Art Student Creates Masterpiece After Teacher Says To 'Dial Down' Feminism
By Dave Basner
January 19, 2020
It's 2018 and no longer should men be telling women to "dial down the feminism," but for some reason, they still do, and while it's awful it does lead to some amazing responses, like the one from art student Alex Ruth Bertulis-Fernandes.
Alex's professor told her to "dial down the feminism" but all it did was inspire a new, epic piece of art.
Last week one of my art teachers suggested I 'dial down the feminism.' Today I showed him my newest piece:
— AlexBertulisFernande (@alexbertanades) February 7, 2018
The masterpiece shows a dial cranked all the way to "raging feminist" and far from "complicit in my own dehumanization."
Not surprisingly, Twitter loved it:
Well I have a new hero
— 🐝ginsoakedbarroomqueen (@ginsoakedbarro1) February 7, 2018
You are amazing. This is amazing. 🤘
— (((Allison Ivy))) (@Allison_Ivy79) February 8, 2018
It’s a brilliant concept in response to anything, if you think about it: don’t let anyone dial you back to suit their ideals.
— Nicole Gerrier ™ 🇨🇦 (The Real Warlock, Eh?) (@nicole_gerrier) February 8, 2018
Plenty of people want their own copy of Alex's art:
I need this on a mug
— Amanda Schwarzkopf (@akschwarzkopf) February 8, 2018
I want this on a tshirt, hoodie, and a mug! Good God, every woman who cares to take care of herself should have this on her in one way or another! Well done!
— Tammy Snow (@tamsnow22) February 8, 2018
Is this available as a print?
— Hannah Davidson (@lapsedoldsoak) February 7, 2018
Alex updated all her new fans to say what her future holds:
Thanks for all the love shown to this piece, it really means the world. I'm a bit overwhelmed so it may take me some time to respond to everyone! I'm considering selling prints/t-shirts - just trying to figure out the best way to do this. Once I do I will share the details here.
— AlexBertulisFernande (@alexbertanades) February 8, 2018
Stay up to date with the young artist here.
Photo Credit: Getty