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May 7, 2024 45 mins

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You are now.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Angel what I call her?

Speaker 3 (00:13):
All right, it's already a time up here today on
a Tuesday.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
It's only Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Oh all right, Well, maybe Jordie George in the building,
Jordan Emmanuel, you've been watching Summer House Martha's Vineyard, then
you know who she is. One of the stars of
the show, and she's joining us all week. So we
appreciate that. We love that for us. And it's also
si Mano is back.

Speaker 5 (00:38):
In the.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
You know, yeah, when you're not throwing me to the side,
you know.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
You know, Mano, it looked like you were out lated.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
We didn't want to buy you about you all right,
But anyway, we have a special guest joining us today.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
Simmy is gonna be here.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
She has a new song that came out like last
month featuring Ta Savage.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
Men are crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:01):
What a great deal while hooking up to two superstars,
so they are going to be well, Simmy's going to
be joining us today, and it's time to do something
positive before we really start celebrating today, Mano, let's shine
a light eight hundred and two nine two fifty one fifty.
Let us know who you want to spread some love to,
and we'll do the same eight hundred two nine two
fifty one fifty.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
I'm gonna turn your lights on, y'all, spreading love to
those who are doing greatness. Light, shine light on. It's
time to shine a light on them.

Speaker 4 (01:34):
She got on. That's why we love a misindependent woman.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Absolutely, absolutely, all.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
Right, Well, let's shine a light menos here. Jordi Joe
is here from summer drop up you guys, you got.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
You gotta do month, you gotta do. You gotta do
a month up here for a month.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
Okay, all right, so she Jordan is actually gonna shine like,
who do you want to shine a light on?

Speaker 4 (01:57):
I'm gonna do. My castmate, mister Press Mitch. I love him.

Speaker 6 (02:01):
He's also my bestie on the show and in real life,
and he's doing so much for the community community. He's
an advocate for black queers and he's killing it in
DC and.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
I just love him. He's a fun time's a great time.

Speaker 7 (02:15):

Speaker 3 (02:16):
I like watching him and you guys on the show.
But I feel like he's he's kind of like I
was saying this the other day while I was getting
my hair braided again, but he could kind of narrate
everything because he's very like guests along with everybody.

Speaker 4 (02:30):
But he'll tell you the truth.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
He'll tell you the truth, and he's shady, right, So
he's like the messy mediator, right, Yeah, a messy media.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
But I have that.

Speaker 4 (02:38):
I used to put that in his body. I'm gonna
get him little name tags.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
Present the messy media. Yes, I love that you gave
him a nickname already. Well, you know it's all about
love and positivity. And also make sure you watch Summer
house Mark this Vineyard so you can see Jordie jar
On there. But who do you guys want to spread
him love to? Eight hundred nine fifty? Who do you
want to shine a light on my mommy?

Speaker 4 (02:58):

Speaker 3 (02:59):
That's sweet? And Mother's Day is this weekend? Okay, so
go ahead.

Speaker 8 (03:03):
Yes, I want to try you a lot on my mom.

Speaker 9 (03:05):
She just said her birthday apol forty think sixty five seller.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
I look, that is a blessing every birthday to mom
sixty five years young.

Speaker 4 (03:15):
Where are you guys from Menessee? Okay, you're from Memphis.
I was just there too recently.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Shout out to everybody in Memphis and just tell us
a little something about your mom.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
As we're getting ready for Mother's day.

Speaker 8 (03:26):
I don't know. She just to go get her. I
just love everything about her on how she moves.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
See, that's the ideal thing, right to feel like I
want to be just like my mom. Some people be
like I don't want to be like right, Well, tell
you said thank you so much for Colin.

Speaker 8 (03:41):
Thank you, and you have a happy Mother's.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
Or yourself, and you tell your mom. We said happy
Mother's day, thank you so much.

Speaker 4 (03:47):
Me and Jordan ain't got no kids.

Speaker 3 (03:48):
All right, Well that was shining light eight hundred and
two ninety two fifty one fifty. And when we come back,
we have your et and we have some insight as
to why j Cole might have said stand down from
this battle.

Speaker 4 (04:00):
Who advised him it was not a good idea. We'll
talk about it. It's way up.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
In the room from industry shade to all of gods
out angelus feeling that EyeT.

Speaker 3 (04:12):
All right, yea tea time manos hair no, man, no,
we gotta get Jordan's job ready, Jordie, Jory's here, now,
let's get into this. Jake Cole allegedly was advised by
schoolboy Q to exit the Kendrick Lamar beef. If you
guys recall he backtracked at his Dream Belle festival.

Speaker 4 (04:30):
Here's what he said on stage.

Speaker 10 (04:32):
So I felt conflicted because I'm like, bro, I know,
I don't really feel no way, but the world want
to see blood. So I say all of that to
say I moved in a way that was that I
feel spiritually feel bad on me, like like I try
to like jab my back and I try to keep
it friendly. But at the end of the day, when
I listen to it and when it comes out and
I see the talk that don't sit right with my spirit,

that disrupts my piece.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
Now, according to All Hip Hop, they had a writer
that was in the room where school Boy Q was
having a conversation with J Cole, and the writer confirmed
that they did have a conversation. She didn't say what
they talked about, but sources are saying they gave him
a warning.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
Now that warning was like, listen, you bet not.

Speaker 4 (05:13):
That because they're cool.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
He performed at the festival Schoolboy Q, so it probably
was more of a you.

Speaker 4 (05:18):
Know, we cool, like I don't think this is a
good idea and this is about to go left. I
think that was good advice for him.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
Everyone thinks And now When it first happened, everybody was like,
oh that's whack, this, this and that.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
But now everybody's like, good move j Cole.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
All right, now metro Booman has this BBL drizzy contest
for the beat that he did. So he went Mason
beats like he was told to do, right, dudos dro yep,
And he's saying, the winner gets ten thousand dollars and
a beat runner up gets a beat as well. And
this is what that beat sounds like?

Speaker 4 (06:01):
So annoying for him that the best BBL.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
Historyable, Well, a lot of people have been you know,
rhyme into this is it.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
That's so messed up?

Speaker 11 (06:10):
Though, that man did get a b BL though that
a BBL BB you know what the BBL is. Yeah, right,
But that would have mean that he took the fat
out of his stomach and put it in.

Speaker 6 (06:19):
His You can get a baby BBL in his but.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
That's nah man, Yeah, bugging the man.

Speaker 11 (06:28):
The man probably got the fat took out his stomach.

Speaker 4 (06:32):
I don't think you got to put in I don't think.
So that's what's funny, right, is what they're doing. Things
that happened.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Yeah, that man putting no fat in his butt, man,
not that he.

Speaker 3 (06:43):
Has no I'm not going to do it to him, but.

Speaker 4 (06:47):
Let's shout out to listen.

Speaker 3 (06:49):
The problem is when you're jumping and you're in beef,
people are bringing up everything. So they put up some
emental Booming's old tweets, she might be young, but she ready,
because you know, that's are the allegations of getting straight.
They're calling him pedophile. So what they did now was
bring up some of his old tweets. Dad, that doesn't
mean underage. When you say she might be young but
she already, it doesn't mean underage.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
What's the implying.

Speaker 4 (07:09):
It's the influence, all right.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
And the other thing that's been happening is, you know,
they were bringing up this footage of Drake and saying
that he was a predator and that there was a
woman on stage with him when he was when she
was seventeen years old.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
Her name is Tia Owens.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
But she went on Instagram story to set the record
straight about her being seventeen back then she said she's
thirty one. Now here's what she had to say that
all is right. So she was on stage and she
told them she was seventeen. So people were like, he's

a predator. But she said I was seventeen. I'm thirty one. Now,
this was a concert that my dad took me to
back in high school. Drake's auntourage actually picked me out
from the crowd of people, not Drake himself. And she
said it was nothing then and still nothing now now
that I've cleared up these false narratives of going back
to study from my law school to wish me luck.

Speaker 4 (08:02):
So they go Jordan following instructions.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
All right, But the other thing that just happened, Drake's
property has been taped off by police. And this is
in Toronto and the Bridal Path neighborhood. They said a
man was seriously injured in a shooting in the area.
It happened around two ten am. They found a man
badly injured and he was taken to the hospital and
a suspect fled in a vehicle. So there are no

descriptions of either the suspect or the vehicle that were
provided by the police. That story is unfolding. And they
have also vandalized his Ovo store in London. I mean,
come on, guys.

Speaker 1 (08:36):
I don't think it's that crazy.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
Yeah, come on, you don't commit crimes because you're you're
picking a side in this battle. And on the Ovo
store they wrote they not like us on the front end.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
That's that's not good.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
All right, Well that is your ut. And when we
come back, we have about last night. That's where we
discussed what we did last night. The metal was last night,
so I know Jordan was outside. We'll talk about its
way up.

Speaker 2 (08:58):
So about.

Speaker 3 (09:02):
Went down?

Speaker 4 (09:05):
All right, it's way up.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
A man in the building, Jordan Emmanuel aka Jordi Geor
is here with us.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
Yes, we're gonna work on those strap.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
Yeah, we're trying to find something good for you. But
I suggested, all right, well last night you were in
town and the met galley was yesterday.

Speaker 4 (09:24):
Yes, so I went to some after parties, to Cardis
after parties. She looked amazing on the red carpet. That
dress was very dramatic.

Speaker 6 (09:31):
It was what I expected. Though I want everybody to
switch it up a little bit. I just felt like
it was predictable.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
I thought, you look, I love the all those people
and how it flowed out around her. What was the
theme for for yesterday?

Speaker 4 (09:45):
Gardens of time or in time? Okay, gardens in time.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
So it was a lot of floral a lot of
botanical type of outfits.

Speaker 4 (09:53):
Who did you like?

Speaker 5 (09:55):

Speaker 7 (09:57):
You know?

Speaker 4 (09:57):
I loved Tyler's outfit. She did the same. It was
made out of sand, it was balman. That was fire. Okay.
Nikki looked good with her flower outfit. Onto No, she
looked good. Everybody looked good. It just wasn't crazy. I
wanted insane.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
Wasn't insane?

Speaker 4 (10:14):
I mean I did think the drama of how big
her dress was.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
She'd done that, and you know, Rihanna didn't make it.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
She had the flu.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
Yeah, I was devastated by that, apparently, so we always
looked to see what is Rihanna going to be wearing?
Doja cat? What did you think about her outfit? You know,
I actually appreciated it.

Speaker 4 (10:35):
It was different. I just didn't understand why everyone kept
holding themselves though.

Speaker 6 (10:39):
I don't know if that was like part of her
and cambody.

Speaker 4 (10:43):
I don't know what that was about. But I wasn't
mad at it. Now, how are the parties? Most importantly,
the parties were biby.

Speaker 6 (10:49):
It got a little too late for me because you know,
I had to get up and be here this morning.
So I got my little pictures, got my little drink
and went to bed.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
Listen, that's about What about you, man? What what did you
do last night? I okay, that's it.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Non met gala activities.

Speaker 4 (11:04):
Oh yeah, were you alone chilling or what? I'm asking?

Speaker 12 (11:08):

Speaker 9 (11:08):

Speaker 11 (11:08):
I know you sometimes I'm out alone, sometimes I'm not.

Speaker 4 (11:14):
I know you have a tour also, that's coming all right, all.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
Right, well anyway, I also want to talk about, since
Jordan's here, getting handsy in relationship. Just we watch Summer
House Martha's Vineyard. One of your cast members, Nicholas Nick,
is in a relationship with Tasia, but he does get
a little handsy.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
He starts drinking. He has this laugh that.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
He does, the laugh, the infamous cackle, and people are like,
what what does he think about his girlfriend? And they
were whole conversations like does he want to be in
a relationship? Why is he so handsy? And I want
to know what do you think is appropriate? Do you
think his behavior is inappropriate?

Speaker 6 (11:50):
I mean I want to start by saying I don't
think he's a creep by any means. I just think
when you are in a relationship, you do have to
set some boundaries of respect. And for me personally, if
my man, you know, got a little bit more friendly
on the drink.

Speaker 4 (12:05):
That won't fly with me.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
And you're not around either. It's in a house with
the other, fright, and everybody's going to see it.

Speaker 4 (12:11):
That's not an easy thing, that part, and then we're
going to watch it back.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Like in general, let's talk to you guys, because some
people think that flirting is okay and being huggy and
things like that if that's in your personality, but a
lot of people in relationships really have an issue with
their significant other doing that. So we want to see
what your experience has been in dating with flirting getting handsy? Uh,
you know what? What do you think about that? Because

that was a big topic that kept coming up on
the show, and it comes up again. It was a
whole montage of times when he was getting handsy, and
every time I was a little drink.

Speaker 4 (12:44):
You just see him just closing in a little bit,
all right.

Speaker 3 (12:47):
Eight hundred two ninety two fifty one fifty Call us up,
Let us know what you think about getting handsy in relationships.

Speaker 4 (12:52):
It's way up.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Eight hundred two ninet two fifty one fifty's.

Speaker 10 (12:56):
You want to know my name?

Speaker 4 (12:57):
Way up with Angela turn me on it's.

Speaker 3 (13:00):
Way up by Mandela Yee manos here no man, Yeah,
Jordan Emmanuel is here, yes, and we're talking Summer House,
Martha's Vineyard.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
And this was season two, episode three. Yep.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
And your guy Nick, you know, he's in a relationship,
or he was at that time, and he was getting
handsy with a lot of the women in the house
when he was drinking. And here's what happened on that episode.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
You don't notice you can get a little handy.

Speaker 5 (13:26):
I didn't touch anyone last night summer And Jordan, why
and you said anything? If this is a thing, do
you ever maybe you guys uncomfortable do get handsy?

Speaker 1 (13:36):
Hans is crazy.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
I never heard that word before because he's like very touchy,
huggy and yeah, but not like grab your button.

Speaker 4 (13:43):
Yeah you know, it's not scooping, but yeah, scoopy.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
It's just you know, a little yeah, like always you
know how people when they talk to you, they touch you.
But he does it more when he's drinking, right, And
he's also in a relationship, And there was a whole
conversation about how his women wouldn't appreciate that. Yeah, you know,
so what about you, Jordan, how did that make you
feel though, you.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
Know, I don't.

Speaker 6 (14:04):
Nick's a friend of mine, so I wasn't. I knew
he wasn't lurking on me in any way or trying
to hit it on me. I just know from the
first season, if y'all watched, we didn't even know about
Tasia until halfway. So I just didn't want to give
him any more problems in his relationship. So I just
want to make him aware that, you know, sometimes get
a little bit more friendly.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
And out of respect for his women. You probably feel like, oh,
why is he like? You know, I don't want anybody
to think nothing right and exactly, and it's maybe things
he wouldn't do if she was around too.

Speaker 4 (14:34):
That's also another thought.

Speaker 6 (14:35):
Just in a relationship you have certain boundaries, and I
didn't know if that was within hers or not.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
What do you think, man, No, I don't play that.
I don't play that.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
What what about if a woman's in a relationship and
you know that you know she's touchy feeling on me, No,
and you're touching, like, how do you around? Yeah, it
is she's the other way.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
She's usually touching.

Speaker 4 (14:55):
Feeling on me, And do you ever feel like that's inappropriate?

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Yeah, I'll tell her.

Speaker 11 (14:58):
I said, you know you have somebody right what you're
doing is very inappropriate.

Speaker 1 (15:03):
Yeah, I'm not going to stop you.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
Okay, what about you? How do you feel about it? I?

Speaker 3 (15:07):
First of all, I'm not like a super touchy Philly
person anyway, and I think people know that, so I
kind of give off that vibe. I remember one day
somebody who I know came up to me and like
gave me a kiss on the chicken.

Speaker 4 (15:18):
My man was like, what the hell was that? Like,
you know, he doesn't play that either. Sorry. It is
a weird situation.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
And it also depends on how close you are with somebody,
because somebody you just have that type of, you know,
relationship with it's nothing sexual. But most of my friends
I'm not like that with either. All Right, so I
do get a little awkward. But what do you guys think?
Eight hundred two nine fifty fifty yahy yaty?

Speaker 4 (15:39):
What's up? Yaty?

Speaker 3 (15:43):
What do you think about getting handsy? And and what's
appropriate and inappropriate?

Speaker 7 (15:47):
A lot of stuff is inappropriate. Looking opening message just
text us back, Oh, just letting a dude know you've
got to play like it's some mug wan that they
don't even speak. You can't even hear the voice. They
respect their man for.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
What, So you can't say I have a man that's disrespectful.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
None of that.

Speaker 7 (16:04):
That's because when I was If a girl says she
got a man to me, I know, like I'm in
there a little bit because I know I can talk.

Speaker 1 (16:12):
Now, I like, I ain't never heard that one before.
I'm gonna shine though.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
You don''t even engage. If a woman engages with you.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
She shouldn't be saying nothing. You're saying.

Speaker 7 (16:23):
Yeah, when we work up on a girl, a girl
give us the energy. If she's walking with us.

Speaker 4 (16:29):
What if she tells you she's celibate, cul.

Speaker 7 (16:32):
Her, I'm not trying to I'm not trying to do
it for you anyway.

Speaker 11 (16:35):
If she says, listen, no, listen, thank you, but no,
thank you, I got a man.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
What type of do you think she's interested?

Speaker 7 (16:43):
Yes? Her?

Speaker 5 (16:44):

Speaker 7 (16:44):
No, no, I ain't gonna say I think she's interested.
But her telling me she got a man, it's like
all I better because what like my responsibil be I
don't care like forget him like you know, like now
it's the whole conversation. And now she's gonna be like, no,
I gotta know I'm look. But then again, there's some
girls that like give you that energy with like like
when she say that, it's like, I bet I polize

a good day.

Speaker 13 (17:05):
You know what I'm saying, Jersey.

Speaker 11 (17:10):
Okay, obviously, well he talking about has been working for him.
It works for him every time they talk.

Speaker 4 (17:18):
What's the appropriate rejection?

Speaker 7 (17:21):
If y'all see me then, like y'all really understand if
they seeing you?

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Yeah, what that nick one?

Speaker 7 (17:28):
Purple Hearted three understood? But I don't got to puture
up there, but I got.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Like that if they've seen him, it's crazy now and if.

Speaker 7 (17:35):
They see even going my love, I mean part of
you can go on my Instagram lobby give me a rate,
like give.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
You a rap with that?

Speaker 7 (17:43):
All right?

Speaker 4 (17:43):
Well, hey, I like you.

Speaker 7 (17:47):
I'm talking to you.

Speaker 3 (17:48):
I'm talking Okay, okay, listen, Crody we gotta go.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
Then no more? Do I think thank you for calling? Hey? Jen?

Speaker 10 (17:56):

Speaker 4 (17:57):
How are you good? How are you?

Speaker 3 (17:58):
It's me Mano and Jordan and we're talking about semisas
Martha's Vineyard and getting Hansy. What do you think is inappropriate?

Speaker 14 (18:05):
I think it is inappropriate to get handsy with another woman.
I think if you're in a relationship, you have to
be respectful, and if you give them the green light
to do little things like that, you never know how
far they can go.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
All right, Yeah, and then he's had a clear boundary,
very clear. Don't be touching nobody else. What about hugs?
I can you hug other women if a guy's in
a relationship with you.

Speaker 14 (18:27):
Yeah, hugs are fine, like a kiss on the cheek
hello is fine. But anything further than that.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Now, what's too handy for a guy to do to you?

Speaker 14 (18:36):
I mean, if we're like dancing, I don't want him
dancing on me. I don't want him touching my leg.
I don't want him, you know, too close to me.
I don't want his arm around me. I don't want that.
If I'm in a happy relationship, I don't need that.

Speaker 4 (18:48):
All right, don't go to carnival. Thank you for calling
Thank you? All right, Well, thank you guys for calling in.

Speaker 3 (18:57):
I think this was very eye opening, very insightful, and
maybe very very happy to not be a guy.

Speaker 4 (19:01):
And when we come back, let's talk about tipping.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
Did you know that Michael Jordan had to get taught
how to tip while he was in Vegas, and we'll
discuss it.

Speaker 4 (19:10):
It's so funny. It's way up yo.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
She's about to.

Speaker 4 (19:13):
Blow the lead ab off this spot.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Let's get it, oh, angels filling that ye tea, Come
and get the tea.

Speaker 3 (19:19):
All right, it's way up on Angela. Yee manos in
the building. Jordan Emmanuel is here too. I'm here all right,
you tea time now. This is an old story that's
being told. But according to the former VP of Hard
Rock Hotel in Vegas, he was discussing how Michael Jordan
was gambling with ice hockey legend Wayne gretz Scheme.

Speaker 4 (19:39):
A waitress was bringing in their drinks.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
And you know, when you're in Vegas, you don't pay
for drinks when you're gambling, but you are expected to tip,
all right, so he said, Wayne Gretzky insulted Michael Jordan
at the table.

Speaker 4 (19:49):
It was a private salon game.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
Michael Jordan ordered to drink from the cocktail waitress and
gave her a chip.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
How much do you think that chip was worth? That
he tipped with what's the smallest one of dollar the
five dollar chips?

Speaker 3 (20:01):
Wow, And Wayne Gretzki took it off the cocktail waitresses tray,
gave it back to Michael and grabbed a hundred dollar
chip and put it in the tray and said, that's
how we tip in Las Vegas.

Speaker 4 (20:09):
Michael. You know, I know that waitress was happy.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Yeah, she probably was like, uh yeah, I keep bringing
these drinks over here, and I've gotten five dollars.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
And the high roller table, the minimums.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
A live salon society table. But you know he probably
was just thinking, here you go, put I don't need this.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Do you like to be a good tipper?

Speaker 4 (20:27):
I do. I'm a good tipper, right, twenty percent minimum minimum?

Speaker 3 (20:31):
And what about if somebody gives you bad service though
you still give twenty percent?

Speaker 6 (20:35):
Oh yeah then you yeah, then you gotta bump it
down to a little fifteen, all right now?

Speaker 4 (20:40):

Speaker 3 (20:41):
Goldberg has her memoir coming out Bits and pieces my
mother and my brother and me, and she talks about
her serious addiction to cocaine.

Speaker 4 (20:48):
I did not know, Yes, I had no idea.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
Yes, Ski Slope, what was this?

Speaker 4 (20:53):
She said?

Speaker 3 (20:53):
I was invited to parties where I was greeted at
the door with a bowl of kueluds from which I
could pick what I wanted. Lines of cocaine really across
tables and bathroom counters for the taking. And she said
everyone partook in drugs at these types of parties because
police would never read the home of a big time
producer or an actor. And then she said the cocaine
saided to kiss her a I can say, okay, ask,

and she began experiencing hallucinations. In one instance, she said
she believed she saw a creature under her bed after
taking the drugs, so she didn't move out of bed
for twenty four hours. And she said that kind of
ish doesn't end pretty, So there's only one. There's only
so long a person can hold their bladder.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
Was this before or after Sister Acts? I don't know,
but you know the book is out today, by the way,
so it just came out.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
If you want to hear. I did not know, never
would have thought no idea. Then WHOOPI Goldberg. But she
is an egot winner, so we always got to salute
her for that, all right. Giselle is very unhappy, according
to People magazine about the roast and how their marriage
was portrayed in that time. Brady Netflix's roast and if
you guys recall, you know here's the joke that one

of the many jokes that was made about her.

Speaker 11 (21:57):
Sometimes you coach, you don't love Giselle, She's.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
I mean Jesus Christ. Tom one of the smallest quarterbacks
ever played a game. How did you not see this coming?

Speaker 4 (22:08):
Hey, Karate classic Good Day?

Speaker 1 (22:10):
Is she still write them?

Speaker 6 (22:12):

Speaker 4 (22:13):
Right? Well?

Speaker 3 (22:13):
Another person that was unhappy with the jokes that were
being made was Aaron Hernandez's fiance. Yeah, his ex fiance,
because you know Shanna Jenkins. And if you recall some
of those jokes, here's what that sounded like.

Speaker 4 (22:28):
The bar for.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Patriot tight ends was pretty low back then.

Speaker 4 (22:32):
Block catch, don't murder.

Speaker 5 (22:35):
Tom is afraid of the giants, which is why Kevin
Hart is hosting.

Speaker 4 (22:39):
Tonight All Night.

Speaker 5 (22:41):
He's been using the stool that Aaron Hernandez kicked out
from under himself.

Speaker 4 (22:45):
Now, she told TMZ that she thought it was disrespectful.
She said, it is sad.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
I'm trying to raise my children in such a cruel world.
And so now their daughter, who's eleven, is old enough
to have heard and understood the jokes about her late father. Wow,
you know it's a roast. But some people that are
in present don't want to be roasted at all.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Yeah, right, so that's yeah, that might not have been
a poor taste.

Speaker 3 (23:09):
Yeah, all right, well that is your ut. When we
come back, we have under the radar. These are the
stories that are necessarily in the headlines. They are flying
under the radar. It's way up the news.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
This in the news that relates to you. These stories
are flying under the radar.

Speaker 3 (23:25):
All right, it's way yup. I'm angela yee. Jordan Emmanuel
is here. Mayno's here well waiting for Jordan's job. And
let's get into some under the radar stories. So there's
a landmark study of cancer and black women that has
launched in twenty states.

Speaker 4 (23:38):
It will be the largest ever.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
The American Cancer Society is beginning a thirty year study
to investigate why black women die from cancer at higher
race than any other racial or ethnic group. All right,
so black women are less likely to be diagnosed with
cancer than white women, but they are more likely to
die of it within five years, according to the National
Cancer Institute, and the disparity is very stark for breast

cancer in particular, which kills black women at a forty
percent higher rate than white women. Even though their rate
of diagnosis is four percent lower. So these are all
really important things for us to notice when people are wondering, oh,
why are they only studying this or why is there,
you know, legislation around that, and that's why treatment. Yeah,
I think that's part of the issue, and we got

to figure out what's going on. And black women are
also sixty percent more likely than white women to die
of cervical cancer and nearly twice as likely to die
from endometrial cancer. So all of these things really important
to study and investigate. All right, Well, that is your
under the radar. We got the way it mixed coming
at the top of the hour. Plus Simmy is going
to be joining us. She has a new single out

featuring Toys Savage called Men Are Crazy. We have one
right here and that's going to be happening today. It's
way up. It's like the tout like They, Angel Jane
like They and July Jane.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Man, she's spilling it all.

Speaker 3 (24:56):
This is yeaty way up, all right, wall Yah put
Angela yee, I'm Angela yee. Mano is here, Jordan Emmanuel
is here. Hello from Summer House Martha's Vineyard. And by
the way, guest hosting all Week. I'm also right now
watching what's happening with Stormy Daniels. She took the stand
in Trump's trial right now, and this is for him

taking him giving hush money to Stormy Daniels and falsifying records.

Speaker 4 (25:24):
All right, so we're watching what's happening right now.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
She did say that Milania and Donald Trump don't sleep
in bed together. That's what he told her, So, you know, shocker.
I know, I don't think anybody thinks that their relationship
is real, but she claims that he told her that
and said, don't worry.

Speaker 4 (25:41):
The two of them don't even sleep in the same room.

Speaker 7 (25:43):
You know.

Speaker 3 (25:44):
She is a former porn star that according to her,
she said that his security approached her.

Speaker 4 (25:49):
That's how they met at a golf tournament. All right.

Speaker 3 (25:52):
Police are investigating a shooting of a security guard outside
of Drink's house in Toronto. The press conference, they said
the police were called to the home at about two am
local time. They found a wounded man who was taken
to the hospital in serious condition. He was working outside
the gate at the home when he was shot and
he is hospitalized in serious condition. They don't know what

the motive is yet. But there's been a lot of
crazy things happening. Earlier, we talked about Drake's Ovio store
in London getting vandalized.

Speaker 4 (26:20):
They not like us, is what it said. All right.

Speaker 3 (26:23):
Will Smith also got an unwanted visitor. There was a trespastor,
a trespastor who was busted at his house in la
Security told the man to lead the property. He disappeared
before deputies arrived, but he returned just a short time
later and got access to the ground somehow, some way,
and they did stop and detain him before he reached
the house. And then cops came and arrested thirty seven

year old Robert Ogden on a misdemeanor charge. All right,
exhibit looks like he's teasing a pimp. My ride reboot
remembered that show.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
Yeah, that show.

Speaker 3 (26:51):
Yeah, you would be all four that coming back. Yes,
all right, I'm not mad at it.

Speaker 4 (26:56):
There's some that need love.

Speaker 3 (26:58):
And look MTV cribs, you know that they did bring
it back there.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
They didn't even bring back punk.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Let's bring back they did bring two thousands.

Speaker 3 (27:07):
Yeah, they did bring back punks for a little while. Remember,
it wasn't a chance the rapper or somebody was I forgot?

Speaker 4 (27:13):
All right?

Speaker 3 (27:13):
Tyler Perry and Devine Franklin are producing a Bible inspired
love story. It's called R and B and it's about
a modernized version of the Biblical story of Ruth and
BoA's entitled R and B. It will take place in Tennessee.
It's centers on a young woman who escapes the Atlanta
music scene to care for an elderly widowed woman and
in the process finds the love of her life and
gains the mother she never had.

Speaker 4 (27:35):
You gotta love it all right?

Speaker 3 (27:37):
And Angel Reese is talking about why she chose Reeback
for her endorsement deal. You know, she signed a multi
year nil deal with Reeback as the company looked to
relaunch its basketball category.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
And here's what she had to say about it.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
One, they didn't have a women's basketball player a face,
So I wanted to be that. Two shokhip with Shock
and three. I like how they were rebar branding everything
and they're like letting me be the creative behind like
everything I want to do. So like I'm having my
own shoe on coming out March.

Speaker 3 (28:09):
Okay, we love it. Remember when rebacked the deals with
s doc Carter and.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
The g Yeah, what happened to Rebok?

Speaker 4 (28:16):
They actually had to deal with Kendrick at one point,
I were rebound. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (28:20):
See, there's nothing wrong with Rebox. Rebox melody is SIGNI
she had to deal with them. I actually have to
orchestrate the deal with Reback and Kendrick at the time
that it happened, I literally had to Yeah, okay, well
that's another story. But there's also a story here on
the neighborhood talk. Mana was spotted in the club. Now,

Jeff baying in the club doesn't mean anything, but when
we come back.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
This is crazy.

Speaker 4 (28:46):
I want to talk about dating.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
What is the best profession to date? We were here
behind the scenes talking about Mano. He's single and what
type of person should he be dating. Is it a nurse,
an attorney, a fly attendant, an athlete, an athlete, a
reality show star, any of those things. We want to
talk about what is the best profession to date? Eight

hundred and two, nine fifty fifty Way up with Angela
ye more? Now all right, it's way up. I'm Angela yee,
and Mano is here yep. Manuel is here too, Hello,
And we've been trying to help mana behind the scenes.
You know, he's single and we're trying to figure out
what is the best profession. To date, we've been talking
to him, Jordan, what do you think? What are some

things you suggested? I said lawyer because he goes with chef.
Lawyer is good because he does get into some things right, and.

Speaker 6 (29:39):
You need someone straightforward and that's about our business, and
it's going to be intimidated.

Speaker 4 (29:44):

Speaker 6 (29:44):
I also said a nurse. Right, that'd because I had
a plastic surgeons.

Speaker 1 (29:48):
A surgeon.

Speaker 4 (29:49):
Why a plastic surgeon? I don't know.

Speaker 1 (29:53):
Put me to sleep?

Speaker 11 (29:53):

Speaker 3 (29:54):
That sounds awful, you know, just get Somebody has set
a wrestler professional ww. I said a w n B
A player, because that would be really dope, and there's
so many lit w n b A players. Somebody said
a chef, Yes, I like the chef's about our business.

Speaker 4 (30:12):
She plays with knives, she shall keep you in line?

Speaker 1 (30:15):
Is that all?

Speaker 4 (30:16):
Chop it off?

Speaker 11 (30:19):
As a friend, a really terrible friend.

Speaker 4 (30:23):
What about a comedian?

Speaker 3 (30:24):
I like that, that would be good for you. Yeah,
we would like you with a comedian. What else would
I say? I had some other suggestions to be a librarian. Oh,
I'm a size therapist. That's okay, that's actually a flight attendant.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Now we're talking.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
You can catch uh, you don't catch feelings, you catch flights.
That's what everybody says traveling the world. I would like
that because then y'all could take trips together. You get
a buddy pass, right, buddy pass, that's me get bumped
up you guys.

Speaker 5 (30:57):

Speaker 3 (30:57):
I like all these suggestions for you, but you know
we're going to keep on doing this because I feel
like manow is outside. Oh, you know who wants to
be good for you. A stylist. You would probably love that,
absolutely amazing. They get discounts.

Speaker 4 (31:11):
Could you a challenge style challenge?

Speaker 3 (31:13):
Yeah, y'all did some great. Our content creator would be
good for you too.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
Only fans content creator? Is that what we're talking about?

Speaker 4 (31:21):
You know, it's crazy Jordan.

Speaker 3 (31:22):
You may not know this, but you know, me and
may don't have known each other a long time, so
he shares a lot of information with me.

Speaker 4 (31:28):
He actually was contemplating doing only fans and what was
and he was He's like, should I put one of
my sex tapes on there?

Speaker 1 (31:39):
And one of them?

Speaker 4 (31:40):
You got volumes? He has content content?

Speaker 1 (31:44):
Yeah, no, we all got content? Right, you don't got content?

Speaker 4 (31:47):
Would you date a guy I would celibate?

Speaker 6 (31:49):
We know this.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
I was celibate at one point.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
Yeah. Would you do to guy that has you said
for two weeks?

Speaker 1 (31:54):
Yeah? It happened?

Speaker 5 (31:57):
All right?

Speaker 3 (31:58):
Well anyway, my point is, what do you feel about
a guy who was like the only fans creator Jordan?

Speaker 4 (32:03):
You know, I've never thought about this. I don't think
i'd be into it.

Speaker 6 (32:06):
I don't like men that are content creators to begin with, ooh.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
What about it content? What if he got private content
like in his phone? I mean, but I have private content?
I don't.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
Yeah, but you're you know, the sharing it of it all.

Speaker 11 (32:20):
I don't want you to know it's saying it's not
being shared physics in my phone?

Speaker 3 (32:25):
All right, hackers, you heard him? That is for when
we come back. We have ask ye eight hundred two
nine two fifty one fifty any question you have right
here to help.

Speaker 4 (32:35):
It's yet that they may know it's way up everybody, whether.

Speaker 2 (32:38):
It's relationship or career advice. Angela's dropping facts?

Speaker 4 (32:42):
Should you should know? This is ask what's up? His
way up?

Speaker 3 (32:45):
At Angela Yee? I'm Angela Yee. And of course not good. Jordan,
Emmanuel is here, are we and Mayno's in the building.

Speaker 4 (32:51):
I don't know he's here.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
He's here for a good time. And we have Samantha
on the line. Samantha, what's your question for asking you?

Speaker 15 (32:58):
How you doing?

Speaker 9 (33:00):
My question is, I just want to know if my
man is cheating on me for real. There's a lot
of red flags there, and I just have a gut feeling, Okay,
I just wanted to see if you can be able
to let me know.

Speaker 4 (33:13):
Tell us a red flash because we have one in
here today.

Speaker 9 (33:16):
Okay, Not that things have been getting too rocky. I
just feel like he's just been acting a little weird,
especially like with his phone, Like what I feel like
his phone, he just got one of those screens where
you can't see when people are texting. When he's texting,
I feel like that's a red flag. I'm not sure
what he hyped.

Speaker 1 (33:34):
That's not a red flag. That's not for you, that
ain't for you. That's it's all.

Speaker 4 (33:39):
Good though, all right, keep going. He got a privacy
Well what about him?

Speaker 9 (33:43):
Like just all of a sudden coming home at like
six in the morning.

Speaker 11 (33:50):
Your inserition can be wrong because if you haven't proven anything,
you haven't seen nothing factual, then you can't say something
has happened.

Speaker 4 (33:58):
Okay, what is he doing to six in the morning.

Speaker 9 (34:00):
Well, he's claiming that he's working late in the studio,
but he's in the studio in the same field, and
I just feel like that's just a lot.

Speaker 3 (34:07):
Can you go by the studio to see him. Does
he answer the phone when you call him?

Speaker 14 (34:11):
Well, he used to. Now he's just been a little funny.

Speaker 9 (34:13):
That's why I'm just like, I feel like something something's
going on.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
What is he doing the studio? He's an artist and engineer.

Speaker 11 (34:19):
What our Okay, so you know how it is he's working.
He's working on a NPC.

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Question that is he like producing beats for Kenchick and
Drake right now because that's over time.

Speaker 9 (34:30):
Yeah, no, he is not.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
Suspects that man is not cheating.

Speaker 9 (34:39):
But I pray he's not cheating.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
I hope you're right, keep praying.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
I just think that a lot of times we do
have good instincts and if he's acting out of character,
I mean coming home at six in the morning, he
used to answer the phone.

Speaker 4 (34:52):
Now he doesn't.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
He has a privacy screen on his phone now you know,
there's a lot of indications that show that he is.

Speaker 4 (35:00):
How's your said, And I.

Speaker 9 (35:01):
Haven't addressed it yet. I haven't had that like talk
with him because I'm trying to play it out. But
I think I should talk to him soon.

Speaker 3 (35:07):
Yeah, And that's the main thing that you can do
is talk to him. What about sex? Are you guys
still consistent there?

Speaker 11 (35:14):
Yeah, have a conversation with him, looking in his eyes
and say, are you cheating on me?

Speaker 1 (35:18):
Okay, that's it.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
Trust yourself and don't be afraid to have that conversation.
If that's your man, You afraid to have a three
You're able to ask him anything and he can answer
how he answers, but you know, trust yourself absolutely.

Speaker 9 (35:33):
Thank you so much, Angela.

Speaker 4 (35:34):
Thank you, honey.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
I gave advice today.

Speaker 4 (35:37):
No you didn't.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
That was ask ye eight hundred two nine two fifty
one fifty And when we come back, men are crazy
And that is a song by Simmy featuring Tia What
Savage Simmy is turn out you way up.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
With Angela Yee more?

Speaker 4 (35:51):
Now what's up? His way up with Angela Yee?

Speaker 3 (35:54):
I'm Angela ye And we have Jordan Emmanuel guest hosting
all week.

Speaker 4 (35:57):
Yes, hello everyone, and we have a great yes with
us today. Simmy is in the building.

Speaker 5 (36:02):

Speaker 4 (36:03):
Where are you traveling from right now?

Speaker 15 (36:05):
I actually came from Houston.

Speaker 4 (36:06):
Okay. You spent time in Texas during the pandemic.

Speaker 15 (36:09):
Right, Yes, I was pregnant too, and you.

Speaker 3 (36:11):
Had gotten married right before that too, the year before
the year before. Okay, and you and otakun Ley Gold
and you guys have such a great song together.

Speaker 4 (36:18):
Look what you made me do that feels like a
wedding song.

Speaker 3 (36:21):
For people could be well right now, you and you
are savage have a hit song out together.

Speaker 15 (36:26):

Speaker 4 (36:27):
Men are crazy.

Speaker 15 (36:28):
Yeah, and I.

Speaker 4 (36:29):
Want to discuss this because me and Jordan were talking
about it. We couldn't agree more.

Speaker 6 (36:33):
Exactly right now with the timing of it. Yeah, the
men are wilding out out here.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
We think he's everywhere everywhere.

Speaker 3 (36:42):
Okay, and Jordan, you even went through a period of
celibacy because it was wild for you.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
To take me a break, you know.

Speaker 3 (36:49):
But people were at first when they heard the title.
Some of the men got very defensive. Yes, dd okay,
so some of your thoughts on the whole rollout because
even putting that title out there and then people are
being like this is toxic without hearing it. I just
want to hear what your thoughts were when you guys
had to announce that.

Speaker 12 (37:07):
So Tilla and I had posted like pictures from the
video and we just posted men are crazy out and
the men went crazy And I honestly was not going
to go on like an explaining spree at the time.
I was like, when you know, when the song comes out,
do see what I'm trying to say. Till I was

even a little more salty wish because she was like,
men are crazy, but I still won't want my bad.
I was just like, men are crazy period, I think
because some women actually were hoping that it was just
point black men crazy, you know, but I'm going men
are crazy, but I still want one in my bed,
and they're like.

Speaker 4 (37:49):
We have se me here with us.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
She has a new single art right now featuring t
what Savage called men are crazy. I think that a
lot of times guys the fault to saying women are crazy,
and so it was really flipping it on its head
because guys will do stuff to you and then be
like you're just crazy or you know, women are just crazy.

Speaker 4 (38:07):
Yeah, when in truth, y'all make us that way. Let's
just tell the truth about it.

Speaker 15 (38:14):
They say the truth is bitter.

Speaker 3 (38:15):
Can I say I wasn't working with Tia and tell me, like,
even with recording this song and coming up with the idea,
tell me that process.

Speaker 12 (38:24):
It's funny because my husband gave me that idea. It's like, bib,
how I would do a song and you say men
are crazy, but I still want one my I was like,
oh yeah, I no one's going to see that coming
from me. And so I made that song. I had
actually finished the song. I did two verses and I
was like, something's missing, and.

Speaker 15 (38:41):
Then it just hit me. It's like, oh, I would
love to have Tea out on the song.

Speaker 3 (38:45):
That there was a woman directed for the video too, right, yes,
pink Okay, Yeah, see I think that's so dope. Yeah,
that was very intentional as well. I've worked with her
a couple of times. I was like, oh, I definitely
want her on this, Like I just like the energy
that women bring, you know, and to just have that
like on set the whole time was really good and

we just got each other and it worked great.

Speaker 15 (39:07):
It worked really great.

Speaker 4 (39:08):
Simmy is here.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
We have more with her when we come back. It's
way up more now, what's up as way up at
Angela Yee. I'm Angela Yee and I'm joined by my girl,
Jordan Emmanuel. You know her from Summer House Martha's Vineyard,
and we're talking to Simmy. She has a new single
out right now with Tee what Savage called men are Crazy.
And then listen, we got to ask you because we
saw that there was we saw Adakunle was on social

media defending you. Somebody who said now said that y'all.

Speaker 4 (39:37):
He didn't even say that he dated you.

Speaker 3 (39:38):
It was kind of like I wanted to date you,
and so this producer said he wanted to date you,
but it was long distance. It didn't happen. It was
very confusing to me, the whole story. And I know
that that's annoying to be talked about. But if you
want to have the opportunity just to just, you know,
say what you need to say, we would appreciate hearing
that from you.

Speaker 12 (39:59):
The thing is, I don't even know what most of
these people are.

Speaker 15 (40:02):
Like going on about. Funny thing is what you said.

Speaker 12 (40:05):
These are two different people, you know, and I don't
know why they keep talking about me like that. When
you even look at what they're saying, you can't even
really pick on anything.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
I was confused, it was.

Speaker 12 (40:16):
I'm still confused and right, and you know, I just
feel like it doesn't matter to me. It doesn't change
anything for me. You know, my husband speaking out for
me is fighting for his woman as he would.

Speaker 15 (40:32):
I don't feel anything about this. It's just not It
doesn't impact me.

Speaker 12 (40:36):
I don't have anything to hide, Like if you're going
to post that you asked me out so and okay.

Speaker 4 (40:41):
And what naturally you did and it didn't or that.

Speaker 12 (40:45):
I hadn't ask It's just the whole thing is just
it to me, It's more comedy than anything else.

Speaker 4 (40:50):

Speaker 3 (40:50):
I didn't understand the point. And I saw a lot
of people coming to your defense in the comments. Yeah,
so like, why what was even the point of even
doing something like this because you're happily married, just liberated
five years.

Speaker 15 (41:01):
Yeah, congratulations to that, thank you.

Speaker 12 (41:04):
I mean, the only thing that I would say, though,
is I saw the people defending me and saying, oh,
why would he be talking to a married person. You
don't respect me just because I'm married. You respect me
because I deserve to be respected.

Speaker 4 (41:14):
We have seme here with us.

Speaker 3 (41:16):
She has a new single art right now paturing to
you what Savage called men are crazy. I love seeing
you and tie you are together. Was there ever a
time do you feel like women? Because I know here
a lot of times women are pitted against each other.

Speaker 15 (41:27):
It's everywhere.

Speaker 4 (41:27):
Okay, Oh they do that.

Speaker 15 (41:28):
Oh it's so intense.

Speaker 12 (41:30):
Sometimes sometimes it's like it can be really distracting because
they're not as many of us as compared to the guys.

Speaker 15 (41:36):
And when it's like someone new.

Speaker 12 (41:37):
Breaks immediately, they just put her against Oh so now
this person is no longer here, or who's better? Who's
just like you know, but like we can all thrive.
They do put us against each other a lot, and
I think sometimes that puts some pressure on the kind
of relationship that we would have otherwise. Right, you know,
because sometimes you might see something and they taken any

make he means something that it doesn't really mean.

Speaker 4 (42:02):
Oh, there's social media.

Speaker 12 (42:04):
Sometimes you're just trying to be careful what you say
or not say.

Speaker 15 (42:09):
You know.

Speaker 12 (42:09):
So, I mean, but I think that the longer union industry,
the more you get used to it, and.

Speaker 3 (42:14):
Right, you got to learn how to sometimes reach out
to people directly like sis, I did not like that
was yeah, that was not me.

Speaker 12 (42:21):
That's not what I said and stuff, you know. But
I honestly, I try to stay out of the way
because you know, like you say something and you become the.

Speaker 4 (42:28):
News, right Like I'm just trying to feed my family
if I have to. That's the album.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
Artist, right, well send me honestly, thank you so much
for joining us. We'll be looking for the new album
in a couple of months and then when is that
coming out?

Speaker 15 (42:46):
I'm the thirty first, I think.

Speaker 4 (42:48):
Okay, that's soon.

Speaker 3 (42:49):
Yeah, okay, all right, and of course you guys can
stream men are crazy.

Speaker 4 (42:53):
Let's run the numbers up and keep it going. Yeah,
let's do it. But I still went to you in my bed.
I ain't gonna lie. Crazy is good in bed?

Speaker 3 (43:04):
All right, Well, thank you so much for joining us,
say and thank you to Jordan for a guest hosting you.

Speaker 15 (43:09):
Thank you thanks for having me. I had a great time.

Speaker 3 (43:12):
You can watch that full interview on my YouTube channel
Way Up with Ye And when we come back, you
guys have the last word, take.

Speaker 4 (43:18):
Up the phone to get your voice heard. What the
word is the last word?

Speaker 2 (43:24):
On Way Up with angela ye, what's up?

Speaker 3 (43:26):
His way up with angela ye, I'm angela yee, Jordan Emmanuel,
who's hair all week? So summer House, Martha's Vineyard and
also New Mayno in the building and you guys.

Speaker 4 (43:36):
I had a lot of fun with y'all today.

Speaker 1 (43:38):
It's always fun, man.

Speaker 3 (43:40):
Yeah, it was a that's right. So we celebrated. We
talked about Summerhouse, Martha's Vineyard, and the whole thing about
being too handy when it comes to our relationship boundaries
that you need to set. Yeah, making sure people feel comfortable.
And of course shout out to Simmy for joining us.
She's got her to single out right now and I

couldn't agree with her.

Speaker 1 (44:02):

Speaker 4 (44:02):
Men are crazy? When didn't you say Jordan's.

Speaker 1 (44:05):
Why are men crazy?

Speaker 6 (44:07):
You gotta listen to the song and kind why claim it?

Speaker 4 (44:11):
Do you claim it a little bit? Are you crazy?

Speaker 7 (44:13):

Speaker 4 (44:14):

Speaker 3 (44:15):
And they never ad made All right, Well, let's let's
say what you guys have to say, because of course
this is your ShW You dictate everything and you have
the last words.

Speaker 13 (44:24):
Nellie from Pensacola, Florida. So this is about the topic
of touch your Feelia. I'm Puerto Rican and in all culture,
it's actually common to greet each other with a hug
and a kiss on the cheek, with no intention of
nothing at all. It's just that's just the way we are.
It's a cultural thing.

Speaker 8 (44:41):
Hey, Athulie, my name is Amy Coleman. I just want
to call it that you know, you have had a
big inspiration in my life. I'm preparate from Lucas and
I love listening to you, and I just want you
to know that you have no idea of the lives
that you will training you and I appreciate you. Thank
you for helping me to love me and just continue

to be successed on your show is success and everything
that you're doing. Have a great day.

Speaker 2 (45:08):
Bye bye, way up where Angela yee way up.

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