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December 14, 2023 30 mins

Paris is back with Alex Cooper from Call Her Daddy, with an honest and raw look at her life at this very moment.   

Alex opens up about the challenges of going solo on her podcast and how she balances her strong work ethic with the criticism that she “works too much”.   

Plus, hear all about her recent engagement and how her views on marriage changed when she met her partner! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
I am embarrassed.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Hi everyone, Welcome back to I Am Paris, and I
am so thrilled to be joined today by the incredible
Alex Cooper, the dynamic host of Calling Her Daddy. Today's
conversation is all about the present, so let's dive in.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Okay, let's do it.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
How do you navigate balancing your personal life with the
public persona that you've developed through your podcast?

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Oh my gosh. I struggled a lot in the beginning.
I think as anyone would when you're putting yourself out
there and you're no one online is one hundred percent
being themselves because you're obviously again like you're talking to
people through a screen and you're trying to make sure

you're articulate or you're trying to you're trying to a
certain message, whether you're being funny, whether you're being serious,
and so there's always like an angle that you're trying
to connect to people through.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
And it doesn't mean it's just ingenuine.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
It's just very like it's not natural to be speaking
into a phone or a screen, and so I think
in the beginning days I really struggled with just trying
to figure out, like, who was I independent of the show,
because the show is so just all consuming of my life.
I'm absolutely a workaholic and I am working on it

in therapy. Of just I don't think that I'm running
from anything in my life, Like I know that's usually
people's inclination is, oh my gosh, you work so much,
like I think. I was watching a Kardashian episode and
Chris was saying to Kim, like, oh my gosh, like
you need to slow down, like what are you running from?
And Kim was like, I don't think I'm running from
it anything, Like I love this, like I love what
I'm doing, and I relate a lot to that. I

feel like I'm not running. I genuinely love what I do.
But because I love what I do so much, finding
moments to be good in the silence and just not
be thinking about work twenty four to seven is difficult
for me. Like I will be laying in bed and
if I can't sleep, I'm like picking up my phone
and I'm writing down episode ideas and I'm on the

plane and everyone's watching a movie and like I'm writing
down episode ideas and it's just I love it, but
I think it's it's difficult, Like I'm not gonna sit
here and say like I have the answer.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
I don't think that I have currently completely figured it out.
And I think that's okay. I think that's like anything
in life. I don't think I'm ever going to be like, oh,
I've got this down to a tee, like here's all
my advice. I do work a lot, but I also
feel like I'm at that point in my life where
I do want to grind it out and I know

I want a family one day and I and who knows,
maybe it will change when I if I am able
to have kids one day, But like right now, I'm
happy grinding and I know a lot of people in
my life can't relate to that, Like a lot of
my friends are constantly going on girl trips on weekends
and going to parties and just socializing a lot more
and I'm not doing that, but I'm not unhappy, and

so I think there's something like socially, people kind of
look at me sometimes I think, like why don't you
ever leave your house? Like why are you always working?
And I always feel like I could say the same
thing to them, like why aren't you working? Like why
are you always going out? Like I just I think
it's okay. It's kind of back to what we said
in that first episode of like, I'm happy with what

I'm doing, and I hope everyone else is happy with
what they're doing. But the work life balance for me, sure,
there's nights where I look at Matt and I'm like, babe,
we have been working non stop. We have not gone
on a date in two weeks. Like we are putting
on our calendar a night and I always say to him,
I'm like, let's literally have our assistance put it in
as it's a work dinner, Like just say you've a

work dinner from this time to this time, because it
just so happens that. Obviously Matt and I are running
a company together, so if we're at dinner together, there
are nights that we can both be like, oh my gosh,
this one's texting me or emailing me, or what should
we do about this business deal? And so I found
if we start to tell people I have a work dinner,
but you don't tell them who it's with, they won't
know where together. They both just think we're independent work

dinners and they can't bother us for like an hour
and a half, and I found that's a really good
way for Matt and I to disconnect and just focus
on our relationship. But yeah, it's still a work in
progress girl, Like I don't have the answer yet, but
hopefully it will, it will adjust and it will shift.
But I'm happy, So I don't think I need to

change anything. You know, super worked hard get to this point.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
Yeah, be in it, like killing it.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
Yeah, I think it's like I also think sometimes, especially
when you see a woman having success, a lot of
times people look at you and say like, Okay, you
did it, you made it, like chill, But no one
ever says that to a man. It's like men it's
in their nature to be in business until they're old

and gray and on their way out. Like, but for
women it's like why do you? Like what are you greedy?
Are you like you're selfish?

Speaker 1 (05:10):
Or this or that.

Speaker 3 (05:11):
It's like why is there such a double standard? And
so I get frustrated when I can just tell people
like I've had so many people and I would be
curious to hear your opinion, but I've had so many
people already say to me like, oh my gosh, like
everything's gonna change when you have kids, and no one's
saying that to Matt. And I understand there's like a
different level of bonding sure with like a child and

the mother, but it's frustrating because they're basically insinuating your
career is gonna end when you have kids and Matt's
will not, And that, to me is just not fair
and it's not cool. Have you had anyone say that
to you with like now being a mother, like why
are you doing so much?

Speaker 2 (05:50):
Yeah, there's definitely people are just online trying to shame like, oh,
like why are you going there? Like you have your baby?
Of course I love my baby so much, which I'm
with my babies as much as possible.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
But I've worked really.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Hard to get to this point in my life and
I feel that we're moms or women, we can do
it all. And a woman shouldn't have to give up
her whole career. Obviously always prioritize family first, but I
feel that you don't just have to be one thing,
if you're a mom, you can be at all. Like

so anyone who's just being judgmental, I feel like it's
because they don't have anything happening, so they're just mad.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
Yeah, No, it's such a good point.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
I remember I think it was Shane Mitchell came on
my podcast, and it was just like, for so long
when people would say things to me about being a mom,
I like resented almost the word for a while because
it was like, I know what you're trying to insinuate
by saying that. It's like that's all I am, that's
all I bring to the table. I'm not sexy anymore.
I'm not cool anymore. I'm not fun anymore. And I agree,

like I resent the concept that once you have kids
as a woman, now, of course we have an option
to like raise our children and be the best parents
that we can be, but parents not just mom and
not dad. Like it's it's a team effort. And I
think that we sometimes just completely like neglect to make
the men accountable in the situation, and so many women

are left to just do it on their own. And
so I think we both are very fortunate that we
what seems to have like very supportive partners that like
it's a partnership to raising the children. It's not just
all on the mom, and it doesn't mean that you
have to give up everything when you have a child, so,
but yeah, it's just so interesting in passing for people
to already say that to me. And I can almost
see when people say, like, your career is going to

change so much. Most of the time, it's always men
saying it to me, and I can tell there's like
this sick excitement behind the way they say it, like
they're kind of saying it like hah, like it's going
to be over for you and I It just kind
of like freaks me out when guys say that to me.
I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Like
you like, okay, leave me alone. Like I'll decide when

my career is over, and it will definitely not be
because of me growing my family.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
No, No, those are just haters, haters.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Bye dell with them by Felicia.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
I haven't heard that in so long by Felicia game over.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
Yes, when was the first moment that you felt that
you personally had become a celebrity?

Speaker 1 (08:36):
Oh my god.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
I don't think any of it is normal to me.

Speaker 1 (08:44):

Speaker 3 (08:45):
I also don't really consider myself a celebrity because I
feel like I'm always interviewing celebrities and I know that
my job has obviously warranted a lot of public acknowledgment,
like people know who I am, and I'm so fortunate
that I look at people knowing who I am as like, Okay,

that's amazing.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
People are listening to the show. I don't think I'm
still used to it.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
I think I work really hard to maintain a very
normal life, Like I think that people would be surprised
to see how normal my life is compared to probably
what they think it is. I think I'm very intentional
about the people that I surround myself with. But I
mean I look back and of course I think moments

of like going outside and having people, of course ask
for pictures, like it in New York City, I would say,
after the first year of Call Her Daddy, I would
be in Dwyane Reid and there would be like girls like, oh,
oh my gosh, like Alex like can we take pictures?

And it was so exciting to me because it meant,
oh my gosh, you listen, and this is so fun.
And the brand that I'm building is getting acknowledgement, and
it seems like they're happy and they like it. And
but I will say it never really gets normal. I
think my family is so confused in moments when we're
at dinners still to this day of like they've gotten.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
A lot better.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
But like my siblings used to be like why do
they want a picture with you? Like little do they know?
And I'm like, shut up. And I'm still the youngest
child in my family. So but it's it's not a
normal thing to have people take pictures. And I am
so grateful when people come up to me. And something
that I take a lot of pride in is my
relationship with the Daddy Yang is so different than I

think what anyone would expect, Like when I see these
people on the street, if I'm at the movie theater,
if I'm at CBS, if I'm at Sephora, wherever I am,
when I.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
See these people you from Afar, would.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
Genuinely think that I'm running into someone from high school,
and like catching up on our lives, like the amount
of times of family member or in the beginning days
with Matt, like Matt would be like who is that girl?
Like after I would leave and she and I would
be like, that's Daddy Gang and He's like, but you
were literally talking about like how she got out of
her abusive relationship, like she doesn't and I'm like, yeah,
she does know me, she knows that she can tell

me those things, and it's truly the most rewarding, exciting
thing that I could ever, Like, I feel like I
have this huge family and support system of all these
women across the world that wherever I go, I just
run into people and we have this bond that's I
think it's similar to how you talk about it, Like,
I know it sounds weird to people that haven't experienced it,

but I don't take it for granted. And I know
there are some celebrities that are like annoyed when people
ask for a picture whatever, Like I have never in
my life turned down someone asking me for a picture ever, ever, ever,
And I don't think a lot of people would say that,
Like I think the two of us sitting here, I
can genuinely tell when I was interviewing you, like how
special your relationship is to people, And I can imagine

there are people being like, shut up, like you guys,
it's all odd, Like it's not because I'm so aware
that like I literally only have what I have bere
because of them, and the minute that I don't have them,
I don't have what I've built and and so I
look at call her Daddy, like it's not something that
I created or me and my ex co host just created.
It's literally a community that created this thing. And so

call her Daddy's not just mine, it's also theirs. And
so I don't know, I'm just really grateful. But yeah,
the whole like being a celebrity thing, I'll be honest,
like I don't really go out that much. I'm really
I don't intentionally put myself in positions in Los Angeles
to be seen at the places that would have paparazzi
or like I've I've I remember back in the original

days with Matt. Not that I'm someone that like people
are trying to get pictures of twenty four to seven,
but you know the places in LA you'd get paparazzied,
and so like if I had to go there for
a birthday dinner like Matt and I would just go
in the back.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
Like I was really strategic about just.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
I don't want I want to live as normal of
a life as possible, and I really don't think that
I need my ego fuel that much to indulge in
it to heavily. So I'm very cautious about making sure
I'm like always around people that love me for me
prior to the show.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
It's really sweet, thank you.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
I'm the same way because I can't imagine saying no
to someone and just hurting their feelings and just having
that effect and making someone feel so happy is such
an amazing feeling.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
Even when you're exhausted, Like I'm not gonna lie, there
are sometimes where I'm like, oh fuck, Like I just
did three interviews, I'm leaving a press thing, like I'm whether,
I'm like in a fight with someone in my family,
like I'm going and then all of a sudden, I'm
running to my car and there's someone outside. It literally
takes ten seconds, Like it is so easy for us

to just even when you're in the worst mood, to
make that person's day.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
It lasts for a while because I.

Speaker 3 (13:49):
Remember going up like I remember the US women's soccer
team back in the day, was the biggest fan obviously
of just soccer, and I remember being in airport when
I was super young and seeing one of the soccer
players and my friend Lauren and I were so nervous
to go up to her.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
We're like, should we go up? Should we go up?
Like what do we do?

Speaker 4 (14:05):
What do we do?

Speaker 3 (14:06):
And my mom was like go up to her, like
just say hi. And I remember saying hi to her
and she was so cold and was like I don't
have time, like please leave me alone. And I just
remember like little Alex and Lauren walking away being like
so devastated. And I've of course never looked at her
the same because I was just like, I idolize you, like
what And again, I don't blame that person. I'm sure

she was going through it, but it's it's even past
being like having celebrity or whatever a notoriety, like just
it does not take that much to be a nice person.
And I get we all have our bad days, and
I do empathize with when I see celebrities like people
are like she's such a fucking bitch, Like, well, we
don't know what people are going through. But I do

think you can try to have some level of just
grace when you're interacting with people outside of your home,
because you also don't know what they're going through and
just putting on a smile and being nice.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Is it's not that from the world to them? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
If you could collaborate with any historical figure on a
special podcast episode. Who would it be?

Speaker 1 (15:06):
And what? Oh my god, that is too hard of
a question. What would you say, Marilyn Monroe? Damn, that's incredible.
I'd be iconic.

Speaker 3 (15:21):
That would be iconic. I'm trying to think. I mean,
this person is still alive. But like, I just would
love to be able to sit down with Gloria Steinem
and just have a conversation. I think she's been so
instrumental in like the feminist movement, and I feel like
she has such a wise understanding of what it means
to be a woman in a man's world. And I

read one of her books and was just like, Okay,
this woman has it all together. And I remember meeting
Jane Fonda and I was like, after Jane, I was like,
I think that's the next person I would just love
to even meet.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
And so, yeah, Okay, is there a hobby or interest
that would totally surprise your fans?

Speaker 1 (16:02):
Oh my god, let me think about that.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
Okay, Wait, I heard that you played ice hockey when
you were younger. We need to talk about that because
I did too, And like, I wouldn't say that's like
a current hobby of mine. I'm not like throwing on
the gear and getting on my skates. But I think
it's so funny that every time I've tried to convince
Matt to go ice skating with me or anything, he's
like intimidated because he's like, I'm from California. I'm a

California boy, Like I've never ice skated, and I'm like,
I know how to ice skate, like I can backwards skate.
I can skate because I played hockey and you played hockey, Yes,
in high school.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
One believes that until I'm like google it.

Speaker 3 (16:39):
Wait, I kind of didn't believe it because I heard
it was also in high school. And I feel like
high school you was just like hot as shit cool
what you were playing hockey.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Not that hockey's not cool, but he's.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Like a hot tumblet.

Speaker 1 (16:53):
I loved ice hockey. I loved it so much. You
would just shove people up against the boards and like
it's just so much fun.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
I loved it.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
I think that is what ice skating. I love ice skating.
I think that.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
I mean, I'll try to think of a hobby, but
I will say I think whenever I talk about that
to people, people can't envision me in like an ice
hockey outfit. I loved it when I was younger, and
I think I was kind of the same, like I
loved being a tomboy, but I also loved pink, and
I was always so stressed because I would want to
wear my brother's clothes and I would always want to just.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
Be with the boys and just play sports, like I
loved it.

Speaker 3 (17:30):
Like I remember my mom tried to put me in
a ballerina outfit when I was super young, and she
was like, why don't you try all your friends or
doing ballet? And I went to my recital and I
just stood still and I didn't move, and I was
so miserable. I was like, this is the dumbest thing,
Like I don't want to be a ballerina, Like I
want to go play sports, like I want to hit people,
like I want to run, like I want to like
get dirty. And so I think that was definitely like

that juxtaposition of like my room was pink, but I
love to play sports. I think it's fabulous that we
can do both current hobby of mine, Like I don't
know if I do I have anything that would like
am I so boring the issue? I talk for a living,
so I tell I feel like the Daddy Gang everything.

I'm like, I'm reading books now, Like I don't know, No,
I think I don't have anything that busy. I'm no, literally,
like I'm trying to think, like every time I have
free time, I'm watching television or I'm hanging out with
my dogs. And I think the level of obsession that
I have with my dogs is I was saying, like,
it's seems like you have the same thing. Yes, I'm

creepily obsessed with them, where I get nervous about talking
about them too much because people are like, it's a dog,
and I'm like, no, it's Henry and Bruce to you, okay,
And they are the loves of my lives. And like
I think Matt also is like I'm over here. I'm like,
hold on, it's a stroke Henry and Bruce. Like, I'm
obsessed with my dog. So that's my hobby is being
with my dogs at all times every day. And when

I'm a from them, I miss them so much. And
I know that's like weird, but I don't care.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
I'll get it more than anyone.

Speaker 1 (19:06):
Okay, good, thank you for how old are that?

Speaker 3 (19:08):
Henry is seven and Bruce is one years old, and
so they're like Henry was so miserable in the beginning,
just being like I'm an only child, like what is
this little shit doing? And now it makes me so
happy because they play together and they cuddle and they
just love each other and it makes me so happy.
And I'm literally like planning my Christmas trip and I'm
just like, we can only go somewhere mat that the

boys can come, and we call them the boys, and
like whenever we say that in kind of people, I
think that they don't like fully know us like you have.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
And like two fluffy.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
Boys, Yes they're dogs, like we speak about them like
there are actual babies, and I love them.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
So much and they have like human names.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
To love Henry and Bruce.

Speaker 2 (19:54):
What is the most bizarre or hilarious encounter that you've
had with a fan?

Speaker 3 (19:58):
Oh my god, help me think. I would say I'm
in Hawaii with Matt or on like a cute couple's trip,
and I'm walking back to the elevator with Matt and
I had seen this girl all throughout the resort, just
kind of like eyeing me, and I can immediately spot

who's daddy gang, Like I just know. And like half
the time people come up to me and they they
don't even know what to say. They just stare and
stand at me, and I'm like, hi, it's me. I
know you're Daddy Gang and they're like hi.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
So this girl finally makes.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
A move, but she's holding this bag and I'm so
curious like what she's up to. And she runs over
to Matt and I and she's like huffing and puffing,
and she's like, Okay, I know this is weird, Like
I don't want to overstep, but like you've literally changed
my sex life and you've just made me feel so
empowered with my body, and so I just wanted to
I've always just wanted to give you something back. And

I'm like okay, like I'm now I'm getting freaked out,
like what is she gonna do?

Speaker 1 (20:58):
And she pulls out.

Speaker 4 (20:59):
Of the bag a Goop vibrator because there was a
Goop store on the resort, and it's this little purple
wand vibrator and she just hands it to me and
she was like, thank you, Daddy, I love you, like
have fun, And I was so obsessed in that moment.
I'm like, yes, bitch, like I love you, thank you,

And then I used it that night and it was
fabulous and I still have it to this day. I
don't know if I think about her when I use it,
but like I should start to occasionally like this one's
for you, like this, Oh's for you, girl.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
Like thank you, love you. That's hot, so hot, love you.
If you're out there, I remember you.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
You are OGW so definitely listening, yes, yes, yes, So.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
If you weren't hosting Call Her Daddy, what alternate universe
career do you think you'd be pursuing right now?

Speaker 3 (21:52):
I definitely think that. I don't know whether to give
like a non realistic answer realist. I mean, the realistic
answer is I really always wanted to direct feature films,
Like I was obsessed growing up with creating worlds with
the camera and just being so enamored by creating an

experience for people to watch and to consume and to
feel something. And so I think if I wasn't doing
Call Her Daddy, I really would love to start making movies,
which though I like kind of lightly am starting to
dip my toes into that world because of Matt and
it's so cool to see him like currently he's making
three movies right now, all around the world, and whenever

we FaceTime, I'm always like, Okay, wait, tell me everything,
and like it's just so cool to see like script
development and the casting process and directing and producing and
music and editing, Like I just love it and I'm
so passionate about it, and I feel like I like
see the worlds through directing and editing, Like I just
am obsessed and I'm a very creative person. So I

think if it wasn't for Call Her Daddy, probably directing
films would be my ideal. Or being a pop star.
I feel like in an alternate universe, like I never
try to sing seriously, Like I feel like I can
do a lot of like imitations. Well, but I feel

like I had it in me in a different like
universe to be a singer and to like really just
give it my all.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
So if I ever do a Christmas album, you have
to be on it. That would be fun. Okay.

Speaker 2 (23:33):
So earlier this year you got engaged to Hollywood producer
Matt Kaplan, who you know, who I've known for Like
we need to talk about that.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
So many years? So crazy, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
I've known him?

Speaker 1 (23:44):
How many years? Is it?

Speaker 2 (23:45):
Like to so long money something years.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
I didn't because I hadn't realized that Matt's best friend
dated Nicky. And I remember when I first started dating him,
like naturally, just started googling and there's like all these
pictures and.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
I was like, oh my god, like this is such
a small world. This is so cool.

Speaker 3 (24:01):
And then you guys, obviously, like I feel like the
way that Matt talks about it, like everyone in those
certain schools like kind of all knew each other.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
But yes, now we're engaged.

Speaker 2 (24:10):
And how did that happen?

Speaker 1 (24:13):
It's so funny, guys.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
It was a surprise, but like not because I never
really I didn't grow up dreaming of a wedding.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
I really just didn't think I wanted to get married.
I was.

Speaker 3 (24:26):
Really okay with it too, Like I was never the
girl dreaming of my dress. I still to this day
do not know what the hell my dress should be.
I should ask your advice on that, but like, I
just never dreamt of it, and I was totally good
being alone. And then when I met Matt, I just
knew immediately, like literally, I'm not kidding. On our first day,
I was like, this guy's going to be my husband.
And I'm so not like that. I'm so picky. I

put guys through the ringer, like I usually make them
wait like three to four months to even sleep with me.
Like I am like so particular. But when I met Matt,
I knew it was he was the guy. But I
also told him as a test, I'm like, but I
never want to get married, and so I wanted to
see if that would make him run and he was like, listen,
I would love to marry you. But if that's that, like,

I'll we can be life partners, Like, but I would
love to get married. And so once I felt he
wasn't pressuring me, which is so me. It's like no
one can tell me what to do, and the minute
you leave me alone, then.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
I'll want to do it.

Speaker 3 (25:19):
I just need to come to the conclusion on my own.
So I remember taking him on a date night. I
asked him on a date and on Friday night we
went down to Georgio Baldi in Santa Monica and we're
sitting there over wine and I was like, I was
so excited to talk to you today because I have
some amazing things to share with you. And he's like, what,

Like he's never notice with me. He's like what, Alex,
And I'm like, so.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
You can do it. He's like what, And I'm like,
you can propose we can get married?

Speaker 3 (25:52):
And he's like he gets so red and he's so
happy and he's like so jolly and happy, and he's
just says like he looks like he's going to cry,
and he's like, when did you decide this?

Speaker 1 (26:01):
And I was like, this.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
Week, I just started to like really think about it
and how much I love you and I know it
means so much to you, and now it is starting
to mean something to me. And I think with Matt,
marriage was so scary to me because I feel like
I've watched so many people around me growing up had
failed marriages, and my parents just felt like the outliers,

like my parents are still so in love. And I
was like, but that's just a one in a lifetime thing.
I'm never going to find the way that my dad
treats my mom. And so I kind of just never
thought I could find that version of what I grew
up around. And I also just thought marriage was so
based in like it is based in a lot of

like misogynistic roots of like the woman being given away
to a man and like your dad's property until you're
now his property.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
It's just I had a lot.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
Of problems with a lot of different things. But when
Matt would talk to me about it, he's like, we
can make it our own. We don't need to do
anything based tradition. We can do our own wedding, we
can do our own marriage, our own rules. And I
think when I realized I could create my own version
of a marriage and I didn't have to follow what
I've seen come before me, it made me so much
more relaxed and want to do it. So I told

him he could do it, and I didn't know when
he was going to do it, and Matt's like, do
you have any He knows I'm such a control freak,
so he's like, what do you want? Like I know
you and I was like okay, so step one no.
I was like, listen, I want it to be so private.
I don't want anyone there. Like, no, I do not
want to deal with anyone, but it obviously has to
be incredible, so figure it out.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
And he's like okay. Fuck.

Speaker 3 (27:37):
So months go by, and I think it was like
three to four months go by, and I went to
a photo shoot one day. Little did I know it
was a fake photo shoot that he sent me on.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
I had my glam on, but I had full sweats on.

Speaker 3 (27:52):
And I got home and I was texting Matt when
I got in the driveway because I didn't see his car,
and I'm like, I'm home.

Speaker 1 (27:58):
Let's open a bottle of wine.

Speaker 3 (27:59):
And we had been going through a really difficult time,
something had happened family wise, and so I was like,
we just need to relax this weekend and let's spend
time together. And so I opened the door to it's
like our bottom floor where I walk in through the garage,
and like a dell was playing through the whole house
and there were candles literally everywhere and rose petals and

there was just a computer sitting that said play me.
And I'm like absolutely in shock. I have no idea
what's going on because I just didn't know, like I
had no concept of like is this actually happening, Like
this didn't seem like the time to do this, Like
I didn't know. And then my videographer came around the
corner and I was like, oh, fuck, it's going Yes.

Matt and I met on a Zoom meeting, so he
put back on like the same outfit that he wore
that meeting. He made like a little video like I
love you so much and life is just like a
journey together that I'm so happy to go on with you,
and you're always like bringing me down these crazy, crazy
rabbit holes and it's so I put together a little
scavenger hunt for you, like come find me. And the

whole house, like every single room was had all these
picture frames that were are like different themes. So like
the kitchen was framed of all of pictures of like
our firsts, like we had a picture from like the
first weekend we said we loved each other the first weekend,
or like the places that we had gone and traveled
was in the living room. All of our favorite food

places of pictures we had together and restaurants was in
the dining room. Like every room was a theme of
pictures and everything. It was amazing. And then the last
room was the bar, and it was a champagne glass.
And I walked down to our courtyard and there was
Matt with our two dogs in bow ties and tuxedos,
and he got down on one dee and it was
like it was truly perfect and then I little did
I know, he flew in. My whole family and all

my friends were staying at a hotel and he brought me,
thinking we were I thought it was going to like
a fake, like a little cute dinner, and little did
I know, it was completely fake. And I walked in
and all my family friends were there, and it was
truly like Matt makes amazing romantic movies, and I feel
like I was in one of his movies. Like he
curated such an incredible, like rom cam moment for the

two of us, and I was like, I love you.
It was so romantic. He is by far the most
romantic man I've ever met in my life. I'm like, okay, Matt, Wow, Wow,
he's really good.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
Good. Oh my god. Yeah, good job Matt, good job, Matt.
Love you got the girl so cute.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
So that wraps up the present episode. That was so
much fun.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
That was so fun. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
And I can't wait for the next episode.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Were we talking about the future. Can't wait see you
guys there.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
Thanks for listening to I in Paris. Don't forget to
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