All Episodes

November 15, 2023 39 mins

Paris is taking you to the here and now, to answer YOUR questions… and nothing is off limits!
Paris opens up about her relationship with her Little Hiltons, her struggles with ADHD, and her experience as a multi-hyphenate CEO. 
Plus, Paris shares the secret to finding out who your REAL friends are.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wow, I embarrassed.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Hi everybody, I'm back with another episode of I Am Paris,
and today I'm going to be discussing the present. I'm
going to be answering questions that were sent in by
my fans, and let's start it off. You have the
most amazing fans. What was one of your favorite or
memorable fan interactions recently? A couple of weeks ago. A

couple of weeks ago, I just released my new cookwear line,
so I thought it would be fun to drive around
to LA and surprise people with it. So I rented
this big pink tour bus and it was one of
those like Hollywood tour buses, pink with like no top
on it, windows open, and I drove around LA and

surprised people with my cookwear line. We went to one
of the sororities called Kappa Theta, and it was so
cute just pulling up and.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
All the girls are outside.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Everyone was so excited and screaming, and I started just
passing out my cookword to everyone, and it was just
amazing just to see everyone's faces and just how excited
they were. And everybody just loved the cook word so much,
and it just made me really proud to see everyone
and just hear all their kind words. And I just

love surprising people like that. So that was so much fun.
You were so kind and generous, true fans. Why is
this so important to you? I love my fans so much.
They call themselves my little Hiltons, and I consider my
fans like my family, like my little brothers and sisters.

And I just have been through so much in my
life and my fans have always been there for me.
And just traveling the world and visiting with people and
getting to see my fans and surprising them or doing
special things for them is always something that I enjoy
doing most. And I've been in this industry for so

long and my fans have been with me every step
of the way, and I just feel so lucky to
have the best fans in the world. Brittany just mentioned
you and her memoir. Could you share some of your
favorite memories of your friendship with her. I love Brittany
so much, and I was so touched reading what she

wrote about me and her memoir. I love the book
so much. If you haven't read it, you should definitely
go check it out. It is just amazing. She's so
vulnerable and tells her story and I'm just so proud
of her. She's so strong and it's been through so much,
and I have so many amazing memories with her. And

some of my favorites were just being in Vegas together
and then in LA just being in Malibu and going
shopping and just so many fun nights out and she's
amazing and I love her so much. And again, I'm
just so proud of her and just excited for what

she's going to do next. If you were to cover
a Brittany song, which one would you choose? M It's
hard because there's so many amazing songs I love, like
all of her music. Some of my favorites, of course Toxic,
Slave for You, Lucky. I love that song so much,

so pretty, So I think out of all those, I
think Lucky because I love the song, I love the
message about it, and just everything she does is iconic.
Your Brittany Halloween costume was epic. What are some of
your other favorite Brittany looks? Oh, that was one of
my favorites. I love the music video for Toxic. I

think it's just so hot, so iconic. That director is
epic and I loved all the looks in that also
the one where she's like covered in all the strowsky
crystals that is so beautiful and I love her schoolgirl
outfit from hit Me Baby One More Time music video

that was hot. Why did you decide to set up
eleven eleven Media? I decided to set up my media
company eleven eleven because I'm involved in so many different
businesses and verticals from TV to podcasting to the metaverse,

to products, to my books, to doing films to doing music,
and I just have so many things happening in my
world that I was really important to bring a team
behind me to just create this media company where I

could partner with other brands and other creators and just
be able to have all of my businesses under one umbrella.
And I feel so lucky that I have the most
incredible team and everybody is just so passionate, so hard working,
and so kind and brilliant, and everyone is a specialist

in every single area. And for me, I do so
many different things from being a businesswoman to all my
advocacy work, to being a singer, a DJ, to being
an author, an artist.

Speaker 1 (05:51):
I do it all.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
So I love having a media company that can be
behind me and support me, and also being able to
do that for other people as well. So those are
all the reasons, and I love it, and I'm so
proud of everything that we have accomplished together. And I
can't wait to tell you guys soon about all the

other exciting projects that are coming up, because there is
so much happening and I can't wait. What do you
love most about being a high profile CEO? What I
love most about it is the pride that I feel.
I have worked so hard being in this industry for
over two decades now, and I've accomplished so much, so

it just makes me feel extremely proud to just see
all of my hard work being recognized and people looking
up to and respecting me, and really just being able
to accomplish anything that I put my mind to, and

like when I have a dream, go for it. And
I've been successful in every single area that I've went
for in life, and that just makes me feel so happy, because,
you know, especially growing up in the two thousands and
people seeing me as this blonde and thinking that I

was just the girl from the simple life who is
not a dumb blonde, just very good at pretending to
be one, and you know, proving people wrong and showing
them that there's so much more to me and now
finally getting the recognition that I deserve. So that makes

me just feel extremely happy. You have so many gorgeous fragrances,
which one to day is your favorite? Well, I have
twenty nine perfumes. I'm about to release my thirtieth soon,
and I love all of them so much, as they're
all very special to me, and I put a lot

of work into every single one, and just so many
memories with every perfume and every campaign and designing every
bottle and picking every and picking every fragrance, and it
just makes me feel just so proud to have accomplished
all that, because when I was a little girl, I
always had a dream of having one perfume. And I

remember just being with my sister and playing in my
mom's closet and in her boudoir. She collected all these
gorgeous fragrances, and I looked at my mom and said,
one day, I'm going to have my own fragrance. So
now to be releasing almost my thirtieth, I just feel
again extremely proud. And it's hard to pick one because

it's like choosing a favorite child. But if I had
to pick one, it would be my twenty ninth fragrance,
which is called love Rush, And that fragrance is so
special to me because it was the fragrance that I
wore or on my wedding day, which was one of
the most important days of my life. And it's just
such a beautiful perfume. It smells like gardenia flowers and

I think that every bride should wear it on her wedding,
So go check it out. Some of your fans wrote
in about their struggles with ADHD. What are some of
your coping strategies for ADHD. Something that's been very helpful
to me is reading this book called Driven to Distraction
from doctor halliwell, he's actually my ADHD coach and he's

been so helpful. So I think it's really important to
write lists and make sure to put timers on when
you're doing certain things so that you can stay on task.
And to have someone that could help you, like Carter
is amazing with I tell him something, he'll help remind

me of it. I think just having someone to support
you that could remind you about things, because when you
have ADHD, your mind is just full of so many
ideas and it's just a lot. So sometimes it's like
overflowing with ideas and it's hard to remember them all.

So I think it's important to definitely write things down,
put them in a journal, and if you're gonna, like
with me, sometimes or a lot of times, I lose
my phone or I lose my house keys or car keys.
So I think it's a good thing to kind of
pick a certain area where you put things. I still

need to follow this rule because I don't do it
a lot, but if you kind of like pick an
area where you can put your keys every night so
you know where they are, or a place where you
could put your phone or other things that are important
to you so you remember where they are. Another thing
that's helpful is drawing and doodling on you're in a

meeting and it's hard to concentrate, Like I feel like
sometimes if you're doing two things at once.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
That's helpful. Just be creative.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
And yeah, those are some of my tips as well
as if you go on social media and you can
search the hashtag for ADHD, there is so many different
creators and doctor Hallowell as well.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
He has an amazing.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
TikTok where he gives tips about you know what is.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Helpful when you have ADHD.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
Because I feel like it's a superpower, but I know
it can be challenging sometimes because our brains work differently,
so we're just constantly overflowed with information, and yeah, it's
a lot to handle. But I think it's important when
you have people that can support you and make you

feel better about it. And another tip that I have,
which I think is so important if you want to
learn more about ADHD, if you have it, or you're
a parent, or if you're dating or married to someone
who has it. I think that this film is a
documentary called The Disruptors.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
I was actually in it as well.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
They interviewed me for it, and there's just so many
people who have it who have become extremely successful in life.
So I think it's very inspiring for people to watch
and just to learn so much about it. So go
check that out, The Disruptors. Reflecting on your journey, how

is your ADHD different today from when you were younger? Well,
when I was a teenager, no one was really talking
about ADHD, so I didn't even know that I had
it because I didn't know what it was, and you know,
it was very difficult because I would be in school
and it would just be so hard for me to
focus and I just couldn't remember things. I was hard

just doing tests and having to memorize, and when I
would read a book, I would read something and then
forget what I read right before, and you know, teachers
would get frustrated because they didn't know what ADHD was either.
So you know, I always thought there was something wrong
with me, and I didn't understand why I couldn't pay

attention in class and why I was getting such bad grades,
and you know, it was just really hard to have
to deal with that and not know why I was
feeling that way. And then now today that there's so
much research on it and so many more people are
talking about it, and you know, people understand it more,

it's made it just a lot easier to deal with
because now I understand it much more. But it's definitely
something that is a struggle sometimes because it does get
overwhelming and it's really hard just to concentrate, and especially
with me, I have so many things happening in my life.

So that's why I feel so lucky to have such
an amazing team to just help me stay on track
and get all this done because I just have so
many projects and so many things happening every second. But
the good thing about it is that now I know
it is a superpower and if you can harness it

in the right way, because we are extremely creative people
and we are risk takers, and I think that's why
in my life I've been someone who's been a trailblazer
and a pioneer and does things first. And I think
that all leads back to MYDA So I think if

you can look at it in the right way, you
can actually use it to your advantage. So don't fret,
my darlings. You are one of the hardest working people
I know. How do you juggle being a businesswoman, mother,
and a wife. Thank you so much, and yes, I
agree with you. I don't know anyone who works as

hard as I do. But I feel so grateful that
I get to do so many things that I love
and I just feel so proud of all of it.
And it is a lot to balance and juggle, you know,
running my whole company and also being with my family.

But I always think it's important to have a work
balance and family balance, and I just love everything that
I do so much, and I always make time to
spend with my family, my husband, my baby, and I
try to do as much as possible from at home.

So like my podcast, we're here at my house. We
built this podcast room area where I have this area
as well as my recording studio, so I'm able to
do the podcast from home and then record my music.
I'm doing my new album here and when I have
photo shoots, I try to make them here as much

as possible as well, so that way I can go
back and forth to my baby, Phoenix's room, and then
when I'm in meetings here, I have his little baby
carrier and I'll just carry him in my arms and
he'll come with me just around the house all the meetings.
So I just try to do as much as possible

from here so I can be with my husband and
my baby all the time. So that's how I do
it all. How do you go with delegating work? Do
you sometimes struggle to do so and want to do
everything yourself with my work, That's why I have such
an amazing team where they can help me with everything,
and I'm someone who does like to do everything myself,

so I think it is important where I can help
delegate and have others help me. I think being an
Aquarius as well, that's just something that runs through me
and for me in my business life, I always pick
projects that I love, that I'm passionate about, because then
it just makes it so much more fun. When you

have free time, what are your favorite things to do
to relax. I don't have much free time because I
I'm constantly doing so many different projects. So you know,
even on the weekends, I'm working and either in the
studio doing music or making mood boards for one of

my product lines, we're having meetings. So when I do
have that for time, my favorite thing is to just
get a massage and facial and just try to chill
out and relax and listen to music. Or I love
to do art. I love to paint or make collages

or different art projects. And my other favorite thing is
just to lay with Phoenix and read him books and
spend time with all of my puppies, as my animals
just always put me in the best mood. What is
your favorite self care routine. My favorite self care routine

is going into my living spa. We built a wellness
center here at the house, so I love on the weekends,
my husband Carter and I will have a wellness day
where we'll go into the Hyperbaric chamber, which is this
huge four person like oxygen chamber, and we just bring

a bunch of pillows and blankets in there and we
lay down and like either watch a movie or Netflix
or work and just kind of bring my iPad in
there and answer my emails, go through approvals and multitask.
I've always been someone who loves to do that. And
then we love going into our cryotherapy machine. We have

this amazing cryomachine by Cryo Belt, so I love to
go in there and then lay in the red light
bed like I love red light therapy. It's so relaxing
as well as laying under our Omniluxe light, which is
another red light therapy for your face that just makes

your skin just glow and it's just amazing for just
keeping your skin gorgeous. I'd love skincare ever since I
was eight years old, my mom really told me the
importance of staying out of the sun and just taking
care of my skin. So ever since I was little,

I've just always been obsessed with learning everything about it
and going with all the different serums and I creams
and decaletage and net cream and just really being very
strict about my skincare. And that's why I am all natural,
because I've always taken amazing care of my skin. And

right now I'm actually working on finishing up my new
skincare line, which is so epic. I've been using it
the past couple of months and it's just amazing, So
I can't wait to share that with the whole world.
I've always admired your confidence. Do you have any tips
or advice on how to build confidence like you?

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
I think it's important to not listen to negative peace
people and just to surround yourself with people who lift
you up and make you feel beautiful, like the best
version of yourself, and just to not listen to the haters.
Is there's going to be people who want to pull

you down or make you feel bad about yourself, and
I think it's important to not let those people affect
you and just know that they're not happy with their
own lives and that's why they're trying to tear you down.
And yeah, just about believing in yourself and being happy
and I think that's some important tips for that. Phoenix

is so adorable. Has he taken his first steps yet?
Or is he learning how to crawl right now?

Speaker 1 (21:49):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
I'm so obsessed with my little baby boy. He is
just the most adorable thing on the planet.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
And it's just.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
So gentle and sweet and just has the most beautiful smile,
and he just melts my heart every single day.

Speaker 1 (22:09):
I love him so much.

Speaker 2 (22:11):
And he is nine months old now, so he hasn't
walked yet. He's not crawling yet, but he's he can
like roll over, so we're kind of training him right
now to start walking and crawling, but right now he's
just still a little baby, so not yet, but I'm

sure very soon. What kind of food is Phoenix into?
Does he have a favorite fruit yet? Phoenix just started
eating solids recently, so I've just been blending food for him,
like vegetables and fruits, and he loves bananas and he

loves apricots and pears. And it's really fun making his
baby food for him and when he tries different food,
just like seeing the look on his face when he
eats something like yesterday I gave him pumpkin that was
like purade pumpkin, and it was just so cute to

see the look on his face when he just eats
new foods. What is your favorite book to read to Phoenix?
Have you ever thought of releasing a children's book? S
is for Slving? One of his favorite books is The
Giving Tree, and that was one of my favorite books
growing up. I remember my parents used to read that
to me, so that always brings back memories. And he

loves books. He loves books especially that have pictures.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
In them and drawings.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
And yes, I am planning on releasing a children's book,
maybe a children's series of books and s is for Slving.
I think that would be a fun alphabet book to
deal with all the different words for every single letter
in the all for that, and I'd love to draw,
so I think it would also be a lot of

fun to have a book with my drawings in it.
When did you discover your love for cooking. I've always
loved to cook since I was a little girl. I
used to always be in the kitchen with my grandma
and my mom and cooking during the holidays, and we
are part Italian, so I just always remember cooking lasagna

and different impasta sauces with my mom and my grandma.
And I love food, so it's always a lot of
fun just to get in the kitchen and do home
cooked meals. Who taught you how to cook? My mom
and my grandma, they are amazing cooks. And just growing

up my whole childhood in the kitchen with them and
just watching everything and learning from them and how to
cook like Thanksgiving dinner and all that is so much
fun and just always bring back so many memories of
being in the kitchen with my family. What is your

favorite meal to cook at home for your family. Well,
of course, my living lasagna is my specialty. I love
cooking that, and I've learned how to cook some new recipes.
And another one of my favorites is egg for tata,
which I put with vanilla oatmealk in it, and it

just tastes so good because it's like this sweet taste
with the vanilla in it, and it's something new that
I learned. So that's something that I love to do
on the weekends. How does it feel to pursue your
music dreams? It feels amazing. Ever since I was a

little girl, I've always loved music. I'd love to sing
since I was four years old, I was playing the
piano and then the violin and then singing my entire life.
So just to now be recording my second album, having
an executive produced by Sia, doing concerts around the world,

it's just feels like a dream come true. Along with
all your business ventures, you are an incredible advocate for
a number of social causes. What motivates you to give back?
I just feel that I am so lucky to have
this platform, and I really want to use it for
good and be able to make change. And I think

it's really important that I can now turn my pain
into a purpose and help make a difference in other
children's lives. And I just feel like that's something really
important to do when you are given a gift in
life or a platform, to use it in a positive way.
And I feel so lucky that I'm able to do

that for so many people. One cause near dear, dear
heart is the trouble teen industry. Lily, a recent survivor
of the trouble teen industry, is so inspired by the
work you're doing to change laws to ensure youth are
better protected in residential treatment facilities. She wants to know
how she can help you pass the federal Stop Institutional

Child Abuse Act. Thank you so much, Lily, I'm so
proud to be using my voice and platform to ensure
that no more kids are abused in the name of treatment.
Our federal bill called the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act
is gaining momentum, and I need everyone, whether you're a
survivor or not, to ask their senators and representative member

to co sponsor and support the bill. Helping me only
takes thirty seconds. Can text go Sica Goosi CAA to
five zero four zero nine and make sure your voice
is heard at the federal level. I would really appreciate
everyone listening to take out their phones and text go

Siica to five zero four zero nine. You've been a
fashion icon for many How do you think your style
has influenced the fashion industry. It's always so much fun
just seeing how many people that I inspire with my

fashion and just looking back on so many of the
iconic looks that I've worn over the years, and especially
you know, since the beginning, I used to not have
a stylist and would just pick out all my outfits
on my own, and now just to see so many
of those looks recreated and on different mood boards of

so many major designers and seeing so many of my
looks on the runways and just always being so ahead
of my time with fashion, and it always just makes
me feel really proud just to just see how many
people love my fashion as well as this Halloween just
seeing thousands of people dressing up is different times in

my life from the simple life, or from my birthday parties,
or just from just certain iconic looks that I wore.
It just always makes me feel just so happy just
to see so many people enjoying my style and doing
their own takes on it. And yeah, I love always

seeing everything you guys are posting on social media, and
again just makes me feel so proud to have affected
the fashion world in such a way. How did you
become this slving legend that you are today? Living is
a lifestyle and a movement and something that I've done

my entire life. So I think it's just all about
being real and authentic and who I am, and that's how.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
I did it.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
Have you healed from the loss of Diamond Baby, yet
I wish that she could have met Phoenix. That's something
that I'll never be healed from like Diamond Baby was
like my tinker Bell, my best friend, my sidekick, my siss,
my family. And it's just been so heartbreaking just not

having her, and I will think about her and miss
her for the rest of my life because it was
like losing a child, and I know that she's still
out there. I can feel her energy and I know
that someone has her, so at least to know that
she's okay helps a little bit. But that's something that

will always affect me for the rest of my life.
I'll always miss her so much, and it feels like
a part of my heart is gone with her not here.
I've heard that it's difficult to find friends when you're famous.
There's some people who want to get close to a
celebrity because of their benefits. How did you find out

which people were your true friends? And take notes on
detecting a fake friend? It is definitely hard, because, especially
in this town, there's so many hungry tigers and people
who you know just only want to be friends just
to use me or just I don't know, they're just

out for their own intentions and not true friends. But
a way that I've found out about fake friends is
telling them fake rumors and just making up stories. And
then if I read about them in page six or
on TMZ, then I know I can't trust that person.
And I've done it before and I've found out who

the true friends are and who isn't. So watch out
because maybe I'm trick you and I will find out.
This is not a question, but I really want you
to hear this, Paris. You are a fantastic mom. Your
son is absolutely beautiful. I've followed you for years, and

I honestly believe that you deserve such a beautiful, happy ending.
You're an inspiration and I hope one day I can
meet you. Thank you, Andrea. That message means so much
to me. I love you too, and I'm just so
grateful to have found my happy, fairy tale ending.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
So thank you so much for this message. It means
a lot.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
I've always thought that you were a very busy person
in your life. Why does someone as important as you
take the time to always help others. I've always admired
that about you a lot. Thank you, Jonathan for me.
I just love being able to make others happy. I
feel that there was a reason that I was put

on this earth and I think it was to bring
sparkle and happiness to others. So no matter how busy
I'm in life, I always take time for other people.
And nothing makes me feel happier than making someone happy
and bringing kindness into their life. What in life makes
you happiest and why? Could be anything, no matter how

big or small a person. Place things hobby just as
many as you'd like. I would love to hear your
philosophy on the things that make you happy and how
they make you feel. Hope, this is a fun question.
The things that make me happiest in life, of course
are my baby boy, Phoenix. He is my world and

my everything, and just waking up every morning and rushing
over to his room and just looking in his eyes
and seeing this little, precious little angel. He is just
everything and it's just made me happier than I've ever been.

And of course my husband Carter, he is my best friend,
my biggest supporter, and I've just never felt this way
in any relationship. He's just made me feel so safe
and so loved, and he's just such an incredible human being.

And of course my fans, you guys make me feel
so happy and supported always, and I just love you
all so much. And my animals, my pets.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
My dogs are everything to me as well.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
They're my other babies, and it's so cute just watching
them together with Phoenix. He loves animals, so I can
tell he's going to be an animal lover just like
his mom. And I love watching them grow up together.
When did you know that you wanted to be with
your fans? One meaning having interest, engagement, empathy, and excitement

in and for your fans in a way that most
celebrities won't or.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
Can't find the way too.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
I've felt like that since day one. My fans have
always been there for me. And in my life, I've
been through so many difficult times and my fans have
always been there for me. And I just love my
fans so much. And I love being able to be

in contact with everyone on social media and traveling the
world and just hearing everyone's stories, and I just feel
that we have such a special relationship. And I just
have so many amazing memories with fans all around the
world and just surprising them and just seeing the look

on their face and just feeling that unconditional love. And
I love you guys so much. What inspired you to
create your own cookwear line. I love my new cookwear line.
You just released the new collection at Walmart, and thank
you to everyone. We have been selling out and everybody

is just loving the cookwear so much. It's been so
much fun seeing it all over social media and just
seeing all this pink in everyone's kitchens, and it just
makes me so proud that everybody is enjoying it so much.
And I wanted to get into cookwear, and not only
because I love cooking, but I just felt that most

cookwear is just so boring and basic, and it was
just like all these just pots and pans that are
silver and just i don't know, looked lame. So I
really wanted to just make cooking more fun and more iconic.
So I developed this amazing cookwear line is all pink

and just so much fun, and I feel that everyone
should feel like an icon, especially in the kitchen, and
now they can with my new cookor line. So you
guys can go check that out. It's available at Walmart now.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
And then this is the last question, how.

Speaker 2 (37:18):
Are you feeling right now? I am feeling happier than
I've ever been. This is just been such an incredible year.
With having my new baby boy and everything happening in
all my businesses, and with releasing my new book this year,
Paris the Memoir. I'm so proud of just everything that

has come from that and all of the change that
it's helped make in the trouble teen industry, and just
hearing all of your words from people writing me letters
and meeting people on the street and just how much
my book has impacted them, and it's just been amazing.

I just feel so happy and so proud. And Carter,
my husband, is just the most amazing man I've ever
met in my life and just makes me feel so
happy and so safe. And I just feel like the
luckiest girl in the world every single day.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
And I love my fans so much.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
You guys mean the world to me, and I wouldn't
be who I am today if it wasn't for you,
And I just want to thank you all so much
for all your love and support and just reading all
your messages on social media always have tears in my
eyes because everything that you guys say to me is
so touching and just makes me feel so loved and

so special, and I just thank you all for making
me feel so happy I love you and look forward
to the next episode.

Speaker 1 (38:56):
Which will be about the future. All right, I love
you guys. You soon. Thanks for listening to im Paris.

Speaker 2 (39:02):
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at im Paris Podcast,
email us at Paris at iHeartRadio dot com.

Speaker 1 (39:09):
Be hot and subscribe now. Love such
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