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October 12, 2022 35 mins

Warning: This episode contains gun violence, discretion is advised. 


A final battle for freedom, the end of the regime, and a naming ceremony.


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En Español

In English

The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo

Alex Lynn Ward - Adela’s Mom + Museum Usher

Jaqueline Calderon Guido - Young Minou

Daniel Lujan - Pedro Gonzáles + Guard

Sylvio Martins - Leandro de Guzmán

Michael Uribes - Driver

Darius De La Cruz: Jaimito + Amado

Juan Villa: Antonio Imbert + Murphy

Ryan Padilla: Judge + Yaniqueque Vendor

Credits read by Mary Castellanos

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, podcast listeners, just a heads up, this episode does
contain the sounds of gun violence. Please take care while listening.
From executive producers Daniel Ramidez and myself, Evil Longoria, The
Sisters of the Underground tells the powerful story of the
Meat about sisters, real life Latina's who sacrificed everything for

the fight for freedom. Welcome, Welcome to them. Wow, THEA

is this how everything looked back then? See it's all
the same, only the flooring and the roof of the
house have been replaced. Look a bas college degree and
the photo of her welling with Papa Minola. She looks

so beautiful, she did. How long did you live here
for THEA, Joe? When I I stayed here for quite
a while after Mommy, THEA has passed away, you know.
Back at the Quaranta prison, Bobby Lossle Andre Petro just

didn't believe they were dead. This this has to be
another one of their sick jokes. It's it's not possible.

Through Hugh wouldn't was calling more attention to himself. Next
time we go outside, make sure to ask every prisoner
if they have seen them. Someone has to know. Little
Too felt cornered as the United States imposed more economic
sanctions and continue to pressure him to step down. I said,

I'm not leaving. This is your last chance. After everything
I've done for this country. President through here, we gave
you an opportunity, but unfortunately you leave us with no choice.
I have it under control. We have word that there
are people plotting against you in Cuba and Venezuela. We
just can't continue resorting to violence. So that's what this
is about. Buying for Latin American support and kissing room

little bit and course asks. This is about constituting a
benevolent and democratic government and preventing communism from taking over,
which is also a threat to you, not just us.
The longer you're here, the more susceptible the country is
becoming to left this extremism. Your country entrusted me to
leave my people. I know what's best for them. I'm
afraid our time is over. I am not finished. My

men did not kill those sisters, there is no proof
of that, and I will see to it that the
country does not fall into the hands of communism, and
that if you don't agree with what we've proposed at
this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to support
you any longer? So who will you support the dissidance?
Good luck, presidente Ovis. We need arm guards position in

every corner of the island, ready to retire any traitors immediately.
We'll handle it in they May thirtieth one. The Dominican
people finally decided to take matters into their own hands.
Even his own top advisors have reached the breaking point.

After bearing witness to the shameless murder of the Metaball sisters,
they plotted the perfect ambush of the dictator. Thank you

for your hospitality. How long before we get to the
house and center stood? Half hour or so? Heafy, good?
Why hall await copy? We're in position over this is it?

Keep an eye out for the chevallet and night had
finally come Antonia in bert Let the upper list. That's him,
Go go, go go. They took a chase after the
regious car. Heafy, I think they're following us. Lose them.
I'll try. There's another car. Effect we have to stop.

Get down to binge it out to Helfy, Are you okay?
I'm here? Oh God, you're pleading turn me a gun? What?
He no? Please stay inside the car. Follow my orders,
can you he's coming out of the car, you fucking
basta ah ah. So it was finally over. The people

were free, just like all never wanted I wish, but
through hideous statistics. So ground Fis arrived the next morning
from Paris, and he immediately declared himself through hideous successor.

Today the Dominican Republic is in mourning. Alissimo was shot
that last night at kilometer nine of the sample of
Mingos and Cristobal Highway. He and his driver, Zakaria La
Cruz were ambushed by assailant. The Chevy bell Air received
more than sixty bullet impacts, seven of which he tells

his driver was injured but survived the attack. If you
have any information on who the fugitives could be, please
reach out to your closest same office. Ah yeah, glory
as in the conspirators fled to various parts of the country,
hoping to evade the man hunt, but whatever hope they

had would soon vanish. Flush He's found them and executed
them himself. And as the months went by, me, Papa
and uncles were transferred the epic into the prisoner Victoria

that we had no idea of this, not any among
me there. We spent many months without hearing of their whereabouts?
The flag has been lowered and the guards are wearing
black bracelets on the wrists. Really let me see I

call you? So it finally happened. A month later, reps
from the Organization of American States finally visited the country
to investigate reports of human violations, so they interviewed political prisoners.
Among them were Poppy and theos leandro Ipito. Facing internal

political pressure, the government finally decided to release them. Nina's Bangan,
I made your favorite, as about it for you Prayaki style?
And miss Mooso's where's me now? She's probably reading again? Mama?

What did I tell you about letting her read all
those books? Bitter Mama? What did you expect? She's a
me me? No mucha tita? Where are you when Poppies here?
Keep Poppy? Poppy? Lying is a sin and you're too

young to be seeing ghosts. I just I mean part
of the os is that you you alive? Me? Man?

Is that see here? You're so big? I missed you
all so much and we did too. Where's Where's meaning?
Didn't you read the news? I did? But it can't

be true, right, tell me it's not true. I'm sorry. Yeah,
she's gone. They're all gone, Sandos fuero. Lastres, Poppy paused,

reality was finally sinking in. He didn't talk, he couldn't.
He just cried. When I goes, I can Cassie the
other day, Mama chair Poppy could finally grieve together. Bobby

would spend the following nights on a rocking chair in
the backyard, holding me protectively in his arms, I said,
to shield those from old danger. I was a very
curious five year old coot, and each night, as he
put me to bed, Poppy would patiently answer all of

my questions. Could you miss me? Clad of me? All
I can think about was you, Alito and your mom
Every single day. I miss her me too. What are
those dark spots on your arms? These are cigarette marks?

Did the evil men do that to you? Yeah? They
won't hurt you again, right? Uh? No, memordal they won't.
You know. One of the last times we spoke, Mommy
said that you love to read and draw? Is that true?

I do you know? I'd love to see some of
your drawings, Poppy. What else did you and mommy talk about? Well,
we talked about our dreams, what we hope our lives
could be like in Monte Cristi. And you know, but

Mommy's dreams neighor came true, did they? Uh, those dreams
are still alive in you and your brother. She'll always
be watching over you, and so will I promise always.

Good night, my angel. That night, something strange started to happen.
Poppy started hearing mommy mean meaning is that you? Who
are you talking to? Poppy? Um? No one, no one

go to sleep? Good night? Meaning Elena? Is she asleep? Yeah? Almost,
I'll be lying if I said I've been able to
sleep myself. I can remember the last time I had
a good, nice sleep neither. Hey, I left you some

fresh linens and towels in the guest room. The shower
had not been in the bathroom, which is a bit clunky.
Just be careful when turning it. Yeah, I can take
a look at it tomorrow. I cant ask you. That'll
be great, check ask but for what? For everything? For
taking care of them, for being a loyal sister friend.

And that's the least I can do. It's been a
while since I've been alone without guards looking over me.
I forgot what it even felt like to be free. Yeah,
well those days are going now you're finally here and
to Casa contos. You know, Manola. Sometimes I go back

to that day and I can't help but think that
I should have stopped her from going to put They
they they, they like anyone could stop her from doing
anything once you made up her mind. M You know
you you might think I'm crazy, but I've been hearing
her voice. Oh you think you too. I know for

sure she's looking after us. What's that noise? You have
a gun? We just have to be ready these days
for anything. Oh hi, Yeah, it's just our neighbors. The
town read a lot. They're rising with those men. Public

kept fighting, searching for the killers who murdered me, my
mind and aunts. But it was tough. Ramph is true.
He use time as the leader of the Dominican people
did not last. A military uprising drove the Ruhidio family
into exile. They fled to Europe with millions of dollars

of more cash, never to return again. On this day,
to Trujillo has become San To Domingo once again, ending
the thirty year long to Hear Your era. The country
has found new hope with one Bush who is promising
freedom to all Dominican One Bush would win by a

landslide victory nine six three in what would be the
first re election in the country's history. He granted the
nation many of the basic human rights the mommy and
he has had outlined in their movement, including a new constitution.

For a brief moment, we felt as if we could
breathe again. But Bobby Deos wouldn't rest until they tracked
down the men who murdered the girls. Their names were
finally given to Leandro by a guard who had worked
for the armed forces. What happened to them? They went

to trial. There was a trial of the centering. The
oh I met about a chip TV set that barely worked,
and the O's house. You know who they are, who
would fill up with people who came every day to
see the hearings. Oh God, Hi there, I know, I know,

come on work there, there, it's back. She finally independent.
Alfonso Cruz, Valerio, Emilio Ramon, Emilio Rojas, Laura Rosa, the store,
Antonio guilty. Hi, Gloria b. C. Morci gives better the

spider best efforts to seek justice. The murderers were released,
serving barely any time. They wrote letters to the judge,
but they were ignored. Most of the killers went into hiding.
Many fled to the United States. But here in our country,

Babi Leandro Pedro the other day, continued to seek justice
and fight for the cause, especially after the coup that
ended one Bushes democratic government in September of nineteen sixty three,
pushing the country into even more violence. The dictator was dead,

but the regime was still very much alive. It's an
honor to be here with you, my beloved Pueblo, and

to see how far the butterflies, my sisters, have spread
their beautiful limbs. They gave us the strength and bravery
to keep fighting for our freedom. But clearly this fight
is far from over. Although no longer with us, their

spirits continue to bless us as women. We must rise,
demand our democracy, demand that our democracy prevailed. Let us
keep the memory of our butterflies alive, and let them

guide us and inspire us every day to never never
lose hope. She had been left behind with nieces and
nephews to raise, as well as her own threeet children.

She was a loving mother to all of us, me.
You would have seen level we are most local. We
drove her and a wil a crazy. You know what.

She took care of all of us as if we
were her own and raise us to be whole and
empowered members of society, instilling pride in our heritage and
most importantly, a sense of duty to our country. Trying

for tulips again, Mama, you know they don't grow in
this heat. The true gardener never gives up on her
plans today, Why don't you just rest and I'll finish
up with this? Absolutely no. This is what keeps me going,
and I'm gonna keep doing it. Oh my Nola, Mama,
me a key, I me Weilla that I surprise you

need some help, my jail. I know, Thank you, Jo,
I got it. I've been telling her she needs to Restada.
I gotta do this now while I still can. Or Cassio,
when I leave this world, who will take care of
my beautiful flowers? I will? And you still do. I

can see it. Maybe I can build my own garden
in New York with many Darius. I love that you
have to be patient with them. Did Daddius take time
to bloom this? Big? I was kid? This was the

same spot where my mom was taking care of the flowers.
On the last day I saw poppy. How old yous Anthea? Well,
I was only seven. That's when Bobby returned to his
leadership position with the movement. His mission was to reinstate
one Bush's democracy. He really was a true patriot. Yell

Missmodia that John F. Kennedy was assassinated November. My dad
fled to the mountains with other members of the movement
to fight against the military coup that had toppled our
first democratic government. The forces of the New Region tracked

them down and waited until they ran out of resources,
and so Bobby and his companions had no choice but
to surrender. But instead of arresting them, we're unarmed. Don shoot.
Oh ah, I see her, I can hear, And just

like that, they were murdered. He was only thirty three
years older. You know. I always wonder why his last
moments on earth were like and kepting so he did
he ever see Mom up there in those mountains. Maybe

their spirits finally found each other. I think they sure,
m hm. You know, when I was little nothing in

the world. Whatever this strack me from a good book,
come on to until I heard the scream from my
mach that morning. No id as me or no where,
this said, and probably foom to my no, no no
where said. I couldn't help but look up the new world.

I had just heard the fun too. I flit through
Mommy's dictionary looking for the day punto the punto, and
then there it was deceased. Then no longer life, No no,

no me no. I locked myself in my room and
did what most seven year olds would do. I hit
the pain for as long as I could, so you
cast set. I didn't know what else to do. I

lost both my parents, mommy, Poppy, just like that. Me, no, me,
what far? Oh well, he's not coming back, is he?

You see it? To ide im, I'm sorry, no, no,
I'm sorry. It was a big loss for everyone. My

much about to never visit the cemetery, and that was
a problemise she would keep until she passed away the
other day, would continue to honor that Mariposa's unbreakable spirit
for the rest of her life. You know what you are,

Mariposa too, and so are you me, Vida. We are
all butterflies, just like the ones here in the garden.
Look at this. Yes, yes, that is the shrine. This
is where the spirits of let Marie Bosas can rest

see me. Nina, I found this letter. It was under
all the other ones. Can I read it? Of course?
February three, sixty four, Dear Mom and Dad, I went
to the cemetery to visit you both today. I miss
you so much. Your little daughter me new it's a

letter you wrote to abuelam Ned and Abuela Minolo. Can
I keep this one? I don't want to leave. I
feel as if I'm just getting to know who they were.
You know what, We can come back as many times
as you like when you visit it. Deal, deal, Thank

you for bringing me. How could I not? You know,
since we're in Salzetto. I was hoping we could stop
at the best giourny get it placed in town. M M.
I was hoping you'd say that we don't have those
back at home. Well maybe we can sneak some of

those in your luggage to send back to the States.
Oh yeah, let's get a bunch of them for mommy.
Oh yeah, all right then, Nina, how about you go
ahead and go onto the car. I'll be there in
a moment, Okay, Bartia Battoria. There Matha Mama, Chea Minerva

and Papa Manolo. See you soon. You have a Mongo Kicks,

getle Mongole, Longos Kicks Cucks. Then the senior per me
so see five Johnny cakes, four single. It's so grassy. Yes,
here are be careful like being m This is so good.

It's your mommy calling be the Okay, hello, m's doing
the Johnny cakes. Yes, I'll bring you the world can't wait.
I was the museum. Oh you should bring their mommy.
It was so great. I a surprise. Yes again you

can hear me better what I see? I remember I
told you the councilman called about the street side. Say
wait a minute, I need my glasses. Okay, have you
see what it says? Meet about sisters? Yes, who streets

and the heights. Today was the naming ceremony Kelly and
we got a song. You see. Their legacies are life,
unwill always beer always. Besides, when I leave what we'll

take care of my flowers. I will She'll always be
watching over you, and so will I. I wish I
were brave like you. Courage already runs in your blood.
You're gonna this is as I walk through our old

home and this garden. I imagine you all here, beautiful
and free. I think of the many letters that have
yet to be written. I imagine a whole generation of
women who are your legacy. You remain alive in all

of us. We remember the sacrifice of the courage you
gave us the butterflies. Miss Barry Boss, I see you,
I hear you. You are here. I will always be remembered.

Sisters of the Underground is a production of School of
Humans in conjunction with iHeartMedia's Michael Dura Network and Unbelievable Entertainment,
with co executive producers Eva Longoria and Dania Ramierres showrunner
and director Jose Maria Cabral. The series was written by
Jose Maria Carrel and Mary Castellanos. Story by Dania Ramirez

and Jose Maria Cabra. Lead producer and story editor Julia
Chrisco Associate producer and first a d Andrew Harmon, Production
manager Daisy Church, script supervisor Sarah Montague, recording engineer Clay Hillenburg,
post production supervisor Jeremy Gilbertson at Tune Welders in Atlanta,

Sound design, mixing and mastering by Harper W. Harris, Assembly,
editing by Liam Marie Puffenberger, Jason Shannon composer, score music
editor Spenser Willis. Music licensing by Serio Marte, Lorenzo Lauds
at Pixanc Music and Natalie Brady at Texture Music Marketing,

and designed by Jasmine Mihia and Claudia Marti Corena. Our
Incredible cast includes Dania Ramirez as Mino Tavares Miraval our narrator,
Julie Reges as Minerva Miraval, Jane Santos as Miraval, celinezt
Ribio as Miraval, char Line Chaule as Maria Presa Miraval,

Acariendo as Patria Miraval, Serio Carlo as Manolo Tavaris, and
the radio announcer Heemki Malera as Trujillo, Ector Anibal As,
Johnny Abas, Gabriela Stein as Adela. Additional cast includes Juan Via,
Alex Lynn Ward, Jacqueline Calderon with Michael Uribs, Silvio Martinez,

Ryan Baila, Darius de la Cruz, Marco Barra, and Daniel Lujan.
Additional executive producers include Jose Maria Cabra, Mary Castellanos, just
Sell Bonces Virginia Prescott, L. C. Crowley, and Brandon bar
Special thanks to Doug Boum and Abu so far at

i Heeart Media Special thanks to Minoavaris Miraval, daughter of
Minerva and Manolo, who is a politician and activist in
the Dominican Republic. She also published the book of letters
that we quote throughout the series. It's called Magnana Escrivio Travis.
Check out our show notes for more details. If you
enjoy the podcast, help us get the word out by

leaving a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts.
It really helps. Thanks School of Humans
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