All Episodes

May 11, 2024 36 mins

Student protesters are useful idiots for Islamic terrorists. The purpose of the Trump trial is to embarrass him, but it's not working. New York Governor Hochul says black kids in the Bronx don't know what the word "computer" means. Wisconsin U.S. Senate Candidate Eric Hovde discusses the Biden economy with Clay and Buck. Senate races looking good for GOP.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Second hour of Clay and Buck starts right now. And
the campus protest, Let's take a look at the latest
with hoes the Biden base out on college campuses, and
this is still ongoing. There are now, I think a

lot of people who are wondering, will they try to
disrupt graduation ceremony even if they have been cleared out? Also,
will they do anything at the Chicago DNC, the Democratic
National Convention, which will be this summer. Certainly possible and
that would harken back to sixty eight and I think
that would be a bad look for the Democrats, but

who knows. And then there's some other feelings play that
I wanted to get into here or some sense of
what's happening from those who were watching this whole thing playff.
First of all, as I mentioned, the situation with the
Israel Hamas war, is Israel is poised to go into
Rafa and it's the last bast in the last holdout

area of Hamas in the very southern portion of Gaza,
and there's concern. Now I think there are negotiations that
are happening and there's a lot of politics about this.
Keep in mind, Hamas could have ended this a long
time ago. Amas could have stopped all of this. Hamas
chooses not to stop it. Hamas still has hostages. There

are many questions, for a tragic how many of those hostages,
including there are some Americans held hostage, are still alive.
I think we're going to find that the answer to
that is tragically far lower than would be expected if
Hamas was not run by barbarous, violent thugs, which it is.

And so that's all ongoing in the background. The Biden administration.
There's now back and forth over whether they delayed this
arm shipment of the Israelis intentionally or not. It certainly
looked like some kind of a win for the protesters. Okay,
now we'll get to the other part of this, which
is that there are a lot of as much as
we focus on the crazy Bolsheviks of higher education, and

there's a lot of that going on. You know, there's
an Axios poll clet that just came out that had
the following numbers, and I think it's a reminder that
while there's far too much craziness on the campus and
the professors are overwhelmingly nuts.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
Not all.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
There's some great conservative professors, and there's some great campuses
with nothing but conservative professors, right, I mean, Clay, you've
spoke to Hillsdale recently. But the overwhelming majority of professors,
certainly in the liberal arts, are nuts and and go
along with this stuff and are a part of you know,
BLM and pro hamas Er, you know, down with Israel
and all this, all this stuff, all the stuff that

goes together, climate change, all this Trump is going to
destroy the world. But there are a lot of normal
people on campus still, or at least more normal. Sixty
seven percent, according to the Saxio's poll, say occupying campus
buildings is unacceptable. Ninety percent say blocking pro Israel students
from parts of campus is unacceptable fifty eight percent majority.

But I think it should be bigger, say refusing a
university's order to disperse is unacceptable. That number should be higher.
But when you have almost seventy percent recognizing that the
occupation of buildings is just you can't do that, and
ninety percent saying you can't tell Jewish students you're not
welcome in this part of campus.

Speaker 4 (03:39):
How about ten percent of people are okay with telling
Jewish students you're not welcome in this part of campus.
That actually seems a little bit alarming to me. And
one hundred percent of them are voting Democrats, just so,
I mean, this is this is entirely I mean that's
like ninety percent is good. But like restricting anybody based
on their ethnicity, or their gender or their sexuality to

be able to walk through campus, that's a little bit
ominous to me, and I think speaks to that ten
percent base that's out there that's doing this.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
But some of that is encouraging, as you're laying out.
So this is.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Mario Torres speaking. He is a custodian at janitor. I mean,
I think janitor is an entirely honorable profession. I don't
know why we have to play custodian. Jenner is the
same thing. Janitor as every bit as honorable profession as custodian,
et cetera. But fine, I'll use the term custodian just
you know, I think it's a little unnecessary. But the

Columbia University custodian Mario Torres saying that the school should
have done more to protect them, and that the school
really Columbia University was kind of asleep at the wheel
for this whole thing.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
Play one.

Speaker 5 (04:48):
Is Columbia going to retaliate and find a recent to
fire me? Is someone going to come atter me? We
are taking a big risk, you know, doing this. But
I think that I think that they failed, They failed us,
and I think that's that's that's the bigger story.

Speaker 6 (05:06):
They failed us.

Speaker 5 (05:07):
They should have done more to protect us, and they
did it.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
They absolutely didn't Clay.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
There are people in this process who have been treated
as this is unfolded really badly, and there's all this.

Speaker 7 (05:19):
Concern of, oh, well, what about are we being too
harsh with the protesters, and you know, what about the
people who have been you know, under lunatic threat from
the occupations that are happening, or the people that wanted
to just go to class and they've paid money to
be there and they want to have a normal experience

at the end of their school year.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
Like there are a lot of victims here. The protesters
are not victims. They've created this whole thing themselves.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
And really there seems to be this idea. I'm sure
you saw that UCLA has gone remote all week because
people aren't able to move around on campus freely and safely. GW,
which is where I went in Washington, d C, has
been begging for the Metro police in d C to

come and clean up the protesters, but the mayor of DC,
Muriel Bowser, will not allow it to occur. All of
this is chaotic. The question is at this point, I
think will it occur around the Democrat National Convention in
August in Chicago?

Speaker 1 (06:30):
Because if it does, and I.

Speaker 4 (06:32):
Think you said, you're you're not optimistic or maybe optimistic
or a word, but you're you're not of the belief
that it will because you think Democrats altern it.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Can I tell you why I think that is? Yeah,
because I think that these are these are useful idiots.
And remember there's many tiers, as many layers here. You
have the useful idiots who are you know, a junior
at Columbia or you know, a senior at GW or whatever,
and they actually believe that this has some merit and
they're the good guys here. But there's also the professional

agitators and protesters who have been in the mix. We
know this because they've been arrested. We have their mugshots
and they're like, you know, they're in their fifties. They're
like retirees who are showing up to protest this. I mean,
it's clear they're not undergrads. And what you have, I
think is going to be the Soros funded left is

going to recognize that trying to foment these protests at
the DNC is problematic, is not helping the cause ultimately,
because Biden will either either give them the policies they
want or bend the knee if enough pressure is on
him to be a leftist, so they want him to
be president. They do not want Donald Trump to be president.

So that's what they show up at Milwaukee. Where will
be that might, yes, that I could see for sure,
but I mean I assume that Trump it's tough to gauge.
Like obviously they'll be lunatics protesting Trump all over the place.
I don't know if it'll be enough to make a mess,
and actually it'll be a bad look. I think it'll
be a bad look for them if it gets out
of hand and if they're just standing there with here's

the thing, the reason they do all this childish nonsense
with the encampments and the occupying buildings, and we refuse
to leave and all this is because if they were
just standing around channing slogans, nobody cares. You're a bunch
of imbeciles. You're not convincing anyone of anything. So that's
why they do these things. It's like lying down in
the street to make you, you know, three hours late for
work because the highways block like. These people have no

good arguments, so they inflict themselves upon the normal people.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
I wonder if they're able to turn this off. They
dialed up the crazy to such an extent. I think
what they want to do is jump this energy into
BLM again. I think if you could go into their
sort of hive mind, what they're hoping for is the

energy that they've unlocked with the Hamas protests and the
anti Israel protest. They hope to be able to combine
it with something BLM related because the BLM protests are
super positive for them. Now here's the challenge in general
with protests, when you're in all of the positions of power,

how does that play with independent voters? Because it's one
thing when you can kind of drag it around as
a weight on Donald Trump in twenty twenty oh, Look,
the country's falling apart. This is all Donald Trump's fault
when you're in basically control of the entire government. I know,
we got a two or three seat majority in the House,

Republicans do, but basically you've got Democrats in the Senate.
You've got complete control in the White House. Right now,
Does it work against Joe Biden if there's any kind
of unrest, even if it's motivated like BLM was by
the George Floyd related incident, I don't know how that

plays if you're in the White House.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
Yeah, it depends on what the issue is and how
they're going about it. Remember, Uh, while all the BLM
BLM two point zero stuff was happening, obviously Trump was president,
and so there was this implicit Oh, the the racist
Donald Trump president is in office. And so that's why
one cop put a knee on the shoulder of you know,

like it's Trump's fault somehow. What happened in Minnesota with
with one cop actually was, you know, unfortunately they threw
the other cop in prison to the one who's just there.
I mean, you know, it was it was total injustice.
By the way, these officers, none of them wanted to
hurt anybody. Uh, the idea that they should that one
what's his name got like Chauvin got like twenty years

or something.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
I mean, it's it's it.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
They were absolutely just handed over to the mob. It
was wrong. It was mob justice. And now I think
we're allowed to actually finally talk about what's gone on there.
Maybe that's been the case for a while, but Clay,
I think that it even if they mobilize and Biden
is in power, the problem is the people who do

not go along with Biden, right, Biden would get so
much more done. Biden would have achieved so much more
for the black community, let's say, in America under his tenure. Now,
the black community, I think knows this is not true,
but the narrative would be Biden would have achieved so
much if only the Trump Republicans weren't standing in his way.

So anything that they protest is our fault somehow. On
the Israel issue, it's a little bit more bipartisan, but
generally speaking, they always have a way to say that
is the fault of the other side, even when they're
in power, because we should just go along with everything
they want. If we went along with everything they want,
then there wouldn't be these problems right, But Biden, to
the earlier point I made, he is losing support among

particularly young blackmail voters, and if Biden does not get
ninety percent plus of the black vote, it's all overh.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
No way he wins.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
So I think that's I think there are encouraging signs
that the usual Democrat playbook of lies will not res
and again, encouraging signs. I know who knows what's going
to happen, but I do see some reason for optimism.
Look at that, Clay, I'm optimistic. Although the Boy Scouts
did just change their name.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Have you seen this? Yeah, I saw that story.

Speaker 4 (12:32):
I mean, you saying that you thought there was a
possibility for a not guilty verdict for Trump is maybe
the most optimistic thing I've heard you say it months
I said ten percent shot.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
I think it's that's a pretty high percent. You know.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
I think that that's well. I would have said it
was one until this week. But I think it's such
a debacle. And also it's so clear as they're having
the Stormy Daniels testimony, that they really just want to
humiliate Donald Trump. And if they took the law seriously
and if this really was about justice, and about our

sacred democracy. They wouldn't have some very sad former porn
star telling tales from twenty years ago about something that
Trump completely denies, but even irrespective of that, certainly not criminal.
And why are we having this told again in a

court twenty years later? What is the purpose of this?
They just want to humiliate him, Clay, They hate him
so much that it makes them irrational. That is true
of the anti Trump Democrats across the board. They lose
context and it looks like they've lost context and they've
lost their judgment when it comes to all of these
criminal trials.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
I'm hoping that that's the case.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
Take some your calls and this also Eric Hovedy, running
for Wisconsin Senate going to join us. I want to
talk to him about the economy, by an economy, some
of the very troubling headwinds out there, and basically, and
people are realizing the government's is taking away your They
don't say it that way, but the government, the Biden administration,
is spending so much that they are spending your savings

into oblivion and your paycheck into oblivion. That is happening,
and that is a way to destroy an economy and
it has destroyed economies historically a very large sophisticated market.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
So we'll talk more about that.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
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Speaker 4 (16:11):
Order, Kathy Hochel one of the dumbest governors in America.
Maybe the dumbest governor America may have some competition. Did
you see what.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
She said today?

Speaker 2 (16:32):
I think I think Hokel is the dumbest governor in America.
I think she is the the prize for the worst
and dumbest governor in the United States.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
Democrat Kathy Hokle.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
Today, Kathy Hokeel said, you know, kids in the Bronx,
they don't even know what a computer is.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
Listen to cut thirteen.

Speaker 8 (16:47):
Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't
even know what the word a computer is. They don't know,
they don't know these things, and I want the world
open up to all of them, because when you have
their diverse voice is innovating solutions through technology, then you're
really dressing society's broader challenges.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
Would I would bet that absolutely one hundred percent of
young black children in the Bronx know very well what
a computer is, what an insane thing to say, like
what is wrong with her?

Speaker 4 (17:22):
They tell on themselves. Democrats do quite frequently. I mean,
even with the photer id laws, they legitimately believe most
black people don't have functional brains. That's the way they talk.
I mean, a kid in the Bronx doesn't know what
a computer. I mean, it's not nineteen seventy eight, you know,
like where people might be like.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
I don't know a lot of people didn't know what
a computer was at nineteen say eight.

Speaker 1 (17:45):

Speaker 4 (17:45):
And also we all have, even young kids in the Bronx.
Basically computers in our pocket. Right, a phone can do
more than a computer could do in much of the eighties,
nineties and early two thousands. Speaking of of the computers
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Speaker 2 (18:58):
We've got our friend Eric Hovedy in the mix. He's
running for a critical Senate seat up in Wisconsin, which
is also where the RNC will be this summer, so
no doubt we will be drinking some Bruce Kes eating
some cheese curds with him during RNC week, although I
will have to find gluten free beer. Good to have you, Eric,
Thanks for coming back on the show.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
Great being on the show. And we're gonna we're gonna
eat some brats as well. You can't appear, Yeah, you
gotta hit Bronz man bro.

Speaker 2 (19:28):
Any any excuse to eat some form of the seasoned
meat family. I'm generally a fan of ron DeSantis.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
Here he is.

Speaker 2 (19:38):
I wanted because you're you're an economics guy just understands
or not, like an economics professor, but somebody who has
to actually succeed in the markets. You took over community
banks you have a background in the private sector. You've
done very well, and so you understand financing. Where where
you have to be right, you have to see what's
really happening in the economy around you. Governor Santis obviously
super sharp guy. I wanted you to re act to

what he says about what's been going on with all
the spending and how it affects Wisconsin, Nights and everybody
across the country.

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Play twelve.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
This federal government has borrowed, printed, and spent trillions and
trillions of dollars far beyond what they should have done
over the last many years. We know that when they
were doing it, there were a lot of people saying,
you are going to have inflation. When the Fed was
printing so much money, people were saying, you're going to
have inflation. And that's exactly what's happened. And so that

has been an invisible tax on every American. People are
paying more for groceries, they're paying more for goods, paying
more for services.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
Tell us about this invisible tax that Ron DeSantis is
setting up here.

Speaker 6 (20:45):
So let me give you hard numbers behind it. So
Joe Biden spent basically four point seven trillion dollars after
the economy had already come out of COVID. Remember, we
spent about four trillion dollars during the heart of COVID,
so he spent four point seven. Well, when you spend
that amount of money, the Federal Reserve, which is the

bank for the federal government, had to monetize that debt,
and in that process they increase the money supply by
an enormous amount. Well, what is inflation. Inflation is too
much money chasing a fixed amount of goods and services.
So it's the reckless spending that has created this wave

of inflation that has driven up the cost of people's food.
They're gasoline everything that they touch in life. And it
was never transitory. That was just a total misnomer by
Jerome Powell, who runs the FED. So they've been engaging
in voodoo economics and it has cost the American public dearly.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
But there's a video.

Speaker 6 (21:51):
Out I don't know if you guys have shown it
or have played it for your listeners where it's Jared Bernstein,
who's spent Biden's chief economic advisor since his vice president's day.
And this guy never was trained in economics, and they're
literally asking them about MMT modern monetary theory, and he

can't even explain the most basic things. And you watch
this and go, yeah, you wonder why we have all
these negative consequences because we have completely incompetent people leading
our government and our government finances. And that's the sad
thing about it. So you talk about an insidious tax,
Inflation is just a back toward tax that whittles away

the standard of living for every American.

Speaker 4 (22:45):
How much difference and better off do you think the
United States would be if everyone representing the United States
was like you and had had to run a successful
business at some point in time. Because what buck Ca
and I talk about sometimes is Joe Biden's been in
government for forty seven or forty eight years, you got

AOC's running around. I don't think they understand basic economics.
And if you don't understand basic economics, you end up
making choices. It feels like that many of our politicians make.

Speaker 6 (23:19):
One hundred percent. And look, we have a lot of
that on the Republican side too, And that's why we're
in this position where we have thirty four trillion dollars
in debt, where the interest costs on our debt now
is bigger than any expenditure in the federal government other
than Social Security. It's bigger just the cost of servicing

our debt is bigger than our defense department, and by
the way, in a year, will be bigger than Social Security,
and it's putting Social Security at risk. So you know,
the problem is you have these career politicians. Center Baldwin,
who I'm running against, is one of the most liberal.
Their whole life has been politics thirty eight years, and

it's been in Washington, d C. For coming on twenty
six years. She knows nothing about how the real economy works,
how business works. Think of it this way. She's never
had to buy herself health insurance. She's always had health
insurance offered by whatever government position. I've not only had

to buy health insurance, I've had to buy it for
thousands of people how to manage it. I've seen the
disaster that Obamacare has created. So unless you've had to
deal with these issues and understand these issues and understand economics,
then you've got people sitting in Washington, which sadly we've
had for far too long, that don't know what the

hell they're doing, and they don't understand the consequences of
the decisions they're making.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
We're speaking to Eric Hovedy. He's running up in Wisconsin
for a critical Senate seat. He's running against career politician
Tammy Baldwin. And on the issue of the spending and
what it's doing the economy, ICE is certainly going up.
But I saw the statistic and it I found it
really concerning, Eric, and especially given that they're going to

try to pull whatever levers they can in the Biden
White House to make things look better than they are.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
Right they're gonna.

Speaker 2 (25:13):
Put lipstick on the pig, so to speak, between now
an election day. Even with that going on, forty three
percent of small businesses couldn't pay their rent in full
because of the economy right now, That was just from Bloomberg.
What's going on with that?

Speaker 6 (25:29):
Look the economic data that's being put out, I'm starting
to really question. I'll give you this one example employment data.
We've never had a time series like this where what
they report for job growth in a given month because
they do it the first Friday of every month, and
then they'll always put in their revision for the prior month.

We've had was at sixteen out of seventeen times they say, oh,
we've created this amount of jobs, and then the next
month they always lower how much jobs they created the
last time. Nor do they tell you that most of
all the jobs that have been created are second time jobs,
not full first time jobs. So if you look at,

you know, underneath the belly, if you look at what's
happening with credit card debt or auto debt and the
default rates that are rising significantly, particularly to those that
are you know, in the lower bottom quarter of you know,
economic earnings, they're being crushed by inflation. And you know,

it's so sad.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
I was.

Speaker 6 (26:37):
I was with a younger person and this young gal
came up to me and said, I'm working two jobs.
I work all the time, and I'm still having to
live with my parents. And I de thought, how sad.
I mean, clearly she wants to, you know, be standing
on her own two feet, but she can't get ahead,

and she's working hard. It's not somebody just CouchSurfing. So
what they're doing, they've really damaged the American economy and
so many Americans, and on multiple different levels. And again,
look at healthcare, Look at the cost of health care
and the access to healthcare. I really want more Republicans

to start talking about this issue because the consequences of
what Obamacare, what they passed, are all coming home to
roost now with access to care and the cost of care.
So they've created a total mess, and it's time we
get real people that understand how the economy works and
how you know, society works in there, you know, taking over,

because that's what our founding fathers wanted. They wanted citizen legislators,
people that brought expertise, went and served for a term
or two, and then got the heck out of there. Instead,
we've created this career politician political class that's been running Washington.

Speaker 8 (27:58):
D C.

Speaker 4 (27:59):
All Right, I got a gift for you. Could be
a good thing, could be a bad thing. Serious, serious question.
I think I asked you about this last time. I'm
coming up now to Madison, Wisconsin. On September fourteenth, Alabama
Crimson Tide is going to be on the road playing
against your beloved Wisconsin Badgers. Should we do I know

you want to watch the game. Should we do some
form of fun Friday evening in Wisconsin area event for
all of the Alabama and Wisconsin fans that are going
to be in town. To me, this feels like a
no brainer, be an awesome time.

Speaker 6 (28:36):
I think it would be a blast. I'm so excited
about this. You know, it's always fun when you get
big rivals from Earth from different conferences that haven't been
rifles in the past, but big, well named programs. So
we're really excited to have Alabama come up and we

look forward to putting on a you know, a great
show here in Madison, Wisconsin. It's a great space stadium
Camp Randall to watch a game. So we're super excited.

Speaker 4 (29:09):
We I will be there. I think I'm going to
be in town. We should talk about a fun Friday
event leading into that game on Saturday. Can't wait to
check it out. And I would imagine there are a
lot of Wisconsin Badger as well as Alabama Crimson Tide
fans listening to us right now who would like to
be a part of that. And oh, by the way,
you're also in the most important state maybe in the

entire country, not only for your Senate race, but for
who's going to be the next president of the United States.

Speaker 6 (29:37):
One hundred percent. I mean, look, I don't think Wisconsin's
the battleground state. I mean, it's one to five, and
if I can win this Senate race, this can pretty
much not only assured, you know, the next two years,
but potentially the next four and six years. And we
move it from a hardcore progressive lefty to somebody with

common sense and said, you know, it's a conservative So yeah,
it's it's gonna be fun. Look forward to it and
drinking beer and eating brats and cheese kurds and watching
some great football and all the rest.

Speaker 1 (30:15):

Speaker 4 (30:15):
Cannot wait. It's gonna be fantastic. We'll see you then,
and certainly we'll have you on between now and then
for for everything else associated with the race as well.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
That is gonna be fun. One.

Speaker 4 (30:27):
It's gonna be a heck of a game. All right,
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Speaker 1 (30:40):
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those who serve you know there are and is as well.
There should be a ton of attention on the presidential

race and Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, they're all going to have
a major go of it, but a little bit of
positivity out there. West Virginia because Joe Manchin is not running,
is going to be won by Jim Justice, which is
a Republican seat. That makes it fifty to fifty and obviously,

depending on who the vice president is, a fifty to
fifty tie can be broken by the vice president. So
if Trump were to win, whomever his vice president is
would be able to break that tie. But if you
look at the at the predictive markets, Ohio has recently

joined Montana as now favored to flip back to Republican control.
That would mean fifty two forty eight and the man
we just had on Eric Hubdy. There are winnable races
in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, there are a Nevada, at

least five other Republican potential pickups in battleground states, and
there's not really Ted Cruz is in great shape. Rick
Scott is in great shape both in Texas and in Florida.
If you want a reason for optimism and you're maybe

you're just out there and you say, I'm not really
sold on what's going to happen in the presidential race,
there is a very strong chance now of Republican control
taking back over the Senate. And that's important because it
would be a major check on what Joe Biden, if
you were to be reelected, we're able to be able
to accomplish, And I just don't know that's being talked

about enough. And there's the potential if we really got
things rolling, to get into a fifty four, fifty five,
fifty six Senate majority for Republicans, which would be a
transformative number relative to where we are right now. So
I just think it's worth keeping in mind buck as
much attention as we all pour into what's going to

be a very close race in those six seven battleground states.
There's a lot of Senate seats at play out there,
and in particular in West Virginia, Montana, and Ohio. Bernie
Marino is in a great space in Ohio. And we
had Sheihi on was it last week? I think right

at the end of the week, who is in really
good space in running a very good race.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
Senate is looking good, Senate is looking good.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
House is gonna be a little more challenging. And remember
there's there's a House.

Speaker 2 (35:37):
Majority and like a real House majority, so something we
got to focus on. We want more than a handful
a couple of seats in the majority. But to that end,
we got our friend Ryan Gradusky in the third hour
going to join us play. He has this this whole
paradigm that he has laid out where you look at
really this election being determined by the Sun Belt versus

the Russ Felt or not as those things in opposition,
but those are the two cohorts, the two battlegrounds, if
you will, where this will be determined how are things
going in one versus how are things going in the other.
So we'll break that down with him, but also look
and see if there's anything from the stormy to look.
Without the stormy testimony, we already know all of this.

It's not only are they acting like spoiled children, Clay,
this whole brag trial isn't even interesting.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
You're correct in that all of this has been reported
for years, and I'm actually getting more and more optimistic
We're going to get at least one patriot on that trial.
Blee Travis and Buck Sexton on the front lines of truth.

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