All Episodes

May 17, 2024 29 mins

During today's show we talked about motivating your kids, we got an update on Rufio's root canal, and Fred thinks he can reason with a bear. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
He needs to get his grades up. What's the situation
with this young man?

Speaker 2 (00:03):
So he needs to get his grades up.

Speaker 3 (00:05):
It's getting close to the end of the school year,
and so, you know, my sister raises him and she was,
you know, but we all help out. And so I
text him because I knew he was at school getting there,
and I was like, hey, you know, this is the
last couple of weeks. You really need to turn it up.
We need to get those grades up. So he responds, Okay,
I'm working really hard. And then I started seeing a
little three dots come on.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Because he's got something else.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Now what else could he have to say? And he goes, okay, yeah,
so about the grades. Can we make a deal? And
I look at Kaylin like, this man just asked me
can we make a deal? Like the deal is that
you need to get your grades up or my foot
is up your you know.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
So I'm like, can we make a deal.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
So I'm at first I was about to just go off,
and then I was like, you know, I actually want
to hear where his proposition is, Like what what?

Speaker 1 (00:49):
Why don't you go ahead? Yeah, so that's your job,
by the way, that's the only thing you really got
to do in life. That's it is go to school
exactly and apply yourself the best you can. Actually the
only responsibility. But you want to make a deal, right,
a young entrepreneur deal.

Speaker 3 (01:06):
So he's like, if I get my grades up, can
me and Michael and CJ go to the concert that's
coming up. And I had to just sit back in
my chair because I'm like, he thinks this is like
like he's like he's doing me a favor, right, getting his.

Speaker 4 (01:20):
Rays up, you know, like I'll do you this big one,
do me something.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
You scratch my back scratch ers like like, no, get
your grades up. And I simply responded like, no, there's
no deal. Your grades are your grades, and we'll see
about a concert.

Speaker 1 (01:36):
And he just was like, okay, well, yeah, you have
no way of going if you're grades of this bad.
So there's there's that, right, so you could get better
grades and then it maybe yeah, Actually.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
Don't even know if he responded to me. I gotta check,
but yeah, these kids are wild.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
Like they are. They just said, I don't know what
they think. This is like, this is not what you're
thinking about.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
My parents tried that. I mean, because I didn't. I
was an average student at best. And they tried it.
I mean there were times where they're like, we'll pay
you for an A. My mom bribed me with, you know,
stuff I wanted as a kid, if you can get
this grade on this test, and I mean they tried it.
I think it was desperation. I think it was like,
you know, that's why I think it was. But but

how do we feel about eight five three five? How
do we feel about incentivizing kids to do better in school? Like,
I mean, if your kids came to you and pitched
you if they were getting c's, and they're like, you know,
I think I can pull off some b's and a's. However,
I need to be on some kind of a bonus system,

you know. I want to be incentivized for this. You know,
if I get an A. You know, how about it's like,
if you get an A, you can like still have
a roof over your house and we'll like give you
food and stuff. If you get a C, then you
can go get a job. It's amazing, and I will
say it to I'm so grateful for my parents now
in ways that I didn't realize I needed to be,

because I grew up with people who were very similar
to me or better off, and so everybody around me
had the same stuff or more, and I just assumed
that was how everybody had it because I didn't know better,
and so I wasn't rude to them or mean or disrespectful.
I was very grateful. But looking back now that I'm
an adult and I make money and pay taxes, and
I don't care what you're getting from your parents, if

it's a lot or a little, whatever it is, is
probably a tremendous amount of work and effort for them
to be able to provide. So if you're listening now
and you're a kid, like you don't have to really care,
but like, just be grateful. Be happy that your parents,
you know, if you don't have to worry about you know,
where you're going to sleep, or you don't have to
worry about where food's gonna come from, or if there's
food in the fridge or whatever, just be happy by that.
And I'm not saying that to guildt to anybody. It's

just there's no way that as a kid you could
truly appreciate it because because you haven't necessarily had to
work for it yet, so you don't know, you know,
and I just I look back now, I think my
parents paid how much for that stupid school that I hated?
Oh my god, and they thought they were doing their
big one, that was the best they could do, the
very best it was available, and I hated every day.

And then on top of that, on top of all
the money pay for that, then I made him pay
me just to apply myself, because I mean, it's crazy.
But so so he's not going to the concert. There's
no direct correlation between like if he gets a's, yes,
like you didn't say to him explicitly, if you get
a's you can go to the show.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
Absolutely not, I said, we'll see period taking them. And
that's the problem. Yeah, I am and I welcome big game.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
But Kim literally.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
Gets everything he wants from me.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
He also hits me up like a couple of times
a week just for random cash apps and.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
Like, oh my god, did ever? Yeah my funds are low?

Speaker 2 (04:44):
Yeah, and I'm sir, you know you need a job.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
Well, calyn Is, you're twelve years older than your sister thirteen,
so you basically are another mom to her, and so
when your mom says no, then the expectation is that
you'll say.

Speaker 6 (04:55):
Yes, yeah, or if she doesn't want to get the
wrath of her and she gets a worse wrath from me,
but for some reason she doesn't. But my favorite thing
is when Bella gets in trouble, it's well, I could
be doing X, Y or Z, but I'm not, so like,
I'm really giving you guys a gift by.

Speaker 4 (05:07):
Being this good.

Speaker 6 (05:08):
So it's like I could be doing hard drugs. It's like, no,
whatever you're doing that you're getting trouble for is what
we're talking about.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Oh, that's a good one. I could be doing heroin Like.

Speaker 4 (05:18):
Okay, well great, yeah, thanks for that.

Speaker 5 (05:23):
There's something else, yeah, I mean I have a neighbor
kid down the block.

Speaker 7 (05:27):
That's he's he's obsessed with a fixie, a bicycle, you know,
like a fixi is a style of bike that all
the kids have nowadays.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
And thank you for teaching me that.

Speaker 5 (05:40):
It's and I have one. I have had one for
of course you do.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
If the kids have one, then Rufio has.

Speaker 5 (05:45):
One well because I have the money to buy one.

Speaker 7 (05:47):
And he knows I have this bike, and he's just
like he'll come over like, hey, you're not riding the bike.
I was like no, I mean it's keep right. And
he's just like can I have it? I was like,
can you have what? I was like my bike that
I paid money. It's like, yeah, you're not using it.
I'm like, what can I have it?

Speaker 5 (06:04):

Speaker 1 (06:05):
That's both. I can't imagine asking one of my neighbors
something like you know, I.

Speaker 5 (06:10):
Really want this. I was like, then sorry.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
I was like most some lawns or something like.

Speaker 7 (06:17):
Make some money, how much anywhere from three hundred to
like a thousand bucks.

Speaker 1 (06:21):
I'll tell you what I got three hundred bucks. Where
the work you can do around my house that I
don't want to That's what I.

Speaker 8 (06:26):
Said to him.

Speaker 5 (06:26):
I was like, you know what.

Speaker 7 (06:27):
It was like, if I can find a cheap enough one,
I will buy it for you. You don't owe me
any money, and you can work like over the summer.
If I asked you for your help, you can help me.
It's just like no way. I'm like, se no way.
I was like, no wait, I'm giving you a free bike.
Parent I know, and like and I was like I

will help you and and and he had permission from
his mom, like he's like yeah, take this deal.

Speaker 5 (06:54):
Because I'm like He's like I'm not buying you this bike.

Speaker 7 (06:56):
I was like, take this deal, and I was like
here it is, and he like he thought, and he
was like all.

Speaker 5 (07:02):
Right, but what about this one? And he's picking up
I like what I'm saying. I was like, I found
him one. I was like, here's one for one hundred dollars.
This is solid, not the one. He's like, no, what
about this one for I was like three fifty.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
That's why I'm not look at this guy, you kid,
you know.

Speaker 7 (07:20):
And then the next day, then the next day he
came back with like his table between his legs, is like, hey,
is that that offer?

Speaker 1 (07:27):
Still said? I was like, no, bro, that was gone,
you teach, that was on the table. I hold the offer. Yeah, Adriana, Hi, Hi,
good morning. So what do we think about Yeah, ki
Ki's nephew coming back and say, wow, I'd get better grades,
but you need to hook it up with some concert tickets,
Like how do we feel about that? I meant negotiation

at this play.

Speaker 9 (07:51):
At this point, we're all living the same lives time
conn in so I think im an eighteen year old
she's a singer now, and then my fifteen year old
he's a freshman teen year old, like when he was
in seventh and eighth grade. He was a kid you
could have sensivized. And it started small, like okay, if
you get all a's, i'll give you a certain amount
for the a's, but if you get any d's on
their report card, you don't get anything. And then he

got to the point, this, what is getting straight a's. Okay,
this is he was at one point like a C
average student. He's getting straight a's. So I was like,
when you design school.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Yeah, we're not doing this.

Speaker 9 (08:19):
I know what you're capable of. Now just get the grade.
And then my eighteen year old, it really did not
matter what we did, Like I could be like, girl,
you'll get a car like next week if you get
all a's and she's like mmmm, okay, we'll see and
she'll still.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
Come on with these.

Speaker 9 (08:32):
So I think, one, it depends on the student, and
then too those incentives have the changes they get older.
But like for these kids now, I think that sense
of entitled kids, he like, well, what are you going
to do for me? At five, It's like, uh huh,
just get it done, Like I don't get anything at
all for going to school every day, getting my grades
like I got nothing, but like, hey, okay, cool, we'll
get your graduation.

Speaker 2 (08:52):

Speaker 1 (08:52):
Yeah, that's the problem. It's like, wait, wait a minute,
so I start paying you and now all of a
sudden you can get a's but you couldn't get them before.
What the hell were you doing before? Yeah? Yeah, right,
thank you for calling. Have a great day. Thank you. Yeah.
I think my parents just got desperate. But like, uh,
it's like, dude, can you like please honestly, like there's

forty students there, can you at least finish in the
top ten? Yeah, that did not happen. I'll make sure
he owes that that We're lucky. There was a little
paper in that thing at the end. I wouldn't try
open it. As soon as they ended, I would think,
thank god, Diane, how you doing. Hey Diane, good morning.
Do you do you pay your kids for grades?

Speaker 8 (09:36):

Speaker 1 (09:37):
I do.

Speaker 10 (09:37):
My daughter's seniors is graduating on Sunday. This girl has
straight a's, and my son's a freshman he also has
straight a's. They get thirty dollars per a.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Oh my god. First of all, congratulations to your daughter
and your family. But so I mean, if it works,
it works, But like on the flip side. You could argue,
I don't have I mean, I'm paying for everything else,
so why do I have to pay you on top
of it just to do the thing you're supposed to do,
the only thing you supposed to do.

Speaker 10 (10:02):
You know, it's just because I know they're good kids.
I know I know what they're capable of doing, So
why not give them a little bit of exstruct you
get it even more? And she's got a straight scholarship
for college, so hey, oh.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
Yeah, thirty bucks that's pretty smart.

Speaker 10 (10:19):
Hey, and the college is paid for all we have
to pay for her dorm.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
I'm good with that, you know. Now that's another side
do all this that's actually that's actually a good investment.
So I mean, if you think of it that way, Hey,
I'll tell you what, I'll give you thirty bucks per a.
You get all a's for four years, and then you
get college paid for. Then I just saved one hundred
thousand dollars or whatever. Diane, Maybe you're right. I think
you're an edit of the game here. Thank you, Diane,
have a good day.

Speaker 10 (10:43):
Thank you have a good one.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
I also think that like her perspective right there, it's
like her kids didn't necessarily ask for it. It was
more like, here's a reward. It wasn't like what you're
I'm not I'm not bagging on your nephew. But it
wasn't like I'm getting seeds. I'll go ahead and get
a's if you do it for me. It sounds like
they were going to apply themselves anyway, and this was
just a reward on top of it, you know, to

keep them motivated. Like, I don't have a problem with that.
I think it would be more like if I went
to my parents and said I can get the c's
to bes for a price.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
She said that, I think I need to take some back.
I think that's a brilliant I need you.

Speaker 6 (11:19):
I mean her saved her money, and that's brilliant. I
struck up a deal to get my belly button pierce
and that hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
So she's smart. Her kids go to a nice college.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Hey, Kirk, how you
doing good? I'll do it all right, man. So you
grew up in the nineties A lot of us did too,
and your parents would give you money if you did well.
That's great.

Speaker 8 (11:39):
Yeah, but they'd do it for honor rolls, So like
every quarter we'd get twenty bucks, which back then was
pretty decent. But I grew up with my twin brother,
but he didn't really care about the money. So yeah,
so I always got the money.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
Yeah, did he get on the honor roll or he
just didn't really even bother.

Speaker 8 (12:00):
No, he didn't even bother. But we didn't switch classes
and stuff, so I'd help him out a little bit.

Speaker 1 (12:05):
Oh there you go, there you go. Thank you, have
a good day.

Speaker 8 (12:09):
I love you guys.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
Hey, love me to you man, thanks for calling. Hey,
kaylea good morning. Hi. Hey, you're all for paying the
kids to go to school?

Speaker 11 (12:20):
Oh yeah, because I was one of them kids that
would do that because my mama. When I was in
high school, my mama.

Speaker 9 (12:26):
Had bribed me with justin Bieber tickets and I got.

Speaker 8 (12:29):
On a roll.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
I mean these are justin Bieber tickets, Okay, I mean, like,
I can understand why you would apply yourself for that. Yeah,
I would have.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
Shared which tour was that?

Speaker 2 (12:39):
Do you remember?

Speaker 1 (12:40):
I was believed to so good it's worth on a
roll event.

Speaker 11 (12:50):
Were I think my friend it was one hundred and
seventeen dollars. We had got them off bibest seats and
it was section three.

Speaker 5 (12:58):
Guy, all right, I've been.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
Hey, wait to apply yourself to you. Look where it
got you justin Bieber.

Speaker 9 (13:08):
This is how you know that it one hundred happens
really good.

Speaker 11 (13:11):
Because my when I used to work at Chipotle, my
manager was like, if you get done at ten thirty,
magine the place close at ten.

Speaker 5 (13:19):
She said, if you get.

Speaker 11 (13:20):
Done at ten thirty, I'll buy you some I'll buy
you a milkshake. And I got done at ten twenty.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
First see there you go. But don't you try to
eat that chicken out pastime. That's for everybody else. That's
more scoops. Please h.

Speaker 5 (13:32):
Thank you, Kayla, have a good day.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Chapotle's been getting killed by the way social media for
being kind of scammy. I went yesterday. It doesn't seem
to be hurting their business whatsoever. That place was packed,
so but I did look at it. I look at
the portion and side as the guy was doing it.
I'm like, I noticed everybody in line was like, give
me more, give me more. So I feel like everyone's
going in there, like it's like when you go to
the car dealership and you walk in there like ready
to swing. I feel like everyone's going to Chipotle now, like, oh,

you ain't gonna get me.

Speaker 7 (13:58):
It's like a thing on TikTok where it's just like
you get to the meat portion and if they don't
give you a big enough scoop, you're supposed to walk
out and just leave them with that ball or whatever.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
It's all over TikTok.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
I'm not leaving that burrito them too.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
No, And that's crazy.

Speaker 7 (14:13):
Yeah, Like you say, all right, let me get rice
and then let me get beans, and then like what
kind of meat you want?

Speaker 5 (14:19):
They'd be like steak.

Speaker 7 (14:20):
If they give you like a skimpy thing, you're supposed
to be like, nah, I'm good and then just leave.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
You don't have to do that.

Speaker 4 (14:25):
At Cana, let me tell you.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
I would ask for extra rice. They kind of look
at me. I'm like, that's the cheapest thing. You give
me all the right to fill it with the rice.
It's the best part. Like what are you married about
the cheapest steak and it's not even your rikes?

Speaker 2 (14:41):

Speaker 4 (14:42):
I mean people walking out now, that's that's rude.

Speaker 7 (14:44):
I can only imagine if I were the person behind me,
like what you doing with that exactly like I.

Speaker 5 (14:49):
Just added to my burrito and I'm good.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
They left that behind me. That a wounded soldier. You
must save that. Yeahs stories at the Teddy Swims in
two minute spread show.

Speaker 12 (15:01):
Yeah they talk better than they say. These are the
radio blogs on the Fred shot. We got to follow
up with Rufie. Yeah, his mouth, his mouth, he got
that thing, that lonely mouth. No, trust me, his mouth
is not lonely. It's moving too much words all the time.

Go ahead and take it away, Rufie.

Speaker 7 (15:23):
Thank you, dear blogs. So yeah, Fred mentioned about a
month ago. I got over a month ago. I got
a root canal done. I've been trying to get my
teeth all in order. I had my wisdom teeth taken
out and they're like, oh, you need a root canal
on this tooth. So I got that done, and if
you remember, uh, they left a yeah, a little piece
of the instrument in whatever the drill in my tooth

and they're like, oh, you got to see this specialist
and that guy's super busy.

Speaker 9 (15:53):

Speaker 7 (15:54):
So it took a month to get an appointment there.
So I finally went yesterday. Shout out to doctor Novak
and his astant Joanna listeners of the program.

Speaker 1 (16:04):

Speaker 7 (16:05):
So I went there and he's like, all right, let's,
you know, see what's going on here. Let's take a scan.
And he takes a scan and puts it up on
the screen. He's just like, oh, yep, there's that piece
right there.

Speaker 5 (16:15):
And then I was like yep. I was like, so
what's the plan.

Speaker 7 (16:17):
He's like, well, first of all, did you know that
this root canal is not even finished?

Speaker 1 (16:21):
I said what? I said what?

Speaker 5 (16:24):
And he's like yeah. Then he shows me in another scan.

Speaker 7 (16:26):
I was like, this is what the root canal is
supposed to be, like, it's all filled in, the roots
are all clean, and he's like, you don't have any
of that.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
I was like, what do you mean?

Speaker 5 (16:33):
I don't have any of that?

Speaker 7 (16:34):
They told me when I went back to the dentists,
like it's done. We just have a little peace left
and then we're gonna get this cleared up. If if
we're gonna remove it or leave it, we'll go go
see this specialist.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
And then that's it.

Speaker 7 (16:46):
And he's just like, no, it's not done. So I'm like,
what is going I was like, So I was like,
what do I do? DOC like, I don't know what
to do, like do I call my insurance? So I say, hey,
I'm not paying for this other service because they didn't
do anything.

Speaker 5 (17:02):
I was in that chair for almost two hours and
it's not done.

Speaker 7 (17:07):
I was, I was what did he say to do.
He's just like, well, it's like I could you know.
He's like, he's like, have you had any pain or
anything like that. I was like, no, it hasn't really
bothered me with the little piece of my mouth. He's
just like, well, it's really down in there and I
might not be able to retrieve it, but I can
finish this the root canal. And so he's just like,

do you want me to finish it or do you
want me to call? You want me the other guy
that I was just like, why, yeah, I go back
to I think I said this before, like when you
have a bad meal and they're like, here's.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
A gift card to come back. No, I don't want
to come back. It sucked here, right, No, I don't
I want you to give my money back. I'm never
coming back. So like, no, I don't want to go
back to the old guy who left a pair of hammer.

Speaker 7 (17:48):
So I have an appointment a month from now. Because
this guy's so busy to to finish this root canal
and and get it all done, and he's gonna attempt
to see if he could remove the thing, but if not,
he said, it's not a big deal. And and then
if he can't reach it, then he's just gonna leave it.
I was just like, oh yeah, and I was like
that guy told me the other guys like it's done.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
We just need to get this piece out, but it's
not done. Somebody call Amy with a right one hundred,
pretty call somebody. This is a truck a truck rack.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
My friends need lawyers right now?

Speaker 11 (18:18):
Yeah right?

Speaker 1 (18:19):
You know, I think the same guy who did his
teeth is a guy who moved ahead stone.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Probably is given a crack head.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
I don't know, but right right, we got yeah right.

Speaker 5 (18:29):
So that's so a month from now, I have an
appointment to finish.

Speaker 9 (18:34):

Speaker 1 (18:34):
It's kind of funny because, like U on this my
friend my good friend's wife. I guess she's my good
friend who is a dentist, you know. Oh yeah, And
even though she's not in network, I have to go
to her and pay cash because she because I just
got so tired of hearing about how I didn't support her,
like I didn't go to her place. Well, I mean

it was kind of like, you know, like what Mike's
one of my best friends. And then Lauren is like,
how can he be your best friend? You don't go
to me? So I go to her and we did
like X rays and it shows up on a little
computer screen and you can see where my fillings are
and some are like real and she didn't do any
of them, but some are like real pretty. And then
I have like three or four and I think all

my teeth tried to fall out at one point. But
then like a couple are really nasty, like they don't
look very nice. And I'm like, what is that like okay?
And she looks at it and she's like, well, it's
clinically passable. And it's like clinically passable. She's like, I mean,
it's not the nicest work I've ever seen. And I'm thinking, like,
there's someone who graduates at the bottom of their detach

class two and you don't know, like you never know.
She's like, I mean, I'm not I don't have to
redo it, but like I wouldn't say it's the nicest
work I've ever seen. I'm like, whoa, I'm walking around
with mediocre stuff going on in their body and the
people don't even know. And I guess if you don't know,
it doesn't matter. But like still, you're right, it matters.

Like somebody graduated the bottom of their class and they
out here and doing nasty cavities and maybe some of you.

Speaker 5 (20:04):
Wise, I need Victoria to write a review.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
I'm on him. My parents pay for them. The grades
exactly much.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Better if Mama said.

Speaker 5 (20:16):
More press show next.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
By the way, as you well know, as you all
well know, I have a theory that I could I
could reason with a bear. Yes, I absolutely believe that
I could reason with many wild animals. And this whole thing,
of course, is it's it's a bigger issue. The fact
that the women would choose the wild animal over a
random man. That's extremely concerning for society. However, as you

well know, with the exception of a snake, reptiles in general,
spiders and insects, with the exception of that, I believe
that I could reason with a wild animal in the
event of a of finding myself in peril. I love
to see it. I believe that I have a connection
with animals that is on parallel. I believe that maybe
in a previous life I was an animal, because you know,

I look, I hear it all the time. Oh my
dog doesn't like people, dog likes me. It is fine.
Oh my, you know my so and so doesn't like people,
No problem with me. So, yeah, you're comparing a dog, yeah,
to a domestic animal.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
Well, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (21:18):
This woman kind of made me feel the same.

Speaker 6 (21:19):
Yeah, yeah, I mean with the status quote I read
was if a bear attacked me, at least people would
believe me.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
Oh I hate it.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
But yeah, no, bears seem cute. If you don't have food,
maybe you could reason you.

Speaker 5 (21:33):
Are the food.

Speaker 1 (21:36):
Some of them sticks in it. I don't have no
hard Yeah no, I feel like I really feel like
if it came down to it, I could just be like, hey, look,
you don't want this, Like this isn't going to taste good,
and like, uh, you know of all the different organs
that you'd want to eat like this, these have been around,
Like you don't want it.

Speaker 4 (21:54):
But the colors of them is what's hard for me
to remember.

Speaker 6 (21:56):
Because different colors of bears you're supposed to do different things.

Speaker 5 (21:59):
Brown, you lay down, you know it black. I think
you're I forgot.

Speaker 7 (22:05):
I mean, brown is the scary one, the brown bear
laid down you're supposed to.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
I feel like dogs though, I feel like I'm not
scared of any dog. For some reason, I have no
fear of dogs, which is nuts.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
I think that this is the like, even if I'm wrong,
this is which I'm not. This is the attitude that
you need to have, uh, you know, win approaching an
animal because they can sense fear, they can sense, you know, insecurity,
and so honestly, what are my choices? Like, I'm let's
just say I'm out in the forest because you know,
I'm always I'm constantly out and a tiger, a tiger

comes up to me and it's like, okay, what's up?
You know, what are my choices? I can either go
I'm gonna You're just gonna eat me, or I can go, hey, look,
let's let's let's chat about it for a second, like
let's let's let's vibe check here a little bit, like
let's assess is this worth it? You know really? And ultimately,
if I get eaten, well then I got eaten, right,

well then it is But like but maybe just maybe
I'm able to thwart the whole situation with my confidence
from the kid that got chased by a duck. He
didn't get me. Okay, let me add me. I have
one more thing.

Speaker 5 (23:20):

Speaker 1 (23:21):
I also cannot negotiate with the bird. I think birds
fall into the reptile category. I gotta be all lucky
in the eye, which they say you should never do.
But I gotta be a look in the eye. And
I got to be able to feel like I can
have a conversation. I can converse with you. I mean, look,
I've dealt with I've dealt with the wildest of dogs,
rescue dogs. I've dealt with the wildest of pigs. A
wild pig loved me, George. I just got a picture

George recently. He's like four hundred pounds. Now he's gonna
be a thousand pounds, a thousand pounds, a thousand George
of the rescue pig. You're wearing the shirt right now.
I got my shirt up, flying pig.

Speaker 5 (23:52):
We got friends at the zoo. Let's set this up.

Speaker 1 (23:54):

Speaker 2 (23:54):
No, I don't think we need to do Yeah, I
don't think.

Speaker 5 (23:57):
I don't get down black fight back. I don't know
about you.

Speaker 1 (24:04):
Oh, I don't know about domesticated, Like the zoo is
a that that's a different category. Now, maybe they're more
used to people, maybe they're not. I don't know about that.
I'm talking about wild encounter. Now you might argue. You
might argue, well, the animals in the zoo that have
dealt with people might be less likely to eat you
because it dealt with people. But I don't know that.
I'm just that I don't know about all that. I'm

just saying to you. I'm out in the forest. I'm
just walking around like I always do, my flirty walk
with nature. I'm out here and hello bear, Yeah, and
here comes a lion, right, I go, Bro, you are
beautiful man, like you are a beautiful animal. I really
respect you. I like you a lot. I realized I'm
in your hood right now, and I'm just going to
turn and go back to where I'm from, and like,

let's just I'm really sorry about this.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
I agree with the lion. They're just a big cat.
I could deal with the lion.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
The only exception, there's an asterisk to this. Further asterisks.
If I were to stumble upon a mother and her babies.
Oh no, it's over, I'm gonna die.

Speaker 4 (25:00):
Well, don't touch the baby.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
No, I would never, but I'm just saying that would
be a terrible accident, that would be that would be
just a no, because I understand that because the mom's
going to defend babies like mom's going to like, you know,
natural protective mode. You know. Let's go. This is this
is this is the Jake Paul, Mike Dyson.

Speaker 5 (25:16):
I need to see.

Speaker 1 (25:17):
This is you guys. You guys. I I I absolutely
in my heart and brain believe this to be. If
I get eaten. If I get eaten, I got eaten.
But you can always know that I tried to reason
with him or her. I tried. And anyway, here's some
new Billy Eylish music which he some new billy He
has a brand new song for Billy Eilish. This is

called Lunch. And then we'll have a this is the.

Speaker 2 (25:44):
This is a filthy song.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
I'm gonna be like, hey, look, Bear tell you what
my man, Jason, he's a pot belly guy. You can
hook us up. Let's just cruise over to pop Belly.
Let's get you, Let's get you a wreck, and we'll
just be the big one. That's my yeah, you can
have the biggest one. That's my peace offering to you.
You want a sugar cookie, they're made out of butter
by all means on me. You want to shake on me? Yeah? Absolutely, Yeah,

here's new Billie Eilist Fred show is on The Fread.

Speaker 5 (26:16):
Show is on Fread's Fun Fact Fred.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Fun so much. Gosh, guys, did you know that a
crocodile cannot stick its tongue out? A crocodile cannot stick

its tongue on. They have a membrane that holds their
tongue in place on the roof of their mouth so
that it cannot move on the roof. Say what, that's weird.
It's attached to the roof in my mouth. I guess
I don't know how this works, but a crocodile is
unable to stick its tongue out, which is why I
suggested crocodile and the lady crocodiles are in a tremendous disadvantage,

and like, oh, I just feel like this is something
they'll never experience.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
Why I have a tongue if it's stuck to the roof,
that's weird.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
I don't I know. Yeah, I mean, we'd have to ask, uh, crocodile, Well,
what's the crocodile hunter's son's name? We'd have to ask
him because he probably knows. I'm sure Bendy could tell us. Robert,
Robert Man. Those guys they are too I would love
to meet them, like and have a few beers with
them away from the camera and see if they like

cuss a lot of stuff because on the TikTok videos
or whatever, it's just hey, just like they're dead big
smiles and andy Ewen and they're so excited about everything,
and I love that for them. But like, behind the scenes,
do you think they're like, screw all of you?

Speaker 2 (27:46):
How you know?

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Crocodile cannot stick its hung out? They have a membrane
that holds their tongue in place on the roof of
their mouth so it cannot move. There you have it.
Are you really blown away by this?

Speaker 3 (27:57):
I am, because like I feel like, crocodiles are always
eating people and you can't even taste it, So why
why are you eating us?

Speaker 1 (28:02):
Well maybe the bottom of the ton they can taste it.

Speaker 5 (28:03):
Oh well, hopefully all that teeth right, All.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
That's how you get ghosted.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
More fread show.

Speaker 12 (28:14):
Next, you've got the wait Fread Show is.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
On now hotest morning show, Good morning every one Friday,
May seventeenth, It's The Fred Show. Hello, Kay, good morning,
Hi Jason Brown, Hi, Rufia, Hello, Hi, Paulina, Hi Kiki,
good morning. Showbus is here? Intern Venda me now Benjamin
waiting by the phone. He's new. I did someone get ghosted?
We'll find out next the Entertainment Report after that, what

are you have in there?

Speaker 6 (28:44):
K Well, a wildlife expert, has finally settled the debate
over whether women should want to.

Speaker 4 (28:49):
Be stuck in the forest with a man or a bear.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
This is so sad, but that story and word coming
up this hour. Fred Show is on back in three
minutes of waiting after is a good Morning

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