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May 18, 2024 15 mins

One of our listeners is looking for all the help he can get locking down another hang out with a VERY classy woman. Catch the call in the podcast!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Second date update.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
One of the keys to successfully dating is just to
actually give a crap and try.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
That's a big key.

Speaker 4 (00:11):
I feel like that's too much work.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
The thing is, don't try too hard, because that comes
off desperate. You can't try too little either, though, because
then you seem like a jerk just doesn't care. Try
goldielocks it and try medium till it's just right.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
And one of our.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Listeners, William, emailed the show saying he's worried he may
have tried too hard on his date. William, you didn't
channel your inner Goldilocks for this.

Speaker 5 (00:39):
I tried try too hard.

Speaker 4 (00:41):
I didn't wake up in a strange house with three
bears failure.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Well, we can't undo anything that happened, but why don't
you tell us about it a little bit.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
What's the name of the woman that you went out with?

Speaker 5 (00:56):
Her name is Stacy?

Speaker 3 (00:57):
Okay, so where'd you meet her?

Speaker 5 (01:00):
I met her online? You know, at first, I was
actually pretty intimidated just by her profile pictures.

Speaker 4 (01:07):
Oh, because she's like really attractive to you.

Speaker 5 (01:09):
Well, that for sure, but also she seems to have
kind of an extravagant, sophisticated, cultured life, more so than
myself I'll say, okay.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
Why did she put in her pictures to like to
pick that?

Speaker 5 (01:22):
Yeah, there was like pictures of her on a sailboat
with what looks to be her very well addressed family,
maybe in Greece somewhere.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Oh oh my gosh.

Speaker 5 (01:32):
She was, you know, at soccer games in Europe.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
Oh that's a match, sir.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to be fancy enough to
know that that's amazing.

Speaker 5 (01:44):
So yeah, I was really intimidating, which I actually told
her that in the initial messaging. Oh did Yeah, I mean,
I'm pretty honest. Maybe to the fault, but.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
Okay, Well she obviously liked it because she responded, alexis.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
If a guy writes to you, I'm intimidated by you.

Speaker 4 (02:01):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
Is that not a strong move?

Speaker 5 (02:03):
No? Not.

Speaker 4 (02:04):
I mean, a football in Europe doesn't cost that much.
It's like, don't do that until Okay, I'm just saying
take it together. I'm just saying I take it back.

Speaker 6 (02:15):

Speaker 3 (02:16):
But the bottom line is she responded.

Speaker 5 (02:18):
And yeah, she responded, all right, she said, ha ha,
you should be.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
So what did you do for a date?

Speaker 5 (02:26):
I made dinner reservations, nice little spot. I got dressed up,
even borrowed nice shirt from my roommate.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
Oh everyone shares.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
Did you normally do that, like share fancy clothes?

Speaker 3 (02:39):
You have a roommate life. I used to have a
blazer and we had like a community blazer. Like yeah,
it's like, did that pay off for you?

Speaker 5 (02:54):
I mean I was feeling good, So that's helpful, I think.
And she told me I look nice and that she
she looked incredible.

Speaker 4 (03:02):
Did you tell her that was scary too? How good
she looked?

Speaker 1 (03:06):

Speaker 5 (03:06):
I mean I I reiterated how intimidated I was.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
I imagine, like cowering at everything, like just.

Speaker 4 (03:15):
To eat.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
We're playing it up for you, man, I'm sure you
were fine.

Speaker 5 (03:20):
I think so. I mean she was really nice for
the most part. I mean I saw that she loves
chocolate off on her profile, so I thought i'd bring
her a gift, and I brought her almond rocca.

Speaker 1 (03:32):

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Okay, that was the best option.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
That's kind of a grandparent's chocolate.

Speaker 5 (03:40):
But you know, at this store and it looks nice,
it has like gold foil. I thought it looked kind
of fancy, but she said it's not really chocolate, which
I didn't really I've never had really eaten myself.

Speaker 4 (03:53):
It's kind of toffee, A lot of.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Harsh to say when someone's giving you a gift that's
not actually take us to the highlights of the date.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
Were the good moments?

Speaker 5 (04:04):
Well, during dinner I wanted to get to I had.
I was so curious, you know, from her profile, and
I kept asking her a lot of questions. And I
might have kind of asked too many questions.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Is that possible maybe.

Speaker 5 (04:17):
If it starts to feel like somebody's given you the
third degree interrogating you. It wasn't really my attention.

Speaker 4 (04:23):
But I mean, if there's not like a real natural
flow to it, I guess you.

Speaker 3 (04:26):
Don't want the date to come off sounding like a job.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
Yeah, tell me. Can you think of one question that
went too far?

Speaker 5 (04:39):
I asked her if she's ever been engaged before.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
That date? Okay?

Speaker 4 (04:48):
And what was her response?

Speaker 5 (04:50):
Well, because we talked a little bit about the house
relationships and she had, uh was dating a guy in
Spain for a long time, and and that's how it
came up because she said it was really serious.

Speaker 4 (05:00):
It's kind intense.

Speaker 5 (05:02):
I was not trying to pry though.

Speaker 3 (05:08):
Let's go to the end of the day.

Speaker 5 (05:09):
What happened at the end, Well, we had the almon
roka for dessert, which was nice at the restaurant.

Speaker 4 (05:16):
And you just opened up the package right there.

Speaker 3 (05:19):

Speaker 5 (05:19):
Well, because they asked if we wanted any of the dessert,
she said she wouldn't that hunger, But I said, oh,
I brought this for you, and that's when I.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
That's when she turned up her nose. And so it's
not really chocolate.

Speaker 5 (05:33):
She did say that, But then we did actually enjoy
it together, and I hope she thought it was funny
that I tried, even though failed that even bringing chocolate.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
Pretty yeah, all right, all.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
Right, well I'm going to give it a B plus
so far.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
That's my that's my grade on a curve.

Speaker 5 (05:53):
Have you heard from her, Well, I don't really heard
from her, but it ended okay, like we hugged, we
said goodbye.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
Yeah, that's what Brooke does with her children though, so
you can't really judge by that.

Speaker 4 (06:04):
But and they complain about every food item I give them.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
So the good news is there's a lot of room
to improve from here, and we're going to try and
do that when we come back and do your second
date update.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Right after this second date update if.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
You're just joining us.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
We're on the phone with William, who went out recently
with a world traveler named Stacy. Stacy has studied in
the universities of Europe. She's dated the men of Spain
and cheered for the football clubs of Liechtenburg, where instead
of cheering hooray there, they cheer and reverse. Oh really,

can you say horay backwards? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, it's
classy because it's European. Yeah. At the end of the
second date, when we get Stacy and William to meet
up again, but obviously she is clearly a world traveler.

He was intimidated by that, which led me to the question, William,
why would she want to go out with you in
the first place.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
Jeff came off so hard.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
He said to himself that she's so worldly, she's so traveled.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
What would be the appeal for her.

Speaker 5 (07:21):
Well, I'm a nice guy, and I'm open to going
on more traveling ventures. I mean, I've traveled a little
bit myself.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
Oh, you traveled the world.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
Come on, Jeffrey. Not everybody can afford that. But I
think what it would be appealing is he seems like
a really curious guy. Right, Like, that's who someone who
likes to travel.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
Website for curious men. I think that's a totally different issue, Broke.
He's like, I think you sound totally fine.

Speaker 4 (07:46):
By the way, William honestly interested in her adventures. He
asked a ton of questions.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Have you traveled at all? Before? You not travel? What's
your travel experience?

Speaker 5 (07:54):
Oh yeah, I mean I've been out of the country.
I've gone to Cabo twice. Oh wow, I've driven to
Scottsdale before.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
Scottsdale, Wow, Arizona.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Okay, there's something to work right here. It's not quite
you know, the Vienna Opera house, but it's close.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
So yeah.

Speaker 4 (08:17):
The positive is she could show him all these places. Jeffrey,
you just have to convince her.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
And he can show her the golf course at Scott's Stay.

Speaker 4 (08:25):
Let's just get her on the phone.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
I'm excited to talk to this worldly lady. Let's get
her on the phone right now. Here we go. You're
ready to speak English.

Speaker 5 (08:32):
She does speak English, right, I think she speaks a
couple of languages actually, but English.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
On your date is going to go really.

Speaker 6 (08:42):
All right.

Speaker 3 (08:42):
I'm gonna try and see how it goes here. I'm
down the number right now. Hello, Bonjoel is the Stacey.
I'm so sorry for.

Speaker 4 (09:04):
Hey, Lisa French. I won't try.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
Sorry, Stacey, I'm hoping. This is a radio show called
Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Speaker 6 (09:14):
Can I help you?

Speaker 3 (09:16):
Yeah, we need a lot of help, I really do.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
But mostly we're looking for help for one of our
listeners named William, because he's a guy who rumor has
it you went on a date with recently.

Speaker 6 (09:27):
What is this about a date?

Speaker 3 (09:29):

Speaker 2 (09:30):
This is It's a segment we do called Second Date
Update where our listeners go out with someone and if
they're not hearing back, or if they feel like they're
getting ghosted, they can email us and we'll try and
reach out to that person for them.

Speaker 4 (09:41):
It's a real North American continent type thing.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
M Yeah, sorry for being weird about all the North
America stuff. It's just we we heard that you're very
well traveled.

Speaker 6 (09:50):
Yes, I am well traveled. Who is the guy? Or
which date was this? And then on a couple recently.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
It was William? Oh yeah, William oh William?

Speaker 6 (09:59):

Speaker 3 (09:59):
Yeah, you guys went and got dinner together the other night.

Speaker 6 (10:04):
Yes, we went out to dinner.

Speaker 4 (10:06):
Okay, did you enjoy it.

Speaker 6 (10:09):
I don't know what you want from me here. It
was it was a nice time.

Speaker 3 (10:13):
Okay. Well, I guess is what we want is honesty.

Speaker 2 (10:15):
Yeah, we're just we're trying to help out William a
little bit because he doesn't understand why there hasn't been
a second meetup.

Speaker 4 (10:22):
He really liked you a lot and thought that maybe
they saw some potential between you two.

Speaker 6 (10:28):
I just honestly, he just wasn't cultured enough for me.
And I don't know, he just he lacked manners.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
Oh, lacked man Well, hold on, are we nitpicking? Did
not like have his fork in the right area of
the place.

Speaker 6 (10:42):
He didn't have he doesn't have good etiquette.

Speaker 4 (10:45):
Okay, any example.

Speaker 6 (10:48):
Yeah, an example is he kind of yelled out when
he had to go to the bathroom. You know, we're
in a really nice restaurant.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Stick to like the whole room or what do you mean?

Speaker 6 (11:03):
Yes, he just he got up and he says, I'm
going to the bathroom, and it was like it was
a big announcement.

Speaker 4 (11:09):
Oh yeah, that's bad ettiquette.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
Well, excuse me.

Speaker 4 (11:14):
I think he was just trying to tell her where
he was going so that you didn't think he was
ditching you or something.

Speaker 6 (11:19):
Well, he could have just said, excuse me for a minute.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
Exactly, I'll be right back.

Speaker 4 (11:24):
Have a lot higher standards than I do.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
I know, I think that's a little bit picky, at
least for us. Is that all that he did.

Speaker 6 (11:33):
No, we're at a very nice steakhouse and he waved
down the waiter to get more bread, And.

Speaker 3 (11:39):
Okay, is that is that rude?

Speaker 1 (11:41):
What is that?

Speaker 4 (11:42):
I love that bread.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
I know, if the bread's good, you want more.

Speaker 6 (11:45):
Well, it just seemed a little low class to me.
He would have waited till they came to refill you know,
my wine, or I'm a good server at a.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
Nice restaurant, it's going to check on you all the time,
so you expect him to be around every five minutes.
I guess if I remember back to my private school,
you are supposed to wait for the waiter to come
to the table. You're not supposed to shout across the restaurant.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
Nobody lives by these rules anymore.

Speaker 2 (12:11):
They're like, well, that's brook, but it's not okay when
you go to an actual respected place, a.

Speaker 4 (12:19):
Beautiful steak dinner. Right, he's the one that picked it,
He's the one that took you there.

Speaker 6 (12:24):
Yes, the restaurant was great. It's just I mean, there's
more stuff. He's just so loud and I was whispering
because there's other people around, and it was just really
inappropriate for such a nice place.

Speaker 5 (12:36):
I'm sorry, excuse me, excuse me, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
This is William.

Speaker 5 (12:40):
We were at an outback steakhouse. It wasn't a Michelin
star type of restaurant.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
I mean, oh sorry, hold.

Speaker 3 (12:53):
On, hold on, hold on, William.

Speaker 2 (12:54):
I need to let Stacy know that William has been
waiting on the other line listening to this whole conversation.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
He's wanting to talk to you.

Speaker 6 (13:03):
It was, Yes, it was an outback steakhouse. It was
the first time I've ever been. It was a very
lovely Australian steakhouse. Lovely.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
You're so world You've never been to an outback, which
is not worldly you what do you mean you think
that an outback steakhouse is a very like fine dining establishment.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
It's a big propliment for any outback people listening.

Speaker 6 (13:27):
It's not that it was like the best steakhouse I've
ever been, but it was just it felt authentic.

Speaker 4 (13:33):
Waitit wait, did you did you look around at the
other guests. You can wave down all the free bread
you want there.

Speaker 6 (13:41):
I have traveled a lot, and not all restaurants are
five star, you know, Michelin restaurants, But they're beautiful and
there's culture. So I thought that that was just an authentic,
you know thing.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
It doesn't really.

Speaker 4 (13:55):
There's definitely culture outback, but it's not like high society culture.

Speaker 6 (14:00):
Yeah, you know, honestly, I'm just happy he didn't take
me to a chain restaurant. You know.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
I wouldn't recommend googling out back. It would be you.

Speaker 4 (14:12):
Should try Applebee's. It's this little quaint place. Oh yeah,
great Long Island girl.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
I don't want to give you too many ideas.

Speaker 6 (14:26):
Honestly, I don't even know what you guys are talking about.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
Okay, don't worry about any of that.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
We should be worried about is William, who had a
great time with you the other night. Restaurant and etiquette aside,
and what he really wants is just to see you
one more time and give it another chance.

Speaker 5 (14:43):
Yeah, and you know what, if you do agree to
go on a date with me on the second day
and night, I really do hope you do. I will
take you to a really nice place and I will
show you that I have proper etiquette. I am a
class d guy. I know how to behave depending on
where I'm at. And Wow, I want you to give
me a chance to show that to you.

Speaker 4 (15:01):
Wow. It was a gentleman response if I have ever
heard one.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
Well crafted, very thoughtful. And all that's left now is
stacy a yes or no. If you want to go
out with him one more time, we'll pay for it
and tell us if you're curtsying while you're doing it.

Speaker 1 (15:15):

Speaker 6 (15:16):
You know what I I don't do charity. I'm okay,
Oh you don't do charity.

Speaker 4 (15:24):
You want to be charity like that good manners and da.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
You really are worldly, aren't you.

Speaker 6 (15:32):
I do charity. I don't take charity as.

Speaker 3 (15:37):

Speaker 5 (15:38):
Man, I am sorry, dude, Yeah, yeah, he can't win
them all. I guess I'll give it another crack out there, wave.

Speaker 4 (15:45):
Your hands around and ask for help again.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
Rook Jeffrey in the morning,
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