All Episodes

September 7, 2022 36 mins

Arrests, interrogation rooms, and a woman’s right to an education.


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In English

The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo

Additional Cast:

Juan Villa -  Don Enrique + Receptionist

Michael Uribes - Manuel de Moya + Pedestrian

Darius De La Cruz - Rafael Henriquez + Guard + Pedestrian

Sylvio Martins - Virgillio Trujillo

José Maria Cabral - Priest

Ryan Padilla - Stadium Announcer


Credits read by Mary Castellanos

See for privacy information.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
From executive producers Dania Ramidez and myself, Eva Longoria. Sisters
of the Underground tells the powerful story of the Meat
about sisters, real life Latina's who sacrificed everything for the
fight for freedom. Oh, no, one other rainy spell here, Harry,

help me bring some of the flower pots inside before
they get too wet. Daaa okay, gentle with them. I yeah, yes,
you know when young plants get too much water, it's
not healthy for them. Some of these are from Grandma's

front yard at the museum. They're beautiful. You know you
never finished telling me about what happened after the party
at Casa Borkin and you remember that. Wow? I see
your still thinking about that, are you? I want to

know everything about all Neva and her sisters don't say,
but we might want to sit down. The next party
is a very dark and sad moment in our history.
Don't worry. I'm a big girl. Mommy didn't sleep much

following the infamous Party of nine, her encounter with the
Dictator through he had reminded her a bollow, a dear
family friend who disappeared. He was a merchant from my
d who loved to bring fresh mangos and bananas to
Mommy and her sister's patients. Every real where we're being

targeted by the regime. Many of them were killed or
left out of field. Then, after Thruo visited the town
of the Harbor and realized that there were a lot
of patients there, they ordered the military to assassinate anyone
living close to the board. I don't know how. When

Buddo died one day, he stopped coming. Last time Mommy
saw him, he told her never trust an old devil's tricks.
He meant through hill right. See. After the attacks at
the border, a lot of Dominicans began to see just

how Bord the dictator could go. Then her encounter with
Thruio at the party made Mommy realize that she'd have
to fight her way out of her Three days after,
they came to see Papa. Look at what are you doing?

Leave my father alone? We have orders to take Don Enrique.
I'm sorry, but may I ask why? You know it's
against the law to leave an event before. I understand,
but I sent a telegram yesterday explaining why we left.
My daughter felt unwell. We never meant to anger. We're
just following orders. Let's go. And where are you? Taking him?

To the Osamafford and see that through happy dons? Who's
to let him go? Stop it? He's done nothing. Trust me, Senor,
you don't want to make this any harder. You've already
done enough. I want to go with my husband. It

will be all right, yere, I'll explain everything to them.
We'll come for you, Poppy, I promise. At the Usamafford,
into that Loning Criquet was interrogated by Manuel de Moja,
He's right hand man. Do you remember I told you
she danced with him. This was his chance for revenge

for being humiliated by Minerva. Unfailing, you'll heavy? Can I
please have some water? Haven't been here for five full
minutes and you're already expecting special treatment? Lease? Why did
you leave the party? Senora? My daughter fell ill. Please

accept my deepest and most sincere apologies for our exit.
I'm a businessman, not a politician. Your daughter is another story.
The very next day, three's cards came for Mommy. Start
to me, let me go. I don't need your dance

hall techniques. Then more, yeah, I want to see my father.
I say, she's not going without me. Move Mama, you
hurt me. My daughter will not go anywhere without me.
She will only leave over my dead body. Get in Willy.

Mommy hoped they'd be reunited with a willow right away. Instead,
they were driven to a Lottel Republic, where they were
kept under guard for days. Welcome to your new home.
Enjoy the view. Are they really going to keep us
locked in here like prisoners? I said, a bliss, Try

the window, miham. It's a lot. We have to get
out of here and find some way to get to Papa.
And what was the point of bringing us here anyway? Yeah,
maybe to put pressure on him. He'd be worried if
he knew you had been picked up too. That's the
days went by, Mommy grew more upset than impatient, and

the guards wouldn't let them make calls back to Joe
Agua or put anyone's calls through, so of course they
were worried about Patria. One day, the guard finally showed
up with a letter. Right, look, it's from Patria. Ka,

Mamami Nerva. We hope you are all right. We have
been so worried since you left the day and I
have been at the store. But it's been quiet. We
haven't had many customers. Everyone is scared. Some guards came
the other day and it took some of me, Neva's
books and letters. We spoke to the governor about getting

you and Poppy released, but there's nothing he can do this.
In case no one wants to get involved, We'll talk
to your Chilling and keep you informed. Queen and Sam
your daughter and sister. Patrick don't Chilling was her uncle
from mamuela chair Side. He had been an important officer

in the army for years, but had to give his
position up to to health issues. And guess who stepped
in for him after he left Camus none other than Too,
who was a bright eyed young colonel in the army
at the time. That's a close relative with ties to
thro Chilling was the family's last hope. Hi, it's an honor.

Don't be Helio. We have been hoping to hear from
someone the heal your He was that the Dato's older
brother and just as entitled and arrogant. How do you
like a room? We have a lovely view of see
that through he do. I miss my home and my family.

Who you please take us to see my husband? We're
really worried about my father. Please release us, Please let
us see him. It's up to you. Senor has one
simple request. He'd like to see you in a lot.
If you agree, we'll make sure they get you both
home safe and sound. Me alone with Truo in a hotel,

I'd rather jump off that balcony well. Without your co operation,
I'm afraid we won't be able to release you. Or
don't Rique. Don't you care about your mother or father?
It's precisely because I care that I won't expose them
to such ridicule. Are gave you an opportunity to cooperate,
but since you won't guard come now take her. I'll go, Mama.

It's gonna be fine, I promise, know me. I mean
everybody where are you taking her? That you're gonna bring
her back? I can't make any promises. Let's see how
she behaves. They took her to the Osama Ford, where

she was chastised and interrograded by Manuel de Moja for
leaving the party early. It also gave you a chance
to grill her about her political alliances. You're looking rather
bails since the last time I saw you, Biggers. Are
you a communist who is a communist according to you,

someone who reads who has ideas of their own. So
do you not agree with elenor Lisimo's vision for a
better and safer nation? Don't you care about the country's future?
Of course I do, and maybe you'd like to explain
this one bush Luis pier Gandhi's non violence in Peace

and War? Why do you have my books? I'll ask
you one more time. Are you a communist? Then, if
you are the patriot you say you are, write a
letter to LFE and ask for forgiveness for leaving the party.
Only then will he release you and your family. I
did nothing wrong. Do you really want to keep hurting

and bringing shame to your family by reading this and
disobeying ill? Why should I feel ashamed? When you are
the cowards holding us back against our will and threatening
women and children. Let us go. We wanted to make
this easy for you, but you forced us to make
our point harshly. Guard cover, take her back to the hotel.

M hm miss with me. Did they hurt you? No?
They tried to get me to write him a damn
letter of apology, and did you, of course not. If

I write that letter, we'll admit that we did something
wrong by leaving the party, and we didn't. You taught
us all to stick to our beliefs and protect ourselves.
You should have seen, mommy, they were holding so many
people in that jail. It's all part of the sick
plan for God's sake, and we have a moment of peace. Hey,
get ready, eleanor Alissimo won't tolerate lateness. Where on earth

are you taking us? Now? The National Palace? Gracioso Chilling

has written a letter to Truijo asking for my family's release.
He hoped that dictator would remember that he helped him
rise to power and that he owed him a debt.
Welcome to the National Palace. Mia, Mommy, it's poppy, cheer Enrique,

you look weak? What did they do to you? Frank,
I'm doing fine. You're so skinny. Come on, let's go.
If it doesn't have all day. Mommy's refusal to write
a funny letter offended Truijoos. How they are this small
town girl disobey him. He felt untouchable, invincible and wanted

them on his own time. Ye being venegos, take a seat,
And there they were, face to face once again. It
doesn't look like you've slept much in prison, Don Enrique,
the nights have been very long without my family. Chilling,

Camillo tells me your family, Mrs Meawan, Yes, he's my uncle,
an honorable and great veteran. Indeed he is. You have
tolos that you are a businessman. You've done very well
for yourself back in Salzdo. It is why we honor

you with an invitation to our party, and we were honored.
Thank you. I try my best to help the community
and treat everyone with respect. For your actions at my
party left much to be desire. I have already explained
my daughter was unwell. My family means no arm I

assure you, what about your daughter here? She has been
acting against me. I gave her an opportunity to explain
herself and to apologize, and she refused. So what would
you like me to do with I'm responsible for her.
Let us take her back home. Our daughter, Minerva is

a polite and kind young woman, and it is with
great respect that I beg please let her go. We
are hard working people, not enemies of the state. Very well, then,
I hope you can keep her under control for your
own sake. We are very grateful. We won't betray your trust.

Ah through he just smartness. The way he acted as
if he owned the Dominican people only fe Mommy's getted
a spirit. Not once did she lose sight of her
fight for freedom and the rest of the family. We
tried to move on from that infamous party and live
a quiet life back in the jode Agua. Mommy, however,

refused to give up on her career aspirations, despite Papa
and Creeck's best effort to dissuade her. In nineteen fifty two,
he thought he had found the way we know about

it fast. It isn't this fund well? Yes, but slower please,
Every Bodstrom turned to watch the ks on fault. Nobody
in town. What ever seen a woman drive a car?
Let alone that manner? He's not a woman driving. Looks
like we've never made a What are you looking at?

I know how to drive. Thank we all slow down. Look,
poppies outside of the house waiting. So do you like
to Chevrolett? Yes, it's fast, comfortable and beautiful. Puppy, Thank
you so much. You messed up all my hair. I'm sorry, Marthy,

I just got carried away. You just got to be
more careful. Can't be speeding around like that in town.
I know, Poppy, I just wanted to test it good.
I hope this car can make you reconsider. What do
you mean, Bah, Well, now that you have a car Metva,
you can drive around anywhere you like. You can be independent.
That's what you want, isn't it? And you can help

me with the business. I know where this is going. Yes,
I still think it's not a good idea for you
to leave home to study law. Thanks for your advice,
and thank you for the car. I really appreciate it.
But I'm a meta. But I remember I set my
mind on going to college, Poppy, and I'm going all right,
all right, I'll be safe, Poppy. Don't worry so much.

Nothing was gonna stop money. But danger was in the air.
Did he just grip on? His people was getting stronger
by the day. That year, do He paid a visit
to his counterpart in Madrid, Francisco Franco. They were very
much alike, believing they were sent by the divine to

save their respective countries through force and repression. In this
ship arrived they handed Alissimo of the Dominican Republic, Rafael
Leonidas through Hillo, the Minister of External Affairs is waiting
for him at the dog and then Alissimo Truchillo, accompanied
by his wife Maria de los Angeles Martinez Trujillo now

meets handed Alissimo Francisco Franco the two leaders and breaks
and continuing the tradition and homage giving to Franco's gas,
and then Alissimo Truchijo is driven through the streets where
the people respond with this place of supportant sympathy. This
reinforcement of Truigo's power on the international stage only fueled

my mother's determination to learn something that would help her
fight against him and his regimere turn off the coffee pot. Okay,
I got it? Did it? I made cont Oh? Yeah,

I haven't had that a while. So she started studying
law right exactament. She had finally gotten the start she wanted. Yeah,

in nineteen fifty two, Mommy was accepted at that university,
that at Santo Domingo, that was the first university in
the America's It already felt like a triumph. She was
immediately reminded that she was taking a new step in
an old world. Good morning, How can I help you.

My name is me Nerva. I'm here to register for classes.
I'm sorry, miss, but your husband should come and tell
I'm not married. Oh so, who are you trying to enroll? Me? Neva?
I see this is unusual, but if you were accepted,
you should be in there. Me Neva Mirabal. Wow, there

you are. Okay, here's your paperwork, Miss Mirable. Good luck
to you. It was very hard to convince her father
to let her study law, but it was even harder
to actually start her degree. Everywhere she went she had
to overcome these types of obstacles. She was one of

the few women in the country who studied law, and
the only woman in her class at the university. That
was so unfair. I never understand why boys can do
things that girls can't when we are usually better at them. Anyways,
A yeah, they lah you Mennya, you can do anything

because you are madrab don't you forget it? So Minerva
moved away from home. Was she safe? Yes? It was
okay at first, good even mommy moved to Santo Domingo.
I was staying in the Carmelita student residences. But things
were not so good in all, don't know it was

still weak. He didn't tell anyone until much later, but
he actually had a stroke of being held by Troijo.
The beatings and interrogations had taken at all, and he
had been hospitalized at the Osama Bord Clinic for days.
He never fully recovered, and the nineteen fifty three his

health took a turn for the worse. A Poppy, it's Patria,
my girls. How is the shop, my papa. I don't
want to worry you, but we made eighty eight bests

this week. People are not buying from us if they
used to. We will manage with what we have. Thank
you for running the business without me. We're just doing
the best we can. Next week we will have more
goods coming in. Don't worry. How are you feeling, honey,

I'm okay. Good way. Now we have a customer at
the door. Patria to day. Mamma's mama, Mamas, do you
need anything, Poppy? Yes, I need a favor from you, Maria,
but don't tell your mama. Okay, what is it? I'm

not feeling well? Know I need you to go to
the parish of Salcedo and get me a priest. A priest, yes, darling,
why a priest. You want us to go look for
the doctor. It's too late for doctors. I need my
last rites. I think I'm leaving soon. Please don't say
that you will overcome this. Please get me a priest

and will do as you wish. Papa, you must tell
Mom I will, but I want everything settled first, she
she will only be anxious. Maria. I went downtown as

fast as she could and got a priest just in time.
No Nick made his death bed confession and an hour
later Master This was another horrific event that changed the

family forever. The prosperous, enjoyous life of the Midabal family
was nothing but a memory from then on. H Aboila

was probably proud of, even if he didn't show it.
Mm hmm see Joe m h. Minerva never got to
say good back to her Poppy, but of course she
came home for the funeral. Family and close first from

all over sea gathered at their house to say their
farewells to the Ltric. Mommy, give me a hug. I
can't believe it. He was just fifty three against Yeah, Poppy, Mommy,

let me how you doing. Let me see? Yes, you
know fault? This is right? Yeah, yeah, who is it
is Los Aimes. And if you weren't for the tortures,
he might have been alive. And well today I want

to move to another place closer to the main road.
I can't. I can't live here with all these memories,
of course, Mama, But don't worry about that now. I
promise you we will help you, Classia. I can't. I

can't put up with this anymore. What are you thinking?
We gotta do something. Our sorrows are small, but they're everyone's.
I know that. Look, what are you planning, Neva, no
plans yet, But I'm sick and hired of this regime.
That's what this is called, by the way, a regime.
People are dying and suffering every day. Our father is

dead because of him. She was sad, but that sadness
quickly turned into anger. Horrible Anthias. When did they move
to the other house a few years after? Is it

still in Oho the Agua? Yes, that's what I like.
I told you that house is now where that museum is,
where most of their belongings and beautiful gardener and more
of these letters. Oh no, I've been keeping those here, Dea.

Can I can I take the letters to the museum
with you before I'll leave. I'm neither. I know that
this can be difficult to think about. Do you want
to break? Not there? Please keep going. What happened after

Papa passed away? When his death shook the whole family.
Even though they felt powerless, their sisters decided they had
to fight against the regime. But what mommy didn't know
is that Rugillo had something else in mind. He was

still keeping a close eye and making sure she knew it.
I never thank you for coming. Rafael Enriquez needs to
talk to you about your enrollment. That's odd. Where is
he in his office? That first on the right? Thank you?

Grafail ingre Kiss was the superintendent of the university. Hello,
come on in Ti Rapa. How are you? How good?
Lots of work lately? I can see that that must
mean the school is doing well. Yes, well, I was
trying to register for next semester, but your secretary said

I needed to speak with you. Yes, I'm I'm sorry,
but I'm afraid we can't readmit you why orders? Let
me guess from Trujillo from thee himself. But that's illegal.
I'm in good standing. I pay my tuition. I do
my work. You know me, Rapha, How can you be

part of this? I know, I know, min This isn't fair.
There's a lot that isn't fair about this government. But
I can't disobey. You know what would happened to me right? Unbelievable.
He can't see a woman succeed. I was all to
convey some other information. If you want to be reinstated,
maybe there is something you can do. What wellgurating a

baseball stadium in a few weeks. It has been suggested
that if you were to say something charming in front
of the crowd, he may reconsider Neva. I'm not doing it.
I'm not making a declaration to that man. Mate. It's
the party all over again. He's the aggressor, and I'm

the one who's supposed to make nice and apologize. I
know how it feels, but it's the only way to
get you back in school, and you know how badly
you want that. Yeah, mother is right. It'll help you
get the power and knowledge you need, especially now. It's
just one night. That's it. I can't I'll help you
write it. It won't be hard to trust me. If

you want to write the speech, oh do it. But
I'm not writing a single word. It still feels like
a betrayal of ourselves and the puppy. It's not. It's
a way out so you can go forward and maybe
for the country to one day go forward to finish
your degree. Remember why you're doing this. We're here for you.
M hm m. Welcome to the dude to tonight join

the Hello to bless out athletic Please give a grand
brother of applause, guest of honor, h Hello, everyone, good evening.

It is no secret to anyone that one of the
greatest passions of the Dominican Republic is sports, especial mental baseball,
the past time of our land. And of course it
is no secret that our Hannah Alissimo Raphael, there's a

man who thinks about his people. We cannot forget his
accomplishments in restoring our financial independence. With this stadium, we
will enjoy our national sport with our players. Every game

is in homage to the tireless Hannah Alissimo Trujillo and
his efforts to make this country better every day. What
else can I say but that we owe him big time.
Thank you, Thank you. Your kind words tick to my

heart and touch every soul in the stadium. H Having
you on our side brings me joy. We have accomplished
so much and there is a lot more to do.
This is just a drop in the ocean. Next week
we will also be neumorating new roads that connect major cities,

just like the one from Aswa to Barona that we
completed a couple of years ago. See that through hid
is an example of the potential that this country has.
I wish the digger is the Lisa and it's gregeous Orientalis.
The best of luck tonight, let the games begin. I

knew you would come to your sensus. I'm hoping the
same thing of you. Regarding my studies, everything is possible.
Was you're on my side? That must have been really

tough for her Fuerte extremely for was she able to
go back to school, Yes, she was able to enroll again,
but after witnessing how Turio continued to cruelly destroy so
many lives, her resentment only grew and it was only

a matter of time before she would start a movement
that would change the course of history forever. Sisters of
the Underground is a production of School of Humans in

conjunction with I Heeart Media's Michael Tura Network and Unbelievable Entertainment,
with co executive producers Eva Longoria and Dania Ramirez showrunner
and director. The series was written by Jose Maria Carrel
and Mary Castellanos. Story by Dania Ramirez and jos Maria Bleed.

Producer and story editor Julia Chrisco Associate producer and first
a d Andrew Harmon, Production manager Daisy Church, script supervisor
Sarah Montague, recording engineer Clay Hillenburg, Paul's production supervisor Jeremy
Gilbertson at Tune Welders in Atlanta. Sound design, mixing and

mastering by Harper W. Harris, Assembly, editing by Liam Marie Puffenberger.
Jason Shannon composed our score, music editor Spenser Willis. Music
licensing by Serio Marte, Lawrence A. Louts at Big Sync
Music and Natalie Brady at Texture Music. Marketing and design

by Jasmine Mihia and Claudia Marti Corena. Our Incredible cast
includes Dania Ramirez as Mino Tavares Miraval, our narrator, Judy
Reges as Minerva Miraval, Jane Santos as Miraval, selinezt Ribio
as Miraval Charlene taole As, Maria, Theresa Miraval, Acariendo es

Patria Miraval, Serio Carlo As, Manolo Tavaris, and the radio
announcer Hemki Malera as Trujillo, Ector anibal As, Johnny ABIs,
Carbrila stein As Adela. Additional cast includes Juan Dija, Alex
lenn War, Jacqueline Calderon, Vido Mico Uribez, Silvio Martinz, Ryan Parija,

Darius de la Cruz, Marco Para, and Daniel Luhan. Additional
executive producers include Jossa, Maria Cabral, Mary Castellanos, Gessel Bances,
Virginia Prasca, L C. Crowley, and Brandon Bark. Special inks
to Doug Boum and Abou so far at I Heart Media.

Special thanks to Minas Mira, daughter of Minerva and Manolo,
who is a politician and activist in the Dominican Republic.
She also published the book of letters that we quote
throughout the series. It's called Manana Escrio Travis. Check out
our show notes for more details. If you enjoy the podcast,
help us get the word out by leaving a review

on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts. It really
helps Thanks School of Humans
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