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May 16, 2024 94 mins

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
He's got some Fred's show is on now hot This
Morning show. Yes, good morning everyone. It is Thursday, May sixteenth,
The frend Show's not Hi Kln, good morning, you know
Jason Brown, Hi Rufio, Paulina he Key, Good morning, Shelby.
Shelley is here. She has money. Next hour in the

Showdown with three fifties, Yes, sir, all right, Intern Venomine not.
Benjamin's here as well, going through his emails. He's busy guy.
Lots of email, lots lots of email. Oh man, lots
of things on the show this morning. Let's see trending
stories blogs this hour. The entertainment of Fort's coming up?
What are you working on?

Speaker 2 (00:41):
K The NFL is getting even more greedy, if that's possible.
Something is returning to TV after six years. And would
you verse your ex in a reality.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Competition show you had to find him? I don't know.
We're happening. Well, they all get married after me and
have kids. So that's where they are. They're all married
raising children.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Really, Yeah, we make them better for the next.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Or they just get so fed up with the world
they settle. Yeah, exactly. It's like I can never deal
with that again. So just the next person will do like,
hey you, you'll be five and I'll approprate with you too. Yeah,
why not? Yeah? Do you believe that you are the
one that got away for anybody? Kiki? Absolutely all of them.

Speaker 3 (01:28):
Yes, I think I'm the one that got away from everybody?

Speaker 1 (01:33):
But do you actually believe that? I really believe that.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
I know that for certain, for one, But I really
believed that over most areas of my life.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
I've been told that. I don't know, And honestly, God,
is that's something. I think that's something you say about yourself.
But I've been told that. I've been told that several
times from from third parties. Yes, that like so and
so says you're the one that got away, or you know,
or so and so says you're the you broke somebody's heart,

Like so and so says that they could never figure
out why you weren't all in. Yeah kind of thing.
I don't know if that's something to be proud of.

Speaker 3 (02:09):
The second half of you're breaking people's heart and you
wouldn't be all in.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
You should not be proud of that. That's not nice. Yeah,
but it's not on purpose. What is it then? Well,
I mean I don't seek out people to like say, oh, hey,
I intend to break your heart. I intended you know,
disappoint you. No, it's just maybe some people are in
a different place at the timing, or they feel differently

about you do then I don't know, or maybe I
was never meant to be in a relationship like that.
I really don't know, Okay, I mean, don't you think
there's a difference between intentionally hurting people and just being
yourself and not doing what other people need you to
do for them.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Yes, yes, but I'm a people pleaser, so like I
try to do everything in my power to make it work.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
So that's why I'm the one that got away. You
think that's true. You think you think that's what Big
tim saying, that you do everything in your power to
make is that's what Big saying. No, but he doesn't
have a microphone. Yeah, you're exactly right. You're exactly right. Throwback,
throw down Day today or name that tune battle waiting
by the phone from the vault roofy girl, what's what's

the pausible?

Speaker 4 (03:19):
There's like I've been, it's getting harder to find some
of them. So, like I have a couple that I'm
gonna choose from. But today I'm gonna go with girl,
let's go on vacation.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Oh so what you're saying is it's not ready yet.
I'm editing this one right now. He's not ready yet.
We're doing, We're doing it, doing, We're doing We're doing
it during the show apparently, which is fine. You know what,
as long as it's ready. As long as it's ready
in about forty five minutes, girl, it better be edited. Well,
that's all I'm saying. Girl. You better take anything I

did the messed up girl. Yeah, there is a man
that was stung in a Las Vegas hotel in a
particularly sensitive area. The California man is suing the Venetian
Hotel in Las Vegas after waking up in pain after
suffering multiple stings from a scorpion in his testicles. It's

the second one recently. Do you remember that, Yeah, like,
what's going on? It happened to me. It was very bainful. Yeah, no,
it it was yeah. No, I was the first one
happened to me. And that's why the Mirage Hotel is closing,
because that's where I was staying, and I su I
sued them, and I also found a dead body under
the under the bed from nineteen seventy four. So I
decided that it was time. Yeah, a big hotel in

Las Vegas is closing. Well, they're turning it into something
out of the hard rock, I guess. So it's not
like it's going away away, but they're not tearing it down.
They're just I guess they're rebranded. They got rid of
all the tigers and the bears and the dolphins, and
that's all been gone for a while.

Speaker 4 (04:47):
Yeah, that's where the fire the fire box in the front.
That's the mirage.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Oh yeah, never been pyramid one right, No, that's Luxe,
that's the Luxor. Yeah, they're going to have to tear
that one down someday because there's what else are you
gonna do with that hanted period?

Speaker 4 (05:01):
Just can verify that taunted because people died building that thing.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
Really, I heard that.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
And we were staying there because I mean, it's super
cheap to stay there. And then I went down to
the casino and then she was in the room and
she thought I had come back. Oh no, And she
came out of the bathroom and there she was talking
to nobody.

Speaker 1 (05:18):
Boy, Well, so she's telling you, woman of the night
losing money watching people gamble from behind. I do know.
There's like for fallowing his wedding.

Speaker 4 (05:39):
We went and after the wedding, we were all in
the casino and there's like so many games now, Like
there's so many table games, like different kind of like
you know, this kind of poker and that kind of
poker and this kind of Like I was like, I
don't know any of these games. And I was just
sitting there watching people playing these games. I was trying
to learn how to play the game behind them. Yeah,
so you just stand there and watching a lot of

people gamble. There's nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
It's kind of invasive, you.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
Don't I would feel so like weird if someone's over
my shoulder, like watching me gamble.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
If there's a lot like if I'm walking past the
table and there seems to be a lot of energy,
like because people are winning, and it's whatever, I'll stop
and see what's going on, because oftentimes you got somebody
who's gambling. If a lot of people are around the table,
usually someone's gambling a lot of money. Oh, and that's
always interesting to see. Like there was so many new games.

Speaker 3 (06:25):
I was like, I don't know he's just standing over
old ladies at the slot of money.

Speaker 5 (06:30):
Right, yeah, I had no money to gam right.

Speaker 1 (06:33):
Oh well no, wonder so you were like the kid
on YouTube watching the YouTube videos or the kid opening
the toys and playing with them. Isn't as satisfying for you?
Is it as satisfying for you to watch other people
gamble as it is?

Speaker 4 (06:45):
It is because like I always honestly trying to learn
how to play. So like once you figure it out,
you're like, oh, then you're like, oh no, no, no,
you don't don't hit, don't don't hit.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
Oh yeah, you have no inner monologue running over somebody show.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
No, no, don't do that. I don't do that. That's true. Actually,
at the bar, switching clothes with our friend about I was.
He had a T shirt on. I just butchered on.
I don't see any shoes. Wait, what happened this story?

Speaker 2 (07:15):
I was warm and I asked our friend if he
would mind switching shirts, and so we didn't feel like
going anywhere to do it, so we just did it
right there.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
On the floor. It was like four am in Vegas.
There was weird or the roller coaster.

Speaker 6 (07:28):
The roller coaster you called me and said I just
rolled roller coaster, and I said.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
Yeah, I wanted to feel alive, like you know, yeah,
I gets think I know where I was then, but yeah, no,
I know where you were. Yeah, yeah I was asleep.
Sure I was burying him. Where were you? I really
was asleep? I was too Yeah, okay, anyway a wedding.

I was extremely asleep. Scorpions have apparently been invading properties
across sin City and the suburbs. One home owner who
claims to have killed over twenty two scorpions on his
property in recent months. Suspects the deadly Southwestern species has
snuck into the city aboard palm trees imported for track
homes and other desert landscaping projects. The guy's suing the Venetian.
I guess he well, he's upset about it. Here. My

real question was, do you guys have like a hotel room?
You know how I feel about hotel rooms, But do
you guys have like a hotel room procedure? Like when
you and I know a lot flight attendants and people
who travel a lot for work, they have like a
whole thing like my flight attendant friends. I think some
pilots too, but I think a lot of the flight attendants.
I know, because they're women, they have like a thing.
They'll go in the room, they check the closet, they

check the shower, they look under the bed. A lot
of people will check the sheet. Some people bring their
own stuff and like they go through and it. Some
people clean the room. Again. I get the safety aspect
to the whole thing, but I also I don't know.
There's something about going to a hotel where it's like Jesus,
take the wheel, like I'm walking in. If there's someone
that's there to murder me, there's a murderer or a killer,

I'm dead. I'm gonna die. If there's you know, if
there's a scorpion that's already in bed, you know it's
already made itself comfortable, I'm probably gonna get stung by it.
Like I'm not tearing the room apart to find anything
because I'm afraid I'm gonna find stuff I didn't want
to find. And the other thing is, you guys know,
I'm a big like germophobe guy. Oh CD guy. I
just don't bother in the hotels because it's like there

is it is a war I'll never win. Same with airplanes.
You get on an airplane, I see people like cleaning
the back of the seat or whatever. Yeah, okay, sure,
maybe maybe got a few little germs off there. But
I mean, you're the thirtieth person sitting in that seat
today right, Like you're not getting it all out. So
I guess when I go to the hotel, the old
people say clean the remote, I'm like, I know what's
on the remote, Like, here we go, I'm covered in

it now. It is what it is. But you guys
do that. You go in the room and like look
under the sheets. Cause this guy, I guess if he'd
inspected the bed, then he would have found this thing
in there, but I don't. I would have slept right
next to him.

Speaker 7 (09:55):

Speaker 1 (09:55):
Same, it's the remote for me.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
Like if I walk in a hotel room and they
have the little sticker in on the remote or they
have it in a little plastic bag saying this remote
has been sanitized, I feel right at home. I feel
like I can trust this place. I lay down with
no problem. But if I go in and the remote
is just the regular remote, then I feel like I
got a lifesyle of a couple of things.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
And then I can get comforted. So you bring lifesaw
with you.

Speaker 3 (10:16):
Yeah, I'll have a little travel sized life saw or
some wet wipes.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Wow. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I just since COVID
I started doing that.

Speaker 6 (10:24):
I think for me, it's the it's the air conditioning,
because nothing worse than when you're like in a hot
ass place and you come back to the room and
there's like condensation.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Oh you know, yeah right, it says sixty, but it's
not sixty sixty, Yeah, it's eighty four.

Speaker 8 (10:39):

Speaker 1 (10:39):
That is one thing that is mandatory as I walk
right in the room and immediately put it as low
as it will possibly go, because whatever it says is
not necessarily And sometimes sometimes I think, oh, you'll wake up,
is like an igloo in there. Sometimes they're not lying
to you. But most of the time, when you say
it says sixty five, that means like seventy two.

Speaker 9 (10:54):

Speaker 1 (10:55):
And then there's the thing you can go. I've seen
there's like a you know, up down, up, now, left, right,
there's a thing you can do. Yeah, you can override
the little thermostat to make it so that it will
get even colder. Yeah, I don't know if that works.

Speaker 4 (11:07):
What were we gonna say I checked the Bible every
time I go. Really yeah, because as a kid, the
one time we stayed at a hotel, I found twenty
dollars like someone.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Someone someone collection.

Speaker 5 (11:23):
I pray that someone else Leed's money in the hotel.
I've seen tiktoks where people check like everything, because a
lot of people will hide money in a hotel room
so they don't gamble it away and then.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
They forget it. So those people checking like the.

Speaker 4 (11:35):
Pillowcases and all kinds of hiding spots behind pictures if
the picture comes off the wall.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
Yeah wow, So I checked the Bible. I feel like
that money was probably placed there, like as an offering
to the gods or something. You're probably you probably well,
so I don't know if you were the one who
was supposed to receive that. Count your blessing. Yeah, take
your blessing. Why they were hoping that the person who
opened the Bible actually read it was going to take

the money. But you just opened it just to take
the money. I did. I opened it, and it said
he scanned the Bible. Period said you didn't even read
the verse. You even read the verse?

Speaker 4 (12:14):

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Wow, yeah Corinthians. No, they said the money is for me,
that's Corinthians. Yeah, one, one four best free to bet
on black. Someone says at text, we stayed at a
hotel recently in Kentucky and found a used hypodermic needle

above the doorframe of the bathroom. I don't know why
you were above this. This is what I'm talking about.
Like I'm not going up there and like running my
fingers along any surfaces that I'm pretty sure no one's
ever Oh no, yeah, other people saying that they checked
the Bible too. Someone said you should have left money.

Speaker 4 (12:52):
I would have if the twenty would have hit, but
it didn't came back.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
You don't put the You wouldn't know, you wouldn't. He
just told a lie. You just said I always check
the mattress for bed bugs.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
I mean, I guess I do that, Yeah, but I've
had them three times.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
So but my thing is, I don't I don't really
want to undo the sheets because I don't want to
see what's on the mat I don't really want to see.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
Well, I'm allergic, so like it's better for me to
check right my whole body will blow up.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
Like I'm afraid of what the mattress actually looks like.
In a hotel, like, and I realized there's covers. I
just I don't know, like I know what I've done
in hotel rooms, and so I'm really not interested. I mean,
I've done a lot of Bible sitting, Yeah, a lot
of that. It's very intense. Why you leave the money
in the Bible? Yeah, well he leaves the money on
the dresser, on top of the Bible on the dresser.

It was a TikTok trend a year ago, people leaving
money in there. Why that's not a fun trend. I'm
not leaving anything on Dina, Hi, Dina, good morning. How
you doing God? How are you? Very well? Welcome to
the show. What's going on?

Speaker 7 (14:03):
Well, when I was a kid growing up, my dad
always told us that if we stayed in a hotel room,
we're supposed to check the Bible because the Gideons, who
are the ones that placed the Bibles in the hotel rooms,
left money in the Bibles for people to find.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
When they read the Bible. Right. But the point was,
all the years.

Speaker 7 (14:23):
Of checking Bibles, we've never found any money.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
See, you're supposed to read it though, that's the point.
R Yeah, very well, that's the constitution. So you never
found any money.

Speaker 7 (14:41):
We never found any money. So I'm glad to hear
that Rufio did find Thank you though.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Yes, of course he did, Dina, thank you, have a
good day.

Speaker 7 (14:48):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
Yeah, they're gonna have a word for you in Heaven
about that someday. Worked In hotels, ignorance is bliss. Here's
a text. Wipe down the remote and switches. Do not
use the coffee maker in the room. Rarely, if at all.
Often it winds up with a man's bodily fluid in.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
It in the coffee why why disgusting?

Speaker 1 (15:13):
Yeah, No, coffee makers don't come preloaded with creamy. They
don't like what are you doing? Like? What what we're
what world do we live in? Where you're like, all right,
I know what I'm gonna don't have anything here? I
mean god, I always bring my own blanket and hotel
because hotel sheets and blankets are always so stiff. I

guess again, it's just it is what it is. I'm
not traveling with all that stuff. I just show up
and I'm you know what if I'm gonna.

Speaker 4 (15:40):
Get Yeah, but then you're the possibility of you taking
whatever's on that bed with you.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Yeah, I did thank you. I don't know. I yeah,
So its scorpions is gonna get me whatever, I'm not
I'm not tearing the room apart. I'm gonna find some
stain and then it's gonna be I'm gonna be grossed
out and then it's just the problems is gonna get worse.
So guys, I mean everyone's favorite NFL player, Harrison Butker,

the kicker of the Kansas City Chiefs. I mean, this
guy is he is out here and he is making
news and it's it's really working out well for him,
and he is our top story today in What's Trending,
And if you don't know this one, I'm saying this
the second. This guy's a Laura fred It's the press show.
This is what's trending. How we were playing the song
I think it was Grace was her name, called and

said that she was inspecting the sheets for bedbugs and
then found like a like blot or something on it.
That's what I'm talking about. At least the sheets. I
think they're clean, and that the barrier between me and
the match. So I don't know, like we'll just leave
it as that. I don't I mean, whatever, A change
dot org petition, and what's trending today is demanding the

release of Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker from the team and
the NFL. It's gone viral since his graduation speech at
a private college in Kansas. So this guy is an
outspoken Catholic and married father of two. He congratulated the
women receiving their degree Benedictine College last weekend, and so
that most of them were probably more excited about getting married,
having children and staying at home to raise them and

be not mothers but homemakers was his quote, rather than
establishing their careers. I mean, it goes on and on,
but it did not go well. Sixty thousand signatures on
this thing, and it's growing. And so my thing is,
like if it probably is not untrue that most people

who are married and have kids are not even married.
Most people who have a family, the thing in their
life they're most proud of is their family. Like wouldn't
you say that I gought you most proud rufio of
your son and your wife the life that you guys
have built. But that does not mean that if you
don't choose that path, or even if you do that,
you can't also be super proud, especially as a woman
of a four year degree, of a graduate education, of

a professional career, of aspirations to climb and be successful,
to have all of that. So I just I was like,
I was super insulted by this guy. As a guy,
I'm sitting there going Yeah. Basically, what he was saying
to these people is, yeah, nice job on your four
year thing or whatever, but that just go ahead and
make sure you get married and have kids, because that's

that's what you just did for the last however many years.
Is irrelevant because what you really need to do is go,
you know, spread your legs and make some kids and
make me a sandwich.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
What's funny is his mom has her masters and that
helped pay for his college education so well.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
And the rumors are that our boy, mister evangelist, mister Catholic,
mister Pius, he may have had some fun in college
of his own the rumors. Caylin, our investigative reporter, did
some investigative reporting and went into the comments, and some
people are saying that he allegedly may have You know,

what happened to the male cheerleader from college is what
people are asking. Yeah, a lot of people from his
college are talking and asking some questions about you know,
which is fine if that's what he wants to do.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
I just think it's interesting for him to, you know,
talk so much about this wife and what your family
should be in and right. Yeah, yeah, And he also
bit off Taylor Swift's speech when she gave a commencement speech.
And obviously he's Travis Kelsey's teammates, so I'll be interested
to see how Travis handles that you ain't playing this year, homie, right,

because I mean Travis has a much more important role
on the team. I didn't know Kickers could have CTE,
but it sounds like he does.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
Yeah. Yeah, this guy's getting killed from this. I mean,
come on, like, what are we It.

Speaker 4 (19:33):
Was like crying in the speech and he's getting all
emotional like about calling these women tell him to go
on their journey to become homemakers.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
It's like, dude, it was way too out of line.
His family's nowhere on his Instagram either. That was also
my investigation. There's not a photo and kids and all that. No,
I haven't seen him on the look at that. Yeah,
I mean if that's what if that's the way that
you want your life to go, and that's the path
that you choose, and that's fine, but it doesn't it
doesn't diminish whatever other accomplishments you want as a man

or a woman in this case of woman, because that's
who he was targeting.

Speaker 6 (20:07):
Yeah, And I'm a wife and a mother, and I like,
I'd be damned if a man told me that, like
everything that I've accomplished, like that's what you consider, I
don't know, most useful for me, Like absolutely not. And
I'm proud to be both. But like you said, Fred,
I've done a lot more in my life than I'm
proud of it.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Amen. The Victoria's Secret fashion show that's trending in that
Killen has more on that. In the Entertainment Report, it
turns out that workers in the United States are cheating
on drug tests at the highest rat in decades. That's
got to be because marijuana is legal so many places.
But out of five point five million drug screens collected
from the general workforce, thirty one thousand showed signs of tampering.

The most common method of tampering was substituting a worker's
urine sample with the urine from a friend, which I've
heard or a pet. The pet I'd never heard of before. Differently,
how are we extracting urine from a pet? How are
we doing that?

Speaker 10 (20:56):

Speaker 1 (20:56):
Yeah? Do you put the cup down and just wait? Right?
A lot of the questions they get over here Benzo,
it's time for your drug test. I was like, mom,
get out from under there, like take me outside your
peer results that you like the hump kids, right, Okay,
well we got to explain that.

Speaker 10 (21:09):

Speaker 6 (21:10):
Sorry, but Benzo, Yeah, Benzo doesn't know the difference between
Austin small people ak eight children.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
He's a bit of a gangste Benzo.

Speaker 6 (21:17):
He is, I'm sorry, he likes a bark and I
don't know, pretending he's gonna do something, but he's not.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
He was He wasn't, He wasn't. Yeah, he was trying
to talk. He wanted me to believe it. I know.
When I got to the house, he's like, don't you
step in here? And then I stepped in and he
was like, Okay, you can come in if you want.
As long as you wrapped my butt, it's fine. He
didn't help me though. Only kids, Yeah, that's yeah, four
and under. So that's why I love this and I
let to live near school because of Benzo. Yeah yeah,

sorry about that. And in Indiana, judge is ruled that
this is a real thing. The tacos and burritos are sandwiches,
our Mexican styles sandwiches. A legal battle was sparked in
twenty twenty two after restaurant Tour unveiled plans to open
his restaurant, the Famous Taco Mexican Grill, in a strip

mall in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Allen County Planning Commission
rejected his bid based on a prior written commitment with
a housing association. For the agreement, the only restaurant allowed
at the facility were ones that didn't serve alcohol, prohibited
outdoor seating, and only sold made to order subway styles sandwiches. However,

the court ruled in this guy's favor on Monday on
the grounds that the proposed Famous Taco restaurant fit the
definition outlined in the original written commitment. The judge rule
the tacos and burritos are in fact Mexican style sandwiches,
adding that the original written commitment does not restrict potential
restaurants to only American cuisine style sandwiches. He added that

it also allowed an establishment that serves made to order Greek, Euros,
Indian non raps, and Vietnamese bond me if these restaurants
comply with the other enumerated conditions, so here we go, guys.
Hot dog is a sandwich. No, a burrito and a taco.
Now a sandwich meat with bread around at home, that's ridiculous.

Speaker 11 (23:06):
No, a taco's not a sandwich. Taco is a taco. Yeah,
A burrito is a burrito. A hot dog is a
hot dog. A sandwich is a sandwich wheat. Yeah, a
burger is a burger is a burger sandwich?

Speaker 1 (23:18):
This is between two bucks. Yes, it is. Oh my gosh,
I want a sandwich tonight and you get a burger.

Speaker 12 (23:22):

Speaker 1 (23:22):
But I mean like like you got sandwich and then
you got offshoots of sandwich. I mean like, no, no,
there's not one kind of taco. I mean there are
lots of different kinds of If we add multiple shells,
it's still a taco, but it's different.

Speaker 3 (23:37):
But it's like a chicken taco, a steak taco. If
you would say a ham sandwich or a turkey sandwich.
Sandwich is a sandwich, and a taco is a thank you.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
Yeah, But a burger is just a sandwich that has
a burger patty in there. No, a burger is a burger.
But honestly, of all of these, the burger is the
closest to a sandwich of any of them. I mean,
a burrito is a sandwich. A taco is a sandwich.
That's a real.

Speaker 4 (23:58):
Burrito that's only one piece of of of tortilla.

Speaker 2 (24:02):
Well, you don't call it a wrap. You call it
a wrap. Usually you don't say I want a sandwich
and then get.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
A wrap, right?

Speaker 13 (24:08):

Speaker 2 (24:08):
Do you know the chicken sees a rat, I get
a rap right, Because it's a tortilla.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
I would say it's more like a wrap than a sandwich. Okay,
so the burritos a stretch. The taco's a little closer.
The hot dog and taco are in the same sort
of I'm not sure area. At least a hot dog
has bread around it. But a burger is a sandwich
without questions. Definition, hamburger, that's what it's a hamburger. No,
I want a beef sandwich and then you get a burger.

Speaker 9 (24:34):
A beef sandwich is basically just a hot dog, right.
A beef sandwich is a beef sandwich. You just switch
out the beef for a hot dog. No, it's it's
a sandwich, different bread, but it's still bread. It's the
same form.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
Yeah, people are saying to sandwich, that's true, that is true,
it's real. But that's the real sandwich. Yeah, that's like
a literal sandwich. I feel it like you.

Speaker 14 (24:56):
Say, like a bread, yea top of bread.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
It's now Spanish is your first language something it's a
special type of bread.

Speaker 14 (25:07):
How would you say to America Spanish man, Yeah, I fire,
I had one last week, so you're gonna be that
I love, I love. Yeah, I am talking America Hispanics. No, No,
I'd be eating tortose my whole life. Yeah, we're gonna
go boody.

Speaker 10 (25:26):
You know.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
She's like the girl that your friend that went to
the summer and like, yeah, but anyway, yes, I'd like
a sandwich in it, and I'd like some cheese and
I had like some white wonderbread and yeah that's me. No,
it's good. Okay, so we agree. Now, so a burger
is a sandwich cool? The entertainer of port No, thank you,

all right, hamburg is a sandwich good? The entertainer of
fort is next three minutes and now Doja ket Fred
Show's Caitlin's Entertainment report. He's on the Fred Show.

Speaker 2 (26:04):
The former Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner admits that
she hid her first pregnancy from a strange husband, Joe
Jonas and this is really the first time she's broken
our silence about her split from Joe, saying she had
just arrived at a retreat and Bali Whin a pregnancy
test confirmed she was carrying their first child.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
She was only twenty three years old.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
And Sophie said she wasn't sure if she was ready
to become a mama, admitting that she considered all her
options at the time, including terminating even though they were married.
When she did share the news with Joe, she says
that she actually threw the pregnancy.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
Test at him, asking what do you think we should do?
Do you think we should have it?

Speaker 2 (26:40):
Sophie and Joe later welcome daughter Willa in July of
twenty twenty, becoming a family of four. Less than two
years later, with the addition of their second daughter, at Delphine,
they are no longer together, as we know. The singer
Joe filed for divorce in September, and they've been battling
it out in the legal system over the custody of
their two doctors. And remember it's kind of a contentious split.

You know, there was the issue of whether or not,
because she's British, so whether or not she could take
the kids back there elsewhere. In the interviews, she did
say that Taylor Swift actually gave her and her daughters
a safe place to stay while they were figuring all
of that out, and so they stayed with Mama Taylor.
The Netflix and the Netflix I was trying to say,

the NFL, Oh lord, how you say?

Speaker 1 (27:27):
What do you call? The Netflix?

Speaker 2 (27:29):
The NFL and Netflix have announced a new deal for
Netflix to stream the Christmas Day games and the NFL.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
I mean, pretty soon every game will be a different place.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
But they're going to stream both of the Christmas Day
games on December twenty fifth, of course this year, and
at least one Holiday game in both twenty twenty five
and twenty twenty six as part of a three season deal.
The Christmas Day doubleheader will feature the Chiefs playing on
the road against the Steelers.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
You like that, my boy buttker on Jesus' Birthday, let's
go making you a sandwich, cook it hard and working
so hardy better again.

Speaker 2 (28:15):
The Ravens are going against the Texans in the second game,
and they will be extremed exclusively on Netflix for the
first time ever.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
I'm annoyed by the way the NFL makes enough money
just put on free TV. Right, it's just burying TV.
Everybody can watch it. Put them all in places that
are just simple. Why I gotta jump around? I got
be one, I gotta be prime, when I gotta Netflix,
when I got be come on peacock. Yeah, yeah, honestly
that they're making plenty of money. Look how much money
they make on the Super Bowl ads, like, just make

it free. It's the NFL. You don't want to be
America's game or whatever you want. You want to surpass baseball.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
Make it easy for me to watch listen while we're
fighting for TikTok and ticket sales to concerts. We need
to add that, like the NFL needs to just give
us the games in one spot. Speaking of things to watch,
the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is making a comeback after
being on hiatus sense before the pandemic.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
I know Rufio is going to be watching this.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
The runway show for the Victoria's Secret Angels was last
held twenty eighteen.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
I'm going to post on Instagram.

Speaker 2 (29:16):
Victoria's Secret said the show will be back this fall
with everything you know and love.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
The glamour runway, wings, musical entertainment and more.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
And I always do love when they make the artists
like walk the runway and the models, you know, hold
their hand. I remember Rihanna did it, Taylor did it,
brutal Mars.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
Poor Bruno had to stand on a box because he
was so tiny compared to the model way he did
practical lingerie. So is long cerie. It's so impractical, Like
no one's wearing it. No one's going to walk around
with a bra. You already got boobs away and then
you got a brawl or a bunch of like diamonds
on it. Ways another forty pounds. No one's gonna wear that.
Plus it we might like stab my eye on if

I try to get it right now. Yeah, you wear
in the diamond bra again. Yeah, I know, I told
you not to come to work like that anymore. I'm
sure distracted. Can you publish it in that thing?

Speaker 10 (30:01):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (30:02):
I make it work? Okay, you make it all work. Yes,
she has some of the stones removed so she gets easy. Actually,
the CEO said that they had to rethink the event.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
I know a lot of people are against it, but
it was first held in nineteen ninety five and ex's
and former Flip or Flap co stars I Know You Loved,
Tarak el Musa and Christina Hall will reunite in a
new HGTV show. So Tarak and his wife Heatherey Young
who Jason you know from There You Go will star
with Christina and her husband Josh Hall in the home

renovation show The Flip Off, So not Flip or Flock,
but the Flip Off, and the four are going to
compete to find, buy, renovate, and flip a house for
the biggest financial gain. The show will premiere in early
next year.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
So I can't wait to not watch that. What I'm
not so good whatever. They're like the originators of the
house flipping. They they made a huge All gosh, how
are we ever going to make a profit on this?
I can't believe it. There's a whole bedroom missing. Someone
came last night and stole it. Oh we'll have to
build another one. Oh, we're gonna lose our ass on this.

Oh we made seven million dollars. I can't believe it.
It's odd to like the whole show, the whole show.
Oh my gosh, these vandals came in last night and
they put a rndles. What's a vandal? Oh well, you
mean someone broke in. This is like the Yeah I came.
You don't know, like I know these shows. Okay, I
don't watch that on it like, just get back in

a kitchen, okay, because yeah, because what's his buck? Buck
bucker just called and said that he, you know, need
you to make a baby or something. No, God, they
make him a taco sandwich. Yeah, don't make me. Don't
make me a sandwich aka burger. How you say, how
you say switch, how you say I should I should
make it very clear. By the way, if you didn't
listen fifteen minutes ago, I do not agree with that

man at all, ye place at all. No, but honestly,
you don't come at me. House Hunters damon NBC and
in shows, honestly, you you have your lane. Okay, that's
the Housewives, that's the Housewives, that's Bravo in general, that's musicals,
that's that's your that's your area. I don't know what.

Oh and the and the Drake wrap battle. I have
no idea. I'm trying to follow. I don't I just
don't me. On the other hand, crime TV and flipping
shows and food network shows, I'm all over it. Okay,
So every time there's this Ruvio knows this. There's a
complete and total disaster. Every time, Oh my god, the
entire house burned down? What all would never mind? Noid

didn't someone conditions every time, every single time. The one
that was the worst was that flipping Vegas show. That
was the worst. Lady was the worst. That was the worst.
She had the worst tastes. Oh god, you know what
we need. We need a fire pit in the middle
of this house, like with glitter everywhere. Vegas Lady lowered

and then the dudes would like in his race car
carried a gun and he'd like go in and clear
the house and with his own gun. I'm like, what
am I watching?

Speaker 10 (33:11):

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Who is this man? All the formula to all these
flipping shows is okay, I'm buying this house. Big risk
every single time, huge risk. I don't know what's going
to happen here? And then uncovered we must uncover like
a disaster, like, oh my god, this house has no pipes.
I don't know how we miss it. This house has
no My goodness, this house. I can't believe that this

house has no roof. How did we not see that?
And then they we're gonna lose our ass on this,
and then somehow, a miracle of nature, they're able to
rebuild the whole house and make double the money. Incredible
every single time, every time.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
Yeah, I don't like shows with like the same thing
every time. But there is a cabin show from the
early two thousands that I like to rewatch.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
You have the go see four cabins and then they
pick one.

Speaker 15 (34:01):
Oh, but.

Speaker 1 (34:03):
There's the one I like sort of sometimes, the one
the main cabin masters. Oh yeah, there's no disaster there. No,
they just make a little cabin nice. They just do
a nice little job up there in Maine. They're just mainers.
They're just doing their things. They got beards and stuff like,
they're just they're just all buddies. I like that one.

Speaker 4 (34:18):
I like the dude from New Kids on the Block,
what's his name? He renovates a bunch of too many
of these the old Uh you guys home.

Speaker 1 (34:28):
What's his name? Mc Jonathan Knight? Oh, Jonathan Knight? Yeah,
Who am I thinking of? Joey McIntyre. Yeah, I guess
that's what I'm He's like, doesn't he do? Like who's
the Chippendale guy?

Speaker 16 (34:43):

Speaker 1 (34:43):
Oh no, that's the guy from ninety eight degrees is
doing chippendale stuff. No, no, not the bold guy, not
the guy who wears a hat either. Bread. No, there's
there's somebody from one of the Druids, one of these guys.
I get an email about once a year from a
quote unquote publicist, publicist and Drew whatever or whoever it is.
Who's the guy in ninety eight degrees doing chippendale stuff?
One of them? Drew, the one that went dancing with

the stars of the Year. Maybe that's him, I don't know,
but Drew. I thought Drew was the guy that wore
the hat that was kind of weird. Jeff is the
guy year I get an email from like publicist Jeff
and Jeff whatever dog Jeff, Yeah, would you like to
have he's in town doing ship? Would have him on.
It's like it's like when Paulina and uh and Bobby
Valentina were going back and forth, and it was like

Paulina's publicist, have paulina publicist dot got gmail that whatever
story you were actually talking to each other. Correct, But
we had to make it look like we were bigger
time than now. Why would you not ask us if
we wanted Chippledale in here? Chippledale, have a chippy Dale?
Why do you ask us? I think we had something

else going on that day? We had much more important.
Is Vinie ever emailing you too?

Speaker 10 (35:53):

Speaker 1 (35:53):

Speaker 10 (35:54):
To me?

Speaker 1 (35:56):
Who's that? I don't think I've ever heard his last
name before. He's doing all the Chippendales or whatever. He's
a tripper.

Speaker 17 (36:06):
Yeah, I'm a losing listeners. Wow, because I'm not booking
fixers the name of the show Farmhouse Fixer. Maybe because Jonathan,
how am I losing listeners? Fred's going to join the
Harrison Butcker list with the sandwich opinion? No, I'm not
actually Jeff Timmins. That's the guy who does the chip,
the sandwich thing and the I mean, I couldn't be

any I couldn't be any more passionate about each in
different ways.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
Once in a lighthearted I'm extremely passionate about the sandwich topic. Friends,
losing listeners. I'm extremely passionate about about what an idiot
that Butcker guy is. I'm extremely passionate about all of that.
But this is the same guy who who comes after
comes after you, Caitlin. Something earlier in the week was

about you weren't in teen intellectual enough to understand. Oh yeah,
So the guy I'm losing listeners, but he's able. He
or she I'm assuming it to him, is able to
text every morning telling us how we're stupid. So a woman,
it's a tiny green. This guy actually knows. I think
he might know Harrison Buker. I think they might have.
I think it is Harrison. It might be it might
be his cheerleader friend from college. Well, now that is

someone I want to talk to. Well, I'm hearing. I
don't really know where this went, but like a lot
of things we do on this show, I'm not even
sure where we are anymore. But if you don't, let's
go ahead and wrap it up. Okay.

Speaker 2 (37:31):
So we have some stuff online speaking of musicals, being
my lane on the official trailer for Wicked Drops and
I Cannot Wait. Also, a pop star played her new
album just for her fans. Pretty awesome. That's right, show
Radio dot Com.

Speaker 1 (37:44):
I mean, I'm absolutely just grilling this company for not
putting us on in more cities. And I don't even
know what the hell just happened in the last fifteen minutes,
So they're probably listening going, why the hell will we
do that? You got lost in the sauce for HGTV. Yeah, well,
I mean I'm very passionate about that topic too. So
just to just to recap this hour, We've covered morons
who say bad things about women who we don't like.

We've covered reality flipping shows. We've covered the Victoria's Secret
fashion show, Tacos a Sandwich, Taco's a Sandwich. We covered
hotel rooms, hotel room. Yeah, we're good. We've done a
lot of things to sell right. We covered too. I
wouldn't say good. We got to show for people with
a D we attend. I would more Bread Show next.

You've got to wait. Bread Show is.

Speaker 11 (38:35):
On morning show.

Speaker 1 (38:40):
I mean a d D radio. That is our brand,
So still beod whatever. We covered a lot of things
last hour. You got to pay attention and you have
to listen to the whole thing. That's That's really what
it comes down to. It's a five hour commitment. Guys,
it's only five hours a day. We got to be here.
We're doing it for you, you know what I mean? Yeah,

I can't on. How you doing, Jason bro Hi? Hi Rufio, Hello,
Hi probably hey Hi, showbiz is here? Three hundred and
fifty bucks new player? Can you beat our pop culture
expert in five questions and get the money? Snapper four
game win streak? I stand correct at seventeen games, eighteen weeks.
I'm sorry. There is a bye week, my bad. There
is chiefs for preseason apparently as well. So I got
a bunch of text correcting everything that we said. So

that's good. But I was I was wrong. So I
stand there listening. No, Iy, that's right, that's right. And
it was a constructive criticism. It wasn't hey you you
more on? Am a human being? You're the dumbest person
I've ever seen. By the way, football Yeah, come on? Yeah, No,
by knows exactly. Tot Lake City doesn't have a football team.

Well Jason didn't. But I mean, it doesn't matter. It
doesn't matter that. It doesn't matter that our president of
sports reporting, maybe he's prophetic, Maybe there should be one there.
They just got hockey. Yeah, he's onto something called progression.
It is evolution, it is brand And if Sally did
have a football team, what would you called, Yeah, the
Salt Lake Mormons. Ahead, Well, they are looking for a

name for the hockey team, and I think that that fits.
That logo would be awesome.

Speaker 7 (40:15):

Speaker 1 (40:18):
What's the other one where they pushed the bed from
bed jumpers from underneath? There's a term for that. You
never heard of that one from? I don't know. Well,
I think it's I think it's an it's a more
advanced version of soaking, where you soak and then somebody
gets under the bed and you're under it. Well, no,
that creates the motion, so that so that you're not

the provo pusher. Jason has met him. All right, wow,
so now we've let's say that's the list of things
we've covered today. Blogs are audio. Journals are just a
Seconkiki's got one waiting by the phone from the vault. Girl,
You strong, Now it's you strong. Yeah, I thought it
was a vacation.

Speaker 7 (40:59):
Now Rogers.

Speaker 1 (41:04):
Roger's not here. The ballhead lady's not here either. All right,
we changed it all right? Now you strong? Okay, goodby
Shelley good news stories and the entertainment reports coming up?
What are working on, Kaylen?

Speaker 2 (41:15):
Well, we have yet another apology in the Great Rap
Beef of twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (41:19):
Also, a big time male news anchor has the newsroom
and a tizzy over a revealing outfit he wore. He wore.

Speaker 12 (41:28):
Oh yeah, they talk better than the excited tell me,
these are the radio blocks on the Fred Show, all right,
like we're writing in our diaries, except we saying him aloud, Kiki,
Yes you got a Kaylen rant today?

Speaker 1 (41:42):
Well, yes, yesterday it was Kaylen a military time, which
I have to be honest, I listened back on the
treadmill yesterday and I'm saying I was on the treadmill
as a flex because I wanted Gideon to hear that,
because that's up. Giddy In the Torturer has already texted
this morning with another water meme. And I'll have you know,
a new bottle of water is right here, just so
you know I need to drink more water. I have

all those water bottles that you bought before and didn't
don't you use Just use one of those? How do
you know about his water bottles? Because he and because
he's gone through.

Speaker 10 (42:15):
I did.

Speaker 1 (42:15):
I did invent flavored.

Speaker 4 (42:16):
Water, Remember yeah, I did water flavored and fused water
and had a little compartment for your food.

Speaker 1 (42:22):
I did do that three days and then whatever, I
got a bottle of water. You were listening on the
chutmill though, And oh and I did laugh. I laughed
at us talking about military time like I I was there.
He chuckled, and I laughed again. Because it's just a
ridiculous rant. Kiki. Now, now Kiki's got one, take it away, okay,

dear blog.

Speaker 3 (42:45):
Well, you know, I just like to address this to
whoever decided to create the drink machines with all.

Speaker 1 (42:51):
Of the options. Vending machine, Oh no, the single machine.
It's one machine.

Speaker 3 (42:57):
Literally, yes, every any flavor of coca cola.

Speaker 1 (43:02):
So the fountain screen, the one single button does everything. Oh,
this is very stressful. It's let me tell you something,
a coke freestyle machine. It's cold.

Speaker 3 (43:12):
I know that when you, Sura ma'am, thought of this idea,
you walked into your boss's office and said, baby, I
got it right, and you all thought this was just
a great thing to do. However, it's nasty and we
need to stop it right now. Why is it nasty
because you I would like a regular coat. When I

go to a movie theater, I want to box of popcorn,
extra butter, and.

Speaker 1 (43:35):
I want a coke.

Speaker 3 (43:36):
Why does my coke taste like orange flavor, cherry flavor.

Speaker 1 (43:40):
Jijirel bec spouse.

Speaker 3 (43:43):
Yes, and they are not cleaning those things, so it's sticky, okay.
The ice is always out and then the flavors are
all mixed together. It's one big party. I don't want that.

Speaker 1 (43:54):
I would like a regular coke. So if you want
to have one tube going from the coke bag the
water bag to the one spout, that's what we're doing.
That's all we're doing.

Speaker 10 (44:04):

Speaker 3 (44:04):
Now, when I go to the movie theater my coke,
I don't know what it's.

Speaker 1 (44:07):
Gonna taste like. Just just do a little run, just
do a little brow. That does not work, and they
don't clean those things, probably for weeks.

Speaker 3 (44:14):
So I'm tasting ginger real mixed with a cherry, mixed
with vanilla, mixed with sprite.

Speaker 18 (44:20):
I don't want That sounds pretty good. That's discussing what
they call that the tornado. There used to be another term,
but I don't like to fill it with each one
yet when you just go and do it. Yeah, I'm
with you on this. I don't want it, like why
is my coat? Yeah exactly.

Speaker 1 (44:34):
My coke tastes like mister pib too, and a little
there's a little assence of vanilla in there to why
why why?

Speaker 3 (44:41):
So can we just go back to I'll take four options,
give me, you know, coke, diet coke, a sprite, and
that's it. That's all we really need. We don't need
all these options. That's what's wrong with the world now.
We got too many options.

Speaker 1 (44:53):
I was thinking about Kalin yesterday actually because I I
this is my take, I think if I think, it's
yours too. But I allow myself now because as you know,
I'm mister fitness. I was on the treadmill yesterday. I
don't know if I was on I was on treadmill hydrating,
but I And that's, by the way, that's the time
when I'm by myself, when I sample all the different
radio shows and I go through and listen. So I

started with us because every now and again I'll just say,
what the hell does this sound like on the other end,
and how did you enjoy it? Or are you like,
what the hell you know what I will say, You
guys are good. We're better when you're here. But where
was I going with this?

Speaker 10 (45:29):

Speaker 1 (45:30):
I allow myself one full fat coke a week. Now
I used to be like three a day. I allow
myself one a week, and I coordinated with what I'm eating.

Speaker 10 (45:40):
So what was.

Speaker 1 (45:41):
Yesterday a Hamburger sandwich? It was a Hamburger sandwich. I
think like pizza for me, pizza and coke is like
I have to pizza and beer also, But I think
it was pizza and coke yesterday is what I did
for lunch. And because I guess, by the way, if
you're going to cheat and you're trying to work out,
pizza is actually a pretty good cheat meal because you
got carbs and some it's not great.

Speaker 10 (46:03):
But like.

Speaker 1 (46:05):
I was having my one can of coke for me,
of all the different kinds of coke, all the different ways, fountain, McDonald's, fountain,
a little spicy, a bottle, A two liter. Two liter
to me is a disaster. Two leader is absolute trash.
It is a liter of coke is trash. It always
somehow comes out flat, like that day, like the like

the whole thing has to be maybe even that minute
because as soon as you open it the first time,
it's all gone for me, for my money. The best
form is a can of Coca cola. Now people are
gonna come for me now I say it tastes metallic.
Maybe so a can an ice cold can of Coca
cola that is tops glass, or can McDonald's fountain. Yeah,

in a Mexican cocate too, Yeah, too sweet, it's very sweet.
And the McDonald's coke, while spicy, is a little sweeter.
You get the true essence of like the bite of
the coke for me out of a can, like yes, yes,
And the carbonation's there and preserved and ready. It's it's ready,
and it's in a serving size that as long as

you drink it in a reasonable period of time, you're
gonna get every Every sip is going to give you
full fledged Coca cola eiphoria. Yes, thank you. It's gonna
give you the full experience every time, unlike a bottle,
a bottle you open it and you close it, not
only is it gonna get is gonna get warm fast,
but every time you reopen the bottle, you're releasing more

of the carbonation. By the end of it, it tastes
terrible and I'm just drinking bad calories at this point.

Speaker 3 (47:40):
Yeah, I'll take a coca Have you give it to me,
as long as it's not in a free establishine.

Speaker 1 (47:44):
Are you going to say something? Say something? I've said
something to you.

Speaker 3 (47:48):
You can say something to the said world. Oh no,
I won't say anything, but Victoria will. Yeah, Victoria injustice
is Victoria.

Speaker 1 (47:59):
It's been came to a picture of Paulina's opposed to
a picture of Kaylen waiting by the phone from the
Hall of Fame. We'll do it in two minutes. Fred Show.
Ever been left waiting by the phone? It's the Fred Show?

Speaker 10 (48:15):
Hi, Angela, Hey, how's it going.

Speaker 1 (48:17):
Welcome to our show. It's waiting by the phone? Kaylen's here.
I got your email about Matt, says, So you guys
met on a dating app, went out for drinks. Let's
talk about the date and where you guys stand right now? Yeah?

Speaker 15 (48:29):
So yeah, so I met.

Speaker 19 (48:31):
Yeah, thank you, said, I met Matt on an app
and the date was awesome. There was a lot of
chemistry between us, and everything's just really easy and kind
of like playful with him.

Speaker 10 (48:44):
Well, yeah, it was great.

Speaker 19 (48:46):
We didn't we didn't kiss or anything, but we were
really touchy feely and and yeah, I don't know, there's
there's there's something there. But yeah, it's been it's been
two weeks out and I haven't heard anything from him. Yeah, yeah,
but it's really weird. It was really weird because I

really thought that we had something.

Speaker 1 (49:10):
Okay, all right, because you know, you meet people on
these dating apps and I don't know, you know, sometimes
you can tell within a car I'm sorry to somebody
about this. The other day. You could tell within a
couple of minutes if you think it's going to go anywhere,
but you have to sit through the whole date. Well,
in this case, you felt this connection and there were
a lot of good signs except you know, you've been ghosted,
and of course you probably want to know why.

Speaker 10 (49:30):
Yeah, totally.

Speaker 1 (49:31):
Okay, Well that's where we come in. We'll call Matt,
we'll ask some questions, we'll see if we can figure
out what's going on, and hopefully it's you know, something
simple we can straighten out. Has set you guys up
on another date and pay for that? Okay, can you
hang on for a second, Yeah, totally, let's see what's
going on. Part two of waiting at the phone from
the vault. Fred's version after Ariana in two minutes, will
do it? Then the entertainer important money was show vis

Shelley on The Fred Show. Ariana, It's the Fred Show.
Good morning, Angela. We're gonna call Matt. You guys met
in a dating app and you thought the date went
really well, except it's been a couple of weeks and
you haven't heard from him. He's ghosting you and you
want to know why. Yeah, okay, we'll call him right now.

Speaker 10 (50:06):
Good luck, Okay, thank you. Hello.

Speaker 1 (50:16):
Hi is this Matt?

Speaker 12 (50:19):

Speaker 1 (50:19):
Good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling for the
Fred Show, the morning radio show. The whole crew is here.
I do have to tell you that we are on
the radio right now and I would need your permission
to continue with the call. Can which at for a second?
Is that cool?

Speaker 3 (50:32):
I got it?

Speaker 1 (50:34):
Jo, No, it's a real call and we're calling for
a real reason. I'll get right to it. Since she
said it was okay, we're calling about a woman named
Angela who reached out to us, said she meant you
on a dating app. You guys had drinks and remember
this woman? Yeah, yeah, I do so what's the deal?
Because she told us really about a successful date and
thought there was chemistry and liked you and was hoping

that she would hear from you again and she hasn't,
so she kind of wanted us to seek why that
might be.

Speaker 15 (51:01):
Yeah, it was it was fine day.

Speaker 1 (51:05):
It was just fine. I don't know, I just it
was just fine. So just that's it. We're gonna leave
it at that, Like you just weren't overwhelmed, You didn't
feel the same chemistry she did, and and you just
want us to tell her that it just wasn't a
match and she was totally delusional.

Speaker 15 (51:19):
Well no, I mean I wouldn't call it.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
It was just it was just a fine date. I
don't know, mean fine, Yeah, that's right. Fine never means fine.
I know that trick. What no, really like what happened?
Something must have happened, Like I don't know, I don't
really want to talk about it. Okay, So something did happen? Well, now, okay, please,
I'm sorry to call like blow you up like this,
but you say you don't want to talk about it.

I want to be able to tell her something. So
what should we tell her? Oh?

Speaker 17 (51:48):

Speaker 15 (51:48):
All right, so you know we're sitting around about I'm
not working out or somehow arm wrestling came up, and uh, okay.

Speaker 10 (52:01):
Yeah, she beat me at wrestling, and I just it
was not I was a little embarrassed.

Speaker 1 (52:05):
She beat you at arm wrestling on the date she
beat me. Yeah, and that's the problem. Well, you know, personally,
I don't want to date a woman that's stronger than me.

Speaker 15 (52:16):
Yes, but it was a little emasculating to happen in
front of.

Speaker 10 (52:19):
A bunch of strangers.

Speaker 1 (52:20):
I really thought that we would like the gathering where
people like hooting and hollering.

Speaker 15 (52:24):
I mean, what was like, Oh no, Dad, It was
just you know, we're sitting down, you know, having a
nice conversation and all of a sudden you get splum
on the table and you know people's heads are going
to turn when they see me grabbing my biceps.

Speaker 1 (52:37):
And her just kind of laughing. Wow. I forgot to
mention I always do the angelus here, Angela. So that's
the reason is that you beat him in arm wrestling,
you're stronger, and he doesn't want to go out with
the woman who can beat him in arm wrestling. You go, girl,
Oh my.

Speaker 3 (52:51):
God, I'm trying right now.

Speaker 10 (52:53):
Uh well that's that's a reason, I guess a very
good one.

Speaker 1 (52:59):
But I mean, really though, like you can't get it. Okay,
So she beat you an arm wrestling, she's got stronger
biceps than you do or whatever, like, I don't know,
but if everything else went well, then maybe don't arm
wrestle anymore.

Speaker 10 (53:10):
Yeah, I don't. I mean I thought the chemistry was there,
you know.

Speaker 15 (53:13):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 10 (53:15):
I thought we had a really nice time.

Speaker 15 (53:17):
Yeah, I mean, it was a good time.

Speaker 10 (53:19):
I agree. I think I just.

Speaker 1 (53:21):
Didn't think that it was gonna be so embarrassed by
the end of the night. Wow.

Speaker 10 (53:26):
I mean, I guess I get it, but like you've
just also you ghosted me when you.

Speaker 1 (53:30):
Didn't Wow, you emasculated him and he was so embarrassed
that he could never speak to you again. This is
a new one too, I've never heard I'm not sure
if I've ever heard this one before. And one of
those arm emojis, I don't really even know.

Speaker 15 (53:44):
What to say.

Speaker 1 (53:45):
Yes, you sent her an arm emoji and let her
figure that one out. Yeah, okay, So is there any
way we can look past that the arm the arm
wrestling thing and maybe try this again with no with
no you know, uh, physical strength testing going on on
the date. I mean, what's an Angela.

Speaker 10 (54:07):
With you?

Speaker 1 (54:07):
If I can get this? Sounds good? Now it's weird,
so okay, so are we gonna try again? Because we'll
pay for it? I mean it is. I think I
kind of feel like you screwed yourself, Matt, because now
she's like, what, you know, really like, what's the next
thing that I'm gonna do? What if I'm s what

if I win in a trivia battle? Are you going
to be you know, humiliated by the fact that she's
all right? Well, then the question, I guess remains, Angela,
do you still want to go out with Matt after
hearing this story?

Speaker 10 (54:43):
I mean not particularly. It's kind of like a both reason.

Speaker 1 (54:48):
So we call to set you up again. He agrees
after telling you the story, And now you're like, eh,
I don't. I don't like the explanation. I agree, he
sounds insecure.

Speaker 10 (54:57):
I mean, yeah, you know the thing I am. I'm
not like freakishly strong, but I'm strong and I'm smart,
and I'm like, okay, you know what.

Speaker 1 (55:08):
To beat me once?

Speaker 15 (55:09):
To beat the one thing for to come back and say, ooh,
I'm not that strong, but I still beat him.

Speaker 1 (55:14):
Okay, we need a rematch. I don't know, you guys,
you guys will have to work that out. This is weird,
so no second date then, Angela, you want off the
off the hook on this?

Speaker 15 (55:23):

Speaker 10 (55:23):
I think so.

Speaker 1 (55:24):
Okay, Matt, thanks for answering, Thanks for your time. Best
of luck to you. Maybe I don't know, maybe get
joined that CrossFit coal or something, you know, like I
don't know, start doing some dead lifts or something like that.
Wake up call. All right, guys, good luck, Thank you
for your time. The Entertainment Report with Kaelin and three
hundred and fifty Bucks with showby Shelley. Can you beat

the Gorilla pop culture expert in five questions? We'll play
next Fresh shows on. Hey, Kaylen, Thanks, you're a big
Adam Levin guy. Right, I love that guy.

Speaker 14 (55:59):
Some of that.

Speaker 1 (56:01):
Show. I was gonna say, Can and I are always
in the front row. Yeah, he's humble, so that's super
humble guy.

Speaker 10 (56:07):

Speaker 1 (56:08):
Did you get that tattoo removed?

Speaker 10 (56:09):

Speaker 1 (56:09):
You still got it?

Speaker 14 (56:10):

Speaker 1 (56:10):
The one that says Illinois. Yeah No, that was real
and it's still there across my belly. Yeah. Yeah, he's
looking pretty fired. It's a little weird now because like
I'm a little a little bit thinner in the belly,
so it's like a little crunched. It's not because because
I had it put on when I was a little fatter,
you know. So now the skin's coming in illness just
as ill. It just says yeah, it just says I, yeah, exactly.

Good will. My one Adam Levine story, uh, the song
was Harder to Breathe, San Antonio, two thousand and four.
They were opening on the back porch of a mall
for uh bowling for soup, oh yeah wow. And their
dressing room was an actual cleaning closet like for the mall.

And the record person introduced me to Adam Levine and
we were one of the in Austin. We want of
the first stations to play that song. And I'm like, hey, man,
nice to meet you. Song sounds great on the radio.
And he goes, I know, oh. That was our entire interaction.
That was it. Yeah. I was like, oh yeah, cool.
I mean and granted, you know, he made something of himself,

he certainly certainly did, but I mean, for the number
of artists we were meeting at the time, like at
the time I'm going You're opening for Bowling for Soup
and on the show these guys, Yeah, yeah, I mean
in the meantime, what's his name? Jared from Bowling for Soup.
He used to call me about once a month just

to say hi. I'm wonder if I think I still
have his number? We should call him when he's making
a bunch of TikTok videos. Now is I think they're
touring again Bowling for Soup? I mean I go to it.
I'd get a little drunk and go to a Bowling
for Soup show. Why not I get a little drunk
and go anywhere at this point? You know, anything like
bring some happiness to my insights? You know what I mean?

Anything you remember a similar time.

Speaker 2 (58:04):
So an update on the Great Rap Beef of twenty
twenty four. Solja Boy got real heavy backlash, as he
should have for dissing metro Booman and disrespecting his late mother.
So if you didn't know, the producer and his mom
were extremely close and she died in a murder suicide
in twenty twenty two. And if you missed it, Old
Soldier Boy was seemingly set off on Sunday after a

twenty twelve tweet for Metro Resurface talking about the rapper.
The tweet read my phone rings to come to the
studio with Jeezy, yours rings to send Solja Boy a
pack of beats.

Speaker 1 (58:35):
Sit down.

Speaker 2 (58:36):
He then went after his mom in a really low blow, writing,
f that dude's mama. Don't speak on my name. Be
you sacrificed your own mom at Metro Boomin.

Speaker 1 (58:45):
You a puppet. Now, Soljia Boy has had a change.

Speaker 2 (58:48):
Of heart, he wrote, I apologize to Metro Boomin for
overreacting over an old tweet condolences to his mom. How boy,
I'm going to seek therapy on anger management. I'm done
responding to hate and you were old.

Speaker 1 (58:58):

Speaker 2 (58:59):
I don't know if I will leave him, but if
that is true, then you better yourself Soldia, because we're
not doing mamas.

Speaker 1 (59:04):
We're not doing that. Leave him out of it.

Speaker 2 (59:06):
But yet another apology, and this rat beef is still
going on, and now we got other people involved. Jason,
this one's for you because Abril Lavigne went on the
Caller Daddy podcast and you were asking whether or not
they would discuss the long helse yep, the long held
conspiracy theory that the real Avril died in the early
two thousands and was replaced buy a look a look

like named Melissa Vandella. Yeah, okay, So Avril says, the
theory is ridiculous because she's definitely herself.

Speaker 1 (59:34):
And that's what that's what the imposter was sayact, what
do you right? Oh no, I'm Melissa, I'm the whole
thing's sake. Come on, come on, no, So do we
trust it?

Speaker 2 (59:46):
And she actually said she's fine with this because as
rumors go, this one's like not that bad, you know,
in comparison to what it could be. And she, you know, said,
she's not the only person to get this kind of conspiracy.
I guess there's one called the Paul is Dead conspiracy
about Paul McCartney from the Beatles, who some people think
died in nineteen sixty six. And the reason she's doing
press and she's never done a podcast before until this,

which is pretty amazing. But Avril has a Greatest Hits
album coming out next month and a Greatest Hits tour
kicks off soon.

Speaker 1 (01:00:15):
We going, Oh, we are going. We're wearing our white
tank tops and ties. We're going.

Speaker 2 (01:00:20):
She's trying to get the word out and you can
get your tickets to see Avril or Melissa alive now.

Speaker 1 (01:00:25):
And I think it was last year at the was
she at festival last year? I heard Radio Music Festival?
Or was it two years ago? They all blend together,
but she was amazing. She was so good. Yeah, right
a Canadian queen.

Speaker 2 (01:00:36):
Right, go Melissa, go real quick to Marco Morgan, the
g M A three anchor who replaced TJ. Holmes after
that scandal, has his newsroom in a tizzy over some
photos he posted showing himself in biker shorts naughty.

Speaker 1 (01:00:48):
So last month he posted these photos. I'm not surprised
you've seen them, Jason leaving Vinton Bucker commented with a
fire emoji.

Speaker 2 (01:00:56):
Yeah, he was in the DMS for sure, but it
left little to the imagination. We saw, you know, in
the downstairs area, we saw, we saw everything.

Speaker 1 (01:01:06):
There, you go everything below. The rufio just found it too,
and he likes it. So yeah, everything's really.

Speaker 14 (01:01:17):

Speaker 1 (01:01:17):
You are not safe. And if you feel vine, ladies,
you let me know that. The only person guess that
at my junk is that another man, and the straight
man is that it's straight. Yeah, even Jason doesn't gasping
up like this. He wouldn't be mad at this cyclist
goes yelling at you, Fred, I'm telling you that sounds
like you wouldn't be well where does. People at ABC

are not amused by the photos.

Speaker 2 (01:01:43):
Other anchors and correspondence have urged him to take the
photos down, but he's not. He's seeming strong as he should.
Apparently he feels like everyone's overreacting, as do I. We
need to encourage these kinds of photos, but.

Speaker 1 (01:01:54):
He should be junks shaming anybody.

Speaker 2 (01:01:56):
No, but people at ABC are pissed and apparently it's
causing a big problem and they're not going to give him,
you know, any repercussions now. But apparently it's the talk
of the newsroom, and it's the talk of our newsroom,
as it should be.

Speaker 1 (01:02:10):
Would you please give.

Speaker 2 (01:02:11):
Us a follow on the gram Fred Show Radio and
then The Fred Show, TikTok please.

Speaker 1 (01:02:16):
Show Bi Shelley three hundred and fifty bucks four game
win streak? Can you beat the gorilla in five questions? Eight, five, five,
three five? Will play? Next?

Speaker 8 (01:02:24):
It's The Fred Show? Do you have what it takes
to battle show Biz? Shelley in the show Biz Showdown, Hey,
don't exert too much early on. You know, well, I
have that problem often brought the thunder early and then yeah,

well I wish I said at this age, I wish
I still had them problem. But Shelley, nice of me
to be a mom and work. I know that our
friends from the city Chiefs is very disappointed in you.

Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
Yeah, that's all right with you. If you could get
back to your motherhood and making sandwiches, yeah, if you're could,
honestly you want to talk, I'm going to be in Polish. Yeah, sure,
So which one do you want today? Money sounds pretty good?
I know, yeah, I don't know what that is, but
I'll have it. Yeah, take two of those, Ashley. How

you doing good? How are you? That word could mean anything,
and I just said I'll take two of them. So
like she played you, I feel like you may have
think I just asked for two wangs. Honestly, that may
have just had it. Ashley, how are you doing? Good morning? Welcome,
Thank you, I'm doing well.

Speaker 3 (01:03:47):
How about you?

Speaker 1 (01:03:48):
Very well? Let's play the game on Today's prize three
hundred and fifty dollars. Shelley's record eight hundred and eighty
four wins and fifty eight losses and four straight wins
with the Shells. You guys, ready, all right, ready, good Lightelly,
she shall have to respect. Get that hell out, Ashley,
here we go. Question number one, which singer suffered a
wardrobe malfunction Tuesday while performing on her Guts World tour.

Olivia Rio, which music producer said he's ready to start
a family with Selena Gomez. Oh, shoot three two. I
don't know I can help you, but you're sounding you
might be good, so I can't, Paris Hilton said, turning
to surrogacy. She wore a fake baby bomb around the
house for a day. How many kids does Paris Hilton have?

An obituary appeared in a Detroit newspaper for the alter
ego of this rapper ahead of his upcoming album My
Favorite eminem and Rory McIlroy, Rory, Rory McElroy. Oh, it's
hard to say today shockingly filed for divorce from his wife.
What sport does he play professionally? Watch him win the

PGA this weekend. Oh, he's he's in his zone. Yeah,
they won't let him back into the thing. And yeah,
yeah he's a favorite. That's a four. By the way,
it's an excellent scot A four. Shelley Yeah you Ready,
which singer stuffered a wardrobe malfunction Tuesday while performing on
her Guts World tour. Olivia Rodriguez Yeah, which music producer

said he's ready to start a family with Selena Gomes.
Benny Blanco is right, Paris Hiltons despite turning to surrogacy.
She wore a fake baby bump around the house for
a day. How many kids does she have? She just too? Yeah,
that's right. An obituary appeared in the Detroit newspaper for
the alter ego of this rapper ahead of his upcoming album,

eminem Yeah, and Rory McElroy shockingly filed for the worst
of his wife. What sport does Rory play professionally?

Speaker 10 (01:05:46):

Speaker 1 (01:05:46):
She watches watches Mansion too. Let's go to seventeen, recently divorced.
He's got the dry around Hey, Penny there and well,
I don't know. I don't know, Jim, it doesn't It

wasn't a very good one. I don't even know that. No, boy,
he's a boy that's gonna be a tough one to
get out of. All right, I don't even know what
I'm talking about. I need to watch some more golf
and refreshing. A very good score, but you did not win, unfortunately.
That's win number eighty five and five straight for Shells.
You have to say it. My name is Ashley. I
got showed up on the Showdown and I can't hang

with the gorilla.

Speaker 19 (01:06:31):
My name is Ashley, and I got showed up on
the Showdown and I cannot hang.

Speaker 1 (01:06:34):
With the gorilla.

Speaker 13 (01:06:36):
That's right, you, Ashley can't hang with the reel. Fred
got that big driver.

Speaker 10 (01:06:55):

Speaker 1 (01:06:56):
That's I can see. He's got a big birthday. Take
off your biker shorts and put onto the pants only
where bikers get that big birth out of the bad
All right, hang on one second, we're dumb. I have
a good day. Stay right. So much for listening, Shelley.

I want you to have an amazing day four hundred
bucks tomorrow. Will you please come back? Yes, absolutely, we
would enjoy that. All right, have a great day. Okay,
thank you?

Speaker 7 (01:07:25):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:07:25):
Throwback throw Down named that tune battle good News Stories?
What are you laughing about? I love the throw was
just happy. Well you got a couple of Wednesday like
you're actually showing up.

Speaker 10 (01:07:34):

Speaker 3 (01:07:34):
I love it when I lose too. Like the vibes
are great?

Speaker 1 (01:07:36):
You like the vibes? Yeah, everyone else's room is scared.

Speaker 10 (01:07:44):
You may.

Speaker 1 (01:07:45):
I mean we're going on a journey again this week.
We're going on a journey left right, Sata. You have
no idea where we're going emotionally, rhythmically, all the different things,
and we're gonna do it next year, More Fresh show.
Next is one. Hello everyone, Good morning, Thursday, May sixteenth,

The French Show's on. Kaitlyn's here, Hi, Jason Brown, Hi, Rufio, Hello, Hi, Paulina,
Shelby's intern. Vent me not Benjamin. The throwback throwdown name
that tune? Battle is next eight five, five, five, nine
one one three five. You want to play? Call now?
Rufio eight wins this year. Paulina with three, Kiki has two,

Jason with two, Caitlin has one. If you want to
be an at home player, and if you know about
throwback songs, it might come in helpful. Could be called
upon for the extremely crucial, the critical phone of front
element of the game. So calling now if you want
to play the entertainment report, headlines and trending story is
fun fact today? What do I have for you? Today's

I always act like, I don't know that. I'm gonna
tease the fun fact every day at this time, and
then I have to scroll through eight pages of stuff. Oh,
we're gonna learn afraid from another language today, right? Do
you want to learn about bread? Come on, We're good,
won't you. That's what I'm saying. You know what I mean.

You can get it all right here. Don't worry about
it everything. Don't worry about it, you know, yes, Senora
y Yeah? Oh hello, Hola, you know what I mean.

The other chamber reports coming up? What are you working on?

Speaker 2 (01:09:39):
Airbnb has added another house to their icons collection where
it's like all the houses from these big movies and
it's really cool. Also, rufo, it's a bad day for magic,
really bad day music.

Speaker 1 (01:09:52):
This is going to be very One of your personal
heroes is no once again? Oh yeah, throw I throw
down in two minutes each time to play down. I
am your host, A great Dick Cheese Christ. Good morning everyone.
Let's welcome our at home players for our exciting Name

that Tune battle. First, we have Nates. Hi, Nate, how
you doing?

Speaker 2 (01:10:21):

Speaker 1 (01:10:21):
Jog? Pauline is your player Nights. I love the energy.
There's the energy. I was looking for host same me.
Let me go, say Coles dos h thanks for asking.
He too me, I am as well. I don't know
what hell I'm saying. Adjacent? Is your player okay in

the game? Yeah yeah, I think I'm I'm done playing
along with Spanish. You're playing around here. I'm messing up.
I'm playing too much. I'm gonna get myself in trouble. Eric,
how you doing? Good morning? Hey man, Welcome, thanks for listening.
Rufio's your player today. Let's go Eric, okay, good love it. Gloria, Hi, Gloria,
how you doing? Gloria? Welcome? You have Benitos. Kiky is

your player in the game today, Hey, freez, Let's go Kike.
That's a mega to you. And finally we have Kellie. Hi, Kelly,
how you doing.

Speaker 3 (01:11:17):

Speaker 1 (01:11:18):
Good? Kellie? Welcome? Kaylin's your player in the game today.
Boy is perfect? Great? Let me I'm gonna meet the
at home players. Oh you know her? I think so?

Speaker 12 (01:11:28):

Speaker 1 (01:11:29):
I mean, we only have thirteen listeners, so it's not
surprising that we would be on a first same basis
with all of them at the airport. Oh, how about
the same Kelly? Is that the same Cali did you
guys meet the airport? We did?

Speaker 5 (01:11:40):
We got Phoenix.

Speaker 1 (01:11:41):
Hello. See there you go. We truly only have thirteen listeners. Okay,
so eight songs tiebreaker if necessarily your name is your buzzer,
along with the buzzer game show buzzer that we have
in the studio. All decisions. When I meet a great
DC or final, each of you have a PHONEO friend
with whom you can confer for one point except the
winning point. Rufio with a wins so far this year.

Pauline it with three, and Pauline has been gone for
six weeks, so I mean you've been at a tremendous disadvantage.
I didn't want to say nothing, but what happened? Guys?
What happened? He stepped up?

Speaker 20 (01:12:10):
Okay, okay, okay, okay, anybody but rufe ab are We
all know that hashtag gab are Kiki with two, Jason
went too, and Kaylen has a win.

Speaker 1 (01:12:22):
What's going on with you? Are you? Okay?

Speaker 10 (01:12:24):

Speaker 1 (01:12:25):
Next question? All rights make perfect sense. Thank you for
being so concise. Here we are question number or excuse me,
a song number one? Question number one, song number one?
Whatever it is? The throwback throwdown? Oh my goodness five
four three two complicated. Yeah, I mean that was.

Speaker 3 (01:12:58):
One talking on one because else from everything else, you cat.

Speaker 1 (01:13:07):
Like you can't relax. You're trying to be cool to
look like a food to me thinks so.

Speaker 16 (01:13:22):
Thank you so many house is getting me frustraight out
which with you and get you everything, and you're turned
it into you follow me.

Speaker 1 (01:13:35):
I have a loan by just trying it. That teens
from within to cover the show. You get your I
got to make sure that I would agree. There was
some conference thing off the air with the ever Levine

Show in the middle of the week. It smells an
awful lot like best of the next day. Hold on, oh,
I smell a day off because imagine the last song
and it's great ast hit and I'm a little I
can tell my throat's gonna hurt the next day. I'm
going to Yeah, no sick sick day? Yeah what day?

Speaker 4 (01:14:19):

Speaker 1 (01:14:21):
Yeah? I have no idea both that I'm sick and
tired tired. I don't okay now, I'm all those things
every day of my life, all the time. Reveo has
one song number two, A Beacon of Hope is the
French show. I haven't even Okay, what he said, what's

the song? Guess yeah, what's the song? Power? Love, Power
and Love Power of Love by Huey Lewis No, actually
give a point for that. Don't even get me started
on David Archeletta. Song number two in the Throwback throw Down.

That's a sugar sugar baby bash. That's right, that's right.
This song for my money comes, This gives me hope
and try to get for your wedding and treat if
you want to ten thousand dollars. I was franking at

a hotel this guy and we had to find three
people out and it was one song writing song. Yeah, airlines,
that's what you want to be, he said a moment,
I ain't going. He was gonna be a greyhout. Jes
I'm here to He was gonna be in the station

hand and all the snakes you want, we go in
the bag. The green room will be like Celsius from us. Yeah,
that's a cup of Newtifle from the break room. Hot

for you want ox cordin this car from nineteen ninety five.
This is a classic. So that's one Polina one Rufio.
Song three in the Throwback throw Down. That is Kiki.

Speaker 3 (01:16:23):
Damn it, man, if I could only hear some more,
I didn't hear it. Can I call somebody?

Speaker 1 (01:16:30):
You want somebody? Gloria, Gloria and Kiki, Gloria and Kiki.
Only gu guys need a guess? That is Chris Brown? Yeah,

did you want any help?

Speaker 3 (01:16:52):
Or yeah, I can the friend you there, Glorias Brown.

Speaker 1 (01:16:59):
I I need you, I need you. That's that's on
the B side of the album. It's I love that
one too, But no, that is Kevin's Chris Brown with you.

Speaker 10 (01:17:15):

Speaker 1 (01:17:16):
You should ask Kik what she would do with Chris
Brown not. I don't mean you.

Speaker 12 (01:17:27):
I need you.

Speaker 20 (01:17:30):
I gotta see you.

Speaker 3 (01:17:35):
Make me fall in love and now.

Speaker 1 (01:17:39):
Can't be the only one.

Speaker 3 (01:17:42):
It's all over the world tonight.

Speaker 1 (01:17:45):
Here comes will you?

Speaker 12 (01:17:49):
Will you.

Speaker 1 (01:17:53):
Beautiful? What are you you?

Speaker 13 (01:17:58):

Speaker 1 (01:17:59):
So that is you for Fio and one for Paulina.
Song four in the throwback throwdown that paul Oh my god,
how are you so cut?

Speaker 10 (01:18:11):

Speaker 1 (01:18:11):
I didn't hear I'm like a kick yet in here?
Can I call my friend? Yeah, you can call your friend.
Your friend is Nate?

Speaker 19 (01:18:17):

Speaker 1 (01:18:19):
Interesting? N it is?

Speaker 12 (01:18:21):
It is?

Speaker 1 (01:18:21):
It is very fair? All right, guys, listen but because people.
But that's tough for me to make my fresh film.
All right, I need a guess, guys need a guest.
Nate five, Snoop dogg Ain't nothing but a g thing

death roll.

Speaker 3 (01:18:44):
No no, technically technically no, technically no, that is that
is doctor Dre Snoop Dogg, Nate, I mean Snoop Dogg.

Speaker 1 (01:18:57):
Jesus, just say the name of the song before you
mess this up them by the jet that that's right, Yeah,
Snoop is on the song, just on the right like
this before who can control the stroke? We have the
same song with that dope Brown that you know and

I know about.

Speaker 8 (01:19:22):

Speaker 1 (01:19:22):
What's the ship? Don't show give your ma with me
and my home? Snoop? Okay, it's like this and like that,
like this senus like that, like that, like this s
something like that. So just to the next episode. Alright,
it's one Kiky one point and two Rufio. We're on

song five, so four fives except four songs left, throw back,
throw down, on a journey. We're on a journey again
this week. You ready? That is who was saying the reason. Yeah,
we don't have to talk about why Rufio knows this
so we shut we don't have to talk about it.

Why Rufio and another woman feel a certain kind of
way about this song? Yeah, I never meant just those
things you tell him. Hous tanks come on because I
just won't you's and yeah change you sup be.

Speaker 13 (01:20:42):
Reason sire come on?

Speaker 10 (01:20:48):
And the reason.

Speaker 1 (01:20:53):
Yes should come out with averro hoo. Yeah that would
be great. Can you stop with the only with a
phone a friend? They're not idiots? What does that mean?
I know what that means. I don't understand. I guess
I'm the idiot. Okay, cool. So what do we have here?

Speaker 10 (01:21:11):
We have.

Speaker 1 (01:21:13):
Three Rufio one, Paulina one Kiki three songs left steal
anybody's game, guys, steal anybody's game in the throwback throw down.
Oh and the only No, actually, you're the idiot the
texture because the only is because everybody starts talking at
the same time on the phone. So when I say only,
I mean don't help anybody out. So actually you're obviously

in experience with the program, So don't text me anymore. Okay, Ready,
that's how we handle That's what I'm doing anymore. You
know I'm doing I'm doing my big one, right, yes,
it's very extremely suss that TEXTR. That's no captain, Yeah,

that his friend. He can't handle that. I'll keep that
my my bicycle pants. All right, whatever I just said,
three left, I'm sure fine. He sucks left. That is

kaylen mis independent. No no no no no no no
no no. My answer you said the name of a song.
But then I said no, no, no, no no, after
I hit the buzzer and said no, all right, do
we agree with that? I agree with that, of course
Rufio does. But he agrees because it happens to him

all the time. You don't know nothing about Okay, Paulina
because of you?

Speaker 12 (01:22:55):
No no.

Speaker 13 (01:23:00):

Speaker 1 (01:23:03):
Sure, go ahead, she buzzed early. I'm sorry. Okay, oh
god r Neo because of you? Game right, that would
be game? Yeah, he called his shot.

Speaker 18 (01:23:24):
Little jumself fussed up every day knowing that alone.

Speaker 10 (01:23:31):
I got a.

Speaker 1 (01:23:32):
Problem number nine for Rufio taking Yeah, he just like
lipping it trying to get the words. And then we

had we had this, uh mister uh. Then we had
we had this calling Yes, wherever guess wherever you will go,

it is wherever you will go. Shadows on your first
your first whoa everybody, hold on, all right, it's win
number nine and that means Eric is the winner today. Eric. Nice,
Just go Eric, all right, Eric and everyone hang on

a second. Gloria, Cali, Hojosse and Nate, thank you so
much for being part of the Probably Entertainer of port.
We'll do it next. Trending Stories, fun Fact. We're going
to all not even we're obviously fluent in that. We're
gonna learn something brand new today in the fun Fact.
For about ten minutes, it's the Fread Show.

Speaker 12 (01:25:10):
In three minutes, Camwon's Entertainment Report and he's on the
Fread Show.

Speaker 2 (01:25:14):
Ooh boy, it's a sad day in the magic community,
which we know Rufio is a member of. David Copperfield
is facing sexual assault allegations from sixteen different women and
your boy, I love.

Speaker 1 (01:25:27):
David Copperfield, need to make him disappear. Yeah, God.

Speaker 2 (01:25:30):
So they are accusing the and they put magician in quotes,
which is super shady of acts raging from groping them
on stage to drugging them and having sex with them
while they were incapable of giving consent, and more than
half of them tell the Guardian that they were miners.

Speaker 1 (01:25:44):
At the time.

Speaker 2 (01:25:44):
The allegations go back to the late eighties, with the
most recent being twenty fourteen. David's lawyers said that he
has never acted in appropriately with anyone, let alone anyone
under age, and they describe him as a proponent of
the Me Too movement and cite his kaieness, shyness, and
treatment of men and women with respect as a reason
why he could not possibly have done these things. Airbnbs

added another house to its icons collection, making a real
life rental based on Edna's mansion from the Pixar movie
The Incredibles.

Speaker 1 (01:26:15):
It's Amazing So the new.

Speaker 2 (01:26:17):
House part of the year long initiative which is so
Awesome by the company that kicked off earlier this month
with eleven Amazing Location announced its newest creation yesterday based
on the four hit movie. Guests will get totomize customize
their own suits before they get a chance to try
on Edna's monochromatic wardrobe. Guests looking to sag this experience

can start booking Friday, May twenty fourth, for fifteen total experiences.
That's all they have for up to four guests each
occurring in early June.

Speaker 1 (01:26:47):
And yes, it's all free.

Speaker 2 (01:26:48):
If you're lucky enough to snag that this is the
second Airbnb based on a Pixar movie that they released.
The first was The Uphouse in New Mexico. And yes,
it actually floats, which is pretty cool. McDonald's is admitting
that not every kid who has a Happy Meal is
beaming with joy, emphasizing this point with a major redesign
to their iconic Happy Meals For a week at least, so,

the company's UK division officially removed the smile from millions
of Happy Meal containers in solidarity with Mental Health Awareness Week,
which runs from May thirteenth to May nineteenth. They are
dropping the happy from the famous menu, calling it the Meal.
The redesign is brought on by Leo Burnette UK and
Ready ten, and it's meant to reflect a study which

found that forty eight percent of kids in the UK
feel pressured to be happy all the time. In response,
McDonald's distributed two point five million Happy Meal boxes to
over a thousand locations in the UK, with selected restaurants
getting a range of emotion stickers so kids can replace
the iconic smile which with whatever emotion they'd like.

Speaker 1 (01:27:52):
And I think that's really awesome.

Speaker 2 (01:27:55):
An update on that OnlyFans model who flashed her yabos
in the New York Portal to dublin her potatoes, as
she called it, She d.

Speaker 1 (01:28:02):
Me yesterday she did wanted to come on the show.
Oh my god, No she did, are you? I swear?

Speaker 7 (01:28:08):

Speaker 1 (01:28:08):
On Twitter of all places on X and well, I
didn't think we had the book of we do. I
mean she wants. She just wants to promote her only fans,
which I think she's doing rather well. You wanted to
talk to the woman who showed her yabos on A Yeah,
that's what. That's all she did. I mean, good for her,
but that's all she did. I want to talk about
I don't know what, like what wisdoms.

Speaker 3 (01:28:30):
I don't know till you try.

Speaker 2 (01:28:32):
But she says she's earned thirty thousand dollars off this scandal.

Speaker 1 (01:28:35):
Her name is Ava Louise. She gained another.

Speaker 2 (01:28:38):
Thirty thousand subscribers, of course, on her Only Fans page,
bringing her to a total of ninety thousand fans as
of Wednesday, so it's probably growing. She's from New Jersey
and was gunning, obviously for attention when she flashed her
yabos from New York all the way to Ireland and
they flashed them stuff back. That's not very nice. Should
I went there knowing I could go viral if I

did it, of course? And that that's you know, kind
of what her entire career has been on if you
didn't know. In twenty nineteen, she was on Doctor Phil
during which she announced her ambition to become quote a
skinny legend.

Speaker 1 (01:29:08):
Which aren't we all more to check out online today?
What do we have up there? Jb we trailer which
is amazing? Oh yes, everything Frei Radio dot com. So
we're going to Japan for the fun fact today. We're
going to learn a new phrase and I if anyone
has a minute and actually speaks Japanese, and I need
I need We're trusting Ben to do this, but we
need I need Ben to vet this person. If you

speak Japanese, it would be very helpful because I have
a thing I'm gonna get made fun of because this
this word, this phrase involves a word that just if
you speak Japanese eight five five five nine one one
three five, if you could just sort of verify that
my fact is indeed correctly pronunciated, pronounced pronunciated? Is it pronunciated?

I just add syllables to it word. Probably that's the fun.
I honestly, I don't know what's right in my life anymore.
So many words that throwing around here that are actually
not words. I no longer know what the word is.
But we'll do it. Next. More Bread Show. Next, the
Fread Show is on. Yeah, Fread's fun. Fact Fred's fun

so much. Guys, we're gonna learn Japanese today. Nobody call
I guess nobody speaks Japanese. I don't believe that. Actually,
I just think maybe people wanted to hear me sound stupid.
But no, that's what YouTube is for. I have YouTube.
Here's the word that we're going to learn the definition
of it. I think this is really going to touch people.
I think this is going to connect with a lot
of people here. Listens. Kuchi sabishi kuchi shabi shei. Obviously

that's how you're saying, wait, see now. And I knew,
and I knew that you would make fun of me,
So that's why that's why I looked it up first.
And obviously this person knows how to say correctly. Kuchi
shabouschine is the act of eating when you're not hungry,
because your mouth is lonely. Oh, so think of all

the times that you eat just because you're bored basically,
but really it's because your mouth is lonely.

Speaker 3 (01:31:17):
So nobody likes a lonely mouth.

Speaker 1 (01:31:21):
No, no, that's what I'm saying. But what are your
thoughts on on kuchi shambouche? I think everybody should do it.
What should they do? The kuchi?

Speaker 14 (01:31:31):

Speaker 1 (01:31:32):
What you say? You say? No, the kuchi eat? I
mean the kuchi Okay, stop. Oh, it's the act of
eating when you're not hungry because your mouth is lonely. Domo.
Domo already got whatever you said. More Fread Show.

Speaker 8 (01:31:53):
Next, The Fread Show is ony.

Speaker 1 (01:32:00):
Morning everybody, Thursday, May sixteen. So close, guys, We're so close.
I'm close. We're close. So Hi, Caitlin, good morning, Hey,
Rufy Hey, Hey, Pauline, Hey, Ki Ki, good morning showbs interned,
Benamin not Benjamin, Jason Roan. Everybody's here waiting by the phone.
Why did somebody get coasted? We'll get to it next. Girl,
you strong, girl, you strong.

Speaker 10 (01:32:24):

Speaker 1 (01:32:27):
You do it better? Yes strong, Yeah, you do it
better than I know. I know you're still thinking about
the Japanese. I tell you is yes, I am. Yeah,
we should teach the world. Yeah you should, Jack today,
teach that to Big Tim. See what he has to say.
Oh he has Japanese down quite well. So your mouths,
mister Rabato. Wow, there are so many. I'm just gonna

push the button the Entertainment Report after waiting by the phone.
I mean there's a there are sushi jokes. I mean
it's just a lot. There's a lot that can be said.
And I'm just gonna not either of you. Okay, don't
do it. Rufiel, Fred Camell, what's coming up?

Speaker 2 (01:33:04):
Hey, singer ways in on the long running conspiracy theory
that she has died and been replaced with someone else?

Speaker 1 (01:33:10):
But is that what her replacement would say? Well, of
course that's what her that's what her replacement would say.
Why would the replacement be like, yeah, I'm an alien.
But no, we got to see if we believe her,
you would never say that. All right, that's coming up
in a few minutes, Fred show, He's not back in
two minutes with waiting. It's the Friend Show. Thank you
so much for having us on today. We love you,
We appreciate you. The iHeart app is where to go

for anything you may have missed on this show, Throwback,
throw Down, Waiting by the Phone from the Vault, show bits, Shelley,
trending stories, all the entertainment reports. If you got to
catch up. It's on the iHeart app. Search for the
Fred Show on demand. Also an update on Kiki's Graveyard
Gate Yeah scandal, which is actually a very crazy story.
It's on the tangent Are off Are Uncensored podcast, Also

on the iHeart app. Search for The Friend Show on demand,
Fred Show Radio dot com, Fred Show Radio on Instagram,
v fread show TikTok and on YouTube. Search for The
Fred Show for all kinds of bonus behind the scenes content.
Back tomorrow, guys. We got all kinds of tickets, all
kinds of money, a new waiting met the phone. Tomorrow
morning we'll do the Friday Throwback dance party with DJ
Erotick and more. So, have an amazing day. We'll see

you tomorrow. Bye, guys,

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