All Episodes

May 12, 2024 44 mins
The 2024 election is about a lot more than Trump and a trio of candidates in key states: PA, WI, AZ.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is twenty four, a weekly highlight reel from the
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show featuring all things election coverage.
Let's get started. Here are Clay and Buck.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
We have this Trump trial, and I'll start with this.
Yesterday I saw a friend of mine here in Florida
on the street and he was walking a chow chow,
which I gotta tell you, I had realized this. I
knew what a chow chow was. I had never actually
met one in person before. They're very, very particular looking, dog,

very sweet. But I was stopped and had a chat
and he said, how do you think it's going? And
I get this question all the time from friends they
see me, and you know a lot of times they're like,
I know you don't want to talk business, but I
got to ask you how it's going for twenty twenty four.
And I always said, and first of all, I'm always
down to talk business because business is politics and politics.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
Is life, and this is what we discussed.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
But he asked about it, and he said, and I said, rather,
it's looking so good that I don't trust it. And
I think that's where I am from now until the
election day, meaning until we can have that beautiful moment
of celebration when it feels like things have been set
right and there's an end to this bided nightmare. It's

just full steam ahead. Have to keep the pedal to
the metal, have to do everything possible to make sure
we are putting forward the best possible case to the
American people for why it should be a yes red
wave this fall. I know that's not a term that
anyone wants to hear after twenty twenty two, or rather,

no one's using it after twenty twenty two. But a
red wave would be phenomenal, and it is certainly warranted,
and I think that there's increasingly possibility that will have
a substantial advantage in the Senate. Not sixty votes, but
you know, three, maybe something like that.

Speaker 4 (02:06):

Speaker 2 (02:08):
And then also we will be able to get a
win of the House. Okay, but before I get ahead
of myself, is what I said. I'm not going to
get ahead of myself. I'm trying not to. I don't
trust it. But here's why I'm already in this frame
of mind with what's going on and the trajectory of
the country, this moment in the history of the United States,

this is crazy stuff that's going on in New York
City with the Trump trial, the fact that we're reporting
on the leading presidential candidate, who is ahead of all
the polls, showing up to a criminal trial in the
city of New York on the.

Speaker 5 (02:46):
Flimsiest pretext I have ever heard.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
Of in my life, with the most obvious prosecutorial and
judicial abuse I've ever seen in any trial I can
think of, certainly based around something so absurd in the
first place. The fact that this is blowing up in
the faces of the Democrats so far, based on everything

we can see, is the ultimate poetic justice. Now we're
not there yet, and I know there's still a verdict
to come. The verdict is probably a few weeks out now,
but people are waking up to this. I do think
there's a broader awakening happening right now in America because
we're not going to get everybody. You know, there's a

portion of the country that unfortunately has been.

Speaker 3 (03:37):

Speaker 2 (03:39):
You know, brainwashed actually first appeared in the term appeared
in a column written in a newspaper in Miami a
long time ago.

Speaker 3 (03:48):
I had to do with what was going on.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
In North Korea and with the communists but I do
think there have been people that are effectively brainwashed on
the left and we can't actually do anything to change
their point of view. But for anybody who is persuadable,
and we've heard some big names out there that have
started to see the light a little bit. I don't

know if that's indicative of broader numbers really, but we've
heard some big names for anyone who is persuadable. Biden's
stabbing Israel in the back, his absurdly weak explanations for
his faltering economy and stewardship thereof the wide open border,

which we still need to be focusing on and talking
about a lot more. The Democrat disaster of crime policies
in major cities. I saw this horrific. It's all called
on video. This woman in New York City. New York
Post has it today. She is by this absolute barbarian

He lassos her looks like with a belt around the
neck and chokes her out and that it's sexually assault her.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
It's all on video.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
And you know, I see this and I think to myself,
first of all, this is moments where I am in
favor of the death penalty, and second of all, I'm
sure that he's been arrested many times before. I don't
know that, but they haven't caught him. I think the
NYPD has released the photo mark this down. The guy
who committed it was on the first of May. This

horrible assault and rape in New York City. We're going
to find out he has a long criminal record. We're
going to find out that Democrats, judges, prosecutors didn't want
to punish him. This is a prediction. I could be wrong.
Didn't want to punish him too severely, said he had
a tough life, and so arrest after arrest, he was
let out. And now somebody has suffered a horrible, violent

rape just walking down the streets of New York City.
Democrats are responsible for the policies like this that lead
to things like this incident. They have made a clear
decision that leads to more of this, more rapes, more murders,
more burglaries, more carfefs, more suffering of people. And with
all of that going on, instead of the Democrats even

making an argument for why they're actually not that bad,
or why they've learned some lessons and they're going to
change things around, it's let's try to remember thirty four
felony counts. Theoretically, they could lock Donald Trump up for
this for the rest of his life. In theory, they
could try, Okay, the judge could just decide, yeah, the guidelines.

I'm going to ignore the guidelines. I know it would
go to appeals and everything else, but certainly a sentence
of incarceration is possible when someone says you have thirty
four felony counts against you. With all the things going
on in the country, all the abject failures of the
Biden regime, what do they do. They turn around and
they weaponize the system against Donald Trump in the most

obvious and egregious ways, such that I believe now we've
reached a point where people, even people for whom Donald
Trump is, they don't like his you know, his persona
or the way he approaches They don't approve of the
way that he reacted to the twenty twenty election, you

know whatever. There are plenty of people that have problems
with Trump.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
We all know that.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
But some of them who have problems with Trump understand
that this has now been elevated to it's bigger than Trump.
This is truly about the future of the country. Trump
is a critical component of this. But if you can
throw your political opponents into prison or even just throw
them off the campaign trail and slander them for months

with absurd prosecutions, and that is what is going on New.

Speaker 5 (07:46):
York is a It is a disgrace.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
To the legal system. What is going on in New
York City. If you can do that to Trump, you
can do it to anyone. And that is exactly what
is going on Trumps this He is remarkably cheerful and
trump like for somebody who's facing for four different criminal trials,

including one that has already underway. But this was him
speaking today. This has cut one before his trial. Listen
to what the man himself has to say. On Saturday,
we have a tremendous rally, and howey, we're going to
be there.

Speaker 5 (08:25):
It's in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
There's going to be a big crowd and we're going
to be saying, a lad, we'll be able to campaign
on Saturday.

Speaker 5 (08:32):
And nevertheless, we have a horrible gag order that should
be allowed. It has never been on nothing like this
has ever happened.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Your witnessing is a first What your witnessing is the
first time this has ever happened before. Think about all
the times they used the term unprecedented against Donald Trump
to try to criticize or undermine him when he was president.
And of course, as we know, they were abusing the
term because it wasn't unprecedented. Other presidents had done things.

But they just wanted to create this false surge of
outrage emotion at Trump all the time. It's become an
addiction Democrats, the Democrat Party, the American Left, the Kamis,
they are addicted to hating Donald Trump. This has become
the great distraction from the holes in their souls, from

the lack of purpose that they have, from the stupid
decisions that they have supported or done themselves on COVID,
on crime, on the border. Trump is the ultimate distraction
for the left. He makes them think that they're always
the good guys, no matter what is happening and no
matter what they have done. This is why it is

so useful for them psychologically to establish Trump as the
end of democracy, the end of the republic, this great evil.
It is a delusion. It is a delusion that serves
a political purpose for the Democrat Party and a delusion
that serves the individual purpose for Democrats of it doesn't matter.

Speaker 5 (10:02):
If I was triple masking and getting my fifteenth COVID
shot and talking about how I want to take illegal
migrants into my home.

Speaker 6 (10:10):
I don't even know who they are. I'm going to
give them the guest bedroom. And we don't need to
lock up criminals. And why don't we just have more
regulation on the economy. It's not like we already spend
trillions of dollars on useless regulation. Maybe we should raise taxes.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
The people that have just that that avalanche of bad ideas,
of dumb ideas, it doesn't matter that they're wrong. It
doesn't matter that there are awful consequences that we all
observe from this. The Democrats who believe in all of that,
and notice they basically believe in it all together, all
at once, same people who.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
Are on the campus is now, Oh, Israel isn't apartheid state,
cut off all the weapons, digest.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
All this nonsense, all the same. Donald Trump as the
American hitler, the fascist, the destructor of the American experiment,
allows them to think that they are on the right
side of all of this. They are on the left,
but they act like they're in the right they get

to pretend, they get to costplay, costume play like the
bold counter Revolutionaries, when really they are the Bolsheviks. And
all of this they are undermining our society. They are
kicking at the load bearing walls of our civilization. And
Donald Trump is just the fixation of all of this.
You know, when Trump says, they're not coming after me,

They're coming after you.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
I just stand in between.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
There's a reason that resonates so well, and in these
criminal trials you are seeing it. Nobody could sensibly believe
that this is the last time they will use the
law as a weapon to get their way in politics.
And nobody can believe that they take the system seriously
and have any interest in protecting the system as it

stands as a constitutional framework as a liberal, free society,
right liberal in the small l sense. Nobody can believe
that they actually care about our institutions when they are
doing the things that we are seeing them do in
that courthouse in New York City right now, with other
trials on the way, and yet with all of the

all of the darkness around this, I still think that
we're going to come through this. And like I said,
the ultimate poetic justice here as possible. They're all in everything,
including the kitchen sink effort to destroy Trump and bring
down the MAGA movement and the Republican.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
Party with it.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
In this election cycle may be the greatest backfire, the
greatest own goal, if you will, in modern American political history.
I do think that is possible. But I promise you
we will not celebrate early.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
We will stay focused.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
And we will keep pulling apart the nonsense and the
lies that are out there and spreading truth to as
many people as are capable or willing to listen.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
You're listening to twenty four the Year of Impact with
Clay and Buck.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
We've got Dave McCormick with us.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
He is a US Army veteran, former CEO of Bridgewater,
a massive hedge fund, and he is running for Senate and.

Speaker 3 (13:30):
We need him.

Speaker 5 (13:32):
No pressure, Dave.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
But I mean, the future of the election and maybe
the future of the Republic rests on your ability to
win and help deliver Pennsylvania.

Speaker 3 (13:40):
So you know, we know you're used to.

Speaker 4 (13:43):
I'm ready, How are you?

Speaker 5 (13:45):
So we're good? You know, we're really trying to every day.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
Now we're an election cycle now, right, I mean, we're
really feeling it's it's the election day, feels like it's
barreling towards us, or we're barrowing toward it, and we're
trying to make sure that we bring as much awareiness
of the particular battlegrounds that matter as possible. We've talked
to you before about the situation in Pennsylvania. First off,
I wanted to ask to get into the current news

cycle and what's going on. There are some encampments on
schools in Pennsylvania, right, some of these sort of pro
hamas encampments. How have they been handled and what can
you tell us about how that's going in your state?

Speaker 4 (14:24):
Well, I think in general it's a real disgrace that
these encampments persist, and it's most prominently in Pennsylvania's at
University of Pennsylvania, and I visited there last week last Wednesday,
and you have one of these situations where the administration
said very clearly what's happening is an absolute violation of

campus policy. We walked past these encampments, we had some
kids take us around. There's probably five hundred kids in
that encampment. They speculate only about a third of them,
or actually penn students the most vile things. Zionism is racism.
Go back to Poland from the river to the sea.
You know, it is vicious and it's really it's really

intimidating to the Jewish kids and other kids to walk
through there. They've shut down classes. It is a travesty
and there's not enough moral leadership and leadership in general
to get control of these things. And you know what
I've said publicly is you know, if you're the president
of PEN, you should since we shut down that encampment.
If it's students of PEN, they should be expelled or

have a disciplinary action. If it's outside agitators, they should
be arrested by the police at the of the City
of Philadelphia and get control of this thing, because it's
just and this is not about First Amendment. What they're
doing is completely violation of the policy and goes well
beyond the protections the First Amendment by inciting violence and

bigoted hatred and behavior.

Speaker 7 (15:57):
Dave, we appreciate you coming on with us. We know
you're all over the state of Pennsylvania campaigning. I'm assuming
inflation cost of goods is still overwhelmingly what you hear
about the most in your experience what are Pennsylvanians the
most focused on and how do you think that plays
into not only your Senate race, but also obviously the

presidential race as Pennsylvania, along with Michigan and Wisconsin big
ten states, probably going to decide this election.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
Yeah, I think the two issues of inflation and abortion.
I'm sorry, inflation and border are the two big issues. Inflation.
Sixty percent of Pennsylvanians with paycheck to paycheck, and prices
for them are up twenty percent twenty one percent. Real
wages are only up fourteen percent, So most Pennsylvanians are
getting squeezed on food, fuel, rent, and it's making it

harder and harder. And then interest payments on a pickup
trunk or interest payments on new house make them almost
twice as expensive as they were before Biden came into office.
And this is the direct result of President Biden and
Bob Casey supported him every step of the way, votes
ninety eight percent of the time with him. The direct
result of this excessive spending. We've had too much spending

from Republicans and Democrats alike, but it has gone through
the roof under Biden. Six trillion dollars of incremental spending
and the war on oil and gas, and those are
the drivers of inflation. And the voters absolutely don't believe
this nonsense that Bidenomics is making their lives better. They
see what is doing. So that's issue number one. A

close second is the border. Ten million illegal migrants, I mean,
are you kidding me? The national security implications of one
hundred and sixty people apprehended on the terrorist watch list.
You guys know these statistics. Those are just the ones
that are apprehended. And then the fentanyl crisis. It's a
huge deal for Pennsylvania. We lost four thousand Pennsylvanians last year.

These cartels pushed the fentanyl and that's just in Pennsylvania.
Leist cartels pushed the fentanyl across the border and it's
in Pennsylvania within a couple of days, and it's killing
people almost one hundred thousand nationally. So that issue, the border,
the economic burden, the crime, the national scuritist and then
the fentanyl. I mean, if you and I, if the

three of us were sitting in a room together the
Dave Biden took office, we could have never imagined the
border would get this out of control and it's I
think people look at it and they see a lack
of leadership in chaos. And again, Bob Casey voted for
sanctuary cities, voted against the wall, voted against funding for
border patrol, voted against the fentanyl initiative. Bob Casey and

Joe Biden owned this border, and I think it's the
second defining issue for Pennsylvanians. And I think for those reasons,
President Trump's ahead in the polls, and I'm closing fast
in the polls, and I think people just want new
leadership that can undo this chaos.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
We're speaking to David Cormick, running for Senate in Pennsylvania
against Casey, and Dave, I'll want to bring something to
you because we talked a little bit about the campus
situation and looking at the Pennsylvania state of play going
into the election. John Fetterman, I don't know what else
to say. We've been saying on the show, so we
have to stand behind it. He's been solid on the

Israel Gaza issue. Based on everything that I've seen so far,
I know he's almost a Bernie Sanders disciple on a
bunch of other stuff. But here's here's what I'm getting
at Are they going to play a game here with
the various you know, high level democrats in your state.
You've got the governor is what's his name, Shapiro, You've

got Shapiro, You've got Fetterman.

Speaker 5 (19:42):
Are they gonna do the whole Oh, we go our
own way.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
We're not these crazy leftist democrats that have been running
the country the last four years.

Speaker 5 (19:50):
Like, I just want to.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
Know if we're if you're seeing that and if that's
something you're trying to get ahead of right where they
do the head fake of well, we're not crazy like
the rest of the Democrats in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 4 (20:01):
Yeah, I actually think you know, Fetterman's a mystery to
me too, But I think we're in such a crisis.
I think you have to just call balls and strikes.
And I'm sure Fetterman and I disagree on ninety percent
of his views, but on this crisis with Israel, what's
happening in the campuses, he's been a voice of clarity

and moral courage, and I appreciate it. So I've said it,
I've said, you know, on this John Feederman and I agree,
and I think it actually makes Casey look that much
weaker because here you have an example of someone who
is from the Democratic Party, very progressive, who sees the
right and wrong of this. I give him, I give

him all the benefit of doubt. I think he really
believes everything he's saying, and I think he's stepping up
and saying it. Where Casey tries to have it both ways.
Let me give you an example. He says he's against anti
Semitism and then he endorses summer Lea who is a
member of the Squad and explicitly anti Semitic and has

been associated with all these radical groups, has refused to
call October seventh genocide and a you know, a barbaric
act that it was. So you can't have it both ways.
This is a test. This is a test for these
college presidents. It's a test for our public officials. Are
you going to call balls and strikes right and wrong,

good and evil? Feederment. His credit has been good on this,
Bob Casey not so much.

Speaker 7 (21:30):
We hear a lot about the get out the vote
campaign that Pennsylvania has and one of the stats that
I saw and that I hammer home, half the vote
was in for Federman before they even got to the
debate on the ground. Are Republicans not only for your
campaign but also for Donald Trump's going to have a
ground game so far as you can tell, that is

competitive with what Democrats have been able to do the
last couple of cycles in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 4 (21:58):
Yeah, I think so. I'd say two things. One, Pennsylvania
is becoming redder and redder. Pennsylvania will be a red
state by twenty twenty six that's the big news. In
twenty sixteen, there were a million more registered Democrats and Republicans.
Right now there's three hundred and ninety thousand registered Democrats
more than Republicans, and by election day, I think it'll

be three hundred. So we are becoming redder because of
some of the demographic shifts, because a lot of Democrats
are leaving the party and becoming Republicans, working families, and
so we get the win that are back that way.
And the key is to get these voters registered and
get them out to vote. And there's a lot of
effort being put into a ground game to do that.
And then the second thing's mail in ballots and listen.

This is an area where I think we have alignment.
There's an outside group and a lot of efforts to
bring resources and focus on this. And President Trump, who
has been skeptical of mail in ballots, I think, has
essentially laid out his position which he's encouraged all forms
of voting, including mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. He recognizes

that we need that to win Pennsylvania. We need to
close that gap. We're not going to exceed the Democrats,
but we need to close that gap. His campaign and
my campaign and the RNC and all the various groups
are very aligned and working together on this. So it's
a big advantage the Democrats have. We're not going to
fix that advantage overnight, but I think we were going

to have an opportunity to really chip away at it.
And Pennsylvania is going to be you know, when President
Trump wins and I win, we're going to win by
a few points. So this really matters and it's part
of the battle plan to change leadership for our commonwealth,
in our country.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
Dave mc cormick, everybody, Dave really appreciate you being with us.

Speaker 3 (23:43):
Thanks so much.

Speaker 4 (23:44):
Oh, you guys are great. Dave MCCORMICKPA dot com. Thanks
for having me and hope to see you soon.

Speaker 5 (23:50):
Thanks some m We will see you soon.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
For sure.

Speaker 7 (23:51):
I'm gonna come up there. I'm going to find a
game I'm going to campaign with. You can't wait to get.

Speaker 4 (23:55):
Up to time, all right, I was gonna say it.
I'm ready, man, we can find a big pen. It'll
be fun.

Speaker 7 (24:01):
Yes, we're gonna do it. I promise we'll get it
on the schedule here coming up soon.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
You're listening to twenty four The Most Important Tier in
Politics with Klay Travis en Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
We've got our friend Eric Hovedy in the mix. He's
running for a critical Senate seat up in Wisconsin, which
is also where the RNC will be this summer, so
no doubt we will be drinking some Bruce Kes eating
some cheese curds with him during RNC week, although I
will have to find gluten free beer.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
Good to have you, Eric, Thanks for coming back on
the show.

Speaker 8 (24:38):
Great being on the show. And we're gonna we're gonna
eat some brots as well. You can't appear, Yeah, you
gotta hit broz Man bro bro any.

Speaker 2 (24:48):
Any excuse to eat some form of the seasoned meat family.
I'm generally a fan of Ron DeSantis.

Speaker 3 (24:56):
Here he is.

Speaker 5 (24:57):
I wanted because you're you're an.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
Economics guy just understands or not like an economics professor,
but somebody who has to actually succeed in the markets.
You took over community banks. You have a background in
the private sector. You've done very well, and so you
understand finance and where where you have to be right
and you have to see what's really happening in the
economy around you. Governor Santiz obviously super sharp guy. I

wanted you to react to what he says about what's
been going on with all the spending and how it
affects Wisconsin, Nights and everybody across the country.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Play twelve.

Speaker 9 (25:26):
This federal government has borrowed, printed, and spent trillions and
trillions of dollars far beyond what they should have done
over the last many years. We know that when they
were doing it, there were a lot of people saying,
you are going to have inflation. When the Fed was
printing so much money, people were saying, you're going to
have inflation. And that's exactly what's happened. And so that

has been an invisible tax on every American. People are
paying more for groceries, they're paying more for for goods,
paying more for services.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
Tell Us about this invisible tax that Rohn de Santis
is setting up here.

Speaker 8 (26:04):
So let me give you hard numbers behind it. So
Joe Biden spent basically four point seven trillion dollars after
the economy had already come out of COVID. Remember we
spent about four trillion dollars during the heart of COVID,
So he spent four point seven. Well, when you spend
that amount of money, the Federal Reserve, which is the

bank for the federal government, had to monetize that debt,
and in that process they increase the money supply by
an enormous amount. Well, what is inflation. Inflation is too
much money chasing a fixed amount of goods and services.
So it's the reckless spending that has created this wave

of inflation that has driven up the cost of people's food,
their gasoline, everything that they touched in life. And it
was never transitory. That was just a total misnomer by
Drome who runs the FED. So they've been engaging in
voodoo economics and it has cost the American public dearly.

But there's a video I don't know if you guys
have shown it or have played it for your listeners,
where it's Jared Bernstein, who's been Biden's chief economic advisor
since his vice president's day. And this guy never was
trained in economics, and they're literally asking him about MMT

modern monetary theory and he can't even explain the most
basic things. And you watch this and go, yeah, you
wonder why we have all these negative consequences because we
have completely incompetent people leading our government and our government finances.
And that's the sad thing about it. So you talk

about an insidious tax, Inflation is just a back toward
tax that whittles away the standard of living for every American.

Speaker 7 (28:04):
How much difference and better off do you think the
United States would be if everyone representing the United States
was like you and had had to run a successful
business at some point in time. Because what Buck and
I talk about sometimes is Joe Biden's been in government
for forty seven or forty eight years, you got AOC's

running around. I don't think they understand basic economics. And
if you don't understand basic economics, you end up making choices.
It feels like that many of our politicians make one.

Speaker 8 (28:38):
Hundred percent and look, we have a lot of that
on the Republican side too, And that's why we're in
this position where we have thirty four trillion dollars in debt,
where the interest costs on our debt now is bigger
than any expenditure in the federal government other than Social Security.
It's bigger just the cost of servicing our debt is

bigger than our department, and by the way, in a year,
will be bigger than Social Security, and it's putting Social
Security at risk. So, you know, the problem is you
have these career politicians. Senator Baldwin, who I'm running against,
is one of the most liberal. Their whole life has
been politics thirty eight years and has been in Washington,

d C. For coming on twenty six years. She knows
nothing about how the real economy works, how business works.
Think of it this way. She's never had to buy
herself health insurance. She's always had health insurance offered by
you know, whatever government position. I've not only had to
buy health insurance, I've had to buy it for thousands

of people how to manage it. I've seen the disaster
that Obamacare has created. So unless you've had to deal
with these issues and understand these issues and understand economics,
then You've got people sitting in Washington, which sadly we've
had for far too long, that don't know what the
hell they're doing, and they don't understand the consequences of

the decisions they're making.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Speaking to Eric Hovedy, he's running up in Wisconsin for
a critical Senate seat. He's running against career politician Tammy Baldwin.
And on the issue of the spending and what it's
doing to the economy, price is certainly going up. But
I saw the statistic and it I found it really concerning, Eric,
and especially given that they're going to try to pull

whatever levers they can in the Biden White House to
make things look better than they are. Right, they're going
to put lipstick on the pig, so to speak, between
now an election day. Even with that going on, forty
three percent of small businesses couldn't pay their rent in
full because of the economy. Right now, that was just
from Bloomberg. What's going on with that?

Speaker 8 (30:48):
Look the economic data that's being put out, I'm starting
to really question. I'll give you this one example, employment data.
We've never had a time series like this where what
they report for job growth in a given month because
they do it the first Friday of every month, and
then they'll always put in their revision for the prior

month we've had was at sixteen out of seventeen times
they say, oh, we've created this amount of jobs, and
then the next month they always lower how much jobs
they created the last time. Nor do they tell you
that most of all the jobs that have been created
are second time jobs, not full first time jobs. So

if you look at, you know, underneath the belly, if
you look at what's happening with credit card debt or
auto debt and the default rates that are rising significantly,
particularly to those that are you know, in the lower
bottom quarter of you know, economic earnings, they're being crushed

by inflation, and you know, it's so sad.

Speaker 4 (31:56):
I was. I was with.

Speaker 8 (31:57):
A younger person and this young gal came up to
me and said, I'm working two jobs. I work all
the time, and I'm still having to live with my parents.
And I just thought, how sad. I mean, clearly she
wants to, you know, be standing on her own two feet,
but she can't get ahead, and she's working hard. It's

not somebody just CouchSurfing. So what they're doing, they've really
damaged the American economy and so many Americans, and on
multiple different levels. And again, look at healthcare, look at
the cost of health care and the access to healthcare.
I really want more Republicans to start talking about this
issue because the consequences of what Obamacare, what they passed,

are all coming home to roost now with access to
care and the cost of care. So they've created a
total mess. And it's time we get real people that
understand how the economy works and how you know, society
works in there, you know, taking over, because that's what
our founding fathers wanted. They wanted citizen legislators, people that

brought expertise, went and served for a term or two,
and then got the heck out of there. Instead, we've
created this career politician political class that's been running Washington, DC.

Speaker 7 (33:18):
All right, I got a gift for you. Could be
a good thing, could be a bad thing. Serious, serious question.
I think I asked you about this last time. I'm
coming up now to Madison, Wisconsin on September fourteenth, Alabama
Crimson Tide is going to be on the road playing
against your beloved Wisconsin Badgers.

Speaker 5 (33:38):
Should we do? I know you want to watch the game.

Speaker 7 (33:41):
Should we do some form of fun Friday evening in
Wisconsin area event for all of the Alabama and Wisconsin
fans that are going to be in town. To me,
this feels like a no brainer, be an awesome time.

Speaker 8 (33:55):
I think it would be a blast. I'm so excited
about this. You know, it's always fun when you get
big rivals from Earth from different conferences that haven't been
rivals in the past, but big well named program. So
we're really excited to have Alabama come up and we

look forward to putting on a you know, a great
show here in Madison, Wisconsin. It's a great space stadium
Camp Randall to watch a game. So we're super excited.

Speaker 7 (34:28):
We I will be there. I think I'm going to
be in town. We should talk about a fun Friday
event leading into that game on Saturday. Can't wait to
check it out. And I would imagine there are a
lot of Wisconsin Badger as well as Alabama Crimson Tide
fans listening to us right now who would like to
be a part of that. And oh, by the way,
you're also in the most important state maybe in the

entire country, not only for your Senate race, but for
who's going to be the next president of the United States.

Speaker 8 (34:56):
One hundred percent. I mean, look, I don't think Wisconsin's
the battleground state. I mean it's one to five. And
if I can win this Senate race, this can pretty
much not only assure you know, the next two years,
but potentially the next four and six years and we
move it from a hardcore progressive lefty to somebody with

common sense and you know it's a conservative. So yeah,
it's it's gonna be fun. Look forward to it and
drinking beer and eating brought and cheese kurds and watching
some great football and all the rest.

Speaker 3 (35:34):

Speaker 1 (35:34):
Cannot wait.

Speaker 5 (35:35):
It's going to be fantastic. We'll see you then.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
If you're listening to twenty four The Year of Impact
with Clay and Buck.

Speaker 7 (35:46):
Joined now by congressional candidate Blake Master. He's been on
the show before, ran for Senate in Arizona. We all
know that Arizona is going to be a huge battleground. Blake,
appreciate you going on, coming on. What are you seeing
in Arizona? How confident are you having seen what you
saw in twenty two and having fought the battles there

that Arizona is going to go red in twenty four,
not only in your race, but also in the Senate
in the presidential What are you seeing?

Speaker 10 (36:17):
Well, thanks, guys, it's great to be back. You know,
I am optimistic. I'm seeing a lot of encouraging signs
when you look at the polling. I think Trump is
just kind of cleaning up in Arizona right now. He's
up five to six seven points even depending on the pole.
And anecdotally that's what I'm seeing too. Right we know
that the magabase is fired up, but we also know

Arizona is a little bit more of a swing state
right now. So where are those people in the middle?
And unfortunately, we've just got two more years of this
Joe Biden experience. Now since the midterm election, people know
that their eggs cost twice as much as they used
to breakfast cereal increasingly unaffordable. Right, mortgage rates continue to spike.
But what I'm hearing most is people are just mad

as hell about the open border. Right, millions more illegals
have come in basically invited by Joe Biden since twenty
twenty two. It's by far the number one issue in
the state. Second would be cost of living and inflation,
and no matter which way you slice it, Biden is failing.
People really do want Trump back.

Speaker 2 (37:19):
Hey Blake, great to have you on the program. So
you know, we recently talked to a Senate candidate and
hopefully former a future GOP colleague of yours about the
political terrain in Montana because it's a little funky. It's
majority Republican, but there's this big middle chunk that is
unaffiliated to party and lean's kind of libertarian right. In Arizona,

you mentioned this, What is that middle trant that really
determines the election? Is it traditional GOP? John mccainyax. I
don't know what you call them, but you know, people
that are in that realm, Like, what is that additional
layer in terms of Arizona's political makeup.

Speaker 10 (38:04):
I think it's much more just people in the middle,
people who are not paying too much attention to politics.
God blessed men. They're working hard in the Biden economy,
They're trying to make ends meet, they're raising their kids.
They're not that political except Joe Biden is making them
political because everything, like I said, costs more, and you're
seeing the not just the videos of illegals coming across

at the border. We've all seen those videos, but now
you're seeing it in your community, right, You're seeing Southern
Arizona is just a different place than it was a
few years ago. Even up in Glendale, right in my district,
you're seeing more and more homeless people. You're seeing more
and more evidence of drug deals happening on the street.
And this is Glendale, Arizona, Like, this is not supposed

to be happening there. So I think it's people in
the middle, you know, people in the John McCain wing
of the party. I think they're gonna maybe they have
to hold their nose. They're gonna vote Trump, right. I
think Republicans are going to be united. It's all going
to be where are the people in the middle, And
they are just so anti Biden right now. I think
that's why Trump is crushing in the polls.

Speaker 7 (39:06):
Blake, how do you see the on campus protests. I
know there was a viral video of Arizona State frat guys.
They're not Southern frat guys in the traditional sense, I
guess Southwestern frat guys cleaning up the pro hamas protester trash. Literally,
that was laid out all over the ASU Quad and

it feels to me like Democrats are panicking because they
know how badly these campus protests are playing. Do you
pick up on that in Arizona? That Arizona State situation
kind of resonate. Do you hear it from people as
you go about the campaign?

Speaker 4 (39:45):

Speaker 10 (39:45):
Actually, you know, I went the day that the Arizona
State protest was happening. I swung by campus in Tempe
and I was just talking to some people. We got
some video. I think we'll put out a video on
this soon. But you know, I mean, if if a
protester was wearing a mask and they had a Palestinian flag, okay,
he can't have a reasonable conversation with them. They're just deranged.

But all these people who were kind of watching the
protests I got to interview, I got to ask like, hey,
what do you think about this? And basically they thought
it was a joke. Like I think people in the
middle think that these campus protests are a joke. Because
they are a joke. They're bad for Joe Biden. I
think it highlights how he can't really keep a lid
on his own coalition. You guys probably saw this video too.

There was one where you had the Maga frat boys
who were saying f Joe Biden and then the police
in the middle. Yeah, and then on the other side
you had the Gaza Hamas protesters saying F Joe Biden.
So if there's one thing Joe Biden can do to
unite the country, it's because he's so horrible. Everyone knows
that he's bad.

Speaker 2 (40:42):
Speaking of Blake Masters, he's running for Congress in Arizona
and Blake to that end, how much do you think
the border is going to play into your district and
your state more broadly in this election? A few months ago,
maybe two three months ago, it was falling away the
biggest story in the country for I don't know, maybe

six weeks time something like that. Seems to have died
down a bit in terms of media focus, but there
has been polling at least in the in the past
few months that suggests it's a top issue. What does
it look like in Arizona and do you think that
could be a difference maker?

Speaker 4 (41:18):

Speaker 10 (41:18):
Yeah, it is the most important issue, certainly in my
MI race. You know, by district district date is a
very Republican district, is one of these primary only situations,
because whoever wins the primary is going to win the general.
On the Republican side, illegal immigration is far and away
the most important issue, and second would be cost of living.
Those might if you look at the polling, that might

reverse in the general election because you get so many
of the swing voters. But call it number one, number two,
number two, number one, whatever. The two issues on every
voter's mind here, whether it's the July primary or the
November general election, it's stopping illegal immigration and stopping Joe
Biden's inflation. And what's remarkable about both of those, I

think both are just threatening this country. Both are choking
this country illegal immigration and inflation. They're both caused by
Joe Biden. Right two, three or four years ago when
we had President Trump, you have low illegal immigration and
you have low inflation. So the contrast now between Trump,
a successful president, and Biden, who's just failed at everything
he's touched, could not be more clear.

Speaker 7 (42:23):
Blake, A lot of us who are outside of Arizona
have seen the chaos of the Arizona elections in twenty twenty,
twenty twenty two. You saw it up close in person.
It's not only chaotic. It's that it takes weeks, almost
feels like a month, to actually know what the final
tally is going to be. As we know, twenty twenty
four is going to be close, and Arizona is a

battleground state that could be close again. How confident are
you and how confident should we be that Arizona can
get its results fairly, quickly and reliably in this election?

Speaker 10 (42:58):
You know, it's a tough question. I wish I could
say I was more confident, but it's why we have
to work so hard. I'm not at all sure that
we'll have a clean and well run election. I mean,
we didn't in twenty twenty two, right, and unfortunately not
that much has changed. What we have to do is
overwhelm the system, right. I think, as President Trump says,
you got to win by a cheap proof margin, and

so we need to be better than the Democrats at
their own game. What the Dems did in twenty twenty two, right,
is they actually hired activists to go pound on people's
doors and basically gather their mail in ballots. Now we
can't do that exactly. We can't take custody those ballots,
ballot harvesting is illegal in Arizona, but we can and
I think the new RNC leadership is doing this right

turning point is doing this. We can pay those activists
to go and collect those early ballots, encourage those early
ballots to come in, walk people to their mailboxes. If
we had done that, then we would have swept in
Arizona in twenty twenty two. It takes about ten million bucks.
It's a big investment. Got a corral one thousand activists.
But if we go do the chase, and if we
go show up en mass for President Trump, I think

we can put enough legal votes in where even if
Miracopa County doesn't have it all together again, I think
we'll still win.

Speaker 3 (44:12):
I really do. And we have to because what's the.

Speaker 10 (44:14):
Alternative right get demoralized about what happens in twenty twenty two. No,
Sometimes when you get knocked down, you got to learn
from learn from the experience, dust yourself off, get back
in the arena. And this is our last chance twenty
twenty four. I think it's our last chance to save
the country.

Speaker 7 (44:28):
Amen, Blake Masters, good luck. We'll have you on again
as it gets closer to election day. To be sure,
but appreciate all the battles you're fighting for us out
in Arizona.

Speaker 10 (44:36):
Thanks guys,

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