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April 24, 2024 • 22 mins
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - On today's show Lizette used to wear Avril Lavigne ties, Strawberry can't write cursive anymore, Kim Kardashian has SUPER weird habits, Strawberry runs down the list of most popular Costco items!

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Episode Transcript

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Streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoonfrom three till seven on Sacramento's New Kiss
one O seven point nine and Kissone O seven point nine dot com Rock
and Necktie. When Averri Levine wasan inner, you did really in her
heyday to screen to the clubs.You said, oh, no, no,
no, it was I think itwas. It was for school and

it was only on Halloween because Iwent to a private school, so we
were uniforms. So that was likethe one day I could do it.
But you did it for Avril Levinein her style like that was yes,
yes, said okay, yep.Avril Levine on Sacramento's New Kiss one O
seven point nine. The best varietyfrom the nineties and two thousands. Thank
you for being here, Strawberry andLazette or in the afternoon, And we've

got Hella headlines coming next. KevinHard is set to host a Tom Brady
roast. We'll talk about that.Hella headlines coming up, being about two
more songs. Here's House of Painon Sacramentos and New Kiss one O seven
point nine. It's Strawberry and Lazetteon Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point
nine. You should know we haveanother chance for you to win one thousand

dollars to pay your bills. Comingup right after Hella headlines It's Strawberry and
Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one ohseven point nine. Okay, this is
gonna be so good. Kevin Harthas signed on to host a live roast
of Tom Brady via Netflix, whichwill be part of Netflix's Oh I'm Sorry

Netflix is a Joke Festival. TheTom Brady Rose will be happening on May
fifth, Single to Mile with afew more comedians on board. If there's
one thing I love, it's agood celebrity roast. Sure, not that
I'm a huge fan of Tom Bradyor anything like that, but he just
seems so easy to make fun of. He needs to admit that was a
fumble and the Patriots stole that gamefrom the Raiders, a game that would

have brought the Raiders into the SuperBowl. Do you think they're going to
talk about that or they're going totalk about that time that he retired from
football because he wanted to be adad and spend more time with his family,
and then he decided he didn't likethat life anymore and then went back
to football. Probably bring that oneup. They'll probably bring that up instead
of a tough rule. I don'tknow, but I don't know. This
is gonna be really good. Now. I'm excited. What headlines you got,

Strawberry. Well locally, Imagine Dragonsare planning their quote biggest North American
headlining tour yet after releasing their newalbum Loom. Imagine Dragons will be at
the Toyota Amphitheater and Wheatland October second. Tickets go on sale this Friday,
ten am. The pre sale startingtomorrow. That's why I want to let

you know about it right now.Pre sale Imagine Dragons tickets starting tomorrow.
Never miss Admit it with Strawberry andLazette on Kiss one oh seven point nine
stream live every afternoon from three toseven on me always free iHeartRadio app.
How do you Want It? Twentiesfifties one hundred dollars bills dreads one Hundred's
cool another chance to win one thousanddollars to pay your bills. We just

announced the keyword grand, So ifyou haven't done so yet, go to
Kiss one oh seven nine dot comenter the word grand to have kiss,
pay your bills, Sacramento is anew kiss one O seven point nine.
Strawberry in the afternoon, hanging out. Do you remember how to write in
cursive? Strawberry? I do not, but you remember learning it was a

thing in school. It was ahuge thing at school, learning how to
write in cursive. And you've noticednow, well you don't have kids.
I don't know if you've actually noticed, but they don't teach cursive in schools
anymore. Oh. I have niece'snephews and they exactly I'm like, wall,
how do you not my son?Yeah, he like can't read my
handwriting when I write stuff, orlike it's like the weirdest thing. I'm
like, a, just learn howto do it. I don't know why

it's important, but we have tolearn them. Why can't you? So
apparently they are wanting to start toreintroduce cursive back into schools. Yes,
but essentially because kids are becoming notas smart, right, and if you
don't know how to write in cursive, you probably don't know how to sign
your name then, right, Iguess I don't read cursive. In case,

there's like they're wanting to transition cursiveback into schools, transition electronics and
all those devices out of schools becauseall of the what's it called, like
the IQ scores, they've all droppedfor the first time in a century,
sure, And I don't know howthey were able to pinpoint like it's because

the kids aren't learning cursive anymore.Probably a talent. It's like, hey,
I don't know, because education isalso a brain exercise. So it's
funny. My aunt who lives inWantat Creek, she's a proctor at SAT
tests. And the thing with SATsays everybody has to start the test at
the same time. So a right, everybody failut your first name, felt
your last name. There's a partwhere you have to write, I certify

that I am Lazette and I amtaking this test by myself. You're supposed
to write that in cursive. Therewas a time when they couldn't start the
SAT test because some of the studentsare like, I don't know how old,
so they would fail. Well,they couldn't start the test, and
my aunt is like, well,we can't start the SAT. Tell you
that right in the box. Thisis me and I'm taking the test on

my own. Yeah, bring itback, bring it back. If it's
that important, If it's that that'simportant that we all learned cursive. That's
one thing I can't teach my sonhow to do at home. I can't
keep up with all the curriculum thesedays. But cursive got it in the
bag. I can do that.We'll do an example of our cursive handwriting
on social media at one O sevennine Kiss right now, the full show

every afternoon, whenever you want.It's Strawberry and Lizette. On Sacramento's new
Kiss one oh seven point nine disdropped another one thousand dollars keyword for you
if you're trying to win some ofthis free money, and to the keyword
grand online right now Kiss one Aseven nine dot com. Good luck a
Strawberry and Lazette in the afternoon.Kim Kardashian was on The Jimmy Kimmel Show

last night answering a bunch of rumors. And these are rumors that I've never
heard. Maybe you have, Lizette, the rumor that Kim Kardashian uh like
hair dryers blow drys her jewelry beforeshe wears it. Have you heard that
one? No? Here's her answer. Is it true? You blow draw
your jewelry before you put it on. Very true. Why do you do
that? Because I hate being freezingand when you put on cold jewelry or

like anything with a zipper, Ijust I need it warm. The fact
that you even have that much jewelryto put on that it affects you that
much if it's cold like That's allI'm thinking of is I wouldn't even notice
if I put on a cold necklace. Her night time routine, you wash
your feet every night before getting intobed. I do good. You sleep

with your eyes slightly open. Ido. How do you know there's footage
because my sisters have taken videos theyhave. Yeah, that's weird sleeping with
your eyes open. It's like adead body land next to you. I'd
be so embarrassed. I would neverlittle boy sleepover. You want to know
her Starbucks rumor her birthday rumor orher workout rumor all of them? Do

we not have time? Heereh?We do. Here's her birthday rumor?
You celebrated your fourteenth birthday at NeverlandRanch. I did? That's crazy?
Oh wow? Yit? Yeah?Next, weird Starbucks rumor that I've never
heard of before. With Kim Kardashian, you have someone take the Starbucks leave
off your coffee because you hate thesound of cardboard. And I, yes,

that's true, and I hate thefeeling whoever I'm with, I just
can't see it being done or Ican't hear it, and I can't feel
it. Like the cardboard getting movedoff of the cup is like nails on
a chalkboard. To me, whatI would have a field day with that
one? Like if you had likea like a weird like I hate styverfoam
or I hate bubble wrapper. Plus, don't let me find out keeping some

of my back pocket. Here's KimKardashian's workout rumor. You had your own
workout DVD called Kim Kardashian Fit inyour jeans by Friday. That's true,
true, she said, I don'tremember that. I thought you would have.
Okay, No, I like thisone, and I think it's very

important for all young boys and younggirls to learn this growing up. You
can change a tire. I canbrought you probably my stepdad. I've had
to do it, Kame Karashian,change in the spare tire. I've never
even changed to spare tire. SeeI feel like I know how to do
it, like i've I I knowthe steps. You can't really through that.

I don't know. I've never haddone it. All right, we'll
do it this week and we'll fillit for a comedian. No Sacramento's New
Kiss one oh seven point I wantto join the conversation. Send Strawberry and
Lizette a talkback message while you streamthe new Kiss one o seven point nine
on the always free I Heart Radioapp Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point
nine. We are paying your bills, Scott. You just want a thousand

dollars yes? Oh I eleven?Yes, congratulations. What are you going
to spend on thousand dollars on?I'm using it for my vacation in Mexico
and June. Oh we love vacation, Scott, can you do? And
we love Mexico. If you haveany we will bombos tomb. We'll go

with you. Don't let Strawberry translate. He'll land us in jail. H
have fun in Mexico. Awesome,Thank you so much. You're welcome.
We got another chance to win onethousand dollars to pay your bills coming up
at four twenty Kiss one oh sevenpoint nine streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every
afternoon from three till seven on Sacramento'sNew Kiss one oh seven point nine and

Kiss one O seven point nine dotCom. I gotta admit sometimes people come
up with like genius ideas, likea for effort, but there's no way
you believed that this was really gonnawork. Okay, Sacramento is a new
Kiss one of seven point nine Strawberryand Lyssett in the afternoon. A couple
in Florida, this is how we'restarting. Sure, Kira Lee Enders and

her boyfriend Zakota Jones. They triedto claim a one million dollar prize with
a scratch off ticket with the lotterythat they made themselves. Of course,
they did using two non winning tickets. Officials notice at the ticket looked a
little altered, so they investigated.Kira was like, no, I bought

the ticket myself. I didn't likedoctor it in any way. I don't
know what you guys are talking about, Scotch. You're all at ticket.
Her boyfriend is the one that soldher out. Can you believe that he
eventually Like they were interrogating and interrogating, and he eventually broke, and he

confessed that they found the torn ticket, they pieced it back together, and
that they don't even play the lotterylike that. He was like, we
just came across the ticket and thought, you know we could. Man,
he cracks under pressure and throws hiswoman under the bus the fun little crafts
and wins some money out of it. Yeah, contradicting everything his girlfriend told
authorities. So jail both of them. The lottery does not play about their

money. They don't. You cannotscan the lottery, especially when you cut
and paste old lotto tickets right someElmer's glue at a little glitter? Who
does that strawberry zette on Sacramento's NewKiss one seven point nine. I have
fixed skin, and I normally don'tcomplain, but I'm getting cyberbullied right now
because of my lack of cursive handwriting skills. Yes you should. You're

a grown man. You know nothow to write cursive? When do I
write cursive? Like it's it's textemails? Like when do I hand write?
When you? Oh? Every dayI see you handwrite stuff every day.
We make show notes, we doour show prep. You're always writing
stuff in pen in here somebody justsaid, are you sure you aren't having
a stroke right, because some ofthese letters are like questionable. Let me

okay, if you guys haven't seenthis video yet, we posted it on
Instagram out one O seven nine kissand at Strawberry Lasette on Instagram, you
wrote normal, noncursive letters, yeah, and then you added little like swirlies
to them. That's all I rememberabout cursive handwritting. But it's not cursive.

Well, this is why they're teachingit again in school. And stop
cyberbullying me, pet because otherwise you'regonna end up like strawberry words hurt.
Well, do better. I don'tknow, do better. I don't know
what to tell you. You knowwhat we can do. You know what
we can do is give some moretickets to the New Kids on the Block
concert. Let's do that, right, Let's do it. New Kids on

the Block, free tickets right now. If you know the name of the
song, the song we're playing rightnow, this New Kids song right here?
All right, you got to leaveus a talk back message as you're
streaming Kiss one o seven point nineon the iHeart app, tap the microphone,
let us know the name of thissong and We're gonna send some people
some tickets to go see them.July second, toy Ampotato. Yeah,
send us those talkback messages, uhworld, rummage through them, and then

we'll get the hell a headlines foryou in about two more songs. Here's
Missy Never Miss Admitted with Strawberry andLazette on Kiss one oh seven point nine,
stream live every afternoon from three toseven on me Always Free Art Radio
app. Talkback messages are coming inpeople trying to win their tickets to go
see New Kids on the Block.All you gotta do is let us know

what song this is? What NewKids song this is? It could win
you tickets to see them. Isn'tthis the one that I accidentally spoiled last
time? Yes, that's why Iwanted to redo. Yeah, are you
not gonna get me this time?Sacramento's new Kiss Mott seven point nine Strawberry
and Lazette with Hella headlines. Sorecently Hallie Bailey, she's the actress slash

singer. She played The Little Mermaidand the new Live action Little Mermaid.
She just had a baby and she'sbeen opening up about her quiet battle with
postpartum depression, sharing with fans onher snapchat how how she's been feeling and
how difficult it's been for her.The only thing that's been hard for me
is feeling normal in my own body. Like it's like crazy, I feel

like a completely different person when Ilook in the mirror, I don't know
who I am. That background noisewas It sounds like she was trying or
something, So I apologize for that. But she compared postpartum to swimming in
the ocean with like really big waves. She's like, you have your moments
where you come up for air andeverything's great, it's amazing, and then
you have your moments where you justlike can't stay afloat and you feel like

you're drowning. So dealing with postpartumand like these feelings you have within yourself
while also caring for a whole humanbeing, like this new baby that you
just had, honestly is so hard. So I hope she has all the
love and support to get her throughthis. It seems like she has a
supportive partner and supportive family. She'svery close with her sisters, So I'm

glad she's opening up and able totalk about this, and you know,
gets the help that she needs.And I like the fact that more celebrities
are talking about their struggles with postpartumbecause it normalizes the conversation where, you
know, people who are going throughpregnancy feel so long. Exactly what headlines
you got, Strawberry? Well,locally, there will be no Blooming this

spring. Soul Bloom organizers announced onsocial media that this year's music festival will
be postponed to August, but Augusttwenty twenty five next year. Yeah next
all that they're citing safety concerns fromthe flooding at Discovery Park and the damage
it caused making it unsafe. Thisis the second year in a row the

festival had to cancel, but Iwas looking forward to this year sizza party
next story, Hello Jojo. Myquestion is, like, the flood happened
a whole year ago. Yeah,the damage of whatever happened was already there.
Yeah, this isn't brand's new information. So why did you hang scizza

in front of my face like this? Yeah? You know, yeah,
there were a lot of artists onthis still away to sea. I feel
away, but you know what itis, what it is. Hopefully they
keep the lineup, maybe it'll beeven better. Sure next year, looking
forward to it. I have awhole year and a half now to save
up plan my outfit. I don'tknow. That's the headline Sacramento's New Kiss

one oh seven point nine. We'regonna try to pay your bills right after
this, the full show every afternoon. Whatever you want. It's Strawberry and
Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one ohseven point nine. Okay, we just
have to know the keyword for yourshot at one thousand dollars to pay your
bills and to the keyword happy onlineright now Kiss one o seven nine dot

com. Good luck. It's Strawberryand Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine. I don't believethis survey, but Costco said they found
the most popular product overall and themost popular product by state. Well,
I know what California is because everytime I go to Costco they're sold out.

Okay, what is that? Isthis your favorite Costco item? Yes?
What's your favorite Costco? So Costco? I don't even want to say,
because I don't want to no gatekeeping. Okay. Costco has these sorbets
that come like in the fruit shelland It's like a box of sorbets that
you can buy do you know I'mtalking about and become in like half an
orange or half a pineapple or halfa lemon. Those are my favorite,

and they are always sold out.I never seen it's always gone. But
like I can only find them atCostco, but Costco never has them.
Uh. The most popular Costco itemin California is actually the Kirkland Prosecco prosecco.
Of course it is a bunch ofalcoholics. Yeah, guess what the
most popular product overall at all thecostcos? The most popular Costco product?

The most popular Costco product? Ifeel like, oh, what about like
the Kirkland vodka. That's what Ithought too, because what they're rumored it
was like grey Goose is the samecompany as grey Goose because I don't know,
I just know that it's huge.They have huge bottles. It's actually
goodles Scheeddy Mac White Cheddar shells basicallyMac and cheese. Oh, I've never

overall Costco. The biggest seller atall costcos is their Google's Cheddy Mack White
Cheddar shells. I've gotten some reallygood creme brewlet from Costco before all right
in Delaware. They like their Frenchvodka, Kentucky Reese's dipped animal crackers.
I don't think those are out here, otherwise I would have seen them.
New Mexico likes Kirkland Leggings, andNorth Dakota. The most popular Costco item

is that dollar fifty hot dog andsoda combo from the food court. You
know what Costco does. That's right. They got the true ros, they
got the pizza slices. They doright. Yes, I did used to
go to Costco just for the foodat one point. That's what North Dakota
does. Sacramento's New Kiss one ohseven point nine. Restock You're sobebs,
Please, I want to join theconversation. Send Strawberry and Lazette a talkback

message while you stream the New Kissone O seven point nine on the always
free iHeartRadio app, giving you yourdaily those good news stories right here Sacramento's
New Kiss. When I was sevenpoint nine Strawberry and Lasette in the afternoon.
Yao Yang was born in a refugeecamp in Thailand, and he grew

up in Wisconsin, where he sayshis family lived in poverty and struggled with
food insecurity. So now that he'solder, he found out that families in
central Wisconsin riddled with student lunch debt, so he decided he wanted to see
what he could do to help.In Iraq, war vets pastor and father
of six himself, Y'ao started toGoFundMe with the goal of raising twenty thousand

dollars to help pay off this schoollunch debt he was working on, trying
to help out two local school districts. He doesn't believe any children should ever
go hungry, and neither does thecommunity either. Because of all their apparent
support, Within just a few days, he was able to raise over twenty
six thousand dollars, which was enoughmoney, more than enough money to completely

pay off the lunch debt in thesetwo school dist that he was working on.
Yeah, that's the definition of it. Takes a village. Sure you
may not be able to tackle issuesjust by yourself, but get enough people
who were all on the same pageand together like you can really make something
happen. I love that. Ilove that story also, and that's what's

good here on Sacramento's New Kiss oneoh seven point nine, brought to you
by Happy Days RVs bring in familiestogether for fifty years. Learn more and
happy daz r V dot com surestreaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from
three till seven on Sacramento's new Kissone oh seven point nine and Kiss one
O seven point nine dot com.See Sacramento's new Kiss one oh seven point

nine. Paying your bills Jessica,you just won one thousand dollars. No
way, are you kidding me?Wow? I never thought I would win.
You didn't answer the first time wecalled, Are you a little busy
right now? I was actually working? And then the second time came through,
I thought it was spam, soI declined to answer it again.

Third time is a fine? Whois it? Fine? I'll answer my
phone because I just want one thousanddollars. I'm sorry that we're such a
bother. What do you plan tospend this money on? Well? I
haven't filed texts yet, so I'mgonna probably save it smart. Do that?
Get it off your plate. Thanksagain for listening to Kiss one O
seven point nine. Jessica, Wehave another shot at one thousand dollars to

pay your bills at five twenty Sacramento'snew Kiss one o seven point nine Strawberry
and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss oneoh seven point nine. You know we
should send a shout out to allof our brand new Instagram friends right now.
We just got a bunch, sothank you for the follow up Instagram
at Strawberry and Lazette as well asInstagram at one oh seven nine Kiss.

Are they new Instagram friends or didthey just follow us to laugh at your
cursive? How dare you? Howdare you? Now? I'm not sure.
That's a great point. Not sure, never miss admitted with Strawberry and
Lizette and Kiss one oh seven pointnine stream live every afternoon from three to
seven on the always free iHeartRadio app.
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