All Episodes

May 1, 2024 54 mins

After a lot of debate, research, and investigating I think we found the perfect place for Coaches Convention 4! This place has everything that Sore Losers Nation needs and I think most people can find something to do here. Ray has decided what he's going to get Lunchbox for his birthday and Lunchbox is taking hit after hit thanks to all the kids germs at home. Plus Lunchbox told you this was going to happen but did anyone actually listen to him? 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Yeah, excuse me, I'm here. Man. Hello, It's Wednesday, Chick
Survivor Night Check Survivor night.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
You check out my melody. I want to live goods,
I sell dopell full ring sail dope.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Now go. Pred stayed alive. They stayed alive.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
The Nation of the Bread's survives. They will play another
game on the same ice that Taylor Callaway got his
ass tore out from under him.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Oh he got tore out. I mean Miguel, I mean
made him his dude.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
They played a clip on the Facebook page of when
the guy interviewed me, I was easily eight deep and
he goes, hey, man, who do you think is gonna win?
And I mean, I'm just going through all the things
in my head and it's nothing but vulgar f words
s words, And I go, uh uh, Miguel's a nice guy.
Taylor's semi homeless. And the announcer goes, uh, you told
us a little bit of more than we wanted. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
I almost what I wanted to say was I got
the Preds minus have a goal. I need him to score.
Let's go. But I'm glad I didn't say that. Glad
I didn't say that yeah, all right, let's let's get
it going. Man. I'm full of energy today.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
Yeah, go Preds. They win the whole thing, dude, it
was four thousands, so it was forty times your money.
If they end up winning the whole damn thing.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Well they I mean I heard they had a heartbreaking
loss on Sunday where they have three to one and
they pulled the goalie and they scored two goals. They
scored one with five seconds to go. Yeah, oh boy.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
I thought that game was done and over.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
Yeah, that's weird. All right, let's go man.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Yeah, all right, we're gonna arnold.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
Are you here? Yeah? You guys gonna let me talk.
This is my shirt chest right to see you guys.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
No, you won't because your real life one it's all
already doing that. You ai little pea suck get back
do it with us though. Come here, we we're gonna
do it live. W oh the one two three s loser?

Speaker 1 (02:14):
What up? Everybody? I am lunchbox. I know the most
about sports, so I give you the sportsbacks, my sports
opinions because I'm pretty much a sports genius.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
What's up you, guys?

Speaker 1 (02:24):
Min A the Live in Nashville Abbey.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
We are currently having six and I'm part of the nation.
All right, not that? Not that for your first time.
What's up, y'all, Sisson, I'm from the north of it.
To me, I have an alpha male. I live in
the north side of Nashville with Baser. It's not even Nashville.
It's actually a different county. I think I'm in Kentucky.
At some point. We do have a ranch farmland. I

need a blonde more guy coming over. It's getting pretty long.
It's actually looking like corn, but it's not. It's just grass.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
Over to you, man, how'd you sleep last night?

Speaker 2 (02:55):

Speaker 1 (02:56):
How you sleep last night?

Speaker 2 (03:00):
Funny you should ask, because I thought when I woke up, man,
that was an amazing sleep and it wasn't over. I
knocked out four hours, came to work, hammered out whatever
I needed to do, went back to sleep for two hours. Dude,
woke up when the show's about to start. Didn't even
know my name, my age, my sex, my denomination. I

didn't know anything, dude. That's how I slept.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
It's pretty good.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
It was one of those where the sleep cleared my
head of everything. I woke up and I didn't know
if I was a man, or a woman that's some
deep sleep man.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Yeah, sometimes happened to me. Deep sleep man, Oh ture,
I just leave. Was like, uh, last night, let's just say,
let's go through the whole range of what happened last night.
I get a text from my wife. I went to
go pick up the boys from school. It's around four
o'clock and my four year old's best friend is leaving

school at the same time, and for some reason, they
want to see the inside of her car. So all
three of my boys climbing their car and they sit
there and play for forty five to fifty minutes inside
her car to see.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
That's why I can't be a parent, man, There's just
too much random stuff. Would you and me ever climb
in somebody else's car? My friend?

Speaker 1 (04:22):
No, and just hang out.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
The kids do, dude.

Speaker 1 (04:24):
They thought it was the coolest thing ever. They were
in there for fifty minutes.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
How's it going, Sarah, I'll sit in the trunk.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
So I sat there and talked to the mom for
fifty minutes, just talking and oh have you been sunbathing?

Speaker 2 (04:35):
What have you been up to there?

Speaker 1 (04:37):
And then she had a bag of snacks in the car,
and they're like oh, snacks. So they start eating the
bag of snacks. They had that pirate's booty, they had
some Neutra game bars, they had some cheese.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
It's nice booty. I mean, hand me some of the
pirates booty.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
And so we're just sitting there chatting it up and
they're looking out the window. They're standing up, sticking their
heads out the sun roof. They're having the grand old time.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Sounds like it was a BMW and after about ray
was a Porsche forty minutes.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
I was like, man, I should probably.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
Yeah, I can think I got a wife at home.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
I should probably let my wife know where I'm at Gog.
If you would have rode home with him, that's considered cheating. Well,
I considered head noble with the whole family. It's my
due life. And she so she goes here. I'll just
send her a text, and she took a picture of
all the kids in the car and send it to her.
And then she said, hey, does he have his phone

on him? And I said no, I don't, So I
ran over the car, got the phone. And this is
now at five oh five.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
It was forty five minutes.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
And she says, I just threw up three times you're
on your own for dinner. I'm going to bed.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Oh my gosh, start the crime podcast. You said, thanks.
I had a good day at work.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
Too great. So now we are fully caught up. She
is the last one in the family to catch the bug.
Kids pizza, and so I'm like, we just had pizza
Sunday night.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
I don't care. I ain't cooking.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
No, it was already too late to cook because by
that time it's already a past five. The kids get
kind of grouchy. We stayed there for another thirty minutes
playing in the car.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
Well that worked out actually well for you because you
had free babysitting.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
Free babysitting, dude. It was entertaining. They were having the
time of their life.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
Check out the middle console kids.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
So then we order some Chinese food because they like
sesame chicken. They love it. They think it is the
most delicious thing on this planet. So we go pick
it up. We get home and I bought two orders
of sesame chicken because they usually devour it.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Live next to a Panic Express on the West Side
for five years, never once went to it. But I
do love Chinese. Very interesting tidbit over to you.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
And I've never been to Pan Express myself.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
I loved it.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
Maybe i've been once or twice. Maybe in the mall, dude,
the mall or is it the airport.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
I would go up by about Coney's there was one
in that vicinity, and we would go it's really good.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
Okay, yeah, maybe I need to check that out. But anyway,
we pick up the Chinese food. We get home and
I put it on plates. I'm like, bye bad, like
chef dude, bye ba bye ba bye, put it on
the table. Five year old dad, I want my stomach hurts.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
I don't want blues apron.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
He's like, I think I might throw up, Like no, no, no, no,
you already threw up Friday night. You can't throw up now,
Like no, no no. I was like, do you need to
go poo poo?

Speaker 2 (07:31):
He's like, maybe is your wife quarantined at this point?

Speaker 1 (07:34):
Oh, she's asleep, dude, she's up in the room asleep
or like she's done, Like she's no contact, Like it's
a no contact order. We are not allowed to interrupt
her sleep. Let her sleep.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
She's feeling like crap, did you put anything under the door.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
No, she can't eat, she's thrown up man, But.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
I'm talking about like a pit. I love you, Like,
do you need a fluid?

Speaker 1 (07:53):

Speaker 2 (07:53):
No, right, I don't have no contact the rest.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
Of the day. But what happened is, here's what happened.
As I'm doing one thing saying, one kid goes up
there to give her a hugging kiss, comes back, and
then the other kid's like, well, I want to go
give her hugging kiss. So he goes and gives her
hugs and kiss. Then the baby wants to go give
her hugging kiss. I'm like, oh my god. Okay, So anyway,
they did velvid masks. So the five year old goes

in and poops, and he comes back to the table
and he's like, my stomach still hurts, Dad, out, my
tummy still hurts, Dad. I don't think I'm gonna eat
very much.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
Well, game starts about half an hour and I'm.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
Like, okay, so it's already six fifteen, six ' twenty.
His stomach hurts. He doesn't really eat much more for me.
Then the four year old we try to FaceTime my
parents Granny and Grandpa. No, they don't need to talk toolbox.
It's a sick house and they're just running all over.
Then the four year old's like, Dad, I got a
poop poop, So he goes to go poop poop.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Dude. My parents know, when it's a sick house, you
don't hear from us for a month. We'll talk to
you when we get better, and we have voices.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
My parents just hung up on the FaceTime. They gave up.
They were like, I is that chaotic? That chaotic? They
were like, well, and I come back from the bathroom
with the four year old from baby with baby box too,
and I'm like I call him back, like well everybody left.
I'm like, yeah, my bad. We'll just talk to you later.
We'll talk to you later. Sorry, love you by, and
we go our separate ways. Probably wasn't important, right, It

wasn't important, just thought they wanted to see the grandkids.
Kind of helped me kill some time with a sick wife. Kids.
So the five year old's just laying on the couch, Dad,
my stomach hurts, my stomach frat house. I'm like, how
can you be sick again? There's no way. And we
go to bed at like eight eight thirty, you know,
finally get them in bed, read stories. Boom sounds like

me lights out. About nine o'clock, my wife comes in
the living room. She's like, I feel so much better.
I was so cold, but now I'm not like I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
And I'm like, okay, dude, you sound like you work
at a triage and it was your house though.

Speaker 1 (09:49):
Yeah, you're right, but it gets better, right. Oh, I
haven't even got to my sleeping part. That's what I'm saying.
The segment started at last night, and so at like
ten thirty, it's time to go to bed.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
I'm going to bed, and I go and I always
go check on the boys because they kick the covers off.
Make sure I gotta change the laundry, you know, make
sure whatever's all hunky dory down in their room.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
We've heard and.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
The five year old is tossing and turning. Dad my
stomach you like gummies, mellowton. My stomach hurts, Dad out.
I'm like, that's all right, Bud. Just go to night night.
Let me put your blanket back on you. Okay, Dad,
I don't think I want my shirt on. I just don't.
It's hurting my stomach. It's hurting my tummy. I'm like, okay, Bud,
like I think you're all right, just go to night night.

He goes go up to go to bed eleven fifteen.
It was halftime of the game, and I'm like, what's
wrong about? What's wrong? I think I'm gonna throw up.
I think I'm gonna throw up. Run to the bathroom.
Run to the bathroom.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
At some point, you gotta put buckets in there, dude.
If this well, we.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
Had buckets on Friday.

Speaker 2 (10:56):
Run to the other corridor past the butler.

Speaker 1 (10:58):
But we're now on Tuesdays, so that should be gone.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
Like, you gotta leave him there, dude. So we're talking buckets,
We're talking tarp, receipts, timeline, every roof, everything, subside joke, housewives.

Speaker 1 (11:11):
Okay, cool, because I don't understand it. And so we
go in the bathroom and I'm like, you sure you
don't have the poop? Poop?

Speaker 2 (11:17):

Speaker 1 (11:17):
You sure you don't have the poop? Yeah, I'm sure, Dad,
I'm sure. I'm like all right, and he goes back
to bed eleven forty two.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
Listen, I'm not one to blame a restaurant and say
it was their food, but we consider it was the Chinese.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
He didn't eat anything because his stomach was already hurting.

Speaker 2 (11:33):
Because one time me and Bezer thought it was a
salad from a place around the corner. It wasn't that
it was actually food, but or it was actually the flu. Yeah, uh,
solads were actually good at that place.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
Eleven forty two, Dad, I think I'm gonna throw up.
I think I'm gonna throw up. Get in the bathroom
and I run down. I run into the bathroom and
he's like, oh, Dad, I don't know. I don't think
I'm gonna throw up that and he goes back, gets
in bed, go in the powder room, and I'm like, hey, Bud,
it's gonna be all right. Just go go go night night,
Go night night.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
And big old fart, big fart, unnecessary for the story.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
No, it is, because then I'm like, Okay, you just
had some gas build up, you know what I mean.
You're fine, that's good. You're gonna go night night. I
go back up, go to bed. Twelve eighteen, shut out, Dada,
I think I'm gonna throw up. I think I'm gonna
throw up.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
You need a night nurse.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
And at this time, yeah, and what happens.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Dude, call a friend, a nanny, somebody you need to
get to bed because my wife is sick, but now
she needs to come in as the relieve.

Speaker 1 (12:34):
This is my third time up in the hour and
a half. I've been asleep hour and forty five minutes.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
I mean, you had the Diamondbacks had a b problem.
You guys had a flu problem and good sports.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
It hit me, Ray, I'm having stomach cramps.

Speaker 2 (12:51):
Dude, I ever come in your house from.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
I am in pain. Every time I got up, I realized, man,
my stomach is killing me.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
You were about the other man, and I was like.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
This sucks. And I would burp a couple times.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
And every time I burped, Coach, this can't go on
too far. I've had complaints when you go into all
the body functions. We're a good podcast.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
Every time I burped, it tasted like throw up.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
Okay, at what point do you go to sleep?

Speaker 1 (13:19):
And I was like, I'm gonna throw up. So we
get in the bathroom and he's thinking he's gonna throw up,
and he's like and all of a sudden, he puts
the seat down, pulls his underwear nound, jumps on the toilet,
and boo diarrhea all up in the toilet. All right,

So he had a stomach ache. Then you went to bed.
Then I go to bed. I slept good last night
and he slept great.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
That was the segment.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Then last night. Then at twelve forty five, the four
year old da, dada, I gotta go pee. I gotta
go pee, all right, I get up, Let's go pee,
even though he can go pee his own. And I'm like, God,
my stomach is killing me. It is killing me.

Speaker 2 (14:06):
Nothing a dairy Queen Sunday can't fix. So I ordered
door Dasher Ray.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
Nope, we go pee and he gets back in bed,
go to sleep. Great. It is now two thirty in
the morning.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
I'm already at work. You guys are big burning the
midnight away.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Two thirty in the morning, he comes walking into my
room and he's standing next to me on the bed,
tapping me, and I'm like, what what what? What? Son? What?

Speaker 2 (14:38):
Are they aware you have a job?

Speaker 1 (14:41):
No? Oh, no, they do. They know I have a job,
but they don't have concept of time.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
They just think you go party every day.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
And he's like, Dada, dada, I had a bad dream.
And I'm like, what is going on right now? The
night my wife gets sick. My five year old now
is sick. With diarrhea. This one I had to pee
in the middle of the night. Now he had a
bad dream. I'm like, oh, it's okay, Bud, You're good,
go back to sleep. I don't even walk him back
to his room. I just tell him to go.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
When is your birthday? I'm getting you a night nurse,
July twenty fifth. Okay, you'll sleep good that night.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
Thank you. So that is at two thirty in the morning.
At three am, Ray, I can no longer sleep because
I'm in so much pain.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
From what you were sick a week ago.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
I know, Ray, I said the same thing. I was like, man,
I've got to will this away.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
There's no way, boy, you Kobe Game six in peace.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
So from three.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
To four, that's when the show starts.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
It starts at five. From three to four fifteen, I
was on the toilet diarrhye array all right for an
hour and fifteen minutes. Ray, I have had a little
bit of water today, and that is it. Because my
stomach right now is cramp and Ray, I feel like
at any moment I could have to run to the bathroom.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
Well, no, wonder the laughy taffy the other day I.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
Couldn't No, no, this means that I have caught a
second bug in less than a week get away. That
is how I slept last night, ray, I slept terribly okay.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
And with that a beginning and middle and an end.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
I mean I was in the fetal position over and over,
tossing and turning.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
Ray hose doggy style if you can envision it.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
I tried hanging halfway off the bed, halfway on the bed.
It didn't help. And then at one point when I'm
on the toilet, I was like, oh man, I'm gonna
throw up. So I had to flush the toilet and
get down on the knees. But I never threw up.
So that's how I slept last night, guys. And then
it got me thinking, no, I don't need that. It's

the other end, dude. I don't need the trash can
for both ends, both ends. So I'm really worried that
I'm not gonna be able to participate in my co
ed soccer game tonight.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
You should know you're not even worried about that. You're
not worried about the ride home.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
Austin, dude. Oh dude, I'm worried about that too. It's
Austin week it's Austin week and you're squirting.

Speaker 2 (17:15):
Oh, I'm dude, you need a butt plug?

Speaker 1 (17:17):
I need something? Like. I was like, do I need
to go to the ark and they do something because
I mean, like, I don't know how girls deal with cramps,
because that was It's miserable.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
Dude. You're gonna be interviewing an artist backstage at the
Hulu backstage squirting.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
It's gonna be my stubbach.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
They're gonna be like, do you have a leak?

Speaker 1 (17:36):
Like, actually, yeah, I do. Man. I do you know
what these little so we have these little three quarter
inch jacks that do our headphones.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
They also work as butt plugs. This is so key.
I put it up ray.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Oh my gosh. I go through the X ray machine
at the airport. Sir, are you trying to keystr something
down to Austin? No? No, sure, looks like you got
a needle in your butt. Oh man. But it got
me thinking. As I was getting up and down and
up and down with the two kids last night, I
was like, how the hell does Tyreek Hill do it? Night? Nurse?

Speaker 2 (18:18):
I took a drink.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
Sorry, no, Tyreek Hill admitted an interview he has ten children.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Yeah, ten night nurses.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
Dude, he has to play football for the next one
hundred years. He's gonna be there's no way he can.
He's gonna be bankrupt. There's no other way to live.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
Yeah, he's making some kids ash there, but.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
He's making some kids ash. But they he has to
pay most of that because for ten children it don't
cost that much.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
Ray, You're right. I just sometimes just give my kids dollars.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Oh man. But yeah, I just thought, how terrible if
you have multiple kids and they get sick. I don't
know how you do it. And if you're a single parent,
my hat's off to you. I don't know how you
do it. But that's how we slep last night. We'll
take a break and we'll be right back now. Ray, Yo, dude.

We are doing Coaches Convention four Austin week, and one
of the setups we're gonna have to do is David Busters.
Did you see what they're doing?

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Are we on Coaches Convention four?

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Yeah? This is what it'll be. It'll be Coaches Convention
four next No, wait, you built that, It'll be five,
two in Vegas to in Vegas, one in Nashville before
I can't count.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
What were year were you including?

Speaker 1 (19:31):
I don't know, but did you see what David Busters
is doing?

Speaker 2 (19:34):
I read a highlight. I couldn't really tell what I
was talking about.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
David Busters has gone gambling. You will now if you
are eighteen and older, be able to gamble on the
video games. So like Papa Shot, five people are playing.
You all put in five bucks. Whoever wins wins the money.

Speaker 2 (19:54):
That's pretty cool? Is it starting today? Because let's go.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
Uh ski ball? People playing you put money in. You
wager how much you want to bet you win.

Speaker 2 (20:04):
It's funny you brought up Papa Shot because I'm the
record holder in Kentucky and in Tennessee. I just set
the one at Kung Fu at one hundred and four.
People kept coming up all day. Who set this?

Speaker 1 (20:14):

Speaker 2 (20:14):
Oh I heard he's over there, he's over there in
that room over there. Yeah, that was me one hundred
and four.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
It launches in the next couple of months. You download
the app, you put a five dollars bet in winner,
it gets paid back to you in cash. No, you
get paid through their app.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
That's what it is. So that's the way the workaround.
Otherwise it's constraight gambling.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Dude. I don't understand how David Busters can allow you
to gamble on games, But damon Busters just turned awesome.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
Well, and they also just realized that gambling is king
every day in the pizzas. Screw the families, screw the mouse.
It looks like a pedophile. You know what, get some
gambling going on up?

Speaker 1 (20:53):
Hey here, screw the beers. How we're gonna get people
in the doors is we're gonna allow them to gamble
on Papa Shot. You're gonna be able to gamble on
random arcade games at Dave and Buster.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
I like it, but yeah, I guess the money just
stays in the app while you're there. You can only
use it there. You're it's basically Dave and Buster's bucks.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
No no, no, then you can just cash take transferred to
your bank account.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
But you have to play against people there, or can
you play against a computer or something, because that's where
the I mean, otherwise one of the people is gonna
lose money, one's gonna make money.

Speaker 1 (21:26):
Well I no, no, it's like it's against other people.
So let's say five people are playing Papa Shot. Everybody
puts five dollars into the pot. Whoever gets the highest
score gets the pot.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
Doe this earth go into hell and handbags like.

Speaker 1 (21:37):
We are nothing but a degenerate society.

Speaker 2 (21:41):
Dude, it's so bad too. I mean especially I haven't
seen it yet, but there's there's areas called bet MGM Lounge.
They don't have kias. There's no brick and mortar. So
I don't think you're right on this because I'm telling
you it hasn't been legalized. There's still not one place.
It'll say, oh, and second Avenue on Broadway, it'll say
oh Land Shark Sportsbook. You go there, they say you

can get on your phone. First Avenue with the DraftKings
bar I went there. Yeah, it's called DraftKings, but there's
no gambling. You can get on your phone and gamble.
That's different. There's still no brick and mortars in the state.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
No, No, I understand what you're saying, but I'm saying, yes,
you're gonna have to gamble through their app. So if
you guys, five people are standing at Papa Shot.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Don't you keep saying five people you're with your family.
It's like you're betting against your own family.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
No, you're gonna bet against the random people playing Papa
Shot or your friend.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
Hey, man, you want to bet. I don't know you. You
want to gamble together?

Speaker 1 (22:35):
How do you think that happens at a pool hall?

Speaker 2 (22:37):
No, it does. I lost a watch one time I
was betting Papa shot hold down at Paradise Park.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
You you lost a watch. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
Sometimes we would remember when I lived on Broadway.

Speaker 1 (22:48):
I understand, dude.

Speaker 2 (22:49):
It was seven years, seven awesome years. But a Saturday
would come and go and be about seven, and Bays
would be tired. She'd say I'm winding down, and I'd say,
all right, I'm gonna go play basketball for a little bit.
So I go to Paradise Park and there would always
be This time it was a dude from New York
and his chick and his chick she's playing him. They're
playing each other, and then it's just him shooting, and

then I just start shooting. And then we see we're competitive,
and he goes, hey, do you want to play each other? Yeah,
we'll play each other. We play each other. It's competitive.
I beat him by one, he beats me by one,
something like that. And so then I was like, he goes, hey,
let's gamble, and I go, well, dude, I have no
cash on me. I go, I'm only card heavy, and
he goes, well, I got a twenty, And I said, well,
I got a watch. I'll gam you this watch. I'll
gamble his watch.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
Your watch is only twenty dollars, got it for.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
Free from work, but it was in the hundreds.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
So I go, dude, offers you twenty, and you say,
here's one hundreds of dollars of watch.

Speaker 2 (23:39):
You're talking to the record holder, though I had spent
countless hours at Paradise Park playing basket.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
And I'm talking to a drunk ray on Broadway without bay.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
Yeah, so I was pretty drunk, So I played this dude.
It was pretty close. He meet me, buy a couple
of shots, and I mean immediately right after, a man
of my word took the watch off, hand it to him.
He put it on his watch. The whole time is
New York chick. Come on, honey, come on boy, shoot
that three, Come on, come on, come on, dude. He
schooled me. He got the watch, and I headed home.
Uh whatever, twenty dollars poorer after two beers and without

a watch.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
What times you get home that right there, and what
time you get home?

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Buster's commercial don't know because you didn't have to damn wash,
there it is there, it is.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
I mean that that reminds me like when I was
in high school. I was in accounting class and there's
this guy, you know, his younger brother, but Eric Miller.
Hey he no, Eric Miller. You were friends with his brother,
Mike Miller. Mike Miller still friends with him. He lives
in Colorado now beautiful pictures of the Oh yeah, where's
his brother lived now? I don't know, no idea, haven't
heard fromhim since high school. But anyway, we were sitting

in accounting class and he was he had just moved
to Austin from like Boston, Boston, and he's talking about
how he's good at basketball. And this guy Austin in
my accounting class. It's like, you want to play for
pink slips and Eric goes what, he goes, I'll play
you for your car, my car versus your car one

on one and he's like what, he goes, yeah, make
it take it to ten. You start with eight. I
get ball first?

Speaker 2 (25:15):
What and that confident? Who was he playing you? Honest?

Speaker 1 (25:20):
No, this guy Austin, he was a hustler like Rivers.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
I mean, who the hell is that confident that you
spot the guy eight points.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
I don't know, dude. We were seventeen years old.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
Austin also his name was Austin.

Speaker 1 (25:35):
He lived in Austin, Yes, wow, and he was born
on Austin Lane. Okay, anyway, so Miller's like, I'm doing it.
I'll do it. He's all right, we'll play out of
class about ten minutes, four class ends. Eric's like, you know,
I think that's a bad idea. I don't I want
a game on my car. So I never played, but

Austin was willing to put his car on the line
just because this other dude that was new to our
school he had never seen him shoot a basketball, said
oh yeah, I'm pretty good at basketball. Man. He was like,
I mean, next line, dude.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
That guy has to be gambling heavy nowadays. If that's
what he started in high school.

Speaker 1 (26:15):
With, he's a professional poker player now he is.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
Yes, here you go. What am I an expert?

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Dude? He used to go to the pool hall as
a sixteen year old and hustled adults, and his parents
would get mad and told your band from.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
The pool hall, that's how you can get hustled at pool.
Back at our clubhouse the West Side. Sisare Mundo from
the north of Malfa, Mela live on the West side
in Nashville at Bell's Bluff. We played pool all the time,
but it never mattered. There'd be a short guy, to
be a fat guy, to be an old guy. You
never know who's good at pool.

Speaker 1 (26:48):

Speaker 2 (26:49):
You can't tell. Because athletic, you know, basketball, you can
kind of tell if the guy's quick, is he gonna
be able to We should be able to tell pool.
I'm telling you, I mean that one of the best
guys was shorter than me and we called him Rabbit.
He was that and he was pudget dude. He was
the best little spinner of the ball. And then anytime
you was hitting his orange ball'll be like, yeah, go
eat that orange, little carty, little rabbit. His think name
was a rabbit. But they didn't speat me, right.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
But you can't tell. And that's what white men can't
jump taught us. You can't tell who's a good basketball
player and who's not. And that's why you're at a bar,
especially nowadays. You can't tell who you want to fight
and who you don't want to fight, because man, some
of those guys look like you want to. You could
whoop their ass and they'll freaking knock you out in
two punches because they're freaking mma fighter jiu jitsu, tie

you up like a prinzel.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
I thought you were about to go to a story
right now.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
No, I wasn't gonna go to a story. I'm just
saying I don't know how you do it. And Dave
and Busters now has gambling gees.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
That's our next video? Are Oh we got that? That's
a YouTube video? What's the angle?

Speaker 1 (27:50):

Speaker 2 (27:50):
You can't just go there and be like YouTube video?

Speaker 1 (27:54):

Speaker 2 (27:55):
I figured out the other day how Steve will do it?
Got kicked off of YouTube.

Speaker 1 (27:58):
Who Steve will do it?

Speaker 2 (27:59):
The guy it made the biggest YouTube page ever is
making millions? What because he did a gambling app and
he put the url on it and YouTube didn't like that.
They said, you can do you can film yourself gambling
on YouTube, but you never can show URLs of other websites.
And he accidentally his editor showed the url. Get kicked
off YouTube.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
For life for life.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
Yeah, so don't make any mistakes on this channel. But yeah,
we go, we go to Dave and Busters and we
hustle kids for their money. That's the video.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
Hey, you guys won't play for five bucks, and these
old freaking ten year olds are beaten as they're like,
damn it, hey, little shit, get over here.

Speaker 2 (28:36):
I'm gonna air on the side of you're wrong. There's
no way you can gamble money and cash it to
a bank account. I bet it has to stay within
the Dave and Busters network or whatever that works. You
don't better reread the article for the thirtieth time, coach,
But I'm just saying that's probably what it is.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
So wh how would you get the money out?

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Then he's never going to It's just like, dude, I'm
telling you, brick and mortars are a different thing in
the state of Tennessee. No, it's got to be on water.
It can't be a brick and mortar. David Busters, is
it a floating boat. No, it is a brick and mortar.
Therefore it does not have gambling.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
Let me tell you what he says. We're creating a
new form of kind of digital experience for folks inside
of these ecosystems, said chief operating officer. We're getting them
to engage in a new way and spend more time
and money.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
Honey, I'm going to gamble. I actually call it the ecosystem.

Speaker 1 (29:24):
Lucras says these are skills based games and are not
subjects to the same licenses and regulations gambling operators face
with Game of Chance. He is careful not to use
the term bet or wager to describe the games.

Speaker 2 (29:38):
Yep, there you go.

Speaker 1 (29:39):
We use real money contests or challenges. So this is
real money because it's skill not luck. Dude, we gotta go.
That is awesome, dude. I was mixing up David Busters
with Chuck E. Cheese's.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
We got a daven Busters at opery Land.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
That's where you fell in love with Sam Hunt. Yeah,
I haven't been to David Busters in fifteen years.

Speaker 2 (30:01):
Pretty hype, dude. They got beer pong there. Nephew was
there that you can pitch. He was humping at seventy
two miles an hour. They got radar guns and shit. Really,
damn Buster's is taking a step up.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Their stock is up fifty percent since last year, and
it's gonna go up even more with this gambling. All right,
we'll take a break. Ray.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
They still got those saxophone drinks a lot of sugar?

Speaker 1 (30:22):
Do they have those? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
They got the craziest drinks. Dude. You leave there with
a rock and hangover and headache, hangovers the next day headaches.
Then in the moment, oh, we'll bring back Go ahead, Ray,
I didn't plan a final go a what oh about
you being right? Go ahead and see I already know
where your head's going before you even go there. I'm

on your side. I took your advice and I said, Okay, dude,
you said Mike Trout isn't gonna get hurt, and I'm
trusting you on this because I have no futures on
Mike Trout and currently the home run leader as this
airs right now, unless a guy gets a home run
the next hour, is Mike Trout. He's the king of
home runs right now. And he's the one guy you

told me that's gonna get hurt, so you don't bet him,
and you're right. You got hurt. He's done all year.
Broke his leg or.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Something torn meniscus.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
Ah. I saw it on MLB dot com and just
started laughing to myself. It couldn't have been any more
perfect because I've been hitting you every day in the
hallway with Kevin. I'm like lunch. Are we sure about
this Mike Trout guy, the fish guy. You say he
keeps getting hurt, He's gonna get hurt. Right front page
of MLB dot com in red Mike Trout all out
most of the year, broken turn.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
I got a text from my cousin Andrew, who I
co managed the fantasy baseball team with, where we had
the very tough decision of do we keep Mike Trout
or Luis Robert from the Chicago White Sox. And we
went back and forth, back and forth, back and forth,
and we said, man, we gotta go. Trout gets hurt

all the time. We can't keep Trout. And so we
were set on Luis Robert.

Speaker 2 (32:02):
He hasn't done anything this year.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
And an hour later I said, dude, we are gonna
be so stupid. We if we're gonna go down, if
we're gonna be a sinking ship Titanic reference, we need
to go with the stud that got us here. It's
inevitable he's gonna get hurt. He's gonna get hurt. We
just have to hope it's a minor injury. And Andrew replies,

he goes, dude, I was thinking the same thing. We
can't rely on Louis Robert. You went with Trout, and
so we kept Trout over Louis Robert and he texted me.
Here here's the funny part. Andrew texted me a couple
of days ago and he said, Man, where is it

you do? Do do? Do?

Speaker 2 (32:49):

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Here? It is what day? Oh imagine where we'd be
if we kept Robert over Trout?

Speaker 2 (32:58):
Is he good? They're one of the worst team in baseball,
the Socks.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
He's out injured, he's barely played. He's played like two games.
Oh if that, if that, I said, if that, well,
so we would have been awful. And I said if that, Ray,
I said, we would be horrendous. We're bad already. At
least Trout is keeping us. I said, but you know

that esp that Trout is coming, the injury is coming.
He goes, nah, I think we're good this year. And
then he texted me yesterday and he goes, you suck.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
A dude, and that's why we're always ahead of the
betting sites. They didn't pull it for a while, I mean,
not did it matter. It's but they left. I mean,
you could have bet say it, but it was I mean,
it's such a long season. It doesn't like really affect
the betting market, but you could. They didn't alter anything.
So if you liked another guy like Trout's number one,

if you love the guy number two, let's say Pete Alonzo,
or you love a Salvador Perez, one of them guys,
you could have bet him really quick. The odds didn't change.
But then straight up pulled Trout. There's they don't even
have him on the listed.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
Oh yeah, because they say he's maybe gonna be back
this year. Maybe you were right, dude, you save me
on my futures.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
I did about thirty different thirty dollars.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Partly I don't want to be right because it hurts
my fantasy team. I get it hurt, but.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
You don't understand how right you were. That made me
no idea. I would have wasted money, because once Trout
goes out, that's a thirty dollars wasted future. He's the
I mean, there's no way he can lead it.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
No, he can't win because he'll be out for at
least two months.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
But he's leading though, what if no other guys hit?

Speaker 1 (34:38):
Here's my question, how is he going to be out
that long? In the NFL? They tear a meniscus, they're
back in like four weeks. He tears the meniscus and
they're like, he could return by the end of the season.
Tell me the difference, And also, I don't know the difference.
If you're an Angels fan, you lose Otani and you
lose Trout.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
I ain't going to that stadium if you're an Angels fan.
If how do you suck so bad? And where's that
stadium at Los Angeles?

Speaker 1 (35:04):
It's right next to Disneyland.

Speaker 2 (35:06):
I'd rather go to disney Thank, No, you wouldn't without Trout? Yes,
I would. Thanks.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
I don't want to wait in those lines at Disneyland.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
Well, there's no lines at Anaheim Angels games.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
And it's just in the middle of a parking lot.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
It really is.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Literally the stadium is just at the back of a
parking lot and it's just like really, there's I mean,
there's nothing around it.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
I mean you got to make a stadium enticing to
go to the Braves one they've done awesome. I haven't
heard do it. But it's the Battery, right, Yeah, yeah,
I heard. It's a party around it.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
There's this thing called Wrigleyville and w correct it's amazing,
but sells itself. I understand.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
So what I'm saying is I mean Titans. It's on
the other side of the Gross River. It's next to
a scrap yard. Until they build that new stadium, it's
not really enticing to go to a Titans game. You
got to entice people to go to a stadium. It's
got to be more than just the game, dude. Sometimes
at those sounds games the minor league baseball team, they're fun, dude.
I'll be in right field with bays that we're doing those.
They could make these like whiskey What is it like

a whiskey mixer.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
It's like you get the batter's box back there, Yeah,
did you say batters?

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Batter's box is actually name everybody, It's called the batter's box.
And you're out there drinking these whiskey cokes frozen multi all.
Forget I'm even at the game, dude. I'll think I'm
at a bar and oh my gosh, what are these
little turnstiles? Oh oh, I totally forgot where a baseball Okay,
hey one are these little.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
Figures on the grass down there? Why? Why did they
have speed bumps in the middle of the park.

Speaker 2 (36:36):
Hey, why why is this ball rolling around up here?
Is that somebody's dog's ball? No, somebody just hit a
home run, Dude, Time and time again, you'll forget you're
at a baseball game.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
I do think we screwed up when we first moved here,
Like we didn't go out, Like we went out all
the time, but a good night out would have been
to the ballpark. We didn't never go at night and
just go to a ballpark and just party.

Speaker 2 (37:01):
I did. It was run down.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
That one was in a Oh that one was bad.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
Well, I did part of town. You had to go
across the tracks. It was rough. I remember because I
told Baser we went out there. I mean it was
just like, I don't It wasn't even ubers back then,
so it was.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
Like, oh yeah, there was nothing. Dude.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
You had to get in a cab. You didn't know
if a cab was going to pick you up on
the way home. You're obviously drinking.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
There's nowhere to park if you're driving.

Speaker 2 (37:22):
We did it once and I go, hey, that that
was a fun little date night. H date night. I
we can't do that again. That was bad.

Speaker 1 (37:29):
And that land now just sits there like why don't
they build.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
Something in the stadium.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
Is it still there now it's gone? Okay, but they
still got the No, they don't have the score and
do they still have the scoreboard? Maybe they still have
the scoreboard up. It was a big guitar.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
But but yeah, I mean it's a fine date night.
But yeah, I mean, I mean you could say that
about the one. Now, why don't you go on a
date night there?

Speaker 1 (37:48):
No, no, I'm saying not date night. I'm saying, like,
as guys, we should have been going to the freaking
like bar out there and just party it. Dude.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
We did that one time with Eddie during the day.
They had a date, came and we're drinking beers. Yeah,
that was fun.

Speaker 1 (38:03):
That was fun. That was while we're making fun of
the pictures. Yeah, oh my god, that's fun. They they
hated us, dude.

Speaker 2 (38:12):
It was what wasn't it after the show? So it
was one pm and we're drinking dollar beer.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
Yeah. I think it was a twelve noon noon game.
It was like noon Tuesday game or what noon Wednesdays.
I don't know what they called it, but it was something.
It was twelve o'clock.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
But I don't think they have early games anymore. I
never hear about people going to a Wednesday game.

Speaker 1 (38:33):
I want to know how people do go to the
the early games.

Speaker 2 (38:36):
Easy jobs that time and time again. You just look
around if somebody's somebody's doing a mama. You pull around
the corner right there. When we leave work, there's somebody
out there drinking coffee. An easy job at the well,
come on, there ain't nobody with a serious job thinking
for an hour. Go sit in the middle of traffic
and drink coffee and haven't I mean stop?

Speaker 1 (38:56):
What about the guys at Starbucks? You tell me they
can don't have a busy job like the people sitting
there on their computers there. See, I always want to.

Speaker 2 (39:03):
Know there you can zoom in a little bit and
it seems it's quite I don't. I don't know. I
feel like you can do more business work in the Starbucks.
If you're sitting outside at that coffee place, it's just
it's all social hour. Those people do not have serious jobs,
every single one of them there. So when I drive
by them, like, oh oh, those people got some easy jobs. Hey,
how's the cush life? Hang loose? Man?

Speaker 1 (39:25):
I think easy job when I turn on day baseball
like the Cubs. They used to play days baseball every day, right, there.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
Was no night games, no nights.

Speaker 1 (39:31):
I'm like, lights, How did they fill up the damn
stadium every freaking game.

Speaker 2 (39:37):
I was always so jealous of all those people that
lived across in Waveland and Sheffield. They just walk from
their apartments to the game. How I mean, you got
to think about it. A lot of those people worked
at bars, but they're wide open during the day. I mean,
there's a lot of bars there, And.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
I guess Chicago's a big city, so you have a
lot of people to draw from.

Speaker 2 (39:54):
Correct, and the trains all feed right to it so
that you're able to pull from all over the place.
But yeah, to fill a stadium in the middle of
the day, You're not doing that at coors Field. You're
not doing it in Houston. That's tough. Props to Chicago. Yeah,
it's their train system. It's the train that Steve has
said it before, Scooba, Steve from The Big Show. He said,
because of the transportation, that's what makes games and stuff good. Wrigleyville,

that's great city transportation national it is.

Speaker 1 (40:20):
Terrible Anaheim, middle of nowhere, in the middle of a
parking lot. Not that fun.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
I think we're gonna go to Chevez Ravine go to
a Dodgers game.

Speaker 1 (40:27):
Oh that looks good. I want to do that.

Speaker 2 (40:29):
South Beach told me and Bezer when we were in
LA like eight years ago that we could go on
the train. But I just still don't think it's a
very popular public transit. Chicago, New York. Those are tops,
hands down San Francisco. Never been there.

Speaker 1 (40:43):
Great beautiful Oakland Huh, amazing. Terrible stadium, but it's easy
to get to. You get off the train, you walk down,
you go, and you go.

Speaker 2 (40:50):
Somebody at the door. Nope, I think they're saying, good, Yeah,
I'll go open the door.

Speaker 1 (40:59):
Go open the door. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (41:02):
Man, when I tell you to open the door, open it.

Speaker 1 (41:04):
I'm sorry we started locking the studio because once again,
people always interrupt our podcast and we're sitting here doing
the pod and all of a sudden there's banging on
the windows and banging on the door, and I'm like, what,
what can we not do this? I don't know what
we're talking about. Dude.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
We don't even need to do a show in a
studio anymore. We can just do it in our houses.
Alex Earl for hot mess. She does it in her bed.
The dude this date and the guy for the Dolphins.

Speaker 1 (41:25):
Yeah, I know who she is. She's ding Braxton Burios.

Speaker 2 (41:27):
Yeah. And uh, he's been partying a little too much
his offseason too. I don't know if he's gonna be
ready for the season. Really, he's not gonna be ready.
Kelsey's not gonna be ready. Who else you see anybody
else in cancun Um?

Speaker 1 (41:39):
I mean Patty?

Speaker 2 (41:41):
He went to that damn Dog and Pony show the
other day?

Speaker 1 (41:44):
What was he at, Patrick Mahomes Gallo that raised money
for charity?

Speaker 2 (41:47):
Not that one. He was giving his rings to some w.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
Yeah, he was on the WWE Wrestling or something.

Speaker 2 (41:52):
We're not gonna be ready for this season, dude. These
guys are doing some dumb shit in the off season.

Speaker 1 (41:58):
We're seeing it more and more. Like you look at
Dame Dame. He wanted out of Portland. He wasn't gonna practice.
He's out. Where were you at? Bro? He was in
the Dominican Republic. Hey, that's what he wasn't doing the
Dominican He wasn't getting up shots, he wasn't playing he
was playing basketball. He was he was doing shots.

Speaker 2 (42:14):
Yet the other year he was doing the other ones.

Speaker 1 (42:17):
He was doing shot It's amazing. It's amazing how that works.
And then he comes out this year and he's just whatever.
Blake Snell. Hey, I don't need to go to spring training.
I'll sign late. I'll sign late. Don't worry about me.
I'm not gonna put any work in. I won the
cy Young last year. Oh, let me start two games,
suck and go on the IL cool. That was awesome.

Thanks for coming, man, that was a lot of fun. Yeah,
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (42:42):
Yeah, we lost our train of thought.

Speaker 1 (42:44):
Yeah, but I got an email.

Speaker 2 (42:45):
Oh man, Yeah, let me jump over the board lunch.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
You were right about Trout out for out with knee surgery.
Poor guy. But good thing I didn't pick him for
the home run leader later boys, Marco from the Bronx, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (43:00):
Good listener, man. I wonder what he does. He ain't
at some coffee shop at two pm.

Speaker 1 (43:04):
He could be see.

Speaker 2 (43:06):
I take that back, though, See Justin goes to coffee
shops and he has a really serious job, but he
has days off during the week and random days.

Speaker 1 (43:13):
I never realized how many people just have fluid schedules
or days off randomly in the week because you see
people everywhere, and I used to think people look at
me and be like, man, this dude doesn't have a job,
and they probably still think of me as that way.
When I go pick up the kids from school that
and I'm in basketball shorts, a T shirt and flip
flops and they're in their suit tie like, nice shirt,

you know what I mean, button up, tucked in. I'm like, damn,
that sucks.

Speaker 2 (43:41):
I get the one off justin coffee shop by himself.
Oh guy works in the medical field has a day off, dude,
no joke. I'm driving down to Mumbrian into Midtown and
walking across the street. These girls were all early thirties,
all in yoga pants, four friends, headphones on.

Speaker 1 (43:58):
Why didn't you call me? Uh?

Speaker 2 (44:02):
But they're not in college is my point? Okay, Yeah,
on a Tuesday, two pm, all in yoga pants.

Speaker 1 (44:13):
How are four of them not.

Speaker 2 (44:15):
Working if they don't work in the bar industry. I mean,
there's no way they have a desk job. Four It's
not just four co workers, it's four friends from four
different lines of work, all off, drinking coffee, had yoga pants,
walking across the street, rubbing in my face that they
are off and just enjoying the sun.

Speaker 1 (44:35):
What do they do?

Speaker 2 (44:36):
I should have rolled down the window and asked it.

Speaker 1 (44:38):
Could be truckers.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
No, no, man, they ain't truckers. No, I'll tell you
exactly what they do. And it's judgmental, but they have
to be bartenders. There's no other option that they would
on a Tuesday. They would not be in work closed,
they'd not be in an office, and they can all
just hang dude. They were having a conversation. You know
how you have to stop? Yeah, sure, so I stopped.

The one girl goes across. Well, what do you know,
her next friend's right behind her with her coffee order.
Oh yeah, you like ducklings, dude, literal chicks walking across
the street.

Speaker 1 (45:07):
Yeah, you're good. You're good.

Speaker 2 (45:08):
Then on the other side of the street, two.

Speaker 1 (45:10):
Other chicks talking.

Speaker 2 (45:12):
So it was four chicks just walking like a bunch
of ducklings, and all the traffics just stop for them.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
Are y all good?

Speaker 2 (45:18):
Good? When I head home, cause I'm like ready to
hit my head into the wall at Kenyan c straight.
I'm like drunk right now. I'm so tired, and y'all
are just about to have your day. I'm telling you
that's it really is. I should ask Kitty. They're probably bartenders.

Speaker 1 (45:32):
I think the same thing that I see people place.
I'm like, what do you guys do? Do you guys
not work? I like, when I go to the golf course,
there you go in the middle of a Tuesday and
it's freaking packed.

Speaker 2 (45:43):
Are they retired?

Speaker 1 (45:46):
Great question?

Speaker 2 (45:47):
Or what the hell do they do now? I'm seeing people. Dude,
they're late fifties. I'm just guessing they're retired. All these
people are retiring earlier.

Speaker 1 (45:55):
It seems they need to be. I don't know why.
I don't understand why you would still work. Like the
guy got paired up with, you know, a couple of
weeks ago, and he was still working. I'm like, why
why would you still work?

Speaker 2 (46:09):
Is it because so security ain't that much? I mean
they're only getting a couple hundred bucks. That ain't paying
for crap. If you want a golf you've got to
get more money than your Social Security. You're hoping you
had saved some.

Speaker 1 (46:20):
Yeah, that's true. All right. Should we take a break
real quick? Do you need do you have any text
from Justin or anything? Because we went a little long
as we need to put in another commercial. Uh.

Speaker 2 (46:28):
I can read them, but they're very depressed.

Speaker 1 (46:29):
All right, we'll take a break. We'll be right back.
Text from justin after this? Is that six or eight?

Speaker 2 (46:35):
Forty six thirty five? Well here, let me just stop it.
Hold on forty six forty Okay, Ray, you showed a
little bit behind the curtain there.

Speaker 1 (46:47):
I's all right, thanks.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
For those commercials. Guys really appreciate that. Ah, dang it,
I deleted them again.

Speaker 1 (46:57):
Oh my god, but here we go.

Speaker 2 (46:59):
I'll pull them up.

Speaker 1 (47:02):
I can do text for my wife. Man, how are
you feeling this morning? I still, I said, Let's see.
She said, how are you feeling? Said, I'm all right,
still feel like I got some gurgles every now and

then some pain. She goes, ooh, I said, how about you?
I said, I'm feeling pretty normal, said oh. I said,
I haven't really eat anythings. She goes, I'm about to
eat some oatmeal, but I'm nervous. And I said, yeah,
I haven't had anything to eat besides a banana because
I feel the rumbling in my stomach. She goes, oh, no,
I'm sorry, and she goes, all right, Well, I guess

i'll see when you get on from work.

Speaker 2 (47:46):
That was it.

Speaker 1 (47:47):
That was my text from the wife. You have nothing
for Justin.

Speaker 2 (47:49):
Well, I'm gonna say I'll read this. This was from
the weekend. You know how we party together. It was
Bjay's birthday.

Speaker 1 (47:55):
Yeah, I haven't seen BJ and well I didn't get
invited to the party.

Speaker 2 (47:58):
He's doing good. It was just close for family.

Speaker 1 (48:00):

Speaker 2 (48:02):
We went and did karaoke and all BJ's friends were
hitting on me, and so I texted Justin. I said, dude,
name your personal hell. Well, mine is trapped in a
karaoke room with ten dudes hitting on you. Yep, that's it.
And then just he didn't even respond to that, And
I said the Betty account was successfully at zero dollars. Thanks,
because I lost that two thousand dollars potential parlay. He

sent me a picture of his I guess it didn't
hit either, because he never said it hit. He had
a eight game same game NBA parlay Dallas MAVs and Clippers,
and he hit six out of eight. Oh, he said
this should hit famous last words. It never did. And
then here we go, this is me texting did him
not texting backs? You ready for all my messages. Sorry, guys,

we didn't prepare for this segment. It's just gonna be real.
There's no way you can make this up. I said, ah, yes,
your ten dollars bet with odds boost. If that doesn't
scream no money, I don't know what does. Because it
was a free bet. He has no money and he replied,
what nothing? No response. This is Sunday. And then I said,
Rory is in a playoff. I literally missed two thousand

dollars by point five goals. No response, and I said,
well it's official. Two k missed while drunken VIP in
a scoreless third period. No response, and then I hit
him up with I need your help picking the home
run leader. Thanks yesterday morning. No response and I said,
by not responding, that's you admitting you don't know baseball.

And he texts back yesterday at ten thirty am. Haven't
heard from him since he said baseball's not By's strong suit.
Haven't heard from the dude since that's relationships on the Rocks.

Speaker 1 (49:44):
Hey, it's like this. It's like last night. I bet
the Rockies to beat the Marlins.

Speaker 2 (49:52):
It was extra innings. I thought I was high scoring.
His ball.

Speaker 1 (49:57):
Colorado was like a lot of different network No, no, no,
Colorado was like plus one twenty five. You know your money.

Speaker 2 (50:04):
They always are.

Speaker 1 (50:04):
And I'm like, all right, give me the Rockies. The
Marlins have won like five games all year. They give
me mc mahon, they suck. Give me some other guy, right.
I look at the score after three innings, it's five
nothing Rockies. I'm like, let's go, easy money, easy money,
this should hit.

Speaker 2 (50:25):
Give me that loot.

Speaker 1 (50:26):
I look at the top of the night, five nothing Rockies.
I'm like, let's go, Oh my god, money, money, money,
Kid's pizza tonight. And then I am putting the kids
to bed. Now. Looking at the ninth inning, bottom of
the night, it's five to four, bases loaded, no outs,
I'm like, what excuse me?

Speaker 2 (50:47):
You look at the phone twice the double tail I did.

Speaker 1 (50:50):
I said, hold on, hold on, kids, stories have to wait.
And I just sit there and watch it on the
stupid ESPN Fantasy Baseball at where they have the little
squares and the pictures. I'm my hold on, kids, like
we can't do anything. Hold on, guys, we can't read
stories yet. I picked this book. I okay, we'll read
that book. I promise, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (51:08):
I pick that bet, I mean book, Yes.

Speaker 1 (51:10):
I got it. Yeah, I did too. DraftKings, that's the
book I picked. And I just sat here and I'm like, oh,
oh they tied it up five to five. Cool, cool,
all right.

Speaker 2 (51:17):
Yeah, dad's reading the book too, sports book. All right.

Speaker 1 (51:21):
We got out of the aning, we got out of
the anything tied five to five. Here we go, here
we go. That's what I saw, and then we go
to extras on it. We know one out, two outs,
man on second hadn't moved double. Yes, here we go
six to five, then we get an out, then they double,
then they get a single. They win seven to six.

Speaker 2 (51:41):
Dude, that's tough to wake up from. How did you
get up this morning? You're plugged and you're buckered.

Speaker 1 (51:48):
I needed to be plugged. I needed to be puckered.
I needed everything. I mean, I was five nothing. I
let it free flow, dude. I was like, oh, five nothing,
it's over, like I was counting my eggs.

Speaker 2 (51:57):
That's one of those you turn off. You're not even worried,
even worried about it.

Speaker 1 (52:00):
I don't even have to look at it, five nothing
going into the I don't I don't want to talk
about it. I don't want to talk about it.

Speaker 2 (52:06):
We refueled, we got paid, so I convinced Baser to
deposit two hundred and we got a fifty percent bonus,
so we have three hundred in the account.

Speaker 1 (52:15):
God, it was it was brutal.

Speaker 2 (52:16):
We are rich at this point.

Speaker 1 (52:19):
I mean the point of it is.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
The whole goal is that I hemorrhage it and let
it last about a month. That would be nice.

Speaker 1 (52:26):
Yeah. NBA playoff games were good last night, but that's
about it. Survivor tonight, amazing race tonight. Happy birthday, Aunt Judy,
if you guys see her around Chicago, tell her Happy birthday.

Speaker 2 (52:36):
And there's no value, guys, but Nuggets are gonna win it.
We're looking at another repeater.

Speaker 1 (52:40):
Oh was that it? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (52:42):
I did my research the Wolves. I was kind of
feeling as a flyer, just don't think they're gonna have
the offense. And Boston with porzingis there, I feel tortoise
or what's his name, Tortois?

Speaker 1 (52:55):
What's porzingis? Yeah, Yeah, that's a bad law, that's.

Speaker 2 (52:58):
That hurt him. But then also he doesn't need they
don't need him until the finals, right, correct?

Speaker 1 (53:06):

Speaker 2 (53:07):
Yes, So I believe there's no value though with nuggets
because it's plus two and a half your money, NBA.

Speaker 1 (53:12):
Sadly, since when is two and a half times your
money not worth it? Tell me because I like to
do about five futures times thirty dollars, which ends up
being one hundred thousand. Okay, how many? How many of
those of you hit?

Speaker 2 (53:25):
I missed one by damn Drake May?

Speaker 1 (53:27):
How many? How fine?

Speaker 2 (53:28):
Where did Drake May go to school? Get what NFL team?

Speaker 1 (53:32):
He went to the New England Patriots.

Speaker 2 (53:34):
He better hope to God the Patriots don't come to Titans,
because I will go on that field and I will
go I will go tackle his ass and tell him
he cost me one hundred thousand dollars. If he comes
to Nashville, he better watches back.

Speaker 1 (53:49):
No, that's just a joke, guys, it's a joke. To
Joe to Joe, all right, that's a joke. I don't
think you can say that if you say it in
a funny way. Oh yeah, okay, that's right, that's right,
that's right.

Speaker 2 (54:04):
You have to say like you have a weapon. You
can't say it as a funny radio show. Oh hey, man,
I'm gonna yell at you when you come to my stadium,
you'll cost me.

Speaker 1 (54:14):
You're right, my Ben, my Ben,
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