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May 8, 2024 7 mins
Apparently you can teach a dog new tricks! Case in point, the Dogginator. Listen as Scotty and Hannah discuss the terrifying new dog that is hitting the consumer maket. 
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It's time for non headline news withScotty and Hannah on the New Mix ninety
nine point five. Well, yeah, we're taking a deeper dive into some
of these stories that maybe you didn'tsee in the headlines, but we feel
like you need to know about them. I'm Scotty, Oh hello, I'm
Hannah. Hello there. Okay,let's talk about Americans viewing habits when it
comes to movies. Okay, we'retired of long movies. Apparently there was

a new poll that found that moviegoersfiel ninety two minutes is the ideal length.
Agreed, you were watching what recentlyand it's taken you multiple days?
Have you goten Timer? No,we have not finished Oppenheimer. At one
point we thought it was done.Really, oh what ten minutes off?
No, So we finally are justlike, welcome back to this. I
did that there. There was oneof the I think was the original Lord

of the Rings where I kept fallingasleep. Yes, and my family's totally
into the Lord of the Rings.I'm like, I can't stomach it.
It is so long. I don'tknow if this just says how a lot
of Americans adhd or just the powerof the screen to keep you not focused.
But yeah, but here's the thing. It's weird because we will also

go to some sort of series thatwe're watching and we'll watch five or six
episodes in a row. Yes,we'll do three hours of something, but
we won't sit. Why is that? I think it's is there a satisfaction
to it where like you get throughone episode and you're like, oh,
I know how this ends. Maybeit leaves you on a cliphanger. Maybe
it makes you want more, solet's try another one. So it's just
more of instant gratification. That couldbe it. And you know, we

are a scrolling society. We loveto scroll from one thing to the nest.
Yes, and this is kind oflike scrolling in long form. Okay,
I think we've solved that. Wecan move on to other things,
like what how about distracted driving?Oh? Apparently experts are sharing the most
common distractions behind the wheel Topping Toppingthe list is daydreaming. Yeah that's terrifying.

Yeah, have you gotten somewhere anddidn't realize yes, the whole drive
happened. Yeah, Or you're liketired and you get home and then the
next morning you wake up and you'relike, how do I get home?
Yeah? Yeah, wait did Idrive? I drove? Okay, Checking
your phone is second. There's alot of depending on where you are,
rules and regulations on that doesn't stopanybody. No, I used to have
a thing I should actually turn itback on my phone. There's a future

iPhones have where you can it'll sensewhen you're driving, and so then it
would like send a message like ohI'm driving and as fun as the ticket
sounds, but you there's this thingof being afraid you're going to miss a
call. Yes, we used tonot have me. Back in the old
age, you had to wait toget home to call somebody. Right,
we have to do what do Ido on my drive home every day?

Talk to mom? Oh, hey, friend, what's going on? Okay?
And the next thing was looking atsomething outside the car for too long?
So billboards, Yeah, sometimes they'llput little signs up that are just
a little too small. Yes,And then you're like, I got to
see what that is, and they'rejust bugs atar to me that I can't
read it, you know what.I'm putting that in the same category as
that should also be on this list. If it's not personalized. License Oh,

yeah, especially the ones where it'snot clearly obvious what it is and
you're like, g two, whathuh what are you trying to say and
you're trying to decipher it, ora bumper sticker that you know is going
to be funny if you could justget close enough distracted driving. Since we're
in this, let's go ahead andmove to a second category. Okay,

what is the most scary thing you'veseen wild driving from another driver? Oh,
that's a great question. I feellike it's the same like I cannot
judge when I pull up somewhere andsee a woman applied makeup because I do
that. Okay, I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen anything
so dramatic that you're like, whoa, I'm getting around you. There was
a big bus one time, likeyou know, one of those local transit

buses, transit buses, and ithad on the back student driver. That
was terrifying. I'm sure I've terrifiedpeople along the lad. No, you
just said it. I was drivingto work the other morning, and we
get to work at ridiculous times ofthe day, and there was a car
that was a student driver car infront of me and they were going fifty
five on forty, which is verydangerous right on? How he forty?

Yes, and because they're going toget run over, right, And I
drive by the car and I'm tryingto be respectful as a student, but
in the meantime, I'm like,this is a problem. And it was
the driver's ed instructor who looked likehe needed to take like a sixty five
alive course and just get And I'mlike, should you be teaching drivers at
if this is how you're driving onthe interstate. I'm just wondering. I

think he probably doesn't want to breakany rules. It's just like police officer
or whatever, don't do anything wrong. Isn't it true you can get a
ticket for going too slow on thehighway too. Okay, we move on
from that to this. Okay,do you want the scary dog story or
the happy dog story last? Let'ssay the best for last, So scary

doc story first. Okay, Wellknock this one out. A flame threat
growing dog robot is on sale now. Okay. There's a company called Throw
Flame and they say the terminator isthe first ever flamethrowing quadruped robot dog.
It's an Ohio based firm, andthey're charging twenty dollars. And this is

not just for the government or forpolice or whatever. The public can buy
this flamethrowing dog. So I'm bullingthis up right now. I'd like to
point out how our IT department issay this is an unsafe site. I
don't understand this, Like what isthe point of having a flamethrower robot dog?

That to me is the big questionbecause I could see the value of
it, because here's the thing.If firefighters need to go out and light
and I forgot the term, Iknow you, yeah, the like wildlife
hotshot. You have to start acontrol burn. Yeah yeah, control yeah,
I say you because he dated somebodyanyway, that's a long years ago.

So yeah, you're doing the vernsometimes. I could see that.
But what average person needs this fortheir grill, for their fire pit,
Like, oh, we gotta lightthe grill, honey, go get rover.
Hey, you know what we needto do some sort of gender reveal.
Go get the go get the flamethrowing robot dog. Don't do that.
I have stories of evacuations. Butyes, okay, this thing does

look quite terrifying on the video.I'mze right now. Barely can leap and
everything. That is really my gosh, that makes it so much work.
It does save up. Now whata deal. Okay, we end with
the happier story. A Golden Retrieverpuppy arrived in the world with a green
coat instead of the blonde fur associatedwith the breed. Okay, this happened

in Pensacola, Florida. It wasright around Saint Patti's day. So they
decided to name the green dog.What what oh lucky shamrock Oh okay,
yeah, so they said the personwho's breeding them. So this happens sometimes,
but usually the green goes away.It just hasn't with this dog.
So it was the first one thatwas adopted. I just picture, was

it a horse that changed colors?And the Wizard of Oz just like that
similar concept, like a green dogjust comes walking by you. Well,
here's the positive because a lot oftimes you want to put the chips and
stuff to keep the dog safe,put a collar on with your address.
This one, I think it'll bereally easy to put up the lost dog
sign. You just put dog green, Yep, where's yet? And if

you see him send him my way? That's mine all right? There?
You go. We end on ahappy green dog story today, and we'll
catch you next time. On nonheadline News, the extended version. I'm
Scottie, I'm Hannah. We'll seeyou next time.
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