All Episodes

May 15, 2024 37 mins

Telling the truth is a sin for the communist, they don’t care about the facts or lies, they only care about the revolution. The social and economic impact of the cartel army operating on our southern border. The culture of the US of Gay. Freedom from government control.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Final hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on
a Tuesday, rolling through all kinds of stuff. We're going
to talk about the RNC. There's some concern already about
protesters there, and it's because they screwed that whole thing up.

We'll talk about that. Pro life as still being attacked
by the government. Merritt Garland's a criminal. Some emails, but
let's deal with a couple things first. I'll get to
the illegals in just a quick moment. I was just
telling Jewish producer Chris Tera in the break that I'm
watching this documentary and I really want to get up
to my theater. Well, well, sit down basically and do nothing.

That's what I want to do, is sit down and
do nothing when I get off work, because I'm so
into this documentary. And just so you know, I even
have noise canceling headphones. I'll watch it on this little
kindle in my lap and I'll put noise canceling headphones
on so nobody bothers me. But then that only makes
them bother me more. And Chris asked if the kids

had a bunch of events tonight, thinking because I was
wanting to go home and just watch my documentary. No,
but they have something that makes my watching of the
documentary even more likely, Chris. They have homework and see
the wife says that I am a huge distraction when

I come home and the kids have homework to do,
and I don't think that's fair. I don't think that's fair.
But she says, I come in and I want to
play with them and talk to them and mess with them.
And she says, I am more distracting to the children
when they're doing homework. So I might get banished to
my room to watch it. So this all works out.

It's just an look. It's an old hockey tree. It's
like when she wants you to unload the dishwasher. All
you gotta do is screw it up once or twice,
and soon she'll be all, you know what, no more,
I'm the only one who gets to unload the dishwasher.
It's the best, it's the breaking best. Now, let's talk
about illegal immigration in a very uncomfortable way, because there's
a there's an aspect to mass illegal immigration that is

you could make an argument it's the most damaging part
of it. Everyone knows about the crime by now. Look,
it's headline after headline after headline. Everyone knows that criminals
are coming here. Entire criminal gangs are coming here with
the drugs and the stabbings and the robberies, and it's
it's bad. You're this guy retired NYPD cuff.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
You have a wave of violent migrant gangs coming here.
These people are from a whole nother country and they're
on a whole nother level. So now they're rivaling the
inner city gangs that you've seen, that you've known about
for years, and now comes a whole new wave coming
in it.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
They have no rules. They really don't care about the
rule book because.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
They're from another country, and they don't care if they
get caught.

Speaker 1 (03:03):
They don't get caught. Well, that's not good. You hear
this one. This one's out of Houston.

Speaker 3 (03:08):
More than seventy three hundred people have been arrested on
smuggling charges since the start of Operation Loan Star in
March twenty twenty one.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
We've arrested people that were attorneys in the medical field,
you know, even soldiers, you know, we've arrested one of
our own National Guard soldiers I was involved in humans smuggling.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
And DPS shows those arrested range in age from thirteen
to seventy seven. How many of your clients are under
eighteen or under twenty one?

Speaker 4 (03:31):
I'd say it's probably probably about thirty thirty five percent?

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Are that young?

Speaker 3 (03:35):
You're getting more clients?

Speaker 4 (03:36):
Oh yes, yeah, might right now, my alien spugget cases
outweigh drug cases.

Speaker 3 (03:40):
How are they recruiting these young kids?

Speaker 4 (03:42):
I would compare it to an intelligence operation for recruiting
human sources of information, and they find out, you know,
exactly what it is that motivates them to maybe want
to make that decision, whether it be drugs or sex,
or money or whatever the case may be. A lot
of times I've seen them communicated through Xbox PlayStation Snapchat.
They know how to target a much younger, younger audience

by using social media.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
Ieopening, isn't it? That's from That's courtesy of a local
news station here in Houston, KPRC. Eye Opening. All right,
So all that's bad. We get at crimes back. The
financial impact is gigantic, and this is one of those
things that's more hidden because our system is designed to
facilitate and encourage illegal immigration. Therefore, our system doesn't dig

into this as much, they don't publish it as much.
But the financial impact of illegal immigration is staggering on
all of us. It's not just New York City where
they're stashing them, it's not just Texas where they're coming
across the border. On all of US. Healthcare costs up,
the cost of owning, renting a home up, just everything
in your life goes up when you import a bunch

of people who don't belong here. So that's another huge part.
You got the crime aspect, got the finance aspect, But
one of the most, if not the most critical aspect
of illegal immigration and how it hurts a nation is
what it does to a country culturally. I saw this
headline out of the Post Millennial and it's something fifteen

point six percent percent of the US population is now
foreign born. Fifteen percent. Culture is one of those things
in this day and age that people don't talk about
much because everyone's worried about getting in trouble. But culture
is a very real thing. And first of all, look
what is culture? What is it? We talk about it

in a different way on the show. Culture is simply
what your society incentivizes, versus what your society disincentivizes. Every
culture is different and they all have different priorities. This
is encouraged, we want you to do X, Y and Z.
This is discouraged. We don't want you to do X,

Y and Z. In America's culture today, one of the
things that you would say is encouraged is turning gay
or training it is what it is. You get mad
about that all you want. That's very clearly being pushed
as part of our culture, celebrated. Anyone who comes out
of the closet has to be lionized. But now that's

not enough anymore. Now you've got to cut your penis
off to be really like. That is part of American culture.
America is gay culture, now, that's what it is. It's
part of our culture. I don't like that. I think
it's horrible, but that's part of our culture. What are
the things that are discouraged in this society today? Discrimination?
Wonderful things like discrimination. You know, you should be discriminating

against people at all times. Whatever you do, you should discriminate.
But of course that's discouraged in our culture. If you
go to ancient times Mongolian society, I love. Talking about
the Mongols, part of their culture was riding horses. They
needed to You had to have it. If you want
to hunt, you want to survive, you have to be
good on horseback. They would have you sitting a horse

at three years old. That is a that is an
incentivized thing in your culture. In fact, if you were
a Mongol child, you would know being a great horseman
is a good thing and it's a way to move
up in this society. Every incentive would point towards be
better on a horse, be better on a horse, be
better on a horse, be better on a horse. That
would be their incentive. That's all culture is what your

culture incentivizes versus what it disincentivizes. And unsurprisingly, whatever you
incentivize you will get more of. Whatever you disincentivize, you
will get less of. Period and the story. And it's
really really critical for a nation of any size, whether
it's one hundred person village in the outback or whether
it's a nation of three hundred million people, it's important

that you have a culture and a fairly consistent culture.
Now that does not mean at all that we're all
the same, that we all look the same, act the
same it doesn't even mean that we all practice the
same religion all that. So historically that's the easiest way
to ensure that you get cultural consistency is essentially have

a national religion because it gives you a value system
everyone can rally around. If you're in Israel, there's one
culture you're being pushed there, it's Judaism, and it's better
for national cohesion. If you're in Iran, as much as
I hate them, there is one religion there, one culture there,
and it really centers everything revolves around that. If you're

going to drift away from that, which we very clearly
are here. We were a Christian nation that was a
Jewish nation about some nation. We were a Christian nation
when we were first founded. But if you're going to
drift away from that, okay, you still have to have
a consistent set of values that run through your society,
and maybe the most American value there is from the

time of our founding, and I wish that was still
the case today, but it's not. Is this a natural
distrust of all forms of government and the belief that
government is not something great. Government sucks and it should
be small, extremely limited, and any time there is the

slightest amount of encroachment are or growth of government, it
should be met with widespread public backlash. That has been
part that is part of America's DNA. You know freedom,
you know freedom is freedom is not free? What does
that actually mean? Freedom? We are a country based on freedom,
freedom from what, freedom from government, freedom from government control.

It's not just a slogan. It's not just a word
that has been or should be the essence of Americanism.
That is America's culture or what America's culture was and
should be. We're not that anymore. We have a different,
totally disastrous culture now. So when it comes to immigration,
both legal and illegal, you have to be extremely, extremely

careful as a nation, and nations have always understood this
with who you import and how many of them you import,
because you might quickly find your culture destroyed. And if
that goes away, well what else matters? I'll explain what
I mean and how that works out here in just
a moment. Hang on.

Speaker 5 (10:25):
Feeling a little stocky, Follow like and subscribe on social
at Jesse Kelly DC.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show, Odday Tuesday, roll and
through the show. So Jensaki, I forgot to get to
this before I get to the emails, Jensaki. She puts
out some book. You remember that Joe Biden checking of
the watch controversy. Everyone remembers it, just a little recap
case you forgot. Joe Biden and his idiocy and all

the dumb comedies who work for him screwed everything up
in Afghanistan and got thirteen of our warriors blown up
outside of an airport where they never should have been.
So Joe Biden was responsible for getting our people killed.
Joe Biden is a soulless monster, and he always has been.
But he knows as commander in chief he has to
go see the bodies when they get back home. And
he very clearly doesn't want to be there, and he

shows up, and because because he's got dementia so bad,
he can't control things that as a politician he used
to be able to control. So he checks his watch
the entire time, just looking got someplace to be. I mean,
it's the universal sign of on board. When do I
get to leave? He just keeps checking his watch and

keeps checking his watch. He's greeting the parents who were
greeting their sons and daughters dead and Joe Biden. He
doesn't even pretend to want to be there. He's just
bored and wants to leave. It was so bad that
we now have those wonderful gold star parents. We've played
it for you in the show. I'm not going to
play it now, screaming and cussing about it. Checking is

watched the whole time, and multiple people have come out
and said he did it the whole time, and he
was rudy. He sits. He's a piece of crap. He
always has been a piece of crap. It's not new. Well,
Jen Saki writes a book and Jen Saki puts in
the book that Joe Biden never checked his watch when
we can all look, it's a picture, there's pictures, a video.

Everyone can watch it. Everyone knows it. She puts it
in the book. Well, Jared Schmidt's Landscope with Jared Schmidt's
Rest in Peace Warrior. He was one of the ones
who gave his life there and his dad Mark was
not pleased about that entry.

Speaker 6 (12:36):
I couldn't believe this. Her book just came out right
before Mother's Day and the wounds have been reopened yet
again from a talking puppet that had no clue what
she was talking about. We were twenty five yards away
and sat there and watched in horror and disgust as
he looked at his watch at least the first four

caskets that came off that plane, and I couldn't look
at him after that. I don't know if he looked
at his watch again after the first four, but that
was his that was his mo watch the CASKI go
by check my watch over and over and over again.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
So why tell a lie like that? By the way,
quick update, they're now having to edit future copies of
the book. They're editing that lie out of the book.
It was the blowback was so bad for her to
make that claim that they're editing out of the book.
Why tell that lie? To begin with? Well, this goes
back to the communist mentality and communism and lies. Lies

for a decent person, lies for you are bad. I
know you've told lies. I've told lies. We all have.
I wish i'd never told one. Right, I know they're bad.
Whenever I've lied, it's bad. We understand that we don't
want to be liars, that being a liar it is
a bad thing. But I've tried to explain before about

these people. They don't share your value system at all
at all. I've used the really stupid example. I know
it's dumb. If the soul was an organ, and so
every human being had this organ, and you could look
at it, and it was the soul, and you knew
what it was supposed to look like, like your heart, right,

we know what's supposed to be there and this and that.
If you were to open up your soul and open
up the soul of the communist, you would not even
recognize them as being the same organ. They don't share
any of your values, none of your values at all.
Why would you put such a brazen lie in your book?
Why would you even bother? It's not like it's something

that happened behind closed doors. We all watched it. I
could look at it. You can look it up in
your phone right now. Joe Biden checking his watch. There
he is. So why put a lie like that in
your book? To the communist? Lying is part of who
he is. It is part of the revolution. If you're
going to have a revolution, if you're going to burn

down the system, if you're going to burn down everything
that people know in love, then you simply have it
built into you that lying, violence, all these things, they
have to be part of the revolution. They're not looked
at when you call these people liars. It doesn't sway
them at all, doesn't move them the way it would

move you, because they know they have to lie about
everything at all times. It's why they're so selective about
all the language we use. We talk all the time
on the show about language and how the Communists is
so purposeful with his language, because his language is all
designed to deceive, to hide his true motivations. They lie

about what everything. They're always lying. They would never even
consider telling you the truth about something that would hurt
the revolution. The lies in morality, they don't even think
like that at all. Everything is about the revolution. You're Jensaki,
you're writing a book. You not only watched Joe Biden

check his watch. You know for a fact that the
United States of America has watched Joe Biden check his watch.
It's a famous picture. It's been everywhere. Jensaki most definitely
knows it. Yet she sits down to pen a book,
and she writes in that book that it never happened

what you witness with your own eyes what eyewitness with
my own eyes, she writes in her book, it never happened. Why.
It's not that her book's important, But why does she
write that, Because for her, the truth is just not
even an option for the communist The real immorality is

telling the truth. Remember when Joe Biden got a little
flustered at the state of the Union and called in illegal,
in illegal, and basically apologized for it the next day.
That's their morality. I'm telling you a completely different species
of people's wild now. Speaking of a different species of people,

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doesn't hurt to look into it. Done for you, Jesse
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Speaker 5 (18:21):
We'll be back feeling a little stocky, Follow like and
subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. On a tuesdage you
hear Lindsey Graham out historians would say, why is it
okay for Reagan to do it and not President Biden?

Speaker 3 (18:40):
But let me ask you about, well, why is it okay?

Speaker 1 (18:43):
Can I say this? Why is it okay for America
to not to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki to end their existential threat war? Why was it
okay for us to do that? I thought it was
okay to Israel do whatever you have to do to
survive as a Jewish state.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
Again, military officials say everything plogy has changed.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
But let me ask you about how these military officials
that you're.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
Talking about, let me ask you something or crap, Lindsey.
Lindsey Graham, you know I'm gonna move on before I
get in trouble here. I'm just gonna move on. I'm
just gonna move on. A couple headlines for you. Pro
life activist Lauren Handy sentenced to four years and nine
months in prison for protesting in front of an abortion clinic.

Another headline, pro life activist and mother of fifteen suffers
a stroke in prison after the Biden regime places her
in solitary confinement for twenty two days. Just a reminder
that there is a very real war being waged on
good people out there. There definitely is a war being

waged on Christians out there, and the Christian community in
this country better wake up and step up and start
getting involved in politics. It's time to stop avoiding it
because we all learned that that we all learn about
nice hippie Jesus now here in America. He was just nice. Nice.
Everyone's so nice. He's just nice. That's not true at all.

It's time to wake up and get involved, get involved,
all right, all right? Mitch McConnell is, ah, he's starting
to rail about something, and maybe it is something we
should take pay attention to, especially me.

Speaker 4 (20:32):
You know.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
The Republican National Convention is coming. It's in Milwaukee. In July,
I have to go. I heard it's doing some big
fancy radio set up there for claim Buck and me
and and I'll be doing my show from there. And
before I go on to the Mitch McConnell thing, let
me just say I hope it's not too loud. I
have this thing where I don't do remotes, meaning I

don't go do the show in public somewhere. I love
visiting affiliates and doing shit from radio stations and hanging
out with affiliates and whatnot. But in public, hey, it's
it's Bob and Chapstick from from from Larry's used cars today.
You might hear all the wind and the people screaming
in the background. That makes for great radio. Anyway, come
on out for our spray blowout. That sounds awful. I

freaking hate it. I've did one ever. I've only ever
done one. Chris remembers that you remember it, don't you, Chris?
I did one they made. They asked us if we
do it from some brewery or something somewhere. Nobody, nobody
listening could hear a thing. It's just people screaming. It
was awful. Anyway, I don't think this will be like that.
It's freakin iHeart. They're gonna have it set up right,

so don't worry about that is more what I was
trying to say. But Mitch McConnell's starting to hound secret
service about their plan to keep the protesters away from
the convention. Apparently they're gonna be really, really close. Is
it wrong? Am I wrong that I find that exciting?

I know, Chris would be great radio. Honestly, what if
they came storming in instead they're doing one of their
stupid chance Hey, oh we won't go whatever, the stupid
things they say all the time. I think this is
gonna be exciting. I need to find out, First of all,
where are the Milwaukee Red Lobsters? That's one two. I
feel like I need to go undercovering some of these

protests again like I did before. Chris, I'm not too tall.
We've discussed this at great length. I could have been
an elite level covert operative and you say I'm too tall.
It's called hiding in plain sight. And you you've seen
Chris how I just melt into the shadows when I
want what Chris? I know that was before I had

a national radio show. I'll obviously go in disguise. I'm
gonna wear a hat and so oh no, I'm not
gonna to wear a mustache. Chris, I'll shave one in.
The wife won't even be there. I'll shave in a
big fu manchew, and I'll wear a hat, and I'll
dress like one of those dirt balls. It won't be
too hard. It'll be wonderful. It'd be absolutely wonderful. Think

of the video, Think of the content. Think if I
get stabs, how great that'll be for the show. But what, Chris,
The show will take off. The downloads will go crazy.
By the way, if you miss any part of the show,
you can download the whole thing on iHeart Google or
not on Google, iHeart Spotify and iTunes, and you can
email us Jesse at jesse kellyshow dot com. Jesse, I

just heard you speak about struggling with your boys in college.
I too struggle with this as well as navigating how
to teach my children to show honor and respect to
adults while simultaneously having to point out how many of
them they come into contact with our absolute nut jobs
and not be taken seriously. It's a tough tight rope
to walk. What are your thoughts, says his name is John. Okay,

so my kids already deal with this at are much
lower level at their school, even though they're in a
wonderful school. But for instance, if their teacher gets up
the Andrew Jackson conversation, my kids learned about Andrew Jackson
in their school some history teacher who doesn't know any better.
Or maybe he's a dirtball undercover comedy. I don't know.

Just read right from the textbook. Remember the Communists make
America's textbooks. That was another choke point they seized. And
my kid came home from school laughing because the only
thing he learned about Andrew Jackson, the Lion of America.
The only thing he learned about him was the Trail
of Tears. Oh yeah, he killed a bunch of Indians.
Trail Tears. Bad guy, and I pulled him aside. And
I've had to have this conversation with them many times. Look,

life is hard, and life is going to throw you
curveballs and everything doesn't work out all the time. You're
going to have a bad boss one day. Maybe you'll
only have bad bosses. You're going to have bad teachers,
You're going to have idiots in your life. Keep your
head down, your mouth shut when it's appropriate, you speak

up when it's appropriate. But you just make sure you
question everything and everyone. If you see it on television,
you question it, You research it. If your teacher says it,
your teachers are not all knowing. If your teacher says it,
maybe your teacher's wonderful. There are some amazing teachers out there.

Maybe your teacher is a turd. There are a lot
of those out there too. So don't just take it
in and believe it. Even if you like the person
take it, look into it yourself. Look I take it
a step further me. I love that you listen to
the show. I have so much fun. As you can tell,
we have a blast, and we always will. And I

do try to make sure I'm being honest with you
at all times about how I feel. And I do
try no matter what we're doing, we do do our
due diligence to try to make sure we're never giving
you crap, we're never giving you lies or whatnot. But
still go look into it yourself. If there's a particular
issue or topic we talk about, maybe you're not sure,

maybe go look into it. I ain't no God, I
ain't all knowing. I'm not all wise. Dig into question everything,
dig into everything. What we lack in this country of
ours is people who are curious enough and ambitious enough
to go do their own research and figure out the

truth about things. What we have way too many of
now in this country are blind sheep who just want
to do what they're told. Tell me what to eat,
tell me where to go? Do I wear a mask?
A bath? We need people who question authority. We need
people who question things a lot. All right, all right,

dear Jesse, dear too Tallways as, I noticed mouse poop
in the garage, So I got a trap and killed
that demon. My wife freaked out because she loves animals.
Fast forward a week, I find more mouse poop. She
pleads with me not to kill it, but get one
of the mouse hotel things. Shocker, it didn't work. Instead,
the mouse made its way into my electric lawnmower. Go Lee,

that's weak and eight through the electrical wires. Now I
get to buy a new mower. Who should I be
mad at her or me for allowing myself to be
manipulated by her? Spencer is his name, Spencer? It's your fault.
If we are going to sit back and allow the
women to determine how we deal with household critters, well

you might as well just become doctor Doolittle, because your
house is going to be full of them had it
not been for me stepping in. I don't even know
how many animals on the side of the road would
currently be residing in my home. It has been how
long have I been married, Chris? How long have I
been married? Seventeen eighteen years?

Speaker 5 (27:59):
Can you figure that out?

Speaker 1 (28:00):
Please? So I don't look bad on the radio anyway,
It's been a long time. I don't even know how
many times I've said no, but.

Speaker 5 (28:08):
You should see him.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
Someone dropped him up, tough. No, you're not bringing him home.
And look now, now I can't even do what I
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Speaker 5 (29:27):
Miss something.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
There's a podcast.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
Get it on demand wherever podcasts are found, The Jesse
Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The
Jesse Kelly Show. And then we'll get to headlines. I
didn't get to here in a minute to do some
emails first. I'll be back tomorrow. You can email us
Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Let's do something, dude.
My wife bought me a European man bag for my
sixtieth She sold it to me as a carrier for

my weapon it ain't gonna happen. His name is Mark. Okay,
people are well aware of my satchel by this point
in time. I got it for fishing. We went to me,
my old man, and my boys. We went to Alaska fishing,
and I needed something smaller than a backpack, but I
needed something to carry some basic fishing essentials out there.
So I got this thing. And it has since turned

into a travel bag that I'll actually wear when I'm
traveling in the airport because it has enough room for
everything that I Need's got charger, got enough room for
the kindle. Everything slips right in there. And the wife
has been mortified by it. Mortified by it because it's
a cross shoulder satchel hunting thing that I wear in public. Well,

wouldn't you know, My youngest son had to have a
field trip recently and we were looking around the house
for something that was just the perfect size for him
to carry on his field trip. Guess what he took
along on his field trip. Boom, my satchel. All this
son just had a field trip too, Guess what he
grabbed my satchel. Now, granted, he did break it before

he even left the house, and now it's ruined, and
I have to try to find a discount on a
new one somewhere. But either way, yes, a discount. Chris,
do you have any idea what the costs are of
things today? I would expect you, of all people to
know what things cost today anyway, So now, but anyway,
back to what I was talking about. I love mine
to carry my weapon whenever I'm in a situation where

I'm not wearing pants or jeans where i can carry
it concealed, meaning if I'm working out, if I'm outside,
maybe I'm going for a hike, or maybe we're just
out and about and I'm in athletic shorts or something
like that. Nothing better than slipping my everyday carry weapon
and my burn epistol launcher right there in the satchel

ready to rock and roll at all times? Is the
wife horrified? Yes she is, But still guess who's still alive? Me? What? Chris?
Professor Kelly. I always strive to be a person that
pays his debts. I don't like the idea of owing
an outstanding balance to anyone. What's your position on debtors prison? Personally,
I'm totally in favor of bringing it back but I

would be interested in your thoughts. Debtor's prison, well, I
would be hesitant to fire those up right about now.
I believe in paying my debts, There's no question about it.
People should pay their debts off. But the thing is,

right now, we're drowning in debt. We're drowning in debt,
and Americans because of the financial crisis that is not
of their own making. It's of the government's making. They're
drowning in debt. Rack. We've talked about it, how credit
card debts through the roof, people have maxed out their
credit cards, They've drained their savings. So, while conceptually I

don't necessarily disagree with you, there should be some sort
of a punishment for not paying off your debt. Maybe
now isn't quite the best time to start chucking people
in prison for not paying off their debts. Like, look,
inflation's bad, it's real, and it's not it's not about
to go away. We're trying to figure out and when's
trying to figure out how do I get buy People

are going to move back in with their parents. Parents
are going to move back in with their kids. People
are gonna make drastically different buying decisions. We have a
very consumer based economy. It's about seventy percent based on
consumer spending. What's that going to look like when the
spending has to change? Yeah, by the way, do you
have you do have some gold? Right? You have gold

or silver or some kind of precious metal, some sort
of a stash. No, I didn't say you needed to
get half a million dollars worth. Who can do that?
But you have something, surely, or at least you have
it in your retirement your four one k or IRA
Oxford Gold Group will handle this for you. If you don't,
if you haven't made that phone call yet, it's a really, really,

really good time to make that phone call. Now. Remember
it's not just what they've done when it comes to
the economy, it's that they're not changing directions. In fact,
they're not even acting like they're going to change directions.
They're out there, they're still bragging about how.

Speaker 7 (34:17):
Things are going to be steady, stay the course and
continue to produce this concredible job. And the job and
by the way, to pay for the jobs are outpacing
the inflation rate. The pain, we're gonna we're gonna be
able to deal with this it's going to take no
more time. But we're gonna focus.

Speaker 5 (34:33):
On the.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
Eight three three gold pall Oxford Gold Group as if
the people in charge are trying to destroy the dollar
eight three three gold.

Speaker 5 (34:46):
And now here's a headline, but you know, you know
the thing.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
Headlines we didn't get to. Oversight Committee unveils blistering contempt
report against A. G. Garland over Biden's tapes. Merrick Garland
belongs in prison for the things he's done as Attorney
general of this nation. It is, it is something the
next administration, I don't care how it looks, they're gonna

have to dig into it. We cannot have a country
where the attorney general works as the hatchet man for
the president. That can't That can't ever happen again. Border
Town's criminal prosecutions explode by five thousand percent on Biden's watch.
This is in Kinney County, Tennessee, or Tennessee, Kinney County, Texas.

From telling you the entire gangs, the whole criminal networks
we've brought here, it's really batter.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
I have a wave of violent migrant gangs coming here.
These people are from a whole nother country and they're
on a whole nother level. So now they're rivaling the
inner city gangs that you've seen, that you've known about
for years, and now comes a whole new wave coming
in it.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
They have no rules.

Speaker 2 (35:57):
They really don't care about the rule book because they're
from another country, and they don't care if they get caught.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
They don't get caught. That's one of the worst parts
is these people don't care. Princeton's students and hunger strike
due to hunger and health concerns after ten days. I've
never really understood the concept of a hunger strike. I
guess I just don't get it. You're the one who's hungry.
I'm not hungry. You can sit there and be hungry
till you starve. It's your problem. Go eat some food.

Is the Internet bad for you? Huge study reveals surprise
effect on well being? Oh, come on, of course, it's
wonderful that you can hold a device in your hands
and beam endless amounts of information into your eyes and
ears throughout the day. Jensaki retracts lie that Biden didn't
check Watch during transfer of servicemen's bodies killed in Afghanistan. Yes,

like I said, they lie like they breathe. It's not
even what they do, it's who they are. New York
City actor Steve Bushmi punched in the face in a
random act of violence. Sports Steve Mouscemi, just rolling around
DC gets sucked in the face. Goh, like what a world.
All right, we'll be back tomorrow to do it again.

Put a smile on your face, all right, that's all
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