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You know, Joanna, sometimes youget compliments in the most unusual and unexpected
places. Ah, sometimes those couldbe the best one for real. It's
Sunny Mornings with Joanna and Sean onSunny Window six point five. So look,
you are very much the scrambled eggperson in the studio every morning.
I am the oatmeal guy. Andas you know, sometimes during commercial breaks,
I will run downstairs to Walgreens toget more oatmeal when I run out,
Yeah, you make a lot ofWalgreens run. It's quick. It's
right down there on Fremont Street,so I run down there and get it.
So this morning early I was downthere getting oatmeal, just a couple
of boxes of the Jerk's store brandwhatever oatmeal, right, hey, way
more than you would at like Torkin the suburb probably right. So I'm
actually two boxes for six bucks.A great deal. Okay, that's your
bad. That said, there's likeno one in the store, right,
It's very quiet when I'm in therethat early. There's two cashiers working.
I go to the second one becauseit's closest to the door, and I'm
standing there and she's ringing me upand I hear out of nowhere, you
look really young. Where do youlike thirty five? And it got quiet
for a second because I had Imean, look, there is no reason
I would have thought that was everdirected in me. And the cashier who's
ringing me up says to the othercashier, or are you talking to our
guests right now? And she saidyeah. And that's when I perked up.
I said, I kind of lookedover and she goes, you look
really young, and I said thankyou, And she says, what are
you like thirty five? And Iwent, well, I'm thirty nine,
but now I feel four years better, So thank you. I appreciate that.
Ah, that's sweet. So thatcame out of nowhere. She was
just being very sweet. Now,first and foremost, let's throw this out.
I think guessing people's ages oftentimes risky. Right, that's a risky.
What if I was twenty four andI decided I wasn't. What if I
was a really rough looking twenty four, right, I mean, listen,
I'm rough looking twenty four. Imean listen. I just recently found out.
And I assumed this was more likefor women. But like, you
should never guess a woman's age orweight, right, No, never,
don't even go there. But Ifound out recently that men can get offended
by wrong guesses too, because II guess somebody was forty five when they
were forty and he was very offendedby it. And I didn't mean anything
negative by it, but I justassumed, like guys can like take that
stuff more than like women can,you know. I just tried to accept
the compliment for what it was,right. I understood her intentions were good.
I was slightly confused because I waslike, do I look young for
someone whom you think is thirty five, or like, you think I'm fifty
and I look thirty five. Ican't, so I try not to overthink
it too much. But I justsaid, you know, thanks, I
really appreciate it. I guess thatmoisturizers really working for me. She's like,
oh, yeah, the moisturizer wasdoing a great job, and I
was like, great, you mademy day. So in any case,
do you give her a compliment back? I did. I said, you're
a very cheery person and I neededthat this early in the day. That's
sweet. Yes, I always thinka compliment or a nice saying back to
somebody that just randomly gives that toyou just keeps like the chain of like
joy and happiness going. And that'swhat our world needs more of any If
you see anybody today, just tellthem they look young. I love that.
Let's keep that going