All Episodes

September 14, 2022 41 mins

Love at first sight, a serenade, and an underground movement.


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En Español

In English

The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo

Additional Cast:

Alex Lynn Ward - Tonó

Sylvio Martins - Leandro Guzmán

Marco Parra - Julio Escoto + Priest

Darius De La Cruz - Rafael Henriquez

Credits read by Mary Castellanos

Song Credits: 

Contigo En La Distancia by Luis Miguel - performed by Sergio Carlo

Mambo Instrumental by Linda Matrinez

Colin Rey Merengue by Ray Santos


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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
From executive producers Daniel Ramidez and myself Eva Longoria. The
Sisters of the Underground tells the powerful story of the
Mead about sisters, real life Latina's who sacrificed everything for
the fight for freedom. The la are there, Oh there,

you are. Sorry for me. I'll put the books back
on the shelves. It's okay, men, I couldn't resist. It's
a big library. Me Mina, you remind me so much
of myself and mommy buried in books all day. Did
you find one that you like? Well, not yet. Most

are about politics and long they're from the classes I'm
teaching at the university and from my time in Congress. Well,
my mom said that you passed a lot of laws.
That is right, that's pretty cool. Yeah, Glass, Yes, what
about you? What kind of books do you like? Well?

I just finished the second Harry Potter one. You don't
have any of those, do you? Is that the one
with the wizard boy who works around glasses and flies
around in the boo? Yes? That one? No, no, me,
I'm not kepting. But maybe we can go to the
bookshop and see who we can find it there. But first,

you know what, I could really use your help to
make some flyers. I love making flyers. You do, all right?
So I have some art supplies in one of these drawers.
Maybe I don't. Who say it must be in here?
So are here they are? What are these flowers for? Well,

I'm glad you asked. Therefore, the elimination of violence against
Women's March. Okay, keep per fact. You can use this
table to paint if you want. Let me just clear
it up. Oh okayt Samuel called, thank god it didn't break.

Poppy gave it to me to my young menu as
a memory of great experience. Love Poppy. We went to
the beach all the time when I lived in Monte Cristi.
You know. It was the last thing that he gave
me before he We will get to that part later.

He loved the beach, and so did Mommy. They're love
was written in the stars. There are so many stories
about how they met, but the other they told me
that it all started with lastasas lastasas Mommy and Matte
would always look forward to nice. We don't know. She

was the girl's nanny and an old wise woman who
was very superstitious. Alright, girls, come closer. Let's look at
them mugs, hold them above the fire. I don't know.
Please do me first. Mm hmmm, uh huh. I see

a trip, A long trip for you, Maria. Yes, I
was starting school. Soona capitales away. Okay, okay, your turn, Minvava.
It looks like there's a man, a lover deep who
is come on a man as Do you really believe

any of this nonsense? Thanks to no, but I'm never
gonna get married. I think you're mistaken, Minerva. He will
have a beautiful voice and you won't be able to
resist him. Your fiery spirit will meet It's much nine. No, no, no,
that's enough, give me those marks. Turns out that don't

know was right. Bobby and Mommy would meet during a
hot summer nine in nineteen fifty three in beautiful Laposa
at their friend Maria del Rosario Goicos party. Seens does
to them, Yeah, yeah, they do. Slaves well solely lasses Straousancia. Ah,

mother me, so anyone's sitting here? You are now? I
saw you on the dance floor earlier, your beautiful dancer.

Thank you. You have a lovely voice. Okay, well you
say that again and I'll start to believe it. No,
need to be humble about your gifts. I haven't seen you,
and how about called before? Don't come too often? Kind
of a long drive from s Yeah, you're right, not
the best roads either, although our dear liar Elenne Elissimo

would want everyone to believe that he's truly investing in
public works. Lord cheers to that, cheers to that, which
I should have packed the jacket. Oh no, no, no
here techine, No, no, it's fine, I'm there better. Thank you.

I'm sorry I didn't get your name. I'm Manuel, but
everyone calls me Manolo. Nice to meet you. I'm the
mysterious miner I know. I keep hearing about you, the
beautiful and brillian brunette stealing all their hearts at Laois.
Huh that to you? I am really not all that mysterious.
I mean, I'm here now, aren't I. I'm glad I

kind of I got to meet you, and it's about
time they allowed more women into the program. You know,
you might be the only man in this country who
thinks that. You know, I've always wondered why you gave
that endorsement speech at the baseball stadium. Cock. Do you
remember that? Well, if you must know, I was protecting

my family, and does that okay, I don't have to
justify myself. No, no, no, no, no, I'm sorry. You're right.
I didn't mean it that way. It's just that you're
a true idealist. And I know one when I see one.

Well that's the song is a masterpiece, but not as
good as, like I said, another album. And here I
was thinking you had good taste. Okay, Well you know what,
now that you know what I like it, you know,
read it again. It might change your mind. I don't
doubt it. Passionate and stubborn, no wonder the stories are

flying around about you. It was really love at first sight.
And boy or boy who was my moment off cookie.
She had never met a charming man who could actually
challenge her intellectually. And my dad, Ah, he was fascinated
and enchanted by my mother's mind and beauty and spirit.

She was amazed. She did give him her address the
first night so he could mail her some books. And
it wasn't long before man A. K. Sinatra showed up
by the house. When he didn't come along, don't know,

he brought his friend Pep as a roadie, and yeah,
let me okay, and the piano in the bed of
his pickup truck. Oh god, so romantic. Here goes nothing

my saga, love you well, soul elastrasure. You wake up?
What my day? Do you hear that? Come to the window.

Let me see who is that? Oh my god, it's him? No, no, really,
I Romantico Miller. What's happening? Yes, a scandal, Mommy, it's
me nervous admirer sh oh yeah, hell with the piano? Yeah,

said enough, we're more so element get a wuna m
hm who was super passing? Again? A mother? Mia, he

sto you're going to see I told him. He sounded
like Frank Sinatra. Oh my god, you're right. I know
he's leaving. Well, I'm sure he didn't expect me to
come out at this hour. It's just his opener by

use maa. I like the looks and talents of this one.
Mi huh. I hope you won't ignore him like all
the others. Really, Mommy, I mean, how can I ignore him?
I like to meet the gentleman in date like la
h when I'm not just good night. When The very

next morning, my mom found a copy of Garcia Lorcas
the albam On top of a rocking chair in the porch.
He kept this promise, Oh yes, and so began their
whirlwind romans. More than e pien so ConA ca see

we will see me, GiB You're gonna go crazy from
reading so much. I've been saying this for years in NOO.
Books are our legacy, Mommy. Plus, you told me to
make him wait, remember, but I don't want him to wait,

so I'll read these words instead. And this from the
girl who always said she would never meet anyone a night, Mommy,
what's this on his way? Yes, that's why I'm looking
from my red lipstick? Mate, did you steal it again?
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist, dummy. You're seeing that boy

from the park again, Martin, aren't you day? His name
is Leander. By the way, if Mommy finds out, she's
going to ground you again, well she won't find out
if you don't say anything. You're susteen, Matte. Mommy worries
about you, especially now that Dad is gone, and God forbid,
he is it through your follower. They're everywhere now, matey,

I didn't even blainsight. Well he's not. Leander is as
real as they come. Just trust me. We only worry
because we love your Manita. You're still so young. I'm
not that young. You don't have to be so overprotective.
Everyone is happy about you and Manolo. Why can't you
just accept Bleandro shield her over red? He's here, Okay,

can you pass me the perfume? Is it too much? Yeah?
Maybe Neva? Mommy, this is man This is my mom
and my sister's mate and Patria. My dad waited with

roses in hands under a big of a cadle tree.
He was completely stunned by how mommy looked at day,
so much so that he barely noticed when avocado hit
his head. Thank you for having Oh my god, are

you good? Sorry? I was a little distracted, you know,
a little. We've waited a while for the avocado tree
to bare fruit. Now you don't know what to do
with all of them? Well, they make great weapons, you know.
Oh are you going? I'll get you some mince before

he starts to swell up, meaning he's so handsome, you see.
Being sorry to make such a clumsy first impression. Oh
that wasn't your first impression. Everyone heard the pickup truck concert.

Thank you for wow. So many books you have possibly
the biggest home library in the entire country. Oh no, no, no, no, no,
those are all nervous and Senor Manolo, I hope you're
not too jealous and don't mind sharing her with her books. No,

that won't be a problem. You say that now you
should also know that never only cares about politics. But
I know that you'll help or forget about all of that.
We have many things to talk about, and thank you
for your warm welcome. In the short amount of time

that I've known her, I can tell that you and
your husband may he rest in peace, have instilled good
values in nev I know I'm a stranger to you,
but I deeply respect your daughter, and I hope to
have your blessing today to formally date her. My husband
would have been very impressed by your manners and humility,

and so am. I don't say, see me never accepts you,
so do we the enemy. Oh yeah, what a wonderful

family you have. Good ask you. I'm starting to believe
Mommy like she way more than me. I can't blame
her with that voice of yours. Well, I guess this
is good night. Then. I hope your head feels better almost,
but maybe a kiss would help. Yeah. Yeah, remember you're

not married yet. I Mommy, I'm sorry, don't be I'll
see you soon. Oh, I mean may I call you?
Mean it? Of course you know I'm wait. Hey, I

think I'm falling in love with you too. Damn. That
was the first time my mom had ever said those words.
She had fallen for Puppy's charm, and what followed was
difficult long distance dating. Puppy was still in Monte Cristi
finishing his thesis, while Mommy was attending university in the

capital and living in La Casa de mer Conda. Maria Teresa,
who was beginning her first college semester as an engineer student,
had just moved in with her. Nerva. You got a
letter from Honolo. Oh, Nerva, taquierro mocho. Hey, d I

miss you more than anything. I've had long nights at
the court this week. I can't wait to present my thesis.
I hope to see you very soon. In know how,
I pleased to report that I have not been the
victim of another jealous avocado, and my bruises healing. Send
your mama big kisses. Ge I got your telegram, but

I hadn't heard from you in a week. I know,
I know you've been working and studying. I've read your
last letter so many times. I know it by heart.
I've been studying a lot and thinking of you and

to your little bruise Sanna San. I milled four letters.
Could they have gotten lost? Did you receive them? Mh,
gotta go before the post office closes? Ado someone yours? Meaning.
They continued writing to each other, but when letters failed

to arrive and showed allbvious signs of being tampered with,
Mommy had no doubt that they were being watched through
hell again. See you're catching on. Mommy was worried that
something bad could happen to Bobby because of his association
with the notorious Mina Scourge of Torrigo. She even broke

up with him at one point, but neither of them
had the strength to stay apart. Oh did they, you know,
get married? They did? Mean they did, and it was
a joyous day. Maria Argentinas e Manuel as I now

pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss. The bride
gives novious my sons in honor of a lovely couple

web Ba. They were married in nineteen fifty five and
the following year, mom moved to Monte Cristi. Puppy and
his family were from. Puppy had big dreams of opening
his own law practice and overseeing the family farm there.
Mommy fell in love with the beautiful beaches. What did

I have that was fun? Yeah, it's great that there's
a beast so close to the city. But I know here,

hold the shell up to your ear. Listen, it's beautiful
your Yeah, Mommy and Poppy wasted new time. I was
born in ninety six. Mina can't content think? What should

we name her? Men? And I know the French poet
who wrote abram I love it, I love it, Welcome
in Helena. But their piece would be short lived through
he you larned in the shadows, and he had taken

to targeting his enemies and columns in the newspaper. He
would write under a baked names so no one would
know it was him. Are they in this case? The
boto pull my dad letter? Every morning? Do you want someone? Sito? Hello, Manolo, Manolo,

I'm talking to you. What I'm sorry? What what what
do you want someone? Google? Oh? Yeah, sure, what is it? No?
Let me see it? No, no, no, let me see it.
It's fine, If it's fine, If it's fine, then show
me quiz ado, quis ado. They're telling people to watch

out for us. Doctor Manuel Cousto has recently married La
Row the Red Communists, and it is also said that
there is a baby. What the hell is this? That
bastard wants to isolate us from everyone? But he won't.
I won't let it happen me never. He wouldn't be

the first time nor the last time. Through you would
hide behind his column to insulted family while plodding against
Mammy's family in directly through. He continued to be obsessed

over his public image, which he reinforced with extravagant public
displays like the opulent Fair of Peace and Fraternity of
the Free World, which closed in August of ninety six.
That sends fancy very over the top also, but it

was an excuse for Trujido to showcase his wealth and connections.
He spared no expense and made sure there were grand
exhibits of local products and brand new shiny hotels and casinos.
You know, his sixteen year old daughter and Heilita or

a way satin gown and was crowned queen and Helita
during the parade. The fair cast millions of vessels. Oh
that's a lot of money, you asked me from Suva Truo.

We're pleased to bring your methods from HENDERL Truejo, the
beloved Benefactor on this our first inaugural Fair of Priece
and Fraternity of the Free World. I'd like to thank
God and the Dominican people for supporting me through twenty

five years of government. We have strengthen our economy and
will continue to invest in the best program of public
works and the National Literacy Plan. Clearly, we're always working
tirelessly to build peace in our country. Mommy knew that

he was likely going to create more health for the
Dominican people, but she also knew that her best weapon
now would be her education. The last three semesters in
Laois were very tough. She was working on her law school,
thesus taking care of me and I had to look
after Maria Theresa, who would sneak out to see Leander

every chance she got. It was very challenging, but she
was closer to becoming the lawyer she always wanted to be. Models.
I am so happy, congratulations and here you're finally a lawyer,
Summa cum louder. No less, let's see that the plumb

a show it. Come on, No, no, no, no, this
can't be. Where are your honors even now? And if
you had managed to cast his shadow over that's grass Seattle.
I'm sorry, but we weren't able to award your honors.

You see, I I didn't agree with most of your thesis.
He read it. Of course, he demanded to read it.
There was little I could do, but at least you graduated. No, no,
it's outrageous that he has the right to suppress my
thoughts and diminish my achievement. You know better. We are

not in a position to defy him. Well I am,
and I'll do it somehow, m h. In addition to

denying her honors, he also prevented her from getting a
license to practice law. The next few years, Mammy found
herself working as a secretary at Boppy's office. Good afternoon
law office is Eko, Manolito, my baby brother on the

way and a failing law firm. My parents found themselves
struggling to survive. Those stresses are coming out great. I'm
hoping I can sell them, Manulu, don't worry. I think
I found a buyer for our house. The cows, the

family dairy farm is all we have. We sell it,
then we really have nothing. We can't keep going like this.
What else can we do? Look at what he's doing
to us. Look at what he's doing to us. I
don't want me and Manolito to grow up in fear.
I want them to have a full life. Me too.
But maybe you're right. Maybe it's time to stand up

for our freedom and finally get rid of a stick better.
Their own hardships had one good result. It made them
focus again on the revolutionary ideals, and so they began
to plan. Alice Leandro, we finally get to party with

you and not think, Oh it's been a long time coming,
has I? You? And mat des ambition. Well, I have
a feeling this is going to be a good year. Cheers,
almost a new decade. Well, I'll be right back. I
will get us a fresh bottle of champagne. And he
goes for the new year. Uh yeah, love and prosperity

for my family. I think I'm good with us. What
about you know what I want? And then to the
regime of a tyrant. Come on, don't don't make this
political overwording love and family. Family and love is political too.
How is love political? When Manolo and I got married,
the papers only talked about how he married a communist,

how that was a threat to the nation. We need
better politics, even in love. You you impressed me every day. Wait, wait, guys,
come here. Listen. They're saying that Batista's dictatorship collapsed yesterday
in Cuba in the wake of the revolt Mountain Id
del Gastro, President Cuba. Pista has led Cuba with his

entire family. His whereabouts our unknown, but he is rumored
to be on his way to the Dominican Republic. But
it's the point that an interim president and Seljegro. But
Castro has instructed all truths to continue to fight and
has called for a general strike to prevent the bigtatorship
from being prolonged. You see, Battista was hated and feared too,

and Cubans finally active. I don't get how they can
overthrow tyrants and here we sit idly turning a blind
eye to the abuse of our people. I think if
we organized against Truhdu, we could achieve freedom as well.
I agree, we need our own revolution. I don't know.

Sounds pretty risky. I mean, if we're careful, if we
work in secret, I'm sure we could find hundreds of
people who would support us. Yeah, exactly. We can use
the three tactics, the ones our founding fathers used. If
the four of us recruit three people who oppose the reshime,
people we can absolutely trust, and then those three people

recruit three more. Slowly, but surely we'll grow into a movement.
Our marriage is suffering and our father is dead. I
can't justify waiting any longer. We'll count me in. We've
been saying it for years, and now it's time. Landro,
Are you with us? M hm? Come here? And that's

how the movement started. Wow. Abella Antias were kind of
like Nanni Yah and Sarah and Amuca. How do you
know this? We learned about them in history class. They
were Native American heroines who fought for the rights of
their people during the American Revolution. You never failed to

amaze me. And you are right, they were just like them.
You know what's so cool? People called her Nancy, but
her real name was Nannie He, which means one who
goes about. That's kind of like you are very right.
I never thought of it that way. Mommy also started

visiting different towns around the country to find followers, anyone
she could that would join their movement. The country was
in despair and needed hope, and Mommy provided. She used
the excuse of Holy Week actually as a ploy to
explore areas where the movement would recruit and establish guerritas.

Just like what are garias. They were men and women
who fought in secret, living in the mountains and preparing
to fight against on his mess That's scary. It was
very scary. Actually. One of the first places they visited
was Constanza. The mountains made it an ideal secret training place. Okay,

you have to keep your aiming time brief. You have
to be quicker. It's difficult to maintain the target for
long periods. Okay, that good. Okay. Now you have to
control your breathing because they can move the fire just
enough to throw off your shot. Okay, let me see, Oh,

well done. Know what. I'm very proud of you, but
I still don't think you should be part of the
I am at the service of what the country and
its people need, Manolo. I know that, and that's very brave.
By what we need here are strong men. Well that's
not exactly what I was going to say. What you
thought it? All right? It can get pretty rough out here,

and we have children. If I could handle through video
face to face, I can handle the mountains. And I
am thinking about our children. I'm thinking that I want
them to grow up in a free country. Leander your term.
Wow she had a gun. Unfortunately, yes, but they needed protection,

so they had to find strategic locations and recruit people
they could trust. Manolo started with this close friend, fellow lawyer,
Julio Scotto. Julio, Julio, long time go with us. How
are you good? Just headed to court? Okay, do you

have a minute? I don't. I can spare five for
an old friend. Good good, Let's go in here. Come on, wait,
what's going on? I'll make this quick, Julio. We've known
each other for a long time, and you've always known
of my absolute repulsion for the tru Heos regime, and
it has only grown with time. He's damaged his country, Julio,

and he's tried very hard to damage my family. I've
heard this. Yes, we were inspired by the downfall of
Batista in Cuba, and we've decided to act here in
El Cibao and Monte Cristian by myself and some friends
have formed a sort of self movement strictly confidential, of course.
We've started to bring together others who opposed the regime.

We have people from San Francisco and the capital, but
we still need people from the south and the east. Julio,
as an Easterner, I felt you might be willing to
help us recruit some more people. I'm happy that you
felt you can trust me on this. It's certainly no
secret among my friends that I'm not very fond of
this regime. But i have a lot of questions. Yes, look,

I understand, and I promised all of your questions will
be answered soon. Someone will contact you on behalf of Mario,
my pseudonyme. We think it's safer to operate that way.
What would be yours? Give me a name quickly, Eliardo
Craig Ellio. You will be contacted soon. Okay, we were
just finishing up. Thank you, Julio. He came all Vitus.

The revolutionary movement began to spread, one person at a time,
from one town to another. Every step of the process
was fraught with risk and danger. I think Aboa was
a badass there whats your flyer looks so beautiful? This

calls for more Banconcho see? Do you think was scared?
Of course? But there was no turning back. The movement
soon became a political force to be reckoned with. And
now because of her, women like us don't have to

be afraid anymore, just like my flyer says freedom for
women exactly. Yeah. But before freedom could become a reality,
a lot of scary things had to happen. Mommy Dias
had to shift the whole country's perception of the regime,

and that, unfortunately, would be tragic for everyone involved. Sisters
of the Underground is a production of School of Humans

in conjunction with Iheartmedias, Michael Dura Network, and Unbelievable Entertainment,
with co executive producers Eva Longoria and Dania Ramierrez, showrunner
and director Jose Maria Cabral. The series was written by
Jose Maria Carrel and Mary Castellanos. Story by Dania Ramirez
and Jose Maria Cabral. Lead producer and story editor Julia Chrisco,

Associate producer and first A d Andrew Harmon, Production manager
Daisy Church, Script supervisor Sarah Montague, Recording engineer Clay Hillenburg,
post production supervisor Jeremy Gilbertson at Tune Welders in Atlanta.
Sound design, mixing and mastering by Harper W. Harris, Assembly

editing by Leam Marie Puffenberger. Jason Shannon composed our score
music editor Spenser Willis. Music licensing by Cero Marte, Lorenzo
Loud at PEXANC Music, and Natalie Brady at Texture Music Marketing,
and designed by Jasmine Mihia and Claudia Marti Corna. Our

Incredible cast includes Dania Ramirez as Minutavares Miraval, our narrator,
Judy Reges as Minerva Miraval, Jane Santos Ana Miraval, selinezt
Ribio as Miraval, Charlene Chaule as Maria Theresa Miraval, Acarriendo

es Patria Miraval, Sergio Carlo Es, Manolo Tavaris, and the
radio announcer Hemki Malera as Trujillo, Ector Anibal As, Johnny Aves,
Carbrila Stein as Adela. Additional cast includes juan Ja, Alex
Lynn Ward, Jacqueline Calderon, Vido Michel Uribz, Silvio Martinez, Ryan

Paija Darius de la Cruz, Marco par and Daniel Luhan.
Additional executive producers include Jose Maria Cabra, Mary Castellanos, Just
Sell Bonces, Virginia Prescott, L C. Crowley, and Brandon Bark.
Special thanks to Doug Boum and abou so Far at

I Heart Media. Special thanks to Minos Miraband, daughter of
Minerva and Manolo, who is a politician and activist in
the Dominican Republic. She also published the book of letters
that we quote throughout the series. It's called Manana Vescrivio Travis.
Check out our show notes for more details. If you
enjoy the podcast, help us get the word out by

leaving a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts.
It really helps. Thanks School of Humans
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