Episode Transcript
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Streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoonfrom three till seven un Sacramento's New Kiss
one O seven point nine and Kissone O seven point nine dot com.
Cranberry's right there. It's Sacramento's NewKiss one oh seven point nine, the
best variety from the nineties and twothousands Strawberry and Lazette in the afternoon.
It's one of those mondays where youkind of look back like, wow,
I probably went over budget this week, and I spent more than I uh,
more than I wanted to. Ifeel a little extra tire today.
Long long weekends, even more reasonto win. This money another a chance
to grab one thousand dollars to payyour bills every hour this afternoon three twenty
is your next chance to win.That's coming up after Hella headlines. So
Florida Mayer is the showing support forJaselle bunched in after her viral video of
getting pulled over last week. We'lltalk about that Hella headlines coming up in
two more songs. Here's Enrique Yes, Yes, Sacramento's New Kiss one O
seven point nine. It's Strawberry andLazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven
point nine minutes away from your nextchance to win one thousand dollars to pay
your bills coming up right after Hellaheadlines at Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New
Kiss one oh seven point nine.So we all saw the video that went
viral of supermodel Giselle Bunching getting pulledover by police in South Florida, and
she was like hysterically crying, I'llgive you a courtesy today, thank you.
What do you mean, why areyou crying? I I have to
stand up to me, text me. So the Florida Mayor, Charles Burkett
is now speaking out shaming the officerthat pulled her over, saying it was
quote wholly unacceptable. So Gizelle waspulled over for driving erratically, Yeah,
but it was because she was tryingto get away from the paparazzi that were
following her. So when she didget pulled over, she was like visibly
shaken up. She was in tears, and she was a lot with warning.
But the mayor just didn't like howthe officer was so dismissive towards her
and said that he could have donea better job showing empathy and said that
his response was, quote everything wedo not want to see in the way
our police interact and serve our residence. Okay, good point. I was
trying to figure out what the mayor'sproblem was because we played about twelve seconds
of the police body cam footage.TMZ all obviously has the longer video,
and I watched that. Sure,the officer was a little cold. He
was a little dismissive. He's like, hey, there's paparazzi following you.
I can't do anything about that.Sorry, I can't do anything about that.
That's what the mayor had a problemwith. Probably, yeah, he
probably just wanted it. And Idon't know. Maybe it's because it's Giselle.
Yeah, and the videos viral.If it was just body cam footage
that stayed in the apartment, heprobably was expecting a little more like console
her a little bit, you know, make sure she's okay before you get
to the Okay, well, thisis why I pulled you over. I'm
gonna let you go with the warning, but like, are you good?
I don't think the officer did that. In the mayor, it was like,
whoo, it's a bad look forus, guys. A little more
on customer service. Right ahead lendsyou gets Strawberry Well looking ahead to the
end of the week. Locally,Concerts in the Park returns this Friday at
Cesar Chavez Plaza, So from fiveto nine pm there's free music, live
artists, photo ops, food trucks, beverages and everything you would want from
a festival. Concerts Parker back,I love it just going and being outside
and eating all the food. How'syes, walking around trying everything. We'll
see you out there Friday. That'sHella headlines on Kiss one oh seven point
nine. We're trying to pay yourbills right after this. Never miss admit
it with Strawberry Lazette on Kiss oneoh seven point nine. Stream live every
afternoon from three to seven on mealways free iHeartRadio app. We understand sometimes
it's tough fighting through all the phonecalls and getting through on the phone lines.
That's why you can always send usa voice message at any time.
As you're streaming Kiss one oh sevenpoint nine on the free iHeart apps,
go ahead and tap that red microphoneyou can send us a voice message.
Talk back here in the studio.Hey guys, this is Pepe from fulsome.
I answered all the keywords. Everyweek. I need to know if
I want this money and not somebodyget back to me. I know you
see me out here. Hello,you got the money. Summer's coming up.
Come on, somebody get back tome. Heysap, I'm Pete out
here of fulsome. We will beon the lookout for you, Pete.
If you are a winner, youwill get a phone call. So clearly
you have your phone in hand,you are entering the keywords, You are
doing all the right things. He'sgiving me patient, he's giving me answering
machine vibes where he fakes so much. I gotta pick up my mom respectfully.
My mom will still do that tome, like on my cell phone,
Like if she leaves me a voicemail. Your mom leaves you voicemails.
Sometimes she's very good at texting,she's big on emojis. But if she
leaves me a voicemail, she goes, hello, are you there all right?
Well, I guess not call meif you answered and just didn't say
anything. Why do people do that? I don't know. Defense Pete.
For good luck to Pete and mymom and anybody trying to win this thousand
dollars to pay your bills. Allright, just kiss one O seven point
nine the full show every afternoon wheneveryou want. It's Strawberry and Lizette on
Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven pointnine. I can't believe TikTok is getting
banned, because what would we dowith that information? Like this, all
these hacks? Are you ready lovethe TikTok hacks Sacramento's New Kiss. When
I was seven point nine, StrawberryLooks said in the afternoon, we can
thank TikTok for a lot of themost random things going viral. Sure the
time, happens all the time.I saw these gummy mango candies on TikTok
a few weeks ago, but Ididn't think anything of it. I knew
there were these viral gummy mango candies, but you kind of assume that there's
something that you have to order onlinethat like aren't even sold in this country
or something. I thought it wasone of those situations, right, so
I didn't really think anything of it. It wasn't until earlier today that I
found out these gummy mango candies thatare viral. They're like these little don't
even know how to explain it becauseI haven't had them in person yet,
but they're these little gummy mango candieswith appeelable like outer layer, So you
peel the candy and then you eatthe gummy mango inside. Does that make
sense? Yeah, very creative.They sell them at Walgreens for one ninety
nine and they're like the Walgreens brandscandies sure, like the generic wall Bran
brand. And now they're viral onTikTok and they're being sold out everywhere.
I just looked online and there wasno gummy mango candies in the vicinity of
where we are in Sacramento. Yeah, so I figured what a perfect opportunity
to use this amazing platform. Ihave to ask our listeners if you've seen
this gummy mango candy and Walgreens whichone? Because I really want to try
it now that I know it's likeit's a thing and it's like arms length
away. Yeah, you know.So, if you've seen these gummy mango
candies Strawberry so interested, Well,if you trying to think how we can
get them, I mean door dash, postmates them, Well, that's hard
to do if we don't know whatstore where, we need to get them
from all the door Dash and Postmatesare going to do is say, oh,
here's your money back. The storedoesn't have them. We need to
know where they are. All right, group effort, then group effort.
Sacramento's new Kiss one oh seven pointnine the best variety to the nineties and
two thousands. I want to jointhe conversation. Send Strawberry and Lizette a
talkback message while you stream the newKiss one o seven point nine on me
always free iHeartRadio app showing this CaliforniaLove to Frank in Sacramento. Kiss one
oh seven point nine is paying yourbills? Buddy? You just want one
thousand dollars day. I've been waitingfor this all the long. Well,
thank you for your patience. You'veprobably been putting in a lot of work
to get to this point. Huh. I was here at work at my
death listening to the good music,and all of a sudden my phone rang.
And it happened at the greatest momentbecause I was just thinking about taking
this great getting maybe some fresh airin the phone ring. Perfect timing.
Well, take that break and takethis thousand dollars that you just won.
What are you going to spend iton? Do you have any fun plans?
Oh? You know, I thinkI just might treat a friend to
lunch or dinner and maybe treat myselffor something good. Next shot at one
thousands of dollars to pay your billsis at four twenty. Right here on
Kiss one O seven point ninety,streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from
three pill seven on Sacramento's New Kissone O seven point nine and Kiss one
O seven point nine dot com Sacramento'sNew Kiss one of seven point nine Strawberry
and Last in the afternoon. Andwho does that? Does that? A
real estate agent in Florida named JessicaLaw. She has this one house up
for sale. She accidentally stumbled upona secret dungeon behind a bedroom closet door.
So the first thing she did,of course, was make a video
for good old TikTok Sure And She'slike, I've been a real estate agent
for ten years, not one haveever stumbled across a secret dungeon in a
house. I'm selling. Iron doorwith a swinging latch that leads down into
an underground room that is all concreteblock. Once you get down the stairs.
There is electricity, water, anda dehumidifier. It is set up
to how's living things. So alot of people on TikTok were commenting,
like, girl, buye, that'sa storm shelter. Like it's clearly a
basement. It's clearly a storm shelter. And she's like, yeah, because
storm shelters have iron cage doors andlike wooden doors with locks on them and
chains in here, like, comeon, wat clearly a dungeon. Yeah,
that's scary. Imagine being the peoplewho built that thinking like, Okay,
we're gonna have to remember to cleanthis up before we get rid of
this house. And here we are, like ten years later. They probably
wake up in the middle of thenight like, oh my god, I
forgot to clean up the dungeon.Because when you move you always forget.
You leave stuff behind it all thetime, stopped in a linen closet.
Oh, we forgot to fill in. We forgot our whips and chains.
Weird? Who does that? Whodoes that? It's brought to you by
Maverick Electric Heating and Air. Theyget the Johnson rights at the first two
Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's new Kissone oh seven point nine, whether you're
in the car or streaming Kiss oneoh seven point nine on the free iHeart
app right now, it's time towin surprises with Strawberry and Lazette. We
call this the four o'clock Ticket DropPete Davidson. We'll be live at hard
Rock Live Sacramento, May tenth,and we have a chance to win free
tickets right now and all week longat four o'clock. Send us the talkback
message if you can name one ofPete Davidson's many famous ex girlfriends. Oh
yeah, okay, give us onename one of Pete Davidson's acts. Send
us a talkback message on the iHeartRadioapp while you're streaming Kiss one o seven
point nine. You'll have a chanceat winning these tickets, and it doesn't
hurt to also leave a name andnumber so we can get a hold.
We will track you down either wayif you win, but it makes it
easier for us if you let usknow who you are and how to give
you these tickets to CP Davison aHard Rock Live. That's gonna be a
funny show. It's gonna be agreat show. It seems just so naturally
funny, yeah, and awkwardly funny, just the whole La. Just one
of those people you don't have totry, you don't have to force it.
Like you're gonna have a good timeat the show. This is gonna
be great. Love that we're givingout tickets all week. This week,
Hella headlines are coming up next.Fans seem to be concerned after Justin Bieber
posted photos of himself crying on Instagram. We'll get into those details. Hella
heeadlines are next, never miss admittedwith Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss one oh
seven point nine, stream live everyafternoon from three to seven on me Always
Free iHeartRadio app Another chance to winone thousand dollars and pay your bills coming
up next to Strawberry and Lazette,a Sacramento's new Kiss one oh seven point
nine giving you Hella headlines. SoJustin Bieber recently posted a slide show of
photos on Instagram. Had started withpictures of him like performing on stage,
happy happy, happy, then twophotos of tears falling down his face.
No caption to go along with thesephotos, So fans got worried and it
just further fueled the rumors that hismarriage to Haley Bieber's not doing well.
Haley, on the other hand,commented on the post, saying that he's
a pretty crier okay, but otherthan that, not really showing any concern.
He then followed that post with thepicture of him and Haley. I'm
assuming to show everyone that everything's fine, nothing to worry about. I wonder
if he even meant to add thosephotos because it was so random. Did
you go through his slideshow? No, I just saw the crying photo,
and I'm not a big fan ofwhen people do that on social media,
when they're crying and then they stoppedto take pictures of themselves. Yeah,
it's like, hey, give meattention. I want you all to know.
I'm sad. I'm just not afan. But we don't know why
he's doing it. Right, Well, then put like, hey, I
was cutting onions or oh, allergiesare kicking my butt. Yeah, I
don't know. No people do thatfor attention. Literally was so random.
It's like it's three four pictures ofhim performing on stage and like high energy,
and then two pictures of crying explainingthe caption, and then a picture
of like a hut in the woods, like it was just like what there
was no theme to this slide show. I know, I don't get it.
I don't get it well, andas you got Starwberry Well. Locally,
it's been closed for a few months, but the H and M inside
Roseville Galleria is set to reopen thisThursday, and I want you to plan
ahead because the first one hundred customersin line will be gifted H and M
gift cards up to five hundred dollars. So there's gonna be closed, yeah
for the last few months. Yes, open your eyes. A live DJ
and a claw machine clause I masterJoses? Who are and who step?
Normally I wouldn't mention that, butyou know, how can I not?
What's in the klaw machine? Uh? Minions? I don't know? Gets
a DJ? DJ? Will therebe appetizers too? I don't know.
Is that's bringing up great points?I feel like it should be an open
bar like all you can drink thesoft opening of the store. Huh yeah,
A few little like Hi, welcometo the store. Here's Mimosa exactly.
Hey, somebody out there at Hand M Galleria that's got a good
idea to helpe you're listening. Here'sa French forty five or whatever. It's
called Sacramento's New Kiss one o sevenpoint nine. We're trying to pay your
bills for one thousand dollars right afterthis show, every afternoon, whenever you
want. It's Strawberry and Lizette onSacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine.
I'm so confused how two people whohave the same exact experience feel two
completely different ways about it, Likewe have two we have two different stories
on what just happened. Okay,so a Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento New
Kiss one oh seven point nine.My beautiful fiance and I are learning how
to play golf. So over theweekend we go to a driving range and
we're just you know, getting somepractice swings in there, and one of
the guys who works at the drivingrange happens to walk by and he's like,
you know, collecting all the basketsand stuff like that. The balls
came in and he goes hey tome, He's like, hey, you
know, try this, like holdyour club this way, lean back a
little bit. So he's just you'rekind of yelling a little yeah over the
counter, like some tips and pointersI'm like, okay, so he watched
me hit like, you know,five six wings. He's all right,
cool, not bat He takes off. I'm practicing. He comes back five
minutes later. He's on break.He has his own club, so he
gets in a little stall next tome and he's wacking these things. I
mean, these golf balls that dudeis hitting, they're going into orbits.
And he's giving me tips like hey, do this, try with with your
body weight, X, Y andZ. And he's there for about five
ten minutes helping me out, meanwhilesending his own golf balls to outer.
Okay, so clearly knows what he'sdoing. He knows what he's doing.
So I'm taking his advice. Myswing is getting straighter, it's going further,
like I'm doing a lot better.He leaves My beat ale fiance goes,
oh, what a show off,And I'm like, that was the
nicest guy. He came up tome, offered unsolicited advice, improved my
golf swing, and he left,like I almost want to get his phone
numbers so we can be friends,and she goes, he's such a show
off. Oh my god. Thatirritated me. Yeah, what that was
the nicest guy I met all day. Are sure he was nice, But
if I'm out just doing my ownthing, I don't. I wouldn't want
someone coming up to me and viceversa. I wouldn't just go up to
someone and offer unsolicited advice. Oh, I appreciate the help. I thought
he was great. She the factthat he was showing off, I too
would have been see. I thinkguys just get along with other guys just
like that instantly. Yeah, aguy says hi, and you're like,
oh man, that's my best friend. Let's go to the bar. But
girls get different vibes from guys,then guys get from guys. Do you
know what I mean? I knowwhat you mean. Your your guard is
up your definition. We just havethat intuition of being like, ugh,
well love people. Don't anybody whoknows how to help my guard swing.
If you see me out there,please approach, Please approach, but don't
approachse Beyonce Sacramento's New Kiss one ohseven point nine, streaming live Strawberry and
Lazette every afternoon from three till sevenon Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point
nine and Kiss one O seven pointnine dot Com giving you your daily dose
of good news stories right here Sacramento'sNew Kiss When I was seven point nine,
Strawberry and Lisette. There's a familyin Utah who accidentally shipped their cats,
Galina, six hundred and fifty milesto California oops in an Amazon return
box filled with shoes. What so. Their cat, Galina loves to hie
and play in sleep in boxes,as most cats do, and this unfortunately
led to her being shipped all theway across the country. She went six
days without food, warm water,and trapped in a box. An Amazon
employee, her name's Brandy. She'sthe one who discovered Galina in the return
package and was able to take careof her until she could be reunited with
her family, Carrie and Matt Clark, who were so relieved to hear that
their cat had been found and shewas unharmed, because you could imagine the
worry and the panic and all ofa sudden they're like, hey, have
you seen the cat? And they'relike, no, looking around for this
cat that disappeared into thin air.Yeah, So carrying Matt are so happy
to have their cat Galina back andare now huge advocates for getting your pets
micro chipped and checking packages thoroughly beforeshipping, because your furry friend could be
taking a little snooze in there.And it's good thing this story had a
happy ending because can you imagine openingthat box? Uh, oh my god,
shoes and uh, you were toolate trying to The cats are very
the very strong beings. Sure youknow they can. They can need just
about anything. Shoes, leather,laces, cardboard. My cat's too,
that's sure. I had a happyend in the story then, Uh,
and that's what's good. Brought toyou by Happy Days RV's bringing families together
for fifty years. Learn more atHappy d a z r v dot com.
You want to join the conversation,send Strawberry and Lizette a talkback message
while you stream the new Kiss oneo seven point nine on the always free
iHeartRadio apps, some red hot chilipeppers and some cold hard cash. Miranda.
Kiss one o seven point nine ispaying your bills. You just want
a thousand dollars? Are you serious? Yes? Congratulations? Have you been
playing for a while? Pretty muchevery week that it's happening, I'd pretty
much do it every hour. That'swhat it takes you got to be in
it, so win it. Andwhat do you to spend this thousand dollars
on? Miranda? Honestly, probablyon my kids. I love that,
but from one mom to another mom, spend something for yourself too. Okay,
thank you so much. Congratulations again, happiest spending. We'll have another
chance for you to win one thousanddollars to pay your bills at five twenty
right here on Kiss one of sevenpoint nine. It's Strawberry and Lazette on
Sacramento's new Kiss one O seven pointnine