Video Shows Strange Glowing Objects In Sky Over North Carolina

By Dave Basner

October 4, 2019

A man in North Carolina captured a group of strange lights in the sky on video, and it has a lot of people asking what they are. William Guy uploaded the footage to YouTube, titling his video "Real UFO Sighting." The video takes place on a boat and it shows the horizon during a beautiful sunset. William narrates saying, "Look, nothing in the sky, at all, then all of a sudden, BAM - what is that? Can anybody tell me what that is? We're in the middle of the ocean, on a ferry, nothing around. Look, nothing around, no land, no nothing."

According to the Charlotte Observer, Guy is from Indiana and is in North Carolina to help repair damage on Ocracoke Island caused by flooding during Hurricane Dorian. While he states in the video he was in the middle of the ocean, he was actually on Pamlico Sound, a large body of water between Ocracoke Island and the mainland.

He explained that the lights in the video appeared for 90 seconds and although he is convinced they were something from another planet, commenters on YouTube aren't so sure. Many claim the lights are flares used by the military - a likely possibility considering that Camp Lejeune and Fort Bragg are nearby. One person wrote, "I know what those lights are. As a former Marine based at the 2nd Marine Air Wing in Cherry Point, N.C.... we used to regularly drop flares out of the back of our plane in the evenings for military exercises... Glad to see the Marines are still spooking people."

Though there are plenty of arguments in favor of something earthly, Guy isn't convinced. He later commented on the video, "A lot of people I have talked to here on the island said it was flares, but they also said they have never seen anything like what I captured."

When reached for their opinion, the National Park Service officials at North Carolina's Cape Lookout said they weren't sure what the lights are, but called them "peculiar."

Photo: YouTube/William Guy

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