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April 11, 2024 36 mins

Ros and Eric welcome Amy & Johnny from Love Is Blind to the show this week and as we quickly find out these couples have ALOT in common. These two restore Eric’s faith in finding love on reality television as he gives Johnny some advice marrying into a Latin family.  It is the love story that made us all swoon this past season around the rest of the drama and it’s a conversation you don’t want to miss.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is he said, a ya dho with Eric Winter
and Rosalind Fantaz.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Hey, mister, good morning afternoon. What's not he said? I yeah,
the old listener is what is up? Eric Winter?

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Not too much excited? We have another fantastic guest. This
is your living the dream. This is like the Love
is Blind Festival, so listen. We love the drama that
comes with some of the stories on Love is Blind.
There is generally one couple each season though that makes
everyone believe.

Speaker 4 (00:31):
In love, and this year that couple was Amy and Johnny.
They were the first to be engaged. They communicated, will
had a wedding that was smooth sailing, and in the
reunion they both said.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
They were still so happy.

Speaker 4 (00:46):
I loved watching this couple so much because it was
a breath of fresh air between in between all the
drama of the season.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
We're excited to get into it. So please welcome Amy
and Johnny. Let's welcome on both to the show.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
We are so happy, so excited that you guys are here.

Speaker 3 (01:02):
She's a big Love is Blind fan.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
I mean, I've seen I enjoy it. I have I
have a love guys. I think it's well produced and
and I like it.

Speaker 4 (01:12):
I I love seeing the journey and and every time
that I see Latina, I don't know if Aunda because
I know Lydia is Puerto Rican.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
Are you the second or the third Puerto Rican?

Speaker 1 (01:23):
So second Puerto Rican to get married? But all the
Latina's in our cast for season six rashly Puerto Rican.
So yeah, yeah, there were four of us.

Speaker 4 (01:32):
Yeah, Oh my goodness, okay, very very cool. How does
it feel, Johnny to be married to Briqua?

Speaker 3 (01:38):
Trust me, Johnny, I know already you're in the early
phases of this, so good buddys me.

Speaker 5 (01:43):
So far it has been relatively smooth.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
Sailing, Johnny. Good for you, man.

Speaker 5 (01:49):
I'm also to.

Speaker 6 (01:50):
Learn a little bit of Spanish, and that has been
very interesting too, because obviously the first thing you learn
all the bad works.

Speaker 5 (01:58):
People are not talking about you. But it's it's been
good though so far.

Speaker 3 (02:03):
Can I do something you have any questions, Johnny, just
go ahead, reach out and I'll fill you in out.
The journey's gonna go kidding Spanish.

Speaker 4 (02:10):
We've been together for like, we just did a podcast
nineteen years and still nineteen years agether the two kids later,
and still he's not fluent in Spanish.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
He cannot speak Spanish. It's the craziest thing.

Speaker 3 (02:22):
Amy, if you're a better teacher, maybe and you have
more patience with it. She doesn't have a lot of
patience with the teaching. So wish you guys the.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
Best with I don't know if I have the patience,
but I try so whatever or something that's when like
babbel dou lingo, something like that.

Speaker 6 (02:39):
But I know that whenever I go to Amy's parents house,
they primarily speak Spanish their house.

Speaker 5 (02:43):
Yeah, so I work, I'm like, hey, how's it going.

Speaker 6 (02:45):
They say, oh, lot, that's something else I don't really know,
and I'm just like, I need to learn this.

Speaker 5 (02:50):
Whenever I get there, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:52):
You'll start to pick up more of At least for me,
I'm understanding a lot more. It's much harder to communicate it,
but I'm picking up the conversation, you know. I mean,
I'm kind of following what's going on.

Speaker 6 (03:02):
And I feel like it's like the biggest thing to
at least be able to understand what's going on whenever
you're over.

Speaker 5 (03:07):
To their house.

Speaker 6 (03:08):
So it gets a little bit easier.

Speaker 3 (03:08):
As long as you can understand a little bit, and
you'll be able to dance a little sauce. At some
point you're going to be just fine.

Speaker 5 (03:13):
You'll be just like, at least fake it.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
And you know what, the one thing I'll say is
that he is such a fast learner, even in the pods.
The first one of the first things that I taught him,
which is funny, I t told him fuddy about that
we were taking it tequila shop. And the funny thing
about it was that he pronounced it very well. I
was just like he was not saying like he was

actually saying it. Yeah, it's not doing that, and that
kind of like that did a little something to me. So,
you know, when it comes to speaking Spanish, the little
that he knows, he pronounces it very well.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
So I know that that's where are you from? Johnny
All from New Jersey?

Speaker 5 (03:54):

Speaker 4 (03:55):
Okay, Mama, let let's talk. Let's talk Love's Blind? Okay
individually for a second. So Amy, why, yeah, why did
you decide to go on a show like that?

Speaker 1 (04:08):
That's a great question. So basically, my friends actually reached
out to me and told me that they were looking
for people in Charlotte, and I at the moment had
not seen Love Is Blind. I didn't really know what
the concept was, but they knew my dating history and
that it wasn't good, and they knew that I was
very marriage minded. I wanted something long term, and so
they thought it was perfect for it. So I was like, okay,

why not, So I signed up for it. I was
told by the interviewers, like, you should watch it, because
I told them no pun intended, but I want to
go into this blindly, and they were like, that's not
the best idea. You should know what you're getting into,
and I was like, you know, you're right, So I
watched it. I did like the concept because I feel
like something I've always wanted and struggled with is that

I feel like when I would talk to men, they
wouldn't really care to get to know me until they
saw me. And you know, I feel like in our
gener we just prioritize the physical aspect first, and I
feel like I always knew that I wanted somebody to
fall in love with my soul first, and I felt
like this was a perfect experiment that I saw work
for a lot of people and that could work for

me as well, and so it just kind of fit
with everything that I wanted. But then life you know,
life kept going. I almost didn't partake in the experiment actually,
and he also didn't, but things just kind of opened
up very very last minute and I was able to
partake in it. So I just felt like it was
a sign.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
Yea, it sounds sounds like you had a bit more
of an intention for sure going in and open to
that way of meeting somebody, Johnny, Was it similar for you?
I mean, is that was it more of just like,
oh whatever, let's see what happens, or you were fully
into that concept of let me get to know somebody first,
regardless of how they look.

Speaker 5 (05:50):
So it was a little bit different.

Speaker 6 (05:51):
So basically with me, I was so it's like a
long term relationship for basically like right like during college,
and like also for two years after college, then for
another like maybe like three years. I was just playing
with a single game and I was enjoying myself, but
I wasn't really finding anything that was like really substantial
or just like a worthwhile relationship.

Speaker 5 (06:11):
So when I found.

Speaker 6 (06:12):
Out my love is blind, they reached out to me
via like LinkedIn, and they basically were like, hey, like
do you want to do something like this? And I
merely was like you know what, what's the worst that
can happen. The best thing is I get married. The
worst thing is that I have a really cool experience.
So basically with the interview process there and didn't really
expect to get married because when I did, basically with

the interview process, I was like one of the alternates.
So I was lucky number sixteen and past fifteen guys,
and I was just like, you know what, I'm gonna
use this experience to see who I can learn about myself,
see who I can learn about my relationships I had
in the past, and hopefully bring something to the next
one I have, because clearly something isn't working out with
my normal dating history. So maybe it's finding a different

type of person, maybe it's having different types of conversations
and just really trying to figure out what's going to
get me to hopefully find someone who's ready for marriage,
because that's like the end of the game.

Speaker 5 (07:05):
Like the best thing.

Speaker 4 (07:07):
How many dates did you have inside the pots multiple?

Speaker 1 (07:14):
So we were there about close to ten days, so
I would say at least ten dates, but time kind
of went by, like as the days passed, the dates
got longer, So our longest date was like four and
a half to five hours that's.

Speaker 4 (07:31):
Sick, I don't remember, but consecutively like five hours speaking.

Speaker 5 (07:35):
Yeah, it's basically here's like a call like this.

Speaker 6 (07:38):
You turn like the you know, the screen off and
you're sitting there with no distractions for six hours talking
and really know each other and just really finding out
those like deep conversations about hey, you know this happens,
how are we going to deal with this? Yeah, for
some reason, like something happens like to either my parents
or her parents.

Speaker 5 (07:57):
How are we.

Speaker 6 (07:58):
Going to actually handle something like this? Like would you
know Amy consider moving? What I consider moving? Yeah, things
like that.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
And you never ever discussed anything to do with your physique,
like nothing, I'm brunette, I have dark eyes, nothing, zero.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
So not really he knew that I was Latina because
I feel like that's something that I can't like that's
part of my identity. But I didn't say any physical traits,
so I think with him, the only thing was he
was describing his outfit one day and he said that
he had a hair tie, and I was like, oh
my god, like like does he have a hair longer

than I do? Like, so I was like, but I'm
gonna be open minded because obviously, like I connection, so
I was like, we're gonna We're gonna see it through.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
But it's fascinating that you both went in with such
a true open mind to the process. But at some point,
I just have a tough time for myself, Like I
put myself in this position all the time thinking about
how I could handle it show like that. At some point,
were you nervous that, Okay, once you meet each other,
you're not going to be attracted to each other or

did you just think, I know, I like this person
so much inside that I'm completely blinded by their physical
or were you concerned.

Speaker 5 (09:16):
I think so I can.

Speaker 6 (09:17):
I definitely was a lott concerned about that because I
know going into it, like I know I'm a good
looking guy, but I didn't know kind of what I
was going to see the other end too, and if
she was really going to like me for my looks
addition to kind of like my personality. And I remember
during the reveal, like when I saw Amy, I just
I couldn't speak, like just wor just didn't come out
because I was like so just like just awestra, so

I like didn't we really didn't talk to on like
that twenty minutes we saw each other. So the next
we saw each other was in the dr and when
we were like sitting in the car trying to film. Okay,
here's where we're going to be, like going to the
like walking basically into the hotel we're staying at, and
the entire time we're there, it was just like awkward silence.

Speaker 5 (09:59):
And I was like, oh, my gosh, what if she
doesn't like me if I'm cute?

Speaker 6 (10:03):
What if it's like that case where like she kind
of likes my personality but that's about it.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
Yeah, I was freaking out. And you already knew you
were attracted to her, right, You're like, oh, Like I was.

Speaker 5 (10:16):
Like, she is beautiful. And then I was like, but
I hope she likes me.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
No, No, I feel like for me, the biggest worry
was actually like figuring this out and getting to the
point that we we we got engaged, and that's a
huge deal for me, and I didn't really care about
the physical aspect. It was more so like how are
we going to get through this and get to the

actual wedding day and have it be like a good outcome.
So I think that was more so my worry, like
the real world and all those aspects, my dad and
my family meeting him and like all those things integrating.
I feel like that's where I was more wary. But
like in the pause, I was just like I have
a strong feeling about this man that I just know,

Like I don't know how to explain it, but I
felt like there was something special thereful.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
Yes, so you're like the perfect experimental piece to to
this sort of puzzle. Like you you're a person that
fell in love fully, or at least I don't I
don't want to speak put words of about fell love
but like really established a relationship, a feeling for this
person before seeing them, that you truly were I don't
care what he looks like in a way, and then
you you lucked out. You guys both are attracted to

each other, but you built it.

Speaker 4 (11:40):
Do you remember a specific time in Mexico? Because at
the beginning it was awkward. You know, he's still debating,
oh my god, does she like me? Or I'm into
this girl so much I don't know, and like I'm
testing the water.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
Do you remember a specific moment?

Speaker 4 (11:53):
Is it inside a pool at the beach in the
room that you looked at each other and it clicked.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
It's funny question because I remember, I feel like the
first night where we met all the couples before that,
we were just chilling behind the scenes, like not saying
and like we were just having the best time with
one another. And I was like, I could see myself
with this person for the rest of my life. And
it was just like the littlest thing. But I felt

like it said so much about our connection at that
moment to me.

Speaker 6 (12:24):
Like we were just basically or we were just basically
waiting to go to meet everybody. And I remember vividly
us like just joking around and then like playing like
it was the random thing ever, but we were like
just playing patty Cake, like waiting to like basically be
called up so we can go on screen. It was
just like it was so like weird but like so light,

hard and fun and just like, oh, I was just
like an enjoyable time.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
You know.

Speaker 4 (12:48):
What's interesting as a viewer because this season was so
full of drama, you know, and there's so much stuff
going on and a lot of couples that we knew
as an audience since the beginning. That's not gonna transpire
to anything, you know what I.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Mean, they just have It's Mexico. They're caught up in
the moment. Everybody's sexy, everybody, you.

Speaker 4 (13:05):
Know, it's the beach and and and they're loving the
drinking and the spending time because experiments, it could be
a lot of fun.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
But as a viewer, at least.

Speaker 4 (13:13):
Me, you know, I'm very much in tune with things,
I was like, that's not gonna work.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
That's not gonna work.

Speaker 4 (13:18):
And seeing you guys, it was such a like a
breath of fresh air, you know.

Speaker 2 (13:23):
It was just positive and clean and beautiful.

Speaker 4 (13:26):
In the beginning, it was clean, yeah, you know, and
it was like, you know, I'm so happy for them
and I and I have a feeling that that there's
one couple that is going to be successful, which is
Amy and Johnny, because it was you guys did an
incredible dance about we're part of the whole thing, and
we like everybody, and we have become friends with everybody,

but we don't really participate in the.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
You know what I mean, very much in our bubble. Yes,
even like there were things going on around us that
I feel like didn't fully click in with us until
you were watching it. Back because while filming and like
even afterwards, we truly were focused on one another, and
you know, after we got married, you know, focusing on
our marriage. So we truly were in our bubble the whole.

Speaker 2 (14:14):
That's good for you, and that was very smart.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
What it sounds like you took it. You guys both
in your own right, took the process very seriously. Yeah,
because I imagine there are a lot of people that
go in semi serious but also semi just kind of
like whatever happens is to happened. I just go with it.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
There going to experience that people going in for the
wrong reasons.

Speaker 6 (14:35):
I feel like in the moment we really didn't notice it,
but I also noticed that afterwards it was a little
more pair and you did see people that were there
for the wrong reasons that might you know, shouldn't have
probably been there. But I feel like the like casting
team over like Kinetic does a pretty good job at
kind of like weeding through people and making sure that
like their intentions are you know, actually aligned with like

the whole goal of the show.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
Were you able to develop like live like lifelong friends.
Is there a couple or a girl? I mean for
you that I said this is my girl. I really
like her.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
Yeah, I mean, honestly, most of the girls are incredible.
For me, I got closer to Chelsea and eighty throughout
the process. But like, I love Laura, I love Brittany Jass,
like all the girls are truly phenomenal, and I feel
like we have bonded. But yeah, throughout the process, like
those were my girls. So I'm very grateful for this question.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
And so where because I'm just gonna dive into a
little bit of what can be real for a lot
of people in relationships. Where are you guys now? You
just got you're married, right kids? I know was a
conversation that was maybe we want them, but we're not ready.

Speaker 5 (15:41):
We're gonna gonna push that off for a couple of years.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
I'm with you. I think that's smart. You have both
are young, but you guys are both Was that ever.
Were you guys on the same page with that the
whole time, that we want kids both of you, just
not right now or was that a little bit of
a back and forth discussion.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Yeah, we were on the same timeline of when we
wanted kids. It was just like the birth control of
it all in preventing that from happening. I don't already
expedited process to getting married. We didn't want to expedite kids,
so that was just kind of where we were on
polar opposite ends. But we kind of just met in
the middle afterwards and you know, figured it out. But
we would ideally want kids like maybe three to four years,

so like in our early thirties at some point. But
right now, we just really want to enjoy our marriage.
We moved in together about half a year ago, so
that's been really good. We've been traveling seeing his family
that are across the country, and then we went to
France with my family as well and that was amazing.
So really just enjoying our marriage.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
How are you both? We are twenty eight, both of
you twenty eight, Yes, before this, now that you're married.
What would the longest relationship either of you had had?

Speaker 1 (16:52):
I mine was like three and a half year four I.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
Was about four, And neither of you had ever gone
down the road with anybody of engagement or like super
It was just a long relationship, but you didn't see
necessarily the future with those.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
I feel like both of us kind of with our
previous long term relationships. We both had in common that
they were when we were in our early twenties, when
we were so college and so I'm sure it was
a thought in the back of like their head, and
like also like it was a thought in the back
of our head, but like it was just like, you know,
you're young and you're in love, so you like think

of all this stuff, but like it's not the most
rational thinking. Oh, I feel like it was a thought,
but it wasn't like it didn't get to that serious
point because we broke up when we were in early twenties.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Yeah, And I asked it because, like you guys said,
you made a point. You guys have an expedited marriage, right,
your relationship was expedite. Everything is when you see a
lot of these shows about dating and everything goes supernatural speed, Right,
it's not normal the process, and you guys are now
in it, and it sounds like you're making sounds like
you're making very mature decisions at this point, which is
why I wondered if you guys had had long previous

relationships or you've been down that path, because that's part
of the dating sort of development, right, of getting where
you need to be mentally to jump into a marriage
and now, like you said, we want kids, but not yet.
You're still both so young, plenty of time to figure
all that out. Now, you got to just continue to
build and focus on the relationship because it is still
really new.

Speaker 5 (18:24):
Exactly exactly. And I also feel like the reason why
we had such kind of likep like in depth conversations
was just because we had such a.

Speaker 6 (18:33):
Good number of like resources to reach out to people
who were married that we valued, like what they had
in a relationship. Ye like my parents, her parents, my sister,
and my brother in law, some of her best friends,
some of my best friends, Like they're all married, they've
all been together for like a very long time, and
they were able to basically help us out by basically
saying like, hey, have you had these conversations yet? Have

you guys been down this road before? Like, have you
had these discussions yet? And it really kind of guide us,
like through the conversations that we need to have and
make sure that we were both open with each other
about what we wanted, what we ideally wanted in the future,
and you know how ultimately to get.

Speaker 4 (19:08):
There any hesitation within the families, because I know what
we saw on camera was was very supportive. You know,
your dad at the beginning was a little hesitant.

Speaker 2 (19:18):
You know, your daddy's.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
Girlhos like, I can completely Like if I tell my dad,
I'm just gonna go on on a dating show and
I'm going to meet somebody and I'm gonna marry him
in seven days, my mom, my dad will had been
over my dad body, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
But the fact that that.

Speaker 4 (19:34):
You had a mom and a dad that respected your
decision met him with open arms. A little bit hesitant,
which is normal, But at the end, I thought they
were so graceful, you know, and and so.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
Happy to see you happy. Do you think that.

Speaker 4 (19:52):
Was there any drama at all that we didn't see
or was it always we're gonna let you do you
and we we believe that you're making the right choice.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
Yeah. So I feel like the hesitance was more so
before the experiment itself, and even in the pause, I
was like, I don't know how this is gonna go,
because you know, I don't I didn't have communication with
my parents while we were in the experiment, So I'm
just like, you know, once we get to the part
where I'm engaged, I'm like, holy, I'm engaged, and my
family doesn't know, Like I don't know how they're going

to react. And it's at that point when I get
back to Charlotte, it's been three weeks.

Speaker 4 (20:26):
But they knew she's going to Love He's Blind. We're
going to watch Love's Blind. So they knew what was happening.

Speaker 1 (20:31):
They knew what well, okay, they knew the intention of
the show and like, what could happen? And I told them, hey,
I'm gone in an extra week. It's because I found somebody,
So that fact they kind of already had known. But
I feel like I talked to them about Johnny and
how amazing he was, and I feel like my dad
really came around once he met Johnny. And my dad

he reads people extremely well. So if my dad for
some reason didn't approve, didn't give the blessing, it would
have most likely had been because he saw something that
I probably wasn't saying. And at the end of the day,
like he would still allow me to be myself and
make my decision, but he would tell me straight up
like this is not it. But when he met Johnny,

it was just like he absolutely adored him and he
respected him and he knows the trials and tribulations I
have faced in the past, and that Johnny is truly
like the best that has ever come into my life.
And he was just like, it's a no brainer. Even
though it was a very short time of meeting, it
just made sense. And I feel like it was the

same thing with meeting his family. You know, everything just clicked.
And so even at the wedding when everybody meets, even
my own grandma who lives with my dad, who was
also very hesitant about the process too, she mentioned, I
feel like I have known his family for lifetimes, and

it was very interesting because it's like I never expected
it to go as smoothly as it did, because something
about my parents is that they will say what they
think and they won't care, and I love that for them.
But you know, the fact that they just handled it
with so much grace and respect and respect for me

and my decision and support overall meant the whole world
to me. So there really wasn't a lot of hesitancy after,
you know, meeting Johnny. It was more so before the experiment.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
What about you, Johnny same, So.

Speaker 6 (22:33):
I really like the biggest thing was about the experiment itself,
just kind of like Amy was saying, it's such a
fast process. So my parents found out about it. I
think I was more nervous for them to find out
about it than they actually were about the whole experiment self.
So what happened was we talked, I don't know way
more information than you guys playing you a nail. But

they live in Maine. I had to go to Maine
any way, right before the work for the show start filming,
because I'm a little sir graduate from PA school, So
I went up there. We talked like that whole night
from like when I ended up driving there, which was
I think it got there like ten o'clock at night
till like three or four am, and just talk about
everything like why something do you want to go on

the show? Like what are your intentions? Like what do
you want to get out of this? Like how do
you want to portray yourself? Yanda idada, like those syps
of things, And I just basically opened up to them.
I was like, I want to do this for myself,
like at the end of the day, like I probably
don't see myself getting married, I see myself learning a
lot more about myself as an individual. And then hopefully
taking to another relationship, and they're like, you know what,

I'm fully supportive of that they find someone. I really
hope it's like the right one, and I hope it
works out very well, but we're behind you fully.

Speaker 5 (23:42):
So they ended up supporting it.

Speaker 6 (23:44):
And then my sisters when they actually met Amy, they
were just immediately in love with her, like they were like,
you were the best person ever. You find her family
so well, Like it was just like how you saw.
And I don't know if it's just because of like
my relationship with my family or like Amy's relationship with
like her mom and her dad, but I feel like

we just as individuals were people that our families respected,
and because of that, they really just trust who we chose.

Speaker 5 (24:12):
As far as love partner goes, Yeah, it feels.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
Like lightning in a bottle. I just wonder if that's
the I wonder how normal this is on a show
like this, to be this seamless.

Speaker 5 (24:22):
I don't think it's low.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
No, I don't think so. I don't think on The Bachelor,
I don't think on any of these shows, like dating shows,
it's almost like perfect, like your journeys were meant to
be in this, you know this path to collide and
this was gonna work out.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Yeah, No, I completely agree with that. I feel like,
and I always say this, I feel like it was
very much destiny, like our love was written in the stars,
because there were so many reasons why we almost didn't
partake in this. Him being an alternate, I had trips
planned out. One trip was right before we were supposed
to start filming, and that canceled the day before we

were supposed to fly out because of my parents' passports,
and I was completely distraught. And that's and I had
just found out that I was chosen as a finalist,
and I basically called my manager and I cried to
her and I was like, I just hope you know
that I'm working next week. Unfortunately, but this also happened,
and I don't know if, like I'm gonna be able
to do it because like the timeframe is so short,

and I also had a trip in April, and like
long story short, there were like complex things that were
in the way for me to be able to even
partake in this, and it just seamlessly moved out of
the way. And I feel like for him being an alternate,
and like he also had to do different things that
were kind of in the way that could have prevented
him from participating, but like the universe just really like

moved so that we could meet. I don't know why
we met through love is fun, but I'm very grateful that,
you know, the show and experiment exists overall, because it
seems like we were clearly meant to meet this way.

Speaker 3 (25:52):
So and I'm good.

Speaker 6 (25:55):
I still remember like during the Pods and then like
after we met, after we saw each other the dr
I basically said her, I was like, I'm still waiting
for a first fight because it just seems too easy,
Like it seems like it's just it's too straightforward, this
this can't be real type of thing. Like I'm just
waiting for, you know, something to just come crashing down
and like bring us back to reality. But nothing ever did,

and it's thedless experience. I just was it was kind
of that nice and like good things do happen like it.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
You guys are making me a believer in this process
because I'm telling it. I'm forever with all of these
dating shows that are out there, I've always been like, nah,
there's no way, like that's not gonna happen for every
one of them. I don't care if it's The Bachelor,
I don't care what it is. I'm like, eh, I
mean sure that the camera they you know, they're cutting around.
It's can't be that happy. You guys are like the
perfect example. They should sell every dating show off for

you guys. It is really possible.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
Any cultural differences.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
I'm not really. I feel like with Johnny and his family,
they're so I feel like for us that you know,
we're so family oriented, but his family is so family
oriented too that it just it's a perfect blend. And
he is so open minded to trying new things, learning
new things, and that was something that was very important

to me. And so that was, you know, something we
communicated to each other in the pods and I like
wanted to make sure like that he was that type
of person that was very open minded. And so I
feel like there hasn't really been any like significant cultural differences.

Speaker 6 (27:34):
I just remember that one of the things I was
quote nquote open minded about was trying Coquito the best
cannot stand.

Speaker 4 (27:43):
I didn't.

Speaker 1 (27:45):

Speaker 5 (27:46):
I not like cocont That is a very very, very
tough for me.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
I don't think understand, my heart, I just see it's just.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
Like, yes, but did you try it?

Speaker 5 (27:58):
Like it?

Speaker 2 (27:59):
They didn't like it.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
I'm not going to.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
Other flavors. You didn't tell me this.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Yes, no, there's other options. My mom makes coquito and
like we would, you know, distribute it to friends and
family and like, people love my mom's coquito so much,
so I'm just like, there's no way that you will
not love my mom's coquito. But she only does like
the traditional course.

Speaker 3 (28:29):
How much perto Rican food have you gotten into?

Speaker 2 (28:31):
What about my fungo? Not yet.

Speaker 5 (28:35):
I've heard so much from so much.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
Fantastic, but wait till you have to when you have that,
oh my god, I have another going to get you
to Puerto Rico.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
I haven't gotten too into the kitchen to like do
all these traditionalis. I just do like the basic, you know,
I don't like just any type of but when it
comes to doing like morepungo, like, I'm not gonna. I
haven't had the time to do all that. But he
has tried, like my grandma's pastels, he's tried, like he's

tried like those kinds.

Speaker 4 (29:12):
But my bongo, you know what you have to do
there's like a kid called Body Lecious, Body Delicious. Body
Body Delicious follow him on Instagram. Is a young kid
that cooks right and he teaches you how to do
Puerto Rican stuff very simple. Everything is delicious and it
will be a great introduction for him.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
And the kid is funny.

Speaker 4 (29:32):
So you can show Johnny the videos and the food
is or just I just.

Speaker 2 (29:36):
Go to Puerto Rico.

Speaker 5 (29:38):
That's another thing we're trying to do.

Speaker 6 (29:39):
So first off, we love cooking together, so like that's
one of the things we like always bond over is cooking.

Speaker 5 (29:44):
Okay, we are trying to play a trip to Puerto
Rico pretty soon. We think it's gonna be like the
May June ish time.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
But good.

Speaker 5 (29:54):
So I'm very excited my first time there.

Speaker 6 (29:56):
And Amy's like we got to see the rainforest, we
got to see h us.

Speaker 5 (30:01):
Why yes, we're gonna be going all over.

Speaker 6 (30:10):
The amis planning this like jam packed basically like a
tenerary full of Puerto Rico.

Speaker 5 (30:16):
So I got to actually see an experience for myself.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
I add one thing to your and Roslyn can send
this over. You guys can get it, but you've got
to go. We were just introduced to us. And I
mean I've been there a gazillion times now right in
the twenty years, never have experienced anything like this guy
called Captain Pelican in Agwodia, And you have to make
this drive right, you have to go on this little boat.

It's called what do they call it now, a little
Spanish boats. When Spain came they call it something they
call it's a little He takes you on this little
boat all through and he like literally goes, mommy, man,
I got and all these freaking pelicans start landing on
your boat and they're in with you. You swimming with
fifty rocks, the most beautiful, exquisitive spaces ever. I just

did it on our last trip, which was last When
was I there last last summer? Maybe the last trip.
And I mean again I've been there countless times. This
is one of the most memorable things we've ever done there.
She was blown away.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
That's awesome to info and then also do.

Speaker 4 (31:23):
Instead of just going to the rainforest, which is beautiful,
go to the junk is beautiful. But there's a tour
I believe it's called I can send you all this
info Amy. They pick you up in the morning at
six am. They bring you back like at six o'clock
at night, but they take you and Camui and you
experience the rainforest, but in a way that you have
never experienced it before.

Speaker 3 (31:43):
Like ziplining through it in everywhere you feel like.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
It's Jurassic Park. I was like, where am I am?
I even in Puerto Rico it was incredible.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
Oh yeah, I take them to over there.

Speaker 2 (31:58):
But no, because it will take you to some caves.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
And it'll be like a little bit of everything.

Speaker 3 (32:07):
It's just a little bit of a different adventure everything.
You going to go to Camou and you can walk around,
but this is like going on an adventure. Like if
you're if you're cool with like hiking and getting you know,
going walking through water and stuff like that, you'll you'll
be into that.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
What is what is next? So what's what? What's next
for you guys career wise?

Speaker 1 (32:24):

Speaker 2 (32:24):
I know you guys were both business people and you
have your jobs.

Speaker 4 (32:28):
But now that you had this platform that people love
you that I'm assuming you're going to get a lot
of opportunities.

Speaker 2 (32:33):
What's next?

Speaker 1 (32:35):
That's a good question. I feel like that's really up
in the air. I feel like we're very much open
to the opportunities and the possibilities. But we both have
worked incredibly hard for education, and you know, we've worked
hard for our career. So I don't know, like it's
one of those things that if it's something that we
can juggle both that we will and if not, if

there's something better, bigger and better, then we'll be open
to it. But it just really depends. We're always the
type of people that are open to the unknown.

Speaker 5 (33:05):
Yeah, And I know, just growing up to my mom
always worked in like the nonprofit space. Yeah, and I
feel like this kind of gives.

Speaker 6 (33:11):
Us opportunity to really kind of give back and like
that kind of sense. Oh yeah, and just do more
like volunteering, more like actually working like in nonprofits. So
just trying to find the right one. I feel like
it's going to be like a big I don't know,
it's like thing for us to do and really look
forward to, but we definitely want to because of this platform,
be able to promote different things, be able to help
out however we count around the community. Yeah, and just

make sure that we're actually building something that's more like
longer term than just just be like a quick like
fifteen minutes of fame than boom, Like we want to
make sure there's going to be like more of like
a long lasting thing kind to help out multiple people.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
Yeah, and I feel like something that's very important to
myself and us is my identity. And I've always been
involved in any like Hispanic organization since I was a kid,
and so that's something I look forward to continue doing
as being involved with in the community in Charlotte in
terms of that as well as you know, advocating for

kids and adults that have mental disabilities because my brother
is on the spectrum, so like getting educated and advocating
others is like a huge goal of mine as well
and ours.

Speaker 2 (34:17):

Speaker 3 (34:18):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (34:18):
Thank you so much, guys.

Speaker 4 (34:19):
This was so beautiful and we wish you nothing about
blessings and prosperity and health and a life of just
yeomanness and incredible experiences.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 3 (34:29):
That means keep living the dream. It sounds like it's
all going the right way.

Speaker 5 (34:33):
Thanks really fun.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
Yeah, thanks for joining us.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
Yes, that they one bye bye.

Speaker 3 (34:43):
That was lovely.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
They're so nice, so nice.

Speaker 3 (34:46):
I truly I'm not joking when I say I think
they're the lightning in the bottle couple, Like, I wonder
how many. I mean, I remember the very first bachelor
or bachelorette with they're still together. Yeah, they're still married,
kids and all that stuff. I mean like they they
were like that anomally in the dating world space, you know,
when it comes to these reality shows. This feel they
feel like the same. These two, Yeah, like really good

heads on their shoulders, doing everything sort of the right
way and on their terms. And I'm really I'm really
excited for them. Makes me a believer in the process,
which I never thought I would be.

Speaker 2 (35:18):
Yeah, if everything fails, you can always go to love
his wind.

Speaker 3 (35:21):
Wow, if change love is blind, I'm you're already saying
that everything fails for us? How did that track?

Speaker 4 (35:30):
Can you ever go and love love is Blind and
we change our names and you can change the voice,
They'll they'll be.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
Led back to each other.

Speaker 2 (35:37):
That would be awesome. Can you imagine?

Speaker 1 (35:47):
Here we go?

Speaker 3 (35:48):
Let me say, oh wait, just mach hurt. It's froz
all right, till next time.

Speaker 1 (35:55):
I love you.

Speaker 3 (35:56):
Thanks for listening. Don't forget to write us a review
and tell us what you think.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
If you want to follow us on Instagram, check us
out at he said. Ajado Or sen as an email
Eric and Ross at iHeartRadio dot com.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
He said.

Speaker 4 (36:08):
Ajabho is part of iHeartRadio's My Pultuda podcast network.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
See you next time.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
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