All Episodes

September 28, 2022 38 mins

A public trial, an insecure regime, and a national anthem.


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In English

The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo

Additional Cast:

Alex Ward: Julia Trujillo and Sina Cabral

Jaqueline Caleron Guido - Lady 

Michael Uribes - Romeo Trujillo

Hector Annibal - Johnny Abbes

Sylvio Martins - Bailiff

Ryan Padilla - Betancourt + Judge

Marco Parra - Prosecutor

Daniel Lujan - Defense Attorney

Credits read by Mary Castellanos

See for privacy information.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
From executive producers Daniel Ramidez and myself Eva Longoria. Sisters
of the Underground tells the powerful story of the midle
of our sisters, real life Latina's who sacrificed everything for
the fight for freedom. Bandana and Pisa, be careful with

the john prope in the yard. Hello, Oh my godness, Okay,
bang bang bang? Then go mo went us not? I
just got off a call with the museum director and
guess what what we can visit and drop off the
letters tomorrow. Yes, I can't wait. Okay, come on, let's

go inside and start getting your bouquet ready to take
to the music. Okay, So I'm wondering, did well prison?
I Things get really tough now. I don't know, you know,

I see Contino. Sometimes I think I should just be
reading new fairy tales to all those you know what
I mean, happy stories with happy endings. But our story
is too complicated for that. It took courage for Mommy

Matter to stand up to the bullet in prison, but
it also took courage for Dogna, Cheer and they to
look for them. Early one morning, they hired a driver
to take them to the capital. They were so determined
to find them that they even risk rousing that the radios,

and they started with the eldest brother, Yes, how can
I help you? My name is Ja. We are searching
for my two daughters. They were taken from us by
the General's men. We thought your husband might use his

influence to bring us to them. We are well aware
of your family's ill intentions towards the government. We don't
mingle with enemies of the state, joined the andso. But
all I'm asking is to know where they're being held.
They are our family, and I know that you can
understand how we feel. I cannot help you, but perhaps

don't Romeo can give you that information. Don't. Romeo was
another of trs brothers, younger than Berjlio and just does
loyal and crew. Julia gave her the address under the
pretense of helping her. In reality, it was just a

Truhido families way of fanning their own egos. They enjoyed
watching desperate people begging them for favors. So when don't
youa chey showed up at Romeo, tru he just tore step.
He was all smiles and warm welcome Senor, but a

pleasant surprise welcome to my home. It is generous of
you to see us from a grass. And who is
this lovely lady? I'm they nice to meet you, of
course the other sister, I haven't heard much about you,
but I suppose that's a good thing. Please take a seat.

Would you care for some delicious lechosa juice, fresh made
to day. No, kid, we're here because we are trying
to locate suggested you might be able to help us.
Don't you worry. I'm pretty sure there was some sort
of mix up, a mix up. The problem is not

Maria Teresa, but both of them were arrested. Let me
do they're talking. It wasn't just them. Their husbands have
also been detained, And since we don't want to speculate,
we decided to obtain the truth from someone like you.
You're surely privy to the thinking behind decisions like this.

Actually I'm not. My brother is a very private man,
but trust me. Go back home, be at peace. The
regime does not punish those who do not deserve it,
but who is thought to deserve it? Missen so buen
upos us responsibly is a real threat. We can all

admit that. And yet, despite our belief that she has
conspired against us. You have no proof that my brother
or his men ever hurt your daughters. Don't forget this
government did promise to protect the rights of women. Unfortunately
we can't promise the same for their husbands. After the
meeting with Romeo, Dona Chea knew that she had reached

the end in her quest to find and free her daughters.
Any approach to the government was fruitless. She and the
day were met with resistance, personal threats or justifications. Their
spirits were crushed. Those were very dark days in the

town of Salcetto. A sizeable number of rebels are being
taken captive. No one is about Truillo and they will
pay the right my land, air or c. He will
capture anyone and everyone who attempts to fight the regime.
I was staying in Monte Cristo with relatives for a while,

but then my my chair brought me back to Sa
said so I could be with herds and my little brother, Manolito.
They had her own home now. And then one cool
February morning, I mean to give us men with guns.

They came to the house. I think they are taking
DNA chair. Mama use me. They had the fastest meal
they had. I found what I Please, God, don't let
them take my mother d The mule, on the other hand,

had other ideas as mules to and instead of taking
the main road, she suddenly veered down the dirt path
running to a clothes line, got frightened and book bucked
her right and the right in the middle of Ouch.
That was some fall. Hi. Yeah, yeah, I'm so sorry

it or your clean clothes thinking could you grabber grab
her right off? So I said about I have had
her here, take my hand. Are you all right? Do
you want to sit down? My house is just around
the bed. That's very kind of you, but I have
I have to go my mom my, mom, she's she's
in trouble. Please help me get back CONTINUITA okay, okay,

I'll hold her. I get ask le, they wrote the
mule even bastard. She knew she had lost precious moments
to her and the idea Jaya being taken captive was unimaginable.

Her mind was being flooded with images and sounds from
what she had heard about the regime's treatment of prisoners.
After agonizing moments, she finally reached her destination Patria. What's
going on? What's wrong? Was mommy taken? Where is she? No?

No that they some military men came and when Pedro
saw them, he darted out the house like a headless chicken.
They came to inform us that we can go to
the capital and pick they're going to be released him.
I could have killed myself local lespero, no no men

in the They Patria immediately made all the arrangements to
travel to the copy done. But when they arrived at
the intelligence headquarters, they were turned away, told to come
back tomorrow. This happened for over a week. It was

just another manipulation. Then finally Mommy Dea were released. Miss
how much I missed you, mom, even this young When

they finally got home, whenever I was quiet for a
long time. What do you say to someone who has
been through something like that. I'm so glad you're home
at Manas. You can't imagine when we went through to
find you both, and we figured they must have stopped
you from looking. We tried everywhere and everyone. They were

just playing with us. Yes, please, what happens to your legs?
You have marks all over. I feel of a mule.
You're too quiet, Armana, Are you okay? I just it

was bad in there, they Thomas. They wanted to make
an example of her. We were luckier, for some reason,
less physical torture than the others. But it was NonStop questions.
We didn't even know half the time if it was
day or night. But we had a strategy mt mm

hmm doing the interrogations. We answered their questions with another
question that drove them crazy, and they weren't able to
extract much. Manona was cherry picked to undergo the most
suffering and bear the brunt of their vengeance. I'm me

I miss him so much. I think Hell is a
picnic compared to La Guarenta. And of course through heat,
you never does the dirty work. He wouldn't even dare
show his face, sleeping peacefully in his palace somehow, while
the blood of the country is on his hands. They
but he is, Mama, He's He must be getting scared though.

Did you hear the news They're accusing him of an
attack on Venezuela's President becourt. I want to brief you,
my citizens in Venezuela, that you must have complete trust
in the stability of your government. And on your decision
to elect me democratically as president until my term ends
on April nineteen sixty four. I have no doubt in

my mind that yesterday's terrorist attack on the presidency was
perpetrated by the Dominican dictator, whom I have been very
critical of, and whose reign is living on borrowed time,
A dying, prehistoric animal unsuitable for the twentieth century. How
could they missed the target? I apologize heavy. The bombs

plosion was delayed a few seconds. Only the military chief
and a student died. The rest only sustained burns. Fuck,
what a waste. We can try again, but I wish
you wait to see if there's another response from it encore.
Based on that speech I did to say that I
won't be violent, but tactical, What do you mean? He

will look for an international platform on which to announce you,
probably the organization of the American States. He will take
advantage of the circumstances to making him self look like
a martyr and to belify you. They believe him. It's
just one more group after me. The Church and the
Gringos already won a piece of me. They have no

idea who they're dealing with dios it you. Let's focus
our attention on our closest endings. Like you said, see ovis,
the terrorists on our soil have nowhere to go. We
already demonstrated that we know where to find them and
what we can do when we get them. With international pressure,

mountain And has decided to hold the trial for the
prisoners of the fourteenth of June movement today, and Sid
Pappy Leandro and a group of other men went to
trial that day. Their bodies were full of bruises, and
they were several pounds lighter, all shadows of their younger selves.

But outside of the courthouse, grace supporters cheered them on
those accused as president of the movement and another member.
They appear to have been severely beaten, and the assemble
proud are expressing outrage nor winnifre. The trial was covered internationally,

the first time the whole world could witness how do
he just regime treated political prisoners? And if the Nalege
shocked those abroad, it made many Dominicans more willing to
fight back. They come manolo me or what did they

do to them? Good afternoon, you may all sit in
this Court of the Palace of Justice with JORGEA. Gonzalez,
the defendant's doctor Manuel Alvares Cousto, an engineer Cosman Rodriguez,
stand accused of being co perpetrators of the crime of
treason and plotting an organized attack against the security of

the states, risking the safety of all Dominican people. Prosecutor
Virriglio Garrido, When, your honor, we have evidence that shows
that during the month of January of nineteen sixty Manuel
Taut also known as Manolo, was in Monte Christi recruiting

new members for his underground movement. In addition, he together
with Guzman, Rodriguez and are members, had collected over one
hundred firearms and explosives. These were hidden in the home
of Patria Mirabal and Pedro Gonzales, and the group distributed

these weapons around municipalities and provinces. And they'll see vow
to other members of the movement with the intention of
overthrowing the government of our leader and benefactor that had
an alissimo through Hillo. With these actions, the defendants have
endangered the welfare and security of the homeland. Defendants, Attorney

Bruno or Nezo Sanchez, your opening statement, good afternoon, your honor. I,
together with my colleagues, represent the defendant, Mr Tavares Cousto.
The defendant stands here today wrongly accused of the crime
of arms possession and reason, a very serious offense. The

prosecutor has stated that my client is guilty of distributing
these weapons with the intention of overthrowing the government of
the Handalis Motor Hill. While the defendant did have arms,
there is not a shred of evidence to prove that
he is guilty of the charge. The defendant has never
conspired to endanger the well being of his Dominican brothers

and sisters. He loves his country and people and has
always been a true patriot and outstanding citizen. The only
appropriate verdict in this case it's not guilty. Thank you.
The trial lasted a few days. Bobby was among one

of the people who testified in court. He wanted his
voice to be heard. Of course, the prosecution was merciless.
What do you do for a living, Senor Tabaris Cousto,
I'm a lawyer who hasn't practiced in a while, as

you've been clearly occupied with other pressing matters. Objection order sustained.
Do you recall a meeting that took place in January
ten at the residence of Charlie Bogard in Balverde Mao
of this year. Yes, I do, And what took place
at this meeting? It was a gathering of family and friends.

We had some drinks and play dominos. How often did
these gatherings occur? Uh? Maybe twice a week? And you
expect us to believe that you met twice a week
for just a round of dominoes and drinks. Objection your oiner,
he's leading. The defendant sustained, what self respecting Dominican doesn't

like to play dominoes and drink once in a while. Okay,
let's look at other actions. Tell us why you visited
the city of San Francisco de Macoris every day during
the early weeks of January of this year. I had
a sick relative. We have evidence to the contrary. In fact,

we are able to prove that your visits there were
for the purpose of recruiting followers and amassing weapons. That's
not true. You were plotting to eliminate those you perceived
as your enemies. We have sees letters of yours in
which you declare those intentions. We will submit these to
the court and the rejection your honor. Article six three

of our Judicial Code states that it is illegal to
open private letters and to reveal and di evotional context.
Please take a seat or you'll have to leave the courtroom.
You are accusing two innocent men who fought courageously for
the rights and freedoms of every person in this country. Silence. No,
we've been silent and complacent for far too long. Look

at them, they're killing and turturing. Doesn't of her brothers
and sisters? How many more people need to die for
our justice system to do something? What more do you need?
You were permitted in this court as family members, not
as agitators. Guards, remove these women, Let me move how wards,
go on this order the court. You can't silence us.

Our country's as says, we have a right to be free.
Cog me by one of us. Damn Well, why did

they start singing the national anthem? Weren't they against the
government see me ninia. But they still loved their country,
their home. Simple rudios as. When I think about that moment,
I am just so proud of their bravery to remind

everyone in the court who they were and what their
country meant to them. It was a small victory against
the regime. A few days later, Bobby Leandro would be
sentenced to thirty years in prison and received a fine
of six hundred thousand vessels. WHOA, that's a lot. Mommy

was devastated, and so was the rest of the movement.
She tried to put on a brave face in front
of us, but did that and she was really sad,
And so are Martin and Patre Well are okay? It
looks beautiful. You always cheer me up. Syria more beautiful,

just like they are heavy. The rockets that the middleble
sister caused at the courtroom a few days ago must
have fueled something. The embassies are packed with people trying
to get out of the country. Send guards over to
all the acu immediately, and do not lose sight of them,

as you wish, my heavy un May eighteenth, they mean
nocenta members of truigious police. The same arrested Mommy Diamade
once again, what dulaquarenta again No no, this time to

the penitentury in La Victoria, where they would be locked
up with Cina Carral for three long months awaiting a
hearing well at least they were together, Yes, seem more.
That's right. Sina was in much better shape after everything

she'd gone through, and they allowed them to have mosquito
nets and soap this time, a stark difference from their
days in La Guarenta batter They visited as soften as
they were allowed. They tried to bring with them a
much needed sense of family. There they are Hi, lives meal,

thank you for coming at mans here. Then sit they've
left us shares. At least Mommy Tabiang praying for the
day they'll release you. She had the kids baptized. Don't know.
It's god mother to all good choice. She may end

up raising them anyway, the way things are going for
the don't say that did did you bring those cigarettes
and the modeling? Clay see? But I could only find
my boro And I know you're like a Sino. Why
do you want to clay men to scold me new
and Manolito's faces. There'll be a way to keep them
with me anywhere on the sentencing date, I know, Armana.

Not yet. Hey, we stopped by to see Manolo Leandro
see and there's a letter. We put it in the
box of clay. So the guards wouldn't see from Manolo. Yeah,
thank God for you, r manas he's gone open the letter,

so did he say, Dear Minnie, Leandro, Perrito and I
are fine. Not a day goes by in which I
don't think of you. I can't wait for us really,
all reunited in Monte Cristi. I'll send a new pencil
for you to write to me more often. Remember to
the story my letters. You know they won't hesitate to

put you back in solitary or suspend the family visits.
We must avoid that. Regards to Mattencina, my soul is
forever connected to yours. I love you more always yours Manolo, Okay,
Romantico Mommy was spend the next few months inside herself,

scolding the memory she had of me off my face?
Did you ever get to see the sculpture? Many years later,
but she didn't really get to finish it. As the
Church became more outspoken about his crimes and the United

States retracted their support for his government through he kept
losing the national approval he had once enjoyed. In an
attempt to clear his image, he decided to release innocent
political prisoners who he held without a reason. On this Tuesday,

August nine nine, in the case of Maria Argentina Minerva
Mirable Reyes Da Tavares the Antonia Maria Teresa mirab Guzman.
The court finds the defendants guilty of threatening the safety
of the state. They are sentenced to five years of
public labor for insubordinations. Mammy itamts lawyer fought like health

for an appeal, which was granted, thank God, and the
sentence was reduced to three years. Cina was also found
guilty and said still thirty years. It was a sentence
that she would never serve. Why did she die? Oh no, no, no, no,
no no, thank god, deves Meal. She was temporarily released too,

but on the day of the release, Sina finally told
mommy Dia about her plans. I'm going to the Argentinian
embassy early in the morning before the Galias began to
surveil me. I seena. I can't wait for the military
to come and terrorize me again. It's not too late.
You and the children should leave too. We can't see

na through. He is not going to let you live
in peace. I can't take the kids and I definitely
can't leave Manola behind. If I do, they'll kill him.
How much more humiliation can we endure? They nearly killed us.
You know we'll miss you, Amir. I'll miss you both too.
Thank you for fighting the good fight. Did they ever

see her again? No? Imagine if they had left, things
would have been much different, mortal, But Mommy, Diamat, they
would have never left Poppy and the oleandro behind. They
were inseparable. M hm mean no, I want me Okay, Yes,

that's a key. It was one of the happiest days
of my life. It felt like ages since I'd last
seen them, Mommy, they never the kids have grown so

much as he has. Mean, but we're getting old to
her man, I have are more hairs than mom. Since
you've than gone, I can't stop thinking about the guys. Yeah,
need to. We onlyed to stay strong for the kids

and keep having faith faith and what what we need
is justice to be served. But we'll never have that
as long as to re use in power and to
think that we almost took him out. Nan. Yes, I
won't have you leave here again. You hear the movement
is over. The movement will always be alive. Mommycid Tommy,

don't you see I am thinking of them and every
new generation after them. They need to be protected from
this terrible regime that killed their grandfather. Remember they did
that to Puppy, to all of us. So you tell me, mommy,
what's best to think about myself or to think about
the future for my children and their country. And there

is wasn't the only thing wearing mommy that weeks after
her release, Grandma's bank accounts were seized by the state,
and the family's finances quickly dwindled. Idea as a mommy
turned to sell and again to make a living. But
selling dresses was not a very lucrety business, especially since

there were enemies of the state and people were weary
of being associated with them like a plaque, you know,
COONa Black. So they were forced to sell what they had,
like the family furniture, just one more way in which
the regime broke apart our family and our home. Why

how much do you think they'll love her? Okay, I said,
I hope at least forty fifty vessels. It will help
pay for food and gas for the generator, whatever it
takes to feed these kids. Say, but I mean, I
don't worry me, neck, I still believe God watches over us.
There are better days ahead of us, and I hope.
So how are you in perito doing? Oh? Marriage is

never easy, but true love prevails, and at the end
of the day I do cherish him. It's a sweet man.
A few days later, a guard showed up to announce
that through Hio had ordered Pappy leandro Bi transferred to
the Salado Ford, which was only a few minutes away

from the house. But Mommy was convinced this was no
humanitarian gesture. Through he you feared the family would seek
asylum abroad. A singer had with the transfer that Galliez
found it much easier to keep a close eye on them,
but he wasn't, leaving the vigilance to under links. Later

that year, through he began to make a habit out
of visiting small towns to instill fear and ensure civilian loyalty.
His first stop was, of course, and it's not as
if you could miss him. It was as vain about

its cars as he was about his suits. People remember
him arriving, driving slowly through the town in his luxurious
nineteen seven Chevron. How is everything shaping up here? Hours

as good as one can of hope in a town
with those damn mirabile sisters always screwing everything. Now we're
on the streets, they've been talking nonsense every chance they
can't what type of nonsense? Well, with all the respect
hair face, just a a more rhetoric, nothing that bears repeating.
But they are isolated. No one will even get close

to them. I only have two problems left, the damn
priest and the men of our sisters. It's about time
those truggles ended. I agree. We're at your service, Synyard,
just say the word d man, same evening yours bam

on me. No, it's bedtime here. Look I made this
for you. Is this a butterfly? Wow? Cariolena, it's beautiful.
Thank you? Men. Can I draw more? Of course, but tomorrow, okay,

now laid down me here. Yes, the bad guys are
not going to take you away again, right, Mommy, I'm
here with you now, sweetheart. You know I love you
very much? Right, I love you too, And Poppy and

Manolito always one day well, yet to go back to
Monte Cristi, right one day. Good night, mam, good night Manulito.
Why these me or Mommy? You scared me. What are

you doing up? M hmm, I can't sleep me. I'll
sit with you. I'm sorry, mommy four for the worry
that's keeping you up and all the gray hairs. Mm hm.
You understand what it's like to be a mother, now,

don't you. All I'll ever want is the best for
all four of you. Messires. This is not a lost cause, Mommy,
we will overthrow this regime one day, I promise you,
even if it's the last thing we'll ever do. I

knew that I had to treasure every moment I had
left with Mommy, and so Dyda will at chair. Trujillo
was still obsessed with power, and neither was no escape
for him. There will be no escape for his enemies.

Sisters of the Underground is a production of School of
Humans in conjunction with I Heart Media's Michael Tura Network
and Unbelievable Entertainment, with co executive producers Eva Longoria and
Dania Ramirez, showrunner and director se Maria Cabral. The series
was written by Jose Maria Carrall and Mary Castellanos, story

by Dania Ramirez and Jose Maria cabre p lead producer
and story editor. Julia Chrisco Associate producer and first a
d Andrew Harmon, Production manager Daisy Church, script supervisor Sarah Montague,
Recording engineer Clay Hillenburg, post production supervisor Jeremy Gilbertson at

Tune Welders in Atlanta. Sound design, mixing and mastering by
Harper W. Harris, Assembly editing by Liam Marie Puffenberger. Jason
Shannon composed, Our score, music editor Spencer Willis. Music licensing
by Serrio Marte, Laurence A Louts at bi Sync Music

and Natalie Brady at Texture Music. Marketing and design by
Jasmine Maheia and Claudia Marti Corena. Our Incredible cast include
us Daniel Ramirez as Mino Tavares Miraval, our narrator, Judy
Reguz as Minerva Miraval, Jane santos Ana Miraval, celinezto Ribio

as Miraval, Charlene Chaule as Maria Theresa Miraval, Acarriendo Es
Patrio Miravan, Serio Carlo Es, Manolo Tavaris, and the radio
announcer Hemi Mara as Trujillo ector Aniba As, Johnny Aves,
Cabriela Stein as Adela. Additional cast includes Juan Dia, Alex

Lynn Ward, Jacqueline Calderon, Vido, Michael Uribez, Silvio Martinez, Ryan Parija,
Darius de la Cruz, Marco Tara, and Daniel Luhan. Additional
executive producers include Jossa, Maria Cabral, Mary Castellanos, Gessel Bounces,

Virginia Prasca, l c Ali and Brandon Bark. Special thanks
to Doug Boom and Abou so Far at I Heart Media.
Special thanks to Mino Cavaris Miraval, daughter of Minerva and Manolo,
who is a politician and activist in the Dominican Republic.
She also published the book of letters that we quote
throughout the series. It's called Maniana Escrivio Travis. Check out

our show notes for more details. If you enjoy the podcast,
help us get the word out by leaving a review
on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. It really helps.
Thanks School of Humans
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