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December 23, 2020 19 mins

Caller has a question for Yee, and wants to know how to confront her boyfriend for always hiding out to watch porn. Check it out!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Morning. Everybody is DJ Envy Angela yee, Charlemagne the guy
we are the breakfast club. Is time for ask ye? Hello?
Who is this? Yo? This cookie? Cookie? Cookie from out
of Florida, Brown County. I know you're talking about it, Charlomagne.
I don't know what you're talking about? Cookie? What's gay?

What's your course? It for? Easy? Okay? My question is um.
Me and my husband we wrapped like we spit bars
like we really got bars, man, but we we were
up there in age. We've been spitting for a long time.
We're thirty two and we're just wondering if we should
keep trying. Are you any good? You want to hear me?
I got yeah, go ahead, let's let's ask something cookie

all right? You can't speak double lokey. Now you don't
know me. Yeah, you may see me, but you can
never beat me, and you can never beat me. And
then here pomp battle tune? Did you see me? Full
better for daddle about the paddle and swim through the river,
meaning I canna make it through whatever like them any
time I speak, Bryan said, your man know my high
time A man. I love the comedy rap y'all. You

really made me laugh. The comedy rappers, though, this is
asking what do you think Cookie? A couple of things here.
Have you made any type of progress with your career
as a rapper? M I performed a couple of places.
I mean, I um performed at a hard rock a
while ago. Um, it was been well at the time
I was working there. But we feel like an employee
talent show and I want both times. I want both times. Though. Yeah,

I performed at a few places, you know, locally and
stuff like that. So it's like keeping real, Cookie, have
you been going really really hard to pursue your dream.
I've been trying. Yes, Um, you know, gett knocked down
the couple times. You know, we went to an event
in Orlando and it was like, oh, you know, people
not really checked for older rappers right now. I'm like, yo,

but I've been doing this for so long and it
just so happened as some opportunities are coming out right now.
You know where you can you know this already showcase
and this already showcase and um, have you been recording
music in the studio anywhere? Though? Yeah, you could go
on the Instagram and grew in his payment. L Man

just tell her she sucks. I just want to say
I don't. I don't think that being in your thirties
is a reason to not pursue your career as far
as being an artist, if you're really great at it
and if you go really hard at it. You know
what I'm saying. I think sometimes people want things to
happen and they do a showcase here and there, but
they're not going super hard because people who really want

to be in this industry have to really live, breathe, eat,
sleep it like, do everything they can to make it happen.
So that's why I was asking you, are you doing
everything that you can? Have you been going really hard
or is this something that you've been doing kind of
you know, here and there but not really pursuing. Yeah,
I've been trying to go hard. I've really been trying to.
Of course, you know what my age, um, you know,

I really had children and stuff like that. But um,
I still I think I'm still got bars. I'm still
ready to put in the work on saying I No,
I don't suck. Man. You do learn a trade, you know,
do you have a job there, you go get another one.
I just don't want you to use agent as an excuse.
We know artist right now that's putting out his first

ever album. He's in his forties. You know what I'm saying,
So I don't think that's ever good exactly, Steven the
white man in the room saying, but he's good because
you're talking about yeah good. So what I'm saying is
you're saying I'm not good conversation. All right, Well, listen,
give everybody your Instagram. Everybody, everybody is gonna weigh in

and go and look at your music that you have
posted and let you know what they think. This is
a great opportunity for you to get some feedback. That's right.
Give them your Instagram because so people can go tell
you the truth. Entertainment, g R E W Entertainment, l L.
Speed Man. I love you though, I love y'all. I
listen to you every morning. I'm hurt right now though,
Charlo Man. But well, I don't think you can judge

it just based off of that music. So you know,
he hasn't heard no music he just heard. What do
you think of that fret you just heard from her?
And what do you think of what you just heard
from her? I was listening foolish it so that's what
you gonna waste her time for the next three or

four years trying to have just had a day off day. Okay, sure,
Cookie the Black Widow, all right, Okay, okay, let's keep
it going. Ask ye eight hundred five eight five one
on five one if you need relationship, if I hit
this up now, it's the Breakfast Loo Morning Morning. Everybody
is d j Envy, Angela Yee, Charlemagne the God we
are the Breakfast Club. Were in the middle of ask ye, Hello,

who's this misty? Yes, Hey, what's your question for you? Okay?
So my question was like, what about supposed to do?
It's like, my birthfriend keep sneaking to watch porn. I
don't have a problem with him watching it. It's just
getting weird that he's sneaking to watch it because he
doesn't know whether or not you have a problem with it.

Did you tell him, like, I know you're watching porn.
It's fine. I mean we've had the discussion about it,
Like I have him like we have a problem with
sex or something, but he's like, no, we don't have
a problem with sex or anything. And it's like I'm
being open minded about stuff, but I don't know. He
keeps asking for like three stuff like that or whatever
to you. Well, yeah, and you you don't want to

do it three cent? Where you do? Are you open
to it? I'm okay with it. I guess I've never
done it. So well, obviously that's not gonna happen anytime
soon because we are all quarantined and you know, so
that's a whole another story. But first of all, maybe
part of the fund for him watching porn is him
sneaking to do it. That's is that not strange or like?

Is that normal? How did you catch him? I'm just curious,
how did you catch him? Okay, we're supposed to have
sex or whatever, but then I fell asleep. But then
when I woke up, I'm like, okay, maybe I should
go back to sleep because you're most finished. Oh when
you when you woke up and you see him on
a computer. He was sitting there watching port. He was
on his phone and it was on you. That's the
weirdest thing to me, Like he was he didn't want

to wake you up. I'm okay with him waking me
up though, But he didn't know that. Did you tell
him next time? Wake me up? I'm you know, I'm fine,
but I don't know. I just kind of like got
up and went to the bathroom because I'm like, this
is weird. That's the second time I call him doing this,
and I don't you know what it sounds like. Y'all
just need to have a conversation because you're not saying
anything to him, and then he's not saying anything to

you about it, and then now you do think it's weird,
so he probably can sense that you think it's weird.
So it's kind of like a lack of communication. That's
what's causing you, guys to not come together on this
when you could just simply wake up and be like, oh,
you're watching portant. What you're watching? Let me see? Okay,
I guess, And you know what can be fun sometimes
if you don't mind doing this is watching points together.

I mean, like, I'm not as experience as he is sexually,
and like recently he got me like this Tory thing
and I'm just like, I'm not okay with these like
traffic down there because like robots or whatever. I was like,
I don't know, well, maybe he is nervous to bring
things up to you because he doesn't want you to
think that he's weird. Okay, I'll try to have that conversation.

I guess I don't know, And I see it feels
like you want to be more open minded about things
and that, but you're right now, you're not in that place.
Like you're uncertain about a lot of things. Like you said,
you're not as experienced as he is, so you take
it slow. And I always tell people, don't do anything
that you're not comfortable with. So if you truly are
not comfortable with something, don't do it and let him

know that you're not comfortable. And if there are things
that you want to try, don't be ashamed to try them.
So those are the two things that I would say
when it comes to experimenting in the bedroom. Okay, because
like I really like him. I've tried to have a
part of this conversation before, and then it went into
this whole spiral conversation about like instag treaty and all
this extra drunk and I'm just like, what the just

going on? Yeah, you never do something just to please
the other person if you're not comfortable with it, because
that does cause resentment sometimes and then that does tend
to spiral out of control. But if in your mind
you're like, I would like to try this, then you
should try it. It's just and remember it's completely up
to you. It's fine for you to not want to

do a threesome. It's fine for you to not want
to use that toy if you don't feel like it.
But it's also fine for you to say, Okay, I'm
down to experiment. Don't worry about other people's judgments of you.
Is your body, your choice to do whatever you want.
And even with those things like whenever I gave him
this stuff I wanted to try, he just kept calling
me like a freak or whatever. And then I'm like, okay, baby,
I shouldn't tell him the stuff that I'm into if

he thinks he's too outrageous. But then, what do you like?
What do you What are you into? Everyone's to know
what are you into? Oh gosh, okay. So I kind
of like the whole DUMPISSI thing, like if we can
switch rolls and stuff, and he's not okay with a
lot of them, And I guess I grew up on
the pill side of life, but I was kind of

trying to see if he will be okay with like,
you know, pegging. Okay, that pegging is. Yeah, pegging might
be a little serious. That's not light. You want to
put him on the leash to, I mean he put
me on the leek before. Okay, I'm much rather be
the least peg ask Okay, I'll take the leash. I'll

take the leash for Okay. What I would recommend, Missy, though,
is before you go straight to the pegging, you have
you ever put a finger? Yes, that's the thing, got
it got you? Okay, So maybe that's something you guys
will graduate to eventually. Yeah, but that's nothing. Though. If
he breaks up to but play but think it's weird,

will be talking about it. I'm just like, what's going on?
You know what? You know, Emma and Missy And I'm
gonna be honest with you, a lot of times guys
like to do things, but they don't like to discuss
the things they like to do because they feel like
it's weird. So you have to kind of just do
it without dressing. Don't rap that man, But I don't
know not that. But like you can feel it out

and start doing something and he might like it, but
he doesn't want to discuss that he liked it, so obviously,
if he doesn't want to do it, he'll let you
know he doesn't want to do it. But if you
just approach it and bring it and he'd be like, hey,
let's go in the heat of the moment, and he's
with it, then there you go. But sometimes having that
discussion makes people feel a little weird. Okay, I'm gonna
have the whole um like golf conversation. I don't want

to have you like first time at breakfast or whatever,
but I'm trying to see how I can bring it
up during the day or whatever, because I'm just like, yo,
I'm okay with you waking me up for sex. You've
done it before, like well he's been going for sex,
but like or whatever. So it's just like, yo, I
feel like you gotta be fine. This is a great
time to have these discussions while y'all learning the house

to get you ain't got nowhere else to go. We
gotta get this quarantine over because y'all boys, hell, tell
tell him, tell him he shook and ain't no such
thing as half asked crooks, and by that, tell them
stop letting letting you put half your fingers, ask and
tell him you want all of nothing, all right? Tell
him grow up? Definitely, Thank you guys, a good luck.
It's funny if you do stuff like that, you can't

even Please don't give the young man no nicknames either,
or you're hitting him in about your peg to stallion.
Can't call a grown man peg to Stallion? What all right?
Ask ye eight and drip five A five one oh five?
Want to keep a lock? This to breakfast club? Good
morning morning? Everybody is c j Envy, angela ye, Charlemagne
the guy we are the breakfast club. Good morning. It's
time for as C and eat now. Angela Ye is

on vacation, so asked C and E. All Right, if
you got relationship with questions, or you just have questions
about life in general, we can help you. Hello. Who's this?
All right? This is anonymous de anonymous from the d
all right, brother, what's what's your question for? An? Okay?
I've been dating a Spanish woman. I'm actually asking American

and she's been working with me. But she switched shifts
after we dated for two years and knew each other
for three and went to morning shift. I'm one night
shift now. She found the friend that's actually her race.
Probably like three months ago, they went out of town,
spent the weekend, had a great time. We still talk
every day. She initiate the text she texted me. She
called me one night crying. Her stomach was hurt. She

still relies on me, but she don't want to see
me outside of work. So is there any test I
could get her back? I'm just waiting for him to
mess up. You said that she's of another race, so
I'm you're black, right, I'm black, she Spanish. I'm the
second guy she's ever been with, and the first black
guy she ever been with besides her husband. Okay, yeah,

she said I wasted her time because of her culture.
They date for three or four months and they get married.
We dated for two years and nothing happened. Okay, Well,
you know I'm allful black and brown really issues. Um,
but my advice to you is get you a black woman.
You know what I'm saying, Get you a queen. You
know you know you did the Spanish thing. It didn't
work out, clearly. You know she's moved on. Um, I
think it's time for you to move on to get

you assistance. Now, I would say I would say, find
somebody that you love. Obviously you have feelings for her,
and you know why didn't you marry her? Why? Why
didn't you just say you know what? This is something
I want to do. Black women far as like married,
but I do have black women trained. Bye bye, bye,
hang up. I don't want to talk. I don't want
to talk to you. The more I don't talk to you,
I don't want to talk to you. I don't want

to talk to you. I don't want to talk to
you anymore. Did you tell me you're not attracted to
black women? You know what I'm saying, Like black women
are good enough to marry? Which what color is your mama?
You know what I'm saying, Like what kind of household
do you come from? I guess I could have asked
those questions, but I don't care. I don't care to
have to come. I wanted, I wanted to do. I
wanted to know why, why? Why? Why was it deeply rooted? It?
Like his mother's black? Like, what's the problem he doesn't

have sisters? Grandma's answer, none of that. I don't. I
don't care for these selfs hating the gross. I don't
just for black women. I don't care. I don't care
for black women to marry them. Get the beat it by. Hello,
who's this yo? Whatever? This is what's happening to? Man?
What's up? Brother? What's your question for? Cny man? So
check it's all right? So um me and my baby mama.

You know what I'm saying. The mother my job, beautiful woman.
As a man, you know what I'm saying. We all
make mistaque um boy. You know Backer Backer seventeen. You
know I made a mistake that you know cost me.
You know a lot of the mistrust that she's happened
over the past few years. Um. But you know, as
a man, you know, when you lost somebody, you're gonna

do you gotta do to make things work out right. Well, uh,
you know I've been doing that, you know, just kind
of you know, doing the you know, the romantic things
that a man should be, you know, by her nice person,
take her out to nice dinner, do things like that.
But Michael Colls no, no, Mike, no, Michael Cole is
my brother. It's more like it's more like, you know

what I'm saying. So, so you know what I'm saying.
So you don't handle my business. You know say, but
you know something kind of something kind of happened, you know.
I guess like for everybody, you know, this kind of
thing is kind of like this turn for the worst,
you know. Uh, you know I came home along one
day from work and the doorlocks has changed, and uh,
I thought that was my weird And I was like, yo,
you know the doorlock has changed like this something more

like you need to talk about something, and she basically
was like acting like real like nahant, like she don't
know what I'm talking about. Can get to the point,
king is that is that I'm still paying for her
rant while we're not together no more right, And it's
to the point where I feel like it's it's it's

in my best interest to move on. But I really
love her. I bought a ring, I wanted to propose
to her. We have two kids together. You're trying to
make it work, but it seems like everything that I
do when it comes to paying her bills, doing all
of these nice things, it ain't really adding up. Let
me let me tell you, first of all, that's that's
your first mistake. You can't buy somebody's love, you can't
buy somebody's trust, and that's what you seem like you

to do. You're throwing money in there. You're buying bags,
you're buying shoes. You probably said this in an argument, Well,
I'm buying you everything you want. That doesn't work. To
really get back into into her good graces, you have
to prove that you're not that person anymore. It's not
a man about buying anything. It's not about buying shoes
or buying bags or taking after dinner. It's it's redating
and re establishing that trust, like the little things like

you know, have conversations. Open up your phone to her, tellay, hey,
look this is my phone code. I would you know,
I would never jeopardize my relationship anymore. Let her. Let
her start having that trust in you. Does she have
your code for your phone? All right, well those are
the things that you need to do. Make sure she
has the code to your Instagram. Let her know. Let
her be comfortable with you going out and feeling like
I would never do this. If you go out with

your boys, Hey baby, you want to come with me? Like,
make her feel comfortable that. Look, I'm not that person anymore.
I made a mistake. I apologize, I'm sorry. I'll do
anything that I have to do to make sure that
that you can start trusting me again. But it's not
gonna start what you're trying to buy love, because when
you try to buy love, exactly what happens is she
realizes that you do in it. She keeps accepting it
and just using you for that, and you know she's

still not whatever to the point whatever, it's to the
point where's doing all of that. But um, it's to
the point where it's like, you know, there's really no romantis,
you know, romanticism in the whole city. League hand man.
She don't trust you because you're a cheatah, bro, she
don't trust you because you're a cheating You put yourself
in that position. Okay, So the best apologies, change behavior

so she'll grow trust for you when you show her
that you ain't cheating no more. And I understand what
he's talking about. But f all that buy her everything too,
So change your behavior and ball out. All right, you
gotta do both. It's it's crazy though that happened. It's
and that's the problem to what you gotta because you're
still cheating. You can't tell somebody how to how to

feel like a lot of guys they say, like, I
ain't cheating it year, that doesn't mean she don't feel that, Bro,
he's still cheating. You're still cheating. Tell the truth. Let's
to tell the truth between us. Tell the truth, my brother,
Tell the truth. I bought a ring. I bought a ring.
My brother said, you know that, So I ain't ask
you that have you cheated? Since you cheated? Absolutely, promise

to God. Promise to God. All right, good, because God
know if you lying, and if you lying, You're not
gonna bless you what you want. That's the problem. That's
the problem that I'm having right now, is that it's
the fact that I'm working my eyes off for it.
I ain't you know I give her an answance to
trying to take a mile. Well, that's give her that
yescause anyway, the same way you took that poom poom
from another woman, your maid should be able to take

that mile. So give her that mile and be willing
to go the extra mile for Okay, change your behavior
and ball out. But before you bawl out, you have
to get to the side where you understand what you
did wrong and apologize. You just can't bawl out because
it would be for nothing. Then when you get to
that point, then you bull out. Where to the point
where enough is enough? If I'm doing all of that

and I know we needed bro, you cheated, ain't no problem,
no time when she can get over it. You did.
What's wrong? You can't say, okay, well i's still age. Yes,
you think you just can't have unprotected sex with a
girl three years ago and then come back to her
and think she don't trust you. It's still your fault. Okay.

Like Belie Yoga said, step up, half a blest day,
have a blest day. Good luck as cne eight D
five eight five one on five one, So don't move.
It's the breakfast Lugan morning.
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