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October 24, 2023 7 mins
This week on a Beyond The Studs Tuesday Josh Gauwitz, owner of Legacy Exteriors, is back with us! This week we discuss that whether we like it or not winter is closing in on us and if you know you need to get a project done before the snow flies NOW is the time to pick up that phone and call Legacy Exteriors. We're so busy in the summer months and it's easy to procrastinate projects but one thing that doesn't procrastinate is mother nature and when she wants winter to be here it will come! If you know your roof for example can't make it through another winter you need to get on the schedule to get that replaced. Also right now as the leaves begin to change colors and are falling to the ground, are they clogging your gutters? If you don't want to have that worry learn more about Master Shield gutter guards and everything else Legacy Exteriors can do for your home at

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Episode Transcript

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One to one point five. Ibe a yfem. Madison's Classic Rock two
for a Tuesday. There's two fromzz Top. Also quick reminder, let
me see money your Classtic cash giveaway keyword this hour for your shot to
win a grand enter money at WYBFMdot com. As we welcome in a
guy that's got a ton of money. That's Josh Gollwit boy, owner of

Legacy Exteriors. I'm just teasing you, buddy. You're an average Joe like
me. Yep. Bluebird Cafe haton today, which people will know even
if you're a rocker that's famous inNashville country music scene. Yeah, a
little jelsey that had I like it. I like it too. You kind
of look like Kenny Chesney today.Oh I think they'll take that. It

just kind of done to me.He was looking at you with that ad
on today. Good. Yeah,I don't take it anyways. You see,
that was my natural transition because KennyChesney I kind of associate him with
summer. You see, when we'regoing to summer run and some are now
in our rear view mirror, andwe were so busy during the summer.
I know some people out there listeningprocrastinated projects they knew they had to get

done before winzer came. And ifone of those was a roof, you
should really pick up that phone todayand call Legacy Exteriors. Yeah. I
think people know, you know,they live in their houses every day,
and you know, I've been aguilty of it as well in my own
home, like, oh yeah,I got to get to that before winter
type of thing. So whether that'syou know, resealing your you know,

cock joints on your roof, whetherthat's getting a roof replacement before winter,
all those, I mean, we'regetting down to the crunch time where if
you're going to get it done beforewinter, you got to make some phone
calls. Yeah, and at leastget your estimates coming in and choosing the
right contractor that you want to haveit done. Because yeah, we're I

don't want to say we're running outof time, right, but it's getting
it's getting down there, yeah,because I mean, you guys do work
through the winter. Legacy Exterior,Yes, we've talked about that before.
But you're right, because you're gonnahave a lot of people out there calling
this time the year because they're like, oh boy, I cannot make it
through this winter exactly if you yourroof was in a rough shape, you
know, going into the winter,and let's say we have a you know,

a harsh winter. We're massive snowfall, and then you were getting these
giant ice dams. You don't wantthose set in. You know, those
are incredibly hard to get rid ofit and they actually can be incredibly costly
obviously with a lot of problems thatthey can cause. So you don't want
to go through a winter. Yougot to start making some phone calls and

get ahead. Yeah, get aheadof it. Yeah, speaking of making
phone calls, Legacy Exteriors your number, Josh two to one three thousand,
Your website a great resource as well, Legacy dash exteriors dot com. And
you know, as we talk aboutwinter on the horizon, holidays also on
the horizon. So money is tightright now for a lot of people as
we start to kind of you know, playing on how much we're gonna spend
throughout the holidays. So if youknow you need to get a project done

on your the exterior of your home, you guys over at Legacy Exteriors you
have great financing options. Yeah,I think there's a plan for everybody.
So whether you have the money oryou don't, we offer plenty of for
instance, a year and a halfno interest payments all the way out to
financing it eleven years. So there'sand there's tons of plans in between all

those. So there's there is definitelya plan for everyone, whether you have
the money or not. Yeah,And I mean I can speak to that
directly because when I got my roofabout a year ago now with you guys
over at Legacy Exteriors, I meanI got the estimate and I didn't have
the money up front. I didn't, it was tied up. Sure,
could I have gotten it out ifI wanted to? Yes, So the

financing option that I went with sopainless. It's very simple. There's a
direct link on your website, Legacydash Exteriors dot com. You click on
that you can apply. I mean, do you guys even turn people down?
I mean, it's not you guys, right, there's an it's an
outside company. But I would saythe success rate is extremely high. I
thought it was easy to Yeah,it's very easy, very easy, And

I think if it's a route youwant to explore, it's it's worth looking
into. For sure. And there'sseveral different options, so many plans there
are, and I would say,if there's a plan that you have in
mind that's not on there, letus know. We have access to others.
Yeah. So well, and you'revery flexible too, I mean if
people want to come in and talkto you in your showroom as well.

I mean you're willing to work withpeople. I mean, that's what you
do for a living. But you'renot set to Okay, you got to
do you know, six years atthis entry year, no work with me.
Nothing that we do is one sizefits all, right. It's all
custom, whether that be to ourprojects, to our financing. Yeah,
and that's what's great about working withLegacy Exteriors, a local company based right

here in southern Wisconsin, Madison.Josh lives in McFarland. Everybody that works
for you, guys all lives herein the area. So you get what
it's like to be in Wisconsin dealingwith these harsh conditions. Is you know,
we just wrapped up summer. Imean last week we were in the
seventies and now we're just in thelow fifties apparently. Yeah, Wisconsin has
a funny way of reminding us veryquickly that winter's coming at two two one

three thousand that phone number for LegacyExteriors. Find them online as well at
Legacy dash Exteriors dot com. Josh, I feel like before we let you
go, we should just mention thisone more time. We've hit on it
a lot during Beyond the Studs Tuesdays. I've touched on it a lot when
I talk about you guys throughout theweek. But gutter guards, they are
so vitally important. Right now,we see we look outside, you may
have leaves in your yard as youspeak, without a doubt, some of

those are falling on your roof.And if you have open face gutters,
they could be causing you issues.Yeah, we talked about in the past
open gutters or design to fail anytimeyou get something in them, they're not
gonna drain properly. Yeah, Andthat is crucial to winter coming up,
because a clock gutter, if we'rehaving an ice issue or ice damn issue,

if that water kinking out, it'sgonna build up, it work its
way back under the show, andthat is what we do not want.
So having those gutters completely free andclear debris is what we want. To
do, and it's impossible to stayon top of it this time of year
unless you go to a gutter guardlike Mastershield Gutter Protection. Now you don't
have to touch it. Yeah,it is the best, and you can
learn more on Josh's website about masterShield Legacy Dashic Series dot com. You

can also go to Mastershield's website.It's a great resource too because it really
lays out to everybody out there whatI don't want to call it a film
or a scriller filter that goes overtop of those open face gutters, but
it really dives into like the microgresh technology, mesh micro mesh technology,
that's the word I was looking forbecause I was looking these up. I've

been talking about them. Yeah,and it's fascinating because those are self cleaning,
like you never have to get upthere and clean those, which is
great, Set it and forget it. Yeah, it's the only one that's
patting in self cleaning. So it'sit is extremely nice because when you think
about purchased in a gutter guarden,there's hundreds out there. Right. You
want it to do two things.You want to keep out all the debris

and you don't want to clean whatyou just bought. No, And that
literally comes down to one project thatworks one hundred percent of the time.
I tell people all the time thatare considering buying other products. It's like,
would you consider buying a parachute thatonly worked ninety percent of the time
or would you want one that workeda hundred? Right, that is a

very good comparison. I like that. And true. You know, you
say Mastershield works one hundred percent ofthe time, and that is an absolute
fact when installed properly. All right, you can buy gutter guards left and
right at your local home improvement storeand you can jump up on that roof
and attempt to install those. Butif you don't get those right, you're
wasting your time. They're not goingto protect these gutters or hurting your home

worse than it was before. Youknow, sometimes we call you know,
do it yourself. Do it toyourself. You don't want to be that
person. You do not pick upthe phone today, my friends. Whether
it's gutter guards, gutter systems,they can do that too at legacy exteriors,
windows, siding riffs, dacks,three season, four season, life
from sunrooms, pergolas. That's badif it's on the outside of your home

legacy exteriors, they can do itfor you. Josh, thank you,
sir, thanks for having me.Yes, you're gonna buy more Powerball tickets.
I see nobody won last night.I gotta buy a Powerball tickets.
I forgot last night. You forgot. Yeah, it's like over what a
billion dollars? It's a billion seven? Yeah, I take that. Yeah.
I think you'd have to find anew co host on Tuesdays if I
won. Yeah, for sure,buddy, go buy those tickets. Could

you buy me one? Two?I will perfect. All right, We're
getting back to the two for Tuesdaything in just a few minutes. Guns
and Roses and Aerosmith on the way, Hank Tight
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