Your iPhone Has A Hidden List Of Every Place You Have Ever Been
By Dave Basner
September 13, 2019
Most people are no longer surprised to learn that their iPhone is tracking them in different ways. Sure, there are many apps that collect information and sell it to advertisers, but it turns out your iPhone itself is also hiding a list of just about every place you've ever been with your device.
It's called the Significant Locations list and you can find it by going through seven different menu options. Many feel the list is hidden so deeply in the phone because Apple didn't want users stumbling upon it, and for good reason. The list's details will shock iPhone users.
Here's how to see it:
First, open Settings.
Next, go to Privacy.
From there, click on Location Services.
Scroll all the way down until you find System Services.
Scroll down again until you see Significant Locations.
You'll need to do Touch ID or Face ID to check out the list. Once you get through, you'll see all the cities you've ever been to, each with a list of locations you visited in that city along with when you were at each. Some even include minute-by-minute details of your time there.
For Apple's part, they assure users this information is all encrypted and that the company can't read it, but it does raise the question of why they hid the list on the phone.
Thankfully, users are able to turn it all off by moving the Significant Locations switch to the off position. You can also clear your Significant Locations history by selecting "Clear History" at the bottom of the list.
Photo: Getty Images