All Episodes

May 18, 2024 35 mins

 Dr. Ben Carson, author of the brand news book out this week, The Perilous Fight, joins us to talk about the disgusting weaponization of our justice system, the violence and crime everywhere and the spoiled IVY league brats waving their flags of hatred and antisemitism.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thank you, scotch On an hour two Sean
Hannity's show, Toll free. Our number is eight hundred and
ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to be a
part of the program. I still can't get over what
happened on the stand till Michael Cohen yesterday got completely
totally just gutted and this star witness absolutely destroyed. You

know some things that we haven't really spent enough time on,
calling Da Alvin Bragg a fearless leader, Okay, really saying
Trump being processed brings me nothing but delight, Saying that
he played a role in the indictment of Trump, saying
he absolutely hopes that Donald Trump ends up in prison,
amidst to calling Trump dumbass Donald being mentally excited.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
About the trial.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
I mean, this is kind of sick stuff, lying under
oath to Congress, getting sentenced to two months in prison,
being filed find fifty thousand dollars for lying to Congress.
By the way, you got years of claiming the federal
prosecution of him was the most unfair prosecution in the
past hundred years, really calling the judges and prosecutors in

the case against him effing animals, lying under oath in
front of a federal judge, feeling the outcome of this
trial impacts him personally.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
I mean, you got to be kidding me.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Encouraging people to delete their conversations with him, you know,
trying to get his sentence reduced, repeatedly, wanting to roll
a White House chief of staff for ego purposes, having
difficulty getting tickets to Trump's inauguration, or poor Michael anyway,
and all of this, and then of course the testimony

of Robert Costello. But listen to the media and their
shock over this.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
For me, even with my strong feelings about Donald Trump,
my knowledge of how he behaves, I couldn't today convict
beyond a reasonable doubt. Michael Cohen is just such a
problematic figure. It sort of cost lots of his testimony
in doubt given the passage of time, and makes the
District Attorney's office look terrible.

Speaker 1 (02:03):
On a cross examination, lawyers want to kind of put
the witness in a build a box around the witness
and then slam it shut. That's what Todd Blench did
to Michael Cohen. Michael Cohen was cornered in what appeared
to be a lie.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
I think too many in the room.

Speaker 4 (02:21):
It would be very hard for me to see a
jury that would not have serious questions about Michael Cohen's credibility.
I don't think I've ever seen a star cooperating witness
get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically
as what just happened with Michael Collins.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
I think the punches are building cumulatively.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
I think Tuesday there were bruises, and today there's blood.
To extend the metaphor, Wow, what else do you say
about this?

Speaker 2 (02:44):
Now? You know?

Speaker 1 (02:45):
I hope that Robert Costello, I mean he doesn't have
a credibility problem. I mean one of the most prestigious
positions at the stn Y the Southern District in New York. Ever,
I mean, this guy is the real deal, serious prosecutor,
lawyer in his own right. I mean, he just totally

was devastating to Michael Cohen in his testimony before Congress
this week by you know, claiming number one that Michael
Cohen told him that, oh, he did this whole deal
with Stormy Daniels, never told Donald Trump about it at all,
you know, in any way, shape, matter or form, and
admitted that he did all of this on his own,

and how Bragg's office hit documents to provide to the
grand jury when they're prosecuting. I mean, this, this is
unbelievable stuff. Alena Havah is with US legal spokesperson for
President Trump. Anyway, Elena, great to have you back. I
don't know. I mean, I've been comparing this to my

cousin Vinnie uh and and I played in the last hour.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
I won't play again. Maybe I'll play later in the
last hour.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
But you know that courtroom scene about positive traction and
these marks were made by a nineteen sixty three Planning
Act tempest. It's a fact. Is that a fact? In
an opinion? You just can't make it up.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
Get a tell me what it was like from your perspective.
You were in the room, I have.

Speaker 4 (04:14):
To admit, and I usually can keep my composure, obviously,
and I'm not part of this team. I obviously oversee
the pack team and all that. But I actually gave
out like a shocking huh because even me, who had
myself taken Michael Cohen down to some extent in the
Attorney General case, it was so beyond comprehension, the sloppiness,

the corruption, I saw the failure of the DA to
include evidence that whether they just didn't want to include
it to the jury or they didn't want to include
it to the witnesses, there was obviously an intentional omission,
which is very disturbing to me. And the storyline, you know,

there was one story told and then it changed. And
the end of the day when you're watching this crumble
in front of your eyes after fighting and I've been
fighting with the president since he left the White House,
and seeing the corruption firsthand and talking about it on
TV or on the radio is one thing. But Sean,
what I saw happen in court that day was such
a relief and I hope to god the jury saw

it hurt it. I know they did. I watched them,
and you know, I'd be shocked if they did anything
other than a quit the president. First of all, he
did nothing wrong. Secondly, you know, this is a show,
and they bet on the wrong actors. That's the truth
of it.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
Wow, I mean, really, they really really did, and you
would have thought they would have had this buttoned up.
Let's go to the issue that Robert Costello brought up,
and that is the issue of Alvin Bragg and the
information and the documents that were provided the grand jury.
For example, they had full and complete access to all

of the records of Robert Costello, but they only use
what they wanted to use. And that, to me is
like selectively looking at the evidence and kind of ignoring
exculpatory evidence, isn't it.

Speaker 4 (06:19):
One hundred percent? That's my biggest concern here. And while
you know, it's exciting to see a person go down
and all that, my concern really in that courtroom. What
made me give the aha moment was they created spreadsheets
that just weren't accurate, and they knew that. They presented
those to a court of law. Those did not include

all text messages, those did not include all communications, and
they presented that as if that was the facts. And
that's called manipulation at the highest level and election interference
at the highest level. We can't forget, and I'll repeat
it every time I go on TV or radio. This
case was not brought twice, not once, but twice. Two

DA's including this one, didn't want to bring this case
because they looked at it. They looked at the evidence
they had and they knew it was garbage. But it
was brought when he announced he was running for office.
We cannot be lost on the fact that that is
what's happening. And I think that intentionally excluding evidence from

a jury is literally preventing the American people from choosing
who their president's going to be. It's not just about
this case. This is a future president. We're talking about
a former president. This has not happened in our country
ever before, and now it's being done so crooked and
so sideways that the American people are going to have
a real problem having faith in the justice system. And

it's doing this to him, they will do it to us.
Imagine if you're not Donald Trump, you don't have the
present there. You know, it's very scary.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
Well, let me.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
Ask you this because you were in the courtroom, and
I have been very vocal that I and I believe
it to this day, and I don't believe this has
been a fair trial. I think the judge should have
accused himself. This was a misdemeanor. The statute of limitations
had passed. The judge was conflicted, as families conflicted. We
brought up all of this, this convoluted legal theory, all

the things that we have discussed here, but yet it
has gone forward. A directive verdict would be the right
thing to do, but this judge is not going to
be capable of that. So the jury is going to
get a hold of this.

Speaker 5 (08:29):
You know.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
But the venue is New York City, where what nearly
nine out of ten New Yorkers are registered Democrats and
voted against Donald Trump in twenty twenty. And I just
feel he can't get a fair trial in New York.
This has not been one. I don't think he can
get a fair trial in DC. I don't think he'd
get one in Fulton County, Georgia. And this is a
huge problem that has existed for the president from the

very beginning. Now with that said, I mean you're looking
at the jury. I know it's hard to read it,
but is it really that hard? How did they react
in the courtroom to this yesterday and where do you
think they're leany?

Speaker 4 (09:06):
Yeah? I reserved comment on this before, as you know,
and I'll say that that day in particular, yesterday was
a little bit different, and I do think there was
a reaction, and I do think there were There was
definitely nobody snoozing off and there was nobody loss on
what was happening. And that's all we ask for. Pay
attention and see it. And you know, for the first

four and a half weeks this trial is done by
the prosecution. But now we get our turn, and I
just want the American people to know the facts are
on our side. Number one, number two, as we've seen
with Fulton County, as we've seen with all of these
the boxes and Jack Smith touching and messing up evidence
that is key to his case. We're seeing the crumbling

and rapid fire diminishing of these people that were hired
to go after Trump. And if we don't have a
strong jury that will put their ethics and more outside
of their politics, will have a problem because there is
such a thing as Trump arrangement syndrome, and we are
worried about that. But I will say at this point, Sean,
and I do honestly say this, and I didn't say

it last week, but I'm saying it after yesterday, we
are going to be just fined because no matter what
the amount of triable issues that happened, here at the
emotion for a mistrial that needs to happen after what
we found out yesterday, the directive verdict that should happen
if it's not granted. The appealable issues we have are
so strong at this point, and I think it's really

truly selective prosecution at this point. It's obvious. It's obvious.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Well, quick break more with President Trump's legal spokesperson and
general counsel for the Save of America pack Alina Haba
will get to your calls. Ben Carson coming up, and
Senator Tommy Tubverville is from Alabama, was in the courtroom yesterday.
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Speaker 5 (12:11):
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dot com. I would continue with Elena Haba, and she is,

of course the legal spokesperson for President Trump, was in
the courtroom yesterday. Can we talk about Obviously Bob Costello
has to be called, I would imagine because of the
complication of the laws involved and this, you know, the
president has attorneys bringing in expert witnesses on federal election law.
That seems like a no brainer to me too, although

the judge is indicating what he's going to decide the
law and only him, the Biden donor judge who's conflicted
and should have recused himself.

Speaker 4 (13:55):
Yeah, how about the FEC already investigated this, Okay, this
was this is old news. You know who the FEC
find Hillary Clinton for hiding a Russia hoax through her lawyers.
That's who actually did this. This storyline has been played out,
and you know what, she got eight thousand some odd
dollars with the FEC after an investigation. But Donald Trump,

no criminal investigation with a judge that should recuse Elena.

Speaker 1 (14:20):
If you're paying for a legal expense and a deal negotiated,
Listen to what Robert Costello is saying. He said, Oh,
Michael Collen told me he did it, did it on
his own, and your lawyer does this, and then you
put it down as a legal expense, paying your lawyer
for his legal work. Tell me how that's a crime.
It's not an NDA, is not a crime. What is

the crime? Can anybody on that jury do you think
they could even define what President Trump is being charged with?
Because I don't think they can, because no lawyer that
I've had on TV can include yourself, and you're a
smart lawyer.

Speaker 4 (14:54):
Yeah, I think that the crime they're trying to do
is a crime that Michael Cohen admitted to himself and
went to jail for, which is a crime of financial
and campaign fraud. That is not what Donald Trump did.
He had hired a lawyer, his lawyer was paid his
lawyer center an agreement, sent a invoice every month. The
invoice said, hi, pay Michael Cohen, the lawyer who's been

the lawyer for President Trump for X amount of years,
the same as you would pay. And it didn't even
instruct it. It said, here's how much a mode. This is
a retainer, Thank you very much, Please invoice and pay.
And that's what an accountant did at Trump Org, not
President Trump, who was in the White House in the
Oval Office, running our country in a much better state
than it's in right now, and that's very important. I'm

not sure what he should have put it in as.
I would love to hear what they think he should
have booked it as. But the truth is the accountant
themselves said they never spoke to President Trump. They booked
it like they've always booked lawyers fees. It's a legal expense,
that's what it is. Man.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
Let me ask you this.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
In the aftermath of this this you know, I mean,
he got his legs cut from it, He got gutted
yesterday Michael Collin and humiliated on that stand.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
Let me ask you this.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Do you believe as Todd Blanche said that he lied
on the stand yesterday when he claimed in that ninety
minute and thirty six second call that in fact he
talked to Keith Schiller and Donald Trump about this as
he had testified two days prior, or did he lie
under oath.

Speaker 4 (16:23):
I can't speak about it. I will say this. If
we're asking the question if there's smoke, there's a fire,
it's not a question. I mean, look, I'll speak generally, Sean.
You don't put witnesses that have a history of being pathological,
chronic liars who profit off of an individual defendant, and
you don't put them as your key witness. I mean,

that's just a rookie mistake. Okay, maybe I haven't practiced
fifty years, but I've practiced fifteen years. That's just not
something you do. And it starts and stops there. Do
I think there's a problem. I think there's a problem. Look,
he did it with my case. We got him to
admit on the stand. If they didn't learn from that case,
that's on them. But I think the desperation is clear, right.

You know, they had started, they had started a show,
and they had to finish the show. But it's going
to go back in their face. I truly do believe that.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Yeah, I think you're right, and do you really believe
now that this is going to.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
Be an acquittal.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
I think it should be after yesterday, But I'm just
you know, but it's a New York jury.

Speaker 4 (17:24):
I honestly think so. I think that if it's not,
like I said, there are appeable issues that are so
clear that we wouldn't have an issue there. So this
case no longer has is a concern for me, to
be honest.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
Well, unbelievable times. We really appreciate you being with us,
and you've been very generous with your time on both
radio and TV throughout this whole process. Elena Habbad, Thank you.
We appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
Sean Hannity talks to the people involved in the top
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Speaker 2 (18:02):
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Speaker 2 (19:35):
Yeah, it's amazing.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
Anyway, just go to preborn dot com, slash Sean Sea
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It's a great, great mission that they're on and they're
only able to do it because of your generosity. Anyway,
we welcome back to the program. Our good friend, doctor
Ben Carson has a brand new book out this week.
It's on Hannity dot com right now, it's on Amazon

dot com, and it's called The Perilous Fight, and it
is a new book about the disgusting weaponization of our
Department of Justice. You know, all the violence, all the
crime everywhere, and these you know, spoiled brats of these
Ivy League institutions waving their flags of hatred and virulent

anti Semitism, which I never thought that we'd see in
my lifetime. Unfortunately we have. But anyway, I got to
tell you something, these are incredible times, sadly that we're
living in. It really is. One of the things that
is amazing is we watch all this on folds. Thirteen
percent of Democrats abandoning Joe Biden over the issue of Israel. Wow,

Joe surrendered in the war on terrorism. Joe basically is
he's in bold in every terrorist organization, terrorist state in
the world. On top of that, he has abandoned our
ally Israel in their hour of need after the worst
terrorist attack in their history. Based on their population versus ours,
it would have been the equivalent of forty thousand dead

Americans in a day and eight thousand kidnapped and taken
out of a taken off American soil. What part of
that is Joe not getting?

Speaker 4 (21:11):
You know?

Speaker 1 (21:11):
Why is there no why is there moral ambiguity and
why is there no moral clarity in all of this?
I don't quite understand it, to be honest. It's sad
to me, but it's the reality. And anyway, but something
is happening, and that is the country's shifting and the
country is changing an amazing you know, I've now seen

two focus groups of African American voters. Now every poll
is showing Donald Trump up around twenty eight percent with
the African American community. Donald Trump with Hispanic Americans is
now pulled dead even with Joe Biden. Young voters are
abandoning Joe Biden and droves and there's a reason for it. Anyway,
there was a focus group of African Americans weighing in

on Biden's performance. It's on Fox News. Digitt Oldfox, there's
dot com if you want to take a look. I
just want you to hear this.

Speaker 7 (22:03):
Listen President Biden, and I really feel like he making
everything harder for everybody. Got thereybody, jump through hoops.

Speaker 5 (22:11):
Just do extra things.

Speaker 8 (22:12):
He wants to make it seem as if he's for
the blacks, and he's not really because he hasn't really
helped anybody. And I don't like the fact that he's
even sending weapons to issuel and when it's people here
that still need help. And I hate to say this,
but people that are immigrants that's coming here see their
person here. Because I work in the medical field, they

already have Medicaid and it's people here that are still
on the list.

Speaker 9 (22:37):
Is waiting for it.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
So I thinks, fine, fac I think he's getting lit
up their age, you know, And so it's kindness is
really not as quick as it was at first.

Speaker 10 (22:49):
I feel like the black community don't really like buying
because like when I go on the streets and stuff,
when I talked about hold, they already be nobody, like
they say, and really ain't doing that. They really they
really like Trump better. I ain't gonna lie because Trump
had the money coming there, He had the stemless test
going there. You know what I'm saying to do a
lot of what I'm saying, the under the table stuff
with him, but Bien rough like he'll get a bad

he get a bad round.

Speaker 11 (23:12):
I liked him and what he stood for up until
this whole thing with power sign that kind of messed
it up for me in a lot of ways. He
came from humble beginning, so I respect that because like Trump,
he was born rached, he was born to a rich family,
things like that. But by did he He came up
by himself. But also he's funding genocide, so I don't
really like that.

Speaker 12 (23:32):
He could try again at other time, yeah, yeah, yeah,
he could. You know, he could take and take a break.
You know, it doesn't make sense not to get someone
else to try, you know, and then they they try
to rest out on Trump, but they don't really have
anything on him.

Speaker 5 (23:45):
You know.

Speaker 9 (23:46):
I'm probably be the only black person to admit it,
but I want Trump back.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 9 (23:51):
I mean, who started off on them stimulus packages? He did,
even though we didn't have the money to do in.
It put us more in debt. It didn't put us
in debt, the country in debt. But we don't feel
what the country dead is. We don't the only feeling
when we go buy some grapes and it says seventeen dollars.

Speaker 2 (24:10):
I like Trump, Trump what he is doing.

Speaker 11 (24:13):
Trump has helped out a lot of people in the community,
helped out a lot of black fetishes.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
And I'm voting for Trump.

Speaker 13 (24:21):
When put Trump got out of office, it was some
money circulating, and now the battling is in. It's crazy.
I may not to say that it wasn't crazy. With
other things. I'm saying financially, we had stimulus, we had
self employed tax crowdy things.

Speaker 7 (24:39):
That so President Trump, even though he might not be
a good guy like on the political side of things,
he made sure Black people's good. African American people were good.

Speaker 11 (24:49):
I mean, honestly, I like Trump, like it was a
lot like going on like in the news and the media.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
So actually, like I'm okay with Trump coming back.

Speaker 5 (24:59):
Shop Wall Box and he's just a.

Speaker 12 (25:05):
He's just a genius then though.

Speaker 4 (25:09):
You know.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
Anyway, joining us now, our friend doctor Ben Carson is
back with us The Perilous Fight. His new book out
about the despicable, disgusting weaponization of our Department of Justice
and violence crime everywhere in every small town, in big city,
and these Ivy League brats waving their flags of hatred
and virulent, repulsive anti semitism, very very disturbing times. Doctor Carson,

how are you, my friend? It's been a while, And Joe.

Speaker 5 (25:41):
Wilson, thanks for having me on. And you know, I
wrote this book because I saw that we're in a
perilous fight like we were when when those words were
coined by Francis Scott Keith, the crucible of war. That's
how we got our free country. We had to fight
for it, and it's at risk right now. We've had

two hundred and forty seven years where our constitution has worked.
But you know, when Benjamin Franklin came out of that
Constitution Hall in seventeen eighty seven. He was asked, so
what do we have here? A monarchy or republic? Considerately?

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Wait a minute, can I answer quiz quiz trivia?

Speaker 2 (26:22):
A republic?

Speaker 4 (26:23):
If you can keep it, you got it.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
And we've kept it for two hundred and forty seven years.
We're as close to losing it right now as we
ever have been. And I think the American people recognize
that when you weaponize the Department of Justice to take
out a political opponent, you become like Russia, like China,

like a Banana republic. And John Adams, as second President, said,
our Constitution was designed for a moral and religious people
and is wholly inadequate for the government of any other. Well,
we have any other. Right now? You have this judge
who clearly has conflict adventures, who won't recuse himself, who

imposes a gag order on the descendant of all people,
who's doing everything he can uh to aid this ridiculous uh.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
And it's it's it's pretty remarkable what we're watching unfold
in New York City. But I mean everything that Donald
Trump has been through, I mean the three year you know, lies,
conspiracy theories, and and the Russia hoax that went on.
Add to that, impeachment one over a phone call saying
you better. You know, we expect you to be responsible

with the money and not be corrupt like your predecessors.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
Oh big deal. And add to that, what else is
in your book?

Speaker 1 (27:54):
You know, well, look at look at the violence in
small towns and big cities. Look at these these anti
cements they you know, under educated brats on our college campuses.

Speaker 5 (28:05):
Absolutely, and I make the point in the book that
all of this is secondary to the cultural war on
our American families. That's where it all starts. Those are
the basic building blocks of the community, which is the
building block of the nation. And as we've destroyed that fabric,
Look what's happening to children When they don't get values

passed down to them, When they don't learn to respect
the opinion of other people, all of which occurs in
the family structure, then they become like these kids that
we see on the campus. Also, they don't know history,
and of course, your history gives your identity, and your
identity gives you your beliefs. They don't have any solid beliefs,
so they become like leaves blowing in the wind, and

it's very easy to deceive them. And also every country
before it becomes Marxists, they dumb the population down. That's
in the process of happening in our culture right now.
You notice that when you see the man on the
street interviews and I ask people simple questions. How many
branches of government are there, how many Supreme Court justices?

What country is bordered us?

Speaker 2 (29:12):
They don't know.

Speaker 5 (29:13):
And if they don't know that, then it's very easy
for somebody to come along and say, the southern border
is fine, we got it completely down the control, even
though millions of people are coming across, many of whom
are terrorists, and they say, oh, that, well, they said
it was okay. You know, you have to be pretty
stupid to take that. But that's what's happening to our culture.
And look what's happening in our schools, you know, teaching

people pronouns and to hate each other based on you know,
historical facts and historical distortions. None of this is helpful
to our country. It's destroying our country. But I wrote
this book because I want people to see how deeply
ingrained the enemy is and who the enemy is and wow,

we must all be in involved in this fight. You
can no longer sit back and just say that person said,
we could observe this polling place, but we have to
be way over there where nobody can see what's going on.
Or one hundred ballots came from the same address. It's okay.
We got to protect everybody's trying to vote. Signatures don't

have to match. I mean, all this crap, Why does
it go on because we allow it? We don't have
to allow it. And also we have to learn how
to vote. We have to take advantage of the system
as it exists. And we have to know who those
people are. Most people just look for the name that
looks familiar to them. They don't know who the heck
these people are and what their values are. And we

keep putting the same silly people in and we keep
getting the same result. We have to get involved. Everybody
has to get involved in their share of influence.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
All right, Click break more with doctor Ben Carson's new
book is out, The perilost Fight. We have a copy
of it and on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com
bookstores around the country. You know, since October the seventh,
the Israeli people. They have been living with a very
harsh reality. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Thankfully, we
have a partnership with our friends at the International Fellowship

of Christians and Jews. They've been on the ground from
day one. Wonderful people they really are. I met them.
They're addressing all their urgent needs and there are so many,
I mean, helping people with basics, food, water, housing, etc.
On top of that, they have these portable but effective
emergency bomb shelters. In every emergency bomb shelter is a

kit that they put in there, and they literally have
to place these kits with enough food, life saving emergency
supplies for twenty people. I mean, these attacks are coming
in fast and furious from both the North and the South.
His Bolah in the North and Hamas in the South.
Just distributing these kits into each bomb shelter it costs
nearly three hundred bucks two hundred and ninety bucks now

thanks to a matching challenge gift from a generous IFCJ supporter,
if you donate today, your gift will double an impact
and provide twice the support, literally saving lives, doing what
Joe Biden won't do, and that's standing with our friends
and our allies in Israel, as they should be out
winning their war against radical Islamic terrorism. Anyway, they have

a toll free number eight eight eight four eight eight IFCJ.
That's triple eight eight eight eight four eight eight, IFCJ
online SUPPORTIFCJ dot org at support IFCJ dot org.

Speaker 2 (32:37):
One word.

Speaker 1 (32:42):
On The Sean Hennity Show, Proudly serving America on seven
hundred and thirty five great radio stations.

Speaker 4 (32:52):
Nnity is on right now.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
All right, we continue with doctor Ben Carson. His new
book is out by the way, The Perilous Fight Overcoming
Our Culture Wars, War on the American Family. Hannity dot com,
Amazon dot com, bookstores around the country. Call this an
inflection point for the country. And you know, I've been
doing this a long time, doctor Carson, and I've said
this before in other elections. It's a tipping point election.

It's the most important election in all lifetime. But I
really mean it. I wrote the book in twenty twenty,
Live Free or Die America in the world on the Brink,
and we've hit the on the brink part sadly. And
I don't know if this country can survive open borders,
no bail, defund dismantle the police. I don't think this

country can survive the weaponization of our Department of Justice anymore.
I don't think we can survive America literally emboldening radical
Islamic terrorists and surrendering in the war on Terror, and
abdicationating our role as the leader of the free world.
And I'm the leader of the cause of liberty and freedom.
But that's where we seem to be headed. And four

more years is a disaster. We have one minute left.

Speaker 5 (34:11):
Well, you know, I make the point in the book
that this is a long term thing. This is not
of recent origin. And January tenth, nineteen sixty three, in
the Congressional Record, the forty five goals of Communism in
America read up, and almost all of them have been accomplished.
And that's why Kristoff said to Eisenhower, your grandchildren's children

will live under our system. It is all happening, it
is all planned. We can survive, but it means we
have to get involved. We have to know what's going on.
We can't just rely on the way things have been
in the past, because they're very, very different, and we
have people who want to fundamentally change their country.

Speaker 1 (34:51):
It reminds me of Hank william Jr. Hank Williams Junior
in a song A Country Boy Will Survive After nine
to eleven, he did another version of it, America will survive.
America needs to survive. The world needs us. But we've
got a stand for something and something that's bigger than us.
And that is where Joe Biden. I think his biggest

failure moral failure, has been here, and that is surrendering
in the War on Terror. On top of everything you
write about in your great book, it's called the Perilous
Fight Overcoming Our culture wars, Our culture wars, War on
America and on the American Family. Hannity dot com, Amazon
dot com, bookstores around the country, Doctor Carson. Always love

having you, love hearing your voice. Thank you, sir, God
bless you.

Speaker 5 (35:38):
Good to be with you. Thank you.

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