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April 16, 2024 • 20 mins
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - On today's show Strawberry and Lizette try to figure out who is more equivalent to OJ -- The Rock or Shaq? Lizette gets quizzed on 5th grade cirriculum, and Megan Fox responds to that Love Is Blind contestant who got ROASTED for comparing herself to Megan.

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Streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoonfrom three till seven on Sacramento's new Kiss
one O seven point nine and Kissone O seven point nine dot com.
You know what I just thought aboutwas that what you and I still as
adults, we would be so easyto kidnap, like they would happen.
It would be the easiest day akidnapper ever had if they went up to

us in a van or even justwalked in the studio and handed us chocolate
bars, say hey, you wantsome of these. That's literally what happened.
After that happened, and we wereso we were so excited. Kidnap
us poisonous, There's so many possibilities. We just had a stranger walk into
the studio hand us candy bars whosaid thanks, can we have more?

That That's literally what happened. That'swhy I'm like, either they could have
put a trail out of the studio, like into a creepy room or van
or something, or these could verywell be contaminated and they're like here do
you want them? But you know, I don't mind the expiration date,
and we're like it's fine, I'mwilling to risk it. Are you kidding
me? Thank you for the hersheesall right, and you'll be thanking us
for the money. Another chance towin one thousand dollars to pay your bills

coming up in ten minutes. Strawberryand Lazette in the afternoon, with Hella
headlines coming up next. So thearmorer from the set of the Alec Baldwin
movie Rust has been sentenced. We'lltalk about thats Hella headlines coming up for
you and two more songs. It'sStrawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one
oh seven point nine minutes away fromanother chance to win one thousand dollars to

pay your bills, giving you Hellaheadlines first. It's Strawberry and Lazette on
Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven pointnine. Rust armorer Hannah Gutierra's Reid has
been sentenced to eighteen months in prisonfor her connection to the fatal shooting of
cinematographer Helena Hutchins by Alec Baldwin thathappened a couple years ago back in twenty

twenty one. Yeah, Hannah hadbeen convicted in March in voluntary manslaughter after
live rounds instead of blanks were usedin Alec Baldwin's gun production. Hannah pled
for a lesser sentence, but prosecutorsclaim that like she hadn't shown any genuine
remorse or really accepted responsibility for heractions and really believed and really wanted her

to be given the max sentence Sikes. Alec Baldwin has also been charged with
involuntary man manslaughter. He's scheduled tohad the trial in July. It's so
weird and again, that's not ourworld. We don't work in Hollywood.
We don't work on sets where there'slive guns and ammunition. But from the
outside looking in, it still bogglesmy mind that if they're on a set
shooting movies with fake guns, thatyou have real bullets anywhere near there?

What? Yeah, why would youhave? We have real bullets, but
we're not going to use these,Like why would they like why are they
there in the first place. Again, it's not my world. I don't
know. Just from an outsider,it's so cool. Maybe it just comes
together like yeah, I also don'tknow. Maybe if you I don't know,
I'm not even going to try toexplain my train of thought because like
I also don't know how that couldeven how that could even happen? No

kidding the headlines you got, Strawberry, Well, it's gonna happen tonight.
Tonight is win or go home forthe Kings. Kings and Warriors are facing
off in the play in game.Winner advances to the postseason, loser packs
up their locker. Tip Off isat seven pm at Golden One Center.
By The Kings have the home courtadvantage, but the Warriors have that history.

Warriors have us sent the King's homeearly in the past. Yay,
it's gonna be an intense game tonight. That's hell the headline Sacramento's new Kiss
one oh seven point nine with anotherchance to win one thousand dollars right after
this song never miss admitted with Strawberryand Lazette on Kiss one oh seven point
nine, stream live every afternoon fromthree to seven on me Always Free.

iHeartRadio app Kiss one oh seven pointnine. Hello, Hey, I love
you guys. I was just listeningto the Mexican Ginger podcast and I heard
you're talking about how famous OOJ wasback in the day of top But I
think I got a name for you, okay, So hold on. Yeah.
In the most recent episode of ourpodcast, The Mexican Ginger Podcast,

was that now we're trying to explainwhen all this happened with OJ. He
was the biggest A list star atthe time, and we were trying to
figure out if any current celebrity isas famous as OJ Simpson was back in
the day, Like who would beequivalent to that today? Toured the Rock?
The Rock is the Rocks celebrity asbig as OJ's celebrity was. I

don't know, he was just startingwith Nathly super famous for wrestling, and
then like Bolwana and The Great Movie. I think The Rock is probably the
closest to being the biggest celebrity.He's very famous, he does a lot
of things, and he's one ofthose people that's like a big giant Teddy
Bear the Rock, right, SoI think if he were to have been

like discovered to have done all theseawful things, it would be just as
shocking. Yeah, if The Rockgot into a police chase like OJ did,
the world would stop and they wouldwatch live footage of it. Hold
on, I just thought of anotherone. Okay, what about Shack.
I don't think Jack had the reachand movies and like the whole fear of
entertainment. W Shack is beloved though. He's such a good guy. That's

my point. He was a greatathlete. He's got movies, he's got
TV shows, commercials, and he'sknown to always be out at like Best
Buy, and we'll just pay foreveryone's stop. We'll go to the Walmart
and pay for everyone's back to schoolshopping. I just looked up The Rock
on Instagram. He's got almost fourhundred million followers. I think the Rock

is more famous right now, butShack is more legendary, generationally famous.
Yeah, those are two good namesthat we didn't come up with when we
were doing the Mexican Ginger Podcast lastweek. You can hear all of our
podcast Kiss one O seven to ninedot com or search Mexican Ginger Podcast anywhere.
You stream your podcast the full showevery afternoon whenever you want. It's
Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kissone oh seven point nine. Thanks Sacramento's

New Kiss one oh seven point nine. So Travis Kelcey is going to be
back on TV hosting. Are yousmarter than a celebrity? It's all still
elementary curriculum, but there's going tobe celebrities there to help you answer these
questions. Good, all right,Michelle and Sacramento, you are going to
play against Lazette. I am fifthgrade curriculum questions you ready? Yeah?

Ready? How much is fourteen timesfive? Oh? My god, I
don't know if I can do itin my head? The embarrassing seventy seventy
is correct. Lizette's another fifth gradecurriculum question. Nervous on the periodic table?
Wait? Why does she get aneasy math question in Mind's science?

They're both fifth grade classes. Idon't know. Okay, go on the
periodic table? Which element is representby the letter N? Nitrogen? There
you go, see nitrogen? Areyou're smart? Do I knew some things?
Michelle? Back to you with anotherfifth grade curriculum question. During World
War two, Michelle, on theday known as D Day, what location

did Allied troops invade Europe? Thatwith Normandy? Yes, the beaches of
Normandy. Friends. Oh my goodness. If you graduated fifth grade, you
should know. I don't remember learningthat. My fifth grade teacher hated me,
so they held that from you.I'm not going to teach her these
questions. Okay, She didn't teachme the important things in life. There's

your chance to tie it. Fifthgrade curriculum question, what is the clinical
name for the thigh bone? Thinkback to your nursing school classes. Clinical
name for the thigh bone. I'mgonna go with femur because i know that's
something. You got that one,right, Michelle, Anna, that are
both smarter than a celebrity. Congratsto both of you. Where geniuses.

That was pretty fun in a shockingturn of events. Here, plot twist,
plot twists. Let me ask Strawberry, this is just for this for
extra credit. Okay, what wholenumber is closest to the square root sixty
five? Is this a fifth gradequestion? Yes? Okay, so the
square root of sixty five of sixtyfive whole number is closes? Oh?

I see, okay, I'm gonnasay either seven or eight. I pick
one. I'm gonna say eight.Yeah, you got it right, Louder.
I don't think Michelle heard you.Michelle did you hear that? Say
it? Louder? Say what?Say what happened? Say what? She
was there? Michelle was there,she saw the whole thing. What happened?
You got it right? There?We go here. I just wish

I could join you to here fora game night. I think let's go
that would be fun. That soundslike it'll get violent. I don't know
if we want any special guests forthat. I want to join the conversation.
Send Strawberry and Lisette a talkback messagewhile you stream the New Kiss When
I was seven point nine on thealways free Radio Oasis on Sacramento's New Kiss
one oh seven point nine, Austin, we are paying your bills. You

just want one thousand dollars? Awesome. I've personally never won one thousand dollars
before. How does it feel?Feeling great? Can't complain what's on the
shopping list? Austin? How areyou gonna spend this extra thousand dollars you
just stumbled into? I'm gonna takemy wife out to Night's Little Dinner one
night, maybe get to my icecream after, and we'll see where the
rest pays go. Can't forget toice cream. We're gonna have another chance

for you to win one thousand dollars. I've add four twenty right here on
Kiss one o seven point nine.Let me streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every
afternoon from three till seven on Sacramento'sNew Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dotcom Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point
nine Strawberry and Lysette and who doesthat? Oh does? I would hate

to have a lawyer like this.So a lawyer in England got himself into
a bit of a bind after heaccidentally pushed the through a divorce for the
wrong couple. And he's not likea rookie lawyer or anything like that,
like he works at a high profilelaw firm. He obviously wasn't paying attention.

He clicked a button for the wrongcouple and they were officially divorced twenty
one minutes later, just like that. The wife's attorney didn't notice the error
until a couple days later. Butnow mister and missus Williams whoever they are,
are unintentionally legally divorced before they hada chance to like iron out all

their financials. Yeah, sets likeall the other specifics involved in getting divorced,
they didn't have a chance to gothrough any of that. It just
like that, divorced and the Core, even after hearing what happened, still
rejected their request to have it reversed. So now it's just it's just it's
just that they're divorced. You're gonnabe the honor code, all right,

now, let's divide everything up hillnow. But that lawyer messed everything.
It would make that lawyer just likeI don't know what fees are coming my
way. Uh huh. But you'reresponsible. Oh, you're playing for those
Yes, who does that? Whodoes that? It's brought to you by
Maverick Electric Heating and Air. Theyget the job done rights the first time

In the Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento'sNew Kiss one oh seven point nine.
Alanis moriscent on Sacramento's New Kiss oneoh seven point nine, the best Variety
for the nineties and two thousands.And if you thought yesterday's New Kids on
the Block tickets were easy, justwait, just wait, I'm just not
speaking today. Oh yeah, it'salso easy because it gave away the song

I was. It was an accident. All right, we're playing talkback for
tickets. We got your chance togo see New Kids Toyota Amphitheater July second.
You just got to tell us whatNew Kids song this is. I
don't know, don't know you tellus this new kids song. You send

us your answer as you're streaming aKiss one oh seven point out on the
free iHeart app. Just tap thatred microphone tell us what new kids song
that is, and we are givingcorrect answers tickets to go see them July.
Say there you go. Yep,Hella. Headlines are on the way.
Megan Fox is officially you're not gonnaget me? What about Megan Fox?

Was she doing so? Megan Fox? How's she hanging tough? I
hope stop so? Megan Fox wasfinally responding to Love is Blind contestant Chelsea
Blackwell. Remember when she said thatshe looked like Megan Fox? Thought that
was so tough, And Meghan hadn'tsaid anything up until now. We'll hear
what she has to say. Helloheadlinescoming up into our song. Let's get

into this outcast here. Kiss onewas seven point nine, never miss admitted
with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss oneoh seven point nine stream live every afternoon
from three to seven on me Alwaysfree IRN Radio app. And it's away
from your next chance to win onethousand dollars to pay your bills right now
with Strawberry and Lasette giving you Hellaheadlines on Sacramentos who kiss one o seven

point nine. So remember that girlChelsea from the recent season of Love Is
Blind who said she looked like MeganFox. Yes, and everyone started roasting
her. Yes, she looks nothinglike Megan Fox. Right, Well,
Megan Fox is now finally like respondingto all of this and in support of
Chelsea Blackwell, the woman on theshow, and she's not a fan of

how the Internet reacted to Chelsea's claimsshe has like very blue, like slightly
slatted, almond shaped eyes. Onehundred thousand percent people have told her you
kind of look like Megan Fox.So I believe she's telling the truth.
I hope she still has that sparklein her eye. I hope the world
didn't steal it from her mine.Mine died long ago from being bullied for
twenty years. So she said,I don't think she deserved that, And

she thinks that people went way toohard on Chelsea. They kind of did.
She really did get cyber bullied fora while. Well become why would
you say that? I know?I know? And why would Megan foxy
who bullied Megan Fox. That's anotherthing for twenty years. I don't believe
that Megan Fox has always been thatsuper hot it girl, oh always,
Yeah, she's been a TV andmovie star for she would have got picked

on by like one person and waslike a bully by whole life. Yeah,
I'm not buying that Megan Fox hasalways been gorgeous? No kidding?
Right? What aheadlines you got Strawberry? Well, Tonight, it's win or
go home for the Kings. Kingsand Lawyers facing off in the playing game.
Winner advances to the postseason tip offis at seven right here at Golden

One Center. Cool little fun fact. Also, the NBA just announced that
it broke all time records for totalattendance this season. Yeah, and the
Kings were one of the teams tosell out every true home game this season.
I believe that. Yeah, areyou going to the game tonight?
I don't think I can make ittonight. Unless you got extra tickets,

then I'll go. I was hopingyou did. Nobody's taking us to the
game. Then that's headlines on Sacramento'sNew Kiss one oh seven point nine trying
to pay your bills right after thissong hang on for the Money. The
full show every Afternoon whenever you want. It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New

Kiss one oh seven point Sacramento's NewKiss one oh seven point nine, the
Best Variety for the nineties and twothousand Strawberry and Lazete. We're gonna play
stop the story. Okay, hey, Sola, is that I have a
story. I'm gonna play a littlebit, and then at any point you
could just say stop, stop thestory. We're gonna move on, or
if you want to keep going andplay more clips of this story. Okay,
all right, here we go.Well, getting your car toad can

be a pain, but how aboutgetting toad while you're driving. It's an
alarming ordeal one couple experienced while runningerrands in San Francisco. All right,
stop the story or keep going?How do you get towed while you're like
they were actively driving the car andit got toad. Do you want to
hear more? You want to stopthe story. That's an impressive tow truck
driver. Yeah, let's hear more. Okay, we're gonna stop light and

we're just finding our own business.While the couple were stopped along Bush and
Montgomery, they thought the yellow specialtytowing truck was getting too close for comfort.
He started doing the reverse and allthe lights came on and his lever
came down. All right, doyou want to hear more? You want
to stop the story. They're ata red light and a tow truck is
trying to hook them on their car. Okay, let's hear a little more.

Okay. The tow truck makes severalattempts to hook on to their twenty
seventeen Toyota Corolla. When the lightturns green, Joanne realizes her husband,
who's driving, is stuck in frontof this black sedan. What do you
interesting? What do you think?I think? I want to stop the
story. Okay, story is goingto stop. Then that will never know
what happened lest next. It doesn'tmake sense. Well you know, the

story doesn't get more interesting after thata little bit. But if you want
to stop, we could stop now, we can stop. All right,
we'll stop then, Sacramentoine, herewe go. Fortunately, the black car
backs up and Joanne's husband is ableto drive away. Oh see the toe
truck give chase joanss for several blocks. Really scary, So the tow truck

gave chase for several blocks, butwe can stop the story if you want.
Did they catch it? I don'tknow. They got away. You
want to stop the story, Okay, let's keep the story going. I
take it back. Okay. Joanneand her husband tell me they were eventually
able to lose the tow truck.They maintained they didn't do anything wrong and
are still perplexed as to why theywere targeted. Stop it or keep going.

Let's stop the story. I willstop the story. Sacramento's New Kiss
one oh seven pointing the conversation.Send Strawberry and Lizette a talkback message while
you stream the New Kiss one oseven point nine on the always free iHeartRadio
app. I'm giving you some goodnews on your Tuesday timeline at Strawberry and
Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one ohseven point nine. And here's what's good.

This Saturday, Lazette and I willbe hosting the thirty first annual Doggie
Dash at william Land Park. I'mexcited, it's so fun. I'm nervous.
Why are you nervous? Because I'mallergic to dogs? That's right,
that's right, but we're going anyway. This is the largest five k two
k dog walk in festival and Sacramento. And sure, not only is it

a great time, people dress uptheir dogs and costumes and you get to
get licks from a bunch of petsthat you know, strange dogs taking the
itch, but the Doggie Dash benefitsthe Sacramento SPCA and it helps them provide
direct care for more than forty thousandanimals each year in the community. So
it's a great event. It doesgreat work out here you can still be

a part of it. Also.Registration opens at eight thirty Saturday morning and
the two k or five k walkleaves at ten am. Immediately after the
walk, you stay and play.There's a Bark in the Park festival,
there's canine demonstrations, there's contests,and if you just want to show up
and hang out. There's over onehundred sponsor and vendor booths to visit Doggie

Dash this Saturday, William Lamp Park. It's going to be so fun.
I think I'm gonna bring my son, yeah, so that he can absorb
all the jumps and the licks,yeah, and then I can just stand
by and smile. Gotcha, youknow, take some sucks because like the
little dogs are so cute. Ilove cuddles. Yeah, I just can't

do it with this. We needto take not dike, Well, it's
a fet not a fedteroan. Whatdo you take? What I benadr BENDRL
take? I could? Well?Then what if I fall asleep? That's
he's doing. Brought to you byHappy Days already's bringing families together for over
fifty years. Find out more Happyd A Z E r V dot com

streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoonfrom three till seven. Un Sacramento's New
Kiss one O seven point nine andKiss one O seven point nine dot com.
Panic at the disco, No panichere, It's Sacramento's New Kiss one
O seven point nine. And Hayley, you just want one thousand dollars to
pay your bills? No way,that's crazy. The big question is what

are you gonna spend this money on? Haley Theo's tree possibilities. I requently
dis wrecked my car and it's driveable, but I need to pay a thousand
dollars if school to get it sick, or my daughter's in a pageant and
I'm needing to pay her page keysand getting her some outfit A lot of
options and a lot of money.You got some decisions to make. But
congratulations again and thank you for listeningto Kiss one oh seven point nine.

Awesome. Thank you so much.Next, shout out one thousand dollars to
pay your bills five to twenty onKiss one of seven point Strawberry and Lazette
on Sacramento's new Kiss one O sevenpoint nine
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