All Episodes

May 18, 2024 35 mins

Sean looks at the Trump proceedings and goes item by item to explain why it's time to dismiss all charges against the former President and let him get back on the campaign trail....

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you Scott Channon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us Happy Friday. Here is
our toll free telephone number you want to be a
part of the program, It's eight hundred nine to four
one Sean if you want to join us. I'm gonna
have some fun with the my cousin Vinnie analogy to
pick up where we were yesterday in just a second.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
By the way, so Biden's on this little this campaign kick.

Speaker 3 (00:24):

Speaker 1 (00:24):
A couple of things he just mentioned in the leading
to the show. You heard James Carvel. Nothing is working now.
What happened in that courtroom yesterday is not working. It's backfiring.
Donald Trump up thirteen in Nevada. Donald Trump up seven
in Arizona. He's up seven in Michigan. He's up three

in Pennsylvania. He's up ten in Georgia. It's not working.
Later on in the program, I'm gonna play to you.
I couldn't believe it. I saw him on Foxnews dot Com,
and that is African America, American voters. He's losing and
losing in droves. They're trying to stop the bleeding. And
you know from the guy, if you havn't a problem

figuring out whether you're famili or Trump, you ain't black.
That guy, the same guy that partnered with his what
he called his friend and his mentor, a former pooh
Bah the ku klux Klan.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Really Robert kkk Byrd.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Remember that's the guy that he partnered with to stop
school bussing and the integration of schools. He didn't want
public schools in America to be racial jungles. And he
always gets a pass on this. It's frustrating. So now
he's going all over the country and he's going to
speak at the NAACP, and he's meeting with different African
American groups. He's going to speak at the historically black college,

Morehouse College.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
Although that that.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
Commencement, they're going to stop it if in fact, anyone
protests there. You know, Biden, who's you know, he's so
he's so open the very thing they said they wouldn't do.
I'll never get involved with the DOJ ever spokesperson. No,
we won't have any redactions of the her report, and
they don't. They're fighting now and he's you know, working
with his pal, his bff, Merrick Garland and his weaponized

Department of Justice to prevent you, the American people from
hearing what Robert Hurd described in the her report as
you know, this old feeble, forgetful guy, you know, and
quoted him as saying, well, was I still president in
two thousand and nine? And he asserts executive privilege that
needs to be challenged and challenged immediately. It's an amazing statistic.

Thirteen percent of Democratic voters now have dumped Biden because
even though he is surrendered in the war on terrorism
and stabbed our Israel in the back, you know, he's
just been gutless, spineless coward. He's abdicated America's role on
the world stage as the leader of the free world,

leading the cause of liberty and freedom worldwide. And I'm
not We're not talking about anything other than allowing Israel
to win their war against radical Islamic terrorism. He's now
embold in every terrorist organization and terrorist state in the
world by doing this, and he has sent a message

to our allies that you can't trust the United States
of America to be there for you. By the way,
Catholic groups and other conservative organizations going after Health and
Human Services secretary after a GOP lawmaker accused him of
withholding federal funds from hospitals that don't perform transgender surgeries

on religious grounds. Oh so much for a freedom of religion,
on top of freedom of speech, on top of you know,
everything else that has happened. Everything about this presidency has
been an unmitigated disaster, every single thing. Look at the
disaster at the border. Ten million plus illegal Joe Biden

unvetted immigrants. How is defund dismantled, no bail laws. How's
that working out in big cities and small towns around
the country.

Speaker 2 (04:12):
It's not.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
Then he defies a Supreme Court decision and wants to
spend your money to buy young people's votes because he's
bleeding support with young people and a student loan forgiveness
when the court said no. Now Vice President Harris calling
for twenty five thousand dollars. The Biden administration wants to
just give your money to people, first time home buyers

from families that don't even own homes.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
They're going to take their money. You got to be
kidding me. I mean, first of.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
All, we can't afford it. With his two trillion dollars
he's adding every year to the national debt. It's unbelievable
giving for okay, we'll give you twenty five grand and
a grant.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
Well, isn't that nice?

Speaker 1 (04:57):
The average American has a card debt inflation under Biden
of twenty plus percent, and now the average American has
over six two hundred and eighteen dollars in credit card debt.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
Now, let me tell you.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
If you're carrying that balance and you're paying you know,
twenty one to thirty percent. I even read in some cases,
you know credit card interest rates, You're never going to
pay off that debt. You're never going to get back.
Sixty percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck. Last year alone,
twenty six percent of American households twenty six percent fully

had issues and struggled with food security as they call it.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
And it's unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
By the way, too, Foreign nationals in ice custody after
allegedly attempting a breach at a marine major marine base.
You know you can't make this up. The incident happened
May third, Quantico Marine Base in Virginia. Anyway, driver tells
military police officers that make it a delivery to the

post office and work for a company subcontracted by Amazon.
They had no affiliation to the base, no approved credentials.
They were directed to a holding area of a vetting
and what does it turn out? They're foreign nationals And
thankfully they were stopped. And by the way, you know,
attempting to breach are a major US base. We have

tens and tens of thousands of illegals coming from China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Afghanistan.
None of them vetted. Are you kidding me? Biden administration
watered down the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants. Well,
that's a major national security threat. Are they out of

their minds? I mean, these are our top geo political foes.
This is the state of the country right now. And
you know, by the way, the Washington Times, non citizens
caught voting in US elections.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Here's how they did it.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
I mean, you know, we've been over this, Democrats allowing
illegal immigrants to vote in local elections, just under these
unbelievable times we live it. And then add to that
this this absolute sham trial that's going on in New York.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
You know, thank god, thank god.

Speaker 1 (07:25):
I honestly did not think until yesterday that Donald Trump
had a prayer of even getting a hung jury in
this case. Now, you know, I will play for you
the liberal media even they see that this was a
disaster yesterday. I mean, this was a scene right out

of my cousin Vinnie, and I'll prove that to you
in a second. But you know, look at what else
went on yesterday. Under cross examination of Michael Kohne, convicted liar,
you know, just far at attorney, I mean, really, Alvin Bragg,
he calls a fearless leader. Oh, the guy that's not

gonna even you know, charge, He's basically gonna baby's a
little slap on the wrist for the for those illegal
immigrants beating the hell out of New York City cops
in Times Square. He got this guy walking around Times
Square slashing people's faces left and right. And Bragg doesn't
do a thing. He's too busy trying to persecute, prosecute

Donald Trump. You know, under cross examination, Cone saying Trump,
you know, brings him being processed, brings him nothing but delight,
admitting he played a role in the indictment of Trump.
He's gleeful about it, saying he absolutely hopes that Trump
ends up in prison, admitting he calls him dumb ass.

Speaker 2 (08:48):

Speaker 1 (08:49):
Really, the only dumb ass that got his ass kicked
yesterday was was him.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
You know, he's.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
Quote mentally excited about the trial. Who gets mentally excited
about a Trump admitted to lying under oath to Congress,
getting you know, sentenced, and spending time in jail for it,
claiming that the federal prosecution of him was the most
unfair prosecution in the past one hundred years. And why
did you admit your guilt, calling judges prosecutors in the

case against him effing animals, lying under oath in front
of a federal judge, feeling the outcome of this trial
affects him personally, encouraging people to delete all their conversations
with him. Trying to get his sentence reduced didn't work.
You know, wanted to be considered for the role of
White House chief of staff for ego purposes. Who talks

like this, who thinks like this, you know, telling his
daughter's frustrated he hadn't gotten a job at the at
the Trump White House. Then he had trouble getting tickets
to the Trump and inauguration. You know, somebody using a
fake AI generated case law citations to support his effort
to get supervisoral early creating a website. Should Trump run, then,

of course, Bob Costello steps up and testifies before Congress
and says, sorry, and I'll play this as we go
throughout the program today. Yeah, the guy's lying through his
teeth because he told me that he did this whole
Stormy Daniels deal and Donald Trump didn't even know about it,
didn't know about it at all, you know, and you

know that he admitted to paying Stormy Daniels on his own.

Speaker 2 (10:31):
And you know you can't make this up.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
Robert Costello brags office hiding documents that he provided to
the grand jury. I want to know why you can
indict a ham Sandwich if you hide exculpatory information from
a grand jury, Well, that would probably be one good
way to do it.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
You know.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
It's you know, it's pretty unbelievable. These are really incredible
times that we're living in here. I will say this, though,
I can't do any better. One of the greatest movies
of all time. And I can't believe so many people
on my TV staff have never seen my cousin Vinnie,
but it was like a my cousin Vinnie moment Michael

Kohne got exposed by Todd Blanche who was doing cross
examination for President Trump. It was like this kind of
moment in my cousin Vinny. Just listen for kicks and giggles.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
Miss Vito, please answer the question. Does the defense's case
hold water?

Speaker 2 (11:30):
No, the defense is wrong.

Speaker 4 (11:38):
Are you sure?

Speaker 3 (11:40):
I'm positive?

Speaker 4 (11:42):
How could you be so sure?

Speaker 5 (11:45):
Because there is no way that these tire marks were
made by a sixty four Buick Skylofe.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
These marks were.

Speaker 5 (11:51):
Made by a nineteen sixty three Pontiac tempest.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Objection, yarnacky.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
We clarify to the court whether the witness is stating
opinion or fact. This is your opinion, it's a fact.
I find it hard to believe that this kind of.

Speaker 4 (12:04):
Information could be ascertained simply by looking at a picture.

Speaker 5 (12:09):
Would you like me to explain?

Speaker 3 (12:11):
I would love to hear this.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
So, the car that made these two equal length tire
marks had positive traction. Can't make those marks without posittraction,
which was not available.

Speaker 2 (12:23):
On the sixty four Buick Skylock.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
And why not? What is positive traction?

Speaker 5 (12:29):
It's a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to
both the right and left tires. The sixty four Skylock
had a regular differential which anyone who's been stuck in
the mud in Alabama and alls you step on the gas,
one tie spins the other tides is nothing.

Speaker 3 (12:44):
Thanks ray, is that it?

Speaker 2 (12:47):
Now there's more.

Speaker 5 (12:48):
You see when the left tire mark goes up on
the curb and the right time mark stays flat and
even well, the sixty four Skylock had a solid rear axle,
so when the left tie will go up on the curb,
the right tie with tilts out and ride along its edge.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
But that didn't happen here.

Speaker 5 (13:03):
The time mark stayed flat. And even this car had
an independent rear suspension. Now, in the sixties, there were
only two other cars made in America that had positive
traction and independent rear suspension and enough power to make
these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be
confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same

body length, height, width, weight, wheelbase and wheel track as
the sixty four Skylark, and that was the nineteen sixty
three Pontiac Tempest.

Speaker 4 (13:34):
And because both cars were made by GM, were both
cars available in metallic mint green bank They what thank
you mss veto no more questions.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
Thank you very very much. You've been a lovely, lovely witness.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
All right, light of the new evidence you're on our
we'd like to dismiss the case. Should be a director verdict,
but not with this. You know, Biden donor judge with
conflicts of interest, a ledge of his whole family. Well,
why would he do that? He doesn't even want He
didn't even want the lawyers to talk about the law.
In a core of law you cannot talk about. You know,

you want to know what a weaponized, corrupt kangaroo court
looks like?

Speaker 2 (14:22):
This is it.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
But at least I'm finally having some confidence. At least
the hung jury should be a full out acquittal.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
Job jobs.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
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But you know there is a God, and you know
sometimes when the truth comes out, it's like, oh, like

a sigh of relief. The jurors as described to me
in the room yesterday, I mean he just got caught
in a massive lie. I mean when confronted with the idea, Okay, well,
the call you were texting with Keith Schiller, who was
Donald Trump's bodyguard. You were talking about a fourteen year

old kid giving your prank calls and then what happened, Well,
you called for a minute in thirty six seconds, and
that's the call. You're saying you talked to both Heath
Schiller about your quote stalker, fourteen year old stalker and
Stormy and Trump.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
That's a lie. That's what Todd Blind said.

Speaker 1 (17:44):
The radio show, the mainstream media a love state.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Twenty five to the top of the hour. Bob Costello
just said on Fox News, Oh, he's ready to testify
if he's called that he should be the next witness
in my view in this case. Unbelievable. Hey, listen, bored
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Tunnel to Towers Foundation. I mean, this whole thing yesterday
was just amazing, it really was. It Just I had

so little hope that that Donald Trump could get a
fair shot.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
I mean, it's like to win.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
He has to win overwhelmingly, and you know, this moment
happens that even fake new CNN, MSDNC, even their legal experts,
are like, oh, this is devastating, devastating now that you
would think would end if we had a fair judge
in New York, which we don't, and we've gone over

that in great detail, you'd have a directed verdict and
the jury wouldn't even see this case, meaning they didn't
prove their case. Now the judges indicated he doesn't even
want anybody else but him to interpret the law. That's
pretty scary considering, you know, his abusively biased positions, which

has been made well known, you know, but you know
watching this thing unfold that you know, Cone testifies on
what Tuesday that this one minute and thirty six second
call in fact was with Donald Trump and it was
about Stormy Daniels. Although he said it was an extended call,

he didn't talk about a minute in thirty six seconds.
They only found that from the phone records. I'm not
sure anybody knew that they had the phone records anyway.
So then he's on the stand and he's confronted with
his text messages at the time and it's about a
fourteen year old kid that he believes is stalking him,
a prankster and anyway, so he's reaching out to Trump's bodyguard,

Keith Schiller. I know Keith, great guy, and anyway, I
haven't seen he's been retired for a number of years now.
And anyway, so see, I'll help you. He calls him.
Then Cone calls back, and the calls a minute in
thirty six seconds, and Cone even acknowledges, Yeah, that's the
call he was talking about earlier.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
In the week.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
And then so he's saying, okay, so you talked to
Keith Schiller about your prankster caller, and then you got
on the phone and had this extensive conversation with Donald
Trump about the Stormy Daniel's case.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
And that's your testimony. Yes, I did both.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
I'm like, you can't make it when people like Anderson
Cooper not exactly a pro Trump conservative. If I was
a juror in this case watching that, I'd just be thinking,
you know, this guy's making it up as he goes along.
You think it's so beyond devastating. And then Cone's former attorney,

Robert Costello, apparently the attorney client privilege he waived it,
telling the world that his former client said he acted
alone on the infamous Stormy Daniels NDA Well. I mean
Robert Costello has I mean the finest credentials of any
lawyer you'd ever want to meet, including you know, all

these prestigious positions, top position at the SDNY, the Southern
District of New York. I mean, a lot of incredible
lawyers have come out of there. Rudy Giuliani, you know,
going back in the day, Andy McCarthy, he prosecuted the
Blind Shake, you know. And what's even more amazing in
this he's saying that the prosecution doesn't have a case

at all. Michael Cohne is not telling the truth here.
And it looks like, based on what we learned yesterday,
that exculpatory evidence that Bob Costell had given Da Bragg,
and this is before he went to the grand jury,
was never brought to the grand jury. That would have
meant that this case never would have seen the light

of day. Now we know why brag initially didn't want
to bring the case, and it was only being embarrassed
by two anti Trump prosecutors that resigned over his decision
that you know, he was embarrassed and pressured into doing it.
You know, did he get pressure from the Biden administration.
I'd like an answer to that question, but we know

for a fact, why did the Biden administration, you know,
take the third highest ranking official and move him from
that prestigious spot over to you know, run a case
in New York City. Nobody's going to take a step
down like that. But anyway, the judge make it, makes
this political statement, he donates to Joe Biden, his daughter

as a Democratic operative. Left wing prosecutors are doing whatever
they can to smear, merchant, slander Trump. They're trying to
obfuscate the law, and they want a conviction because of
Donald Trump's political leanings.

Speaker 2 (24:09):
And that's it.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
This is why we say we don't have equal justice
and equal application of our laws. When you have people
over at fake news CNN saying that, you know, uh
like for reeds to carry if your name's not Trump,
nobody would ever bring this case anyway. So he has
to stay off the campaign trail for five weeks, sitting
in New York City courtroom day after day, you know,

the jury hearing, Oh about n DA's and let's say
catch and kill none of which is illegal. They're called
business deals. If you really want to want to break
it down to the brass tax. None of that is
is illegal, none of it. But yet they can't even

I guarantee you there's not Uh, there's not one jury,
not one juror that could even tell you what the
crime is in this case, not a single one.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
It's pretty unbelievable. Uh.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
But you know, this is where we now find himself.
Joe Biden has the campaign field open to himself, but
he can't even have a clean day we had. They
went after David Pecker. Again, none of it's relevant, it's
immaterial to the issue of visit a bookkeeping error. Well,
it might be a federal elections crime, but nobody can
even tell us what the crime is. And we hear

from the porn star very salacious, unbelievable, salacious, you know attacks.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
But because you know, all.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
Of this is stacked, it's everything she said, Stormy Daniels, irrelevant, immaterial,
nothing to do with the charges in the case. But
let's let's muddy the water so the jury gets confused,
culminating in their star witness that gets slaughter just I mean,
he got gutted on that stand yesterday, the people deciding
the verdict. Oh great, nine out of ten registered Democrats

a little less than nine out of ten not voting
for Trump in twenty twenty. Great, that's a fair venue.
I mean, this is not the country we want. And
I'd be saying that if it was a Democrat. I
don't want Republicans abusing the law. I want equal justice
under the law, went equal application of our laws. I
don't want a corrupted justice system. Nobody should want that.

Bake New CNN. I don't think I've ever seen a
star cooperating witness get their knees chopped out as clearly
and dramatically is what happened with Michael Kohne.

Speaker 2 (26:45):

Speaker 1 (26:46):
Pretty powerful statement by their CNN legal analyst Eric Honick.
And again Bob Costello, Bragg's attorney. Bragg's office hid conversations
from the grand jury that he had with that Trump
did nothing wrong. Why didn't the grand jury hear that?
So now you know, the next time you hear, you

can indict a ham sandwich. Now you know what it's about.
It's pretty unreal. Uh, you know, Anderson Cooper was incredible.
Lauriers want to build a box around a witness and
slam it shut. That's what Todd Blanche did to Cone.
It was an extraordinary cross. Cone was cornered in a
lie quote pretty amazing day. But it doesn't, you know,

bring us to the end of the case. It would
if we had a fair judge look at this and say, okay,
this case is over and and just end it. Right
he right then and now directed verdict.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
It's over. Ladies and gentlemen in the jury, thank you
for your service.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Walk out. Uh and you know, I mean it was
it was just brutal. You just you don't have moments
like this very often in a court room. Cone started
getting very animated when he was being pushed against the wall.
When you pled guilty to a crime, one of the
things you get, one of the benefits is time off
your sentence. Blanche ass Colon agreed, you get a reduction.

You got a credit even though you lied. Going admitted
some responsibility for the thirty four count felony hush money
charges that Trump is now facing. Wow, he doesn't have
an axe to grind. And then he suggested he should
have not he shouldn't have been charged in twenty eighteen. Oh,
he's innocent. I'm telling you it's a gutting You don't

this doesn't happen. These kind of moments are very rare.
You talk to any you know who would I talk to?
It was uh former Arizona A. G. Bernovich. Berno actually said,
you know, he teaches students in law school. Don't expect
these kind of moments because they're very very rare. MSDNC,

we just had your Grisham moment referring to the writer
of legal thrillers.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
I mean, incredible moment.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
I'll tell you this, we still haven't gotten jury instructions.
Better pay very close attention to that. The judge is
not even inclined in a court of law to let
attorneys lawyers talk about the law. But anyway, defense attorneys
said on Thursday, the decision, we need to think through, well,
who's going to take to the winning I think Bob

Costello has to be called. I'd probably call in some
experts as well that know this. Laws get to the
laws actually complicated, and the defense sought to add definitions
of additional terms, including for the purpose of influencing any
election for federal office. The crime prosecutors allege the falsified

business records were made to cover up which they have
improved prosecution. They argue that the defense was attempting to
present a conflicting jury instruction. The judge seemed to agree
with of course, he's in complete agree. Then the just
the judge Mershawn asked if the impetus for the additional
testimony was because the defense believed we have two competing

sets of instructions, not that the facts of the case
have changed. And then you got the prosecuting attorney, former
third highest ranking Biden DOJ official, Matthew Colangelo, that gave
up that prestigious spot to do this. The very fact
that this is a contested legal issue is even more
reason why this should uh not, why this should be

resolved through argument, your honor, in a precharge conference, not
in testimony.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
What do you mean not in testimony?

Speaker 1 (30:40):
Why can't they hear from a legal expert on the
law in a courtroom? And if the lawyer really gets
something wrong, well that's the job of the prosecution to object.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
That's how it works.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
One particular audio clip cone jurors heard him you know,
featured him saying, you know, won't bring back the year
I lost or the damage to my family. But revenge
is the best is a dish best served cold. You
better believe I want this man to go down. Michael Kohn,
who was he talking about?

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Donald J? Trump?

Speaker 1 (31:19):
Amazing times we're living in Tell you that got other
news out there?

Speaker 2 (31:25):
We have so much other news. I will tell you this.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
We now know that everything you were told about COVID,
that it was naturally occurring, that was a lie. The
virus didn't come from a lab in Wuhan a lie.
The US didn't fund gain a function research a lie.
Everything we told you was true about the NIH and
the Eco Health Alliance and the money that was funded.

And you know who else knew? A guy by the
name of Anthony Fauci. By the way, how many of
you know this? You know the the shot that was
widely used in Great Britain that you know we had
here Pfizer and Maderner and Johnson and Johnson, Pizer Maderna
used the new mRNA technology. Doctor Malone, who created the

technology that allowed for the creation of the RNA virus,
said yeah, he wasn't at this technology wasn't perfected. He
said it on this show. He said, however, based on
the emergency situation. People that are sixty five or older,
people with co morbidities and pre existing conditions. Yeah, I

would give them the shot, but nobody else. And of
course it was get the shot or get out of
the armed services. Get the shot, or get out of school.
Give it to your kids, even though kids were not
dying of COVID astra zeneca. They're now pulling their COVID
vaccine because they say load demand. But well, there's actually

more to the story, you know, the move you know,
they say, well, it's not related.

Speaker 2 (33:01):
To the shot side effects.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Really, what about all the examples of people that have
had blood clotting and myo carditis. We're supposed to not
investigate and we're just supposed to ignore all these this information.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
How convenient that they're just going to do that.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Unbelievable, unbelievable times over at the view, get this, Linda,
you I want your response to this.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
You gotta go low.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
And they're talking about the Fight without AOC and Jasmine
Crockett I don't know who she is, and Marjorie Taylor
Green anyway, they were defending AOC and bashing quote but
Marjorie Taylor greed, butch, I don't know I'm not part
of the you know, woke PC correct crowd. But don't

liberals get offended by those terms.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
They only get offended as to what works for the
money given.

Speaker 4 (34:01):

Speaker 2 (34:01):
I don't know that you can go much lower than
the view though, I mean, I think they're there.

Speaker 1 (34:06):
If you're a homeowner like me, you got to protect
your home. And many of you may not know, but
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and to doing it with the help from our friends

at home title lock dot com. A family Sarasota, Florida. Yeah,
recently they had home title lock dot com and thank
god they did because they caught a cyber thief in
New York that stole their title online and was trying
to sell it on a popular real estate website. Because
the home was in their name anyway, they fraudulently changed

the title. Home title Lock detected it. They work with
the homeowner. They got the title back in their name.
If nobody is watching your title. That is what can
happen to you and it becomes a nightmare. Anyway, first
thing you got to do make sure your home title
is in your name. Sign up with your address, go
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title lock dot com use the promo code Sean S
E A N.

Speaker 4 (35:29):
Sean Hannity

The Sean Hannity Show News

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