I just want to ask, like, where's Trista
Because Ryan's Instagram post on Mother's Day was cryptic, not
in a bad way, but like it was like she's taking
a bad way.

Speaker 5 (12:23):
I was freaking out. I was like, what's happening?

Speaker 2 (12:26):
He's away for two weeks? Apparently Ali Mano Ali Feeder
Tawski is also a way for two weeks had a
very similar post, So like, she's shooting a show. Is
she on Special Forces? Because I told her she'd be
perfect for Special Forces?

Speaker 1 (12:42):
She may well be.

Speaker 4 (12:43):
I'm not, I'm not. I know that she.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Calling these things.

Speaker 4 (12:49):
You are so good?

Speaker 5 (12:50):
I love ite. Is she's still gone?

Speaker 3 (12:54):
She's doing okay, which means if Trista Sutter and I tris,
if she wins the freaking show, then we have to
question what in the world is the Bachelor doing when
it comes to casting, because we I might be tougher
than I ever thought I was.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
There, you go, it is your turn next.

Speaker 3 (13:15):
Goodness would be the one that goes on my week
when I'm like, I'm sorry, guys, I don't got it.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
You would would, then you would excel. You would be
the for Peter. I'm already seeing the future. I'm so excited. Okay,
well not a confirmer, deny that that's what's going on.
I'm just guessing because reality show that trist would be
gratefuld for for who knows.

Speaker 4 (13:35):
Okay, yeah, all right, guys, thank you appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
So obviously in our conversation with Bob, we are very
interested in Trista's thoughts about the announcement of.

Speaker 5 (13:58):
The Golden Bachelorette.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
Well, we were lucky enough wherever she's at right now
in the world, and none of us really know.

Speaker 5 (14:06):
And I mean that.

Speaker 3 (14:07):
That Trista shared with us a little voice memo, breaking
the kind of silence that she's had for the last
few weeks, sharing her thoughts about the Golden Bachelorette announcement.
Let's bring Trista in now with her note.

Speaker 6 (14:23):
Okay, so this is Trista, and I am so excited
for Joan.

Speaker 7 (14:28):
I love her.

Speaker 6 (14:30):
I love that she's getting a second chance because she
prioritized her family and headed back home when her daughter
needed her. I so respect that as a mom and
I just adore her. She has the best personality. She

is stunning. She has incredible values of family first, friends,
like just respect.

Speaker 7 (15:01):
She is so.

Speaker 6 (15:03):
Friendly and kind, and I think she's so willing to
be vulnerable with everybody, and that to me is endearing
about a lead. I really feel like all the leads
should be willing to share, and I know that she
will be. She's at a point in her life where
I think that she's been able to find light and

joy in life after losing her husband, and I think
she's ready, and so.

Speaker 7 (15:37):
I'm just so excited.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
At the wedding, we at the Golden Wedding, we talked
about it and whether she wanted to be the Bachelorette,
and she definitely did. She was very excited to be considered.
And I actually talked to Millsie Robert Mills, who's the
ABC exec and as all of you all know, and.

Speaker 7 (16:02):
Just asked like, Okay, who are you considering?

Speaker 6 (16:05):
And now I can say this because it's not spoiling anything,
but Joan was at the top of their list. There
was another person that I won't share the name, because
you know, I don't know what happened, if they actually
talked to her or not, but I know that Joan
was at the top of their list, and I wholeheartedly

agreed with him. She was at the top of my
list during the show as well. So love her. I
am just so excited for her. It is going to
be a beautiful journey, and I really hope I get
to be part of it in some way.

Speaker 2 (16:42):
You know.

Speaker 6 (16:42):
I was part of the pickleball date for Gary, and
I would love to go back and surprise her and
help her in any way, shape or form that I can.
Hopefully it's doing something fun. Hopefully it's doing something at all.
Maybe Bob can come with me anyway so that he

doesn't hold this against me too, or if I get
the chance that he doesn't hold that against me too. Oh,
we got the We had the pleasure of talking to
Joan on our podcast, The ogs Uh, and she just
is so articulate and so intelligent, and she's just ready

for this. I know she's ready for this, and I
just hope that America gets behind her, because I know
dealing with social media and opinions are really difficult.

Speaker 7 (17:41):
At any age.

Speaker 4 (17:43):

Speaker 6 (17:44):
One thing that she said that I really resonated with
was that when you get older, you get forgotten and
or how did she say it, When you get older
you kind of disappear.

Speaker 7 (18:03):
And that made me so sad.

Speaker 6 (18:06):
Because I feel that I feel that in a way
when my kids go away after high school, which I do,
I don't even want to get into because I'll start falling.
And I know it's just a couple of years. It's
a couple of years away, so I've got some time,
but I just it breaks my heart to even think about.

And so when our kids are gone, not that life
will stop, obviously, I get to enjoy life with my
husband afterwards, but when they move off and or move
away and start creating their own families.

Speaker 7 (18:44):
And I will be there for that. I'm so excited.
I can wait. No rush in that respect, but.

Speaker 6 (18:53):
That will be the next chapter of my life and
I definitely will fully enjoy that chapter. But having them
not live with us and have them be part of
our lives every single day, every single second of every
single day, will be difficult. And I think that as

they leave and create their own families, that you do
kind of disappear into the shadows.

Speaker 7 (19:20):
I know it's not dark shadows all the time.

Speaker 6 (19:23):
It can be beautiful shadows, but you know, they do
deserve to create their own lives and go off and
fly and sore. So it's just sad to think that
as we get older that we disappear, so she is.

Speaker 7 (19:41):
Proving that we do not disappear.

Speaker 6 (19:44):
She is going to be.

Speaker 7 (19:46):
The opposite of disappearing.

Speaker 6 (19:48):
She will be fully present and I cannot wait to
watch her journey.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
Congratulations Joan, Thank you Trista for that, Thanks for taking
time out of whatever you're doing.

Speaker 5 (20:00):
Thoughts and with that, that's been the Almost Famous podcast.

Speaker 3 (20:02):
Breaking news, Joan was announced as our next and our
first Golden Bachelorette.

Speaker 5 (20:09):
So until next time, I've been, Ben.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Been Ashley Bye.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
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