All Episodes

May 3, 2024 57 mins

Kaitlyn Bristowe is back with Ben and Ashley for an honest and raw conversation. Kaitlyn and Ben hold nothing back when discussing Jason Tartick’s appearance on Chris Harrison’s podcast, and they each open up about feelings that could change their friendship forever. 

We hear how Kaitlyn is processing her break-up with Jason, and how she’s moved on from the end of her relationship with Shawn Booth.

Ben and Ashley dig deep with Kaitlyn as she grieves friendships and past loves, while looking toward the future. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I almost famous podcast
with iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
It's almost famous podcast. And honestly I would say this.
Ashley correct me if I'm wrong, but definitely we could
argue that our favorite person within the Bachelor franchise is
with us today.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Well, I mean, you're eliminating a lot of our friends,
which is kind of rude, but definitely, you know, somebody
on the.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Top of this, my friends. I don't even think about
it right now. I can't even name my friends.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Someone on your wedding guest list and mine and you
know I had you know, well, you had four hundred
people at your wedding, So I'm not sure what that says.
But I get my friends to my friends and yes,
she's here. She's wonderful, She's one of our favorites. It's
Caitlyn Burstow.

Speaker 4 (00:51):
Wow, that was so nice. I didn't know you felt
that way about me. Ben, I like, I feel like
I always like poke your buttons or like press your buttons.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
And oh you do, oh you do? Oh you made
me so mad.

Speaker 4 (01:02):
Sometimes I make myself mad sometimes.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Goodness gracious, I try so hard to love you and
sometimes it's really hard.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Oh you guys, it's hard. I'm hard to love. Apparently
I'm learning that the hard way.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
Okay, which is funny because on your season of the Bachelorette,
I was the one that told you that I felt
unlovable and I meant it and it has been a
marker on my life ever since. Then.

Speaker 4 (01:30):
Well the tables have turned, my friend. You're now married
and I am not, and I feel unlovable.

Speaker 2 (01:37):
Yeah, I just found a nice enough girl. She's sweetheart, Caitlin.
We're here for many reasons today. One, we just want
to catch up with you and hear about your life,
and you're always up to incredible stuff. I mean, I
think we're both in awe of what you've made and
done from this world. But also because publicly you've hated

me for the last like two months, I guess, and
I never knew about it, and then all of a sudden,
I did and we had to talk about it on.

Speaker 5 (02:04):
It but also neither did anyone else.

Speaker 3 (02:07):
And now you're just creating public drama because you happened.

Speaker 5 (02:12):
Yeah, look at Bachelor Nation, what is it? Bachelor Nation? Gossip?

Speaker 2 (02:18):

Speaker 3 (02:19):
I think Scoop would know about this, But it's okay
because we do want you guys to chat about this hilarity.

Speaker 4 (02:26):
I do you feel like Bachelor Nation scoop or like
those kinds of pages. I don't know why, but they're
following like like hates me to my core. And it's
so tough because anytime they post something, obviously I want
to partake in my own abuse and shop for Payton
and read all the comments and so I literally just like,
holy crap, people hate me. But it's so bizarre. But

I was like, okay, well you start. What was your
side of the story, Ben.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Okay, So here's my side of the story. So here's
a little background on how we got here today. And
it's not gonna be where we sit for the whole show.
It's not that important, and it really isn't. It's more funny,
and I do want to celebrate Kaitlin and everything she's
up to. But here's what happened. Here's my perspective. We
had a trip to Monterey, California a few months ago

that Ashley wasn't able to attend. Chris Harrison was there
with Lauren Zema. Wells was there because he lives there
with his brother. Dean and Kaylan were there. Jason was
there as an invitee Ashley can attest to this. Jason
was invited for many reasons. We don't always know who's
gonna be there though, like we don't always have control

of who the invite list. We just asked for people
that we like. I obviously am friends with Jason. That's
not a secret, doesn't need to be a secret, but
we have kind of during these times, like we all
sit in on each other's shows, we pound out a
bunch of shows at one time because we're all in
one space. So this evening that we're talking about, I
was on a show, Chris Harrison's show that he co

hosts with Lauren Zema, and Jason was the guest, and
so I was a part of this interview. Well, supposedly
this interview went sideways at some point. I'll be honest,
this was after dinner. I couldn't tell you two things
of what I said until I had to re listen
to it, but pretty much I remember sitting in that

room being like, here's a deal. I'm friends with Jason,
I'm friends with Caitlin. I know Caitlyn very well. My
job here is to get However, Jason's feeling out of
him and then sit in that and never pick sides.
There's no sides to choose here. I don't know what
side to choose. So that interview comes out and Bacheloration

Scoop does this thing where they show that Caitlyn is
very upset with somebody from the franchise, and I immediately
text Ashley Ashley did I not and say, Kaitlyn's not
mad at us, right, Like, I don't know why she
would be, but I just had this feeling that she's
mad at me.

Speaker 5 (04:56):
Yeah, I know. I was like I saw her like
a week and a half ago. I don't think it's us.
I think she would have texted me directly.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
I would hope she would text me directly, Like I
hope she'd be like, hey, Ben, you're a jerk, Like
why would you do this to me on air publicly?
And so I was like, yeah, she can't be mad
at me. Well, then all of a sudden, the rumors start.
I get started needing these messages that like why, like
Caitlyn's so mad at you? And then some of them
are like how could you do this to Caitlin? Like
you're and I was like, I don't know what I

did to Kaitlin. So I had to relisten. I was like,
I didn't really do anything to Kaylin. I was like
very balanced here. So I had to text Caitlin and
I was like, Kaitlin, if I hurt you, I am
so sorry. The last thing I want to do in
my life is hurt Caitlyn Bristow. Kaitlin Bristow and I
can talk about her all day has a huge impact
on who I am as a person's to day and
a part of my story. I don't want to hurt Kaitlin.

And she said I didn't hurt her, and so then
we're like, well, I don't know what's happening here. So
that's when I'll transition to you, Caitlin. Is all these
rumors start swirling. You're upset about an interview that was done.
You felt hurt by it, which is fair, and I
don't want to take that away from you. But why
were people associating that with being upse with me?

Speaker 4 (06:06):
Okay? So I think everyone by this point knows that
I wear all feelings on my sleeve and I just
like react with emotion and my feelings get hurt very easily.
And I think that's like a big misunderstanding about me.
People would always say, like, what is one thing people
wouldn't know about you? I think people think I'm like

really tough and like rough around the edges and like
shit doesn't bother me. But I actually am like really
sensitive and I've been going through like in the last
I would say, year, I feel like I'm somehow more
sensitive than I ever have been. And so what hurt me?
It wasn't you at all. You got looped into the

group because I was emotional and I was hurt by
other things, and you just happen to be there. So
I should have not said these three men, I'm so
angry blah blah blah. Should have said two of the
men were pissing me off, and I should have left
you out of it. But it was just I was
in this I don't know dark place and we all

know how like the doom scrolling goes, and how your
emotions can just like hit like rock bottom sometimes scrolling
and you start thinking, like what I was thinking is
how is this breakup still having this shelf life? And
then I heard Chris Harrison say, like, are you surprised
at how long this breakup is having his shelf life,
and I'm like, well, it's because we all keep talking

about it, and like the breakup with Sean is even
still having shelf life sometimes, like that's kind of the
nature of a bachelor relationship. So I understand that it
was more just like I think. I think Jason was
like outwardly so hurt and I was inwardly really hurting,
and he was allowed to have his emotions and process

that however he likes, so if he needs to talk
about it, go on podcast, do whatever. I was like
feeling like, Okay, I hurt him, but like internally I'm
really hurting, And it felt like I have gone through
historically so much drama, so much drama with Chris Harrison.
It just felt like I felt like we were finally
in a good place again. He's somebody that like I

looked up to as a mentor in my life, as
a father figure, as a friend, and we'd been through
so much through like the hosting stuff, and like we
kind of got back on the same page. And of
course I was at his wedding and I love Lauren
so much, and I felt like we were back in
this place where I don't know, I didn't expect, like
him to be like poking for you know, Jason to
come on and talk. And it just felt like like

I speak to Jason every once in a while because
of dogs, and he's like, you know, I talked to
Chris Harrison every day and he's really been there for me,
and it kind of felt like I'm still grieving this
friendship and relationship with Chris that I always thought I had,
and I just get so emotional over things, and I
think I just take it to social media sometimes when
I shouldn't. And I hate when people think I do

that for attention because I actually hate the attention that
comes from it because I get anxiety and then I go,
why did I do that?

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Why did I do that?

Speaker 4 (09:06):
But I'm just such an open book at all times,
and you know, you just never know what mood I'm
going to be, and I'm either soft, spicy, or mad.
And that day I was angry and I felt like
I was just hurting. I was just hurting.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
I get I get where you're hurting. I know Chris
loves you a lot, and I know you respects you
probably very similarly to how he feels about me. I'm
sure he's been really upset with me at times, but
also finds me as a trusted, you know, partner at
some level within this wild franchise. So my question there is,

if you hate the attention, why do you do it?

Speaker 4 (09:53):
I don't have an answer for that. I true, it's
I don't like the attention of trying to be a
victim or you know, like being on the Reddit or
whatever the where the negative people like to like hate
on me. I don't like that attention I like I clearly,
like anyone who goes on a television show, likes attention

to some degree. Of course, I like attention to some degree.
I like getting attention on my podcast. I like getting
attention on my social media in a positive light. Sometimes
it's just I can't be perfect and I can't nail
my emotions every time and how I react to things,
and I'm kind of just like a hot mess at times,
and that comes across and then I get the attention

that I don't like, and then I always learn from it,
because anytime I do something that backfires on me, it's
an opportunity for me to go, Okay, let's not do
that again, or let's learn from it. And I feel
like I've just been on this freaking healing journey of
like who I actually am and what I want and
it's been like such a roller coaster and to navigate
it all on social media. Because I'm such an open,

open person, it gets so confusing. Like I think I
confuse myself. I think I confuse people who follow me.
But I'm just I just am who I am, and
it's it's frustrating for myself sometimes.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
I think when it comes to social media, when like
we vent about anything, it we like the fact that
we get support and like you get people relating to
you where it's like, oh my gosh, I've been there,
like and then you feel better about your whatever you're
venting about.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
I mean, vulnerability creates connection. Community creates connection. Sometimes when
I'm feeling really low and I talk about my mental health,
I'm doing it for the attention of That sounds negative,
but really I'm doing it for like a sense of community.
Something that I love so much is the following that
I've built. I feel like I have like gained their trust.

I feel like they're a digital family. I feel like
I can share things. It's when it gets outside of
my like you know, supportive community that the noise gets
really loud and negative. But I just I love the
majority of people who follow me, and I feel like again,
I've just built this loyalty and share so much with everybody.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
The part that I think is how this all comes
full circle really is you have built a community of
people since your time as a bachelorette that loves you
because you are life to them. You aren't like always

saying the right thing right. You aren't always like approaching
things in the perfect way, and then sometimes you absolutely
like are and like then you're learning from your mistakes,
and you're admitting to learning from your mistakes. The roller
coaster of life that all of us experience that all
of us know well that some of us hide from
the public. You aren't hiding, which will bring about like

criticism because if somebody just sees this headline that says, hey,
this is what happened in this moment, Like Caitlyn like
is really mad at Ben and they're like, wait, what's
happening here? I thought they were cool, Like I thought
everything was good, and they are not following you directly,
They're not able to see that, like this is the
roller coaster of life that Caitlyn is able to show
to her followers at all times, then there's criticism. But

if people are engaged with you day to day, they'll
know how you're feeling, and they'll know where you're going,
and they'll know where you're at. And I think that's
a beautiful thing that you've done, but not always easy.
And here's where my question comes again, is how do
you keep up with that?

Speaker 4 (13:29):

Speaker 2 (13:30):
How do you keep that pace up where you're always
keeping your followers engaged with where you're at emotionally?

Speaker 4 (13:36):
I can't keep up. I honestly feel like and I
truly don't even think people really do know how I'm
feeling day to day because I do share, like I
think what on social media? I don't know if I
could find one person that doesn't just share what they
want people to see. So people are putting out what
they want you to see. I try and put out
things that like I'm like, well, ops, I messed up?

What ups I'm emotional? I have mental health issues. I
have depression, I have anxiety, I have really high highs,
I have really low lows. And I try and not
just put out what I want people to see all
the time, but still to some degree I do. So
it is hard to keep up with this thing that
like is almost like my own little reality show that

people tune into, because sometimes I'm like, I don't know
if I want to share that today, or if I
do share something that can cause assumptions towards somebody else,
or they can think I'm mad about this. Like I
posted song lyrics to something once and people are like, ooh,
that's a dig at Jason, and I'm like, it actually wasn't.
But I guess you wouldn't know that because you don't
know the other situation I'm in. Because now I'm trying

to keep like if I go on dates or if
I'm seeing somebody, like I want to keep it so sacred.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
I don't.

Speaker 4 (14:46):
I don't want to hide as in like I'm not
ever going to dinner with them, or I'm not going
to go to a movie or whatever. But I want
I don't want to like be teasing my audience that
I have like built trust with. I want to like
protect my relationship and I want want to introduce It's
almost like they're my kids, Like I want to introduce
them when I feel ready, when I know that this
actually could be the person because I feel like, you know,

we get we all get so excited. And my last relationship,
we got so excited to put there, put it out there,
and we got attention from that, and I think we
both really liked that attention. And then we were like, Okay,
look people are rooting for us. This is fun. Kind
of what you were saying, Ashley, where like you find
this sense of like support a support system online and
then you get lost in it and I'm I'm really

trying to figure out what it is that that I
want to share, that I want to keep sacred, and
that I that I want to like.

Speaker 5 (15:40):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (15:40):
It gets very confusing because I don't know how to
keep up with it myself. So the answer is I
don't know. How do I keep up? I don't know.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
Yeah, you have any more questions for Caitlin about well.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
I don't know if I have any more questions. This
is the best part about And if Kaitlyn ever would
like to speak with me and be the controller of
the arena, I would love that to happen. I think
what I would like people to know about Caitlyn and
I's relationship, this is how.

Speaker 6 (16:20):
I would explain my relationship Son of a Biscuit. Actually
stay quiet and it can, Kaitlyn, you can correct this.
Since the first time we've met, there has always been
this admiration towards you from me and this confusion from

me towards you. Like, I think we're very different humans
and we see the world very differently, but there's a
an intersection there that has always been this kind of
beautiful like intersection and this beautiful moment of like, but
like it's a safe place, it's a safe it's a
safe space. But yeah, we we're going to battle, we're
going to be confused, but we're also just going to

like have a really good time because the world, for
as different as we see it, we also like enjoy
the same similar things.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
We enjoy people. We do enjoy the attention, we enjoy authenticity,
and we never really know what we're feeling at any moment,
and it can always go sideways quickly, Yes, And I
think that's where throughout the last I don't mean how
many years since we've done the Bachelorette together, eight nine years, Like,

I think it's always been the way that like we've
stayed at least reasonably close compared to most you know
past contestants and leads, is because there always has been
that understanding, right like I was the lead after you,
Like that's sometimes a very awkward dynamic, and I think
I would want everybody to know that our relationship for

as like even if these things, these stories swirl. The
thing that I never want people to do, and what
hurt me the most was that, like anybody would ever
think that I lost any type of care for Kaitlin Bristow.
I've always respected you, I've always cared about you. I
always want what's best for you, and I would always
believe that you would want the same for me. That's

where this whole thing got really hurtful for me personally.

Speaker 4 (18:18):
I totally understand that, Like I wish I could take
that moment back, because you did get looped in and
that is totally on me, And I told you when
we were texting back and forth, I'm just like, oh
my gosh, no it was not you. I was hurting
in the moment. We all know how I do this sometimes,
and I am so deeply sorry for even involving you
in that because I should have involved anyone. I should

have just kept it to myself and processed it alone
or with my therapist, which I did later, and I
did delete it because I was like, Caitlin, does stop
and I deleted it, but of course there's screenshots. But
I am I am sorry that you got looped into
that because I, like you said, we've always had this great,
healthy relationship over nine years, like during the show, after

the show, when you became the lead, Like, I feel
like we've always been nothing but supportive of one another
and super transparent. And some people just see this, like
you know, on a zoom or a podcast or on
social media, but we do have a friendship outside of
all of that, and I feel like, I feel like
what I really know about us is we can be
totally transparent, sorry, transparent and authentic with each other, even

if it's like Caitlin, what the fuck are you doing?
And I'm like, yeah, that was stupid. I'm sorry. So
that was stupid, and I'm sorry, And.

Speaker 2 (19:33):
If you were mad at me, like I would just
hope you call me now to transition this whole conversation
this started, I think literally, and what people might not
know is it happened in the Fantasy Suite during your
season of the bachelorette now. No, no, no, no, no, I
won't go as far as.

Speaker 5 (19:53):
Is this where I'm supposed to take over with that
new narrative.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
No, no, no, you won't not yet. Yeah, I go
as far as you'll go prior. But what I will
say is there as a moment and I knew I
was going home, Like it was not an It was
not a shock to me. I was sad about it.
There was confusion about it. There was like, hey, this

whole thing's been awesome, But I knew I was going
home because I asked you directly, what in the world's
happening here? And you're like a lot like Sean and
Nick are fighting every day. They have not stopped fighting.
I was like, yeah, it's why I've been locked in
a hotel room for a week, Like they won't stop fighting,
so I can't even come out and hang out like
they've been everywhere. And I was like what what, Like

where are your feelings at towards this, Like how's this
thing going to end? And you're like, I don't know,
but I have to figure it out. But like pretty much,
I think what you said was between those two, like
I've got to figure that out, and I think you knew.
I don't think there was like a question mark on
like who's right for me. It's like I got to
figure that whole thing out. And it was very obvious
to me that I'm going home, which is fine. I

get it, totally cool, Like I had a good time.
We had a lot of fun. I knew I was
gonna like be friends with you for a long time
or at least I hope that. Do you like, do
you remember it the same way?

Speaker 5 (21:13):
I really?

Speaker 4 (21:14):
I have like a very sweet, funny and the amazing
memory of our fantasy sweet because it was like I
remember sitting by the fire and asking you like straight
up like like Shaunnick, and you're like, wow, okay, so
it's not me. It's like like who are you thinking

like Shaunnick? And you're like, oh okay. And then I
was like, well no, no, no, no, no, you can tell
you it was We had a great time. But it
was funny because I remember saying that and being like
that was so stupid, Caitlin, because it was more like
that was like produces he manipulation in my brain of

like I got to ask Ben what the real side
is because Ben's honest, and he's gonna tell me the
truth of what is really going on behind the scenes.
But it came across as like Ben or not being
Sean or Nick, and you were kind of like, oh, okay.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
Yeah, I like all that. Let's just finish this bottle
of whiskey and see what happens.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
We did drink a lot of whiskey. I will tell
you after our fantasy suite, I actually liked you more
than before after our fantasy suite, and I think you
know this by now debated I wanted to send Nick
home over you because at the end of the day,
I knew I was picking Sean, and I wanted you
to come along further, but they wanted you to be
the bachelor.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
So that's when I'm supposed to come into this conversation
and say that you basically tell Jared the same thing,
and you and Jared talk about this every time you
see each other, and it's always a good laugh that basically, Nick,
Ben and Jared were all interchangeable in your top four
because you were just so soild shot and you kind
of like, I kind of enjoyed all three of their

company equally.

Speaker 4 (23:08):
I like loved you guys, all so much and like
not in similar ways, very different, but it was it
was just like my season was the Nick and chancho
And it's so funny because still to this day, like
talk about shelf life. I'm still to this day talking
about those two on podcasts and interviews and situations because

I mean, it is such a pivotal moment in your
life and a big part of your life and where
you are at today. And it's so funny.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
Because you and Nick are so relevant. Still.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
Oh then, I mean, it's crazy, It's it's actually crazy.
And then you know, I heard Sean say something on
a podcast where he was like, yeah, well clearly it
wasn't like a real relationship or real love, and like
that was.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
The one that was the That was the interview with
Lauren where I was like, whoa, hey, wait.

Speaker 5 (23:59):
Wait who said this?

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Sean and Lauren did a together when I was acually
what was two years of my wife. Then both of.

Speaker 5 (24:08):
Them were kind of an agreeance.

Speaker 4 (24:11):
I say that sad, my feelings are so hurt. Were
you the same?

Speaker 1 (24:15):

Speaker 4 (24:15):
I was like, that was so real to me. That
was like one of the most in love I've ever
been in my whole life, and I thought I was
going to marry them, and it was so real to me.
So to hear and be like, yeah, obviously wasn't real.
I was like, that was including the season and our
time together that's four years.

Speaker 3 (24:31):
And yeah, I was offended for both of you. Yeah,
and it wasn't true. I could just tell that that
was a lie, especially from Shanside.

Speaker 5 (24:39):
Sorry man.

Speaker 4 (24:40):
And my biggest year in life, Like, my biggest fear
is from like still rocks me from my parents' divorce.
I thought they had the most beautiful relationship. They were
so close, but I feel like my dad fell out
of love with my mom and they got divorced. My
biggest fear always is that someone's going to be so
in love with me and then they're going to fall

out of love with me. And I felt like that's
what happened with Sean, and then to hear him validate everything,
I was like eight years later, nine years and still like, wow,
it still hurts.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
It was because they are very real to us. I mean,
they're yeah, like there. I don't see that relationship as
just like out, you know, offset of my life. This
was a relationship that affected me greatly and then also
led me to my wife. Let me see, hey, where
did we not work here in this past relationship that
led me to my wife today? And that's beautiful and

good and all works out in the end. But even
to hear that that piece of my story was not
impactful for somebody else who was also very involved, was hurt. Yeah.
It did sadden me. It did confuse me a lot,
Like it made me go back to the Hey, Kaylin,
I don't know what you think of this, but I
feel unlovable like that. It brought me back to that moment,

did you guys Tach?

Speaker 5 (25:53):
After that podcast came out it no, no, no, you
and Ben.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
Know you and be like, hey, our exes got together
and said that they really didn't love us.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
They can say what they want. At this point, in
my opinion, it's like I know what it was for me,
and that's all that matters. Like that really is all
that matters. I know what it meant to me. And
if if somebody's like, hey, I did this for two
and a half years and it didn't mean that to me,
then I'm like, well that's you can figure that one out,
Like I don't know what Yeah, Well.

Speaker 4 (26:23):
It's kind of like that same thing where I feel
something so much in the moment where my feelings were
so hurt, and then once you think about it and
process it, I'm like, well, if that was his experience,
like I can't change what he felt or what his
experience was, like I I and I don't know if
that's true what they're saying. You know, they could just
be like, oh, yeah, it wasn't real because it didn't
work out whatever, But I just have to be like, well,

we both had different experiences there, and like you said,
it led you to your wife, and imagine all the
imagine who this is going to lead me to. I've
got all the practice in the world. I've learned so
many lessons. I feel like that next one, I'm like,
third times.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
Of Charm, that's right. Well, I mean that is a question.
I don't know how to phrase this. Caitlin. Do you
feel like, at this point in your life you have
experienced authentically true love?

Speaker 4 (27:15):
Yes? Yes, I know. I think sometimes this is so crazy.
I'm always so embarrassed to say this out loud, and
anyone who listens to my podcast knows this story. But like,
I think I truly experienced true love with before I
even went on the show. I think my relationship before

going on that show was like the right person, wrong timing,
Like I still to this day will always say like
he was the one that got away and I had
similar similar feelings to him with Sean and then yeah,
so I think I did, and like I think with Jason,

it was so much like you know, when you date
somebody for so long and all of their qualities that
made you hurt so badly, and then the next person
they are the opposite of that, so you're like, this
must be what is right for me because they're the
opposite of this person. I feel like that's what I
experienced with Jason, where he was opposite of Sean in
so many ways. So I thought like, oh I broke

the cycle. Oh I'm going different, I'm doing something that
this is going to work out. And then you know,
relationships are hard, man, Relationships are so hard, and especially
when there's a third person involved, aka the Internet, and
that's a lot of you know, voices, and it's just
relationships are so challenging. And I don't know if it's

just me or if it's all relationships, but I find
them so hard.

Speaker 5 (28:48):
Do you keep tabs on the guy from before.

Speaker 4 (28:52):
No, Okay, see this is another difference. I can't. He
is totally private. He retired from playing.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
He was the one that got away. If he's totally
private and like off the radar, gosh thing, he would.

Speaker 5 (29:04):
Have got to have some friend follow him.

Speaker 4 (29:07):
Oh my god. I'm all the way turned on by
him still because he's private on Instagram. He retired from hockey,
he's in like the finance world. He's private, his family's private.
I like can't creep him at all, which is so
wonderful because imagine if I could. But he's married with
three kids.

Speaker 7 (29:27):
So let me.

Speaker 4 (29:30):
I'm not trying to like go get him back by
anything good for her, Yes, but it's I still found
that the most challenging breakup I've ever been through in
my life. Now with Sean, we broke up and he
kind of went under the radar. He you know, worked
out at his gym and he did his own thing,
and he didn't really date in the public, and I

didn't really have to even though we were living in
the same city. Like I kind of just moved on
really quickly and kind of didn't have to see anything.
And then and now I'm like, oh my gosh, everything's
so in my face because I'm trying to like say
private with like anyone I date. But Jason's like.

Speaker 5 (30:09):
Oh, hey, why don't you post the.

Speaker 4 (30:10):
Same video with the same song at the same time
as me. Let's get people talking about us. And I'm like, ah,
I've never heard a deal with this before, and it's
just so in my face. And even though like it's
it was my decision and I have respect for him,
it's just still like, damn, he liked those.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
Numbers, and how do you know that he has this
strategy going on where they post the same time Because people.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
Send me shit, I'm like, I'm I'm the best at
I really, I really don't go looking at X's things. Now.
If my first one was open and not private, I
probably would, but I will, like, I just don't want
to see things. So when anything shows up on my
for you page or on TikTok, where I just immediately
click not for me or mute or not interested in this,

so I I like try to not see it because
I just don't want to overthink it or be hurt
or overreact. And so the people just say they're like,
did you see this? Do you see what?

Speaker 5 (31:09):
Does happening?

Speaker 4 (31:09):
Did you see this? Do you see this picture? Did
you see what it was on dumis? And I'm like, no,
I didn't, and I don't want to, so thanks for
bringing it to my attention.

Speaker 3 (31:17):

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Yeah, I am mom, some rapid fire here to kind
of figure this whole thing out with you, because it's
always a blast, and you are also very vulnerable and

nobody's gonna not know where you're thinking at what moment.
One of my confusions towards your life choices, Kaitlin, before
we get into how you co parent dogs, because that's
everybody's question is why, like how National is not a
big city. My wife's in Nashville. I've been to Nashville
many times. Knowing you, how do you not have extreme

anxiety every time you go out on a date or
go anywhere in public that you're going to run into
one of the people that you've dated now that I've
also would like make you feel very awkward. I never
wanted to run in the lorn for years. I could
you know at this point I don't care this taking me.
I would say it took me a good six years
to never want to like run into her in public again.

Speaker 4 (32:22):
Yes, thank you for that is so relatable. I always
feel like I'm so dramatic or like such.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
A baby, but I'm like, I have no interest.

Speaker 4 (32:29):
It takes time to like grieve a person, grieve a relationship,
grieve who you thought somebody was. Like it is so
I do. I still to this day have anxiety every
time I go out thinking I'm going to run into someone.
It's a little different with Jason because we do co parents,
so we can get into that. So it's a little
different because I could be like, hey, look at this

funny thing wrong and then today and then like move on.
But with Sean, I feel like there's still some sort
of level of bitterness there, or I guess there is
in this relationship too. I don't know. I just haven't.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
Committed a conversation that could have been had or could
be had.

Speaker 4 (33:07):
Right Like, I wouldn't even know what to say. I
don't know if he'd want to even say hello, I've
a run I've only run actually.

Speaker 5 (33:14):
Had the conversation. You did run into him ones.

Speaker 4 (33:17):
Only one time, and he was on the other end
of a restaurant and I was sitting at a table
and I was like, I remember looking I was like,
it's like a trendy Sean booth. Like he's like, looks
really trendy. And then I was like, oh, that is
a trendy little Sean booth. Oh wow, he looks great.
And then we've had a couple like text exchanges, but
that's pretty much it.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
Yeah, So how do you function in your city? Knowing
this is always a possibility. I would not be okay,
I wouldn't like and there's no there There isn't even
anger or like resentment. It's just like I don't know
what I would say. I don't know how. It's uncomfortable,
like to a person that I, once in my life
was the most comfortable with. Now I am the least
comfortable with. And I don't want to have to figure

that one out in the moment, Like I don't even
know how to prepare myself.

Speaker 4 (34:04):
No, And I go through so many different phases again
of like feeling mad or sad, or like rooting for him,
like him as a dad I think is so cool
because I saw the way he parented a dog and
I was like, oh, I bet he's going to be
an incredible father, and like there's certain things I just
have so many different emotions, So I honestly don't know,
but I do get anxiety about that. But I don't

I don't really go out in Nashville. I really just like,
I mean, what I would really like is him to
pull up next to me and I'm in my bronco
and I'm like, but yeah, I don't know. I'm just
I'm surprised it hasn't happened. But I wouldn't know how

to I wouldn't know how to act. I think I
would want to like hug it out and be like, hey,
should we talk, But then I'm scared he's gonna be like,
I hate you.

Speaker 2 (34:54):
Yeah, you might not get it. I get it this. Yeah,
Lauren is a is a great I've never questioned that,
but this year was the first time that I've seen
her in person. I actually didn't see her. I'm lying
when I say that. She her husband played in one
golf group behind me in a celebrity and she walked up.
She think about how cool this is of her. She

walked up to my mom and my wife. My wife
was like a little bit ahead and just said hi,
which was like huge for me. So my mom told
me afterwards, like, hey, I got to see Lauren. She
was really sweet and she came and said hi to me,
and I was like, that's amazing. I didn't see her,
but like that's all I really wanted, Like I just
need to know that she's cool to say hi to
me too, Like I don't know. I feel like it's

a given that it should be okay, but I just
want to know that she's cool to say hi to me.
If I'm cool to say, like, I don't know, it's weird.

Speaker 4 (35:43):
I feel the same way, but okay, my dog's like
pulling the charger out of my computer. I feel the
same way. Like I just don't know, And like our
text exchanges haven't been like the most friendly, so then
I just don't know how it would be in person.
But I want it to be cool, like I want
I'm a big closure guy. I want closure on things,

and I don't think i've really felt that with that relationship.
I feel closure with Jason, and I still don't feel
like i've had that closure with Sean.

Speaker 5 (36:17):
Well, you can invite him on your podcast.

Speaker 2 (36:19):
Just bring them on. You could ask any question you want,
and if they say something weird and mean, it's all recorded.
It's amazing.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
That's why he would say, no, there's no way he'd
come on my podcast.

Speaker 3 (36:30):
For your own comfortability sake. You probably that would be
the preferred method, right, one hundred percent?

Speaker 4 (36:38):
Yeah, absolutely, yeah, But then I would then it's like,
how honest when you're on a podcast, how honest. That's
why it's scary. I'm always so scared to do podcasts,
Like I had so much anxiety even about doing this one,
because I'm like, well, I'm just going to say what's
on my mind, and then it's going to turn into
a damn headline and then nobody's going to read the
actual article. They're just going to think I'm this raging Countey.

Speaker 2 (36:58):
That No, that the best headline they could exist from
this whole episode would be Kaylen Bristow hates Ashley I
Ken Eddie. That's all I want and I want to
thought like that would be the most.

Speaker 3 (37:09):
Shocking and the thing you just said it so now
they could make that.

Speaker 2 (37:12):
That'd be amazing.

Speaker 4 (37:13):
They could take anything.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
Yeah, and then they'd have to read below to find
out exactly what the truth is. Kaylin, I have only
one more weird question before you before we like kind
of dive into the last few minutes on all the
cool stuff you're up to, and I know there is
a lot. How do you co parent? Because I know this,
I do know this, and I'll tell you this from
Jason that it is probably the most difficult, like not

even the most rest just the most difficult thing to
figure out. How do you co parent dogs in the
midst of this situation? How are you doing it and
how are you making it work?

Speaker 4 (37:48):
Well, it's it's really challenging because we're both obsessed with them,
and we're both really good dog parents, and the dogs
love both of us very much, and so I'll never forget.
Sean told me like, you can never see Tucker again
when we broke up, and I was like, I would
never do that to anybody. I would never do that

to Jason, and so co parenting seem like the only
option here. But I will say I don't think it's
good for the dogs. It's they have seemed more anxious
with the transitions. Romen specifically, like he gets really emotional
and like if Romin won't take a treat, like something's wrong,
and he's been doing that lately, and he doesn't want

to leave either house once he gets there, and he
doesn't know what to do, and I actually don't think
it's healthy for the dogs. And I think we're being
a little bit selfish because we both just want them
so badly. But I think it's also nice because you know,
like I would, I don't like the idea of putting
them in a kennel or leaving them somewhere. And we

both travel so much so we're able to look at
each other's schedules and say, look, I'm gone this time
and you're here, so could you watch them here? And
then either way, we both have really incredible people that
come house it and watch the dogs, who the dogs love.
So I feel like we're literally two humans that are
trying to do our best in that situation. But I

honestly don't think it's good for the dogs, and it
breaks my heart.

Speaker 3 (39:15):
A couple questions. Did you have Romen before you got
together with Jason?

Speaker 4 (39:19):
So I rescued Romen. Jason and I were doing long
distance okay, and Ramen, Yeah, and then Jason moved in
like I think five days after I got Ramen. I think,
which is.

Speaker 3 (39:31):
Why in my head perhaps like Ramen is like yours, well,
and I could never but you don't like because of
the Sean thing. You don't even like want to say
that like it's yours because that was because also Sean's dog, Tucker,
was like felt like.

Speaker 4 (39:46):
You're no, no, Romen's definitely mine. But I would I
would just I would also never separate these dogs. They
are so dependent on each other and they're like best friends.
So sometimes it's like, well why can't he and I'm
like absolutely not without each other. So yeah, it's really
it's really challenging and sad and scary, and it's like

you already have not enough time with the dog, and
to cut that in half again, I'm just like like
I'm way too sensitive about it. I could cry right
now just thinking about it.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
Oh yeah, I would never insinuate you separating the dogs
at all. I just feel like, why do I think
that the dogs are yours just because I'm closer friends
with you?

Speaker 4 (40:26):
Yeah? Maybe maybe?

Speaker 3 (40:28):
So then I'm also like I feel like Jason like
he went to Nashville because of you, and I think
that he could be happy other places, and it's like
I feel like he's actually staying in Nashville because of
the dogs.

Speaker 4 (40:40):
Yeah, I don't know, because he definitely didn't seem to
be like the biggest fan of Nashville while we were together,
because I always wanted to well, at the first couple
of years, I didn't want to move. I loved my
house so much. And then I was like, don't you
think we should like get a house together, And he
was like, I'm just not sold on Nashville. And then
when we broke up, he was like, Nash's kind of

grown on me. I'm like, I hate you.

Speaker 5 (41:04):
Give me my city back, okay. And then I think it's.

Speaker 3 (41:08):
Like all good that you guys, you know, are sharing
the dogs right now.

Speaker 5 (41:12):
Even though you're shaying that's not like necessarily the best
of the dog's mental health.

Speaker 3 (41:16):
But in the fact that you, you know, you're both
singleish in the sense that like you're not married, you
don't have kids, right, So, how do you do you
feel like your things will change if, like, say, fast
forward five years, you're both married and with kids and
then you're like transferring dogs every weekend.

Speaker 4 (41:35):
I asked him that, I said that, I said, what
is going to happen if, like, say, you meet a
girl in well, we're I don't know where, Florida, or
you meet another girl in New York and you get
married and you settle down, or maybe I find somebody
here and like, are you really going to come back
every two weeks just to like share the dogs and

is your partner going to be okay with that? Or
I'm like, in my head, I'm just like, can I
just rescue you a doggie for you and you just
fly fly?

Speaker 2 (42:07):
I don't. I don't, honestly, Like, there's so many things
that would be easier to me than sharing dogs. I
can't imagine. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster, and
I don't want to make you cry, Caitlin. But here's
what I'm thinking. I travel a lot right now, and
Whalen when I'm home sleeps on my legs like his

head lays on my legs every night, on my ankles.
And when I'm in a hotel room, you know what
I've had to start doing. That little son of a
biscuit makes me lay a pillow on my ankle so
I can fall asleep at night. It makes I'm tearing up.
That little asshole who drives me crazy also is the
one that controls my life when I'm in a hotel

room and makes me go I want to be home,
not only because my wife is there and she's my
best friend and we can like laugh and have fun.
But then at night when everything comes down, he lays
his head on my ankles and I can't sleep without it.

Speaker 5 (43:01):
He really is crying, Guys, I know it's bullshit.

Speaker 4 (43:06):
No, I totally get it. That makes me love you
even more that you're that much of a dog guy
like me, Like I my toxic trait is crying like
my dog's already passed when he's right in front of me.
Like I am so like they are. I feel like
they're both my soul dogs. I feel like I can't
when I go away from like even for three days,

I am like so sad. Hotels have been like putting
picture of frames in my hotel room of the dogs
for me, and I'm like, I don't know if this
helps or makes me even more sad, because I just
like stare at it and cry like I my obsession
with the dogs is honestly, I don't think it's healthy. Yeah,
I don't think it's healthy.

Speaker 2 (43:48):
It's weird. It isn't healthy. There's nothing healthy about it
because they're not here for that long, and that's really sad.
And tough, and I have to get over it, the
fact that my life is going to be moving on
far beyond it. But it is absolutely ridiculous the amount
of emotion that little squirt can bring out in me,

especially when he frustrates me all the time.

Speaker 3 (44:12):
I laughed still because Ben used to like roll his
eyes at me when I talk about Louis and then
he got waylan and now he's crying on the podcast.

Speaker 2 (44:23):
Yeah, it's just stupid. I don't know, it's just just.

Speaker 4 (44:27):
It's not stupid. No, it's not it's not stupid. And
I get it. And you say, like, even though your
dogs frustrate you, my dogs could my dog could shit
on my face and I'd be like, it's okay, people,
I swear. I'm like, whatever they do is I'm like, oh, oh, it's.

Speaker 2 (44:43):
Just he's just a weirdo.

Speaker 5 (44:52):
It's time to hear her side of the story.

Speaker 4 (44:56):
I love the show so much. I was like, please
throw my name in the mix.

Speaker 5 (45:00):
I need to be in on this.

Speaker 7 (45:01):
We were sure she was going to be the next bachelorette,
and then something changed.

Speaker 4 (45:07):
I'm keeping things very very hush hush.

Speaker 7 (45:09):
Fans of the Bachelor know exactly what we're talking about
Joe and Serena sit down for an intimate conversation with
Maria Georgis on Bachelor Happy Hour.

Speaker 5 (45:19):
I have to ask.

Speaker 3 (45:21):
I heard a rumor that you were dating at one
point one of Drake's best friends.

Speaker 4 (45:27):
Oh, we have mor Sammy.

Speaker 7 (45:29):
Listen to Bachelor Happy Hour on America's number one podcast network,
iHeart Open your free iHeart app and search Bachelor Happy Hour.
Listen now everywhere you listen to podcasts, and don't miss
Park two Monday Night.

Speaker 2 (45:47):
All right, Caitlyn, are you dating?

Speaker 4 (45:50):
Yeah? I am good.

Speaker 2 (45:52):
So if somebody's listening, or if I know somebody in
Nashville who's an attractive, successful and.

Speaker 4 (45:58):
In my way, I didn't say I'm dating scifically only
one person for the rest of my life. Well, I
do you know someone?

Speaker 2 (46:06):
Yes, we have a hotbed in Nashville. Jess has a
lot of really cool, good looking friends that have good roots.

Speaker 4 (46:13):
Oh wow, I like roots. Yes, I'm dating. I just
feel like I swear I'll always like say like, yeah
I'm dating or I'm going on a date. But I'm
I am literally never gonna introduce the internet or podcast
to anyone until I'm like married and pregnant, like I
would be like surprised, and then they'd be like what,

and I'll be like, well, I just wanted to make.

Speaker 2 (46:35):
Sure we waited six months and it was worth it.
It's too much pressure when you do it earlier in
that and Jess wasn't. She had no following, she had
no like you know, she didn't really even understand this
whole thing, and so when we introduced her it was
a whole new ball game. But at that point we
were like, no, this is this is the real deal,
and so we'll walk through this together now. Instead of like.

Speaker 4 (46:58):
Yeah, early that I could see that do it together,
I think I just don't. I just don't want to
up another relationship. Not that it was all my fault,
but like, I just feel like it's such the noise
is so loud all the time, especially and I understand
that people feel entitled to my dating life because of

being the Bachelorette and sharing my relationships, and I get that,
but I just I will as soon as I'm like, Okay,
this is this is the one now, m I.

Speaker 2 (47:34):
Kaitlin, you just finished a tour, as we close out here,
a very successful tour. In fact, Bachelor Data just ranked
you one of the top podcasts. They really don't know
how many numbers you're pulling. I'm assuming you're very, very,
very successfully high. But I don't know how they keep
your numbers private.

Speaker 5 (47:53):
From Yeah, your numbers are private. I want our numbers.

Speaker 4 (47:56):

Speaker 2 (47:56):
I don't want our numbers to be seen. I want
to always live. Yeah. Back, So Davey just said, let's
say this. You are a very successful podcast host. You
just finished a tour, a kind of a tell all tour.
You obviously have been kind of doing the Dance with
the Stars things for a while. You're loved with in
Bachelor Nation. What have you been up to? What's next?
What can people look forward to? What's going on in

your life? As we close up here?

Speaker 4 (48:22):
The tour was so fun. Again, I called it the
tell all tour when I was feeling really petty. So
when I got there, I was like, m time has passed,
but it was still so fun. It's just like, I mean,
you did the Bachelor one where it was on the road, right,
you did that for a bit.

Speaker 2 (48:41):
It got canceled because of COVID.

Speaker 4 (48:43):
Oh well, it just gets so it's so nice to
interact with people like sometimes I just talked to a
wall and through a microphone and be like, is anyone
out there listening? And so to actually like be in
a room and feel the energy of all the listeners
and meet them, and I just I love being on stage.
I feel like I've loved it since I was little,

from dancing until today, Like I love entertaining. So that
was so fun for me to be able to go
out on tour and do that. And I've been on
tour so many other times, but this time just felt different.
I felt like, I'm like, I just love podcasting and
I love meeting these people that want to listen to me.
So that was really nice. My wine has been doing
really well. It's rolling out and a lot of targets

over different states all the time. And I still have
my wine club, which is really fun. We do like
get togethers every three months on Zoom. I also have
a book club where we raise money for charities and
it's really nerdy but really fun.

Speaker 2 (49:41):
How can people find that I don't know. I know
Spadin Sparrow the Wine, but I don't know about the
book club.

Speaker 1 (49:45):

Speaker 4 (49:46):
So the book club is just through my podcast off
the Vine. We I just post on the off the
vine page and then we'll pick a book. We're gonna
pick Hannah Brown's book Connect and then I've had all
the authors come on our zooms for our book club
meetings and it's actually so cute. I get cuted out
every time because I'm like, I'm such a nerd for books.
And then people have to pay to come into the zoom,

but all the proceeds go to a charity that aligns
with the book. So that's been really fun. So maybe
I'll read a book about coffee.

Speaker 2 (50:13):
No, you could read my book kell On and plain Sight.

Speaker 4 (50:16):
Oh okay, okay, read your book. And yeah, this pretty much.
I just podcasts every Tuesday and Thursdays come out and
if people like wine, I'm really really that was the hardest.
The wine business is ten million times harder than I
thought it was going to be. So if people want
to support and buy the wine, you can just go

on Spade and Sparrows dot com and type in your
zip code and see where it is near you.

Speaker 3 (50:41):
Well, speaking of Hannah Brown, we had her on our
podcast recently. We also had Tyler on our podcast recently,
and then we just were next wedding and I just
feel like you're the next natural fit for Special Forces.
Oh God, they've had to have called you.

Speaker 4 (50:58):
No, I don't think I could do that.

Speaker 5 (51:01):
I feel like you could do it. I feel like
you would probably.

Speaker 3 (51:04):
Win because you know us Bachelor Nation on Special Forces,
all we do is win, win, win.

Speaker 4 (51:08):
That's true, but you know what it is actually For me,
I have a very big phobia of throwing up, and I.

Speaker 5 (51:14):
Know I hear about this all the time.

Speaker 4 (51:16):
For me, I'm so scared that I would throw up
on that show. It's like a very crippling fear of mine.
And so I feel like I could do anything except
for throw up. But I do have an idea for
a TV show that I want to do. So I've
been talking to people and networks and certain companies and
I have two really big ideas that I want to do.
So maybe maybe not Special Forces, and maybe I just

come out with my own show because I have really
good ideas.

Speaker 2 (51:43):
Have good to do that?

Speaker 5 (51:44):
Ben, Have they not asked you either?

Speaker 2 (51:46):
Special Forces? I don't think so. Traders, yes, I think so,
You're like, I'm not sure. I don't know people. I
say no to a lot because well, because I got
married two years ago and like to go from marriage
to like, be on a show for what.

Speaker 5 (52:03):
Special Forces is only ten days?

Speaker 2 (52:05):
Yeah, I don't think I be. I don't think I've
ever been asked to be in specially.

Speaker 3 (52:08):
Yeah, it's only ten days, which is why they get
the best cast.

Speaker 2 (52:11):

Speaker 3 (52:12):
Oh that's why I like, Oh I could do ten days.

Speaker 4 (52:16):
I'm going to maybe do ten days. But I also
think I would rather do Traders because they still have challenges.
But I'm like, it's bucketless for me to go to Scotland.
And I just love the host of that show so much.

Speaker 3 (52:29):
Yeah, I'm so done and the show makes me feel dumb.

Speaker 5 (52:32):
I have no idea what's going on. The game gameplay
is not my thing.

Speaker 4 (52:37):
I love a gameplay.

Speaker 5 (52:39):
You could rocket.

Speaker 4 (52:40):
I'm so competitive Ashley is.

Speaker 2 (52:43):
Ashley is just too authentic. She's too much of a mom.
Now I can't lie.

Speaker 5 (52:48):
I can't.

Speaker 3 (52:49):
I've never been able to lie or fake anything. Yeah,
I'm a Gemini, so we're good liars.

Speaker 2 (52:56):
Just kidding, Kaitlin, here's the deal. Whatever season and life
takes you in next, it's going to be great. And
whatever you're doing now is incredible. And you've made not
only a foundation and a legacy for yourself that has
not only far outreached so many others who have been
a part of the show, but also just the influence
that you've had on your following will far outreach anything

you can ever imagine. And so whatever you're up to next,
whatever you do next, is going to be absolutely spectacular.
It's absolutely incredible. Jared and I kind of got to
talk about this at the wedding last weekend, But we
have a thousand times where we question our identity, we
question our impact, we question what in the world we're
doing with this whole thing, and we look around us

and we see so many people doing awesome stuff, and
you're always one of those. And so I want you
to like rest tonight and the idea that when I
think about people that have done great stuff with the
opportunity that was given to them, you're one of those people,
and you're doing a great job. And so whatever is
going to come in your future, it's going to be great,
and you've already done great. So I mean that and

I believe that. Thank you for coming on. It means
a lot to us, and we hope to talk to
you soon somewhere or another. Don't get mad at meeting now.
I don't like it. It makes me feel all weird.

Speaker 4 (54:12):
I never was. You thought I was, and I should
have told you I wasn't, and I should have. If
I'm ever upset with you, I will text you directly.
You know that I have before. Thank you for saying
all that, because even even though you might think that,
I still feel like I'm not doing enough and I'm
not making a big enough impact and that like I'm

like questioning what I'm doing next and why there isn't
anything in the pipelines, and like I'm probably getting old
and blah blah blah. Like I do that too. I
feel like we're we're just all human beings trying to
do our best. But thank you for saying that. It
means a lot to me. I love you both so much, Ashley.
I feel like you didn't get to get much of
a word in, but I love you so much. And no,

I like this. This is supposed to be a hashing
out of good too. I'm just here for as a
sidekick today. And sometimes, you know, it feels weird when
you have like real ends on the podcast because you're like,
I'm Internet the real front, right. I know we're like
just caught up recently. But also I'm like, I don't.
I also don't want people to think like we just
come on here and talk about my exes like that's
It's just like the nature of the show and people

knowing who other people are, so it comes up. But yeah,
nothing but love for everybody.

Speaker 5 (55:21):
But speaking of that, let's just get one headline. How
do you feel about Nick's wedding this weekend?

Speaker 4 (55:28):
Was and I invited? That's the best headline I could
I didn't think I was going to get invited, but no,
I'm so happy. It's so funny because you know, people
people on in the world and who follow the Bachelor franchise,
they think of marriage and babies as the biggest accomplishment.
So I think that's why sometimes I feel like what

am I doing? And I look at you know, Nick,
It gets married, Sean has a baby, Jason has a
new girlfriend, and I'm like, fuck, But really, I'm just
so proud of like where I'm going and where I'm
at and who I'm trying to be. So I just
hope people see that.

Speaker 2 (56:03):
Yeah, that's why I said that. I meant what I
said that was not just said that was that was meant.
I believe you from the bottom of my heart.

Speaker 4 (56:10):

Speaker 2 (56:10):
Actually, to close this out, you said you'd be a sidekick.
Whose sidekick would you have been mine? Or Kaylin's?

Speaker 3 (56:17):
Well, I feel like today I was. I was your
side cake then, but typically it'd be Kaitlin's. I would
be a sidekick to both of you. But I think
I'm more naturally your sidekake.

Speaker 2 (56:28):
Then, because we're sidekicks every day.

Speaker 5 (56:30):
Every like, multiple times a week.

Speaker 2 (56:32):
Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker 4 (56:34):

Speaker 2 (56:35):
Yeah, she's a great sidekick. I love Ashley a lot.
We've done this eighty years. I couldn't do it without her. Well, hey,
I couldn't do without all of you listening. Uh, Caitlyn,
thanks for coming on. We appreciate you so much. Until
next time. This has been the Almost Famous podcast and
I've been been Ashley.

Speaker 4 (56:49):
And I've been Caitlin. Yet.

Speaker 2 (56:52):
Thank you.

Speaker 5 (56:54):
Gets it.

Speaker 1 (56:55):
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