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October 5, 2022 30 mins

Tactical movements, a tragedy, and a remembrance. 


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In English

The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo

Alex Lynn Ward: Tonó

Daniel Lujan: Rufino de la Cruz + Guard

Sylvio Martins: Leandro Guzmán and Jesus Camilo

Darius De La Cruz: Jaimito + Guard 

Marco Parra: Guard 

Ryan Padilla: Criacao De La Rosa

Juan Villa: Murphy

Credits read by Mary Castellanos

Song Credit: Que Vive El Jefe by Orquesta Santa Cecilia de Luis Alberti

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, podcast listeners, just a heads up. This episode contains
some intense material, including references to severe violence, some of
which might not be appropriate for children. Please take care
while listening. From executive producers Daniel Ramidez and myself, Eva Longoria,
Sisters of the Underground tells the powerful story of the

Middle Bell Sisters, real life Latina's who sacrificed everything for
the fight for freedom. Okay, buckle up, musium here week,

calm all these letters the amina, they're kind of like
a story. Do you think you can make a whole
book out of all these letters? When there how only
that way more people can read? And even outside the museum.
You are a very smart one, are they like? Uh?

I wonder which letter was the very last one before Abuela?
You know, do you think they ever got to say
goodbye to each other? No one actually knows me. I'm more,
but I don't think so. You know, life isn't the

study as all that. And after Puppy was transferred to
the prison in Pata, everything took a turn for the worst.
Good morning, are you in charge here? Good morning? We
have information that our husbands have been transferred. That's correct,
they have been transferred to Puerto Plata. Whata And why

weren't we informed or this from our superiors? We just
follow them, but can't we see them? Is it's are
permitted on Fridays from two to five pm? Oh very well,
then we'll go this Friday, all right, I'll notify my superior,
as you well know, you must first report here before
you leave. Well, we just did tell your superior that
this upcoming Friday will be importa. Don't go to Portolat.

It will just throw attention to you. I'm very worried.
Easy for you to say you have your husband by
your side, unlike us I and honestly that they what
can they do to us that they haven't done already?
But I see some mane. It's just too risky. I
think it's better if you wait it out until things
get better with these people. Waiting is the last thing

we can afford to do. We've waited decades too long
to free ourselves from their oppression. Meanwhile, they gain power
by the day. I'm going with you, Babria. Don't you
even there. I won't let them go alone. Hire a driver.
You don't have to put your life at risks. Rumors
from the city alleged that you are being newer to Portada.

Excuse me just to be killed. Let me see how
the voice of the people is the voice of God.
Isn't that what you're always saying? Tranquila? Mommy, listen, there's
safety in numbers. We will be in public, and the
video cares too much about his image to do anything drastic.

Are you sure about this, Patria? We survived la guarenda.
We will be okay. I've never been so sure of
anything in my whole life. No, no, no, no, no no,
I can't believe this. Use me. Let me see how
I raise you to be strong in spirit and lespity
to not heads strong. Mommy, pa, if it's the four

of us, including the driver, it'd be political suicide for
to hurt us. It would make him look weak, not strong.
He will risk it, can't I Your boy, calm down,
it's just ruffino. He's taking us to put good evening.
How are you all doing bad? Very bad? I hear

you're the one taking my stubborn sisters tomorrow. Huh. I
am rene gladly agreed to let me take you in
his car. That's your disguise is somewhat We've heard great
things about you, one of the best drivers in town.
Thanks always here to help, especially if it's for your family.

What time do you want to leave? Very early in
the morning. We want to arrive well ahead of the
meeting time. Consider it done. I'll take care of the rest.
Good night, good night, and thank you Ruffino. On November

another day that I will never forget. Mom Maria, Theresa
Patria la Cruz took off on their journey to that prison.
Before they left, Ill said they notified the authorities as
they had promised, and arrived in Port just in time. Manol,

And are they hurting you why? I don't know. At
least no more torture for now, and I want to
be able to tell the children I'm okay, my dad.
I just feel so very far away from all of you.
I know you said we feel it too. But the

good news is that we have permission to visit every Friday.
But don't commune. Are you being well? No? Not really,
I can tell you looked then. How's the trip long?
But all right, this is all such small talk when

I want to say big things. Do you mean you're not? Sam?
Yea more me too? You know we're not giving up right, Yeah,
I know, but we're worried. We think they know that too.
There is a persistent rumor from the new prisoners that
the only reason we were transferred here was to lure
you to your death. That they heard the same thing.

We can't believe it's true, but just to be safe,
Patia came and the world's best driver who finally acoust
Do you think this routine gives a rest ass about
that about appearances? With what we've seen and heard, this
government and half ago on the abbes, all of them
will do anything to anybody with no remorse or care.

This meeting is over. What do you mean over? We
just got here. You heard me, miss obey my orders
or meet the same faith as your husband's. Let's go
momento inside said that we were told that we would
have until five. I said it's over. Stay strongly, Andrew,

this will be over soon. I can only imagine how
this must have felt like a door closed on their hopes.
The abruptest missile made them anxious and vigilant. Either me,
we're being followed. You write my day. That car has

been following the since we saw a dream. Please be careful,
Ruffino don't drive so fast. No, no, drive faster. We
need to lose that dream. I think I've been carrying
it around all my life. I have a bad feeling.
Maybe you're just six courting us, making sure we leave.
Don't be so naive, Mathing. Well, we can't assume they

got our meeting short. They must be up to something. Look,
there is a roadblock. They are ordering us to stop.
Don't don't stop, you mean don't you joined the revolution
late Patria. It doesn't mean you have to make up
for the last time. They'll shoot us if we don't comply.

Of course I'll stop. I'm sure it's some sort of misunderstanding.
See Prometa, there are five of them. No, no, no,
this isn't a misunderstanding. It's a challenge. Five men were
waiting for them, not matter pic a bridge led by
the commanders. Little did they know that this man was

in charge of a brutal plant. Was right. He'd received
an order to apprehend them days before. Their access to
their husbands was a part of a set up. What
is the matter, officer. We've just been to see our husbands.
We had official permission, and now we're on our way

back home. I have orders to detain you and take
you in our vehicles. There and why we've complied with
every demand. Just get out of the car. Patria, who
was sitting on the right side, saw a truck driving
by and jumped out and ran to engage and alert them. Hey, hey, hey,
we're the mirror of our sisters. You've heard of us.

Surely the military is arresting us for no reason. Please help, please,
they're going to kill us. Please, hey, comes, come here,
come here now, you don't touch me. Come down thine
a lot worse. Please tell her family if they're taking us,
Please tell her family. Family. No one dare to fight

the regime playing sight like that. Immediately the guards got
up with him and she was taken back to the
by force. You have no right to arrest us. Play
to me, Let me go. I'm just a driver. Please,
they're going to kill us, murderers. Was this your dream too? No?

This is different. I don't think I can continue the story.
I am I'm gonna pull over. But you said it
was important for me to know. Was that the day
that they Please tell me? Okay, no, no, no, no, no no, no, no,

you can't do it. You speak for them. Okay, if
I closed my eyes, I can't imagine the cries, the anguish.
This fair, my dad. The guards hold the sisters deeper

and deeper into the bushes far from the highway, each
of them with a victiming toe and a chloe. Each
goes in a separate direction to commit his brutal lot. Hello,

kill me, and I will lift my arms ever stronger,
even from the grave. All right, let's finish what we
came here to do. Get them into the car and
we'll ditch it down in the ravine so it will

looks like an accident. Right. They should have never been
allowed to cause trouble while they were alive. Let's make
sure they don't do it now that they are dead.

M Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to force you
to tell it. I'm here, here, I'm here. Oh, probably

a minima. I'm okay, I just I needed a minute meet.
It all happened very close to this area. So on
our way to town you will see the murals honoring
them right at the edge of the mountain. And I

think that we should actually go see the monument first,
jacket and wake before the museum. Lea, stop your mode.
You already if you are. I think I can do
it now, right, Yeah, let's keep going okay with the

story back in all the Agua Mama chair it the
other day were on edge. Of course, night had fallen
and there was still no sign or the driver. Something

has happened. Mia. It's nine pm and we haven't heard
anything from them. I'm having Morrissa pasen your source. Please
protect my daughters from harm and trouble, especial, may you

keep my girls. They are still my girls under your
wings as they head back a mem I'm my Gloria.
They're here, They're here. I me, Mama. I met this

takey chair today. What what has happened? I got a telegram?
Can they say? Don you tell up? Please sit? No,
I will not damelon Patria Rofino de la Cruz. You

know a persona no identific got to have died in
a car accident, no care an accident. No no, no,
no no, this is no accident as a seen, no
murders mess Kira. They couldn't even mention the name of me.

No no, no, no no no no where they said
no where they said no. But we met Papa and
now my sisters. I hate, I hate them all to

hear you, to hear you has blood on his hands. I, Mama,
it can't be true. No, whether said, I'm sorry, my more.
The telegram had omitted Mommy's name on purpose, trying to

avoid any scandal. So the in suing hours were filled
with anxiety, sadness, and growing hopelessness to hey that they
were made to jump through all sorts of bureaucratic hoops
just to claim the bodies from the hospital. I didn't

think that's your Finally they came home, resting their best club,
both living and the dead. I love her, I loved,
I love lovell s your ma. You're rest in peace,

my dear sister. Oh the Monument of Lagumere where it

all happened. Wow. Look, I know it's hard for you,
but I am so glad you brought me. Oh there's
text here on this plaque. M h FIVOPO M no

where against Saba amarm alive forever she who knows love
will never die. A seems more here they are still
always able to renew the desire for freedom of the
Dominican people. A vigil was held the following day. Hardly

a word was spoken there, but he threw. He and
his agents thought they had extinguished the Meal Sisters. I
they were wrong. They had ignited a flame, and he
burned everywhere meeting you did people stand up for them.
Finally there came what I call the way of the

Cross for them Medabo Sisters, where the civilians would send
coded messages and formed telephone chains. The group bigger and
bigger by the day, using their underground name. Of course,
let my epos the butterflies the butterflies forever, and they

kiss and how to the middle of our sisters don't
live the middle of our sisters. As the middle sisters,
the butterflies are still with us. Good morning, It's April
Fit team. In today's news, American diplomat Robert Murphy is

paying a visit to our handed Alisibo. Welcome Murphy. Wow,
beautiful hotel. Then every reason do you enjoy poker? I've
had some luck. That's because you haven't played against me.

We have to change that before you hard Welcome to
the Presidential suite. I only invite my most steam guests,
consider yourself one of them. Thank you, Generalismo. More run
Murphy please. Grassy is premium high quality runs straight from
the distillery of some marquis. Mm hmm, wow, wow, very smooth.

You know there are great distilleries in America too. Maybe
it's time for you to experience what the United States
has to offer. I enjoy America very much, but I'll
never abund to my country. Mr Murphy, with all due respect,
word on the foreign press hasn't been favorable, especially after
the death of the Mirrabelle sisters. President Kennedy doesn't support

domestic terrorism in his country or anyone else's. Who does
he think he is? Huh, mother, that is just keep
fighting your own wars and let me focus on running
my own country. General Reasmo, this is not up for debate.

Our offer is fair. You can live a peaceful and
prosperous life in the US with your fine horses and cars.
Perhaps visit Europe during the summer. I'm not living on
anyone's hand out. It's not a handout. It's the only
way of working towards a more peaceful transition of power.
The opposition is getting stronger, and you know it so

strong in fact, that it seems you've driven more people
toward communism than away from it. We've asked you to
step down to ensure political stability and to stop the
threat of a potential revolution. Things are only going to
get more challenging for you and your family if you
choose to stay here. I am not leaving my country.
Even if Kennedy himself were to come with machine guns

in the atomic bomb. The keys understand. So now how
about the rhinod poker? And with pressures mounting, the tyrants
resorted to what he knew best, repression. Snfica com their

soldiers are out there again. Al we don't know. Take Manolito,
me in your clean and hide them rappido rapid when
I Donna chair Camello, my deepest condolences. May have a
minute with you alone. No, my mother isn't talking to

anyone without me. Tell us what you want or leave
us two mourn. Unfortunately I cannot do that. The sister's
death is causing disruption. Listen to me, Your leader caused
the disruption. Heaven needs you to sign this letter, Chail,
Can I see it? It is to dispel any rumors.

Mammy yummy. Many have speculated, including the foreign press, about
the deaths of my three daughters. I wish to make
clear that this sass situation was the result of a
terrible accident in the mountains of Puerto Plata. They will say,

I'm well to locals. What in God's name you know
what happened. You all know what happened, and you want
my mother to lie for that man? Please, I am
just the messenger. They were brutally killed on the orders

of that devil, your devil, and the car accident was staged.
This isn't speculations. Is the truth, Combs, and you and
I both know that everyone knows that. Everyone knows that.
And now I tell you what if she doesn't sign

what well? And I can't guarantee that your family will
be safe? Don't a chair? That is the only daughter
you have left. What does it matter if you sign on?
Everyone already knows it was not an accident. Give that

letter to me, Mama. No, don't sign there's all and don't,
says Perra Draki. You are not welcoming this house, understood.

I mean I had to do this for you and
my grandchildren. There are my responsibility now, and if anything
were to happen to them, I would never forgive myself.
Nonka news, why are you going conservively? That was one

of the toughest things Mama Chia had to do, me Enia,
but it is probably why I am still here to
tell their stories. But still with rumor circulating and the
foreign press hounding to hit you, the story was late
reaching the most important people in the sisters lives. Bobby

Leandrew had been transferred once again to La Sin. There
they were reunited Conto. Soon after their arrival, the Captain
of National Police, Miguel delba Albais, had a gift delivered

Mr Dovas. We don't normally share newspapers with political prisoners,
but we thought you might want to read this. Three
sisters and their driver die following a cheap accident. What

the jeep driver in the middle of our sisters, who
were traveling as passengers died on Friday night when they're
jeep plunge into an abyss. Oh God, that's what this
government does to the rats. That their challenge are handad
alissimo and this doesn't end here. Watch your backs never Oh,

okay day. Welcome to our old home museum EDNA. Ready
to go inside. Yes. Sisters of the Underground is a
production of School of Humans in conjunction with I Heeart

Medias Michael Dura Network and Unbelievable Entertainment, with co executive
producers Eva Longoria and Dania Ramirez, showrunner and director Jose
Maria Cabra. The series was written by Jose Maria Cabral
and Mary Castellanos, Story by Dania Ramirez and Ma Lead
producer and story editor Julia Chrisco Associate producer and first

A d Andrew Harmon, Production manager Daisy Church, script supervisor
Sarah Montague, Recording engineer Clay Hillenburg, post production supervisor Jeremy
Gilbertson at Tune Welders in Atlanta. Sound design, mixing and
mastering by Harper W. Harris, Assembly editing by Leah Marie Puffenberger.

Jason Shannon composed our score, music editor Spenser Willis, Music
licensing by Sergio Marte, Lorenzo Louts at Pixinc. Music and
Natalie Brady at Texture Music Marketing, and designed by Jasmine
Mahia and Claudia Marti Corena. Our Incredible cast includes Dania

Ramirez as Mino Cavaris Miraval, our narrator, Judy Reyes as
Minerva Miraval, Jane Santos as Miraval, selinzt Ribio as de Miraval,
Cha Lin Taule as Maria Tresa Miraval Acariendo as Patria Miravan,
Serio Carlo as Manolo Tavaris, and the radio announcer Hemki

Malera as Trujillo, Ector Anniva as Johnny Albas, Gabriela Stein
as Avela. Additional cast includes Juan Dia, Alex Lynn Ward,
Jacqueline Calderon, Vido, Michael Urivez, Silvio Martinez, Ryan Padija, Darius

de la Cruz, Marco par and Daniel Luhan. Additional executive
producers include Jose Maria Cabra, Mary Castellianos Gessel Bances, Virginia Prescott, L. C. Crowley,
and Brandon Bark. Special thanks to Doug Bohm and Abu
so far At I Heart Media Special thanks to Mino

Tavares Miraba, daughter of Minerva and Manolo, who is a
politician and activist in the Dominican Republic. She also published
the book of letters that we quote throughout the series.
It's called Manana Escribo Travis. Check out our show notes
for more details. If you enjoy the podcast, help us
get the word out by leaving a review on iTunes

or wherever you listen to podcasts. It really helps. Thanks
School of Humans,
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