All Episodes

May 10, 2024 36 mins
New Mexico tops the list of high-crime states. Trump says he'd be proud to go to jail for the Constitution and, if he doesn't win, there will be a stock market crash like 1929. Ginger makes appearance on the VIP livestream. Buck shares VIP emails.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wow, it is already third hour. Clay in Buck. We
are flying through a lot to discuss on this Friday,
play on vacation down the mountain somewhere with the fam,
having a great time. He sends you all warmest regards.
We'll be back Tuesday. I'm sitting here drinking some crack
of coffee and excited to chat with all of you

about everything going on in the country right now and
specifically focusing in on New York City before I get
into this, before I dive into the situation of the
Trump trial, because Trump has spoken out now again he
got out of it. This is what happens. It's morning,

and he's like, this is the most corrupt proceeding ever,
probably the worst. And then they go into courtfoil and
he comes out and he's like, the whole thing it's
a scam. And he's right, it is. And so we'll
bring you the latest of what Trump has said on
all of this stuff. Yeah, And I don't know, maybe
you know, maybe we've been talking to the presidents. Time
soon I hear some things from some people. Maybe we'll

speak to the big guy himself and let him weigh
in with all of you. I'm just saying I know
some people who know some things about maybe what he's
going to be doing. We'll get into all that. This
just came on my radar, and and honestly, one of
my favorite things about this job, and it always has been,
is that it's my job to learn interesting things, analyze

it down, and provide you with the most useful and
insightful information I can you know. So it's really a
sifting and distillation process. It's about getting down to what
matters from all the massive amounts of data and noise
out there. Anyway, I'm always fascinated by the situation of

criminal justice and how crime is being handled a different
parts of the country. US News and World Report not
a publication. I spend much time thinking about a reading
they put out, the ten most dangerous States in America.
I believe this is based on FBI data, and I
wanted to put out well, when I get to the

to the what surprised me here? I'm gonna have a
question for our listeners to see if some of you
can enlighten me. Because I usually on the crime stuff,
I can name the most dangerous cities in the country,
the top ten off the top of my head. I
can usually get, you know, eight or nine of the ten.
And I understand the criminal justice system in New York

City quite well. I worked for the NYPD Intelligence Division,
and so I've been in there in the office day
in and day out, looking at CompStat and what's going on.
So I'm pretty up on this stuff. But I was shocked,
shocked we got to the bottom of this list of
the most the states that are ranked the worst for

public safety. Now, it's based on violent and property crime.
Usually I know violent crime stats and everything quite well.
Property crime, I think, Okay, you know, that's where you
start to look at. Oregon is not a violent dangerous place,
but it is a high property crime place. California not

super high on the violent crime, but very high on
the property crime. So I'm just going to go through
this list and get to the bottom one or the
number one, and that's where I have a question. Number
ten is Missouri, which is not surprising, that's mostly driven
by violent crime. Nine is California, mostly driven by property crime.

Oregon again, property crime almost three thousand per hundred thousand residents.
Seven Alaska. High violent crime rate in Alaska. I suppose
that's partially the low population but high violent crime rate
in Alaska, Tennessee. It's kind of a mix high property
and violent crime, and I think Memphis is clearly leading

the way. Unfortunately on that Washington state massive property crime.
Not again, none of these are surprising even at all.
None of these. I'm looking at it and I'm saying, wow,
that's you know, I wouldn't expect that. Arkansas again, high
crime rate, violent and property that's number four. Colorado. This

surprised me a little bit, I'll be honest with you.
Low violent crime relatively speak, or low low ish violent
crime relatively speaking. Property crime through the roof in Colorado
number two. And this is sad because I do I
love New Orleans, and I just I think Louisiana is
such a charming place, is such a charming state. Very

high violent crime, very high property crime. Louisiana. I'm sad
to say, not a surprise to me that it's on
this list again. This is based on I believe FBI
data and then mixed with also local like precinct or
rather a statewide property crime data. This is my big surprise,
though I would not have guessed this if you had

given me lots and lots of guesses. Number one in
terms of the worst state in the country according to
this for public safety combining violent and property crime. What
do you think it is? Everyone? Number one was New Mexico.
New Mexico that I am never surprised by these listen.

Maybe that's why US News put this out. Very high
violent crime rate and a very high property crime rate
almost three thousand per hundred thousand, seven hundred and eighty
violent crimes p one hundred thousand residents. So you know,
we have a great We have a bunch of great
stations in New Mexico, but in Albuquerque we're on kiva Am.

So if we have anybody listening on Kivaam, who can
just call in? I really mean this, educate me on
what's going on in New Mexico. I had in New York.
Did any of you guys know that New Mexico had
really high crime rate? I had no idea. I don't
know if that's a recent thing. So everything else lined up.
So that's why this list to me seemed pretty legitimate,

right because I knew. I knew that Missouri and Louisiana
for violent crime were going to be on there. And
then you know, Tennessee because of Memphis. And then the
property crime states are Democrat controlled, so it's California, Oregon, Washington,
the whole West Coast is just a property crime haven.
That's what's gone on because they don't prosecute it. You

can steal, they don't prosecute you. Steal one hundred times,
they don't prosecute you. So it's important. This kind of
a list gives you a sense of what's going on
to law and order nationwide. I just was totally surprised
at New Mexico being on this list, but I know
it's a very Democrat state, so I know it's all blue.

I know the Democrats are in charge. I'm going to
go out on a limb here and say, I'm guessing
there's a couple Soros prosecutors in the mix here, but
maybe if.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
We have it.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
Oh, I just realized, maybe our phones are Sorry, guys,
I just realized, Well, are the phones still down? Darn it?
Send in a VIP Yeah, darn it. I'm sorry, I know,
because everyone's trying to call in now, send in a
VIP email. Please, if you're listening in the New Mexico,
if you're if you're from New Mexico. So it's not
just our station in New Mexico, anywhere in New Mexico.

If you live there, tell me what's going on, all right,
I said, we'll talk Trump trial stuff. Speaking of non crimes, right,
isn't it amazing Democrats all the crime that is really
serious and upsetting and bad, Democrats want to do the
minimum against They want to excuse whenever they can, and
they have really no interest in uh in doing what

is necessary to bring that level way down. But crime
that you're like, what exactly is the problem here? If
it's about people on the right, they want to just
you know, crush them. So you know, you get caught
in the wrong state. You know, you drive across state

lines by accident, You've got a concealed carry permit, but
you're in a non reciprocity state. Oh gotta lock that
person up. You're a non violent J six protester who
spent thirty seconds walking inside the capitol, looked around and left.
Oh we got to lock you up forever. And of
course with Donald Trump, same thing, same reality here that
we are seeing where a non crime from Trump is

being treated with such extreme seriousness. But the good news
about all this is that the media focus on the
trial is really media focus on Trump, and unlike Biden,
Trump is a one man comms communication shop, so he
can do all the campaigning and stuff himself on the fly.

He's remarkable at this. He just spoke out after the
trial today and he used it as a chance to
just start taking some swings at Joe Biden. This has
cut thirty play it. So I just want to mention.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Right here. I Biden made a claim that inflation under.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Trump was nine percent.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
What it was, it was it tiny fraction, was one
point percent and actually going down.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
We had essentially almost.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
No inflation, but we had ninety percent inflation. And that's
a fake number because not everything was included.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
With Biden, and if you had.

Speaker 2 (09:33):
It all up, I think it's a fifty percent inflation text.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
I call it the Biden inflation text.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
So he lies, and he lies about everything, including his
golf game.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
He lies about everything, including his golf game. I mean,
it's true, Biden does lie about everything, and there's a
part of you that has to feel like, well, what
else is he going to do? He has to lie
about everything because reality is anti Biden. As a matter
of just observation, perception data. If you see what's going on,

Joe Biden's doing a terrible job. It's not good. Nothing
to point to you. We say, wow, we really got
that one right, you know, withdrawal from Afghanistan, inflation, the
border crime policy, you know, the transgender madness as a
function of federal you know, Federal Title nind enforcement. I
could go all day, all the things, and what is
their counterpoint? Trump is scary, That's it. The counterpoint is

Trump is scary, and in reality, Trump is actually hilarious
and very charming. It's just the truth. Whether someone likes
him or not, the guy is he is really funny
and really charming. He is and did a good job
as president. So all that stuff is just nonsense that
they pedal. But because there is this focus on Trump

that has to happen in the trial, he gets the
opportunity to he gets the opportunity to get media attention
and cover Ridge and that means people are hearing from
him directly. And that's always been really the secret of
Trump's political success is that he just takes his message
right to the people. He just does it himself. Did
he address the issue of him being incarcerated. Today after

the trial, did Trump himself say whether he thinks about
the possibility of him going to prison? Yes, he did,
and we will get to that coming back here. And
justin what did he say about it? Oh, you're gonna
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Speaker 2 (13:08):
You know.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
It's like you can you start to understand this stuff.
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and Buck Sexton Voices of Sanity an Insane World. Welcome

back into Clay and Buck, and I really appreciate that
some of you are already educating me a bit on
this situation in New Mexico. I just was. I was
so surprised by that. I honestly I was like, I
had no idea New Mexico had a really high crime rate,
but apparently it does. This is from our VIP Dave,

who's been listening in here, writes, Hey Buck, new Mexico
has number one nationwide. Does not surprise me. I'm a
native born in Albuquerque, lived there for about the first
thirty years of my life. Then I lived in Denver
for nineteen years, and I've been living in Tampa for
the last several years. I was the victim of a
drive by shooting at Albuquerque in nineteen ninety three and
then disabled. My gosh, the state is heavily blue and

very mismanaged. I miss it very much, but would never
move back. Dave, sorry to hear about that, but I'm
glad you're doing okay. And sounds like you're living in
the free state of Florida now, which is I think
a very good thing, and I hope you are enjoying
it here a lot. But yeah, this is interesting. I mean,
if Democrats have total control in a place, you're just

not safe. It's true if it's a city, for sure,
and now we see it's true at the state level
as well, you and your property are not safe. Why
it's interesting, isn't I mean, just think philosophically, Why are
Democrats the party of criminals? You know, they're they're they're
the party of making it easier for criminals to do

what they do, to get away with it. They're always
the ones advocating for criminals for greater leniency. And you know,
and then when it comes to a threat to their
power for non violent crimes that you know, quote, crimes
that involve paperwork mistakes.

Speaker 2 (16:00):

Speaker 1 (16:02):
There they're all of a sudden, incredibly strict, All of
a sudden, they have they want the harshest punishments. It's
something's going on here. Another VIP email from listener Tom
hey Buck, I work full time in New Mexico, and
New Mexico being number one not again, everyone's there, says,
not surprising, not surprising, but hey, we're finally number one

at something. The biggest factor behind the high rates of
violent and property crime is the incredible rates of drug
abuse and homelessness. There are areas where entire city blocks
are homeless tent cities, and practically every homeless individual is
addicted to drugs, methan, fent and all. The most common fortunately,
most violent crime is within the homeless community. But the

property crime is done to field drug habits, shields high.
He's he's a listener from back in the day of
Buck Sexton Show. Thank you so much, Tom, And I
would just say this is what I've been telling calling
everybody all along. Legalizing drugs and making it easier actually does
have all the things we were told wouldn't happen from
legalizing drugs actually do happen, which is that you allow

addicts to be out in the open with this stuff
out in the streets, and all they care about is
getting high because they're addicts, and they'll do anything to
feed the habit. They can't hold the job down, so
what do they do. They have to commit crimes, and
they get desperate. And when you're desperate and you're committing
crimes to feed a habit that has overtaken your brain,
you will do things that a healthy, normal person would

not do. And so the crime to feed the drug
habit makes the area worse. Businesses close, assaults and other
crimes go up as well. And you just this is
how you destroy and a hollow out a city and
how you hollow out of society. So apparently this has
happened in New Mexico too. I learned something new today

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buck who welcome back in here. We are looking at
Frump's most recent comments. You just spoke at the trial

or outside the trial in New York City, a lot
of people noting that. It is just a complete outrage
and makes it even more clear what a farce we
are dealing with that Michael Cohen is able to go
on social media and TV and say whatever he wants
about Trump before he testifies on Monday. No gag order

on Michael Cohen. But Trump has a gag order. This
is they're rigging the game. Okay, they're rigging the game.
I love the movie Gladiator. As we heard from Clay,
his wife's favorite movie is Gladiator. Gladiator, so lauris as
number one. I say Gladiator top five, maybe even makes
my top three. I love the movie too. You remember, though,

when Commodists, who played by Joaquin Phoenix in the movie
commodists in real life, in history worse. I think you
could easily argue than he even seemed in that movie,
believe it or not really bad guy Commedist though, when
he he wants to fight Maximus at the end, you
remember he embraces him and then he stabs him with

a dagger, you know, in the ribs, in the kidney area,
and then covers it up with armors, so it looks
like he's actually fighting Maximus the Gladiator in a fair
contest in the Colosseum, but he's already bleeding out. They're
doing something similar in a legal sense here to Trump.
I mean, they're making it seem like Trump is getting

a trial, but the whole thing is rigged to the
greatest degree possible. They're trying to rig this thing against Trump,
and that's why I think you can't leave out the
possibility that there may be I don't know, maybe they
decide they're going to try to send him the Rikers
for a few days because of contempt, or maybe they
give him home confinement if he's found guilty. I don't

think a period of home confinement is beyond house arrest. Effectively,
they would love to tell Trump that he has to
wear an ankle monitor. And think of all the late
night jokes you know, Colbert Report, where they make jokes
Sure or you know whatever it is, the Stephen Colbert Show,
all those shows they all make, they all recycle the
same stupid jokes about Trump for stupid people who watch

those shows. Still, but here he is. I'd mentioned that
Trump addressed correctly. Will he or is he willing to
go to prison? And is he already thinking about how
that's a possibility. This is what he said today, just
in the last hour or so, play thirty one.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
This case is becoming legally ups.

Speaker 3 (21:32):
It's I mean, the articles are unbelievable, and i'd hand
you the articles, but the problem is, I'm not allowed
to because if anything's mentioned against.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Sertain people and you know who they are, certain.

Speaker 2 (21:46):
People, anything's even mentioned he was super being jailed, and
that could happen one day.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
I'd be very.

Speaker 2 (21:53):
Proud to go to jail for our constitution because what
he's doing is so unconstitutional, has never been anything like it.
This is a sorry after sorry, one after another, and
this over the.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Last two days. I think Trump isn't scared of going
to jail over this. I think that he knows that
if it comes to that, he'll do it. Think about this,
the most famous man I think in the world. We
can say now he's a billionaire, he's a former president,
and he's saying and it's not like it's some bluster.
It could happen. I mentioned before Steve Bannon could go

to prison. Navarro, Trump senior advisor already in prison, Alan
Weiselberg already in prison. I mean, they've done this to
people in Trump's orbit they wanted and just just to
remember this, Uh, they tried to set legal traps as
well for Carl Rove and Dick Cheney in the in

the By, in the Bush White House, over the whole
Valerie Plame affair, they try I did that. The whole
thing was they were trying to get them. Fitzpatrick. Fitzgerald,
who is just a guy who goes after people for
high level political cases for the left, does the dirty
work of the left. He went after them and was
hoping to get as you know, he sent Scooter Libby

to prison and Trump.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
What was it?

Speaker 1 (23:18):
Did he partner commuthim? I can't remember now, but I
think Bush commuted it but wouldn't pardon him. Is that right? Anyway?
I have to go back and look at how that
all went down afterwards. But the point here is they've
been doing this for a while. They've just taken it
to a whole new level with Trump. And you know
the sad part of this too, there's a lot of
sad parts of it. And I'll bring Ginger up here

so we get a little cheer. At the end of
the show. We'll do some VIP emails and we'll have
a little You're like, oh, can I see Ginger? You're
listing on the radio. You gotta be claim buck VIP
and got to sign up. Go to the website and
you see the cam. You can see that. Clay and
I do this show with you know, our T shirts
and our well my dog, and that's how we get
it done.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
And we have.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
Trump here though, pointing out this is what I meant
about how things are sad for the country in so
many respects. With regard to all of this, Trump saying
if he loses, it's bad for the country, it's bad
for the economy. And I truly believe that as well.
I think Joe Biden, these Democrats, I think they're socialists.
I think they're unrepentant about it. They don't they understand

the suffering that should make them change their policies and
ideas is never enough because they're zealots. You see this
with the crime stuff we were just talking about, and
you see this with the economy you know which which
guy is going to push for ideas that make your

gas cheaper, your groceries cheaper, easier for you to buy
a house, easier for you to start a business. Trump
or Biden. There's just no question it's Trump. All Biden's
going to do is say, well, the rich, the rich people,
you know, if they're just you know, you got to
tax the rich people more man you know. Yeah, that's
just the usual class warfare politics of envy, bull crap.

And we all know it. We all know it. But
the things that you would think would result in or
should result in Democrats reassessing and changing the way they
approach these issues just doesn't work with them. They are
dug in. They think it's some moral crusade, the suffering
that we all suffer through together because of their bad ideas,

whether it's on the crime a crime issue, or border
or the economy, the inflation that is just chewing up
your savings day in and day out, that's suffering. They
think that is the price we have to pay for
social justice and the moral preening that they engage in

because they think this stuff is only going to affect
other people and that's what goes on here's Trump saying, look,
if I don't win, the stock market's going to crash.
This is thirty two, This is outside the Supreme Court
in New York City. Play it.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
So tomorrow we're doing a big rally and it's going
to be a wild wood in New Jersey.

Speaker 3 (26:11):
We're going for the state of New Jersey. We think
we can win New.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
Jersey, and we think we can win a lot because
what's happening in our country is horrible, between inflation and
the horrible economy. And the only reason, by the way,
the stock market goes up is that I'm leading at
all the poems. If I weren't leading, the stock market.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
Would be way down.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
But I'm leading, and based on the fact that I'm leading,
the stock market is up. And if I didn't win,
you would have a crash like nineteen twenty nine. Mark
my words.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
I've been writing about everything.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
If I didn't win, you would have a crash like
the crash of nineteen twenty nine. Because the people that
are running our government right now are corrupt and incommon
And thank.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
You, it's true that people running the government are corrupt
and incompetent. You know it, I know it. Trump knows it,
will enough people know it in order to allow us
to have a change of course. Will there be enough
of a coming together, a moment of sanity here, a

gut check for the nation. Even all the things that
we are seeing, all the indicators, I think that the
case for Joe Biden to get four more years is
the weakest case for any president in my lifetime. I really,
I really mean this, and that includes Barack Obama in
twenty twelve. I think, look, you know they did get

bin Laden. Oh people looking to goll me, It's true,
he did get bin Laden. You know it was actually
our Navy seals and intel community. But Obama, Well, it's
really the same thing, isn't it. The Obama presidency and
the Biden presidency. This is just a continuation. But at
least you could say, if you're a Democrat and I
think this is bad for the country, but you could say, well,

he managed to ram through Obamacare, which again bad for
the country, but it is a thing that was accomplished,
even if it's hurtful to the country. Joe Biden, it's
just everything is just not working. It's just not good.
He's just not good at this, and the people around
him are not good at this. They're worse than they
even were in some ways during the Obama years. So

I think there's a case you can make that the polls, certainly,
It's not like I'm saying anything crazy. The polls all agree.
Public sentiment right now is right in line with this.
He's the weakest incumbent president since Jimmy Carter, right, Has
anyone else been in this kind of a position if
you look at the data such as it is, and
it all makes sense. I mean the fact that this guy,

as I said, you couldn't even get away with hiring
him to play the president on some third rate TV
show because they'd say that guy's too old, man. I mean,
he can't do that. But he's going to be our
president again for four years. Makes no sense. But when
people the lust for power that leftists have, it just

overrides everything else, nothing else mattered. They just want to
be in charge. They want their way, they want power,
and you can't reason with them. All you can do
is beat them. We have to win. You have to
beat them. We'll close up. Like I said with some
of your VIP emails, sorry about the phones today, I'm
not avoiding taking your calls. I would love to take

your calls, just so you know. We just have an
issue with our digital system on our phone lines, but
we our vip emails absolutely work. And then through the app,
this is actually really cool. Guys. Uh, you can you
can send us a talkback through the app. How do they?
How do the people do that? Talkbacks on the on

the iHeartRadio app. Wow, there you go. You have the
I Heart Radio app. You can send us a talkback.
That's really cool. The wonders of technology a new thing.
I use the app all the time. I hadn't even
known that yet. That's really cool. So go check that out.
You can send us a talk back and we'll get
to that.

Speaker 3 (30:07):

Speaker 1 (30:07):
I'm talking about the economy. Obviously they buy an economy stinks,
but there's still American ingenuity at work, and we are
at the precipice of a whole new future with artificial intelligence.
And artificial intelligence has made stocks make huge moves in
the last year. It's really propped up the stock market
in some ways. AI companies and companies that are very

much impacted by AI. Well, there's more of this coming,
which companies are going to be affected. You got to
check out what my friend, writer and editor Mark Chakin
has to say about this. Mark worked on Wall Street
for fifty years. He invented three new indices for the Nasdaq.
This guy knows the markets and he's predicted on the
record some of the biggest market shifts of the past decade.

He says, most Americans are about to miss out on
a critical turning point in this AI frenzy. So why
Mark has agreed to share one of his favorite AI
stocks to buy now with you. Put everything in a
new presentation you can watch for free at twenty twenty
four aistock dot com. That's twenty twenty four aistock dot
com paid for by Shaking Analytics cheap Up with Clay

and Bucks campaign coverage with twenty four a Sunday highlight
reel from the week. Find it on the free iHeartRadio
app or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome back to
Playing Buck and to our VIPs we're watching on the stream.
You want a Gingercam, You got Gingercam. Ginger say hi
to everybody, Well, read me a little call. Now I

have to give her a treat Our Australian Labbordoodle. She
is the cutest. She is the best, and she is
such a good girl. Sometimes just you know, I'll do
the whole three hour show when Clay and I are
on together, and she will sit right at my feet
and you won't even know. Occasionally she will demand attention.
And that's why if you're watching on the stream, I

have to throw a ball to her or something. And
I think I might have just created a problem for
myself because now she wants attention. But I want to
get your VIP emails going here and h and also
want to remind you to sign up to be VIP.
Go to clanbuck dot com. Check that out. Drinkings and
Crocket Coffee. It's three o'clock on a Friday for me,
so almost three o'clock, so it's time for me to

get that boost. Crocketcoffee dot com. Why aren't drinking communists?
Will get Crockett coffee. It is delicious, it's all about America,
celebrates the spirit of the frontier and Davy Crockett and history,
and it's great stuff. It's really good coffee. Everyone who
tries it's like, wow, this is really good. Yeah, that's
how we roll uh VIP listener from Lance in Tennessee

said it was nice listening to your broadcast and hearing
you speak of Admiral Flatley. All naval aviators have heard
of the exploits, exploits of landing a C one thirty
on the carrier. Also nice to hear you spending time
on the Trump trials. I'm following you very closely. Thank
you well, Lance. Let me just say, yes, Admiral Flatley
my grandfather. He's a great, great man. And I'm sorry,

Carrie's sorry, Carrie's grandfather, my grandfather in law. My last
name is on Flatly, It's Sexton. But he's a great guy.
And yeah, Carrie's whole family. Her dad's a naval aviator,
her grandfather's a naval theator, naval aviator, her great grandfather
is a naval aviator. I mean's basically when there were planes,
there were Flatley's flying him for the country in defense

of the nation as long as there have been planes.
So it's pretty cool stuff. And yeah, there you go.
Thank you for writing in with that. We've also got
more on the VIP side of things to bring to
your attention. Here where did it go? Oh? Here we go.

We're getting buck. This is from LORI in New Mexico.
Didn't you ever watch Breaking Bad? I did watch Breaking Bad.
It's very good, but I don't assume that the show
is I didn't assume that the show was a accurate
representation of the state of law and order in the

state of Mexico. I'm sorry, New Mexico. I didn't realize
that things down there were rough. I've never been to
New Mexico, so maybe that's part of why I have
no real familiarity with it. And I've spent a lot
of time obviously. I live in Florida, lived in New
York for over thirty years, Massachusetts, d C. Tennessee, Virginia, California.

Those are the states I think I've spent the most
time in, so I have a very good sense of,
you know, how things are going to those places, But
I had no idea about New Mexico. Breaking Bad is
a very good show, by the way, I will admit
it's a very very good show. Kerry and I are
almost done with The Crown, So if you're looking for
some watching this weekend The Crown, it's very good, incredible

production value. I just I don't understand how it's possible
that people care as much in the UK, even about
the royal family as they have to me. The whole
thing is just it's just a manufactured fairy tale. It
doesn't I don't get it. But man, there are some
people that really care about that stuff. I'm fond of
pointing out we definitely fought and won a war in

this country, so we don't have to care about the
British Royal family ever again, can you imagine? I mean,
I don't really know much about the main guy who's
gonna take over for Charles, but I know about Howry,
who's like Megan, well, just gonna do whatever Megan tells me.
Like this guy is not supposed to be the king
of anything, but sure enough, I guess he's number two.

So that's not really gonna happen. I'm gonna be solo
with you on Monday. Clay is going to be out
on vacation again, so looking forward to talking to you all.
Then send me your thoughts on the show today, Send
it into the vip in box. Topics you want me
to hit that I haven't gotten to today, we can
definitely do some of those on Monday, and we can.

We're gonna dive back into the Trump trial. We got
Michael Cohen testifying, so you know, Stormy Daniel's testimony has happened,
and they still seem to be not doing very well
on the anti Trump side of the equation. Michael Cohen
a former lawyer, a man who I don't know. It's

sort of sad. I mean, the guy is, you know,
he's really just been completely neutered and now goes on
MSNBC and this very sad individual. But he'll be on
on Monday talking about Trump, not on the show. I mean,
he'll be on the trial on Monday talking about Trump.
We'll get into that and hopefully this trial comes to

an end soon and there's some justice done, but who knows. Oh,
please subscribe to the Buck Brief on YouTube and rumble.
I'm doing some extra interviews not here on the show,
and it'd be fun if some of you who actually saw
them on YouTube. So I've got a bunch of folks joining,
so Buck Brief YouTube go check that out.

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