All Episodes

May 16, 2024 33 mins

During today's show, we talked about things to check in your hotel room, freestyle soda machines, and Fred gave us his fun fact!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
There is a man that was stung in a Las
Vegas hotel in a particularly sensitive area. The California man
is suing the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas after waking
up in pain after suffering multiple stings from a scorpion
in his testicles. It's the second one recently.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Do you remember that, Yeah, like, what's going on?

Speaker 1 (00:24):
It happened to me and it was very bainful. Yeah, no,
it it was. Yeah. No, I was the first one.
It happened to me. And that's why the Mirage Hotel
is closing, because that's where I was staying, and I
su I sued them, and I also found a dead
body under the under the bed from nineteen seventy four,
so I decided that it was time. Yeah, a big
hotel in Las Vegas is closing. Well, they're turning it
into something out of the hard rock I guess.

Speaker 3 (00:44):
So it's not like it's going away away, but they're
not tearing it down.

Speaker 1 (00:47):
They're just I guess they're rebrand They got rid of
all the tigers and the bears and the dolphins, and
that's all been gone for a while.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Yeah, that's where the fire the fire box in the
front test the mirage.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
Oh yeah, never been pyramid one right, No, that's lux
So that's the luxury.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Yeah, they're going to have to tear that one down
someday because there's what else are you gonna do with that?

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Just can verify that taunted because people died building that thing.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Really, I heard that, okay.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
And we were staying there because I mean, it's super
cheap to stay there. And then I went down to
the casino and then she was in the room and
she thought I had come back. Oh no, and she
came out of the bathroom and there she was talking
to nobody.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
Woo. Well that's what she's telling you, a woman of
the night, losing money.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
Watching people gamble from behind.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
I do know there's you, like for fallowing his wedding.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
We went and after the wedding, we were all in
the casino and there's like so many games now, like
there's so many table games, like different kind of like
you know, this kind of poker and that kind of
poker and this kind of Like I was like, I
don't know any of these games, and I was just
sitting there watching people playing these games.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
I was trying to learn how to play the game, right,
behind them. Yeah, so you just stand there and watch
a lot of people gambled. There's nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 5 (02:08):
No, it's kind of invasive.

Speaker 4 (02:10):
You know, it's not I would feel so like weird if.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Someone's over my shoulder, like watching me gamble.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
If there's a lot Like if I'm walking past the
table and there seems to be a lot of energy,
like a people are winning and whatever, I'll stop and
see what's going on, because oftentimes you got somebody who's gambling.
If a lot of people are around the table, usually
someone's gambling a lot of money. Ooh, and that's always
interesting to see. Like there was so many new games.

Speaker 6 (02:31):
I was like, I don't know, right, you're just standing
over old ladies at the slot of.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
Money, right, yeah, I had no money to gam right,
Oh well no, wonder so you were like the kid
on YouTube watching the YouTube videos or the kid opening
the toys and playing with them. Isn't as satisfying for you?
Isn't as satisfying for you to watch other people gamble
as it is?

Speaker 3 (02:51):
It is, because like I ay was honestly trying to
learn how to play. So like once you figure it out,
you're like, oh, then you're like, oh no, no, no,
you don't don't hit.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Don't don't hit.

Speaker 6 (03:02):
Yeah, you have no inner monologue.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
Run over.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
Somebody showed no, no, no, don't do that.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
I don't do that.

Speaker 3 (03:08):
That's actually at the bar, switching clothes with our friend
about that.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
Was going on. I was he had a T shirt on.
I just I don't see any shoes. Wait one, I
don't know this story.

Speaker 4 (03:22):
I was warm, and I asked our friend if he
would mind switching shirts, and so we didn't feel like
going anywhere to do it, so we just did it
right there on the floor.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
It was like four am in Vegas. There was weird
or something the roller coaster.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
Wed in the roller coaster.

Speaker 5 (03:35):
You called me and said, I just rolled a roller coaster,
and I said, yeah.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
I wanted to feel alive, like you know.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Yeah, I get I think I know where I was then, but.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Yeah, no, I know where you were.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Yeah. Yeah, I was asleep. Sure I was burying him.
Where were you? I really was asleep? I was too yeah, okay, anyway,
I don't know. I was extremely asleep. Scorpions have apparently

been invading properties across Sin City and the suburbs. One
home owner who claims to have killed over twenty two
scorpions on his property in recent months. Suspects the deadly
southwestern species has snuck into the city aboard palm trees
imported for track homes and other desert landscaping projects. The
guys suing the Venetian I guess he well, he's upset
about it. But here my real question was, do you

guys have like a hotel room? You know how I
feel about hotel rooms, But do you guys have like
a hotel room procedure? Like when you and I know
a lot flight attendants and people who travel a lot
for work, they have like a whole thing, like my
flight attendant friends, and I think some pilots too. But
I think a lot of the flight attendants I know
because they're women, they have like a thing. They'll go
in the room, they check the closet, they check the shower,
they look under the bed. A lot of people will

check the sheets. Some people bring their own stuff and
like they go through and some people clean the room. Again,
I get the safety aspect to the whole thing. I also,
I don't know, there's something about going to a hotel
where it's like Jesus take the wheel like I'm walking
in if there's someone that's there to murder me. If
there's a murderer, a killer, I'm dead. I'm gonna die.
If there's you know, if there's a scorpion that's already

in bed, you know it's already made itself comfortable, I'm
probably gonna get stung by it. Like I'm not tearing
the room apart to find anything because I'm afraid I'm
gonna find stuff i didn't want to find. And the
other thing is, you guys know I'm a big like
germophobe guy. Oh CD guy, I just don't bother in
the hotels because it's like there is it is a
war I'll never win. Same with the airplanes. You get
on an airplane, I see people like cleaning the back

of the seat or whatever. Yeah, okay, sure, maybe maybe
you got a few little germs off there, but I
mean you're the thirtieth person sitting in that seat today,
like you're not getting it all out. So I guess
when I go to the hotel that old people say
clean the remote, I'm like, I know what's on the remote,
Like here we go, I'm covered in it now. It
is what it is. But you guys do that. You
go in the room and like look under the sheets,

because this guy, I guess if he'd inspected the bed,
then he would have found this thing in there, but
I own I would have slept right next to it.

Speaker 7 (06:01):

Speaker 6 (06:02):
Same, it's the remote for me, Like if I walk
in a hotel room and they have the little sticker
on the remote or they have it in a little
plastic bag saying this remote has been sanitized, I feel
right at home. I feel like I can trust this place.
I lay down with no problem. But if I go
in and the remote is just the regular remote, then
I feel like I got a lifestyle of a couple
of things, and then I.

Speaker 5 (06:20):
Can get comforted.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
So you bring lifesaw with you.

Speaker 6 (06:22):
Yeah, I'll have a little travel sized light saw or
some wet wipes.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
Wow. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I just since COVID
I started doing that.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
I think for me, it's it's the air conditioning, because
nothing worse than when you're like in a hot ass
place and you come back to the room and there's
like condensation.

Speaker 4 (06:39):
Oh no, yeah, it says sixty, but it's not sixty sixty.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
Ye, it's eighty four. No, that is one thing that
is mandatory as I walk right in the room and
immediately put it as low as it will possibly go,
because whatever it says is not necessarily And sometimes sometimes
I think, oh, you'll wake up. It's like an igloo
in there. Sometimes they're not lying to you. But most
of the time, when you say it's just sixty five,
that means like any too.

Speaker 3 (07:00):

Speaker 1 (07:01):
And then there's the thing you can go. I've seen
there's like a you know, up down, up, now, left, right,
there's a thing you can do. Yeah, you can override
the little thermostat to make it so that it will
get even colder. Yeah, but I don't know if that works.
What are we gonna say?

Speaker 3 (07:14):
I checked the Bible every time I go really yeah,
because as a kid, the one time we stayed at
a hotel, I found twenty dollars.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
Like someone someone someone twenty dollars.

Speaker 8 (07:29):
I pray that someone else leed's money in the hotel.
I've seen tiktoks where people check like everything, because a
lot of people will hide money in a hotel room
so they don't gamble it away and then they forget it.
So those people checking like the pillowcases and all kinds
of hiding spots behind pictures if the picture comes off
the wall.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
Yeah. Wow, So I checked the Bible. I feel like
that money was probably placed there, like as an offering
to the gods or something. You probably you probably well,
so I don't know if you were the one who
was supposed to receive that. Count your blessing.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
Yeah, take your blessing.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
They were hoping that the person who opened the Bible
to actually read it was going to take the money.
But you just opened it just to take the money.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
I did.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
I opened it and it said scanned the Bible. You
didn't even read the verse. You need even read the verse?

Speaker 3 (08:20):
No, wow, yeah Corinthians. No, they said the money is
for me.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
That's Corinthians. Yeah. One one four free to been on black.
Someone says a text, we stayed at the hotel recently
in Kentucky and found a used hypodermic needle above the
door frame of the bathroom. I don't know why you
were above this. This is what I'm talking about. Like
I'm not going up there and like running my fingers

along any surfaces that I'm pretty sure no one's ever
Oh no, yeah. Other people saying that they checked the
Bible too. Someone said you should have left money.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
I would have if I the twenty would have hit,
but it didn't.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
You don't put the twenty back. But you wouldn't know,
you wouldn't. He just told a lie. You just said
I always check the mattress for bed bugs. I mean,
I guess I do that, yeah, but I've had them
three times. So but my thing is, I don't I
don't really want to undo the sheets because I don't
want to see what's on the mat. I don't really
want to see.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
Well, I'm allergic, so like it's better for me to
check right, my whole body will blow up.

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Like I'm afraid of what the mattress actually looks like
in a hotel. And I realized there's covers. Just I
just I don't know, like I know what I've done
in hotel rooms, and so I'm really not interested. I mean,
I've done a lot of Bible start a lot of that.
It's very intense. Why you leave the money in the Bible? Yeah,
well he leaves the money on the dresser, say, on

top of the Bible on the dresser. It was a
TikTok trend a year ago, people leaving money in there.
Why that's not a fun time. I'm not leaving anything.
Hold on, Dina, Hi, Dina, good morning, how you doing good?
How are you very well? Welcome to the show. What's
going on?

Speaker 7 (10:09):
Well, when I was a kid growing up, my dad
always told us that if we stayed in a hotel room,
we're supposed to check the Bible because the Gideons, who
are the ones that placed the Bibles in the hotel rooms,
left money in the Bibles for people to find when.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
They read the Bible. Right. But the point was, all the.

Speaker 7 (10:29):
Years of checking bibles, we've.

Speaker 3 (10:31):
Never found any money, So you're supposed to read it though.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
That's the point.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
Yeah, very well, that's the constitution.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
So you never found any money.

Speaker 7 (10:47):
We never found any money. So I'm glad to hear that.
Rufio did fine.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Thank you though, yes of course he did. Dina, Thank you,
have a good day. Thank you. Yeah, they're gonna have
a word for you in Heaven about that. Someday. Worked
in hotels. Ignorant is bliss. Here's a text. Wipe down
the remote and switches. Do not use the coffee maker
in the room. Rarely cleaned, if at all. Often it
winds up with a man's bodily fluid in it in

the coffee?

Speaker 4 (11:13):
Why why disgusting?

Speaker 1 (11:19):
Yeah? No, the coffee makers don't come preloaded with creamy.
They don't like what are you doing? Like? What what we're?
What world do we live in? When you're like, all right,
I know what I'm gonna do. I can't have anything here.
I mean god, I always bring my own blanket and
hotel because hotel sheets and blankets are always so stiff.

I guess again, it's just it is what it is.
I'm not traveling with all that stuff. I just show
up and I'm you know what if I'm gonna.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
Get Yeah, but then you're the possibility of you taking
whatever's on that bed with you.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
Yeah, I did, thank you. I don't know. I yeah,
so it scorpions is gonna get me whatever I'm not.
I'm not tearing the room apart. I'm gonna find some
stain and then it's gonna be I'm gonna be grossed out,
and then it's just the problems is gonna get worse.
So guys, I mean everyone's favorite NFL player, Harrison Butker,

the kicker of the Kansas City Chiefs. I mean, this guy,
is he is out here and he is making news
and it's it's really working out well for him, and
he is our top story today in What's trending. Uh
And if you don't know this one, I'm saying this
the second time. This guy's on Laura.

Speaker 2 (12:26):

Speaker 1 (12:27):
But honestly, you don't come at me. House Hunters dayen
NBC and flipping shows. Honestly, you you have your lane. Okay,
that's the Housewives, that's the Housewives, that's Bravo in general,
that's musicals. What else that's that's your that's your area.
I don't know what. Oh and the and the Drake

rap battle. I have no idea I'm trying to follow.
I don't. I just don't me. On the other hand,
crime TV and flipping shows and food network shows, I'm
all over it. Okay, So every time there's this, Ruvio
knows this. There's a complete and total disaster. Every time,
Oh my god, the entire house burned down? What all
would never mind? Noid didn't someone stole the condition every time?

Every single time. The one that was the worst was
that Flipping Vegas show. That was the worst. Lady was
the worst. That was the worst. He had the worst tastes.
Oh god, you know what we need. We need a
fire pit in the middle of this house, like with
glitter everywhere. Ve lady lower. And then the dude would

look like in his race car carried a gun and
he'd like go in and clear the house and with
his own gun. I'm like, what am I watching?

Speaker 3 (13:42):

Speaker 1 (13:42):
Who is this man? All the formula to all these
flipping shows is okay, I'm buying this house. Big risk
every single time, huge risk. I don't know what's going
to happen here. And then uncovered, we must uncover like
a disaster, Like, oh my god, this house has no pipes.
I don't know how we missed it. This house has
no we tore down to the studio. Oh my goodness,

this house. I can't believe that this house has no roof.
How did we not see that? And then they we're
gonna lose our ass on this, and then somehow, a
miracle of nature, they're able to rebuild the whole house
and make double the money. Incredible every single time, every time.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Yeah, I don't like shows with like the same thing
every time, But there is a cabin show from the
early two thousands that I like to rewatch you have.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
They go see four cabins and then they pick one.

Speaker 1 (14:31):
Oh, but there's the one I like sort of sometimes
the one main cabin masters. Oh yeah, there's no disaster there. No,
they just make a little cabin nice. They just do
a nice little job up there in Maine. They're just mainers.
They're just doing their things. They got beards and stuff like,
they're just they're just all buddies. I like that one.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
I like the dude from New Kids on the Block.
What's his name? He renovates a bunch of too many
of these the old Uh did you guys go home?
What's his name? Mc Jonathan Knight?

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Oh Jonathan Knight? Who am I thinking of? Joey McIntyre. Yeah,
I guess that's what he's like, doesn't he do?

Speaker 3 (15:10):
Like who's the Chippendale guy?

Speaker 1 (15:14):
Oh? No, that's the guy from ninety eight degrees is
doing Chippendale stuff. No, not the buld guy, not the
guy who wears a hat either. No, there's there's somebody
from one of the Drew, one of these guys. I
get an email about once a year from a quote
unquote publicist, publicist and Drew whatever or whoever it is.
Who's the guy in ninety eight degrees doing Chippendale stuff.

Speaker 3 (15:33):
One of them is Drew, the one that went dancing
with the Stars of the Year.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
Maybe that's him, I don't know, but Drew. I thought
Drew was the guy that wore the hat that was
kind of weird. Jeff is the guy. Once a year
I get an email from like publicist Jeff and Jeff,
whatever doge would you like to have he's in town
doing ship would have him on. It's like it's like
when Paulina and uh and Bobby Valentina were going back
and forth and it was like Pauline's publicist at Pauline

got Gmail that whatever your story, you were actually talking
to each other. Correct, But we had to make it
look like we were bigger time than now.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
Why would you not ask us if we want a
Chippleedale in here.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Chippledale, Chip have a chippy Dale?

Speaker 2 (16:16):
Why do you ask us?

Speaker 1 (16:17):
I think we had something else going on that day
we had much more important. Is Vinie Guado ever emailing
you too? Oh? Yeah? To me? Who's that? I don't
think I've ever heard his last name before.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
He's doing all the Chippendales or whatever. He's a tripper.

Speaker 3 (16:37):
Yeah, I'm losing listeners. Well because I'm not booking fixers.
The name of the show Farmhouse Fixer. Maybe because Jonathan
how am I losing listeners? Fred's going to join the
Harrison Butker list with the sandwich opinion. No, I'm not
actually Jeff Timmins. That's the guy who does the chip.

Speaker 4 (16:56):
The sandwich thing, and the very I mean, I couldn't
be any I couldn't be any more passionate about each
in different ways.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
One skin a lighthearted. I'm extremely passionate about the sandwich topic,
friends losing listeners. I'm extremely passionate about about what an
idiot that Bucker guy is. I'm extremely passionate about all
of that. But this is the same guy who who
comes after comes after you, Caitlin. Something earlier in the

week was about you weren't in intellectual enough to understand.
So the guy losing listeners. But he's able, he or
she I'm assuming it to him, is able to text
every morning telling us how we're stupid. So you're a woman.
It's a tiny green. This guy actually knows. I think
he might know Harrison Bucker. I think they might have
I think it is Harrison. It might be it might
be his cheerleader friend from college. Now that is someone

I want to talk to. I'm hearing. I don't really
know where this went, but like a lot of things
we do on this show, I'm not even sure where
we are anymore. But if let's go ahead, wrap it up.

Speaker 4 (18:01):
Okay, So we have some stuff online speaking of musicals,
being my lane on the official trailer for Wicked dropped
and I cannot wait. Also, a pop star played her
new album just for her fans.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Pretty awesome. That's Fred Show.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Radio dot Com.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
I mean, I'm absolutely just grilling this company for not
putting us on in more cities. And I don't even
know what the hell just happened in the last fifteen minutes.
So they're probably listening going, why the hell will we
do that?

Speaker 2 (18:24):
You got lost in the sauce for HGTV.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
Yeah, well, I mean, I'm very passionate about that topic too.
So just to just to recap this hour, We've covered
morons who say bad things about women who we don't like.
We've covered reality flipping shows. We've covered the Victoria's Secret
Fashion Show, Taco's a Sandwich, Taco's a Sandwich, we covered
hotel rooms. Hotel rooms. Yeah, we're good. We've done a

lot of things we covered too. I wouldn't say good.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
We've got to show for people with adds.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
Actually were we attend? I would say more Fread Show
next talk about Yeah, they talk better than these are
the radio blogs on the Fread Show. All right, like
we're writing in our diaries, except we say him aloud, Cake,
Yes you got a Kayla rant today? Well, yes, yesterday

it was Kaylin a military time, which I have to
be honest, I listened back on the treadmill yesterday and
I'm saying I was on the treadmill as a flex
because I wanted giddy in to hear that, because that's
getting in the The torturer has already texted this morning
with another water meme. And I'll have you know a
new bottle of water is right here, just so you
know I need to drink more water. I have all

those water bottles that you bought before and didn't don't use.
Just use one of those. How do you know about
his water bottles?

Speaker 9 (19:45):
Because he's gone through I did. I did invent flavored water, remember, Yeah,
I did flavored infuse water and had a little compartment
for your food.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
I did do that three days and then whatever there,
I got a bottle of water.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
You were listening on the chutmill, though, and I'm a hydra.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Oh and I did laugh. I laughed at us talking
about military time this game like I was there. You chuckled,
and I laughed again, because it's just a ridiculous RANTI
now Kiki's got one. Take it away, okay, dear blog.

Speaker 6 (20:17):
Well, you know, I just like to address this to
whoever decided to create the drink machines with.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
All of the options. Vending machine, Oh no, the single machine.

Speaker 6 (20:27):
It's one machine and you can literally, yes, every any
flaavor of Coca cola.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
So the fountain one with the screen on the one
single button does everything. Oh this is very stressful. It's
let me tell you that it's a cool freestyle machine.

Speaker 6 (20:44):
It's called I know that when you, Sarah ma'am, thought
of this idea, you walked into your boss's office and said, baby,
I got it right, and you all thought this was
just a great thing to do. However, it's nasty and
we need to sock it right now because you I
would like a regular coat when I go to a

movie theater. I want a box of popcorn, extra butter,
and I want a coke. Why does my coke taste
like orange flavor, cherry flavor, ginger real.

Speaker 1 (21:15):

Speaker 5 (21:16):
Yes, and they are not cleaning those things, so it's sticky. Okay.

Speaker 6 (21:20):
The ice is always out and then the flavors are
all mixed together.

Speaker 5 (21:24):
It's one big party. I don't want that.

Speaker 1 (21:26):
I would like a regular coke. So if you want
to have one tube going from the coke bag, yes,
the water bag to the one spout. That's what we're doing.

Speaker 6 (21:35):
That's all we're doing. Well, Now, when I go to
the movie theater my coke, I don't know what.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
It's gonna taste like, just just do a little run,
just do a little world. That does not work.

Speaker 5 (21:44):
They don't clean those things, probably for weeks.

Speaker 6 (21:46):
So I'm tasting ginger real mixed with a cherry mixed
with a vanilla mixed with sprite.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
I don't want that sounds pretty good, that's discussing. I
don't like to fill it with each one. Yeah, when
you just go and do it, Yeah, I'm with you
on this. I don't want it, Like, why is my coke? Yeah, exactly,
my coke tastes like mister pim too and a little
there's a little essence of vanilla in there too. Why why, why?

Speaker 6 (22:13):
So can we just go back to I'll take four options,
give me, you know, coke, diet coke, a sprite, and
that's it. That's all we really need. We don't need
all these options. That's what's wrong with the world now.
We got too many options.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
I was thinking about Kalin yesterday actually because I I
this is my take, I think if I think, it's
yours too. But I allow myself now because as you know,
I'm mister fitness. I was on the treadmill yesterday. I
don't know if I was on I was on triminal hydrating,
but I and that's, by the way, that's the time
when I'm by myself, when I sample all the different
radio shows and I go through and listen. So I

started with us because every now and again I'll just say, like,
what the hell does this sound like? On the other end,
was maternity leave and how did you enjoy it? Or
are you like what the hell?

Speaker 5 (22:54):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (22:54):
I will say, you guys are good. You guys, we're
better when you're here. But where was I going with this. Oh,
I allow myself one full fat coke a week. Now
I used to be like three a day. I allow
myself one a week, and I coordinated with what I'm eating.
So what was yesterday a hamburger sandwich? It was a

Hamburger sandwich. I think like pizza for me, pizza and
coke is like I have pizza and beer also, But
I think it was pizza and coke yesterday is what
I did for lunch. And because I guess, by the way,
if you're gonna cheat and you're trying to work out,
pizza is actually a pretty good cheat meal because you
got carbs and some it's not great. But like, but

I was having my one can of coke for me,
of all the different kinds of coke, all the different ways, fountain, McDonald's, fountain,
a little spicy, a bottle, A two liter two lid
to me is a disaster. Two leader is absolute trash.
It is a two liter of coke is trash. It
always somehow comes out flat.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
I like that day, like the like the whole thing
has to do, maybe even that minute, because as soon
as you open it the first time, it's all gone.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
For me for my money, the best form is a
can of coca cola. Now people are gonna come for me.
Now I can say it tastes metallic. Maybe so a can,
an ice cold can of Coca cola that is tops.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
Glass or can. Yeah, in a Mexican cocate too, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Too sweet, it's very sweet. And the McDonald's coke, while spicy,
is a little sweeter. You get the true essence of
like the bite of the coke for me out of
a can, I yes, yes, And the carbonation's there and
preserved and ready. It's it's ready, and it's in a
serving size that as long as you drink it in
a reasonable period of time, you're gonna get every every

sip is going to give you full fledged coca colaphor
you yes, thank you. It's going to give you the
full experience every time. Unlike a bottle bottle you open
it and you close it, not only is it gonna
get is gonna get warm fast, but every time you
reopen the bottle, you're releasing more of the carbonation. By
the end of it, it tastes terrible and I'm just
drinking bad calories at this point.

Speaker 6 (25:13):
Yeah, I'll take a coke. Have you give it to
me as long as it's not in a free establishing.
Are you gonna say something, say something? I've said something
to you.

Speaker 8 (25:21):
You're gonna say something to the she just said the world,
the movie theater worker.

Speaker 5 (25:25):
Oh no, I won't say anything, but Victoria will.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
Yeah, Victoria injustice is Victoria. This has been changed to
a picture of Paulina as opposed to the picture of
Kaylee waiting by the phone from the Hall of Fame.
We'll do it in two minutes. Fread Show. Calin's entertainment
report is on the fread Show.

Speaker 4 (25:43):
Ooh boy, it's a sad day in the magic community,
which we know Rufio is a member of. David Copperfield
is facing sexual assault allegations from sixteen different women and
your boy.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
I love David Copperfield, need to make him disappear. Yeah, God.

Speaker 4 (25:59):
So they are accusing the and they put Magician in quotes,
which is super shady of ax raging from groping them
on stage to drugging them and having sex with them
while they were incapable of giving consent, and more than
half of them tell the Guardian that they were miners
at the time. The allegations go back to the late eighties,
with the most recent being twenty fourteen.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
David's lawyers said that he has never acted in.

Speaker 4 (26:21):
Appropriately with anyone, let alone anyone under age, and they
describe him as a proponent of the Me Too movement
and cite his kindness, shyness, and treatment of men and
women with respect as a reason why he could not
possibly have done these things. Airbnbs added another house to
its icons collection, making a real life rental based on

Edna's mansion from the Pixar movie The Incredibles.

Speaker 1 (26:44):
It's Amazing So the new.

Speaker 4 (26:46):
House part of the year long initiative which is So
Awesome by the company that kicked off earlier this month
with eleven Amazing Location announced its newest creation yesterday based
on the four hit movie.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
Guests will get tomize customize.

Speaker 4 (26:59):
Their own suits before they get a chance to try
on Edna's monochromatic wardrobe. Guests looky to sag this experience
can start booking Friday, May twenty fourth, for fifteen total experiences.
That's all they have for up to four guests, each
occurring in early June. And yes, it's all free if
you're lucky enough to snag that. This is the second

Airbnb based on a Pixar movie that they released. The
first was The Uphouse in New Mexico and yes it
actually floats, which is pretty cool. McDonald's is admitting that
not every kid who has a Happy Meal is beaming
with joy, emphasizing this point with a major redesign to
their iconic Happy Meals for a week at least, so,
the company's UK division officially removed this smile from millions

of Happy Meal containers in solidarity with Mental Health Awareness Week,
which runs from May thirteenth to May nineteenth. They are
dropping the happy from the famous menu, calling it the Meal.
The redesign is brought on by Leo Burnett UK and
Ready ten and it's met to reflect a study which
found that forty eight percent of kids in the UK
feel pressured to be happy all the time. In response,

McDonald's distributed two point five million Happy Meal boxes to
over a thousand locations in the UK, with selected restaurants
getting a range of emotion stickers so kids can replace
the iconic smile which with whatever emotion they like.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
And I think that's really awesome. An update on that.

Speaker 4 (28:24):
OnlyFans model who flashed her yabos in the New York
Portal to dublin her potatoes that she called.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
She dm me yesterday. She did wanted to come on
the show, No, she did. I swear really on Twitter
of all places, on x and well, I didn't think
we had to book a we do. I mean she wants.
She just wants to promote her only fans, which I
think she's doing rather well. You wanted to talk to
the woman who showed her yabos on Ah, that's what

That's all she did. I mean, good for her, but
that's all she did. I want to talk about I
don't know what, like what wisdoms till you try.

Speaker 4 (29:01):
But she says she's earned thirty thousand dollars off this scandal.
Her name is Ava Luise. She gained another thirty thousand subscribers,
of course on our Only Fans page, bringing her to
a total of ninety thousand fans as of Wednesday, so
it's probably growing. She's from New Jersey and was gunning,
obviously for attention when she flashed her yabos from New
York all the way to Ireland and they flashed them

stuff back.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
That's not very nice, soul.

Speaker 4 (29:26):
I went there knowing I could go viral if I
did it, of course, And that's you know, kind of
what her entire career has been on if you didn't know.
In twenty nineteen, she was on Doctor Phil during which
she announced her ambition to become quote a skinny legend.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
Which aren't we all more to check out online? Today?
What do we have up there?

Speaker 4 (29:41):
JB We get trailer which is made Oh yes, everything
fresho Radio dot com.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
So we're going to Japan for the fun fact today
we're going to learn a new phrase and I if
anyone hasn't made it and actually speaks Japanese, and I
need I need We're trusting Ben to do this, but
we need I need Ben to vet this person. If
you speak Japanese, it would be very helpful because I
have a thing I'm gonna get made fun of because
this this word, this phrase involves a word that I

just if you speak Japanese eight five five five nine
one one three five, if you could just sort of
verify that my fact is indeed correctly pronunciated, pronounced pronunciated?
Is is it pronunciated? I just add syllables to word.
Probably that's the fun I honestly, I don't know what's
right in my life anymore? Because somebody words are thrown

around here that are actually not words. I no longer
know what the word is, but we'll do it next.
More Bread show, next, the thread show is on. It
freads fun, factread fun so much. Guys, we're gonna learn

Japanese today. Nobody call I guess nobody speaks Japanese. I
don't believe that. Actually, I just think maybe people wanted
to hear me sound stupid. But no, that's what YouTube
is for. I have YouTube. Here's the word that we're
going to learn the definition of it. I think this
is really going to touch people. I think this is
going to connect with a lot of people here. Listens.
Kuchi sabishi, kuchi shabuchi. Obviously that's how you're saying, see now.

And I knew, and I knew that you would make
fun of me, so that's why that's why I looked
it up first. And obviously this person knows how to
say correctly. Kuchi shabouchin is the act of eating when
you're not hungry because your mouth is lonely. Oh shaboushi.

So think of all the times that you eat just
because you're bored basically, but really it's because your mouth
is lonely.

Speaker 4 (31:46):

Speaker 1 (31:48):
Get you Nobody likes a lonely mouth. Yeah, no, no,
that's what I'm saying. But what are your thoughts on
on kuchi shambouche?

Speaker 5 (31:55):
I think everybody should do it?

Speaker 1 (31:58):
What should they do? The kuchi?

Speaker 3 (32:00):

Speaker 1 (32:01):
What you say? You say? Hey? The no, the couci eat?

Speaker 5 (32:06):
I mean the cucci.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Okay, stop. Oh, it's the act of eating when you're
not hungry because your mouth is lowly Domo, domo already
gotto see whatever you said more fread show. Next, The
Fred Show is on morning Everybody, Thursday, May sixteen. So close, guys,

We're so close. I'm close. We're close. So Hi Caitlin,
good morning, Hey, Rufy Hey, Hey, Pauline, Hey, Kiki, good
morning SHOWBS interned ben hemen not Benjamin, Jason Rowan. Everybody's
here waiting by the phone. And why did somebody get coasted?
We'll get to it next. Girl you' strong, Girl, you' strong.
That's what the girl? You do it better? Yes, strong,

you do it better than I. I know you're still
thinking about the Japanese I tell you is yes I am. Yeah.
We should teach the world. Yeah you should home today.
Teach that to Big Tim. See what he has to say.

Speaker 5 (33:09):
Oh, he has Japanese down quite well.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
So your mouth looks mister Roboto. There are so many
I'm just going to push the button the Entertainment Report
after waiting by the phone. I mean there's there are
soushi jokes. I mean it's just a lot. There's a
lot that can be said, and I'm just gonna not
and neither of you don't do it. Rufield camell, what's

coming up?

Speaker 4 (33:33):
He sing your ways in on the long running conspiracy
theory that she has died and been replaced with someone else.

Speaker 1 (33:39):
But is that what her replacement would say? Well, of
course that's what her that's what her replacement would say.
Why would the replacement be like, yeah, I'm an alien
Like No, we got to see if we believe her.
You would never say that. All right, that's coming up
in a few minutes, Fred show He's not back in
two minutes with waiting

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