Shannon and the Clams

Shannon and the Clams

Shannon and the Clams


Latest Release

The Moon Is In The Wrong Place album art
  • The Moon Is In The Wrong Place
  • May 2024
  • 14 Songs

Top Songs

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Real Or Magic
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Midnight Wine
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The Boy
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The Moon Is In The Wrong Place
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Year Of The Spider


  • Big Wheel

    Apr 2024 • 1 song

  • Real Or Magic

    Mar 2024 • 1 song

  • Bean Fields

    Feb 2024 • 1 song

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Shannon and the Clams


Mixing together the doo wop and early rock & roll of the '50s, the dramatic girl group sounds of the '60s, and some punky snarl imported from 1977, Oakland, California's Shannon & the Clams came up with a sound that was charmingly retro but never stale. Emerging on the Northern California underground/D.I.Y. scene in 2009, the band, led by vocalist Shannon Shaw, earned a reputation as a stellar live act, and came into their own as recording artists when they signed to the Sub Pop-distributed Hardly Art label for 2013's Dreams in the Rat House and 2015's Gone by the Dawn. The gr...
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