All Episodes

August 31, 2022 43 mins

A box of letters, a kidnapping, and a party that sparks a revolution.


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In English

The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo

Day Player Credits:

Juan Villa - Don Enrique + Manuel de Jesus Troncoso

Alex Lynn Ward - Nun at School

Jaqueline Calderón Guido - Lina Lovaton

Darius De La Cruz - Jaimito Fernández 

Michael Uribes - Manuel de Moya Alonzo

Daniel Lujan - Pedro Gonzáles

Ryan Padilla - Airport Announcer

Credits read by Mary Castellanos 

Song Credit: Que Vive El Jefe by Orquesta Santa Cecilia de Luis Alberti

See for privacy information.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
From executive producers Daniel Ramidez and myself Eva Longoria. Sisters
of the Underground tells the powerful story of the Meat
about sisters, real life Latinas who sacrificed everything for the
fight for freedom, your children nearby and thinking about them

and every generation after him as I love you, Adela, Adela, yeah,

your meal, you are so tall now almost head. I know,
I know, and we will celebrate your birthday in good
all the Dominican style. Mommy, come on, let me help
you with the big sukis wow if we're oh, my god,

is quite a heavy lord Uka here for a week.
I brought the books that you asked for, Glassy Melinya,
I need them to coach my students this spring. You
know you're helping me educate the next generation of Dominican lawyers,
just like you. Okay, buckle up. The traffic is always

bad around here. It will be a while before we
get to go. M lelant. Wow, that last time you visited,

you were just a little girl. I think there is
six week no four. Well, this will be your room.
I'll leave your su kiss here. You can put your
clothes in that dresser right there, and you can hang
anything you want in that closet. Wow, this closet is

so big. What are all these boxes? Oh right, right,
I forgot I put those there. Well, those are letters
from my mother to my father. I must be old,
almost as old as I am. Can I read that?

Of course? It just be careful nea more. Oh no,
astri kenostros Stamospien said the ustatus. It's hard to read

his handwriting. Damn it. Yes, I'll read it to you.
Remember they can separate our bodies, but not our spirits.
We survived eleven days in La Couarenta what's laquedenta? Guarenta

was through he just secret prison, the de Corwah, Well,
I've told you about him. He was the leader of
the Dominican Republic for many, many years, but he was
cruel to his people, a dictator. The Guardina was a

scary place where tru took anyone who stood up to him.
Horrible things happened there, So Grandpa man Nola was sent there.
See me, Ma Foy, He and you're my mommy tried
to save the Dominican people and became his enemies. Your

grandpa wrote this letter when he was a prisoner there.
It must have been very brave. Can I keep it? Well?
I can make you a copy if you want. But
all of these letters belong in the museum, you know,
the house what a me and her sisters grew up.

It's a museum now, who yes, it's called like Casa
mussel Ermanas Miraba. Can we go there, Claudo? Of course,
I think you're old enough now. My aunt that day
always said that this story has to be told by
everyone to everyone. You know why? Uh? No, so it

never happens again. They are definitely following us, you know.
Put if you hurry up? You know, these roads are
the worst used to meet Ruffino. Isn't there a back
way but by the Luis's farmicult? They wan't you girls dead?

You know that, right, Rufino. If they were to kill me,
I would live and flex my arms. Ever wronger even
from my grade? But this is are you okay? Oh
my god? Was it one of your nightmares again? Yes?

You were too many books? No no, no, this wasn't
from my books. I think I think these dreams are
trying to tell me something. Wow, Like I always say,
if you put your bad dreams in the hands of
the Lord, he will make them sweeter. M Okay, all

talked in but sometimes I wake up because I have
bad dreams. Well, my room is right across from yours.
If you get scared, you can crawl in bed with me. Okay, okay, Dea. Yes.

What were they like and her sisters? I wish I
got to meet them. Oh, you would have loved them,
and they would have loved you. You know that. My
mommy also had bad dreams sometimes too, just like you.
But they loved each other very much. Mommy and her sisters.

They took good care of each other. The year was
nine seven. The Mirror Bows lived in the town of
oh They are one and family was their life. My grandmother,
Mamma Chair, was the best cook ever. Patria was the oldest,

she must have been about thirteen. Then she was the
holy one, very smart, very neat, very religious. They was
a year younger. She took after Mama Chair and helped
her on the family farm. Now, on the other hand, Nerva,

my mother was just a left and already very strong,
willed and well read. Nobody could tell her what to do,
not even you. Maria. Theresa was the baby. She was spunky.

They used to call her matte for short. And then
of course there was done in rick Chair's husband and
the girl's father. I never got to meet him. He
was kind, then hard working. He was the one who
turned the family farm into a successful produce business. A

gentleman through and through literal, Rafael through continues to make
good on his promises to the nation. In the ceremony
this afternoon, he will inaugurate his newest infrastructure initiatives. Then
the highway will provide us mo new road to the
country's prosperous future. Lordly through throughs voy my voice, get

your nose out of that book and help set the
table your father's way. So how was your day? Girls? Good?
They at the shop? We sold a lot today. Daddy,
that restaurant in Salzeto took almost all the tomatoes. Do
we have more coming? I see tomorrow I'll be bringing
more tomatoes and fresh avocados from Santiago. I hope you

got some play into I did I play oo dostress
telling that is with math in the backyard. But I
fell and scrutch and now I went to church. Ok okay, okay,
what about you? Minerva? Just read all day as usual?

Anything worth sharing? Actually? Yes? In India, a man named
Gandhi is trying to make the country independent from the British. Listen,
remember that all through history there have been tyrants and
murderers that for a time seemed invincible, but in the
end they always fall. Always. Those are some serious words.

Be careful who you talk to about, Mr Gandhi, and
don't get any big ideas. Why not I want big ideas.
I want something better for myself when I grow up.
What do you mean you want something better? You girls
have everything here and how the aga? Of course we
do here, But I want to go to university, see
the world and maybe even become a lawyer one day,

like Gandhi. Enough of that. All you need to learn
me how for now is how to cook and so
you girls can read all you like. But leaving our
home to go to a university, I won't have it.
It's too dangerous and that's not something young ladies to
look at. Patria, she wants to become a nun. You
should consider that too, fine, then I'll be like Santa.

She wrote about women's liberty. She says that the world
has us cornered into the system that oppresses and controls us.
Don't you want your daughters to be free, and of
course he did don't and Cricket did allow Mommy Patrian
did it to attend the prestigious private school called collect Conception,

although he worried all the time for their safety. But
why they were just scoling to school? Well, Menina, the
world was different then, especially here in the d Are.
It may be hard for you to imagine life on
their dictator, but people lived in fear. Anyone suspected of

not supporting precedent Throuha could be punished, and he has
spies everywhere. Many people in the country loved him and
thought he was a great leader, and some even prospered
under his rule, or at least at first. But deep
down he really wanted control, especially over women, and the

Midrabal family saw this first hand. In night, Buenos Dias
and Alisma, your paper and Coffee. He just surrounded himself
with people who would never dare defy him, like his

vice president Manuel. God, damn it, this scuff is too
hot this group. Let me help you with that sting.
Don't touch me. Just get my front Dona suit right away,
halfy red tie or black? Do I look like I'm

attending a funeral? Today read it is. How's it going
at the border. We've increased military presence in all provinces.
No one can leave or enter the country from Haiti
without a state issued ID. Very good. What are the headlines? Well?
Al Caius front page says they had at least more
opens Dominican doors to Jewish refugees. Called them and make

sure they correct that it's one hundred thousand white refugees.
There to be no doubt that I am the true
savior of this nation. Those Domnicanos have plenty to be
grateful for. They do and they know it. Commander, give
me my compact here it is happy m This powder

doesn't match my skin. Sorry, we'll find something lighter for you, sir.
The lighter the skin, the more appealing he thought he
would be. And as he painted on the face he
presented to the public, the president was revealing who he
really was. A predator and his prey, the beautiful daughters

of prestigious families. How are we doing with a young
girl that I liked himself? Say though she'll be at
the school today, she'll be yours by lunchtime. Your car
leaves in an hour. Very well, it was independence thing

the Dominican Republic, a day of celebration all over the country.
Yeah to Salas. Breakfast is served, girls, girls, ban see Mommy,
we heard you. Man, Mommy, I'm too nervous. Nami. Come on,
it's a coool play, not a Hollywood movie. Go put

your custom on. Bama's come. I just finished showing it. Okay, Bama. Wow,
you make a beautiful flag. And remember it's the symbol
of our independence. Okay, turn around. Oh my god, it's perfect, Patria.
Do you think when they will go to college and

get to study law. You are the strongest person I know.
You can do anything you want. Thank your mama. Turn
on the radio. The music will distract me. One of yours,
I'll say, and Happy Independence Day to the great nation
of the Dominican Republic. Here's a song to get you
in the mood for celebrating. So sublo. Okay, so what

color lipstick? Red? Mommy is going to punish me the
collect Okay, Yeah, I love it. Okay killing Patrian. Mommy

had been in school for more than a year. By
this time. The girls had all heard about it heaven,
but nothing would prepare thirteen year old Mommy for her
first encounter with the tyrant ladies and gentlemen, students and parents.

As your Reverend mother, it is an honor and such
a privilege on this Independence Day to welcome a very
special guest, Our Hander Alissimo and the Benefactor of the
Dominican Republic, Raphael True Molina. I'm happy to be here
celebrating our Independence Day with this next generation. Education and

religion teaches us that being a true Dominican citizen involves
following our Catholic favor, uner in our Spanish heritage, and
demonstrating loyalty toward nation. On this day we celebrate our
country and our founding fathers. Let us never forget our
true Domina. Backstage, Mommy and her best friend Lena Lovaton,

We're getting ready. What a day, Lena? Are you excited?
Glaro bva tru Higo and Benefactor. I wonder if we'll
get to meet him in person? Boy, I hope so nervo,
How do I look? You look great? Nerva? As always,

at least you don't have to play a man. A
founding father and Assimo, we are delighted to have you
with us today. Our students have been preparing a show
just for you. Just wait till they hear you sing
break a leg here I go. He's the same. He

then one of us most lud lorio soapendo. Lena was
beautiful and a talented singer through here was captivated by Lena.
That's good, isn't it? No Giva, she was acquitting year

old schoolgirl. Thro was a dirty old man, but she
was dazzled by him. Ninia thing. You know after the
play through you asked to visit Lena backstage and no
one ever saw her again. Well where did she go

to one of his secret hideouts where he kept girls
like her apart from everyone? Wasn't she too young to
be angel? No? No, not like black Guarina. It was
a little different than a prison. Yah. Yeah, you know,
maybe you are still too young for the story. Please?

How can I put this? What happened to Lena also
happened to many other beautiful and smart school girls in
the country. They had all been brought up to Revere
Trito and they became his possessions. Oh so came back,

that's right. After Lena disappeared, Mammy started to see who
this man really was, and her anger grew as she
became older. But it would be a while before anyone
took action to stop these crimes. Mostly, the nineties were

pretty good to les. Mirable Dia Patria got married to
Pedro Gonzalez and the other day married him Fernandez. Maria
Theresa continued her studies. The family lived in relative peace
for a while. Still, Mommy was becoming more outspoken about

religious regime, and one afternoon, nearly ten years after Man
of us first encounter with the dictator, things started to change. Matty,
be careful on that bike. You're going to run right
into my bed of roses. Sorry, Mommy, they look so beautiful. Enrique,

who is this? Are you expecting someone? I do not
worry chair. Good morning, Mr Mayor, Good morning, Or brings
you out this fine day to our corner of the world.
President Republica requests your presence at his ball this evening tonight.

We appreciate a special honor, truly, Mayor. But God, it
smells like heaven. People know when to show up at
the Mirabile house twelve on that that went Papa. Ever,
the hospitable men would invite them in by strel lunchtime.

Mm hmmm, this chicken is delicious, Dona, what in the
world is in this. My daughter Neva made it. Wow,
you're ready to get married. I'd rather be studying law.
Why don't we toast our guests for his leadership? And
oh no, not me? This is all He is leading

our nation to prosperity in the face of world crisis,
and he wants to recognize important members of the community.
You are all part of this effort. That is why
he wishes to have you be his guests this evening.
That is very good of him. But we I noticed
you don't have a portrait of him. I'll have to
bring one with me next time I come. All Dominicans
should honor him as he continues to protect and look

after us. I so you do have a cross at
least salute viso? What about me? Neva? Did she toast him?
Did you think my mom would ever toast to that tyrant?
Raise your glass? I can't my risk heart from season

in the Chicken Poppy. Well, I must get going. I
assure you this is your party you won't want to miss.
We expect to see you tonight. M Doosio. Please, Dad,

you've never believed in any of that. There's no way
I'm going to that party. We don't have a choice.
Maybe we tell them that the car broke down, or
that me ned sick. I worked hard to build a family,
business and a comfortable home. I can't risk losing all
of this by offending Throo thru Higo better watch out
and not offend him, or he might start to cry.
See how much people will respect him? Then by yeah

and not girls mean advice, right, Enrique, We'll be losing
more if we give into thrus orders. We know what
he's like. They could be at risk. We'll all be
together and I will look after them. Clara, mama, and
we have husbands. Remember Pedrito can joined too, and himTo
can drive tomb in And I'll finally get to where

that red dress I got from the Serious catalog. I
can't believe this is what you're thinking about right now,
what it's been collecting death since I ordered it. I
want to show it off. I give up. And this
from a woman who's going to be a nun, h
give me. It's gonna be all right. You know what

those parties are really all about. Man, he's just looking
for his next victim. She wall back down. Yeah, yeah,
I'll never let anything happen to any of my daughters.
Don't you trust me? It's him that will never trust
The sooner we leave, the faster will get this command
performance over with. I guess you look like Maria Montez

in the Mystery of Maria Fagette. I want to wear
a big dress, Mommy. Can I go to the fista too? Please?
For the third time, No, consider yourself lucky. Mate. Look,
I'm almost as tall as in these hills right, yes, almost,
But they look very uncomfortable, especially knowing you the dancing queen.

Remember no dancing with strange man, and don't take any drinks.
Stay off for you either. Don't you read Viado without me? Tonight?
Promise Inky, Promise, girls, We're going to be late. Wow,
you both look stunning. God help us. That October night,

Lastia Patria and their husband's him to Perrito accompanied Mamma
Abuela to what would later be remembered as the Notorious
Party of San Cristova. They arrived after he just now
shiny hotel, the extravagant Casa Boring. It wasn't unusual for

him to throw lavish affairs honoring distinguished families, but these
parties were nothing but staged opportunities to say those young women,
this is it ready, Yes, stand up straight to day,
don't slouch. I am standing straight. And remember when he

announces your name, you must bow and smile politely. Okay, Dad.
The outdoor patio was bustling with the elite families of
Sunsettle and m table. Here's our table, Helma. Look at
all these people phoning on it, heaving. I don't believe

we have to be in we never you know, we
have to at least make a show of cooperating or
who knows what he will do. Ladies and gentlemen, please
welcome the President of the REPUBLICA and Alicia, doctor Raphaellionia's
true here, Molina. Look at him? Look at him? Are

puffed up in his unison with all his undsers medals.
He thinks he's a god. Please, someone could hear, and
they'll certainly notice that you're not clapping. I've already come
here against my will, and now I have to cheer
him too, and cheers to all the beautiful and distinguished
women gracing us with their presence. Tonight. Oh God, he's

coming towards us. Please you must behave do not disgrace
our family send it was you a man by beautiful
and distinguished. It is a pleasure to have you here.
He noticed mommy immediately, and yes he had the audacity

to kiss her hand. The other they told me that, Mommy,
she was exploding inside. Thank you for having us your honor.
I want to be sure you know how important it
is to have our best families represented. I must see
my other guests. Man, see you on the dance floor.

He's wearing more makeup than I am. Gosh, oh god,
I mean that can be an eight through he just pimped.
Manuel de Moja was called Secretary of State, but really
he was through. He just key wing men. He scoured
the country to recruit young, unattractive women for the dictator.

H when I have a dad, Uh no, thank you.
You don't dance? Oh come on, I hear Salado has
some of the best dancers in the entire island. I
want to know if you were one of them. One
dance isn't gonna kill you, now, is it. I of course,

I'd be happy to show you what we're made of
in San Cerro. We're here. If you need anything, it's good.
Through here will see that we're having a good time,
You'll see everything is going to be okay. See well
I told her not to accept a drink from him?
Why not from Kuka who went to party? They say

she was struck that night. No sounding an awful lot
like Jaya. Now that's just a rumor. I'm just saying, Quio,
there have been a lot of rumors over the years.
Are you enjoying yourself? I understand that it's my job

to enjoy myself tonight. It's certainly different than what we
used to back in Ohama. Consider yourself one of the
lucky ones. Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, that's too fast.
It was all part of an elaborate game. As Themia
spun her, she lost her balance and landed in the
cold arms of Tijo. Oh my god, hell sneat ditch

dance with him. She had no choice. There he was
with a gray, imposing mustache and menacing dark eyes, thinking
he was untouchable, believing he was God's gift to men
and women, God's gift to scare you. Finally, I get

you along without your family all around you. You are
a good dancer too. I'm sure you have plenty of admirers.
Maybe I do, but I'm not interested. I don't need
to be admired hard to believe. If you're not interested
in Romans, then what is it that interest you? If

you really want to know school, I want to move
to the capital to study law. Meeting with prisoners standing
up to defend them. No, the courthouse and the prison
are not places for a respectable woman. What is an
ideal place for a woman? According to you? Know recently

we give you more opportunities to women in our government.
If you like to learn more about those groups, I'll
be happy to tell you about them privately, privately? Were
those the same words you said to Lena? Lena, my
friend Lina. Have there been so many since that you

don't remember? You offered her opportunities? Also, when she was
at your men came for her and I never saw
her again. I can't breathe. My man can come for
you too, But what if I conquered them? Excuse me,

Mommy walked away and left him on the dance floor alone.
No one had ever done such a thing to wild Alissimo,
and back at the table, Papa Patria were a nervous wreck, Hi, Santimo,
did you see the way he put his hands all
over her. Hurry checking out of your sister to make

sure that she's all right. Then we should leave and
hope no one notices it. Sleep Papa. We'll meet you
back in the car. We don't want to be caught
in the storm. She's a spitfire, isn't she? Do you
want me to do something? Keep the party going, but
find her and then don't take your eyes off her.

It's us are you o king there? I need to
get out of here. We were watching. We were so worried.
They grab you, Poppy. I meet doing door, Get in
the car. They'll be waiting for us outside. We can
sneak out through the back door opposite the orchestra. Do
you think you'll notice? We can't stay here after what

he did to me, He's not going to forget this,
damn it it. Let me see Okay, Okay, come on
the s clear, go go go before they see us. Okay,
come on, hi us meal is every where? Is she?

I'm sorry if she went to the powder room and
then they must have snuck out. Stop that car immediately.
We need to make an example of them. See paying
godver finally out of there. God He's the worst. Never
stood up to him, hey himid eyes on the road.
I'm more is that car following us looks like the

man you test with me? Never go go take a left,
Santa Maria, You're just making all of us more nervous,
would you toube? Please stop? Hey, around this bend, pull
over and then wait until they pass Sciences hallelus. Thank

God for you, Mommy rode in silence all the way
back to Salcedo. She knew that her decision to reject
an offended heathy was akin to social suicide. The mid
About family would never be the same and Alsimo, I'm

afraid it's too late. They're gone. I will make them pay.
That little peace cannot disgrace me in public. You would
go to their home you know who they are, first
thing in the morning, and bring it on in freaque
as you wish. Sir, What was I supposed to do?

Let him run his grubby hands all over me. Accept
his invitation for a private meeting. No, of course not.
I'm sorry. I am sorry I made you go. You
won't attend any one of those parties ever again. Just
just try to get some sleep. Sleep sleep? How can
anyone sleep when that man is allowed to to pray

on anyone he wants. He's destroying our country. He needs
to be stopped. I just want us all to be free.
But at what cost me? I'm going to bed. Better
is waiting in Hamita to thank you, Mama for looking

after noticing Nelson. It was easy. They felt right to sleep. Ye,
let's go to bed. It's been a long night. You
should have never gone to that party in Que. I

know well it's over now. It's never over for a
man like him. Mm hmm. It won't work. Meaning always
happens when it rains. Have you been up all this time?

You said we'd read Forever by Family a good memory, Mina.
Did you talk to him? Yes? My thing? How was
it like a nightmare? Okay, yes, forever Hagi solo yah madam,

mister asa. But that the concorde and contra contio. I
wish I could be more like you. What how am
I brave? You're a mirab courage already runs in your blood.

M Mommy loved rainy nights, the sound of water falling
over the roof, the soothing piece it offered, Except tonight

was different. This was a loud storm she'd have to
weather for the rest of her life. I think that's
enough for tonight. Thy. Sisters of the Underground is a

production of School of Humans Audio in conjunction with iHeartMedia's
Michael Dura Network and Unbelievable Entertainment, with co executive producers
Eva and Gloria and Dania Ramirez, showrunner and director Jose
Maria Cabral. The series was written by Jose Maria Carrel
and Mary Castellanos. Story by Dania Ramides and Jose Maria Cabral.

Lead producer and story editor Julia Chrisco Associate producer and
first A d Andrew Harmon, Production manager Daisy Church, Script
supervisor Sarah Montague, Recording engineer Clay Killenburg, Colle's production supervisor
Jeremy Gilbertson at two On Welders in Atlanta. Sound design,

mixing and mastering by Harper W. Harris, Assembly editing by
Lea Marie Puffenberger. Jason Shannon composed our score, music editor
Spenser Willis. Music licensing by Sergio Marte Lorenz Alouds at
Pixan Music and Natalie Brady at Texture Music Marketing, and

designed by Jasmine Mihia and Claudia Marti Corena. Our incredible
cast includes Dania Ramirez as Minutavaris Miraval our narrator, Judy
Reges as Minerva Miravali, Jane Santos as Miraval, selinezt Ribio
as Miraval, char Line Taule as Maria Theresa Miraval, Acariendo

as Patrio Miraval, Serio, Carlo Es, Manolo Pavaris, and the
radio announcer Hemki Malera as Trujillo, Ector Annival as Johnny ABIs,
Carrila Stein as Adela. Additional cast includes Juan Dia, Alex
Lynn Ward, Jacqueline Calderon, Vivo, Michael Uribs, Silvio Martinez, Ryan Barilla,

Darius Della Cruz, Marco Barra, and Daniel Luhan. Additional executive
producers include Jossan, Maria Cabral, Mary Castellanos, Gessel Bonces, Virginia Prescott,
Chad Crowley, and Brandon Bark. Special thanks to Doug Bomb
and Abu so Far at I Heart Media Special thanks

to Mino Tavaris, mirable daughter of Minerva and Manolo, who
is a politician and activist in the Dominican Republic. She
also published the book of letters that we quote throughout
the series. It's called Magnana, Tescribo, Travis. Check out our
show notes for more details. If you enjoy the podcast,
help us get the word out by leaving a review

on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. It really helps,
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