All Episodes

May 17, 2024 33 mins

Sean covers the "my cousin Vinny" moment where the Trump defense staff pulls apart Michael Cohen's testimony in the Trump trials.  After the most recent testimony it's clear this witch hunt is exactly that... 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, we have come in to your city. I get
saying you a comfort zone, Willow Besigre, how tell and
if you want a little bang.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
In a yunia, I come along.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
As you can see today we're expanding the electoral map
because we are going to officially play in the state
of New Jersey.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
We're going to win the state of.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
New Jersey, he said, very loudly.

Speaker 5 (00:31):
Ovaries, healthy and tubes right.

Speaker 6 (00:40):
Of an ah NHPI students rely on Pilgrim block.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
Team minus one hundred and seventy two days left till
you get to vote.

Speaker 6 (00:55):
Clear where you're coming to your city.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Don't get Tom saying you a concert song.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
From coast to coast, from border to border, from c
to Shining Sea. Sean Kennedy is on.

Speaker 6 (01:19):
All right, Thank you Scott Channing, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here's our toll free
telephone number. If you want to be a part of
the program. It is eight hundred nine to four one, Sean,
if you want to be a part.

Speaker 5 (01:29):
Of the program.

Speaker 1 (01:30):

Speaker 6 (01:30):
Michael Cohen agrees Trump was worried about his family and
his children with the McDougall story. Oh, you mean something
other than the election? You mean, there might have been
other motivation. And remember, if you even buy into the
convoluted up charge of what is really a misdemeanor in

New York bookkeeping era whose statute of limitations has passed,
I know this gets a little wordy. Even if you
buy into that, well, the word intent comes into play.
You have to intend, meaning Donald Trump had to intend
to purposely break the law.

Speaker 5 (02:12):
This is where we get it.

Speaker 6 (02:13):
Did we get into this with every attorney, even a
fake news CNN and even a couple on MSDNC, the
conspiracy theory channel, And that is that.

Speaker 5 (02:23):
Sorry, we don't even know what.

Speaker 6 (02:25):
The upcharge is and how they came to this convoluted
legal theory. It's not been discussed much in this case,
and certainly the law has not been discussed in this case,
nor has the issue of the statute of limitations on
the misdemeanor having long expired. Why it was even brought
or why the Department of Justice has weaponized as it

is under Joe Biden. Why in fact, they decided not
to charge Donald Trump after they looked at the case.
Why Alvin Bragg initially decided not to charge, but the
two people that left his office and embarrassed him, obviously
pushed him into doing it. His predecessor, predecessor cy Vance,

was against it because there's no law that they have
identified that Donald Trump in fact broke And again we've
had salacious details and Stormy Daniels. I mean, it's a
clown show. You know, you got the liar convict disbarred,
Michael Cone. Oh he got killed today. But I'm gonna

get to that in a second. It was like everyone
keeps saying that was in the courtroom that I talked
to today. I talked to a lot of people in
the courtroom. They they all said the same thing. It's
like a scene from My Cousin Vinnie. You ever watched
movie My Cousin Vinnie, Linda, you gotta love it because, uh,
Joe Petchy kind of reminds me of you a little
bit in the way he talks. You know, when he

talks to the judge in Alabama, he goes, well do
you the two uts?

Speaker 5 (03:57):
What you you? What's a ute?

Speaker 3 (04:00):

Speaker 4 (04:00):
Uz is a classic.

Speaker 7 (04:03):
I have to say though, in my lifetime, I have
never been compared to Joe Pesci many things, but not no, no.

Speaker 6 (04:09):
Thank you, only only only the accent and how great
is Marissa TomEE in that movie too clock is ticking
bob blah blah, and and she ends up winning the
case for Petty and she ends up being the hero.
I should have compared you to to her. I thought
that may have been her greatest role ever. I love

her Good Good Fellows too.

Speaker 8 (04:35):
What what was that word?

Speaker 5 (04:41):
What word to what?

Speaker 2 (04:44):
What did you say?

Speaker 5 (04:46):
You can't make it up, by the way, And I
lived a little of this life.

Speaker 6 (04:55):
When I started in radio, I didn't realize how tick
of New York exxit I had, and I've worked at
limiting it quite a bit.

Speaker 5 (05:05):
Sean Walk Radio Coffee, New York.

Speaker 7 (05:09):
Well, I mean it was particularly hard because you started
at first of all. I mean you started in many places,
but then you found a home in Alabama.

Speaker 6 (05:16):
No, my first Jorge gig nineteen ninety in Huntsville, Alabama,
and I'm very honored. I was talking to the guy
that hired me, well, one of the two guys one
passed away. My buddy Dave Stone was a wonderful man,
and Bill Dunovan, who owned the station at the time,
and they hired me over the phone. And I have
no idea why they hired me. But I mean I

got noticed in town. And you know, man, Sean, how
you doing?

Speaker 5 (05:42):

Speaker 6 (05:42):
Welcome to Huntsville. Man, you talk funny like I talk funny.
You talk funny anyway. It's just right out of.

Speaker 3 (05:50):

Speaker 6 (05:50):
Can't make it up. I left town two years later,
goodbye to the talk show host from health local paper.
I leave Atlanta four years after that, ninety two to
ninety six, and you addition night Atlanta Journal Constitution. Nineteen
ninety six was a great year. The Olympics came and
Sean Hannity left. I guess I made an impression. What
do you say?

Speaker 4 (06:10):
Yeah, I mean, you know, liberals like to be triggered.
It looks like it's nothing new after all.

Speaker 6 (06:15):
Yeah, they didn't like my takedown of fake Jacob by
the way, you know what they just have done. They
now are encouraging me to bring up more fake Jake
examples of his his bias against Donald Trump. And we'll
get to that later today. But let me tell you
what happened in the courtroom and why people are comparing
this to my cousin Vinny, because I think it's very,

very pertinent to everything that we're watching unfolding before our
very eyes, and this is lawfair in America. This is
where it gets very serious. You know, this should not
be happening in the United States of America, but it's
but it's happening right before our very eyes. And it's
very scary. Anyway, So, and there was so much that
went on today. Let me give you the the my

cousin Vinnie moment. All Right, the fan starts asking Cone
about a series of calls he got prank calls in
twenty sixteen. Now, why is this relevant, because it's at
the time that earlier in the week and then reaffirmed
today that he says that he had this earlier in

the week extensive conversation with Donald Trump about this Stormy
Daniels issue. Now, if you watch Bob Costello, who went
before Congress yesterday and testified as Michael Cohne's former attorney,
who you know, apparently you know, claims the attorney client
privilege and I never asked how, but it was waived

by Michael cohm But anyway, and he went into a
long explanation that as his attorney said, Okay, Michael Cone
desperately wanted out of legal trouble. He said, all right,
I'm a good lawyer. What can you give them about
Donald Trump? That's what they want, that'll get you out
of legal trouble. He said, well, I can't. I don't
have anything against Donald Trump. He didn't do anything wrong.

That's what he said. And Bob Cone testified before Congress yesterday,
was on America's newsroom before I was today, I was
on Fox earlier today. And long story short, and then
he goes on to say that his client at the time, also,
Michael Cohne, bragged about how he himself made this whole

deal and Donald Trump knew nothing about it. Well, that
impeaches his entire testimony and impeaches the entire case. Not
only could you not have intent if you're Donald Trump,
it couldn't have happened based on what Michael Cohne said,
according to his attorney. And let's see who else might
be called to the witness stand. We don't know yet.
There's still on cross examination right now. Oh, by the way,

they're playing Robert Costello in the court. Robert Costello's on
Fox News right now and former legal advisor to Michael Cohne.
He was devastating eating what he was saying. Anyway, and
he comes off as extraordinarily credible. It's like, this guy's
the real deal attorney. You think he has a prosecution background.

Everybody I know that knows him says he's the top
guy anyway, So why is this relevant today? Why were
they asking about these prank calls in twenty sixteen? Now,
Todd Blanche, who is President Trump's attorney, who was cross
examining Michael Cohne, He went over call logs with Cohne
and Trump's former bodyguard Keith Schiller, and Cone. Cone testified

earlier this week that he made a call to Schiller
in October twenty sixteen to speak to Donald Trump and
confirm the issue of hush money and the payment to
Stormy Daniels. Blanch then questioned Cone about a series of
harassing phone calls that Cone claimed he received at WOW

at exactly around the same time, and then referring to
text messages between Cone and Keith Schiller because he said
the conversation with Trump was through Keith Schiller's phone. Blanche
pointed to a message exchange where Cone was asking advice
and help from Schiller about a fourteen year old prank caller,

and in the message exchange, Schiller asked Cone to call him. Apparently,
Schiller then tried to call then Cone called him back.
According to the call logs, the call made to Shiller
was like a minute in thirty two seconds.

Speaker 5 (10:31):
That's it.

Speaker 6 (10:32):
And Blanche then made the point that the call was
too short, and Michael Cohen said, no, I talked to Schiller,
and then I also talked to Donald Trump about the
stormy thing, and again, having characterized it earlier in the week,
is extensive. He did it all in a minute in
thirty some odd seconds. I'm like, uh, not possible. And

that's that was the whole point. In other words, it
didn't happen. Anybody that believes that it was like wow.
Now I added my sources, and you'll hear from some
of them tonight, not exactly my sources, but people that
were in the courtroom. You'll hear what they thought of
what happened and how the jury reacted. And apparently the

jury was like, holy boom, this was a cub boom moment. Now,
an interesting sidebar to this is the prosecution had those
text messages, they didn't share them with Michael Kohen. Then
you have to ask the question, why why wouldn't they

have shared it with Michael Cohen, you know, less than
two minutes long, and you're saying that you dealt with
this issue of this prank caller in ninety seconds, and
you dealt with all the details of the Stormy Daniel
issue with Donald Trump in the same call. And when asked,
is that what your testimony is? Mister, yes, I did

that in ninety plus a little over ninety seconds. Wow,
Blanche arguing that the call that Coner's claiming was informing
Trump about this deal with Stormy Daniels was actually about
him dealing with a prank caller with text messages to
back it up. Wow, that is a is that of

my cousin Vinnie moment? Would you say, Linda.

Speaker 4 (12:26):
I mean it definitely is.

Speaker 7 (12:28):
It's you know, mursa Tilmey says to Joe Pesse in
that scene, like the defense is wrong, and essentially Blanche
is getting him on the.

Speaker 5 (12:35):
Sho No, the defense is wrong.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
That's right exactly.

Speaker 5 (12:39):
And you know it did a pretty good job.

Speaker 4 (12:41):
You did actually do a pretty good job. A little
too good. Actually. You know, we won't put Marissa out
of work. You know she's working hard on that scene.

Speaker 6 (12:46):
Oh yeah, Okay, thanks a lot. You know, now you're
comparing me to Marissa. I guess payback is You're welcome.

Speaker 5 (12:51):
It is indeed, I mean it's pretty amazing.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
That is a that's what you call in court a
checkmate moment, you know. When asked if thinking about Trump
in prison gives him joy, Michael Cohen, well, that sounds correct.
Then they have the clip of Con on his podcast
thanking d. A. Bragg for indicting Trump that was played
for the jury, and then Blanche asking Cone if he
learned about the indictment before it was unsealed, and he

says he learned about the indictment before it was unsealed.
And Judge Mrshawn sustains the prosecution's objection to Cone's text messages,
and Cone reviewed the text messages that he had with
Detective Jeffrey Rosenberg.

Speaker 5 (13:31):
And by the way, and uh.

Speaker 6 (13:34):
You know which, of course, this judge, there's nothing the
Biden donor judge is just useless.

Speaker 5 (13:41):
You know, this is what law fair is. This is
what unequal justice under the law is.

Speaker 6 (13:45):
Anyway, they touted this five to six point lead over Nevada,
but Trump should have said thirteen points because that's what
it is. Ten points in Georgia, seven in Michigan, seven
in Arizona, and three in Pennsylvania. Anyway, Coney even admitted
the outcome of the trial would affect him personally, blames
others for the crimes he was convicted of. As if

he told Congress that he lied to a judge under oath,
he said, I did not, and then he says, do
you know what perjury means? He's asked Cone questioned about
previous statements that the Southern District of New York prosecutors lie.
Blanche asked if Cone was induced or put under pressure
to plead guilty. He agrees. Cone claims he made false

statements to be loyal to Trump, and then con admits
to the jury he lied under oath. During his twenty
seventeen testimony before Congress, admits the meeting with federal agents
seventeen times and each time he was told it's a
felony to lie. And he said he knew a paralegal
was monitoring his social media, but it didn't stop him
from posting, and asked about his tiktoks, saying he had

excitement about the trials. Starting doesn't sound like a guy
that's exactly fair and balanced, does it or particularly good witness?
To add to that point, we don't have enough time
to play all this. But even on fake news CNN,
Anderson Cooper was stunned by the cross examination that you

know of Michael Cohen. I'm gonna I'm gonna play this
on the other side of the half hour. It was incredible.
Lawyers want to build a box around the witness and
slam it shut. That's what Todd Blanche did to Cone.
It was an extraordinary cross Cone was cornered in a lie.
Oh that's only one uh and uh, Anderson Cooper, if

I think if I was a juror on this case,
I think if I was a juror watching that, I
would think this guy's making it up as he goes along. Wow,
that is a spectacular comment. Now this may actually take
the cake. And I'm a little surprised by this. You know,
if you look at the view, you have a Trump hater.

Alyssa Farrer is on that show. She didn't like Donald Trump.
And anyway, I couldn't today convict beyond a reasonable doubt.
Michael Khne is just such a problematic figure. Whoop c Daisy,
I would say, my cousin Vinnie just about sums it up.

Don't you think I just do. Anyway, we are going
to get to all of it well, have analysis, legal analysis,
and so much more. Good day for Donald J. Trump
in a New York City courtroom. However, my admonition remains,
and that is I don't think he can get a
fair trial in New York City, even with this judge. Now,

the judge, by the way, should absolutely you know, have
a directed verdict, and in this case, he won't do.

Speaker 5 (16:45):
It, mark my words.

Speaker 6 (16:47):
All right, twenty five to the top of the I'm
just gathering my final materials as quickly as I can here.
Let me see this just breaking, breaking, breaking, okay, but
all right, great, all right, so let me go through
this in a minute with you. I mean, a devastating
day as it relates to Michael Cohen and cross examination

and this sham trial that's been going on in New York. Now,
I'm not telling you that this guarantees and not guilty verdict.
I'll take a hung jury in this case any day
in a venue like New York, any day of the week.
That would be a massive win. And by the way,
the judge in this case. If the judge had any integrity,

I'm sorry, this judge would absolutely throw this out on
a directed verdict that they did not. They did not
present evidence of laws broken. But this judge Biden donor
family conflicts alleged repeatedly, and a guy that knows should
know that the statute of limitations ran out, that this

would be a misdemeanor, you know, going along with this convoluted,
frankly unstated legal theory. Nobody can identify with Donald Trump's
even being charged with. It's insane. This is not equal
justice and equal application of our laws in this country.
All right, let me play you what some of the
liberal media is saying. When they're saying it, you know

you got a problem. All right, Look, it's only a
matter of time people, you know what, you know what
it's like new cars more expensive than ever. People don't
have money like they used to. You know, what you
were paying for or four years ago is like twelve
grand more of per person on average if they're living
the same way. That's you know, you can thank Joe
Biden's twenty percent increase in inflation and anyway, you'll keep

your You're not buying a new car used cars are
too expensive. You're keeping your car longer. Well, that means
the odds of a breakdown are much higher. Just simple math.

Speaker 5 (18:48):

Speaker 6 (18:48):
Anyway, you don't want your check engine light to come
on or hear that clankety clankenny noise, and that means
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you'll save twenty percent by mentioning my name. All right,
shall I go back? I think I shall. All right,
let's start with Anderson Cooper on how stunned he was
by Trump's attorney's cross examination of Michael Cohen.

Speaker 9 (20:35):
Listen the last twenty minutes of court today, right before
the lunch break. It was incredible. I mean it was
you know, Elijnig on my program last night had talked about,
you know, on a cross examination, lawyers want to kind
of put the witness in a you know, build a
box around the witness and then slam it shut. And

that's what Todd Blae did to Michael Cohen. Michael Cohen
was was cornered in what appeared to be a lie.
I think too many in the room and had to
adjust suddenly his memory that he had just testified to
on Tuesday.

Speaker 6 (21:15):
Cornered in what appeared to be a lie. Oh okay,
and what he had testified to Tuesday. I'm told that
the jury was stunned. They absolutely could not believe what
they were hearing anyway, you know, and he says, I
think if I was a juror in this case, watching,

I think this guy's making it up as he goes along.

Speaker 5 (21:39):
Listen to this comment.

Speaker 6 (21:40):
Anderson Cooper not exactly a Hannity conservative or a Trump conservative.

Speaker 8 (21:45):
Listen, having just witnessed that piece of cross examination, do
you have doubts that that conversation happened the way Michael
Cohen testified on his direct examination that I.

Speaker 9 (21:55):
Think it's absolutely absolutely. I think it's devastating. I mean
for Michael Cone's credibility on this, I mean, in this
one particular topic, whether it's you know, he just didn't,
I mean, it's it's hard to.

Speaker 5 (22:09):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (22:10):
Yes, I think if I was a juror in this
case watching that, I would think this guy's making this
up as he's going along.

Speaker 5 (22:18):
Making it up.

Speaker 6 (22:20):
Uh yeah, lie, wow, fake news c it ed now
over at that hard hitting news show on ABC The View.
By the way, why don't they let Joy Behar do
the ABC debate kind of like fake Jake Tapper. Anyway,
they have Alissa Farrer work for Trump Hates Trump, and

you know he watched that show. Everybody on that show
hates Trump. Okay, even listen to what she said today.
I couldn't, well, I don't. We don't have the tape.
I couldn't today. Convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Cone is
such a problematic figure.

Speaker 5 (23:00):

Speaker 6 (23:01):
Now, I had a couple of people that I talked
to in the courtroom today during the break, and I
spoke to them before we came on the air today
and they were all unanimous. This was like, oh, oh wow,
I can't believe it moment. Now, I'll have a number
of these people on Hannity tonight and you know, and
I kept saying, two people said it was like my

cousin Vinnie. Now, there was a very key moment in
my cousin Vinnie. This was the checkmate moment. The card
that made those two equal length toire marks had positive traction.
Now you can't make those marks without positive traction, which
was not available on the sixty four Buick Skylalcke.

Speaker 5 (23:42):
Listen, can you answer the question?

Speaker 10 (23:44):
No, it is a trick question.

Speaker 5 (23:47):
Why is it a trick question?

Speaker 1 (23:50):

Speaker 10 (23:51):
Because Chevy didn't make it three twenty seven and fifty five,
The three twenty seven didn't come out to sixty two,
and it wasn't offered in the bell air with a
four barrel carbs till sixty four. However, in nineteen sixty four,
the correct ignition timing would be four degrees before top
ted Senna.

Speaker 6 (24:08):
Well, oh she's acceptable.

Speaker 3 (24:15):

Speaker 6 (24:22):
I mean, then then then we get to the moment.
I mean that was the lead up to this, because
the prosecutor is like, Okay, she's looking at Marisa Tourmee
and she's you know, uh, you know, dressed very dressy
kind of you know, New York stylist dressing. Is that
a fair way to say it, Linda, in a nice

way to say it? And anyway and and anyway she
comes off. If you wouldn't think, well, my father was
a mechanic, my brothers were mechanics, my uncle's were mechanics.
There's someone who was mechanics. Okay, okay. The guy goes, okay,
let me let me put you to the test. And
then it think I asked the question. The prosecutor asked
the question. And that's when Joe Petrick goes, yeah, listen

to this because it's his girlfriend who wants to get married,
you know. And then there's another funny moment that I
won't talk about. My top clock is ticking, but anyway,
and then oh, you know what, another funny moment is
you're gonna go hunting. So there's a little deer dancing
in the woods, goes for the brook, takes a little

sip of water, and then come bam, you know, basically
shooting Bambi. It's very funny. But she does the checkmate moment.
The car that made these two equal length tire marks
had positive traction. You can't make those marks without positive traction,
which would not be available in the sixty four Buick Skylark.

And she's talking about the differential where positive traction means
that both tires would spin.

Speaker 5 (25:52):
You got it?

Speaker 7 (25:53):
Yeah, I mean this this movie is one of those
movies that you know, this is the Michael Comen moment.
You know, this is the moment where they are they
are looking to sort of like turn it on its ass, right,
So they're saying, Michael Cohen, how did you convey all
of this information? You know it's taking you, it's taking
us days to do it in a court room. You

tell me you did it in a minute on the
telephone while you talked about some kid that was prank
calling you.

Speaker 4 (26:18):
I mean, it's just ridiculous.

Speaker 6 (26:21):
Now add to that the testimony before Congress today. Now,
I had an opportunity earlier, as I said, to be
on America's newsroom with Bill Hammer and Dana Perino, and
both they're both friends of mine, And anyway, I came
on after attorney Robert Costello. He was Michael Cohne's attorney,
and you know, he goes into great specificity, in great

detail about the case. But I think one of the
main things he said that Da Bragg's office hid conversations
from the grand jury that he had with Cohen that
Trump did nothing wrong, and those kind went into detail
yesterday before Congress. This is devastating. It totally impeaches everything
that well, the convicted liar, Michael Cone admitted liar. Even

this barred lawyer had to say, and one of the
main arguments that he was making and that got pointed
out today, and he tried to backtrack on his testimony
from Tuesday after he got checkmated by Donald Trump's attorneys today.
I mean, Todd Blanche did a phenomenal job. But Costello said,
you know, yeah, I represented him, and I guess he

is a waiver on attorney client privilege so was free
to talk and anyway, so he said, yeah, Michael Cohne
came to me for legal advice, and I said, okay,
what's your problem. Okay, Donald Trump. I want to get
out of all legal trouble. I said, I know what
they want. They're gonna what do you got on Donald Trump?
Because that's what's going to get you a get out

of jail free card. He goes, I don't have anything
on Donald Trump. He didn't do anything wrong. Whoopsie Daisy.
That's not what Michael Cone saying every day on his
little podcast and his little tiktoks where he's obsessed with Trump.
And then he actually went even further and identified that
Michael Combragg to him that no, I did the whole
stormy of Daniels deal myself and didn't even tell Donald Trump.

I'm like, wow, you just you can't make these moments up.
Here's Bob Costello from his hearing yesterday on Capitol Hill, and.

Speaker 3 (28:26):
I said Trump, I said, Michael, the way this works
is if you have truthful information about Donald Trump, that's clearly.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
What they're looking for.

Speaker 3 (28:36):
I can have all your legal problems solved by the
end of the week. His response, I swear to God, Bob,
I don't have anything on Donald Trump. He focused on
Malania Trump. He said, I didn't want to embarrass Malania Trump.
He said, that's why I decided to take care of
this on my own. I went back to that several times.
You did this on your own, on my own. Did

Donald Trump have anything to do with it? No? Is
there a single branch of government that Michael Cohen hasn't
lied to geek, I think there isn't.

Speaker 5 (29:09):
Wow. I mean, it's just devastating. But this is the
whole case. This is what they've.

Speaker 6 (29:14):
Got, you know, and you know Colton, you know, clarifies
he wanted a hybrid position and all these other people
have said that. No, he was like really lobbying to
be chief of staff. And then he only said well,
I wanted to be considered for ego purposes.

Speaker 5 (29:30):
What does that kind of answer mean.

Speaker 6 (29:32):
It's sort of like when they had the beginning of
cross examination and Michael Combe was asked on the issue
of whether or not he lied to the Special Council,
and he said, well, I wouldn't characterize it as a lie.
Well is it a lie? Well again, I wouldn't say
it was a lie. I would say it's not accurate. Well,
it's not accurate. A lie again, you know, I would

say it's not accurate. Well, if you want to call
it a lie, I guess we'll call it a lie.
I mean, after a long back fourth I mean, it's unbelievable,
you know. And then when they get into the Trump's
civil fraud trial and Cone said he was not off
a cooperation in the case. He claims he didn't recall
when asked about Costello by the way, that he had

nothing on Trump. He doesn't recall that, but he has
a memory that is just, you know, absolutely perfect about
every conversation with Donald Trump from twenty sixteen. He said, yeah,
he wanted a pardon to end this nightmare. He says
that the outcome of this trial will impact him personally.
He said he blames others for the crimes he committed.

I mean it was convicted of. I think you got
to be kidding me. I mean, this couldn't be a
worse witness, you know.

Speaker 5 (30:44):
Asked if he.

Speaker 6 (30:45):
Told Congress that he lied under to a judge under oath,
he says I did not. Con says he knows what
perjury means. He you know, was He was questioned about
previous statements that the Southern District of New York prosecutors
will blanche ast if Cone was induced to put under
pressure to plead guilty, and he agrees. Com claims he

made false statements to be loyal to Trump. Con Questioned
on past instances of you know, lying on the stand,
he admits to the jury he lied under oath. During
his twenty seventeen testimony before Congress, he admits, you know,
with meeting all these federal officials, I think we should
get into a lot of that now. I mean, there's
it's still going ongoing. You know, it'll we're gonna we

just have so much ground to cover. But I mean,
this was not a good day. The Alvin Bragg oh
and the former third highest ranking member of the weaponized
Department of Justice of your President, Joe Biden. I mean
it really, I mean, they just totally undermine Michael Cohen's credibility.

But with that the case, he's he's the star witness,
and the other star witness, Stormy, didn't do particularly well either.
Talked a lot about salacious material. Well, it's irrelevant and immaterial.
Why the judge let that in. I don't know that
they had been talking about maybe having a the trial

next Wednesday heading into the weekend. Apparently they are not
going to work next Wednesday. Said that's off the table,
which I think these drawers probably need a break, you know,
And how he tried to secure early releases and none
of that has been effective, and all of this, you know,
comes down to this one minute and thirty some on

second conversation. That text message is confirmed. He was talking
to Keith Schiller, Frum's bodyguard about a totally unrelated matter.
I mean, it's it's really these are incredible times that
we are living in. I'll tell you that only where
I can put it. Anyway, eight hundred and nine four
one Seawan is our number if you want to be

a part of the program. All right, So much coming
up with we just you know, more developments in this
case unfolding it. Disastrous day for the prosecution in New
York City, really a checkmate moment.

Speaker 5 (33:05):
We'll have more on that.

Speaker 6 (33:06):
We'll get to your calls eight hundred and nine polt one, Shawn,
and much much more.

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