All Episodes

May 11, 2024 36 mins
Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick joins Clay and Buck to discuss the anti-Semitism at UPenn and his race for the Senate. Legal pundits on left and right criticize prosecution, judge in Trump trial. Joe Scarborough freaks out over Judge Cannon ruling. C&B talk to lawyer in Panama. Hunter trying to delay trial.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Third hour, Clay and Bach kicks off. Now we've got
Dave McCormick with us. He is a US Army veteran,
former CEO of Bridgewater Massive Hedge Funt and he is
running for Senate and we need him. No pressure, Dave.
But I mean the future of the election and maybe

the future of the Republic rests on your ability to
win and help deliver Pennsylvania. So you know, we know
you're used to.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
I'm ready.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
How are you?

Speaker 1 (00:30):
So? We're good? You know, we're really trying to every
day now we're an election cycle now, right, I mean
we're really feeling it's it's the election day. Feels like
it's barreling towards us, or we're barreling toward it, and
we're trying to make sure that we bring as much
awareness of the particular battle grounds that matter as possible.
We've talked to you before about the situation Pennsylvania. First off,

I wanted to ask to get into the current news
cycle and what's going on. There are some encampments on
schools in Pennsylvania, right, some of these sort of pro
hamas encampments. Yeah, how have they been handled? And what
can you tell us about how that's going in your state.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
Well, I think in general, it's a real disgrace that
these encampments persist, and it's most prominently in Pennsylvania's at
the University of Pennsylvania, and I visited there last week
last Wednesday, and you have one of these situations where
the administration has said very clearly what's happening is an
absolute violation of campus policy. We walked past these encampments.

We had some kids take us around. There's probably five
hundred kids in that encampment, they speculate only about a
third of them, or actually penn students. The most vile
things Zionism is racism, go back to Poland from the
river to the sea. You know, it is vicious and
it's really it's really intimidating to the Jewish kids and

other kids to walk through there. They've shut down classes.
It is a travesty, and there's not enough moral leadership
and leadership in general to get control of these things.
And you know what I've said publicly is, you know,
if you're the president of PEN, you should since they
shut down that encampment, if it's students of PEN, they

should be expelled or have a disciplinary action. If it's
outside agitators, they should be arrested by the police at
of the City of Philadelphia and get control of this
thing because it's just and this is not about First Amendment.
What they're doing is completely violation of the policy and
goes well beyond the protections of the First Amendment by

inciting violence and bigoted hatred and behavior.

Speaker 4 (02:41):
Dave, we appreciate you coming on with us. We know
you're all over the state of Pennsylvania campaigning. I'm assuming inflation,
cost of goods is still overwhelmingly what you hear about
the most in your experience. What are Pennsylvanians the most
focused on and how do you think that plays in
to not not only your Senate race, but also obviously

the presidential race, as Pennsylvania, along with Michigan and Wisconsin
big ten states, probably going to decide this election.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
Yeah, I think the two issues of inflation and abortion.
I'm sorry, inflation and border are the two big issues.
Inflation sixty percent of Pennsylvanians with paycheck to paycheck, and
prices for them are up twenty percent twenty one percent.
Real wages are only up fourteen percent, so most Pennsylvanians
are getting squeezed on food, fuel, rent, and it's making

it harder and harder. And then interest payments on a
pickup trunk or interest payments on new house make them
almost twice as expensive as they were before Biden came
into office. And this is the direct result of President Biden,
and Bob Casey supported him every step of the way.
Voute ninety eight percent of the time with him. The
direct result of this excessive spending. We've had too much

spending from Republicans and Democrats alike, but it has gone
through the roof under Biden. Six trillion dollars bimental spending
and the war on oil and gas, and those are
the drivers of inflation. And the voters absolutely don't believe
this nonsense that Bidenomics is making their lives better. They
see what is doing. So that's that's issue number one.

A close second is the border. Ten million illegal migrants,
I mean, are you kidding me? The national security implications
of you know, one hundred and sixty people apprehended on
the terrorist watch list. You guys know these statistics. Those
are just the ones that are apprehended. And then the
fentanyl crisis it's a huge deal for Pennsylvania. We lost

four thousand Pennsylvanians last year. These cartels pushed the fentanyl,
and that's just in Pennsylvania. Lewis cartels pushed the fentanyl
across the border and it's in Pennsylvania within a couple
of days, and it's killing people almost one hundred thousand nationally.
So that issue, the border, the economic burden, the crime,
the national securities, and then the fentanyl. I mean, if

you and I, it's a three of us were sitting
in a room together that Dave Biden took office, we
could have never imagined the border would get this out
of control. And it's I think people look at it
and they see a lack of leadership in chaos. And again,
Bob Casey voted for sanctuary cities, voted against the wall,
voted against funding for border patrol, voted against the fentanyl initiative.

Bob Casey and Joe Biden owned this border, and I
think it's the second defining issue for Pennsylvanians. And I
think for those reasons, you know, President Trump's ahead in
the polls and I'm closing fast in the polls, and
I think people just want new leadership that can undo
this chaos.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
We're speaking of David Cormick running for Senate in Pennsylvania
against Casey and Dave. I want to bring something to
you because we talked a little bit about the campus
situation and looking at the Pennsylvania state of play going
into the election. John Fetterman, I don't know what else
to say. We've been saying on the show, so we
have to stand behind it. He's been solid on the

real gaza issue. Based on everything that I've seen so far,
I know he's almost a Bernie Sanders disciple on a
bunch of other stuff. But here's here's what I'm getting at.
Are they going to play a game here with the
various you know, high level democrats in your state. You've
got the governor is what's his name, Shapiro. You've got Shapiro,

You've got Fetterman. Are they going to do the whole Oh,
we go our own way. We're not these crazy leftist
democrats that have been running the country the last four years.
Like I just want to know if we're if you're
seeing that and if that's something you're trying to get
ahead of. Right where they do the head fake of well,
we're not crazy like the rest of the Democrats in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
Yeah, I actually think, you know, Fednaman's a mystery to
me too. But but I think we're in such a crisis.
I think you have to just call balls and strikes.
And I'm sure Fetterman and I disagree on ninety percent
of his views, but on on this crisis with Israel,
what's happening in the campuses, he's been a voice of

clarity and moral courage, and I appreciate it. So I've
said it, I've said, you know, on this John feerm
and I agree, and uh, I think it actually makes
Casey look that much weaker because here, you here, you
have an example of someone who is from the Democratic Party,
very progressive, who sees the right and wrong of this.
I give him, I give him all the benefit of doubt.

I think he really believes everything he's saying, and I
think he's uh, he's stepping up and saying it, where
Casey tries to have it both ways. Let me give
you an example. He says he's against anti Semitism, and
then he endorses Summer Lea, who is a member of
the squad and in explicitly anti Semitic and has been

associated with all these radical groups, has refused to call
uh October seventh, you know genocide and a and a
and a you know a barbaric act that it was.
So you can't have both ways. This is a test.
This is a test for these college presidents. It's a
test for our public officials. Are you going to call
balls and strikes right and wrong, good and evil? Fetterman

Tan's credit has been good on this. Bob Ksey not
so much.

Speaker 4 (08:14):
We hear a lot about the get out the vote
campaign that Pennsylvania has, and one of the stats that
I saw and that I hammer home, half the vote
was in for Fetterman before they even got to the
debate on the ground. Are Republicans not only for your
campaign but also for Donald Trump's going to have a
ground game so far as you can tell, that is

competitive with what Democrats have been able to do the
last couple of cycles in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 3 (08:42):
Yeah, I think so. I'd say two things. One, Pennsylvania
is becoming redder and redder. Pennsylvania will be a red
state by twenty twenty six That's the big news. In
twenty sixteen, there were a million more registered Democrats and Republicans.
Right now, there's three hundred and ninety registered Democrats more
than Republicans, and by election day, I think it'll be

three hundred. So we are becoming reader because of some
of the demographic shifts, because a lot of Democrats are
leaving the party and becoming Republicans, working families, and so
we get the win that are back that way. And
the key is to get these voters registered and get
them out to vote. And there's a lot of effort
being put into a ground game to do that. And
then the second thing's mail in ballots and listen, this

is an area where I think we have alignment. There's
an outside group and a lot of efforts to bring
resources and focus on this. And President Trump, who has
been skeptical of mail in ballots, I think has essentially
laid out his position which he's encouraged all forms of voting,
including mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. He recognizes that we

need that to win Pennsylvania. We need to close that gap.
We're not going to exceed the Democrats, but we need
to close that gap. His campaign and my campaign and
the RNC and all the various groups are very a
and working together on this, So it's a big advantage
the Democrats have. We're not going to fix that advantage overnight,
but I think we were going to have an opportunity

to really chip away at it. And Pennsylvan is going
to be you know, when President Trump wins and I win,
we're gonna win by a few points. So this really matters,
and it's part of the battle plan to change leadership
for our commonwealth, in our country.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
Dave McCormick, everybody, Dave really appreciate you being with us.
Thanks so much.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Oh, you guys are great.

Speaker 3 (10:30):
Dave MCCORMICKPA dot com. Thanks for having me and hope
to see you soon.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
Thanks someone, We will see you soon.

Speaker 2 (10:36):
For sure.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
I'm gonna come up there. I'm gonna find a game.
I'm going to campaign with you.

Speaker 3 (10:39):
Can't wait to get up to t all right, I
was gonna say it. I'm ready, man, we can we
can find a big pen steak game. It'll be fun.

Speaker 4 (10:45):
Yes, we're gonna do it. I promise we'll get it
on the schedule here coming up soon. I got to
figure out exactly what my responsibilities are for Big Noon
for the Fox pregame show, but I will know that
sooner rather than later, we'll figure out a game that is.
Dave McCormick encourage you to go check out the website,
get registered if you're not registered in Pennsylvania, because you've
got a big Senate race and the presidential race both

to be focused on. But I also want to tell
you everybody's trying to save money. You just heard Dave
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Speaker 5 (12:14):
Have fun with the guys on Sundays the Sunday Hang podcast.
It's silly, it's goofy, it's good times. Fight it in
the Clay and Buck podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 4 (12:28):
Welcome back in Clay's Trams, Buck Sexton show, our good
friend Joe Scarborough's lost his mind. We're going to play
that audio for you coming back in a few minutes.
But I wanted to hit these things. Can We talked
to Alena Haba earlier. Encourage you to check out that
interview in the second hour of the program about the
ongoing Trump trial in New York City. And I want

all of you to understand, first of all, Buck and
I have been right about almost everything having to do
with the entire trial process. And it's not easy because
there's lots of probabilities in the Trump lawfair is truly unprecedented.
But most people on the left, they told their audience
all sorts of bills of goods that have not been
actually reality. They haven't come to fruition at all. And

what you're starting to get is even left wing audience
analysts are saying, Yeah, this Trump New York City case
is not going well, and I wanted to play a
couple of more cuts for you.

Speaker 1 (13:27):

Speaker 4 (13:27):
CNN's paul A Reid saying the Stormy Daniels cross x,
which is still ongoing and will continue tomorrow. They're on
a hiatus today was devastating and eviscerating.

Speaker 6 (13:39):
Listen, this is a devastating cross examination. They have gotten
Stormy Daniels to concede she hates Trump, that she has
said that she would dance if he went to jail,
and they have pointed to the fact that she has
said she will never pay him hundreds of thousands of
dollars that she owes him. They've effectively undercut her credibility
by getting her to talk about conversation she had that

teaching her with her own book. I mean, this has
been devastating for Stormy Daniel's credibility. But I think what
we should really take away from today is this is
a preview of what Michael Collen can look forward to.
This kind of sort of devastating, viscerating.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
Cross Okay, devastating and eviscerating. They don't want to say
nice things about Trump. Also, this is Jonathan Turley, George
Washington University law professor on Fox News.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
Now he's one of the sane ones.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
But he's pointing out what I think is pretty significant,
which is, again, we had this discussion about mistrial and
whether Stormy Daniels should have been allowed to testify. At minimum,
she should not have been permitted to testify to everything
that she did. And Jonathan Turley is making the same
case that Alan Dershowitz did.

Speaker 7 (14:44):
Listen to this, The statement of the judge that he's
surprised there isn't a higher number of objections from the
defense is baffling. The defense objected to putting her on
the stand. They then objected to the scope of the questioning.
And now the judge sounds like Claude saying, I'm shocked,
shocked there's a porn star in my courtroom. Well, you know,

if you give a lot of scope to testimony, what
did you expect, and the problem with what the judge
has done here is that this is an entirely unnecessary witness.
It is uncontested that there's an NDA. Whether what happened
in their relationship, if there was one, is immaterial to
how those payments were denoted by the Trump campaign.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
And yet the prosecution wanted it, the judge allowed it
because the system has been corrupted against Trump, which brings
me to one of our VIPs wrote in and said,
buck Buck shouldn't be so cynical. Point to me, where
New York judges have shown that they are biased against Trump? Oh,

I don't know the two civil suits against Trump with
a five hundred million dollar price tag attached to them.
The whole system has been weaponized against Trump up to
this point. There is no reason to believe he is
getting fair process and all of his his rights. That's
I agree, it's been totally weaponized.

Speaker 4 (16:10):
I will point out there has been one positive, it's
not a super positive. They lowered the amount of bail
that he was going to have to put from four
hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy five, which
is fairly significant in that it seemed he didn't have
the first amount that was liquid, and he was able
to post the second one.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
I mean, in Sulzaniedsen's Gulag Archipelago, if when they put
you into the human sewage disposal system of the Gulag system,
which is how he referred to it, if you sat
down with your initial interrogator and just signed everything and
agreed to everything, you know, you might get ten years
instead of twenty. But you're still going to the Gulag
like it doesn't really and you probably weren't going to

make it out the Here's what I think happened.

Speaker 4 (16:57):
I think that Merchant is not very smart as a
trial judge, and I think that the reaction to him
allowing this testimony, the blowback on it has been so
significant that he I'm just telling.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
You what blowback? What like? It's like, what are you
telling they don't care?

Speaker 4 (17:17):
I'm telling you lawyers care way more about what other
lawyers think of them than they should.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
I'm the rare rowyers who apparently don't care. The judges
in Colorado, the prosecutors.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
I think, I do think the judges in Colorado were
embarrassed and humiliated. I really do that they were overturned
nine to zero. When you get overturned unanimously by the
Supreme Court, it is like somebody walking up with a
silk glove and slapping you in the face. Now, maybe
I don't have a long lasting thing, but it's embarrassing professionally.
I'm telling you, they're all They're all heroes. Now, man,

you got to remember look at all the FBI guys
that betrayed Trump Clay even after they got fired.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
Deals, book, deals, speaker heroes to the left. I just
all right, we'll keep going plays in a sunnier disposition today,
which I like. So that's good. I'm gonna tell you
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use promo code Buck. Welcome back into Clay and Buck.
It's very all the legal wrangling that's going on here,

and I gotta say, it is so much left to go.
I cannot believe honestly that there are four criminal trials.
We're almost in the summer of the election, and they've
got four ongoing criminal trials against Donald Trump. Not one
of them yet is officially off the table. I'd say

two of the one is happening obviously, two of the
four are highly highly highly unlikely to come to fruition
before the election. Clay thinks three of the four highly
highly like, well, the one that's going on obviously is
already happening, so he thinks three. He thinks they're over
three after this, I again would give the I mean,

I think it's like a ten percent or maybe a
twenty percent shot that they get this In before the election.
But I do not think this is a done deal.
I do think there's a very real possibility depending on
what It's all dependent on the Supreme Court. If it's
left to d C, they're gonna get it. They're gonna
get this trial started. So because Judge Chuckin wants it
to because she thinks that some of these people really

believe the future of the Republic is at stake. I
think some of them believe that anyway. Joe Scarborough, you know,
it's a good day when Scarborough is in fits of
rage at the Morning Joe Table, you know, the the
Morning Joe Table, very unhappy with the outcome so far

in Florida. In that case, here he is, does Joe Scarborough?
Did he? I guess he went to law school somewhere.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
I'm literally looking that up right now, right now, because yeah,
to see whether or not he did. He went to
the University of Florida for his JD. Alabama undergrad Florida
for his JD. So yes, so he is.

Speaker 1 (20:48):
Now he is, of course now a legal expert. Anybody
who goes to law school, it's like, I don't know,
I have a political science undergrad degree, am I a
politics expert because of that, No, it's because of the
show here. He is very upset about it. Play it.

Speaker 8 (21:01):
You look at what she's talking about regarding jury instructions.

Speaker 1 (21:05):
Is crazy. It is crazy.

Speaker 9 (21:08):
A twelve year old that went with her mother to
take a kid to court day, like, as a lawyer
or something would have come up with a better ruling
than she's come up with.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
It's bizarre.

Speaker 8 (21:22):
And I am sure that if that's appealed now that
there's time, the Eleventh Circuit will excoriate her again. I
guess she's either ill equipped, extraordinarily ill equipped, or she
just doesn't care what the world thinks of hers. She's
right now looking like everything she's doing she's doing to
help Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (21:41):
You know what's fascinating Clay about this. He didn't explain.
He doesn't like it. He didn't explain at all. And
I mean, in that clip at least, what by the way,
she went to Duke Law school or I'm sorry, graduated
from Duke and then she went to you Michigan law
schoo Well, oh, okay, sor right, So she's a Duke

in you Michigan law school grad And he's basically saying
she's too much of an idiot to understand what's going on.
But he doesn't tell us what does he think should
be different about this classified procedure, which I can tell
you Joe Scarborough does not know his you know, his
ass from his elbow about This is what happens. Things
get delayed because there's a right to look at the

handling of classified that was taken into as evidence. Then
there's a right to look at whether or not the
jury gets to see the classified Was it really classified?
Was it declassified? This is how it goes. I know
he wants a rubber stamp. I know he wants the
gulag to take Trump down. Doesn't work that way necessarily,
so I Julie Kelly, Yes, you're right. And this is
one of those things that reminds me of remember back

in the day when those of you out there who
are sports fans, whenever the NCAA tournament brackets would come
out and they would rip the committee team and you
would say, Okay, who do they get it wrong on?

Speaker 4 (22:59):
That's the act question, right, like what did they get wrong?
Scarborough doesn't probably have the research to actually be able
to explain, But I went and looked because I said, Okay,
what is she actually hearing? So here are the hearings
that she is scheduled now Buck that she feels have
to be resolved before they can start a trial. There
has to be a hearing on grand jury matters sealed

on Still.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
Remember what happened here.

Speaker 4 (23:25):
Jack Smith did the entire grand jury in DC, and
then he moved the grand jury case all the way
to South Florida and filed the charges there. So he
didn't start this proceeding in South Florida. Judge Cannon just
gets a transcript.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
Dropped on her.

Speaker 4 (23:44):
Then they have to review all to your point, on
these top secret issues. They have to decide what exactly
is going to be permissible. Then they have to decide
a hearing on whether there's been a selective and vindictive prosecution.
Then they have discovery status reports, Rule sixteen, expert disclosures

not all of these, and then finally partial evidentiary hearing
on defendants saying that basically we have seen unfair prosecution,
selective prosecution.

Speaker 1 (24:19):
All of this is very reasonable.

Speaker 4 (24:21):
And when you look at it, she's got hearing scheduled
all the way through June twenty sixth on unresolved issues.

Speaker 1 (24:27):
This is why I'm saying, like, you can look.

Speaker 4 (24:29):
At the calendar and tell hey, this case was not
going to start on May twentieth.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
By the way, the case is currently going on in
New York.

Speaker 4 (24:40):
Even if she wanted to start her trial on May twentieth,
I don't know when this case is going to go
to jury in New York City. The absolute earliest she
probably could have started it, even if she were a
died in the wool anti Trump zealot like Judge Chutkin,
it's not probably until after July fourth.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
So I just I don't understand.

Speaker 4 (25:03):
This was a very eminently reasonable and predictable outcome, right,
And they don't seem to be able to understand that.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
No, they do want it. But here's the thing they
do understand. It's just anybody who is in the way
of the Get Trump, which hunt operation, is the enemy.
Any decision, no matter how how foundational to US law
and do process, anything that gets in the way of

Get Trump. They have to have the uh, you know,
the hate fest about it. It has to be oh,
you're so stupid, Oh you're such you know, an imbecile.
And they can't explain this beyond this sort of two
minutes hate that you get on MSNBC. It's just, oh,

you know, we want more bad things for Trump. You
didn't do that, You're an idiot. They want judges and
prosecutors who are all in on this. I mean they
really they do kind of want a modern Gulag prosecution system.
I mean they want this to just be Trump is done,
he has no rights, destroy him. And it's very unsettling.

I think to anybody who still has their wits about
them that there are so many people on the left,
there's so many Democrats who take that view.

Speaker 4 (26:19):
We're going to have, I think worst case scenario for
Trump whenever this decision comes down, this case is completed.
I haven't heard anybody really kind of give us a
sense for how much longer the New York City case goes.
I don't know how many more witnesses they'll have. I
don't know how long cross X will go. We're in
week four, I believe, am I correct in that that

this is the fourth week that they've been doing the
Trump trial. If I remember correctly, I think that's accurate.
And then the jury gets obviously the time to make
their decision. We'll see how long that takes. They're taking
Wednesday off every time they can. I just I think
that they really thought we're going to have Trump in

trial March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,
and he's not going to be able to move about,
and instead, this case is probably likely to be over
sometime around July fourth, would be my guess, meaning the
New York City case, and then Trump's free unless and
this is the thing that I worry about, unless they

recognize that no other cases are going to happen, and
they decide to try to accelerate the punishment to Trump
in New York City. This is what I actually think
is more likely.

Speaker 1 (27:36):

Speaker 4 (27:37):
I think if they get a conviction, it's more likely
that they come back in September and try to actually
put him in jail, because that's when they'll know, hey,
we're not going to get another bite at the criminal apple.
That's when I can see Judge Merchand deciding, Okay, this
is all we got, Alvin Bragg deciding this is all

we got. That's the acceleration of the lawfare. Let's try
to actually put him in prison to keep him off
the campaign. Trail or put him under house arrest so
that he can't be traveling around doing rallies and trying
to win the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
That's what my fear would be as I kind of

break all this down.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
We'll come back. We'll take some of your calls.

Speaker 4 (28:22):
We've got a great call at Panama, still waiting, really
interesting take that he wants to weigh in, and we'll
react to that in more. In the meantime, if you're
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Speaker 5 (29:33):
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Speaker 4 (29:49):
Welcome back in Clay, Travis Buck Sexton Show. Finishing off
the Wednesday edition of the program, Warrence the Lawyer in Panama.
I appreciate you hanging on. You said you are sitting
in Panama looking out over beautiful terrain, Describe it for
us and then drive dive into your legal theory.

Speaker 1 (30:09):

Speaker 2 (30:11):
Hey guys, I am sitting on my deck in the
most beautiful place in the planet. I got every type
of hibiscus, and let's see. I'm looking at my mango tree,
my avocado tree. I'm looking at a volcanic river as
it runs through my little valley. Man sitting here about
seventy five degrees, loving life.

Speaker 3 (30:28):

Speaker 1 (30:28):
So did you retire or are you just on vacation?

Speaker 2 (30:31):
So I retired about four years ago. Practice a criminal
stunts lawyer for twenty three years, just tried about every
type of criminal case you can think of. I've been
through hundreds of jurys and the like, and I learned
a couple As you get older as a child, or
you learn a couple of things. And to the young lawyers,
myth all the time it is just because you can
object to something doesn't mean that you should. And when

the second rules that applause in this case is when
the posting side puts up a complete moron, you let
that joker talk. You know, they never ever ever help
the prosecutor's case. So in this case, you know, even
though some of the you know, embarrassing things she has
had to say about Trump was let in and may

not have been properly objected to by the prosecution. I
don't know, but that might not be a mistake. You know,
when you when you do that, it does a couple
of things. Number one is, you know, jury sometimes they
decide cases based on logic. More often than not they
decide cases based on their emotions. And when you got
somebody they don't like sitting next to you, one very

effective strategy can always be is make somebody the bigger boogeyman.
And they got someone sitting on the stand who's you know,
admittedly good, accepts money to bid the videotape having sex,
took a one hundred and some thousand dollars to promise
not to tell, and told everybody who obviously hates the guy,
a guy who she went over to his hotel room
for no particularly good reason and demanded that she got

her dinner before you know everything and all the rest
of the details. And I can see, you know, a
certain segment of the jury just beside themselves on that.
And then when you let her go, then you get
to ask her all the really nice questions about you know,
how long she's been selling herself and how much money
she makes, and you know, when she starts making comparisons, well,

what do you have that comparative? You know that you know,
small compared to the other four thousand guys, and and
things of that nature. So I think I'm not sure
if that's the strategy that they're deploying, But it certainly
is an effective one. And you know, the more you
let somebody like that talk, you know, generally, you know
and cross you know, you don't ask open ending questions,

but she certainly can just you know, it's a really
good well and almost never broke it. But on the
on the prosecution side, if they're over there putting her
out and she's you know, you know, doing what she
seems to have done every time I've ever heard her speak,
then you know, that's a that's a second and I
call that second and third level trial strategy.

Speaker 4 (33:01):
Let me ask you this quickly, this is a great call.
How much are your monthly expenses in Panama?

Speaker 2 (33:06):
Well, you know, it just depends, you know, like you
can live very very cheaply here. In fact, the government
here just we just had elections on Sunday and they
elected a very conservative government. You know, the property is
a lot cheaper, but you know, if you want you know,
American stuff, it's more expensive because you have to pay
for you know, the shipping and if you want to
eat local and you know, take public transportation, and you know,

you can really live inexpensive, you know, so you know,
all in all, it's less.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
What's the baseline. What is right now, if you're an
American who goes to Panama and you want to live
in a nice place, nothing splashy, but a nice place,
nice food, you know, what do you think you need?

Speaker 2 (33:50):
You know, I mean you could live. I mean you
could get you a nice eight hundred dollars place, and
you could definitely keep your groceries. You know, I go
down to the local fruit market and get you know,
all the organic or you know, vegetables. I mean, you
can really probably get by on two grand, you know living.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
That's what I was gonna guess. I was gonna say.
I think probably two grand would get you pretty good,
pretty good living down there. Hey man, great call a.

Speaker 2 (34:12):
Three eight hundred. But you know, like you know, I'm retired.
I'm trying to, you know, trying to enjoy my time.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
Well, enjoy enjoy the h the fishing, the freedom, and
the great h and the great sunshine. Sir, thank you
so much for calling in and also the illegal expertise.
I appreciate that very much. Clay. By the way, there's
another legal issue that is coming up here. H you
mentioned before in the show Hunter Biden. You see, now
there's all this hullabaloo from federal prosecutors about Hunter Biden's

California tax fraud trial. He is uh trying to pull
a stunt, they say, to push back the June twenty
start date. Hmm. Why is he willing to do absolutely
anything to just delay. I mean, if he has to

fake appendicitis, I think this guy is gonna do it.
I mean, he whatever he's gotta do, he's gonna do
because every day that he currently delays is a day
he doesn't have to worry about spending in a cell
because Daddy's gonna pardon him by Christmas time. And everybody

knows it. Everybody knows it. So I mean, if you're
a him, when I would, you know, try to get
a psychiatric delay. Like, anything you can do to delay this,
you do. It's the opposite of the Trump situation as
far as the Libs are concerned.

Speaker 4 (35:35):
Oh yeah, Look, and and the reality is he even
if he got convicted, the sentencing would happen after November
fifth or whatever. I mean, Honestly, again, if we had
a truly honest and and and not partisan media, they
would be grilling Biden like crazy on whether he was

going to pardon his son. Now he would avoid answering,
but they said that he's going to be in the debate.
If I were Trump, I would hammer Biden. Why won't
you just say that you'll let the justice system work
as it pertains to your son, because yeah, you know,
everybody knows he's going to pardon his son, and I

don't think that'll be favorably received by independent voters. You're
trying to put your chief political opponent in prison for
the rest of his life, while simultaneously you don't trust
the justice system to handle your own son's actual criminal charges,
which are not complicated. Everybody has to pay taxes. Your
son didn't pay millions of dollars in taxes. He should

be in prison for you. That's not complicated. But yet
he won't trust the court to handle that one. But
he thinks Trump should go away forever. It's an easy,
I think, infertile way to attack. We'll be back with
you on Thursday. Thanks for hanging with him.

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