All Episodes

May 17, 2024 37 mins

Asking Trump to go against his nature and run a quiet campaign. Communists communising themselves. Making up arbitrary restrictions and destroying peoples lives over it. Is the mass deporting illegals from America even possible? Jewish rye bread. Carrying a man purse. The recruitment challenges the military is facing is a self-inflicted problem.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on
every Thursday. We are currently under tornado watch where I am.
So I want you to know if the microphone just
goes silent, either I was killed on the air or

there's a tornado. All right, So, Chris, is there a
plan for a tornado? Here is what is the plan? Chris? Oh,
we just kind of kicked the radio signal over, so
people might be listening to like the Happy Days theme song,
and I'll be dead in a tornado. That's kind of hilarious. Actually,
all right, in this hour, we're gonna make fun of

the New York Times. In fact, we're gonna make fun
of commis getting what commies always seem to get. We're
gonna discuss many different things like revolt in the New
York Times, emails, so on and so forth. All right,
let's start with this New York Times story. Siety tease it,
and so let's just knock this out right off the bat.
One of the things that is going to be beautiful

if you're a person, a terrible person like me, is
going to be watching communists experience the fruits of their communism.
It's one of the great parts about it. Again, I
want to make sure I give credit to my buddy
Phil who came up with the quote. It's one of
the quotes that I would die to have come up
with myself, and now I have to give him credit,
which you know I hate to do. He said, the

greatest thing about Communism is all the communists. Communism is killed.
I mean in the end. He's right. In the end.
These people eat each other because it's a religion of
destruction and death and domination. They just eat each other.
Everyone's worried about Colombia. I can't believe what's happening at NYU,
with all the protests and whatnot. I thought it was great.

I thought it was hilarious. Of course, the g had
a trip over themselves, hah. The anti Semitism, I thought
it was wonderful. Dirty Communist professors and dirty communist students
are attacking the dirty communist university that taught them how
to be dirty Communists. Where's the loss here, Haba? What
about the Jewish kids? Jewish kids should be on Colombia's campus.

You shouldn't be there. It's an evil placed leeve go
somewhere else. I think it's hilarious when they eat themselves.
And I think this is hilarious. A revolt is brewing
inside the New York Times, as a top editor calls out,
quote thin skin reporters. Quote young adults who are coming
up through the education system are less accustomed to this

sort of open debate and this sort of robust exchange
of views and so on and so forth. Oh, are
are the vile little commies you're hiring? Are they acting
like vile little commies? Are they not? Are they not tolerant?
Do they want to have an open debate with you?

Are they making your disgusting organization miserable? Man? That is
too bad. I thought about this recently when I saw
it at Google. Maybe you saw it. Google had its
own employees revolt and do some kind of sit in
where they were trying to occupy the Google offices. Google's
one of the most evil corporations on the planet. Everyone

was worried about it. I thought it was hilarious, hilarious.
It's the greatest thing in the world in corporate America.
Not good corporate America, but evil corporate America. All these
big corporations who've gone full blown coming now and they
promote it everywhere. They are starting to suffer from all

the viruses they've brought into their companies. For years, they've
been bringing in dirty commy after dirty commy after dirty commy.
Of course, it all begins at HR. If your company
has an HR department, the chances your HR department is
run by a liberal white woman who's to the left
of MAO are about ninety nine percent. Because that's another

choke point. Communists realized, they recognized, they seized it, and
they've used the HR department to completely destroy the culture
of corporate America. I think it's hilarious when these gigantic
corporations suffer from what they've done. I think it's great
because outside of the education system, there's not a more

damaging thing the Communists in this country have taken over
than corporate America. Why because corporate America is in your
eyes and ears everywhere, because we're an advertising society. It's billboards,
it's TV commercials, it's TV shows. I think it's hilarious
when these places eat themselves. It's wonderful, all right. Before
we get to the Francis Collins Social Distancing lie, I

do want to do some emails, and then we're going
to mock amit Romney and all kinds of things. The
Navy secretary basically ensured that recruiting is going to contin
to be a disaster and so much more. But let's
do a bunch of emails first. Jesse, with the terrible
state of the economy, shouldn't Trump just go basement strategy,
lay low and take the win in November? All right,

So this guy doesn't want really Trump out there debating
and things like that, Just lay low. Okay, Well, couple things. One,
we shouldn't ask people to do things they're not capable
of doing. It's one of the things you learn as
you get older. Chris is never going to ask me
Jewish producer. Chris is never going to ask me to

tweak the volume of my microphone or you know, my soundboard,
my great soundboard. Chris is never going to ask me
to reprogram it with different things. I'm not capable. It's
not in my nature. I don't do technology. There's no
He and Michael could sit and beat their heads against
the wall and take two days and try to teach
me and I do it, and I never learned I'd
never be able to do. It's not going to ask.

In fact, don't even let me touch the thing out
set of pressing the buttons. You can't ask someone like
Donald Trump to hide in a basement. It's not Trump's nature.
In fact, you know, I was ranting about that debate,
and I'm super super angry about the conditions we accepted
for the debate on CNN. You shouldn't even give CNN ratings,

hostile moderators, cutting off Trump's microphone, essentially setting ourselves up
to get our teeth kicked in. And I was mad
about that, and I talked to Sean Spicer about it.
Remember Sean Spicer was Trump's big Trump's press sect. You know,
he's handling all this stuff. And I know Sean. I
was talking to Sean about it, and Sean we were
going back and forth on the whole thing, and Sean said,

you know, I was there so many times for these
negotiations with Donald Trump, and he said, Jesse, you have
to understand Donald Trump's mentality. He would tell me I'll
take him on anytime, any place. I just want to
debate him, like he didn't even care about the rules. Now,
I disagree with Trump on that, but it shows you
Trump's mentality. Trump just wants to fight, he wants to

go take him on. Trump wants to campaign, he wants
to rally, he wants to give speeches. Trump before he
was in politics, everyone knew who he was. Why don't
say it's because he's a billionaire. The Trump's not even
close to being the richest guy in New York City.
It's not because he was a billionaire. There are all
kinds of billionaires you and I will never hear from.

Trump is a public person. He wants to be out there,
loud and in your face. And so asking him to
do a quiet campaign just because the economy sucks won't
work because you're asking him to do something he's not
capable of. And let me follow that up with this.

I think the poll numbers for Joe Biden, I think
maybe we're getting a little too cocky too early. Remember,
national polls do not matter. If you want to know
the state of the presidential race, go look at the
polls in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. Yes, those polls appear to

have Trump up slightly right now. Last one I saw
had him up by one or two points within the
margin of error. I know Joe Biden's a disaster, and
I know the border's open, and I know people were unhappy,
and inflation's crushing everybody, and I know that logically, the
way you think, the way I think, you would blame

that on Joe Biden and you would vote for Donald Trump.
Voters do not think logically. They do not think in
a linear way like that. And I'm telling you right now,
this is anyone's game. I'm not telling you to lower
your expectations. You should hope to win in November. This
is anyone's game. You cannot play prevent defense and win

the presidency. And there's something else that you should you
should consider. You know, I've said many times that I
believe Donald Trump. I believe Joe Biden is going to
be dumped at the convention. And let me clarify why
that is. They can't dump Joe Biden. Now. Joe Biden
is winning primaries, and delegates that he wins are bound

to him. They can't go anywhere else. So if you
want to replace Joe Biden, you can, but he has
to after he gets the nomination at the convention, he
has to give those delegates away. Essentially, he has to
pick someone, and that he can do. He can pick
someone and say, hey, Chris, congratulations, you're the Democrat nominee.

He can do that. Trump came out recently and said
he believes they're going to do that too. Now, I
don't think we're really appreciating the danger there. I don't
think we're appreciating what a smart move that is for Democrats.
If they were to actually pull it off, they can
take all the bad the people that are unhappy with

all the inflation, the immigration, to everything else, and they
can drop all that in Joe Biden's lap like a
hot potato, and then wheel his old butt out the
back of the White House and bring in a fresh
face and say, hey, it wasn't me, that was Joe Biden.
But you don't like Trump, do you vote for me?

There's all this journey is fraught with danger. Here were
the hobbits heading to Mortar. We got all kinds of
danger between now and then. All right, just keep that
in mind. All right, let's talk about Francis Collins. Remember
that social distancing stuff. There was some intriguing testimony today.
Before we get to that, let's talk about you me,

and where the heck do we put our money? Who
do you put your money? Right now? This debt bomb
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for Youjesse dot com. We'll be back. You're listening to
the ouricle.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
You love this one it's a scream baby the Jesse
Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (12:02):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. Do
not forget tomorrow's ask doctor Jesse Friday. So email your
questions in right now Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
This is breaking, According to Natalie Winters. Former NIH director
Francis Collins, Well, this is what he said. He was asked,

do you recall science or evidence that supported the six
foot distance? His answer, I do not. Have you seen
any evidence since then supporting six feet? No, he was
the NIH director. I just I want everyone to marinate

on that for a moment. I want you to think.
I want you to remember how we completely reordered all
of American society based on the idiotic concept that we
should just be six feet away from other people at
all times. Remember that was the justification for shutting down

your business, shutting down your child's school. It was the
justification for everything. This completely moronic idea that we can
just all of a sudden stay six feet away from
other people at all times completely ripped up, rebuilt, and
gutted American society for a long period of time, in

ways America still has not recovered from and probably will
never recover from. And they made the whole thing up.
They invented it out of thin air, and then abused
you without end based on that concept. And these are
supposed to be the smartest people on the planet. It's

not like Francis Collins is some first year med school
student who doesn't even know the different between veins and arteries.
Francis Collins was the director of the National Institute of Health,
and he was passing all these rulings. He could not
have pushed any harder to completely lock down and shut

down American society. And his justification for it was that
we all had to be six feet away from each other,
and he made the entire thing up. Think how evil
that is. Look, it's one thing to not know, right, Okay,
a new virus, maybe you don't know, I don't know.

You don't know. I don't know anything about viruses. I
don't know. But it's another thing entirely to pretend you
do know, crush people's freedoms by pretending you do know,
and tell anyone who disagrees with you that they're quote
against the science, anti science, and that's the kind of

government we have. And then combine that with this little
line of questioning today about the gain of function research?
How many Americans, how many norms and normas out there?
How many of them understand that we funded coronavirus?

Speaker 2 (15:16):
Doctor Tabek did Nih fund gain of function research at
the Wuhan Institute of Virology through echo health.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
It depends on your definition of gain of function research.
If you're speaking about the generic term, yes, we did,
because but this is research. The generic term is research
that goes on in many, many labs around the country.
It is not regulated, and the reason it's not regulated
is it poses no threat or harm to anybody.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
We we funded the creation of COVID in a lab
in Wuhan, China. The United States of America, our government,
we created COVID and then destroyed your freedom and mind
because of the virus we created OUCH. Right, And now

you understand why I speak out so emphatically against our
medical systems right now in this country. It's not that
we don't have wonderful doctors and nurses. There are many
listening to this show right now walking the halls of
a hospital. But the institutions themselves have turned on us.
They've turned evil. That's why I tell you about Chalk

so often too. It's why I talk about natural herbal supplements.
I am such a fan of natural things. Now we
have a natural store in my area, and the first
place I go, it's got a natural doctor, one of
these natural passes in there. The first place I go
is not a traditional doctor. Now I go talk to him.

When I want things improved out of my life, I
go to Chalk. T Hawk is not a last resort
for me. It's the very first place I go, no
matter what is ailing me, because they sell natural herbal
supplements and the best ones around, and they're anti communists. Chalk.
They might be more mortif they may have been more
mortified than I was by all the COVID lockdown insanity

and the push of that poison. I love them so
much and just it's what a wonderful company, and they
sell such incredible things. The Male Vitality Stack has changed
my life. Go to cchoq dot com pick up something.
Maybe you want a male vitality stack. Maybe you want
to jack your tea levels, up your energy, your mood, Ladies,

female vitality stacks, whatever you're into. Chalk dot com promo
code Jesse gets you a big discount man, these freaking
people all, let's get up some more emails. Jesse, tuning
into the May seventh podcast, I witnessed the segue so
smooth it had me spit out my generic brand cola
from laughing quote. And it created a condition in these
long term democrats that bubbles out of them. Speaking of

bubbling out of them, did you know Fred used to
have digestive issues from time to time. How do you
come up with these things on the fly and stay
them say them with straight face? It's unbelievable. Well, listen, listen.
This show, as you know, is not a charity. No
radio shows are. It's not a nonprofit. It's a for

profit enterprise. And there are two ways you can make
profit in radio. You can either sell subscriptions to it,
where you would have to pay, or you can do
an advertiser supported model where advertisers pay for the show
and then you patronize the advertisers and everyone wins. And
everyone has a different philosophy on that. But I will

say this, it's not that anyone listening to the sound
of my voice right now loves ads. You love the show,
You don't love ads? Who loves ads? Nobody loves ads.
You love the show. So the reason I do ads
the way I do them is not just because I
partner with these people and they're anti communists and believe
in believing them greatly. I don't want it to be

painful and boring. I throw jokes in, I say inappropriate things,
and I love that the advertisers are all great with that.
When I do that, I don't want you to suffer
when I'm telling you about something, So we try to
as best we can. And Chris and Michael were part
of this too. They're always looking for ways to make
it more fun and interesting, so you're not sitting there

wanting to drive your car after bridge when I tell
you about chalk or something like that. I want it
to be good because the advertising ain't going away better,
not are the show's going away? All right? All right,
someone has a question about Rye bread and mass deportation.
Hang on, he doesn't care if you believe him, but
he's right.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday, and
amazing Thursday, and it's been all kinds of spice in
here tonight. So let's just discuss something. Maybe a little heavier,
But don't worry, we're gonna make fun of it. Romney
here in a minute, so that'll be fun. We'll do
more emails and discuss Chris's gross, gross rye bread in
a moment. But before we do that, let's let's talk

about this. I have said repeatedly that I like the
idea of mass deportation. In fact, I'm in love with it.
We have to have it. I just doubt the American
people have the stomach for it, and I doubt the
system will allow it even if we want it. So
to be clear, I like that Trump is campaigning on it.

By all accounts from my people, I know in Trump's
camp he means it. He wants mass deporched deportation. So
that's a good thing. Remember that is a good thing.
We must have that. I just don't believe the evil
system who wants this country full of a bunch of
dirt balls, They're never going to allow it to have

because filling up the country with the illegals has been
a central tenet of American communism since the sixties and seventies.
They have wanted to fill this country up with illegals
so bad because it will destroy it. Remember, debt in
illegal immigration can destroy nations, no matter how big and
powerful they are. That's a fact. So I mean, look,

here's a couple of email. Here's a couple headlines. One
hundred and forty eight House Democrats vote against a bill
to deport illegals who assault police. Wrap your mind around
that they voted against a bill to deport illegals who

assault police. That is now the Democrat position in the country.
Headline Ice is blocked from making use of a nineteen
hundred person California detention center due to an outdated COVID policy.
That's obviously not why they're blocking them. They're blocking them
because they don't want illegals to port it in this country.

These are things that are happening now when Democrats are
suffering from bad poll numbers because of all these things. Now,
let me ask you, how bad do you think it's
going to get if we start trying to deport twenty
million freaking people out of this country. It would be horrific,
the backlash, the judges, the voters themselves, the news organizations,

it would be ugly. Yes, there's an appetite for it
now because people haven't experienced what it looks like yet
to round people up by the million and ship them
back from whence they came. I'm not saying that to
bring anybody down. I'm saying it so we can live
in the real world. And so the Red States will

possibly consider the fact that they had better start arresting
in deporting people now because there ain't no mass deportation
coming anytime soon. It's just not going to happen. And
theyn't pretend like I saw Biden he plans in an executive
order today on the border current diversity high I was

asked about it, on the president's thinking on that.

Speaker 5 (23:18):
Executive order to be do Look, I mean, this is
the same thing that I've been saying and we've all
been saying for the past several months, right, especially since
we when we first introduced as National Security Supplemental back
in October, that included the border security piece in that,
and then obviously we went to we took that out
and then went to a place of working a bipartisan

way with senators and trying to come up with a
negotiation that dealt with border challenges, that dealt with a
broken system that we have seen for decades.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
And so yeah, that would be the GOP Amnesty bill
authored by James Langford. Don't think I forgot about you, Langford. Oh,
I'm going to remember when your reelection comes around. Anyway,
that would be the GOP Amnesty bill. And now Joe
Biden's pretending as if he's going to pass an executive
executive order to smash these things. He's, of course not,
because it is a requirement, a requirement that Democrats open

the border and fill the country with illegals. The entire
system is aimed towards that mass deportation never gonna happen. Well, Jesse,
what is the deal with Jewish Rye bread? He says,
I saw it in a store yesterday and it's cheaper
than other loaves. Can just anyone buy it and need it?
Or do you have to get permission? If so from who? Hey, Chris,

what's up with you people's bread? Anyone can eat it?

Speaker 3 (24:38):

Speaker 1 (24:38):
It doesn't have to are you don't know the difference
between Jewish Rye bread and non Jewish Rye brand, So
there's no difference at all. Well, it's disgusting, and I
don't know why anyone want to look it is terrible,
It's yes, it is Chris, it's awful. Why Rye? Why
not sourdough? Can you people eat sourdough? You can eat right?

Why not sourdo It's clearly the superior bread. Look, buddy,
you shouldn't be buying Rye bread anyway. Anyway, I talked
to Chris about it. For you. Anyone can eat it.
Don't worry about that. Oh, this one hurt Jesse. I
was really disappointed to hear you bragging about carrying what
you call a satchel. I have known other men who've

done something similar, and they always try to make it
sound more manly by coming up with a cool sounding
name tactical cross, shoulder bag, satchel, etc. I'm not buying it.
A man knows a purse when he sees one. Please
stop lying to yourself and insulting our intelligence. You, my friend,
carry a purse, just admit it. Putting a firearm inside

does not make it better. It's still a purse. That's
how many other women carry their weapon as well. I
guess you are right about being half European. Now your
instinct as an American man is being degraded, namely the
instinct not to carry a freaking purse. I'm a big fan,
but everyone needs tough love now. And then he said

his name is Kevin. It's not a purse. Okay, what
am I? How am I supposed to carry my weapon?
My weapons plural? If I'm in athletic shorts and a
T shirt, where exactly am I supposed to put them?
I'm not Pete Budajeedge. I can't just put them anywhere.
I have to carry them in something. What am I

supposed to carry these things in? Chris set a chest
rig like a man. I sometimes pull my satue around
to my chest and then it's a chest satchel. I
don't know why that doesn't count as a chest rig,
Chris Gosh. Anyway, we're moving on, and we're gonna talk
really quickly about before we make fun of it, Romney,
We're gonna talk about recruiting and retention in the military.

Eric Schmidt one of the few really really good senators
we have. He's freaking awesome from Missouri. He asked the
Navy secretary about the vaccine man date today, and before
I play that, I want to remind everybody that maybe
it didn't affect you, and I hope it didn't affect you.
But men and women in the military who were making

it a career to serve their country and wanted to
make it a career, had their careers, had their jobs
ripped away from them because of a vaccine mandate. A
vaccine mandate for a vaccine that isn't even a vaccine.
It's a therapeutic. By no definition is it a vaccine.

Not only is it a therapeutic, it's a therapeutic that
doesn't even work. In fact, it causes harm. In fact,
it wears off in about fifteen minutes after you get it.
That's why they remember, they just miraculously came up with
the idea of booster shots. They started telling everyone, get
a shot. Uh, that's not working. I get two of them.

That should work. You've ever we got to get a
double dose. Oh wait, that's that's not working either. Well
you need a booster Okay, two boosters, all right, every
six months. Okay. We can look back on these things
and we can mock them and laugh them. Now, laugh
at them. Now, how many people in the Army, Navy,

Air Force, or Superior Marine Corps. How many of those
people lost their careers, lost their livelihoods, lost everything, because
Joe Biden and the evil dirty Democrats tried to force
that poisonous pilot crap into people's arms. How many? How
many are out there searching the job market right now

when they were on year fifteen in the Navy? Remember
those people? When I play you this testimony from the
Navy Secretary, Hang on, it is the Jesse Kelly Show
on a Thursday, reminding you to email me. You're asked
doctor Jesse questions for tomorrow. Email them Jesse at jessekellyshow

dot com. X Schmidt Senator Eric Schmid of Missouri had
a chance to sit interrogate the Navy Secretary today, and
you want to know why people are getting out and
more importantly, you want to know why the global War
on terror veterans are discouraging their children from joining the military.

We've never had a generation of veterans who told their
children no on military service, but now we do. In fact,
I'm one of them. I'm pointing fingers at me. I've
told my kids, Nope, absolutely not. You want to know why,
listen to how much these people care about you.

Speaker 4 (29:37):
Believe I think you want all the members of your
team to feel like they're included well.

Speaker 5 (29:40):
I have a question.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
Do you believe that you were an ally for the
one and seventy eight soldiers who were fired or the
three thousand, seven and forty six Marines who were fired
for not taking the COVID shot? Were you an ally
for them?

Speaker 5 (29:54):

Speaker 4 (29:54):
I followed the laws they disobeyed.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Did they feel included?

Speaker 4 (29:59):
They disobeyed all they were fired. They were fired because
they disab.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
You regret that?

Speaker 1 (30:04):
Do you regret that currently existed?

Speaker 4 (30:06):
I have no regrets for you.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
You have recruitment challenges. You refused, You refuse to admit.
Dey's a part of this. You're firing qualified people who
are well trained, and you sit here so smugly to
act like none of that has any impact on the
readiness of our navy center.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
We recontacted thirty five hundred of the forty eight hundred
people who were fired. You know how many actually decided
to come back to.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
The Navy too? Shocker, too shocker at the level of
disrespect they received from their government.

Speaker 1 (30:34):
How revealing is it? The guy at the end, wait,
we try to get him to come back. They wouldn't
even come, and he thought that was making his point.
I'm going to tell every single person, every single high
ranking officer in the military who's listening right now, and
I know you are. I'm going to tell you all

something and you better remember it. The enlisted people, the
people on the ground, not just in enlisted officers, to
lower ranking officers too. I know they're lower in rank,
and I know they're younger than you. For the most part.
Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that they're stupid.
They know. They know when leadership cares about them, and

they know when leadership doesn't. It's like I've always told you,
when it comes to general's officers at all, I always
trust the men underneath them, Like when it comes to
historical officers Douglas MacArthur. I've used that example before, lionized
in America. In many circles I despise Douglas MacArthur. Why

because his men did. And that tells me everything I
need to know. Your men will love you or despise you.
And look, you may have one stray here or there,
but the men as a collective are never wrong. I
have never once seen them be wrong. When they hate you,

it's because they know and you, officers, the men and
women on the ground in the military right now. They
know dag gone, Well, you don't give a crap about them.
You care about your next promotion, you care about covering
your rear end, you care about so many things. But
you don't care about them at all. And that's why
they're getting out, and that's why their kids will never join.

And that's why when you morons finally kick off World
War three with China and you start to get your
teeth kicked in in the South Pacific, that's why you're
going to have to draft people. And when you draft people,
this sain't Vietnam anymore. You're gonna start running into parents
at gunpoint when you try to come pick up their children.
That is going to happen in this country. I'm telling
you it's going to happen because I will never allow

my sons to serve under this. Ever, my sons, I
don't expect the military to be lovey dovey. I don't
expect the military to respect my children. Those individuals, I
don't expect that. Yeah, that's not how military was worked,
that's not how governments run. But when you treat them
like cannon fodder, en mass like this, and then you're

just I'm gonna play the whole thing again. You're so
cold about it after I'm telling you right now, every
Gwatt veteran listening to this just got more and more
convinced his kids are never joining this.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
You believe they.

Speaker 4 (33:22):
Want all the members of your team to feel like
they're included.

Speaker 2 (33:24):
Well, I have a question. Do you believe that you
were an ally for the one eight hundred and seventy
eight soldiers who were fired or the three thousand, seven
hundred and forty six Marines who were fired for not
taking the COVID shot? Were you an ally for them?

Speaker 5 (33:38):

Speaker 4 (33:38):
I followed the laws they disobeyed.

Speaker 2 (33:41):
Did they feel included?

Speaker 4 (33:43):
They disobeyed all they were fired. They were fired because
they disobed.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
You regret that?

Speaker 4 (33:48):
Do you regret that currently existed? I have no regrets
for you.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
You have recruitment challenges, you refused, You refuse to admit
deus a part of this. You're firing qualified people who
are well trained, and you sit here so small to
act like none of that has any impact on the
readiness of our Navy center.

Speaker 4 (34:05):
We recontacted thirty five hundred of the forty eight hundred
people who were fired you know how many actually decided
to come back to the Navy too.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
Shocker, too shocker at the level of disrespect they received
from their government.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
Imagine having the government run you out of the military
because you don't want to poison, inject it into your heart.
That's going to give you a stroke at twenty five,
and then the government reaches back out and says, hey,
we got some recruiting problems. You want to come back in.
What a shock? They all said, thanks, but no thanks.
Freaking awful man. All right, let's get Let's get to

some emails before we FBI. They have a warning out there.
FBI is worried about ISIS and what they're going after.
We're going to talk a little bit more about school boards,
many many other things. I want to get to this
headline first, though. California firefighters rescue a dog trapped for
hours inside of a wall, inside of a wall, hours Chris, Yeah,

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rough Greens. I'm telling you all joking aside. It fixed
my dog's digestive problems. This stuff is amazing, all right,
all right, dear literal pink flower, I hate you guys.
You always say that in the aftermath of the revolution
of a revolution, conditions are rarely improved. However, in the
case of our nation, freedom isn't an abstract concept. Milliams

millions have lived here in freedom under a functioning government
and constitution for decade and simply want to return to that.
Will these factors translate into a better outcome and the
event the republic ends. I would love to hear your thoughts,
she says, I'm emailing from a pure talk phone. Let
the bar eat. Her name is Diana, of course, didam Okay,

So obviously we are in a bit of a pickle
here as a nation, there's no question, and we're heading
into some rocky times we are. The data alone is
going to cause all kinds of problems if you follow
that downstream, and what that means for society itself and
civilization and all these other things. So obviously we are

in a pickle. But because of the country we have,
because of our DNA, because of our founding, and because
of the Constitution, and more importantly, because of the people,
are we set up to possibly come out of this
whole thing. Okay, I do have some thoughts about that,
and then we'll talk about this latest FBI warning and
stuff next
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