Teenager Calls Police On Her Father After He Took Away Her Cell Phone
By Bill Galluccio
January 15, 2019
A 16-year-old girl from Ohio was so angry after her father took away her phone that she called 911. The girl told the dispatcher that her father did not pay for the phone and had no right to take it away.
The teenager's father, Anthony Robertson, was shocked when officers from the South Euclid Police Department showed up to his door.
"Certainly if we were busy, it would be pushed to the back burner, but we still have an obligation to respond," Lt. James Wilson told WKYC.
The girl told officers that she did not live with her father and that the phone belonged to her.
"I took her phone because she's a juvenile, and I don't want her to have it," Robertson explained. "I can't inspect it, because the phone is locked, so I took it away."
The officers sided with Robertson and explained to the teenager that having a phone is not a right.
"But guess what? Everything that you own belongs to your mother and your father. Having a phone is not a right," they said.
The deputies told her that if she wanted her phone back then she needs to follow her father's rules.
Photo: Getty Images