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September 21, 2022 33 mins

WARNING -This episode contains some violence that may not be suitable for all listeners. Discretion is advised. 


Torture chambers, corrupt military intelligence, and a meetings of the minds.


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En Español

In English

The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo

Additional Cast:

Alex Lynn Ward - Civilian + Tonó + Sina Cabral

Darius De La Cruz - Student

Marco Parra - Julio Escoto 

Daniel Lujan - Pipe

Sylvio Martins - Leandro Guzman

Jaqueline Guido Calderon - Dulce and Young Minou

Darius de La Cruz - Guard

Michael Uribes: Manuel de Moya Alonzo and Vargas

Ryan Padilla: Priest + Guard

Credits read by Mary Castellanos


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, podcast listeners, just a heads up. This episode contained
some intense material, including references to severe violence, some of
which might not be appropriate for children. Please take care
while listening. From executive producers Daniel Ramidez and myself Eva Longoria,
The Sisters of the Underground tells the powerful story of

the middle of our sisters, real life Latina's who sacrificed
everything for the fight for freedom. In nineteen fifty nine,
an expedition of fifty four armed men who had been

trained in Kuba landed in the mountains of Constanza Whey
to fight alongside Mommy and Poppy against the regime. But
they never got the chance. Before they could even get
off the plane through He's men who were on them, Kanyo,

our military is on our left. Prepare your were button
and if I stop, we're done for soldiers. You gotta
jump on hunt. If you still turn cop it, we'll
divide into fruit support. Let's move go golf, golf, follow
for the hills. Everyone got almost everyone escaped into the mountains,

though barely only four combatants were caught, but the military
knew that there were others, and through heat you order
a systematic hunt in that area. Commanding his men to
leave no one alive. They even dropped bombs in the area.
Constanza was turned into an apocalyptic sea God. Residents were

promised money in exchange for revealing the locations of any
Garia fighter, and at this time the regime was primed
to anticipate any move by the revolutionaries. Five days after
this first attempt, another expedition arrived by sea. This group

was practically annihilated to just before landing in my Mond
yesterday own their boats were sunk by Trudo's air force.
One hundred and forty four members of the expeditionary force
were killed. It was a devastating loss for the opposition,

but this setback would only make other movements grow. One
group that San Diego pamphleteers, rageously handed out flyers and
posted notices flyers. They even stage the risky event at
the San Diego Cemetery. Hey take this, what is it?

A revolution? Here to read? Let me see long live
the revolution, down with the tyrant, freedom or death? Now
this side and help me share this message. Sorry for
the expression, but through is a piece of ship. Wow,
you guys are brave, but I absolutely agree thr is

a piece of ship. Things were shaping up for us
and through ju he was going through a rough back.
He knew that he could be the next Baptista, but
he was not going to surrender easily. He had always
been paranoid, but not the paranoia was in embedded in

the government. In seven he created his own version of
the Gestapo. Said we shouldn't tell hinds emilita or commonising
the same. It was a police and military apparatus that
practiced persecution, torture and murder both inside and outside the country.

Johnny Harvis, a ruthless and cold blooded man who was
the head of the SIM We got all of that
selling Santiago. It was a group of young community students.
Here's the pamphlet that were distributing true Here is a
piece of ship. I think that we can call this

a direct provocation and threat toward governments and laws. One
came to find this as an atop treason. I say,
it's also a direct provocation and threat to my safety.
My piece of line. Round them all up, already done.
They're on the way to La Guarenta. The electric chair

is just sitting patiently for them. Good. Make sure the
last words include recantation. And high prices. For they're heavy.
We would say that it's heavy. You know, the revolution
in Googa is struggling. More and more communists are surfacing
here thinking they can succeed in toppling me. We need

to get Castro taking down. That would send a loud
message to the Vision and all the service. Taking out
Castro will sent a signal. But we have more important
problems here that must be addressed. We need more men
in the streets. I don't care who is involved or how,

but we need eyes and ears all over the country.
And let it be known. I trust no one. I
have no qualms about putting my own family six ft
under if there is the slightest suspicion that they were
acting against me, you can't throws me. I'm more than family,

am I'm like a loyal dog at your service. Good
keep me in form, will do. Johnny As made good
on his promise that Santiago pamphleteers were horribly tortured, and
twenty seven of them were executed in the capital on January.

But their actions under deaths were not in vain. No,
We're putting they made the group headed by Mommy Bobby
even more determined and five days after the executions, when
they held a meeting with all other followers at Charlie

Bogar's think his farmhouse in moun where no one would
expect to find them. We are here because we will
fight for our people. We will no longer stand by
and watch our country be abused and neglected. Our spirit

is so strong that no one can break it. Now
our movement needs a new name, though, worthy of the
spirit that we're living here. What should it be? Any
ideas I believe in was honor the fallen Curos we've
just lost. If it wasn't for them, many of us
would not be here. Each stride taken by a group
is a step in the right direction for the whole movement.

Out of respect, we must use their name and their agenda.
I agree. I agree with you. Let us be. The
second order of business is to set up the chain
of command in the group. We need a president, a secretary,
a treasure and a spokesperson. I can be the secretary.
It's the kind of work I've done in the past.

I think Monolo should be president. I second death, I
mean that was the one who gathered all of us here.
I don't know I think that's a better handled by
a man. Let's look at this subjectively. Of course, we
never is capable of leading us, But how would it
make us look in front of the young recruits? Under
whose leadership would we look more serious? A man or

a woman. That has nothing to do with whether one
is a man or a woman. It has to do
with how well we convey our message and demonstrate our effectiveness.
I agree with my wife on this. Okay, So how
about we put this to a vote. Good idea? We
never do you agree? Like I said, it doesn't matter,
but okay, sure, all right, And on two three four

it's eleven votes from anolo our president. Okay, well that
settles it. Then you're appointed Treasurer Leandro, something familiar to you,
and you people you've already said you'd act as secretary.
What's next? Well, first and foremost, we must set our
goals clearly. Our main objective is the overthrow of this

tyrannical regime, and that calls for the liquidation of Truigo,
no matter what the cost. If we succeed, we must
have fair and free elections. Write that down, people be
sure to use our code names to no sooner said
than done, sir, and not just one election, but every
four years, a real democracy, got it. We need land

reform badly. I should know. I come from the East
Side and farmers are living in very depressing conditions. Yeah,
I agree, very good. Wait wait wait wait wait wait
oh that's great talk. No no, no, but we must
also walk the walk. I think we're getting ahead of
ourselves here. What about our resources? Now? We need guns

to take down through hell and a plan for organized revolt.
Without a sling and a stone, we can't take down
the light. We need weapons, at least revolvers, something we're
not planning to go down easily. Now, you're right, he's right,
he's right. We all know where the weapons are, Julio.
They're in the streets with the people, and there is

where we should go get them. They're gathering. Is considered
a milestone in the history of the country. Moving became
the most successful organization fighting against the radio regime. They
were able to recruit more people and amass more weapons,

which we're hitting in Patre's house. This garage is perfect.
No one know who they are, what will ever suspect
what we've got here in your house is the perfect
place to hide them. Here. Let me show you underneath
the floor. We have a secret home. We can put

the weapons and the paperworking there. Thank you, Patria. I
know it's risky for you, but we really do need
a place. I'm here for you always. We must have
each other's backs. Math do you have the Christol guns?
They're lighter, easier for people with training. No, not yet.
Leandrew is going to get them soon. But I do

have three revolvers and a couple of Malta bombs. Let's
put them all in here. Careful with them, allot dogs,
they're unstable here here, I'll go inside and you can
hand them down to me. But going against true hire
you was that? Can't you on task? Johnny Avis kept
his promise to will have it to fill the streets

with informants. There were government rats non as Scotties went
under cover everywhere and reported anybody who opposed the government.
Once Mommy and her team tried to enlist a very
influential shaman and even he immediately reported them to the

sin That day on an official huntdown began, and it
was only a matter of time before they would get
to our family. Nobody moved an immediately don't shoot, Please,
don't shoot. My family is here. I don't want any

harm down to them. Just take me in. Where are
you taking? Shut up? You're lucky. We're not taking you too.
And don't you dare go anywhere you are implicated? Implicated
and what you can't just take him on a whim.
It's our right to know? Why? Am I right to
know where he's going to work? God and getting Alyssimo
tru Hill decide now get out of my way or

I'll be forced never. Just let them take me. We'll
sort this out. Everything will be finding know that man
or law? I love you doing me there? You're making
me sick. Let's go. Hey podcast listeners, just a heads up.

This episode contained some intense material, including references to severe violence,
some of which might not be appropriate for children. Please
take care while listening easy as this boss. Days after

the January meeting, the political persecution hindered the daily operations
of the group, the men or the brunt of the
imprisonments and interrogations. Mommy stayed back home on their constant
surveillance by the sim detention and anxiety were so intense

that she felt ill. How do you know? I know
it because she wrote a letter to chair and we
actually still have it in that box with all the others.
I see it, see Guidado. It's very delicate, like memories. Mommy.

Some short time ago, I asked you to borrow money
from Mahia or from a bank to be paid back
with a gao harvest. Confided that you were not able
to get it. As you know, Manolo is detained and
has to pay his obligations to the bank. I can't
default on that. Please, I beg you to send me
three and fifty vessels. Thank you, Love you all, Minerva.

The money situation was badding off. What we never didn't
want was the family to know that she was very sick.
Exhaustion fear from man all safety had brought on too berculosis.
What's too bad colossis to Berculosis is a sickness in
your lungs, as if you were drowning. And so because

of this we went to to No's house to rest.
Leaving her own home was very difficult, and it wasn't
long before the agents from sim We're hot knocking onto Nostre.
I wasn't there that day, and I remember it as
if we were only yesterday. Are you all right, mommy,

And you feel so cold. I used to lie next
to her in bed to keep her company, to keep
her warm. I'm finding I'll be fine soon. I'm just tired.
I'm worried about your poppy, and we have so much
to do. Are you expecting someone? I'll go and see

who it is. Open up? You got two minutes to
come out or we're breaking down the door all out?
How can I help you? We're here looking for Mrs Yes,
she is here, but she is very ill. We don't care.
We have orders to take her to see that through Hillo.
You cannot take her in this state. Can I talk

to your superior officer please? My superior is at f
and he wants me Nerva. Now are you gonna let
me in or not? Yes? Yes, all right? You can
see for yourselves. Do you see Mrs Mirabile? Get dressed quickly.
We have orders to take you to the capital city. No,
my mother is sick. That child is right. It's a

really bad idea to take her in this condition. Those
are orders. Let me accompany her at the very least.
No no, no, no, no no no. Don't ask for
more favors. If they must take me then let them.
I don't want to owe them or you anything anymore.

Are you okay? See me more? I cried a lot
when that happened, and I could not believe that they
were dragging my mother out of burying her condition. Thank
goodness for donal Hady. I really understood my mother's plight

and the struggle that she was involved in. I was
never the same. Tru was on a witch hunt. Bobby
and patria husband Pedro and Diamati's husband Leandrew were all taken.

Remember the letter that got me started on this story.
It was written from La Guarinta State prison. How was
the place where a lot of people are posing through
hedo wounder? Here she is chief Abers, Tomasa Cabra, get

off me, take all off her clothes off? No answer me?
Where you receiving the bombs? Nola? Who recruited you? No one?

I don't believe you. I said, no one to which
of them had the balls to the firehead? Oh? Look
who just arrived? The true ring leader is here, Abbez.

It is Lucky Dacina. Get the light of heavy We're
bringing his wife in and make sure he he looks
and smells his best jobs. Want me let me go.

Tired of being mauled by you people. I want my family.
The more you struggle, the harder this will be. Send
your robbs. This is the other one you wanted. I
am so sorry that they got Did they hurt you? No? No,

I'm fine. Welcome. Want to be lawyer and founder of
a failed movement. We haven't failed, not by a long shot.
Bit Okay him as shame that communists and Bronze in
such a beautiful family alone, So I guess we'll have
to beat it out of them. Chief, We need you

to write down the names and addresses of your entire
family and the other members of your so called movement.
What for'll? Trust me you don't want to make this
any harder for them or yourself. My husband, okay, what
have you done with him? I don't think you have
a husband for much longer, but maybe, if you're lucky,
one of my guards might want to marry your Sorry

y as military lackeys and cold blooded killers were never
my type. What's your mouth? Com take him? No where
do my question go? Whips chains, electric rocks. But okay, yeah,

you wanted your husband. He's over there with the rest
of the garbage. The family reunion. Huh tell us everything
you know. Your wife'll get our attention out of this. Okay,

go ahead and help him refresh his memory on the
electric chair. Just show him how we treat the rats.
Who goes fire against head? Let it go? Please do?

Would you like to? Don't know? You'll never break us,
no matter how hard you tried. Oh, take him gave
us some answer? No, no, here you go, sweet nightmares.

A look is that Sina? Oh my god, y amiga,
what did they do to you? You shouldn't be going
through this. I'm so so sorry. We knew the risks
we were taking. We did this because we believed in
the movement, and still do come close. Were in this together, Younga.

I am so worried about me now she saw them
take me. She was frantic. I don't know. Must have
told the rest of the family would happen. They'll be
trying to get us out. Did any word? I pull

some strings, but haven't heard anything. Mama, No, I gives me.
The calliers took over my house and destroyed everything looking
for weapons, and now they're following me everywhere I go.
I don't know what to do. I haven't heard from
Pedrito Rio. You have to stay over my house with
the kids, all right? Today, Come on, masses starting, let's

take her seats and pray for their safety. For many years,
our government has stripped away essential free ms, freedoms that
could only flourish when laws are in place to ensure
the respect and dignity of all. Today we gather here
to call for the rights of every human being in
our country. The Church had produced a historic letter denouncing

the abuse of the dictatorship. It didn't take long for
tid to deport prespect to Spain and to attack the
local ones. Join us as we pray to our Holy
VI for the victims who have unjustly departed and those
who are awaiting trial. Did you sleep at all? Nothing? No,

no pegging you, no more eating me alive? I breakfast, lunch,
at dinner. I need to use the bathroom. Can you
take me right in front of you? They can, that's right? Wait? Wait?
Can you bring me the paper? Any news? Please? I'll

give you money when I leave. Leave. What makes you
think you'll be living here alive? Poor fab That food
smells revolting? What is it? I don't know, but I'm sorry.
I know, I know. I don't think I can eat that.
I think I'm gonna be sick. Stay strong, sister. If

we don't eat, we'll die, and we need to stay
alive to keep fighting. I know I need to see
my dabydro again here I haven't Dear, help me with
this bucket handle? What are you doing using it as
a pen to keep track of how many days have
gone by? If we don't keep track of time, it

dissolves and we'll go crazy. Day one, the days crawled
by each field with darkness, the screens of other prisoners,
and the unmistakable smell of death. Come with me, don't

hurt her. It's okay, it's okay. Please just promise me
you'll take care of each other. We will. Yeah, it's
only repectacular through Hilo and his crown Is even had

a colosseum like the ancient Romans, where his special friend
and even his family were invited to watch interrogations. Habits
played the host. Please a toast, Vargas, thank you for
joining us tonight to celebrate another triumphant defeat of communism

in the land of our benefactor b But to hear
you heavy, would you like to take a closer look.
Even in this state, she still looks good. All she
needed is an aggressive man to dominate her. Weak men
always think that. And who are you? Some new l

healfy follower? Who the fund do you think you are?
You know who I am? Wow, if only your managers
lived up to your name. Don't worry. I'll take care
of her. Oh, I see you're going to torture me too.
Now to entertain your friend here, I'll talk to the

virgin Mary if I had to, I doubt you Grace,
a murderer like you with her presence. H you think
this is a joke? Huh? Who were the others who
help you recruit members in your region? Your husband wouldn't
tell us, and you see what it had cost him.

You know who I am, and you know what I want?
And my patient is running out if you won't pick up,
maybe it's trying to get rid of you. I love you,
I love you, I love him. Oh, you're pathetic. Once

we did everything we want out of you, we'll see
you and all of your communist friends to a concentration
camp and finish you off one by one. Take it
to solitary sacka Menia gay, get me out of here,

enjoy the newspaper classes. But there was always an angel somewhere,
even in the darkest hours. And Alsa morrafil need this
true has come under scrutiny as priests around the country
openly tonnounce this regime. My god, it's happening. That dictator

messed with the wrong women, and very soon he'd get
a taste of the hell he had created. Okay, that's
a perfect place to um. Are you ready to go?
I'm gonna take you out to a nice just you
and me. Sisters of the Underground is a production of

School of Humans in conjunction with iHeartMedia's Michael Dura Network
and Unbelievable Entertainment, with co executive producers Eva Longoria and
Dania Ramirez, showrunner and director Jose Maria Cabra. The series
was written by Jose Maria Carrall and Mary Castellanos, story
by Dania Ramirez and Jose Maria. Lead producer and story

editor Julia Chrisco Associate producer and first a d Andrew Harmon,
Production manager Daisy Church, script supervisor Sarah Montague, recording engineer
Clay Hillenburg, post production supervisor Jeremy Gilbertson at Tune Welders

in Atlanta. Sound design, mixing and mastering by Harper W. Harris,
Assembly editing by Leam Marie Puffenberger. Jason Shannon composed her score.
Music editor Spenser Willis. Music licensing by Serio Marte, Lorenzo
Louds at Pixing Music and Natalie Brady at Texture Music Marketing,

and designed by Jasmine Mahia and Claudia Marti Corena. Our
Incredible cast includes Dania Ramirez as Mino Tavares Miraval, our narrator,
Judy Reges as Minerva Miraval, Jane Santos as Miraval, selinezt
Ribio as Miraval, Cha Lin Taule as Maria Theresa Miraval

Acariendo es Patrio Miraval, Serio Carlo as Manolo Tavaris, and
the radio announcer Hemki Malera as Trujillo, Ector, Anibal as
Joony ABIs, Carila Stein as Adela. Additional cast includes juan Ja,
Alex Blynn Ward, Jacqueline Calon, Vido, Michael Uribs, Silvio Martine's,

Bryan Barrija, Darius de la Cruz, Marco Barra, and Daniel Luhan.
Additional executive producers include Poss, Maria Cabral, Mary Castellanos, Gessel Bonces,
Virginia Prescott, L. C. Crowley, and Brandon Bark. Special thanks
to Doug Boum and abou so Far at I Heart Media.

Special thanks to Mino Tavaris, mirable daughter of Minerva and Manolo,
who is a politician and activist in the Dominican Republic.
She also published the book of letters that we quote
throughout the series. It's called Manana Escrivio Travis. Check out
our show notes for more details. If you enjoy the podcast,
help us get the word out by leaving a review

on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. It really helps.
Thanks School of Humans
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